path: root/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
diff options
authorMaxime Quandalle <>2015-09-06 23:57:48 +0200
committerMaxime Quandalle <>2015-09-06 23:58:06 +0200
commitc294bd5b0cc12ab495c19ce111e68939f6d2c37b (patch)
treef5437cec3898e49028ad5969d41b556173a09656 /i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
parentdd95ecba98b02ede9ac474adfbdd963324eaf541 (diff)
Pull translations from Transifex
Fixes #293
Diffstat (limited to 'i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json b/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49b6bba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ "actions": "动作",
+ "activities": "Activities",
+ "activity": "活动",
+ "activity-added": "添加 %s 至 %s",
+ "activity-archived": "归档 %s",
+ "activity-attached": "附加 %s 至 %s",
+ "activity-created": "创建 %s",
+ "activity-excluded": "排除 %s 从 %s",
+ "activity-joined": "关联 %s",
+ "activity-moved": "将 %s 从 %s 移动到 %s",
+ "activity-on": "在 %s",
+ "activity-removed": "移除 %s 从 %s 中",
+ "activity-sent": "发送 %s 至 %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "解除关联 %s",
+ "add": "添加",
+ "add-attachment": "Add an attachment",
+ "add-board": "添加一个新的看板",
+ "add-card": "Add a card",
+ "add-cover": "添加封面",
+ "add-label": "Add the label",
+ "add-list": "Add a list",
+ "add-members": "Add Members",
+ "added": "添加",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "成员",
+ "admin": "管理员",
+ "admin-desc": "可以浏览并编辑卡片,移除成员,并且更改该看板的设置",
+ "all-boards": "All boards",
+ "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards",
+ "archive": "归档",
+ "archive-all": "归档所有",
+ "archive-board": "Archive Board",
+ "archive-card": "Archive Card",
+ "archive-list": "归档该列表",
+ "archive-selection": "Archive selection",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "关闭看板?",
+ "archived-items": "归档项",
+ "archives": "Archives",
+ "assign-member": "Assign member",
+ "attached": "附加",
+ "attachment": "附件",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "删除附件操作不可逆。",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "删除附件?",
+ "attachments": "附件",
+ "avatar-too-big": "The avatar is too large (70Kb max)",
+ "back": "返回",
+ "board-change-color": "Change color",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s stars",
+ "board-not-found": "看板不存在",
+ "board-private-info": "This board will be <strong>private</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "该看板将 <strong>公开</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Change Board Background",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "重命名看板",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "更改可视级别",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "Board Menu",
+ "boards": "看板",
+ "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example",
+ "cancel": "取消",
+ "card-archived": "该卡片已被归档",
+ "card-comments-title": "该卡片拥有 %s 条评论",
+ "card-delete-notice": "删除操作不可恢复,你将会丢失该卡片的所有相关动作。",
+ "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "Edit attachments",
+ "card-edit-labels": "Edit labels",
+ "card-edit-members": "Edit members",
+ "card-labels-title": "更改该卡片上的标签",
+ "card-members-title": "在该卡片中添加或移除看板成员",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "删除卡片?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "标签",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "成员",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "更多",
+ "cards": "Cards",
+ "change-avatar": "更改头像",
+ "change-password": "更改密码",
+ "change-permissions": "Change permissions",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "更改头像",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "更改语言",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "更改密码",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改权限",
+ "click-to-star": "点此来标记该看板",
+ "click-to-unstar": "点此来去除该看板的标记",
+ "close": "关闭",
+ "close-board": "Close Board",
+ "close-board-pop": "你可以通过点击头部的\"看板\"菜单,选择\"浏览已关闭看板\",查找看板并且点击\"重开\"来重开看板。",
+ "comment": "评论",
+ "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment",
+ "computer": "从本机上传",
+ "create": "创建",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "创建看板",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "创建标签",
+ "current": "current",
