path: root/client/components
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'client/components')
24 files changed, 582 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.jade b/client/components/activities/activities.jade
index 8ecbdee8..c86936a0 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/activities.jade
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.jade
@@ -8,234 +8,201 @@ template(name="activities")
- each currentBoard.activities
- .activity
- +userAvatar(userId=user._id)
- p.activity-desc
- +memberName(user=user)
+ each activityData in currentBoard.activities
+ +activity(activity=activityData card=card mode=mode)
- if($eq activityType 'deleteAttachment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-delete-attach' cardLink}}}.
+ each activityData in currentCard.activities
+ +activity(activity=activityData card=card mode=mode)
+ .activity
+ +userAvatar(userId=activity.user._id)
+ p.activity-desc
+ +memberName(user=activity.user)
+ //- attachment activity -------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'deleteAttachment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-delete-attach' cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addAttachment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLink}}}.
+ if($neq mode 'board')
+ if activity.attachment.isImage
+ img.attachment-image-preview(src=activity.attachment.url)
+ //- board activity ------------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq mode 'board')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'createBoard')
+ | {{_ 'activity-created' boardLabel}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addAttachment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'importBoard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-imported-board' boardLabel sourceLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addBoardMember')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addBoardMember')
| {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addComment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-on' cardLink}}}
- a.activity-comment(href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}")
- +viewer
- = comment.text
- if($eq activityType 'addChecklist')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-added' cardLink}}}.
- .activity-checklist(href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}")
- +viewer
- = checklist.title
- if($eq activityType 'removeChecklist')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-removed' cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'checkedItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checked-item' checkItem checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'uncheckedItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-unchecked-item' checkItem checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'checklistCompleted')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-completed' checklist.title cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'removeBoardMember')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-excluded' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'checklistUncompleted')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-uncompleted' checklist.title cardLink}}}.
+ //- card activity -------------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'createCard')
+ if($eq mode 'card')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel activity.listName}}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addChecklistItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-item-added' checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- .activity-checklist(href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}")
- +viewer
- = checklistItem.title
- if($eq activityType 'removedChecklistItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-item-removed' checklist.title cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'importCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-imported' cardLink boardLabel sourceLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'archivedCard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-archived' cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'moveCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLabel activity.oldList.title activity.list.title}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'archivedList')
- | {{_ 'activity-archived' list.title}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'moveCardBoard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink activity.oldBoardName activity.boardName}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'archivedSwimlane')
- | {{_ 'activity-archived' swimlane.title}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'archivedCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-archived' cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'createBoard')
- | {{_ 'activity-created' boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'restoredCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-sent' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'createCard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
+ //- checklist activity --------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addChecklist')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-added' cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq mode 'card')
+ .activity-checklist
+ +viewer
+ = activity.checklist.title
+ else
+ a.activity-checklist(href="{{ activity.card.absoluteUrl }}")
+ +viewer
+ = activity.checklist.title
- if($eq activityType 'createCustomField')
- | {{_ 'activity-customfield-created' customField}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'removedChecklist')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-removed' cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'createList')
- | {{_ 'activity-added' list.title boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'completeChecklist')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-completed' activity.checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'createSwimlane')
- | {{_ 'activity-added' swimlane.title boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'uncompleteChecklist')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-uncompleted' activity.checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'removeList')
- | {{_ 'activity-removed' title boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'checkedItem')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checked-item' checkItem activity.checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'importBoard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-imported-board' boardLabel sourceLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'uncheckedItem')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-unchecked-item' checkItem activity.checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'importCard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-imported' cardLink boardLabel sourceLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addChecklistItem')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-item-added' activity.checklist.title cardLink}}}.
+ .activity-checklist(href="{{ activity.card.absoluteUrl }}")
+ +viewer
+ = activity.checklistItem.title
- if($eq activityType 'importList')
- | {{{_ 'activity-imported' listLabel boardLabel sourceLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'removedChecklistItem')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-item-removed' activity.checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'joinMember')
- if($eq user._id member._id)
- | {{{_ 'activity-joined' cardLink}}}.
