From b79b7ec18e98f3efa45091c4917ff525abca0af2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yasar icli Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 10:52:48 +0300 Subject: change i18n file names --- i18n/br.i18n.json | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i18n/cm.i18n.json | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i18n/cmn.i18n.json | 175 --------------------------------------------------- i18n/cn.i18n.json | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i18n/fi.i18n.json | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i18n/fi_FI.i18n.json | 175 --------------------------------------------------- i18n/hk.i18n.json | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i18n/id.i18n.json | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i18n/id_ID.i18n.json | 175 --------------------------------------------------- i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json | 175 --------------------------------------------------- i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json | 175 --------------------------------------------------- i18n/zh_HK.i18n.json | 175 --------------------------------------------------- 12 files changed, 1050 insertions(+), 1050 deletions(-) create mode 100644 i18n/br.i18n.json create mode 100644 i18n/cm.i18n.json delete mode 100644 i18n/cmn.i18n.json create mode 100644 i18n/cn.i18n.json create mode 100644 i18n/fi.i18n.json delete mode 100644 i18n/fi_FI.i18n.json create mode 100644 i18n/hk.i18n.json create mode 100644 i18n/id.i18n.json delete mode 100644 i18n/id_ID.i18n.json delete mode 100644 i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json delete mode 100644 i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json delete mode 100644 i18n/zh_HK.i18n.json (limited to 'i18n') diff --git a/i18n/br.i18n.json b/i18n/br.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..128e18c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/br.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "account-details": "Detalhes da Conta", + "actions": "Ações", + "activity": "Atividade", + "activity-archived": "arquivou %s", + "activity-created": "criou %s", + "activity-added": "adicionou %s a %s", + "activity-excluded": "excluiu %s de %s", + "activity-moved": "moveu %s de %s para %s", + "activity-sent": "enviou %s de %s", + "activity-joined": "juntou-se a %s", + "activity-unjoined": "deixou %s", + "activity-removed": "removeu %s de %s", + "activity-attached": "anexou %s a %s", + "activity-on": "em %s", + "this-board": "este quadro", + "this-card": "este cartão", + "add": "Novo", + "add-board": "Criar um quadro novo", + "add-card": "Criar um cartão…", + "add-list": "Criar uma lista…", + "add-members": "Adicionar membros…", + "add-attachment": "Adicionar anexos…", + "added": "Criado", + "attached": "anexado", + "admin": "Administrador", + "admin-desc": "Pode ver e editar cartões, remover membros e alterar configurações do quadro.", + "already-have-account-question": "Já possui uma conta?", + "archive": "Arquivar", + "archive-all": "Arquivar Tudo", + "archive-list": "Arquivar esta lista", + "archive-title": "Remover cartão do quadro.", + "archived-items": "Itens Arquivados", + "back": "Voltar", + "bio": "Biografia", + "board-list-btn-title": "Ver lista de quadros", + "board-not-found": "Quadro não encontrado", + "board-public-info": "Este quadro será público.", + "boards": "Quadros", + "bucket-example": "Curtir “Lista de Balde”, por exemplo…", + "cancel": "Cancelar", + "card-archived": "Este cartão está arquivado.", + "card-comments-title": "Este cartão possui %s comentários.", + "card-delete-notice": "A exclusão será permanente. Você perderá todas as ações associadas a este cartão.", + "card-delete-pop": "Todas as ações serão excluídas da lista de atividades e o cartão não poderá ser reaberto. Você pode arquivá-lo para removê-lo do quadro preservando sua atividade.", + "attachment-delete-pop": "Excluir um anexo é permanente. Não será possível recuperá-lo.", + "change-avatar": "Alterar Avatar", + "change-background": "Alterar plano de fundo", + "change-email": "Alterar E-mail", + "change-name-initials-bio": "Alterar Nome, Iniciais ou Biografia", + "change-password": "Alterar Senha", + "change-permissions": "Alterar permissões…", + "close": "Fechar", + "close-board": "Fechar Quadro…", + "close-board-pop": "Você pode reabrir um quadro clicando em “Quadros” no menu no cabeçalho, selecionando “Exibir Quadros Fechados”, encontrando-o e clicando em “Reabrir”.", + "close-sidebar-title": "Fechar barra lateral.", + "comment": "Comentário", + "comment-placeholder": "Comentar…", + "create": "Criar", + "create-account": "Criar uma Conta", + "create-new-account": "Criar uma nova conta", + "delete": "Excluir", + "delete-title": "Excluir cartão e todo o seu histórico. Não será possível recuperá-lo.", + "description": "Descrição", + "edit": "Editar", + "edit-description": "Editar a descrição…", + "edit-profile": "Editar perfil", + "email": "E-mail", + "email-or-username": "E-mail ou nome de usuário", + "email-placeholder": "ex.:", + "filter-cards": "Filtrar Cartões", + "filter-clear": "Limpar filtro.", + "filter-on": "Filtro ativado.", + "filter-on-desc": "Você está filtrando cartões neste quadro. Clique aqui para editar o filtro.", + "fullname": "Nome Completo", + "gloabal-search": "Busca Global", + "header-logo-title": "Voltar para a lista de quadros.", + "home": "Início", + "home-button": "Cadastre-se. É gratuito!", + "home-login": "Ou entre", + "in-list": "na lista", + "info": "Informações", + "joined": "juntou-se", + "labels": "Etiquetas", + "labels-title": "Alterar etiquetas do cartão.", + "label-create": "Criar uma nova etiqueta", + "label-delete-pop": "Não será possível recuperá-la. A etiqueta será removida de todos os cartões e seu histórico será destruído.", + "label-default": "%s etiqueta (padrão)", + "attachments": "Anexos", + "attachment": "Anexo", + "last-admin-desc": "Você não pode alterar funções porque deve existir pelo menos um administrador.", + "language": "Idioma", + "leave-board": "Deixar Quadro…", + "link-card": "Vincular a este cartão", + "list-move-cards": "Mover Todos Os Cartões nesta Lista…", + "list-archive-cards": "Arquivar Todos Os Cartões nesta Lista…", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "Isto removerá todos os cartões desta lista do quadro. Para visualizar os cartões arquivados e trazê-los de volta para o quadro, clique em “Menu” > “Itens Arquivados”.", + "log-in": "Entrar", + "log-out": "Sair", + "members": "Membros", + "members-title": "Acrescentar ou remover membros do quadro deste cartão.", + "menu": "Menu", + "modal-close-title": "Fechar esta janela.", + "my-boards": "Meus Quadros", + "name": "Nome", + "name-placeholder": "ex.: Dr. Frankenstein", + "new-here-question": "Novo aqui?", + "normal": "Normal", + "normal-desc": "Pode ver e editar cartões. Não pode alterar configurações.", + "no-boards": "Nenhum quadro.", + "no-results": "Nenhum resultado.", + "notifications-title": "Notificações", + "optional": "opcional", + "page-maybe-private": "Esta página pode ser privada. Você poderá vê-la se estiver logado.", + "page-not-found": "Página não encontrada.", + "password": "Senha", + "password-placeholder": "ex.: ••••••••••••••••", + "private": "Privado", + "private-desc": "Este quadro é privado. Apenas seus membros podem acessar e editá-lo.", + "profile": "Perfil", + "public": "Público", + "public-desc": "Este quadro é público. Ele é visível a qualquer pessoa com o link e será exibido em mecanismos de busca como o Google. Apenas seus membros podem editá-lo.", + "remove-from-board": "Remover do Quadro…", + "remove-member": "Remover Membro", + "remove-member-from-card": "Remover do Cartão", + "remove-member-pop": "Remover __name__ (__username__) de __boardTitle__? O membro será removido de todos os cartões neste quadro e será notificado.", + "add-cover": "Add Cover", + "remove-cover": "Remover Capa", + "rename": "Renomear", + "save": "Salvar", + "search": "Buscar", + "computer": "Computador", + "download": "Baixar", + "search-member-desc": "Busque uma pessoa no LibreBoard por nome ou e-mail, ou digite um e-mail para convidar alguém.", + "search-title": "Busque quadros, cartões, membros e organizações.", + "select-color": "Selecionar uma cor", + "send-to-board": "Enviar para o quadro", + "send-to-board-title": "Enviar cartão de volta para o quadro.", + "settings": "Configurações", + "share-and-more": "Compartilhar e mais…", + "share-and-more-title": "Mais opções: compartilhar, imprimir, exportar e excluir.", + "show-sidebar": "Exibir barra lateral", + "sign-up": "Cadastre-se", + "star-board-title": "Clique para marcar este quadro como favorito. Ele aparecerá no topo na lista dos seus quadros.", + "starred-boards": "Quadros Favoritos", + "starred-boards-description": "Quadros favoritos aparecem no topo da lista dos seus quadros.", + "click-to-star": "Marcar quadro como favorito.", + "click-to-unstar": "Remover quadro dos favoritos.", + "subscribe": "Acompanhar", + "team": "Equipe", + "title": "Título", + "user-profile-not-found": "Perfil de usuário não encontrado.", + "username": "Nome de usuário", + "warning-signup": "Cadastre-se gratuitamente", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etiquetas", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "Membros", + "cardMorePopup-title": "Mais", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "Excluir Cartão?", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Renomear Quadro", + "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Alterar Visibilidade", + "addMemberPopup-title": "Membros", + "closeBoardPopup-title": "Fechar Quadro?", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remover Membro?", + "createBoardPopup-title": "Criar Quadro", + "listActionPopup-title": "Listar Ações", + "editLabelPopup-title": "Alterar Etiqueta", + "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Mover Todos Os Cartões Nesta Lista", + "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Arquivar Todos Os Cartões Nesta Lista?", + "createLabelPopup-title": "Criar Etiqueta", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Excluir Etiqueta?", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Alterar Permissões", + "setLanguagePopup-title": "Alterar Idioma", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Anexar de…", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Excluir Anexo?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/cm.i18n.json b/i18n/cm.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e505aba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/cm.