path: root/webapp/i18n/ko.json
diff options
authorenahum <>2016-10-04 15:37:05 -0300
committerChristopher Speller <>2016-10-04 14:37:05 -0400
commitb9dc759449f11e0352f97164360cc400fbc112d8 (patch)
tree330786445785f6b1e0d92fa79ef1166ed43d7227 /webapp/i18n/ko.json
parentf92cf343070bb5260571bfe74f9613af47d14d27 (diff)
translations PR 20160929 (#4123)
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/i18n/ko.json')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/i18n/ko.json b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
index 55c06d67b..eda4112be 100644
--- a/webapp/i18n/ko.json
+++ b/webapp/i18n/ko.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"about.database": "데이터베이스:",
"": "빌드 일자:",
"about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "엔터프라이즈 에디션에 대한 자세한 정보 ",
- "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "개인 방화벽 안에 구축 가능한 현대적인 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼",
+ "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "방화벽 안에 구축 가능한 현대적인 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼",
"about.enterpriseEditione1": "엔터프라이즈 에디션",
"about.hash": "빌드 해쉬:",
"about.hashee": "EE 빌드 해쉬:",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"add_command.autocomplete": "자동완성",
"": "(선택사항) 명령어가 자동완성 목록에서 보이게 합니다.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription": "자동완성 설명",
- "": "자동완성 목록에서 보여질 부가적인 설명을 입력하세요.",
+ "": "(선택사항) 자동완성 목록에서 보여질 부가적인 설명을 입력하세요.",
"add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "예시: \"환자 기록에 대한 검색결과를 보여줍니다\"",
"add_command.autocompleteHint": "자동완성 힌트",
"": "(선택사항) 자동완성 목록에서 보여질, 명령어와 관련된 매개변수 도움말을 입력하세요.",
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
"": "저장",
"add_incoming_webhook.url": "<b>URL</b>: {url}",
"": "The redirect URIs to which the service will redirect users after accepting or denying authorization of your application, and which will handle authorization codes or access tokens. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://.",
- "add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "One or more callback URLs are required",
+ "add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "하나 이상의 콜백 URL들이 필요합니다.",
"add_oauth_app.clientId": "<b>Client ID</b>: {id}",
"add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "<b>Client Secret</b>: {secret}",
"": "Description for your OAuth 2.0 application.",
"add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "Description for the OAuth 2.0 application is required.",
- "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "Your OAuth 2.0 application has been set up. Please use the following Client ID and Client Secret when requesting authorization for your application.",
+ "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "귀하의 OAuth 2.0 응용 프로그램이 설정되었습니다. 응용 프로그램에 대한 승인을 요청할 때 다음과 같은 클라이언트 ID 및 클라이언트 시크릿을 사용하십시오. (더 자세한 내용은 <a href=\"\">문서</a>를 확인하십시오.)",
"add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "The following are your authorized redirect URL(s).",
"add_oauth_app.header": "추가",
"": "The URL for the homepage of the OAuth 2.0 application. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.",
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"admin.connectionSecurityNone": "None",
"admin.connectionSecurityNoneDescription": "Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.",
"admin.connectionSecurityPlain": "PLAIN",
- "admin.connectionSecurityPlainDescription": "Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.",
+ "admin.connectionSecurityPlainDescription": "Mattermost는 안전하지 않은 연결을 통해 인증 및 접속할 것입니다.",
"admin.connectionSecurityStart": "STARTTLS",
"admin.connectionSecurityStartDescription": "Takes an existing insecure connection and attempts to upgrade it to a secure connection using TLS.",
"admin.connectionSecurityTest": "연결 테스트",
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "Attachment Thumbnail Width:",
"admin.integrations.custom": "Custom Integrations",
"admin.integrations.external": "외부 서비스",
+ "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC",
"admin.ldap.baseDesc": "The Base DN is the Distinguished Name of the location where Mattermost should start its search for users in the LDAP tree.",
"admin.ldap.baseEx": "Ex \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"",
"admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:",
@@ -413,26 +414,26 @@
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "예시 \"sn\"",
"admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "Last Name Attribute:",
- "admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP Test",
+ "admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP 테스트",
"admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "The placeholder text that appears in the login field on the login page. Defaults to \"LDAP Username\".",
"admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "예시 \"LDAP Username\"",
"admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "Login Field Name:",
"admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "예시 \"2000\"",
- "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "The maximum number of users the Mattermost server will request from the LDAP server at one time. 0 is unlimited.",
- "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "Maximum Page Size",
- "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "한번에 AD/LDAP서버로부터 요청할 Mattermost 서버의 최대 유저 숫자 값입니다. 0은 무제한을 뜻합니다.",