+ //- comment activity ----------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq mode 'card')
+ //- if we are in card mode we display the comment in a way that it
+ //- can be edited by the owner
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addComment')
+ +inlinedForm(classNames='js-edit-comment')
+ +editor(autofocus=true)
+ = activity.comment.text
+ .edit-controls
+ button.primary(type="submit") {{_ 'edit'}}
- | {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'moveCardBoard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink oldBoardName boardName}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'moveCard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink oldList.title list.title}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'removeBoardMember')
- | {{{_ 'activity-excluded' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
+ .activity-comment
+ +viewer
+ = activity.comment.text
+ span(title=activity.createdAt).activity-meta {{ moment activity.createdAt }}
+ if ($eq currentUser._id activity.comment.userId)
+ = ' - '
+ a.js-open-inlined-form {{_ "edit"}}
+ = ' - '
+ a.js-delete-comment {{_ "delete"}}
- if($eq activityType 'restoredCard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-sent' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'deleteComment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-deleteComment' currentData.commentId}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addedLabel')
- | {{{_ 'activity-added-label' lastLabel cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'editComment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-editComment' currentData.commentId}}}.
+ else
+ //- if we are not in card mode we only display a summary of the comment
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addComment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-on' cardLink}}}
+ a.activity-comment(href="{{ activity.card.absoluteUrl }}")
+ +viewer
+ = activity.comment.text
- if($eq activityType 'removedLabel')
- | {{{_ 'activity-removed-label' lastLabel cardLink}}}.
+ //- customField activity ------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq mode 'board')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'createCustomField')
+ | {{_ 'activity-customfield-created' customField}}.
- if($eq activityType 'setCustomField')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'setCustomField')
| {{{_ 'activity-set-customfield' lastCustomField lastCustomFieldValue cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'unsetCustomField')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'unsetCustomField')
| {{{_ 'activity-unset-customfield' lastCustomField cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'unjoinMember')
- if($eq user._id member._id)
- | {{{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLink}}}.
- else
- | {{{_ 'activity-removed' memberLink cardLink}}}.
+ //- label activity ------------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'addedLabel')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added-label' lastLabel cardLink}}}.
- span(title=createdAt).activity-meta {{ moment createdAt }}
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'removedLabel')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-removed-label' lastLabel cardLink}}}.
- each currentCard.activities
- .activity
- +userAvatar(userId=user._id)
- p.activity-desc
- +memberName(user=user)
- if($eq activityType 'createCard')
- | {{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel listName}}.
- if($eq activityType 'importCard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-imported' cardLabel list.title sourceLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'joinMember')
- if($eq user._id member._id)
- | {{_ 'activity-joined' cardLabel}}.
- else
- | {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink cardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'unjoinMember')
- if($eq user._id member._id)
- | {{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLabel}}.
- else
- | {{{_ 'activity-removed' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'archivedCard')
- | {{_ 'activity-archived' cardLabel}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addedLabel')
- | {{{_ 'activity-added-label-card' lastLabel }}}.
+ //- list activity -------------------------------------------------------
+ if($neq mode 'card')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'createList')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' listLabel boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'removedLabel')
- | {{{_ 'activity-removed-label-card' lastLabel }}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'importList')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-imported' listLabel boardLabel sourceLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'removeChecklist')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-removed' cardLabel}}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'removeList')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-removed' activity.title boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'checkedItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checked-item-card' checkItem checklist.title }}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'archivedList')
+ | {{_ 'activity-archived' listLabel}}.
- if($eq activityType 'uncheckedItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-unchecked-item-card' checkItem checklist.title }}}.
+ //- member activity ----------------------------------------------------
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'joinMember')
+ if($eq user._id activity.member._id)
+ | {{{_ 'activity-joined' cardLink}}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'checklistCompleted')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-completed-card' checklist.title }}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'unjoinMember')
+ if($eq user._id activity.member._id)
+ | {{{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLink}}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-removed' memberLink cardLink}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'checklistUncompleted')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-uncompleted-card' checklist.title }}}.
+ //- swimlane activity --------------------------------------------------
+ if($neq mode 'card')
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'createSwimlane')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' activity.swimlane.title boardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'restoredCard')
- | {{_ 'activity-sent' cardLabel boardLabel}}.
- if($eq activityType 'moveCard')
- | {{_ 'activity-moved' cardLabel oldList.title list.title}}.