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "account-details": "账户详情", + "actions": "动作", + "activity": "活动", + "activity-archived": "archived %s", + "activity-created": "创建 %s", + "activity-added": "添加 %s 至 %s", + "activity-excluded": "排除 %s 从 %s", + "activity-moved": "将 %s 从 %s 移到 %s", + "activity-sent": "发送 %s 至 %s", + "activity-joined": "joined %s", + "activity-unjoined": "unjoinded %s", + "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s", + "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s", + "activity-on": "on %s", + "this-board": "this board", + "this-card": "this card", + "add": "Add", + "add-board": "Add a new board", + "add-card": "Add a card…", + "add-list": "Add a list…", + "add-members": "Add Members…", + "add-attachment": "Add an attachment…", + "added": "Added", + "attached": "attached", + "admin": "Admin", + "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.", + "already-have-account-question": "Already have an account?", + "archive": "Archive", + "archive-all": "Archive All", + "archive-list": "Archive this list", + "archive-title": "Remove the card from the board.", + "archived-items": "Archived Items", + "back": "Back", + "bio": "Bio", + "board-list-btn-title": "View list of boards", + "board-not-found": "Board not found", + "board-public-info": "This board will be public.", + "boards": "Boards", + "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example…", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "card-archived": "This card is archived.", + "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.", + "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.", + "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo. You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", + "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", + "change-avatar": "Change Avatar", + "change-background": "Change background", + "change-email": "Change Email", + "change-name-initials-bio": "Change Name, Initials, or Bio", + "change-password": "Change Password", + "change-permissions": "Change permissions…", + "close": "Close", + "close-board": "Close Board…", + "close-board-pop": "You can re-open the board by clicking the “Boards” menu from the header, selecting “View Closed Boards”, finding the board and clicking “Re-open”.", + "close-sidebar-title": "Close the board sidebar.", + "comment": "Comment", + "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment…", + "create": "Create", + "create-account": "Create an Account", + "create-new-account": "Create a new account", + "delete": "Delete", + "delete-title": "Delete the card and all history associated with it. It can’t be retrieved.", + "description": "Description", + "edit": "Edit", + "edit-description": "Edit the description…", + "edit-profile": "Edit profile", + "email": "Email", + "email-or-username": "Email or username", + "email-placeholder": "e.g.,", + "filter-cards": "Filter Cards", + "filter-clear": "Clear filter.", + "filter-on": "Filtering is on.", + "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.", + "fullname": "Full Name", + "gloabal-search": "Global Search", + "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.", + "home": "Home", + "home-button": "Sign Up—It’s Free!", + "home-login": "Or log in", + "in-list": "in list", + "info": "Infos", + "joined": "joined", + "labels": "Labels", + "labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.", + "label-create": "Create a new label", + "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", + "label-default": "%s label (default)", + "attachments": "Attachments", + "attachment": "Attachment", + "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", + "language": "Language", + "leave-board": "Leave Board…", + "link-card": "Link to this card", + "list-move-cards": "Move All Cards in This List…", + "list-archive-cards": "Archive All Cards in This List…", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.", + "log-in": "Log In", + "log-out": "Log Out", + "members": "Members", + "members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.", + "menu": "Menu", + "modal-close-title": "Close this dialog window.", + "my-boards": "My Boards", + "name": "Name", + "name-placeholder": "e.g., Dr. Frankenstein", + "new-here-question": "New here?", + "normal": "Normal", + "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", + "no-boards": "No boards.", + "no-results": "No results", + "notifications-title": "Notifications", + "optional": "optional", + "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", + "page-not-found": "Page not found.", + "password": "Password", + "password-placeholder": "e.g., ••••••••••••••••", + "private": "Private", + "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.", + "profile": "Profile", + "public": "Public", + "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", + "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board…", + "remove-member": "Remove Member", + "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card", + "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", + "add-cover": "Add Cover", + "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", + "rename": "Rename", + "save": "Save", + "search": "Search", + "computer": "Computer", + "download": "Download", + "search-member-desc": "Search for a person in LibreBoard by name or email address, or enter an email address to invite someone new.", + "search-title": "Search for boards, cards, members, and organizations.", + "select-color": "Select a color", + "send-to-board": "Send to board", + "send-to-board-title": "Send the card back to the board.", + "settings": "Settings", + "share-and-more": "Share and more…", + "share-and-more-title": "More options share, print, export, and delete.", + "show-sidebar": "Show sidebar", + "sign-up": "Sign Up", + "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", + "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", + "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", + "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.", + "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.", + "subscribe": "Subscribe", + "team": "Team", + "title": "Title", + "user-profile-not-found": "User Profile not found.", + "username": "Username", + "warning-signup": "Sign up for free", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members", + "cardMorePopup-title": "More", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board", + "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Change Visibility", + "addMemberPopup-title": "Members", + "closeBoardPopup-title": "Close Board?", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", + "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board", + "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions", + "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label", + "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Move All Cards in List", + "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Archive All Cards in this List?", + "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions", + "setLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From…", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/cmn.i18n.json b/i18n/cmn.i18n.json deleted file mode 100644 index e505aba0..00000000 --- a/i18n/cmn.i18n.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -{ - "account-details": "账户详情", - "actions": "动作", - "activity": "活动", - "activity-archived": "archived %s", - "activity-created": "创建 %s", - "activity-added": "添加 %s 至 %s", - "activity-excluded": "排除 %s 从 %s", - "activity-moved": "将 %s 从 %s 移到 %s", - "activity-sent": "发送 %s 至 %s", - "activity-joined": "joined %s", - "activity-unjoined": "unjoinded %s", - "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s", - "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s", - "activity-on": "on %s", - "this-board": "this board", - "this-card": "this card", - "add": "Add", - "add-board": "Add a new board", - "add-card": "Add a card…", - "add-list": "Add a list…", - "add-members": "Add Members…", - "add-attachment": "Add an attachment…", - "added": "Added", - "attached": "attached", - "admin": "Admin", - "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.", - "already-have-account-question": "Already have an account?", - "archive": "Archive", - "archive-all": "Archive All", - "archive-list": "Archive this list", - "archive-title": "Remove the card from the board.", - "archived-items": "Archived Items", - "back": "Back", - "bio": "Bio", - "board-list-btn-title": "View list of boards", - "board-not-found": "Board not found", - "board-public-info": "This board will be public.", - "boards": "Boards", - "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example…", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "card-archived": "This card is archived.", - "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.", - "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.", - "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo. You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", - "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", - "change-avatar": "Change Avatar", - "change-background": "Change background", - "change-email": "Change Email", - "change-name-initials-bio": "Change Name, Initials, or Bio", - "change-password": "Change Password", - "change-permissions": "Change permissions…", - "close": "Close", - "close-board": "Close Board…", - "close-board-pop": "You can re-open the board by clicking the “Boards” menu from the header, selecting “View Closed Boards”, finding the board and clicking “Re-open”.", - "close-sidebar-title": "Close the board sidebar.", - "comment": "Comment", - "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment…", - "create": "Create", - "create-account": "Create an Account", - "create-new-account": "Create a new account", - "delete": "Delete", - "delete-title": "Delete the card and all history associated with it. It can’t be retrieved.", - "description": "Description", - "edit": "Edit", - "edit-description": "Edit the description…", - "edit-profile": "Edit profile", - "email": "Email", - "email-or-username": "Email or username", - "email-placeholder": "e.g.,", - "filter-cards": "Filter Cards", - "filter-clear": "Clear filter.", - "filter-on": "Filtering is on.", - "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.", - "fullname": "Full Name", - "gloabal-search": "Global Search", - "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.", - "home": "Home", - "home-button": "Sign Up—It’s Free!", - "home-login": "Or log in", - "in-list": "in list", - "info": "Infos", - "joined": "joined", - "labels": "Labels", - "labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.", - "label-create": "Create a new label", - "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", - "label-default": "%s label (default)", - "attachments": "Attachments", - "attachment": "Attachment", - "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", - "language": "Language", - "leave-board": "Leave Board…", - "link-card": "Link to this card", - "list-move-cards": "Move All Cards in This List…", - "list-archive-cards": "Archive All Cards in This List…", - "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.", - "log-in": "Log In", - "log-out": "Log Out", - "members": "Members", - "members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.", - "menu": "Menu", - "modal-close-title": "Close this dialog window.", - "my-boards": "My Boards", - "name": "Name", - "name-placeholder": "e.g., Dr. Frankenstein", - "new-here-question": "New here?", - "normal": "Normal", - "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", - "no-boards": "No