path: root/client/components
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Diffstat (limited to 'client/components')
3 files changed, 70 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/boards/boardsList.jade b/client/components/boards/boardsList.jade
index 46086693..bbce1d6f 100644
--- a/client/components/boards/boardsList.jade
+++ b/client/components/boards/boardsList.jade
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- ul.board-list.clearfix
+ ul.board-list.clearfix.js-boards
a.board-list-item.label {{_ 'add-board'}}
each boards
- li(class="{{#if isStarred}}starred{{/if}}" class=colorClass)
+ li(class="{{#if isStarred}}starred{{/if}}" class=colorClass).js-board
if isInvited
diff --git a/client/components/boards/boardsList.js b/client/components/boards/boardsList.js
index aabc98e8..d2d44407 100644
--- a/client/components/boards/boardsList.js
+++ b/client/components/boards/boardsList.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
const subManager = new SubsManager();
+const { calculateIndex, enableClickOnTouch } = Utils;{
'click .js-open-archived-board'() {
@@ -23,6 +24,59 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+ onRendered() {
+ const self = this;
+ function userIsAllowedToMove() {
+ return Meteor.user();
+ }
+ const itemsSelector = '.js-board:not(.placeholder)';
+ const $boards = this.$('.js-boards');
+ $boards.sortable({
+ connectWith: '.js-boards',
+ tolerance: 'pointer',
+ appendTo: '.board-list',
+ helper: 'clone',
+ distance: 7,
+ items: itemsSelector,
+ placeholder: 'board-wrapper placeholder',
+ start(evt, ui) {
+ ui.helper.css('z-index', 1000);
+ ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height());
+ EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-close');
+ },
+ stop(evt, ui) {
+ // To attribute the new index number, we need to get the DOM element
+ // of the previous and the following card -- if any.
+ const prevCardDom = ui.item.prev('.js-board').get(0);
+ const nextCardDom ='.js-board').get(0);
+ const sortIndex = calculateIndex(prevCardDom, nextCardDom, 1);
+ const boardDomElement = ui.item.get(0);
+ const board = Blaze.getData(boardDomElement);
+ // Normally the jquery-ui sortable library moves the dragged DOM element
+ // to its new position, which disrupts Blaze reactive updates mechanism
+ // (especially when we move the last card of a list, or when multiple
+ // users move some cards at the same time). To prevent these UX glitches
+ // we ask sortable to gracefully cancel the move, and to put back the
+ // DOM in its initial state. The card move is then handled reactively by
+ // Blaze with the below query.
+ $boards.sortable('cancel');
+ board.move(sortIndex.base);
+ },
+ });
+ // ugly touch event hotfix
+ enableClickOnTouch(itemsSelector);
+ // Disable drag-dropping if the current user is not a board member or is comment only
+ this.autorun(() => {
+ $boards.sortable('option', 'disabled', !userIsAllowedToMove());
+ });
+ },
boards() {
let query = {
archived: false,
diff --git a/client/components/boards/boardsList.styl b/client/components/boards/boardsList.styl
index ae366e83..d12a0337 100644
--- a/client/components/boards/boardsList.styl
+++ b/client/components/boards/boardsList.styl
@@ -11,6 +11,19 @@ $spaceBetweenTiles = 16px
box-sizing: border-box
position: relative
+ &.placeholder:after
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ background: darken(white, 20%)
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ height: 106px;
+ margin: 8px;
+ &.ui-sortable-helper
+ cursor: grabbing
+ transform: rotate(4deg)
+ display: block !important
@@ -183,7 +196,7 @@ $spaceBetweenTiles = 16px
overflow: scroll
- width: 50%
+ width: 50%
overflow: hidden