+ if($eq activity.activityType 'archivedSwimlane')
+ | {{_ 'activity-archived' activity.swimlane.title}}.
- if($eq activityType 'moveCardBoard')
- | {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink oldBoardName boardName}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addAttachment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLabel}}}.
- if attachment.isImage
- img.attachment-image-preview(src=attachment.url)
- if($eq activityType 'deleteAttachment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-delete-attach' cardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'removedChecklist')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-removed' cardLabel}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addChecklist')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-added' cardLabel}}}.
- .activity-checklist
- +viewer
- = checklist.title
- if($eq activityType 'addChecklistItem')
- | {{{_ 'activity-checklist-item-added' checklist.title cardLink}}}.
- .activity-checklist(href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}")
- +viewer
- = checklistItem.title
- if(currentData.timeKey)
- | {{{_ activityType }}}
+ //- I don't understand this part ----------------------------------------
+ if(currentData.timeKey)
+ | {{{_ activity.activityType }}}
+ = ' '
+ i(title=currentData.timeValue).activity-meta {{ moment currentData.timeValue 'LLL' }}
+ if (currentData.timeOldValue)
= ' '
- i(title=currentData.timeValue).activity-meta {{ moment currentData.timeValue 'LLL' }}
- if (currentData.timeOldValue)
- = ' '
- | {{{_ "previous_as" }}}
- = ' '
- i(title=currentData.timeOldValue).activity-meta {{ moment currentData.timeOldValue 'LLL' }}
- = ' @'
- else if(currentData.timeValue)
- | {{{_ activityType currentData.timeValue}}}
- if($eq activityType 'deleteComment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-deleteComment' currentData.commentId}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'editComment')
- | {{{_ 'activity-editComment' currentData.commentId}}}.
- if($eq activityType 'addComment')
- +inlinedForm(classNames='js-edit-comment')
- +editor(autofocus=true)
- = comment.text
- .edit-controls
- button.primary(type="submit") {{_ 'edit'}}
- else
- .activity-comment
- +viewer
- = comment.text
- span(title=createdAt).activity-meta {{ moment createdAt }}
- if ($eq currentUser._id comment.userId)
- = ' - '
- a.js-open-inlined-form {{_ "edit"}}
- = ' - '
- a.js-delete-comment {{_ "delete"}}
- else
- span(title=createdAt).activity-meta {{ moment createdAt }}
+ | {{{_ "previous_as" }}}
+ = ' '
+ i(title=currentData.timeOldValue).activity-meta {{ moment currentData.timeOldValue 'LLL' }}
+ = ' @'
+ else if(currentData.timeValue)
+ | {{{_ activity.activityType currentData.timeValue}}}
+ span(title=activity.createdAt).activity-meta {{ moment activity.createdAt }}
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.js b/client/components/activities/activities.js
index b082273a..36214e19 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/activities.js
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.js
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
loadNextPage() {
if (this.loadNextPageLocked === false) { + 1);
@@ -50,41 +52,37 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
checkItem() {
- const checkItemId = this.currentData().checklistItemId;
+ const checkItemId = this.currentData().activity.checklistItemId;
const checkItem = ChecklistItems.findOne({ _id: checkItemId });
- return checkItem.title;
+ return checkItem && checkItem.title;
boardLabel() {
+ const data = this.currentData();
+ if (data.mode !== 'board') {
+ return createBoardLink(data.activity.board(), data.activity.listName);
+ }
return TAPi18n.__('this-board');
cardLabel() {
+ const data = this.currentData();
+ if (data.mode !== 'card') {