boards.", - "no-results": "No results", - "notifications-title": "Notifications", - "optional": "optional", - "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", - "page-not-found": "Page not found.", - "password": "Password", - "password-placeholder": "e.g., ••••••••••••••••", - "private": "Private", - "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.", - "profile": "Profile", - "public": "Public", - "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", - "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board…", - "remove-member": "Remove Member", - "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card", - "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", - "add-cover": "Add Cover", - "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", - "rename": "Rename", - "save": "Save", - "search": "Search", - "computer": "Computer", - "download": "Download", - "search-member-desc": "Search for a person in LibreBoard by name or email address, or enter an email address to invite someone new.", - "search-title": "Search for boards, cards, members, and organizations.", - "select-color": "Select a color", - "send-to-board": "Send to board", - "send-to-board-title": "Send the card back to the board.", - "settings": "Settings", - "share-and-more": "Share and more…", - "share-and-more-title": "More options share, print, export, and delete.", - "show-sidebar": "Show sidebar", - "sign-up": "Sign Up", - "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", - "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", - "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", - "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.", - "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.", - "subscribe": "Subscribe", - "team": "Team", - "title": "Title", - "user-profile-not-found": "User Profile not found.", - "username": "Username", - "warning-signup": "Sign up for free", - "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels", - "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members", - "cardMorePopup-title": "More", - "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?", - "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board", - "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Change Visibility", - "addMemberPopup-title": "Members", - "closeBoardPopup-title": "Close Board?", - "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", - "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board", - "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions", - "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label", - "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Move All Cards in List", - "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Archive All Cards in this List?", - "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label", - "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?", - "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions", - "setLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language", - "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From…", - "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/cn.i18n.json b/i18n/cn.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9bca8280 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/cn.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "account-details": "账户详情", + "actions": "动作", + "activity": "活动", + "activity-archived": "归档 %s", + "activity-created": "创建 %s", + "activity-added": "添加 %s 至 %s", + "activity-excluded": "排除 %s 从 %s", + "activity-moved": "将 %s 从 %s 移动到 %s", + "activity-sent": "发送 %s 至 %s", + "activity-joined": "关联 %s", + "activity-unjoined": "解除关联 %s", + "activity-removed": "移除 %s 从 %s 中", + "activity-attached": "附加 %s 至 %s", + "activity-on": "在 %s", + "this-board": "该看板", + "this-card": "该卡片", + "add": "添加", + "add-board": "添加一个新的看板", + "add-card": "添加新卡片", + "add-list": "添加列表", + "add-members": "添加成员", + "add-attachment": "添加附件", + "added": "添加", + "attached": "附加", + "admin": "管理员", + "admin-desc": "可以浏览并编辑卡片,移除成员,并且更改该看板的设置", + "already-have-account-question": "已有账户?", + "archive": "归档", + "archive-all": "归档所有", + "archive-list": "归档该列表", + "archive-title": "将该卡片从该看板中移除", + "archived-items": "归档项", + "back": "返回", + "bio": "介绍", + "board-list-btn-title": "浏览看板列表", + "board-not-found": "看板不存在", + "board-public-info": "该看板将 公开.", + "boards": "看板", + "bucket-example": "例如:\"目标清单\"", + "cancel": "取消", + "card-archived": "该卡片已被归档", + "card-comments-title": "该卡片拥有 %s 条评论", + "card-delete-notice": "删除操作不可恢复,你将会丢失该卡片的所有相关动作。", + "card-delete-pop": "所有动作将会从活动动态中被移除,您将无法重新开启该卡片。此操作不可逆,你可以进行归档卡片操作来将其从看板中移除并且保留活动。", + "attachment-delete-pop": "删除附件操作不可逆。", + "change-avatar": "更改头像", + "change-background": "更改背景", + "change-email": "更改邮箱", + "change-name-initials-bio": "更改姓名,昵称或简介", + "change-password": "更改密码", + "change-permissions": "更改权限", + "close": "关闭", + "close-board": "关闭看板", + "close-board-pop": "你可以通过点击头部的\"看板\"菜单,选择\"浏览已关闭看板\",查找看板并且点击\"重开\"来重开看板。", + "close-sidebar-title": "关闭看板侧边栏", + "comment": "评论", + "comment-placeholder": "撰写评论", + "create": "创建", + "create-account": " 创建账户", + "create-new-account": "创建新账户", + "delete": "删除", + "delete-title": "删除该卡片以及与该卡片有关的任何历史记录,此操作不可逆。", + "description": "描述", + "edit": "编辑", + "edit-description": "编辑描述...", + "edit-profile": "编辑资料", + "email": "邮箱", + "email-or-username": "邮箱或用户名", + "email-placeholder": "例如", + "filter-cards": "过滤卡片", + "filter-clear": "清除过滤.", + "filter-on": "过滤已开启", + "filter-on-desc": "你正在过滤该看板上的卡片,点此编辑过滤。", + "fullname": "全称", + "gloabal-search": "全局搜索", + "header-logo-title": "返回您的看板页", + "home": "首页", + "home-button": "免费注册", + "home-login": "或登录", + "in-list": "在列表中", + "info": "信息", + "joined": "关联", + "labels": "标签", + "labels-title": "更改该卡片上的标签", + "label-create": "创建新标签", + "label-delete-pop": "此操作不可逆,这将会删除该标签并清除它的历史记录。", + "label-default": "%s 标签 (默认)", + "attachments": "附件", + "attachment": "附件", + "last-admin-desc": "你不能更改角色,因为至少需要一名管理员。", + "language": "语言", + "leave-board": "离开看板", + "link-card": "关联至该卡片", + "list-move-cards": "移动该列表中的所有卡片...", + "list-archive-cards": "归档该列表中的所有卡片...", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "这将会从本看板中移除该列表中的所有卡片。如果需要浏览已归档的卡片并且将其恢复至看板,请点击\"菜单\">\"归档项\"", + "log-in": "登录", + "log-out": "登出", + "members": "成员", + "members-title": "在该卡片中添加或移除看板成员", + "menu": "菜单", + "modal-close-title": "关闭提示窗", + "my-boards": "我的看板", + "name": "名称", + "name-placeholder": "例如 弗兰克斯坦因博士", + "new-here-question": "初学者?", + "normal": "普通", + "normal-desc": "可以创建以及编辑卡片,无法更改设置。", + "no-boards": "无看板。", + "no-results": "无结果", + "notifications-title": "提示", + "optional": "可选", + "page-maybe-private": "本页面被设为私有. 您必须 登录以浏览其中内容。", + "page-not-found": "页面不存在。", + "password": "密码", + "password-placeholder": "例如: ••••••••••••••••", + "private": "私有", + "private-desc": "该看板将被设为私有看板。只有该看板成员才可以进行查看和编辑。", + "profile": "资料", + "public": "公共", + "public-desc": "该看板将被公共。任何人均可通过链接查看,并且将对Google和其他搜索引擎开放,只有添加至该看板的成员才可进行编辑。", + "remove-from-board": "从该看板中移除...", + "remove-member": "移除成员", + "remove-member-from-card": "从该卡片中移除", + "remove-member-pop": "欲从 __boardTitle__ 中移除 __name__ (__username__) ? 该成员将会从该看板的所有卡片中被移除,他将会收到一条提醒。", + "add-cover": "添加封面", + "remove-cover": "移除封面", + "rename": "重命名", + "save": "保存", + "search": "搜索", + "computer": "从本机上传", + "download": "下载", + "search-member-desc": "通过名称或者邮箱地址搜索在LibreBoard中存在的会员,或者键入邮箱地址来邀请新成员。", + "search-title": "搜索看板、卡片、成员以及组织。", + "select-color": "选择颜色", + "send-to-board": "发送至看板", + "send-to-board-title": "发送该卡片并回到看板。", + "settings": "设置", + "share-and-more": "分享和更多...", + "share-and-more-title": "更多选项,包括分享、打印、导出及删除。", + "show-sidebar": "显示侧边栏", + "sign-up": "注册", + "star-board-title": "点此来标记该看板,它将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。", + "starred-boards": "已标记看板", + "starred-boards-description": "已标记看板将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。", + "click-to-star": "点此来标记该看板", + "click-to-unstar": "点此来去除该看板的标记", + "subscribe": "订阅", + "team": "团队", + "title": "标题", + "user-profile-not-found": "用户资料未找到", + "username": "用户名", + "warning-signup": "免费注册", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "标签", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "成员", + "cardMorePopup-title": "更多", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "删除卡片?", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "重命名看板", + "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "更改可视级别", + "addMemberPopup-title": "成员", + "closeBoardPopup-title": "关闭看板?", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "删除成员?", + "createBoardPopup-title": "创建看板", + "listActionPopup-title": "列出动作", + "editLabelPopup-title": "更改标签", + "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "移动该列表的所有卡片", + "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "归档该列表中的所有卡片?", + "createLabelPopup-title": "创建标签", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "删除标签?", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改权限", + "setLanguagePopup-title": "更改语言", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "附加自...", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "删除附件?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/fi.i18n.json b/i18n/fi.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69f9c0aa --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/fi.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "account-details": "Tilitiedot", + "actions": "Toimet", + "activity": "Toiminta", + "activity-archived": "arkistoitu %s", + "activity-created": "luotu %s", + "activity-added": "lisätty %s kohteeseen %s", + "activity-excluded": "poistettu %s kohteesta %s", + "activity-moved": "siirretty %s kohteesta %s kohteeseen %s", + "activity-sent": "lähetetty %s kohteeseen %s", + "activity-joined": "liitytty kohteeseen %s", + "activity-unjoined": "peruutettu liittyminen kohteeseen %s", + "activity-removed": "poistettu %s kohteesta %s", + "activity-attached": "liitetty %s kohteeseen %s", + "activity-on": "kohteessa %s", + "this-board": "tämä taulu", + "this-card": "tämä kortti", + "add": "Lisää", + "add-board": "Lisää uusi taulu", + 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"card-delete-notice": "Poistaminen on lopullista. Menetät kaikki toimet jotka on liitetty tähän korttiin.", + "card-delete-pop": "Kaikki toimet poistetaan toimintasyötteestä ja et tule pystymään uudelleenavaamaan korttia. Tätä ei voi peruuttaa. Voit arkistoida kortin poistaaksesi sen taululta ja säilyttääksesi toimet.", + "attachment-delete-pop": "Liitetiedoston poistaminen on lopullista. Tätä ei pysty peruuttamaan.", + "change-avatar": "Vaihda profiilikuva", + "change-background": "Vaihda tausta", + "change-email": "Vaihda sähköpostiosoite", + "change-name-initials-bio": "Vaihda nimi, alkukirjaimet, tai henkilökuvaus", + "change-password": "Vaihda salasana", + "change-permissions": "Vaihda oikeuksia...", + "close": "Sulje", + "close-board": "Sulje taulu...", + "close-board-pop": "Voit uudelleenavata taulun klikkaamalla “Taulut” valikkoa ylätunnisteesta, valitsemalla “Näytä suljetut taulut”, löytämällä taulu ja klikkaamalla “Uudelleenavaa”.", + "close-sidebar-title": "Sulje taulu sivupalkki.", + "comment": "Kommentti", + "comment-placeholder": "Kirjoita kommentti...", + "create": "Luo", + "create-account": "Luo tili", + "create-new-account": "Luo uusi tili", + "delete": "Poista", + "delete-title": "Poista kortti ja kaikki siihen liitetty historia. Sitä ei voi saada takaisin.", + "description": "Kuvaus", + "edit": "Muokkaa", + "edit-description": "Muokkaa kuvausta...", + "edit-profile": "Muokkaa profiilia", + "email": "Sähköposti", + "email-or-username": "Sähköposti tai käyttäjätunnus", + "email-placeholder": "esimerkiksi,", + "filter-cards": "Suodata kortit", + "filter-clear": "Poista suodatin.", + "filter-on": "Suodatus on päällä.", + "filter-on-desc": "Suodatat kortteja tällä taululla. Klikkaa tästä muokataksesi suodatinta.", + "fullname": "Koko nimi", + "gloabal-search": "Yleishaku", + "header-logo-title": "Palaa taulut sivullesi.", + "home": "Koti", + "home-button": "Rekisteröidy—Se on ilmaista!", + "home-login": "Tai kirjaudu sisään", + "in-list": "listassa", + "info": "Tietoja", + "joined": "liittyi", + "labels": "Tunnisteet", + "labels-title": "Vaihda kortin tunnisteita.", + "label-create": "Luo uusi tunniste", + "label-delete-pop": "Tätä ei voi peruuttaa. Tämä poistaa tämän tunnisteen kaikista korteista ja tuhoaa sen historian.", + "label-default": "%s tunniste (oletus)", + "attachments": "Liitetiedostot", + "attachment": "Liitetiedosto", + "last-admin-desc": "Et voi vaihtaa rooleja koska täytyy olla olemassa ainakin yksi ylläpitäjä.", + "language": "Kieli", + "leave-board": "Jää pois taululta...", + "link-card": "Linkki tähän korttiin", + "list-move-cards": "Siirrä kaikki kortit tähän listaan...", + "list-archive-cards": "Arkistoi kaikki kortit tässä listassa...", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "Tämä poistaa kaikki tämän listan kortit tältä taululta. Nähdäksesi arkistoidut kortit ja tuodaksesi ne takaisin taululle, klikkaa “Valikko” > “Arkistoidut kohteet”.", + "log-in": "Kirjaudu sisään", + "log-out": "Kirjaudu ulos", + "members": "Jäsenet", + "members-title": "Lisää tai poista taulun jäseniä tältä kortilta.", + "menu": "Valikko", + "modal-close-title": "Sulje tämä ikkuna.", + "my-boards": "Tauluni", + "name": "Nimi", + "name-placeholder": "esimerkiksi, Dr. Frankenstein", + "new-here-question": "Uusi täällä?", + "normal": "Normaali", + "normal-desc": "Voi nähdä ja muokata kortteja. Ei voi muokata asetuksia.", + "no-boards": "Ei tauluja.", + "no-results": "Ei tuloksia", + "notifications-title": "Ilmoitukset", + "optional": "valinnainen", + "page-maybe-private": "Tämä sivu voi olla yksityinen. Voit ehkä pystyä näkemään sen kirjautumalla sisään.", + "page-not-found": "Sivua ei löytynyt.", + "password": "Salasana", + "password-placeholder": "esimerkiksi, ••••••••••••••••", + "private": "Yksityinen", + "private-desc": "Tämä taulu on yksityinen. Vain taululle lisätyt henkilöt voivat nähdä ja muokata sitä.", + "profile": "Profiili", + "public": "Julkinen", + "public-desc": "Tämä taulu on julkinen. Se näkyy kenelle tahansa jolla on linkki ja näkyy myös hakukoneissa kuten Google. Vain taululle lisätyt henkilöt voivat muokata sitä.", + "remove-from-board": "Poista taululta...", + "remove-member": "Poista jäsen", + "remove-member-from-card": "Poista kortilta", + "remove-member-pop": "Poista __name__ (__username__) taululta __boardTitle__? Jäsen poistetaan kaikilta taulun korteilta. Heille lähetetään ilmoitus.", + "add-cover": "Lisää kansi", + "remove-cover": "Poista kansi", + "rename": "Nimeä uudelleen", + "save": "Tallenna", + "search": "Etsi", + "computer": "Tietokone", + "download": "Lataa", + "search-member-desc": "Etsi henkilöä LibreBoardissa nimellä tai sähköpostiosoitteella, tai kirjoita sähköpostiosoite kutsuaksesi joku uusi.", + "search-title": "Etsi tauluja, kortteja, jäseniä, ja organisaatioita.", + "select-color": "Valitse väri", + "send-to-board": "Lähetä taululle", + "send-to-board-title": "Lähetä kortti takaisin taululle.", + "settings": "Asetukset", + "share-and-more": "Jaa ja lisää...", + "share-and-more-title": "Lisää vaihtoehtoja jakaa, tulostaa, viedä, ja poistaa.", + "show-sidebar": "Näytä sivupalkki", + "sign-up": "Rekisteröidy", + "star-board-title": "Klikkaa merkataksesi taulu tähdellä. Se tulee näkymään ylimpänä taululistallasi.", + "starred-boards": "Tähdellä merkatut taulut", + "starred-boards-description": "Tähdellä merkatut taulut näkyvät ylimpänä taululistallasi.", + "click-to-star": "Klikkaa merkataksesi tämä taulu tähdellä.", + "click-to-unstar": "Klikkaa poistaaksesi tähtimerkintä taululta.", + "subscribe": "Tilaa", + "team": "Tiimi", + "title": "Otsikko", + "user-profile-not-found": "Käyttäjäprofiilia ei löytynyt.", + "username": "Käyttäjänimi", + "warning-signup": "Rekisteröidy ilmaiseksi", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Tunnisteet", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "Jäsenet", + "cardMorePopup-title": "Lisää", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "Poista kortti?", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Nimeä taulu uudelleen", + "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Vaihda näkyvyyttä", + "addMemberPopup-title": "Jäsenet", + "closeBoardPopup-title": "Sulje taulu?", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "Poista jäsen?", + "createBoardPopup-title": "Luo taulu", + "listActionPopup-title": "Listaa toimet", + "editLabelPopup-title": "Vaihda tunniste", + "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Siirrä kaikki listan kortit", + "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Arkistoi kaikki kortit tässä listassa?", + "createLabelPopup-title": "Luo tunniste", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Poista tunniste?", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Vaihda oikeuksia", + "setLanguagePopup-title": "Vaihda kieltä", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Liitä mistä...", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Poista liitetiedosto?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/fi_FI.i18n.json b/i18n/fi_FI.i18n.json deleted file mode 100644 index 69f9c0aa..00000000 --- a/i18n/fi_FI.i18n.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -{ - "account-details": "Tilitiedot", - "actions": "Toimet", - "activity": "Toiminta", - "activity-archived": "arkistoitu %s", - "activity-created": "luotu %s", - "activity-added": "lisätty %s kohteeseen %s", - "activity-excluded": "poistettu %s kohteesta %s", - "activity-moved": "siirretty %s kohteesta %s kohteeseen %s", - "activity-sent": "lähetetty %s kohteeseen %s", - "activity-joined": "liitytty kohteeseen %s", - "activity-unjoined": "peruutettu liittyminen kohteeseen %s", - "activity-removed": "poistettu %s kohteesta %s", - "activity-attached": "liitetty %s kohteeseen %s", - "activity-on": "kohteessa %s", - "this-board": "tämä taulu", - "this-card": "tämä kortti", - "add": "Lisää", - "add-board": "Lisää uusi taulu", - "add-card": "Lisää kortti...", - "add-list": "Lisää lista...", - "add-members": "Lisää jäseniä...", - "add-attachment": "Lisää liitetiedosto...", - "added": "Lisätty", - "attached": "liitetty", - "admin": "Ylläpitäjä", - "admin-desc": "Voi nähfä ja muokata kortteja, poistaa jäseniä, ja muuttaa taulun asetuksia.", - "already-have-account-question": "Onko sinulla jo tili?", - "archive": "Arkistoi", - "archive-all": "Arkistoi kaikki", - "archive-list": "Arkistoi tämä lista", - "archive-title": "Poista kortti taululta.", - "archived-items": "Arkistoidut kohteet", - "back": "Takaisin", - "bio": "Henkilökuvaus", - "board-list-btn-title": "Näytä lista tauluista", - "board-not-found": "Taulua ei löytynyt", - "board-public-info": "Tämä taulu tulee olemaan julkinen.", - "boards": "Taulut", - "bucket-example": "Kuten \"Laatikko lista\" esimerkiksi...", - "cancel": "Peruuta", - "card-archived": "Tämä kortti on arkistoitu.", - "card-comments-title": "Tässä kortissa on %s kommenttia.", - "card-delete-notice": "Poistaminen on lopullista. Menetät kaikki toimet jotka on liitetty tähän korttiin.", - "card-delete-pop": "Kaikki toimet poistetaan toimintasyötteestä ja et tule pystymään uudelleenavaamaan korttia. Tätä ei voi peruuttaa. Voit arkistoida kortin poistaaksesi sen taululta ja säilyttääksesi toimet.", - "attachment-delete-pop": "Liitetiedoston poistaminen on lopullista. Tätä ei pysty peruuttamaan.", - "change-avatar": "Vaihda profiilikuva", - "change-background": "Vaihda tausta", - "change-email": "Vaihda sähköpostiosoite", - "change-name-initials-bio": "Vaihda nimi, alkukirjaimet, tai henkilökuvaus", - "change-password": "Vaihda salasana", - "change-permissions": "Vaihda oikeuksia...", - "close": "Sulje", - "close-board": "Sulje taulu...", - "close-board-pop": "Voit uudelleenavata taulun klikkaamalla “Taulut” valikkoa ylätunnisteesta, valitsemalla “Näytä suljetut taulut”, löytämällä taulu ja klikkaamalla “Uudelleenavaa”.", - "close-sidebar-title": "Sulje taulu sivupalkki.", - "comment": "Kommentti", - "comment-placeholder": "Kirjoita kommentti...", - "create": "Luo", - "create-account": "Luo tili", - "create-new-account": "Luo uusi tili", - "delete": "Poista", - "delete-title": "Poista kortti ja kaikki siihen liitetty historia. Sitä ei voi saada takaisin.", - "description": "Kuvaus", - "edit": "Muokkaa", - "edit-description": "Muokkaa kuvausta...", - "edit-profile": "Muokkaa profiilia", - "email": "Sähköposti", - "email-or-username": "Sähköposti tai käyttäjätunnus", - "email-placeholder": "esimerkiksi,", - "filter-cards": "Suodata kortit", - "filter-clear": "Poista suodatin.", - "filter-on": "Suodatus on päällä.", - "filter-on-desc": "Suodatat kortteja tällä taululla. Klikkaa tästä muokataksesi suodatinta.", - "fullname": "Koko nimi", - "gloabal-search": "Yleishaku", - "header-logo-title": "Palaa taulut sivullesi.", - "home": "Koti", - "home-button": "Rekisteröidy—Se on ilmaista!", - "home-login": "Tai kirjaudu sisään", - "in-list": "listassa", - "info": "Tietoja", - "joined": "liittyi", - "labels": "Tunnisteet", - "labels-title": "Vaihda kortin tunnisteita.", - "label-create": "Luo uusi tunniste", - "label-delete-pop": "Tätä ei voi peruuttaa. Tämä poistaa tämän tunnisteen kaikista korteista ja tuhoaa sen historian.", - "label-default": "%s tunniste (oletus)", - "attachments": "Liitetiedostot", - "attachment": "Liitetiedosto", - "last-admin-desc": "Et voi vaihtaa rooleja koska täytyy olla olemassa ainakin yksi ylläpitäjä.", - "language": "Kieli", - "leave-board": "Jää pois taululta...", - "link-card": "Linkki tähän korttiin", - "list-move-cards": "Siirrä kaikki kortit tähän listaan...", - "list-archive-cards": "Arkistoi kaikki kortit tässä listassa...", - "list-archive-cards-pop": "Tämä poistaa kaikki tämän listan kortit tältä taululta. Nähdäksesi arkistoidut kortit ja tuodaksesi ne takaisin taululle, klikkaa “Valikko” > “Arkistoidut kohteet”.", - "log-in": "Kirjaudu sisään", - "log-out": "Kirjaudu ulos", - "members": "Jäsenet", - "members-title": "Lisää tai poista taulun jäseniä tältä kortilta.", - "menu": "Valikko", - "modal-close-title": "Sulje tämä ikkuna.", - "my-boards": "Tauluni", - "name": "Nimi", - "name-placeholder": "esimerkiksi, Dr. Frankenstein", - "new-here-question": "Uusi täällä?", - "normal": "Normaali", - "normal-desc": "Voi nähdä ja muokata kortteja. Ei voi muokata asetuksia.", - "no-boards": "Ei tauluja.", - "no-results": "Ei tuloksia", - "notifications-title": "Ilmoitukset", - "optional": "valinnainen", - "page-maybe-private": "Tämä sivu voi olla yksityinen. 