Utils = { // XXX We should remove these two methods goBoardId(_id) { const board = Boards.findOne(_id); return board && FlowRouter.go('board', { id: board._id, slug: board.slug, }); }, goCardId(_id) { const card = Cards.findOne(_id); const board = Boards.findOne(card.boardId); return board && FlowRouter.go('card', { cardId: card._id, boardId: board._id, slug: board.slug, }); }, capitalize(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }, windowResizeDep: new Tracker.Dependency(), // in fact, what we really care is screen size // large mobile device like iPad or android Pad has a big screen, it should also behave like a desktop // in a small window (even on desktop), Wekan run in compact mode. // we can easily debug with a small window of desktop browser. :-) isMiniScreen() { this.windowResizeDep.depend(); return $(window).width() <= 800; }, calculateIndexData(prevData, nextData, nItems = 1) { let base, increment; // If we drop the card to an empty column if (!prevData && !nextData) { base = 0; increment = 1; // If we drop the card in the first position } else if (!prevData) { base = nextData.sort - 1; increment = -1; // If we drop the card in the last position } else if (!nextData) { base = prevData.sort + 1; increment = 1; } // In the general case take the average of the previous and next element // sort indexes. else { const prevSortIndex = prevData.sort; const nextSortIndex = nextData.sort; increment = (nextSortIndex - prevSortIndex) / (nItems + 1); base = prevSortIndex + increment; } // XXX Return a generator that yield values instead of a base with a // increment number. return { base, increment, }; }, // Determine the new sort index calculateIndex(prevCardDomElement, nextCardDomElement, nCards = 1) { let base, increment; // If we drop the card to an empty column if (!prevCardDomElement && !nextCardDomElement) { base = 0; increment = 1; // If we drop the card in the first position } else if (!prevCardDomElement) { base = Blaze.getData(nextCardDomElement).sort - 1; increment = -1; // If we drop the card in the last position } else if (!nextCardDomElement) { base = Blaze.getData(prevCardDomElement).sort + 1; increment = 1; } // In the general case take the average of the previous and next element // sort indexes. else { const prevSortIndex = Blaze.getData(prevCardDomElement).sort; const nextSortIndex = Blaze.getData(nextCardDomElement).sort; increment = (nextSortIndex - prevSortIndex) / (nCards + 1); base = prevSortIndex + increment; } // XXX Return a generator that yield values instead of a base with a // increment number. return { base, increment, }; }, // Detect touch device isTouchDevice() { const isTouchable = (() => { const prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '); const mq = function(query) { return window.matchMedia(query).matches; }; if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch) { return true; } // include the 'heartz' as a way to have a non matching MQ to help terminate the join // https://git.io/vznFH const query = ['(', prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('), 'heartz', ')'].join(''); return mq(query); })(); Utils.isTouchDevice = () => isTouchable; return isTouchable; }, calculateTouchDistance(touchA, touchB) { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(touchA.screenX - touchB.screenX, 2) + Math.pow(touchA.screenY - touchB.screenY, 2) ); }, enableClickOnTouch(selector) { let touchStart = null; let lastTouch = null; $(document).on('touchstart', selector, function(e) { touchStart = e.originalEvent.touches[0]; }); $(document).on('touchmove', selector, function(e) { const touches = e.originalEvent.touches; lastTouch = touches[touches.length - 1]; }); $(document).on('touchend', selector, function(e) { if (touchStart && lastTouch && Utils.calculateTouchDistance(touchStart, lastTouch) <= 20) { e.preventDefault(); const clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initEvent('click', true, true); e.target.dispatchEvent(clickEvent); } }); }, manageCustomUI(){ Meteor.call('getCustomUI', (err, data) => { if (err && err.error[0] === 'var-not-exist'){ Session.set('customUI', false); // siteId || address server not defined } if (!err){ Utils.setCustomUI(data); } }); }, setCustomUI(data){ const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); if (currentBoard) { DocHead.setTitle(`${currentBoard.title } - ${ data.productName}`); } else { DocHead.setTitle(`${data.productName}`); } }, setMatomo(data){ window._paq = window._paq || []; window._paq.push(['setDoNotTrack', data.doNotTrack]); if (data.withUserName){ window._paq.push(['setUserId', Meteor.user().username]); } window._paq.push(['trackPageView']); window._paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { window._paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', `${data.address}piwik.php`]); window._paq.push(['setSiteId', data.siteId]); const script = document.createElement('script'); Object.assign(script, { id: 'scriptMatomo', type: 'text/javascript', async: 'true', defer: 'true', src: `${data.address}piwik.js`, }); const s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s); })(); Session.set('matomo', true); }, manageMatomo() { const matomo = Session.get('matomo'); if (matomo === undefined){ Meteor.call('getMatomoConf', (err, data) => { if (err && err.error[0] === 'var-not-exist'){ Session.set('matomo', false); // siteId || address server not defined } if (!err){ Utils.setMatomo(data); } }); } else if (matomo) { window._paq.push(['trackPageView']); } }, getTriggerActionDesc(event, tempInstance) { const jqueryEl = tempInstance.$(event.currentTarget.parentNode); const triggerEls = jqueryEl.find('.trigger-content').children(); let finalString = ''; for (let i = 0; i < triggerEls.length; i++) { const element = tempInstance.$(triggerEls[i]); if (element.hasClass('trigger-text')) { finalString += element.text().toLowerCase(); } else if (element.hasClass('user-details')) { console.log(element); finalString += element.find('.trigger-text').text().toLowerCase()+ " " + element.find('input').val(); } else if (element.find('select').length > 0) { finalString += element.find('select option:selected').text().toLowerCase(); } else if (element.find('input').length > 0) { finalString += element.find('input').val(); } // Add space if (i !== length - 1) { finalString += ' '; } } return finalString; }, }; // A simple tracker dependency that we invalidate every time the window is // resized. This is used to reactively re-calculate the popup position in case // of a window resize. This is the equivalent of a "Signal" in some other // programming environments (eg, elm). $(window).on('resize', () => Utils.windowResizeDep.changed());