+ return createCardLink(this.currentData().activity.card());
+ }
return TAPi18n.__('this-card');
cardLink() {
- const card = this.currentData().card();
- return (
- card &&
- Blaze.toHTML(
- {
- href: card.absoluteUrl(),
- class: 'action-card',
- },
- card.title,
- ),
- )
- );
+ return createCardLink(this.currentData().activity.card());
lastLabel() {
- const lastLabelId = this.currentData().labelId;
+ const lastLabelId = this.currentData().activity.labelId;
if (!lastLabelId) return null;
- const lastLabel = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard')).getLabelById(
- lastLabelId,
- );
+ const lastLabel = Boards.findOne(
+ this.currentData().activity.boardId,
+ ).getLabelById(lastLabelId);
if (lastLabel && ( === undefined || === '')) {
return lastLabel.color;
} else {
@@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
lastCustomField() {
const lastCustomField = CustomFields.findOne(
- this.currentData().customFieldId,
+ this.currentData().activity.customFieldId,
if (!lastCustomField) return null;
@@ -102,10 +100,10 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
lastCustomFieldValue() {
const lastCustomField = CustomFields.findOne(
- this.currentData().customFieldId,
+ this.currentData().activity.customFieldId,
if (!lastCustomField) return null;
- const value = this.currentData().value;
+ const value = this.currentData().activity.value;
if (
lastCustomField.settings.dropdownItems &&
lastCustomField.settings.dropdownItems.length > 0
@@ -122,11 +120,13 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
listLabel() {
- return this.currentData().list().title;
+ const activity = this.currentData().activity;
+ const list = activity.list();
+ return (list && list.title) || activity.title;
sourceLink() {
- const source = this.currentData().source;
+ const source = this.currentData().activity.source;
if (source) {
if (source.url) {
return Blaze.toHTML(
@@ -146,30 +146,31 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
memberLink() {
return Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.memberName, {
- user: this.currentData().member(),
+ user: this.currentData().activity.member(),
attachmentLink() {
- const attachment = this.currentData().attachment();
+ const attachment = this.currentData().activity.attachment();
// trying to display url before file is stored generates js errors
return (
- attachment &&
- attachment.url({ download: true }) &&
- Blaze.toHTML(
- {
- href: attachment.url({ download: true }),
- target: '_blank',
- },
- ),
- )
+ (attachment &&
+ attachment.url({ download: true }) &&
+ Blaze.toHTML(
+ {
+ href: attachment.url({ download: true }),
+ target: '_blank',
+ },
+ ),
+ )) ||
+ this.currentData().activity.attachmentName
customField() {
- const customField = this.currentData().customField();
+ const customField = this.currentData().activity.customField();
if (!customField) return null;
@@ -199,4 +200,36 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+function createCardLink(card) {
+ return (
+ card &&
+ Blaze.toHTML(
+ {
+ href: card.absoluteUrl(),
+ class: 'action-card',
+ },
+ card.title,
+ ),
+ )
+ );
+function createBoardLink(board, list) {
+ let text = board.title;
+ if (list) text += `: ${list}`;
+ return (
+ board &&
+ Blaze.toHTML(
+ {
+ href: board.absoluteUrl(),
+ class: 'action-board',
+ },
+ text,
+ ),
+ )
+ );
diff --git a/client/components/activities/comments.js b/client/components/activities/comments.js
index e885459e..50ca019b 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/comments.js
+++ b/client/components/activities/comments.js
@@ -33,13 +33,6 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
- // With Richer editor is in use, and comment is submitted,
- // clear comment form with JQuery. Id #summernote is defined
- // at client/components/main/editor.jade where it previously was
- // id=id, now it is id="summernote".