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Heille lähetetään ilmoitus.", - "add-cover": "Lisää kansi", - "remove-cover": "Poista kansi", - "rename": "Nimeä uudelleen", - "save": "Tallenna", - "search": "Etsi", - "computer": "Tietokone", - "download": "Lataa", - "search-member-desc": "Etsi henkilöä LibreBoardissa nimellä tai sähköpostiosoitteella, tai kirjoita sähköpostiosoite kutsuaksesi joku uusi.", - "search-title": "Etsi tauluja, kortteja, jäseniä, ja organisaatioita.", - "select-color": "Valitse väri", - "send-to-board": "Lähetä taululle", - "send-to-board-title": "Lähetä kortti takaisin taululle.", - "settings": "Asetukset", - "share-and-more": "Jaa ja lisää...", - "share-and-more-title": "Lisää vaihtoehtoja jakaa, tulostaa, viedä, ja poistaa.", - "show-sidebar": "Näytä sivupalkki", - "sign-up": "Rekisteröidy", - "star-board-title": "Klikkaa merkataksesi taulu tähdellä. Se tulee näkymään ylimpänä taululistallasi.", - "starred-boards": "Tähdellä merkatut taulut", - "starred-boards-description": "Tähdellä merkatut taulut näkyvät ylimpänä taululistallasi.", - "click-to-star": "Klikkaa merkataksesi tämä taulu tähdellä.", - "click-to-unstar": "Klikkaa poistaaksesi tähtimerkintä taululta.", - "subscribe": "Tilaa", - "team": "Tiimi", - "title": "Otsikko", - "user-profile-not-found": "Käyttäjäprofiilia ei löytynyt.", - "username": "Käyttäjänimi", - "warning-signup": "Rekisteröidy ilmaiseksi", - "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Tunnisteet", - "cardMembersPopup-title": "Jäsenet", - "cardMorePopup-title": "Lisää", - "cardDeletePopup-title": "Poista kortti?", - "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Nimeä taulu uudelleen", - "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Vaihda näkyvyyttä", - "addMemberPopup-title": "Jäsenet", - "closeBoardPopup-title": "Sulje taulu?", - "removeMemberPopup-title": "Poista jäsen?", - "createBoardPopup-title": "Luo taulu", - "listActionPopup-title": "Listaa toimet", - "editLabelPopup-title": "Vaihda tunniste", - "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Siirrä kaikki listan kortit", - "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Arkistoi kaikki kortit tässä listassa?", - "createLabelPopup-title": "Luo tunniste", - "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Poista tunniste?", - "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Vaihda oikeuksia", - "setLanguagePopup-title": "Vaihda kieltä", - "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Liitä mistä...", - "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Poista liitetiedosto?" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/hk.i18n.json b/i18n/hk.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f65b2e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/hk.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "account-details": "Account Details", + "actions": "Actions", + "activity": "Activity", + "activity-archived": "archived %s", + "activity-created": "created %s", + "activity-added": "added %s to %s", + "activity-excluded": "excluded %s from %s", + "activity-moved": "moved %s from %s to %s", + "activity-sent": "sent %s to %s", + "activity-joined": "joined %s", + "activity-unjoined": "unjoinded %s", + "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s", + "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s", + "activity-on": "on %s", + "this-board": "this board", + "this-card": "this card", + "add": "Add", + "add-board": "Add a new board", + "add-card": "Add a card…", + "add-list": "Add a list…", + "add-members": "Add Members…", + "add-attachment": "Add an attachment…", + "added": "Added", + "attached": "attached", + "admin": "Admin", + "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.", + "already-have-account-question": "Already have an account?", + "archive": "Archive", + "archive-all": "Archive All", + "archive-list": "Archive this list", + "archive-title": "Remove the card from the board.", + "archived-items": "Archived Items", + "back": "Back", + "bio": "Bio", + "board-list-btn-title": "View list of boards", + "board-not-found": "Board not found", + "board-public-info": "This board will be public.", + "boards": "Boards", + "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example…", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "card-archived": "This card is archived.", + "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.", + "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.", + "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo. You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", + "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", + "change-avatar": "Change Avatar", + "change-background": "Change background", + "change-email": "Change Email", + "change-name-initials-bio": "Change Name, Initials, or Bio", + "change-password": "Change Password", + "change-permissions": "Change permissions…", + "close": "Close", + "close-board": "Close Board…", + "close-board-pop": "You can re-open the board by clicking the “Boards” menu from the header, selecting “View Closed Boards”, finding the board and clicking “Re-open”.", + "close-sidebar-title": "Close the board sidebar.", + "comment": "Comment", + "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment…", + "create": "Create", + "create-account": "Create an Account", + "create-new-account": "Create a new account", + "delete": "Delete", + "delete-title": "Delete the card and all history associated with it. It can’t be retrieved.", + "description": "Description", + "edit": "Edit", + "edit-description": "Edit the description…", + "edit-profile": "Edit profile", + "email": "Email", + "email-or-username": "Email or username", + "email-placeholder": "e.g.,", + "filter-cards": "Filter Cards", + "filter-clear": "Clear filter.", + "filter-on": "Filtering is on.", + "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.", + "fullname": "Full Name", + "gloabal-search": "Global Search", + "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.", + "home": "Home", + "home-button": "Sign Up—It’s Free!", + "home-login": "Or log in", + "in-list": "in list", + "info": "Infos", + "joined": "joined", + "labels": "Labels", + "labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.", + "label-create": "Create a new label", + "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", + "label-default": "%s label (default)", + "attachments": "Attachments", + "attachment": "Attachment", + "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", + "language": "Language", + "leave-board": "Leave Board…", + "link-card": "Link to this card", + "list-move-cards": "Move All Cards in This List…", + "list-archive-cards": "Archive All Cards in This List…", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.", + "log-in": "Log In", + "log-out": "Log Out", + "members": "Members", + "members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.", + "menu": "Menu", + "modal-close-title": "Close this dialog window.", + "my-boards": "My Boards", + "name": "Name", + "name-placeholder": "e.g., Dr. Frankenstein", + "new-here-question": "New here?", + "normal": "Normal", + "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", + "no-boards": "No boards.", + "no-results": "No results", + "notifications-title": "Notifications", + "optional": "optional", + "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", + "page-not-found": "Page not found.", + "password": "Password", + "password-placeholder": "e.g., ••••••••••••••••", + "private": "Private", + "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.", + "profile": "Profile", + "public": "Public", + "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", + "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board…", + "remove-member": "Remove Member", + "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card", + "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", + "add-cover": "Add Cover", + "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", + "rename": "Rename", + "save": "Save", + "search": "Search", + "computer": "Computer", + "download": "Download", + "search-member-desc": "Search for a person in LibreBoard by name or email address, or enter an email address to invite someone new.", + "search-title": "Search for boards, cards, members, and organizations.", + "select-color": "Select a color", + "send-to-board": "Send to board", + "send-to-board-title": "Send the card back to the board.", + "settings": "Settings", + "share-and-more": "Share and more…", + "share-and-more-title": "More options share, print, export, and delete.", + "show-sidebar": "Show sidebar", + "sign-up": "Sign Up", + "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", + "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", + "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", + "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.", + "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.", + "subscribe": "Subscribe", + "team": "Team", + "title": "Title", + "user-profile-not-found": "User Profile not found.", + "username": "Username", + "warning-signup": "Sign up for free", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members", + "cardMorePopup-title": "More", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board", + "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Change Visibility", + "addMemberPopup-title": "Members", + "closeBoardPopup-title": "Close Board?", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", + "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board", + "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions", + "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label", + "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Move All Cards in List", + "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Archive All Cards in this List?", + "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions", + "setLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From…", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/id.i18n.json b/i18n/id.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f65b2e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/id.