Package.describe({ name: 'wekan:wekan-ldap', version: '0.0.2', // Brief, one-line summary of the package. summary: 'Basic meteor login with ldap', // URL to the Git repository containing the source code for this package. git: '', // By default, Meteor will default to using for documentation. // To avoid submitting documentation, set this field to null. documentation: '' }); Package.onUse(function(api) { api.versionsFrom(''); api.use('yasaricli:slugify@0.0.5'); api.use('ecmascript@0.9.0'); api.use('underscore'); api.use('sha'); api.use('templating', 'client'); api.use('accounts-base', 'server'); api.use('accounts-password', 'server'); api.addFiles('client/loginHelper.js', 'client'); api.mainModule('server/index.js', 'server'); }); Npm.depends({ ldapjs: '1.0.2', });