- if (Meteor.settings.public.RICHER_CARD_COMMENT_EDITOR === 'true') {
- $('#summernote').summernote('code', '');
- }
diff --git a/client/components/boards/boardHeader.jade b/client/components/boards/boardHeader.jade
index 53a74f76..4c0edac4 100644
--- a/client/components/boards/boardHeader.jade
+++ b/client/components/boards/boardHeader.jade
@@ -193,20 +193,6 @@ template(name="boardChangeViewPopup")
| {{_ 'board-view-cal'}}
if $eq Utils.boardView "board-view-cal"
- if currentUser.isAdmin
- hr
- li
- with "board-view-rules"
- a.js-open-rules-view(title="{{_ 'rules'}}")
- i.fa.fa-magic
- | {{_ 'rules'}}
- else if currentUser.isBoardAdmin
- hr
- li
- with "board-view-rules"
- a.js-open-rules-view(title="{{_ 'rules'}}")
- i.fa.fa-magic
- | {{_ 'rules'}}
diff --git a/client/components/boards/boardHeader.js b/client/components/boards/boardHeader.js
index 9040ed83..dc553134 100644
--- a/client/components/boards/boardHeader.js
+++ b/client/components/boards/boardHeader.js
@@ -191,10 +191,6 @@{
- 'click .js-open-rules-view'() {
- Modal.openWide('rulesMain');
- Popup.close();
- },
const CreateBoard = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
diff --git a/client/components/cards/attachments.jade b/client/components/cards/attachments.jade
index b695ea41..61454fa7 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/attachments.jade
+++ b/client/components/cards/attachments.jade
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ template(name="attachmentsGalery")
unless currentUser.isWorker
- i.fa.fa-paperclip
+ i.fa.fa-plus
| {{_ 'add-attachment' }}
diff --git a/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade b/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade
index 615ae1d5..257ca0a8 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade
+++ b/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ template(name="cardDetails")
if canModifyCard
unless currentUser.isWorker
if currentBoard.allowsDescriptionTitle
+ hr
card-details-item-title {{_ 'description'}}
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@ template(name="cardDetails")
a.js-close-inlined-form {{_ 'discard'}}
else if getDescription
if currentBoard.allowsDescriptionTitle
+ hr
h3.card-details-item-title {{_ 'description'}}
if currentBoard.allowsDescriptionText
@@ -237,15 +239,16 @@ template(name="cardDetails")
if currentBoard.allowsChecklists
+ hr
+checklists(cardId = _id)
if currentBoard.allowsSubtasks
+subtasks(cardId = _id)
if currentBoard.allowsAttachments
- //- hr
- //- h3
- //- i.fa.fa-paperclip
- //- | {{_ 'attachments'}}
+ hr
+ h3
+ i.fa.fa-paperclip
+ | {{_ 'attachments'}}
diff --git a/client/components/cards/minicard.styl b/client/components/cards/minicard.styl
index 8607e118..7d72a588 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/minicard.styl
+++ b/client/components/cards/minicard.styl
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
border-radius: top 2px
- float: right
+ float: none
display: flex
flex-wrap: wrap
diff --git a/client/components/main/editor.jade b/client/components/main/editor.jade
index 5c5454ee..dbd61715 100644
--- a/client/components/main/editor.jade
+++ b/client/components/main/editor.jade
@@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
- // With Richer editor is in use, and comment is submitted,
- // clear comment form with JQuery Comment at
- // client/components/activities/comments.js . Id #summernote is defined
- // here at client/components/main/editor.jade where it previously was
- // id=id, now it is id="summernote".
- id="summernote"
+ id=id
placeholder="{{_ 'comment-placeholder'}}")
diff --git a/client/components/main/editor.js b/client/components/main/editor.js
index 3f09d284..081c6521 100755
--- a/client/components/main/editor.js
+++ b/client/components/main/editor.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Template.editor.onRendered(() => {
- if (Meteor.settings.public.RICHER_CARD_COMMENT_EDITOR === 'true') {
+ if (Meteor.settings.public.RICHER_CARD_COMMENT_EDITOR !== false) {
const isSmall = Utils.isMiniScreen();
const toolbar = isSmall
? [
@@ -108,45 +108,17 @@ Template.editor.onRendered(() => {
return undefined;
- // Prevent @member mentions on Add Comment input field
- // from closing card, part 1.
- let popupShown = false;
inputs.each(function(idx, input) {
mSummernotes[idx] = $(input).summernote({
- // Prevent @member mentions on Add Comment input field
- // from closing card, part 2.
- onKeydown(e) {
- if (popupShown) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- onKeyup(e) {
- if (popupShown) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
callbacks: {
- // Prevent @member mentions on Add Comment input field
- // from closing card, part 3.
- onKeydown(e) {
- if (popupShown) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- onKeyup(e) {
- if (popupShown) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
onInit(object) {
const originalInput = this;
- $(originalInput).on('input', function() {
+ $(originalInput).on('submitted', function() {
// when comment is submitted, the original textarea will be set to '', so shall we
if (!this.value) {
const sn = getSummernote(this);
- sn && sn.summernote('reset');
- object && object.editingArea.find('.note-placeholder').show();
+ sn && sn.summernote('code', '');
const jEditor = object && object.editable;
@@ -163,6 +135,7 @@ Template.editor.onRendered(() => {
onImageUpload(files) {
const $summernote = getSummernote(this);
if (files && files.length > 0) {
@@ -249,7 +222,7 @@ Template.editor.onRendered(() => {
// == Fix End ==
const original = someNote.summernote('code');
const cleaned = cleanPastedHTML(original); //this is where to call whatever clean function you want. I have mine in a different file, called CleanPastedHTML.