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +{ + "account-details": "Account Details", + "actions": "Actions", + "activity": "Activity", + "activity-archived": "archived %s", + "activity-created": "created %s", + "activity-added": "added %s to %s", + "activity-excluded": "excluded %s from %s", + "activity-moved": "moved %s from %s to %s", + "activity-sent": "sent %s to %s", + "activity-joined": "joined %s", + "activity-unjoined": "unjoinded %s", + "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s", + "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s", + "activity-on": "on %s", + "this-board": "this board", + "this-card": "this card", + "add": "Add", + "add-board": "Add a new board", + "add-card": "Add a card…", + "add-list": "Add a list…", + "add-members": "Add Members…", + "add-attachment": "Add an attachment…", + "added": "Added", + "attached": "attached", + "admin": "Admin", + "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.", + "already-have-account-question": "Already have an account?", + "archive": "Archive", + "archive-all": "Archive All", + "archive-list": "Archive this list", + "archive-title": "Remove the card from the board.", + "archived-items": "Archived Items", + "back": "Back", + "bio": "Bio", + "board-list-btn-title": "View list of boards", + "board-not-found": "Board not found", + "board-public-info": "This board will be public.", + "boards": "Boards", + "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example…", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "card-archived": "This card is archived.", + "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.", + "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.", + "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo. You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", + "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", + "change-avatar": "Change Avatar", + "change-background": "Change background", + "change-email": "Change Email", + "change-name-initials-bio": "Change Name, Initials, or Bio", + "change-password": "Change Password", + "change-permissions": "Change permissions…", + "close": "Close", + "close-board": "Close Board…", + "close-board-pop": "You can re-open the board by clicking the “Boards” menu from the header, selecting “View Closed Boards”, finding the board and clicking “Re-open”.", + "close-sidebar-title": "Close the board sidebar.", + "comment": "Comment", + "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment…", + "create": "Create", + "create-account": "Create an Account", + "create-new-account": "Create a new account", + "delete": "Delete", + "delete-title": "Delete the card and all history associated with it. It can’t be retrieved.", + "description": "Description", + "edit": "Edit", + "edit-description": "Edit the description…", + "edit-profile": "Edit profile", + "email": "Email", + "email-or-username": "Email or username", + "email-placeholder": "e.g.,", + "filter-cards": "Filter Cards", + "filter-clear": "Clear filter.", + "filter-on": "Filtering is on.", + "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.", + "fullname": "Full Name", + "gloabal-search": "Global Search", + "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.", + "home": "Home", + "home-button": "Sign Up—It’s Free!", + "home-login": "Or log in", + "in-list": "in list", + "info": "Infos", + "joined": "joined", + "labels": "Labels", + "labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.", + "label-create": "Create a new label", + "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", + "label-default": "%s label (default)", + "attachments": "Attachments", + "attachment": "Attachment", + "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", + "language": "Language", + "leave-board": "Leave Board…", + "link-card": "Link to this card", + "list-move-cards": "Move All Cards in This List…", + "list-archive-cards": "Archive All Cards in This List…", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.", + "log-in": "Log In", + "log-out": "Log Out", + "members": "Members", + "members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.", + "menu": "Menu", + "modal-close-title": "Close this dialog window.", + "my-boards": "My Boards", + "name": "Name", + "name-placeholder": "e.g., Dr. Frankenstein", + "new-here-question": "New here?", + "normal": "Normal", + "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", + "no-boards": "No boards.", + "no-results": "No results", + "notifications-title": "Notifications", + "optional": "optional", + "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", + "page-not-found": "Page not found.", + "password": "Password", + "password-placeholder": "e.g., ••••••••••••••••", + "private": "Private", + "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.", + "profile": "Profile", + "public": "Public", + "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", + "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board…", + "remove-member": "Remove Member", + "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card", + "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", + "add-cover": "Add Cover", + "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", + "rename": "Rename", + "save": "Save", + "search": "Search", + "computer": "Computer", + "download": "Download", + "search-member-desc": "Search for a person in LibreBoard by name or email address, or enter an email address to invite someone new.", + "search-title": "Search for boards, cards, members, and organizations.", + "select-color": "Select a color", + "send-to-board": "Send to board", + "send-to-board-title": "Send the card back to the board.", + "settings": "Settings", + "share-and-more": "Share and more…", + "share-and-more-title": "More options share, print, export, and delete.", + "show-sidebar": "Show sidebar", + "sign-up": "Sign Up", + "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", + "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", + "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", + "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.", + "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.", + "subscribe": "Subscribe", + "team": "Team", + "title": "Title", + "user-profile-not-found": "User Profile not found.", + "username": "Username", + "warning-signup": "Sign up for free", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members", + "cardMorePopup-title": "More", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board", + "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Change Visibility", + "addMemberPopup-title": "Members", + "closeBoardPopup-title": "Close Board?", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", + "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board", + "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions", + "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label", + "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Move All Cards in List", + "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Archive All Cards in this List?", + "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions", + "setLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From…", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/id_ID.i18n.json b/i18n/id_ID.i18n.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5f65b2e3..00000000 --- a/i18n/id_ID.i18n.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -{ - "account-details": "Account Details", - "actions": "Actions", - "activity": "Activity", - "activity-archived": "archived %s", - "activity-created": "created %s", - "activity-added": "added %s to %s", - "activity-excluded": "excluded %s from %s", - "activity-moved": "moved %s from %s to %s", - "activity-sent": "sent %s to %s", - "activity-joined": "joined %s", - "activity-unjoined": "unjoinded %s", - "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s", - "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s", - "activity-on": "on %s", - "this-board": "this board", - "this-card": "this card", - "add": "Add", - "add-board": "Add a new board", - "add-card": "Add a card…", - "add-list": "Add a list…", - "add-members": "Add Members…", - "add-attachment": "Add an attachment…", - "added": "Added", - "attached": "attached", - "admin": "Admin", - "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.", - "already-have-account-question": "Already have an account?", - "archive": "Archive", - "archive-all": "Archive All", - "archive-list": "Archive this list", - "archive-title": "Remove the card from the board.", - "archived-items": "Archived Items", - "back": "Back", - "bio": "Bio", - "board-list-btn-title": "View list of boards", - "board-not-found": "Board not found", - "board-public-info": "This board will be public.", - "boards": "Boards", - "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example…", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "card-archived": "This card is archived.", - "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.", - "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.", - "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo. You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", - "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", - "change-avatar": "Change Avatar", - "change-background": "Change background", - "change-email": "Change Email", - "change-name-initials-bio": "Change Name, Initials, or Bio", - "change-password": "Change Password", - "change-permissions": "Change permissions…", - "close": "Close", - "close-board": "Close Board…", - "close-board-pop": "You can re-open the board by clicking the “Boards” menu from the header, selecting “View Closed Boards”, finding the board and clicking “Re-open”.", - "close-sidebar-title": "Close the board sidebar.", - "comment": "Comment", - "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment…", - "create": "Create", - "create-account": "Create an Account", - "create-new-account": "Create a new account", - "delete": "Delete", - "delete-title": "Delete the card and all history associated with it. It can’t be retrieved.", - "description": "Description", - "edit": "Edit", - "edit-description": "Edit the description…", - "edit-profile": "Edit profile", - "email": "Email", - "email-or-username": "Email or username", - "email-placeholder": "e.g.,", - "filter-cards": "Filter Cards", - "filter-clear": "Clear filter.", - "filter-on": "Filtering is on.", - "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.", - "fullname": "Full Name", - "gloabal-search": "Global Search", - "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.", - "home": "Home", - "home-button": "Sign Up—It’s Free!", - "home-login": "Or log in", - "in-list": "in list", - "info": "Infos", - "joined": "joined", - "labels": "Labels", - "labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.", - "label-create": "Create a new label", - "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", - "label-default": "%s label (default)", - "attachments": "Attachments", - "attachment": "Attachment", - "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", - "language": "Language", - "leave-board": "Leave Board…", - "link-card": "Link to this card", - "list-move-cards": "Move All Cards in This List…", - "list-archive-cards": "Archive All Cards in This List…", - "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.", - "log-in": "Log In", - "log-out": "Log Out", - "members": "Members", - "members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.", - "menu": "Menu", - "modal-close-title": "Close this dialog window.", - "my-boards": "My Boards", - "name": "Name", - "name-placeholder": "e.g., Dr. Frankenstein", - "new-here-question": "New here?", - "normal": "Normal", - "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", - "no-boards": "No