#!/bin/bash # get wekan/mongo settings source $SNAP/bin/wekan-read-settings if [ "true" == "${DISABLE_MONGODB}" ]; then echo "mongodb is disabled. Stop service" snapctl stop --disable ${SNAP_NAME}.mongodb exit 0 fi # make sure we have set minimum env variables for locale if [ -z "$LANG" ]; then export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 fi export LC_ALL=C # When starting MongoDB, if logfile exist, delete it, because now uses syslog instead of logfile, # because syslog usually already has log rotation. # https://github.com/wekan/wekan-snap/issues/92 if test -f "$SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log"; then rm -f "$SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log" fi # Alternative: When starting MongoDB, and using logfile, truncate log to last 1000 lines of text. # 1) If file exists: #if test -f "$SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log"; then # # 2) Copy last 1000 lines to variable loglast1000lines. # loglast1000lines=$(tail -1000 "$SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log") # # 3) Copy variable to replace original MongoDB log. # echo "$loglast1000lines" > "$SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log" # # 4) Set variable to be empty. # loglast1000lines="" #fi if [ -z "$MONGO_URL" ]; then # start mongo deamon BIND_OPTIONS="" if [ "nill" != "$MONGODB_BIND_UNIX_SOCKET" ] && [ "x" != "x${MONGODB_BIND_UNIX_SOCKET}" ]; then BIND_OPTIONS+=" --unixSocketPrefix $MONGODB_BIND_UNIX_SOCKET" fi if [ "x" != "x${MONGODB_BIND_IP}" ]; then BIND_OPTIONS+=" --bind_ip $MONGODB_BIND_IP" fi if [ "x" != "x${MONGODB_PORT}" ]; then BIND_OPTIONS+=" --port $MONGODB_PORT" fi echo "mongodb bind options: $BIND_OPTIONS" ## OLD: Logging to file. #mongod --dbpath $SNAP_COMMON --logpath $SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log --logappend --journal $BIND_OPTIONS --smallfiles ## NEW: Logging to syslog, that usually has already log rotation. mongod --dbpath $SNAP_COMMON --syslog --journal $BIND_OPTIONS --quiet else ## OLD: Logging to file. #mongod --dbpath $SNAP_COMMON --logpath $SNAP_COMMON/mongodb.log --logappend --journal $MONGO_URL --smallfiles ## NEW: Logging to syslog, that usually has already log rotation. mongod --dbpath $SNAP_COMMON --syslog --journal $MONGO_URL --quiet fi # Drop indexes on database upgrade, when starting MongoDB #mongo wekan --eval "db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(col_name) { var coll = db.getCollection(col_name); coll.dropIndexes(); });" $BIND_OPTIONS