- someNote.summernote('reset'); //clear original
+ someNote.summernote('code', ''); //clear original
someNote.summernote('pasteHTML', cleaned); //this sets the displayed content editor to the cleaned pasted code.
setTimeout(function() {
@@ -316,15 +289,15 @@ Blaze.Template.registerHelper(
let currentMention;
while ((currentMention = mentionRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {
- const [fullMention, username] = currentMention;
+ const [fullMention, quoteduser, simple] = currentMention;
+ const username = quoteduser || simple;
const knowedUser = _.findWhere(knowedUsers, { username });
if (!knowedUser) {
const linkValue = [' ', at, knowedUser.username];
- //let linkClass = 'atMention js-open-member';
- let linkClass = 'atMention';
+ let linkClass = 'atMention js-open-member';
if (knowedUser.userId === Meteor.userId()) {
linkClass += ' me';
@@ -357,25 +330,24 @@{
// the corresponding text). Clicking a link shouldn't fire these actions, stop
// we stop these event at the viewer component level.
'click a'(event, templateInstance) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- // XXX We hijack the build-in browser action because we currently don't have
- // `_blank` attributes in viewer links, and the transformer function is
- // handled by a third party package that we can't configure easily. Fix that
- // by using directly `_blank` attribute in the rendered HTML.
- event.preventDefault();
+ let prevent = true;
const userId = event.currentTarget.dataset.userid;
if (userId) {
- // Prevent @member mentions on Add Comment input field
- // from closing card, part 4.
-'member').call({ userId }, event, templateInstance);
- event.preventDefault();
+'member').call({ userId }, event, templateInstance);
} else {
const href = event.currentTarget.href;
if (href) {, '_blank');
+ if (prevent) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ // XXX We hijack the build-in browser action because we currently don't have
+ // `_blank` attributes in viewer links, and the transformer function is
+ // handled by a third party package that we can't configure easily. Fix that
+ // by using directly `_blank` attribute in the rendered HTML.
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/main/header.jade b/client/components/main/header.jade
index 75e84c0c..9a5a6b9b 100644
--- a/client/components/main/header.jade
+++ b/client/components/main/header.jade
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ template(name="header")
i.fa.fa-plus(title="Create a new board")
+ +notifications
diff --git a/client/components/main/header.styl b/client/components/main/header.styl
index f77c2aca..632d1535 100644
--- a/client/components/main/header.styl
+++ b/client/components/main/header.styl
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
height: 28px
font-size: 12px
display: flex
- z-index: 17
+ z-index: 21
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notification.jade b/client/components/notifications/notification.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c98bbdba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notification.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ li.notification(class="{{#if read}}read{{/if}}")
+ .read-status
+ .materialCheckBox(class="{{#if read}}is-checked{{/if}}")
+ +notificationIcon(activityData)
+ .details
+ +activity(activity=activityData mode='none')
+ if read
+ .remove
+ a.fa.fa-trash
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notification.js b/client/components/notifications/notification.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89277520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notification.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@{
+ 'click .read-status .materialCheckBox'() {
+ const update = {};
+ update[`profile.notifications.${this.index}.read`] =
+ ? null
+ :;
+ Users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $set: update });
+ },
+ 'click .remove a'() {
+ Meteor.user().removeNotification(this.activityData._id);
+ },
+ mode: 'board',
+ isOfActivityType(activityId, type) {
+ const activity = Activities.findOne(activityId);
+ return activity && activity.activityType === type;
+ },
+ activityType(activityId) {
+ const activity = Activities.findOne(activityId);
+ return activity ? activity.activityType : '';
+ },
+ activityUser(activityId) {
+ const activity = Activities.findOne(activityId);
+ return activity && activity.userId;
+ },
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notification.styl b/client/components/notifications/notification.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cf0cfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notification.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ &.show-read
+ display: flex
+ .notification
+ display: flex
+ float: none