boards.", - "no-results": "No results", - "notifications-title": "Notifications", - "optional": "optional", - "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", - "page-not-found": "Page not found.", - "password": "Password", - "password-placeholder": "e.g., ••••••••••••••••", - "private": "Private", - "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.", - "profile": "Profile", - "public": "Public", - "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", - "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board…", - "remove-member": "Remove Member", - "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card", - "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", - "add-cover": "Add Cover", - "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", - "rename": "Rename", - "save": "Save", - "search": "Search", - "computer": "Computer", - "download": "Download", - "search-member-desc": "Search for a person in LibreBoard by name or email address, or enter an email address to invite someone new.", - "search-title": "Search for boards, cards, members, and organizations.", - "select-color": "Select a color", - "send-to-board": "Send to board", - "send-to-board-title": "Send the card back to the board.", - "settings": "Settings", - "share-and-more": "Share and more…", - "share-and-more-title": "More options share, print, export, and delete.", - "show-sidebar": "Show sidebar", - "sign-up": "Sign Up", - "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", - "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", - "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", - "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.", - "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.", - "subscribe": "Subscribe", - "team": "Team", - "title": "Title", - "user-profile-not-found": "User Profile not found.", - "username": "Username", - "warning-signup": "Sign up for free", - "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels", - "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members", - "cardMorePopup-title": "More", - "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?", - "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board", - "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Change Visibility", - "addMemberPopup-title": "Members", - "closeBoardPopup-title": "Close Board?", - "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", - "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board", - "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions", - "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label", - "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Move All Cards in List", - "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Archive All Cards in this List?", - "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label", - "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?", - "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions", - "setLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language", - "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From…", - "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json b/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json deleted file mode 100644 index 128e18c1..00000000 --- a/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -{ - "account-details": "Detalhes da Conta", - "actions": "Ações", - "activity": "Atividade", - "activity-archived": "arquivou %s", - "activity-created": "criou %s", - "activity-added": "adicionou %s a %s", - "activity-excluded": "excluiu %s de %s", - "activity-moved": "moveu %s de %s para %s", - "activity-sent": "enviou %s de %s", - "activity-joined": "juntou-se a %s", - "activity-unjoined": "deixou %s", - "activity-removed": "removeu %s de %s", - "activity-attached": "anexou %s a %s", - "activity-on": "em %s", - "this-board": "este quadro", - "this-card": "este cartão", - "add": "Novo", - "add-board": "Criar um quadro novo", - "add-card": "Criar um cartão…", - "add-list": "Criar uma lista…", - "add-members": "Adicionar membros…", - "add-attachment": "Adicionar anexos…", - "added": "Criado", - "attached": "anexado", - "admin": "Administrador", - "admin-desc": "Pode ver e editar cartões, remover membros e alterar configurações do quadro.", - "already-have-account-question": "Já possui uma conta?", - "archive": "Arquivar", - "archive-all": "Arquivar Tudo", - "archive-list": "Arquivar esta lista", - "archive-title": "Remover cartão do quadro.", - "archived-items": "Itens Arquivados", - "back": "Voltar", - "bio": "Biografia", - "board-list-btn-title": "Ver lista de quadros", - "board-not-found": "Quadro não encontrado", - "board-public-info": "Este quadro será público.", - "boards": "Quadros", - "bucket-example": "Curtir “Lista de Balde”, por exemplo…", - "cancel": "Cancelar", - "card-archived": "Este cartão está arquivado.", - "card-comments-title": "Este cartão possui %s comentários.", - "card-delete-notice": "A exclusão será permanente. Você perderá todas as ações associadas a este cartão.", - "card-delete-pop": "Todas as ações serão excluídas da lista de atividades e o cartão não poderá ser reaberto. Você pode arquivá-lo para removê-lo do quadro preservando sua atividade.", - "attachment-delete-pop": "Excluir um anexo é permanente. Não será possível recuperá-lo.", - "change-avatar": "Alterar Avatar", - "change-background": "Alterar plano de fundo", - "change-email": "Alterar E-mail", - "change-name-initials-bio": "Alterar Nome, Iniciais ou Biografia", - "change-password": "Alterar Senha", - "change-permissions": "Alterar permissões…", - "close": "Fechar", - "close-board": "Fechar Quadro…", - "close-board-pop": "Você pode reabrir um quadro clicando em “Quadros” no menu no cabeçalho, selecionando “Exibir Quadros Fechados”, encontrando-o e clicando em “Reabrir”.", - "close-sidebar-title": "Fechar barra lateral.", - "comment": "Comentário", - "comment-placeholder": "Comentar…", - "create": "Criar", - "create-account": "Criar uma Conta", - "create-new-account": "Criar uma nova conta", - "delete": "Excluir", - "delete-title": "Excluir cartão e todo o seu histórico. Não será possível recuperá-lo.", - "description": "Descrição", - "edit": "Editar", - "edit-description": "Editar a descrição…", - "edit-profile": "Editar perfil", - "email": "E-mail", - "email-or-username": "E-mail ou nome de usuário", - "email-placeholder": "ex.:", - "filter-cards": "Filtrar Cartões", - "filter-clear": "Limpar filtro.", - "filter-on": "Filtro ativado.", - "filter-on-desc": "Você está filtrando cartões neste quadro. Clique aqui para editar o filtro.", - "fullname": "Nome Completo", - "gloabal-search": "Busca Global", - "header-logo-title": "Voltar para a lista de quadros.", - "home": "Início", - "home-button": "Cadastre-se. É gratuito!", - "home-login": "Ou entre", - "in-list": "na lista", - "info": "Informações", - "joined": "juntou-se", - "labels": "Etiquetas", - "labels-title": "Alterar etiquetas do cartão.", - "label-create": "Criar uma nova etiqueta", - "label-delete-pop": "Não será possível recuperá-la. A etiqueta será removida de todos os cartões e seu histórico será destruído.", - "label-default": "%s etiqueta (padrão)", - "attachments": "Anexos", - "attachment": "Anexo", - "last-admin-desc": "Você não pode alterar funções porque deve existir pelo menos um administrador.", - "language": "Idioma", - "leave-board": "Deixar Quadro…", - "link-card": "Vincular a este cartão", - "list-move-cards": "Mover Todos Os Cartões nesta Lista…", - "list-archive-cards": "Arquivar Todos Os Cartões nesta Lista…", - "list-archive-cards-pop": "Isto removerá todos os cartões desta lista do quadro. Para visualizar os cartões arquivados e trazê-los de volta para o quadro, clique em “Menu” > “Itens Arquivados”.", - "log-in": "Entrar", - "log-out": "Sair", - "members": "Membros", - "members-title": "Acrescentar ou remover membros do quadro deste cartão.", - "menu": "Menu", - "modal-close-title": "Fechar esta janela.", - "my-boards": "Meus Quadros", - "name": "Nome", - "name-placeholder": "ex.: Dr. Frankenstein", - "new-here-question": "Novo aqui?", - "normal": "Normal", - "normal-desc": "Pode ver e editar cartões. Não pode alterar configurações.", - "no-boards": "Nenhum quadro.", - "no-results": "Nenhum resultado.", - "notifications-title": "Notificações", - "optional": "opcional", - "page-maybe-private": "Esta página pode ser privada. Você poderá vê-la se estiver logado.", - "page-not-found": "Página não encontrada.", - "password": "Senha", - "password-placeholder": "ex.: ••••••••••••••••", - "private": "Privado", - "private-desc": "Este quadro é privado. Apenas seus membros podem acessar e editá-lo.", - "profile": "Perfil", - "public": "Público", - "public-desc": "Este quadro é público. Ele é visível a qualquer pessoa com o link e será exibido em mecanismos de busca como o Google. Apenas seus membros podem editá-lo.", - "remove-from-board": "Remover do Quadro…", - "remove-member": "Remover Membro", - "remove-member-from-card": "Remover do Cartão", - "remove-member-pop": "Remover __name__ (__username__) de __boardTitle__? O membro será removido de todos os cartões neste quadro e será notificado.", - "add-cover": "Add Cover", - "remove-cover": "Remover Capa", - "rename": "Renomear", - "save": "Salvar", - "search": "Buscar", - "computer": "Computador", - "download": "Baixar", - "search-member-desc": "Busque uma pessoa no LibreBoard por nome ou e-mail, ou digite um e-mail para convidar alguém.", - "search-title": "Busque quadros, cartões, membros e organizações.", - "select-color": "Selecionar uma cor", - "send-to-board": "Enviar para o quadro", - "send-to-board-title": "Enviar cartão de volta para o quadro.", - "settings": "Configurações", - "share-and-more": "Compartilhar e mais…", - "share-and-more-title": "Mais opções: compartilhar, imprimir, exportar e excluir.", - "show-sidebar": "Exibir barra lateral", - "sign-up": "Cadastre-se", - "star-board-title": "Clique para marcar este quadro como favorito. Ele aparecerá no topo na lista dos seus quadros.", - "starred-boards": "Quadros Favoritos", - "starred-boards-description": "Quadros favoritos aparecem no topo da lista dos seus quadros.", - "click-to-star": "Marcar quadro como favorito.", - "click-to-unstar": "Remover quadro dos favoritos.", - "subscribe": "Acompanhar", - "team": "Equipe", - "title": "Título", - "user-profile-not-found": "Perfil de usuário não encontrado.", - "username": "Nome de usuário", - "warning-signup": "Cadastre-se gratuitamente", - "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etiquetas", - "cardMembersPopup-title": "Membros", - "cardMorePopup-title": "Mais", - "cardDeletePopup-title": "Excluir Cartão?", - "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Renomear Quadro", - "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Alterar Visibilidade", - "addMemberPopup-title": "Membros", - "closeBoardPopup-title": "Fechar Quadro?", - "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remover Membro?", - "createBoardPopup-title": "Criar Quadro", - "listActionPopup-title": "Listar Ações", - 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"change-avatar": "更改头像", - "change-background": "更改背景", - "change-email": "更改邮箱", - "change-name-initials-bio": "更改姓名,昵称或简介", - "change-password": "更改密码", - "change-permissions": "更改权限", - "close": "关闭", - "close-board": "关闭看板", - "close-board-pop": "你可以通过点击头部的\"看板\"菜单,选择\"浏览已关闭看板\",查找看板并且点击\"重开\"来重开看板。", - "close-sidebar-title": "关闭看板侧边栏", - "comment": "评论", - "comment-placeholder": "撰写评论", - "create": "创建", - "create-account": " 创建账户", - "create-new-account": "创建新账户", - "delete": "删除", - "delete-title": "删除该卡片以及与该卡片有关的任何历史记录,此操作不可逆。", - "description": "描述", - "edit": "编辑", - "edit-description": "编辑描述...", - "edit-profile": "编辑资料", - "email": "邮箱", - "email-or-username": "邮箱或用户名", - "email-placeholder": "例如", - "filter-cards": "过滤卡片", - "filter-clear": "清除过滤.", - "filter-on": "过滤已开启", - "filter-on-desc": "你正在过滤该看板上的卡片,点此编辑过滤。", - "fullname": "全称", - "gloabal-search": "全局搜索", - "header-logo-title": "返回您的看板页", - "home": "首页", - "home-button": "免费注册", - "home-login": "或登录", - "in-list": "在列表中", - "info": "信息", - "joined": "关联", - "labels": "标签", - "labels-title": "更改该卡片上的标签", - "label-create": "创建新标签", - "label-delete-pop": "此操作不可逆,这将会删除该标签并清除它的历史记录。", - "label-default": "%s 标签 (默认)", - "attachments": "附件", - "attachment": "附件", - "last-admin-desc": "你不能更改角色,因为至少需要一名管理员。", - "language": "语言", - "leave-board": "离开看板", - "link-card": "关联至该卡片", - "list-move-cards": "移动该列表中的所有卡片...", - "list-archive-cards": "归档该列表中的所有卡片...", - "list-archive-cards-pop": "这将会从本看板中移除该列表中的所有卡片。