+ "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "최대 페이지 크기",
+ "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) Mattermost 사용자들의 닉네임을 채우기 위해 사용될 AD/LDAP 서버의 속성",
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrEx": "예시 \"nickname\"",
"admin.ldap.nicknameAttrTitle": "별명 속성:",
"admin.ldap.noLicense": "<h4 class=\"banner__heading\">Note:</h4><p>Compliance 는 엔터프라이즈 에디션의 기능입니다. 현재 라이센스는 Compliance 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">이 곳</a>에서 엔터프라이즈 라이센스에 대한 정보를 확인하세요.</p>",
- "admin.ldap.portDesc": "The port Mattermost will use to connect to the LDAP server. Default is 389.",
+ "admin.ldap.portDesc": "Mettermost가 AD/LDAP서버에 연결할 때 사용될 포트 값입니다. 기본값은 389입니다.",
"admin.ldap.portEx": "Ex \"389\"",
- "admin.ldap.portTitle": "LDAP 포트:",
- "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "The timeout value for queries to the LDAP server. Increase if you are getting timeout errors caused by a slow LDAP server.",
+ "admin.ldap.portTitle": "AD/LDAP 포트:",
+ "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "AD/LDAP서버 조회를 할때 사용되는 timeout 값입니다.. 만양 느린 AD/LDAP 서버에 의해 timout 에러가 발생한다면 증가시키십시오.",
"admin.ldap.queryEx": "Ex \"60\"",
"admin.ldap.queryTitle": "Query Timeout (초):",
"admin.ldap.serverDesc": "LDAP 서버의 도메인 또는 IP 주소",
"admin.ldap.serverEx": "Ex \"\"",
- "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "LDAP 서버:",
+ "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "AD/LDAP 서버:",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "Skip Certificate Verification",
"admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Skips the certificate verification step for TLS or STARTTLS connections. Not recommended for production environments where TLS is required. For testing only.",
"admin.ldap.syncFailure": "동기화 실패: {error}",
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@
"admin.ldap.sync_button": "지금 LDAP 동기화하기",
"admin.ldap.testFailure": "AD/LDAP 테스트 실패: {error}",
"admin.ldap.testHelpText": "Tests if the Mattermost server can connect to the AD/LDAP server specified. See log file for more detailed error messages.",
- "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP Test Successful",
+ "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP 테스트가 성공하였습니다.",
"admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost. This may be the same as the ID Attribute.",
"admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(Optional) Enter an LDAP Filter to use when searching for user objects. Only the users selected by the query will be able to access Mattermost. For Active Directory, the query to filter out disabled users is (&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))).",
"admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "예시 \"(objectClass=user)\"",
@@ -499,14 +500,14 @@
"": "Google Apps",
"": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider",
"admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (Beta)",
- "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications.",
+ "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications. See <a href=\"\">documentation</a> to learn more.",
"admin.oauth.providerTitle": "Enable OAuth 2.0 Service Provider: ",
"": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:",
"admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "<ol><li>여러분의 마이크로소프트 또는 오피스 365 계정에 <a href=''>로그인</a> 하십시요. 로그인하는 계정은 <a href=''>테넌트</a>의 >계정과 동일해야 합니다.</li><li><a href=''></a>을 방문하셔서, <strong>Go to app list</strong>의 <strong>Add an app</strong>를 클릭한 다음 \"Mattermost - 여러분의 회사 이름\"을 <strong>어플리케이션 이름</strong>으로 사용하십시요. </li><li><strong>Application Secrets</strong>에서, <strong>Generate New Password</strong>를 클릭한 다음 아래<strong>Application Secret Password</strong> 필드에 그 값을 복사하여 붙여넣으십시요.</li><li><strong>Platforms</strong>에서, <strong>Add Platform</strong>을 클릭한 다음, <strong>Web</strong>을 선택하고 <strong>your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete</strong> (예시: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)을 <strong>Redirect URIs</strong>에 기입하십시요. 또한 <strong>Allow Implicit Flow</strong>의 체크를 해제하십시요.</li><li>마지막으로, <strong>Save</strong>를 클릭한 다음 아래의 <strong>Application ID</strong>붙여넣으십시요.</li></ol>",
- "admin.office365.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:",
+ "admin.office365.authTitle": "인증 엔드포인트:",
"admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.",
"admin.office365.clientIdExample": "Ex \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"",
- "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "Application ID:",
+ "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "애플리케이션 ID:",
"admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.",
"admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "Ex \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"",
"admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "Application Secret Password:",
@@ -531,6 +532,9 @@
"admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "When filled in, vary rate limiting by HTTP header field specified (e.g. when configuring NGINX set to \"X-Real-IP\", when configuring AmazonELB set to \"X-Forwarded-For\").",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "Ex \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"",
"admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Vary rate limit by HTTP header",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Max Burst:",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.",