+ padding: 12px 8px 8px
+ color: black
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb
+ &.read
+ display: none
+ .read-status
+ width: 30px
+ input
+ width: 24px
+ height: 24px
+ .activity-type
+ margin: 16px 0 0
+ width: 17px
+ height: 17px
+ font-size: 17px
+ display: block
+ color: #bbb
+ .details
+ width: calc(100% - 30px)
+ .activity
+ display: flex
+ .activity-desc
+ width: 100%;
+ .activity-comment
+ display: block
+ width: 100%
+ border-radius: 3px
+ background: #fff
+ text-decoration: none
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)
+ margin-top: 5px
+ padding: 5px
+ .activity-meta
+ display: block
+ font-size: 0.8em
+ color: #999
+ font-style: italic
+ .remove
+ a:hover
+ color #eb4646 !important
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notificationIcon.jade b/client/components/notifications/notificationIcon.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04377606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notificationIcon.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ if($in activityType 'deleteAttachment' 'addAttachment')
+ i.fa.fa-paperclip.activity-type(title="attachment")
+ else if($in activityType 'createBoard' 'importBoard')
+ i.fa.fa-chalkboard.activity-type(title="board")
+ else if($in activityType 'createCard' 'importCard' 'moveCard')
+ +cardNotificationIcon
+ else if($in activityType 'moveCardBoard' 'archivedCard' 'restoredCard')
+ +cardNotificationIcon
+ //- $in can only handle up to 3 cases so we have to break this case over 2 cases... use a simple template to keep it
+ //- DRY and consistant
+ else if($in activityType 'addChecklist' 'removedChecklist' 'completeChecklist')
+ +checklistNotificationIcon
+ else if($in activityType 'uncompleteChecklist')
+ +checklistNotificationIcon
+ //- $in can only handle up to 3 cases so we have to break this case over 2 cases... use a simple template to keep it
+ //- DRY and consistant
+ else if($in activityType 'checkedItem' 'uncheckedItem' 'addChecklistItem' 'removedChecklistItem')
+ i.fa.fa-check-square.activity-type(title="checklist item")
+ else if($in activityType 'addComment')
+ i.fa.fa-comment-o.activity-type(title="comment")
+ else if($in activityType 'createCustomField' 'setCustomField' 'unsetCustomField')
+ i.fa.fa-code.activity-type(title="custom field")
+ else if($in activityType 'addedLabel' 'removedLabel')
+ i.fa.fa-tag.activity-type(title="label")
+ else if($in activityType 'createList' 'removeList' 'archivedList')
+ +listNotificationIcon
+ else if($in activityType 'importList')
+ +listNotificationIcon
+ //- $in can only handle up to 3 cases so we have to break this case over 2 cases... use a simple template to keep it
+ //- DRY and consistant
+ //- elswhere in the app we use fa-trello to indicate lists...
+ //- i personally like fa-columns a bit better
+ else if($in activityType 'unjoinMember' 'addBoardMember' 'joinMember' 'removeBoardMember')
+ i.fa.fa-user.activity-type(title="member")
+ else if($in activityType 'createSwimlane' 'archivedSwimlane')
+ i.fa.fa-th-large.activity-type(title="swimlane")
+ else
+ i.fa.fa-bug.activity-type(title="can't find icon for #{activityType}")
+ i.fa.fa-clone.activity-type(title="card")
+ i.fa.fa-list.activity-type(title="checklist")
+ i.fa.fa-columns.activity-type(title="list")
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notifications.jade b/client/components/notifications/notifications.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf8acbbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notifications.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ #notifications.board-header-btns.right
+ a.notifications-drawer-toggle.fa.fa-bell(class="{{#if $gt unreadNotifications 0}}alert{{/if}}")
+ if $.Session.get 'showNotificationsDrawer'
+ +notificationsDrawer(unreadNotifications=unreadNotifications)
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notifications.js b/client/components/notifications/notifications.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0aa6cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notifications.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// this hides the notifications drawer if anyone clicks off of the panel{
+ click(event) {
+ if (
+ !$('#notifications *') &&
+ Session.get('showNotificationsDrawer')
+ ) {
+ toggleNotificationsDrawer();
+ }
+ },
+ unreadNotifications() {
+ const notifications = Users.findOne(Meteor.userId()).notifications();
+ const unreadNotifications = _.filter(notifications, v => !;
+ return unreadNotifications.length;
+ },
+ 'click .notifications-drawer-toggle'() {
+ toggleNotificationsDrawer();
+ },
+export function toggleNotificationsDrawer() {
+ Session.set(
+ 'showNotificationsDrawer',
+ !Session.get('showNotificationsDrawer'),
+ );
