import Fiber from 'fibers'; Meteor.startup(() => { // Node Fibers 100% CPU usage issue // // // Fiber.poolSize = 1e9; Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(function(options) { const user = options.user || {}; return !user.loginDisabled; }); Authentication = {}; Authentication.checkUserId = function(userId) { if (userId === undefined) { const error = new Meteor.Error('Unauthorized', 'Unauthorized'); error.statusCode = 401; throw error; } const admin = Users.findOne({ _id: userId, isAdmin: true }); if (admin === undefined) { const error = new Meteor.Error('Forbidden', 'Forbidden'); error.statusCode = 403; throw error; } }; // This will only check if the user is logged in. // The authorization checks for the user will have to be done inside each API endpoint Authentication.checkLoggedIn = function(userId) { if (userId === undefined) { const error = new Meteor.Error('Unauthorized', 'Unauthorized'); error.statusCode = 401; throw error; } }; // An admin should be authorized to access everything, so we use a separate check for admins // This throws an error if otherReq is false and the user is not an admin Authentication.checkAdminOrCondition = function(userId, otherReq) { if (otherReq) return; const admin = Users.findOne({ _id: userId, isAdmin: true }); if (admin === undefined) { const error = new Meteor.Error('Forbidden', 'Forbidden'); error.statusCode = 403; throw error; } }; // Helper function. Will throw an error if the user does not have read only access to the given board Authentication.checkBoardAccess = function(userId, boardId) { Authentication.checkLoggedIn(userId); const board = Boards.findOne({ _id: boardId }); const normalAccess = board.permission === 'public' || board.members.some(e => e.userId === userId).isActive; Authentication.checkAdminOrCondition(userId, normalAccess); }; if (Meteor.isServer) { if (process.env.OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID !== '') { ServiceConfiguration.configurations.upsert( // eslint-disable-line no-undef { service: 'oidc' }, { $set: { loginStyle: process.env.OAUTH2_LOGIN_STYLE, clientId: process.env.OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID, secret: process.env.OAUTH2_SECRET, serverUrl: process.env.OAUTH2_SERVER_URL, authorizationEndpoint: process.env.OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT, userinfoEndpoint: process.env.OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT, tokenEndpoint: process.env.OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT, idTokenWhitelistFields: process.env.OAUTH2_ID_TOKEN_WHITELIST_FIELDS || [], requestPermissions: process.env.OAUTH2_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS, }, // OAUTH2_ID_TOKEN_WHITELIST_FIELDS || [], // OAUTH2_REQUEST_PERMISSIONS || 'openid profile email', }, ); } } });