+ "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "Ex \"100\"",
"admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Maximum number of users sessions connected to the system as determined by \"Vary rate limit by remote address\" and \"Vary rate limit by HTTP header\" settings below.",
"admin.rate.memoryExample": "Ex \"10000\"",
"admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Memory Store Size:",
@@ -627,7 +631,7 @@
"admin.service.attemptExample": "Ex \"10\"",
"admin.service.attemptTitle": "Maximum Login Attempts:",
"admin.service.cmdsDesc": "When true, custom slash commands will be allowed. See <a href='' target='_blank'>documentation</a> to learn more.",
- "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "슬래시 명령어 활성화: ",
+ "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "사용자 정의 슬래시 명령어 활성화: ",
"admin.service.corsDescription": "Enable HTTP Cross origin request from a specific domain. Use \"*\" if you want to allow CORS from any domain or leave it blank to disable it.",
"admin.service.corsEx": "",
"admin.service.corsTitle": "Enable cross-origin requests from:",
@@ -725,6 +729,7 @@
"admin.sidebar.users": "사용자",
"admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "팀과 사용자",
"admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "사이트 통계",
+ "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (Beta)",
"admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "관리자 도구",
"admin.sql.dataSource": "Data Source:",
"admin.sql.driverName": "Driver Name:",
@@ -809,7 +814,7 @@
"admin.user_item.confirmDemotion": "Confirm Demotion",
"admin.user_item.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform -assign_role -team_name=\"yourteam\" -email=\"\" -role=\"system_admin\"",
"admin.user_item.emailTitle": "<strong>이메일:</strong> {email}",
- "admin.user_item.inactive": "비활성",
+ "admin.user_item.inactive": "비활성화",
"admin.user_item.makeActive": "활성화",
"admin.user_item.makeInactive": "비활성화",
"admin.user_item.makeMember": "Make Member",
@@ -823,6 +828,29 @@
"admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "Switch to Email/Password",
"admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "시스템 관리자",
"admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "팀 관리자",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making <strong>one-on-one</strong> video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.",
+ "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Enable Mattermost WebRTC: ",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "Ex \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Gateway Admin Secret:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Enter https://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "Gateway Admin URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Enter wss://<mattermost-webrtc-gateway-url>:<port>. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers.",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "Ex \"wss://\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Enter your STUN URI as stun:<your-stun-url>:<port>. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "Ex \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN Shared Key:",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Enter your TURN URI as turn:<your-turn-url>:<port>. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "Ex \"\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Username.",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "Ex \"Username\"",
+ "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN Username:",
"admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Disabled",
"admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "The Mattermost server will not serve static files.",
"admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip",
@@ -927,6 +955,7 @@
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Incoming Webhooks",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션",
"backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks",
+ "calling_screen": "Calling",
"center_panel.recent": "Click here to jump to recent messages. ",
"chanel_header.addMembers": "회원 추가",
"change_url.close": "닫기",
@@ -947,6 +976,7 @@
"": "채널",
"channel_header.channelHeader": "채널 헤더 설정...",
"channel_header.delete": "{term} 삭제...",
+ "channel_header.flagged": "중요 메시지",
"": "그룹",
"channel_header.leave": "{term} 떠나기",
"channel_header.manageMembers": "회원 관리",
@@ -957,6 +987,8 @@
"channel_header.setPurpose": "{term}의 설명 설정...",
"channel_header.viewInfo": "정보 보기",
"channel_header.viewMembers": "회원 보기",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"channel_info.about": "About",
"channel_info.close": "닫기",
"channel_info.header": "헤더:",
@@ -1019,7 +1051,7 @@
"claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "Enter the ID and password for your LDAP account",
"claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "Enter the password for your {site} email account",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapId": "AD/LDAP ID",
- "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "LDAP ID를 입력하세요.",
+ "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "AD/LDAP ID를 입력하세요.",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPasswordError": "LDAP 비밀번호를 입력하세요.",
"claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPwd": "LDAP 비밀번호",
"claim.email_to_ldap.pwd": "비밀번호",