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notifications.styl b/client/components/notifications/notifications.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..710cd3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notifications.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ position: relative
+ .notifications-drawer-toggle
+ display: block
+ line-height: 28px
+ color: #f2f2f2
+ margin: 0 10px
+ width: 28px
+ height: 28px
+ text-align: center
+ border: 0
+ padding: 0
+ &.alert
+ background-color: #eb4646;
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.jade b/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01117009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ section#notifications-drawer(class="{{#if $.Session.get 'showReadNotifications'}}show-read{{/if}}")
+ .header
+ if $.Session.get 'showReadNotifications'
+ a.toggle-read {{_ 'filter-by-unread'}}
+ else
+ a.toggle-read {{_ 'view-all'}}
+ h5 {{_ 'notifications'}}
+ if($gt unreadNotifications 0)
+ |(#{unreadNotifications})
+ a.fa.fa-times-thin.close
+ ul.notifications
+ each transformedProfile.notifications
+ +notification(activityData=activity index=dbIndex read=read)
+ if($gt unreadNotifications 0)
+ a.all-read {{_ 'mark-all-as-read'}}
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.js b/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98d4750d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import { toggleNotificationsDrawer } from './notifications.js';
+Template.notificationsDrawer.onCreated(function() {
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationActivities');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationCards');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationUsers');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationsAttachments');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationChecklistItems');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationChecklists');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationComments');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationLists');
+ Meteor.subscribe('notificationSwimlanes');
+ transformedProfile() {
+ return Users.findOne(Meteor.userId());
+ },
+ 'click .all-read'() {
+ const notifications = Meteor.user().profile.notifications;
+ for (const index in notifications) {
+ if (notifications.hasOwnProperty(index) && !notifications[index].read) {
+ const update = {};
+ update[`profile.notifications.${index}.read`] =;
+ Users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $set: update });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'click .close'() {
+ toggleNotificationsDrawer();
+ },
+ 'click .toggle-read'() {
+ Session.set('showReadNotifications', !Session.get('showReadNotifications'));
+ },
diff --git a/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.styl b/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a26b5e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/notifications/notificationsDrawer.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+belize = #2980b9
+ position: fixed
+ top: 28px
+ right: 0
+ width: 400px
+ background-color: #fafafa
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.15)
+ border-radius: 2px
+ max-height: calc(100vh - 28px - 36px)
+ color: black
+ padding-top 36px;
+ overflow: scroll
+ a:hover
+ color: belize !important
+ .header
+ position: fixed
+ top 28px
+ right 0
+ width calc(400px - 32px)
+ padding: 8px 16px
+ background: #ededed
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb
+ z-index 2
+ .toggle-read
+ position absolute
+ left 16px
+ top calc(50% - 8px)
+ color belize
+ h5
+ text-align: center
+ margin: 0
+ .close
+ position: absolute
+ top: calc(50% - 12px)
+ right: 12px
+ font-size: 24px
+ height: 24px
+ line-height: 24px
+ opacity 1
+ .all-read
+ color belize
+ background-color: #fafafa
+ margin 8px 16px 12px
+ display inline-block
+ ul.notifications
+ display: block
+ padding: 0px 16px
+ margin: 0
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.jade b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.jade
index f0b0e4be..901fe99f 100644
--- a/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.jade
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.jade
@@ -268,6 +268,10 @@ template(name="outgoingWebhooksPopup")
+ a.js-open-rules-view(title="{{_ 'rules'}}")
+ i.fa.fa-magic
+ | {{_ 'rules'}}
+ li
| {{_ 'custom-fields'}}
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js
index 8e640564..baf57114 100644
--- a/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js
@@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ Template.memberPopup.helpers({{
'click .js-rename-board':'boardChangeTitle'),
+ 'click .js-open-rules-view'() {
+ Modal.openWide('rulesMain');
+ Popup.close();
+ },
'click .js-custom-fields'() {