path: root/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
diff options
authorLauri Ojansivu <>2018-06-08 01:51:58 +0300
committerLauri Ojansivu <>2018-06-08 01:51:58 +0300
commite31741cd7b7a516a063f60f36e2c00a91efe0ca5 (patch)
treec970d0d0d8e6534430dd31fde52926855f278084 /i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
parentd5bfa468f751bf8d1929ccb581e5771afb0e1d60 (diff)
Update translations.
Diffstat (limited to 'i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json')
1 files changed, 478 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json b/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30d1e260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+ "accept": "接受",
+ "act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] 活动通知",
+ "act-addAttachment": "添加附件 __attachment__ 至卡片 __card__",
+ "act-addChecklist": "添加清单 __checklist__ 到 __card__",
+ "act-addChecklistItem": "向 __card__ 中的清单 __checklist__ 添加 __checklistItem__",
+ "act-addComment": "在 __card__ 发布评论: __comment__",
+ "act-createBoard": "创建看板 __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "添加卡片 __card__ 至列表 __list__",
+ "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__",
+ "act-createList": "添加列表 __list__ 至看板 __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "添加成员 __member__ 至看板 __board__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "__board__ 已被移入回收站 ",
+ "act-archivedCard": "__card__ 已被移入回收站",
+ "act-archivedList": "__list__ 已被移入回收站",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "__swimlane__ 已被移入回收站",
+ "act-importBoard": "导入看板 __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "导入卡片 __card__",
+ "act-importList": "导入列表 __list__",
+ "act-joinMember": "添加成员 __member__ 至卡片 __card__",
+ "act-moveCard": "从列表 __oldList__ 移动卡片 __card__ 至列表 __list__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "从看板 __board__ 移除成员 __member__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "恢复卡片 __card__ 至看板 __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "从卡片 __card__ 移除成员 __member__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] 看板 __board__",
+ "act-withCardTitle": "[看板 __board__] 卡片 __card__",
+ "actions": "操作",
+ "activities": "活动",
+ "activity": "活动",
+ "activity-added": "添加 %s 至 %s",
+ "activity-archived": "%s 已被移入回收站",
+ "activity-attached": "添加附件 %s 至 %s",
+ "activity-created": "创建 %s",
+ "activity-customfield-created": "created custom field %s",
+ "activity-excluded": "排除 %s 从 %s",
+ "activity-imported": "导入 %s 至 %s 从 %s 中",
+ "activity-imported-board": "已导入 %s 从 %s 中",
+ "activity-joined": "已关联 %s",
+ "activity-moved": "将 %s 从 %s 移动到 %s",
+ "activity-on": "在 %s",
+ "activity-removed": "从 %s 中移除 %s",
+ "activity-sent": "发送 %s 至 %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "已解除 %s 关联",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "已经将清单添加到 %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-added": "添加清单项至'%s' 于 %s",
+ "add": "添加",
+ "add-attachment": "添加附件",
+ "add-board": "添加看板",
+ "add-card": "添加卡片",
+ "add-swimlane": "添加泳道图",
+ "add-checklist": "添加待办清单",
+ "add-checklist-item": "扩充清单",
+ "add-cover": "添加封面",
+ "add-label": "添加标签",
+ "add-list": "添加列表",
+ "add-members": "添加成员",
+ "added": "添加",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "成员",
+ "admin": "管理员",
+ "admin-desc": "可以浏览并编辑卡片,移除成员,并且更改该看板的设置",
+ "admin-announcement": "通知",
+ "admin-announcement-active": "激活系统通知",
+ "admin-announcement-title": "管理员的通知",
+ "all-boards": "全部看板",
+ "and-n-other-card": "和其他 __count__ 个卡片",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "和其他 __count__ 个卡片",
+ "apply": "应用",
+ "app-is-offline": "Wekan 正在加载,请稍等。刷新页面将导致数据丢失。如果 Wekan 无法加载,请检查 Wekan 服务器是否已经停止。",
+ "archive": "移入回收站",
+ "archive-all": "全部移入回收站",
+ "archive-board": "移动看板到回收站",
+ "archive-card": "移动卡片到回收站",
+ "archive-list": "移动列表到回收站",
+ "archive-swimlane": "移动泳道到回收站",
+ "archive-selection": "移动选择内容到回收站",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "移动看板到回收站?",
+ "archived-items": "回收站",
+ "archived-boards": "回收站中的看板",
+ "restore-board": "还原看板",
+ "no-archived-boards": "回收站中无看板",
+ "archives": "回收站",
+ "assign-member": "分配成员",
+ "attached": "附加",
+ "attachment": "附件",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "删除附件的操作不可逆。",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "删除附件?",
+ "attachments": "附件",
+ "auto-watch": "自动关注新建的看板",
+ "avatar-too-big": "头像过大 (上限 70 KB)",
+ "back": "返回",
