// XXX Pressing `?` should display a list of all shortcuts available. // // XXX There is no reason to define these shortcuts globally, they should be // attached to a template (most of them will go in the `board` template). Mousetrap.bind('w', function() { Sidebar.toogle(); }); Mousetrap.bind('q', function() { var currentBoardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); var currentUserId = Meteor.userId(); if (currentBoardId && currentUserId) { Filter.members.toogle(currentUserId); } }); Mousetrap.bind('x', function() { if (Filter.isActive()) { Filter.reset(); } }); Mousetrap.bind(['down', 'up'], function(evt, key) { if (! Session.get('currentCard')) { return; } var nextFunc = (key === 'down' ? 'next' : 'prev'); var nextCard = $('.js-minicard.is-selected')[nextFunc]('.js-minicard').get(0); if (nextCard) { var nextCardId = Blaze.getData(nextCard)._id; Utils.goCardId(nextCardId); } }); // Pressing `Escape` should close the last opened “element” and only the last // one. Components can register themself using a priority number (smaller is // closed first), a condition, and an action.This is used by Popup or // inlinedForm for instance. When we press escape we execute the action which // condition is valid with the highest priority. EscapeActions = { _actions: [], register: function(priority, condition, action) { // XXX Rewrite this with ES6: .push({ priority, condition, action }) this._actions.push({ priority: priority, condition: condition, action: action }); // XXX Rewrite this with ES6: => function this._actions = _.sortBy(this._actions, function(a) { return a.priority; }); }, executeLowest: function() { var topActiveAction = _.find(this._actions, function(a) { return !! a.condition(); }); return topActiveAction && topActiveAction.action(); }, executeLowerThan: function(maxPriority) { maxPriority = maxPriority || Infinity; var currentAction; for (var i = 0; i < this._actions.length; i++) { currentAction = this._actions[i]; if (currentAction.priority > maxPriority) return; if (!! currentAction.condition()) currentAction.action(); } } }; Mousetrap.bind('esc', function() { EscapeActions.executeLowest(); });