Template.attachmentsGalery.events({ 'click .js-add-attachment': Popup.open('cardAttachments'), 'click .js-confirm-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('attachmentDelete', function() { Attachments.remove(this._id); Popup.close(); } ), // If we let this event bubble, FlowRouter will handle it and empty the page // content, see #101. 'click .js-download': function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }, 'click .js-open-viewer': function() { // XXX Not implemented! }, 'click .js-add-cover': function() { Cards.update(this.cardId, { $set: { coverId: this._id } }); }, 'click .js-remove-cover': function() { Cards.update(this.cardId, { $unset: { coverId: '' } }); } }); Template.cardAttachmentsPopup.events({ 'change .js-attach-file': function(evt) { var card = this; FS.Utility.eachFile(evt, function(f) { var file = new FS.File(f); file.boardId = card.boardId; file.cardId = card._id; Attachments.insert(file); Popup.close(); }); }, 'click .js-computer-upload': function(evt, tpl) { tpl.find('.js-attach-file').click(); evt.preventDefault(); } });