+ "default-avatar": "Default avatar",
+ "delete": "删除",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "删除标签?",
+ "description": "描述",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Disambiguate Label Action",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Disambiguate Member Action",
+ "discard": "Discard",
+ "download": "下载",
+ "edit": "编辑",
+ "edit-avatar": "更改头像",
+ "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "更改标签",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
+ "email": "邮箱",
+ "filter": "Filter",
+ "filter-cards": "过滤卡片",
+ "filter-clear": "Clear filter",
+ "filter-on": "Filter is on",
+ "filter-on-desc": "你正在过滤该看板上的卡片,点此编辑过滤。",
+ "filter-to-selection": "Filter to selection",
+ "fullname": "全称",
+ "header-logo-title": "返回您的看板页",
+ "home": "首页",
+ "info": "信息",
+ "initials": "Initials",
+ "joined": "关联",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
+ "label-create": "创建新标签",
+ "label-default": "%s 标签 (默认)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "此操作不可逆,这将会删除该标签并清除它的历史记录。",
+ "labels": "标签",
+ "language": "语言",
+ "last-admin-desc": "你不能更改角色,因为至少需要一名管理员。",
+ "leave-board": "Leave Board",
+ "link-card": "关联至该卡片",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Archive all cards in this list",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "这将会从本看板中移除该列表中的所有卡片。如果需要浏览已归档的卡片并且将其恢复至看板,请点击\"菜单\">\"归档项\"",
+ "list-move-cards": "Move all cards in this list",
+ "list-select-cards": "Select all cards in this list",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "列出动作",
+ "listArchiveCardsPopup-title": "归档该列表中的所有卡片?",
+ "listMoveCardsPopup-title": "移动该列表的所有卡片",
+ "lists": "Lists",
+ "log-out": "登出",
+ "loginPopup-title": "登录",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
+ "members": "成员",
+ "menu": "菜单",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "Move Card",
+ "multi-selection": "Multi-Selection",
+ "my-boards": "我的看板",
+ "name": "名称",
+ "no-archived-cards": "No archived cards.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "No archived lists.",
+ "no-results": "无结果",
+ "normal": "普通",
+ "normal-desc": "可以创建以及编辑卡片,无法更改设置。",
+ "optional": "可选",
+ "page-maybe-private": "本页面被设为私有. 您必须 <a href='%s'>登录</a>以浏览其中内容。",
+ "page-not-found": "页面不存在。",
+ "password": "密码",
+ "private": "私有",
+ "private-desc": "该看板将被设为私有看板。只有该看板成员才可以进行查看和编辑。",
+ "profile": "资料",
+ "public": "公共",
+ "public-desc": "该看板将被公共。任何人均可通过链接查看,并且将对Google和其他搜索引擎开放,只有添加至该看板的成员才可进行编辑。",
+ "quick-access-description": "Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.",
+ "remove-cover": "移除封面",
+ "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board",
+ "remove-label": "Remove the label",
+ "remove-member": "移除成员",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "从该卡片中移除",
+ "remove-member-pop": "欲从 __boardTitle__ 中移除 __name__ (__username__) ? 该成员将会从该看板的所有卡片中被移除,他将会收到一条提醒。",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "删除成员?",
+ "rename": "重命名",
+ "rename-board": "重命名看板",
+ "restore": "Restore",
+ "save": "保存",
+ "search": "搜索",
+ "select-color": "选择颜色",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emojies": "Autocomplete emojies",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear all filters",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "Close Dialog",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my cards",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up this shortcuts list",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle Board Sidebar",
+ "signupPopup-title": " 创建账户",
+ "star-board-title": "点此来标记该看板,它将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。",
+ "starred-boards": "已标记看板",
+ "starred-boards-description": "已标记看板将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。",
+ "subscribe": "订阅",
+ "team": "团队",
+ "this-board": "该看板",
+ "this-card": "该卡片",
+ "title": "标题",
+ "unassign-member": "Unassign member",
+ "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.",
+ "upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar",
+ "username": "用户名",
+ "view-it": "View it",
+ "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an archived list",
+ "what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+} \ No newline at end of file