const subManager = new SubsManager(); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template() { return 'board'; }, onCreated() { this.draggingActive = new ReactiveVar(false); this.showOverlay = new ReactiveVar(false); this.isBoardReady = new ReactiveVar(false); // The pattern we use to manually handle data loading is described here: // // XXX The boardId should be readed from some sort the component "props", // unfortunatly, Blaze doesn't have this notion. this.autorun(() => { const currentBoardId = Session.get('currentBoard'); if (!currentBoardId) return; const handle = subManager.subscribe('board', currentBoardId); Tracker.nonreactive(() => { Tracker.autorun(() => { this.isBoardReady.set(handle.ready()); }); }); }); this._isDragging = false; this._lastDragPositionX = 0; // Used to set the overlay this.mouseHasEnterCardDetails = false; }, openNewListForm() { this.childrenComponents('addListForm')[0].open(); }, // XXX Flow components allow us to avoid creating these two setter methods by // exposing a public API to modify the component state. We need to investigate // best practices here. setIsDragging(bool) { this.draggingActive.set(bool); }, scrollLeft(position = 0) { this.$('.js-lists').animate({ scrollLeft: position, }); }, currentCardIsInThisList() { const currentCard = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard')); const listId = this.currentData()._id; return currentCard && currentCard.listId === listId; }, events() { return [{ // XXX The board-overlay div should probably be moved to the parent // component. 'mouseenter .board-overlay'() { if (this.mouseHasEnterCardDetails) { this.showOverlay.set(false); } }, // Click-and-drag action 'mousedown .board-canvas'(evt) { // Translating the board canvas using the click-and-drag action can // conflict with the build-in browser mechanism to select text. We // define a list of elements in which we disable the dragging because // the user will legitimately expect to be able to select some text with // his mouse. const noDragInside = ['a', 'input', 'textarea', 'p', '.js-list-header']; if ($(',')).length === 0) { this._isDragging = true; this._lastDragPositionX = evt.clientX; } }, 'mouseup'() { if (this._isDragging) { this._isDragging = false; } }, 'mousemove'(evt) { if (this._isDragging) { // Update the canvas position this.listsDom.scrollLeft -= evt.clientX - this._lastDragPositionX; this._lastDragPositionX = evt.clientX; // Disable browser text selection while dragging evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); // Don't close opened card or inlined form at the end of the // click-and-drag. EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-close'); EscapeActions.preventNextClick(); } }, }]; }, }).register('board'); Template.boardBody.onRendered(function() { const self = BlazeComponent.getComponentForElement(this.firstNode); self.listsDom = this.find('.js-lists'); if (!Session.get('currentCard')) { self.scrollLeft(); } // We want to animate the card details window closing. We rely on CSS // transition for the actual animation. self.listsDom._uihooks = { removeElement(node) { const removeNode = _.once(() => { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); }); if ($(node).hasClass('js-card-details')) { $(node).css({ flexBasis: 0, padding: 0, }); $(self.listsDom).one(CSSEvents.transitionend, removeNode); } else { removeNode(); } }, }; if (!Meteor.user() || !Meteor.user().isBoardMember()) return; self.$(self.listsDom).sortable({ tolerance: 'pointer', helper: 'clone', handle: '.js-list-header', items: '.js-list:not(.js-list-composer)', placeholder: 'list placeholder', distance: 7, start(evt, ui) { ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height()); Popup.close(); }, stop() { self.$('.js-lists').find('.js-list:not(.js-list-composer)').each( (i, list) => { const data = Blaze.getData(list); Lists.update(data._id, { $set: { sort: i, }, }); } ); }, }); // Disable drag-dropping while in multi-selection mode self.autorun(() => { self.$(self.listsDom).sortable('option', 'disabled', MultiSelection.isActive()); }); // If there is no data in the board (ie, no lists) we autofocus the list // creation form by clicking on the corresponding element. const currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')); if (currentBoard.lists().count() === 0) { self.openNewListForm(); } }); BlazeComponent.extendComponent({ template() { return 'addListForm'; }, // Proxy open() { this.childrenComponents('inlinedForm')[0].open(); }, events() { return [{ submit(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); const title = this.find('.list-name-input'); if ($.trim(title.value)) { Lists.insert({ title: title.value, boardId: Session.get('currentBoard'), sort: $('.list').length, }); title.value = ''; } }, }]; }, }).register('addListForm');