@@ -1158,6 +1190,9 @@
"file_upload.filesAbove": "Files above {max}MB cannot be uploaded: {filenames}",
"": "Uploads limited to {count} files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files.",
"file_upload.pasted": "Image Pasted at ",
+ "filtered_channels_list.count": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
+ "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
+ "": "Search channels",
"filtered_user_list.any_team": "모든 사용자",
"filtered_user_list.count": "{count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
"filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}",
@@ -1331,7 +1366,8 @@
"installed_oauth_apps.description": "설명",
"installed_oauth_apps.empty": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션이 없습니다",
"installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션",
- "": "OAuth 2.0 Applications are available to everyone on your server.",
+ "": "Create OAuth 2.0 applications to securely integrate bots and third-party applications with Mattermost. Please see {link} to learn more.",
+ "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "문서",
"installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "홈페이지",
"installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "아이콘 URL",
"installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "Is Trusted: <strong>{isTrusted}</strong>",
@@ -1563,7 +1599,7 @@
"search_header.results": "검색 결과",
"search_header.title2": "최근 멘션",
"search_header.title3": "중요 메시지",
- "": "개인 메시지",
+ "": "Direct Message (with {username})",
"search_item.jump": "바로가기",
"search_results.because": "<ul><li>문구의 일부분을 검색하려면(예: \"rea\", 를 검색하여 \"reach\" 또는 \"reaction\") 단어 앞 또는 뒤에 와일드카드 문자(*)를 붙여보세요.</li><li>두 글자 검색이나 \"this\", \"a\", \"is\"같이 일반적인 단어는 과도한 결과를 반환하기 때문에 검색결과에 표시되지 않습니다.</li></ul>",
"search_results.noResults": "검색 결과가 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요.",
@@ -1665,8 +1701,10 @@
"sso_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.",
"suggestion.mention.all": "Notifies everyone in the channel, use in {townsquare} to notify the whole team",
"": "모든 채널 회원들에게 알림을 보냅니다",
+ "suggestion.mention.channels": "채널 더보기",
"": "채널에 접속 중인 회원들에게 알림을 보냅니다",
"suggestion.mention.members": "채널 회원",
+ "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Other Channels",
"suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel",
"suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions",
"": "비공개 그룹",
@@ -1745,6 +1783,7 @@
"user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Ctrl + Enter로 메시지 보내기",
"user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "외부 어플리케이션을 활성화하면 슬래시 명령어 자동 완성을 제안할 수 있습니다",
"user.settings.advance.title": "고급 설정",
+ "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Enable the ability to make and receive one-on-one WebRTC calls",
"user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Away Indicator",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Button BG",
"user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Button Text",
@@ -1909,6 +1948,7 @@
"user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "이메일 알림",
"user.settings.notifications.header": "알림",
"": "데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome 브라우저에서 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "user.settings.notifications.never": "알림을 받지 않기",
"user.settings.notifications.noWords": "설정한 단어가 없습니다",
"": "끄기",
"user.settings.notifications.on": "켜기",
@@ -1991,6 +2031,8 @@
"": "보안 설정",
"": "접속 내역 보기",
"user_list.notFound": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다 :(",
+ "": "Start Video Call",
+ "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends",
"view_image.loading": "로딩 중 ",
"": "다운로드",
"view_image_popover.file": "File {count} of {total}",
@@ -2001,5 +2043,28 @@
"web.footer.terms": "서비스 약관",
"web.header.back": "돌아가기",
"web.root.signup_info": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션 활동을 한 곳에 모아 쉽고 빠르게 접근할 수 있습니다.",
+ "webrtc.busy": "{username} is busy.",
+ "": "Call",
+ "webrtc.callEnded": "Call with {username} ended.",
+ "webrtc.cancel": "Cancel call",
+ "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelled the call.",
+ "webrtc.declined": "Your call has been declined by {username}.",
+ "webrtc.disabled": "{username} has WebRTC disabled, and cannot receive calls. To enable the feature, they must go to Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features and turn on WebRTC.",
+ "webrtc.failed": "There was a problem connecting the video call.",
+ "webrtc.hangup": "Hangup",
+ "webrtc.header": "Call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.inProgress": "You have a call in progress. Please hangup first.",
+ "webrtc.mediaError": "Unable to access camera or microphone.",
+ "webrtc.mute_audio": "Mute microphone",
+ "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} is not answering the call.",
+ "webrtc.notification.answer": "Answer",
+ "webrtc.notification.decline": "Decline",
+ "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} is calling you.",
+ "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Return to ongoing call with {username}",
+ "webrtc.offline": "{username} is offline.",
+ "webrtc.pause_video": "Turn off camera",
+ "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone",
+ "webrtc.unpause_video": "Turn on camera",
+ "webrtc.unsupported": "{username} client does not support video calls.",
"youtube_video.notFound": "비밀번호를 찾을 수 없습니다."