如果需要浏览已归档的卡片并且将其恢复至看板,请点击\"菜单\">\"归档项\"", - "log-in": "登录", - "log-out": "登出", - "members": "成员", - "members-title": "在该卡片中添加或移除看板成员", - "menu": "菜单", - "modal-close-title": "关闭提示窗", - "my-boards": "我的看板", - "name": "名称", - "name-placeholder": "例如 弗兰克斯坦因博士", - "new-here-question": "初学者?", - "normal": "普通", - "normal-desc": "可以创建以及编辑卡片,无法更改设置。", - "no-boards": "无看板。", - "no-results": "无结果", - "notifications-title": "提示", - "optional": "可选", - "page-maybe-private": "本页面被设为私有. 您必须 登录以浏览其中内容。", - "page-not-found": "页面不存在。", - 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"starred-boards": "已标记看板", - "starred-boards-description": "已标记看板将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。", - "click-to-star": "点此来标记该看板", - "click-to-unstar": "点此来去除该看板的标记", - "subscribe": "订阅", - "team": "团队", - "title": "标题", - "user-profile-not-found": "用户资料未找到", - "username": "用户名", - "warning-signup": "免费注册", - "cardLabelsPopup-title": "标签", - "cardMembersPopup-title": "成员", - "cardMorePopup-title": "更多", - "cardDeletePopup-title": "删除卡片?", - "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "重命名看板", - "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "更改可视级别", - "addMemberPopup-title": "成员", - "closeBoardPopup-title": "关闭看板?", - "removeMemberPopup-title": "删除成员?", - "createBoardPopup-title": "创建看板", - "listActionPopup-title": "列出动作", - "editLabelPopup-title": "更改标签", - "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "移动该列表的所有卡片", - "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "归档该列表中的所有卡片?", - "createLabelPopup-title": "创建标签", - "deleteLabelPopup-title": "删除标签?", - "changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改权限", - "setLanguagePopup-title": "更改语言", - "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "附加自...", - "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "删除附件?" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/zh_HK.i18n.json b/i18n/zh_HK.i18n.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5f65b2e3..00000000 --- a/i18n/zh_HK.i18n.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -{ - "account-details": "Account Details", - "actions": "Actions", - "activity": "Activity", - "activity-archived": "archived %s", - "activity-created": "created %s", - "activity-added": "added %s to %s", - "activity-excluded": "excluded %s from %s", - "activity-moved": "moved %s from %s to %s", - "activity-sent": "sent %s to %s", - "activity-joined": "joined %s", - "activity-unjoined": "unjoinded %s", - "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s", - "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s", - "activity-on": "on %s", - "this-board": "this board", - "this-card": "this card", - "add": "Add", - "add-board": "Add a new board", - "add-card": "Add a card…", - "add-list": "Add a list…", - "add-members": "Add Members…", - "add-attachment": "Add an attachment…", - "added": "Added", - "attached": "attached", - "admin": "Admin", - "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.", - "already-have-account-question": "Already have an account?", - "archive": "Archive", - "archive-all": "Archive All", - "archive-list": "Archive this list", - "archive-title": "Remove the card from the board.", - "archived-items": "Archived Items", - "back": "Back", - "bio": "Bio", - "board-list-btn-title": "View list of boards", - "board-not-found": "Board not found", - "board-public-info": "This board will be public.", - "boards": "Boards", - "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example…", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "card-archived": "This card is archived.", - "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.", - "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.", - "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo. You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", - "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.", - "change-avatar": "Change Avatar", - "change-background": "Change background", - "change-email": "Change Email", - "change-name-initials-bio": "Change Name, Initials, or Bio", - "change-password": "Change Password", - "change-permissions": "Change permissions…", - "close": "Close", - "close-board": "Close Board…", - "close-board-pop": "You can re-open the board by clicking the “Boards” menu from the header, selecting “View Closed Boards”, finding the board and clicking “Re-open”.", - "close-sidebar-title": "Close the board sidebar.", - "comment": "Comment", - "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment…", - "create": "Create", - "create-account": "Create an Account", - "create-new-account": "Create a new account", - "delete": "Delete", - "delete-title": "Delete the card and all history associated with it. It can’t be retrieved.", - "description": "Description", - "edit": "Edit", - "edit-description": "Edit the description…", - "edit-profile": "Edit profile", - "email": "Email", - "email-or-username": "Email or username", - "email-placeholder": "e.g.,", - "filter-cards": "Filter Cards", - "filter-clear": "Clear filter.", - "filter-on": "Filtering is on.", - "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.", - "fullname": "Full Name", - "gloabal-search": "Global Search", - "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.", - "home": "Home", - "home-button": "Sign Up—It’s Free!", - "home-login": "Or log in", - "in-list": "in list", - "info": "Infos", - "joined": "joined", - "labels": "Labels", - "labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.", - "label-create": "Create a new label", - "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", - "label-default": "%s label (default)", - "attachments": "Attachments", - "attachment": "Attachment", - "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", - "language": "Language", - "leave-board": "Leave Board…", - "link-card": "Link to this card", - "list-move-cards": "Move All Cards in This List…", - "list-archive-cards": "Archive All Cards in This List…", - "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.", - "log-in": "Log In", - "log-out": "Log Out", - "members": "Members", - "members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.", - "menu": "Menu", - "modal-close-title": "Close this dialog window.", - "my-boards": "My Boards", - "name": "Name", - "name-placeholder": "e.g., Dr. Frankenstein", - "new-here-question": "New here?", - "normal": "Normal", - "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.", - "no-boards": "No boards.", - "no-results": "No results", - "notifications-title": "Notifications", - "optional": "optional", - "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by logging in.", - "page-not-found": "Page not found.", - "password": "Password", - "password-placeholder": "e.g., ••••••••••••••••", - "private": "Private", - "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.", - "profile": "Profile", - "public": "Public", - "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", - "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board…", - "remove-member": "Remove Member", - "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card", - "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", - "add-cover": "Add Cover", - "remove-cover": "Remove Cover", - "rename": "Rename", - "save": "Save", - "search": "Search", - "computer": "Computer", - "download": "Download", - "search-member-desc": "Search for a person in LibreBoard by name or email address, or enter an email address to invite someone new.", - "search-title": "Search for boards, cards, members, and organizations.", - "select-color": "Select a color", - "send-to-board": "Send to board", - "send-to-board-title": "Send the card back to the board.", - "settings": "Settings", - "share-and-more": "Share and more…", - "share-and-more-title": "More options share, print, export, and delete.", - "show-sidebar": "Show sidebar", - "sign-up": "Sign Up", - "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", - "starred-boards": "Starred Boards", - "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", - "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.", - "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.", - "subscribe": "Subscribe", - "team": "Team", - "title": "Title", - "user-profile-not-found": "User Profile not found.", - "username": "Username", - "warning-signup": "Sign up for free", - "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels", - "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members", - "cardMorePopup-title": "More", - "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?", - "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board", - "boardChangePermissionPopup-title": "Change Visibility", - "addMemberPopup-title": "Members", - "closeBoardPopup-title": "Close Board?", - "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?", - "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board", - "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions", - "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label", - "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "Move All Cards in List", - "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "Archive All Cards in this List?", - "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label", - "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?", - "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions", - "setLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language", - "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From…", - "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?" -} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3-1-g7c22