+ "board-change-color": "更改颜色",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s 星标",
+ "board-not-found": "看板不存在",
+ "board-private-info": "该看板将被设为 <strong>私有</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "该看板将被设为 <strong>公开</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "修改看板背景",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "重命名看板",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "更改可视级别",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "更改关注状态",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "看板菜单",
+ "boards": "看板",
+ "board-view": "看板视图",
+ "board-view-swimlanes": "泳道图",
+ "board-view-lists": "列表",
+ "bucket-example": "例如 “目标清单”",
+ "cancel": "取消",
+ "card-archived": "此卡片已经被移入回收站。",
+ "card-comments-title": "该卡片有 %s 条评论",
+ "card-delete-notice": "彻底删除的操作不可恢复,你将会丢失该卡片相关的所有操作记录。",
+ "card-delete-pop": "所有的活动将从活动摘要中被移除且您将无法重新打开该卡片。此操作无法撤销。",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "将卡片移入回收站可以从看板中删除卡片,相关活动记录将被保留。",
+ "card-due": "到期",
+ "card-due-on": "期限",
+ "card-spent": "耗时",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "编辑附件",
+ "card-edit-custom-fields": "Edit custom fields",
+ "card-edit-labels": "编辑标签",
+ "card-edit-members": "编辑成员",
+ "card-labels-title": "更改该卡片上的标签",
+ "card-members-title": "在该卡片中添加或移除看板成员",
+ "card-start": "开始",
+ "card-start-on": "始于",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "附件来源",
+ "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Change date",
+ "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Edit custom fields",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "彻底删除卡片?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "卡片操作",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "标签",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "成员",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "更多",
+ "cards": "卡片",
+ "cards-count": "卡片",
+ "change": "变更",
+ "change-avatar": "更改头像",
+ "change-password": "更改密码",
+ "change-permissions": "更改权限",
+ "change-settings": "更改设置",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "更改头像",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "更改语言",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "更改密码",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改权限",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "更改设置",
+ "checklists": "清单",
+ "click-to-star": "点此来标记该看板",
+ "click-to-unstar": "点此来去除该看板的标记",
+ "clipboard": "剪贴板或者拖放文件",
+ "close": "关闭",
+ "close-board": "关闭看板",
+ "close-board-pop": "在主页中点击顶部的“回收站”按钮可以恢复看板。",
+ "color-black": "黑色",
+ "color-blue": "蓝色",
+ "color-green": "绿色",
+ "color-lime": "绿黄",
+ "color-orange": "橙色",
+ "color-pink": "粉红",
+ "color-purple": "紫色",
+ "color-red": "红色",
+ "color-sky": "天蓝",
+ "color-yellow": "黄色",
+ "comment": "评论",
+ "comment-placeholder": "添加评论",
+ "comment-only": "仅能评论",
+ "comment-only-desc": "只能在卡片上评论。",
+ "computer": "从本机上传",
+ "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "确认要删除清单吗",
+ "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "复制卡片链接到剪贴板",
+ "copyCardPopup-title": "复制卡片",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "复制清单模板至多个卡片",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "以JSON格式表示目标卡片的标题和描述",
+ "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"第一个卡片的标题\", \"description\":\"第一个卡片的描述\"}, {\"title\":\"第二个卡片的标题\",\"description\":\"第二个卡片的描述\"},{\"title\":\"最后一个卡片的标题\",\"description\":\"最后一个卡片的描述\"} ]",
+ "create": "创建",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "创建看板",
+ "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "导入看板",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "创建标签",
+ "createCustomField": "Create Field",
+ "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Create Field",
+ "current": "当前",
+ "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.",
+ "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox",
+ "custom-field-date": "日期",
+ "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(none)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)",
+ "custom-field-number": "Number",
+ "custom-field-text": "Text",
+ "custom-fields": "Custom Fields",
+ "date": "日期",
+ "decline": "拒绝",
+ "default-avatar": "默认头像",
+ "delete": "删除",
+ "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "删除标签?",
+ "description": "描述",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "标签消歧 [?]",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "成员消歧 [?]",
+ "discard": "放弃",
+ "done": "完成",
+ "download": "下载",
+ "edit": "编辑",
+ "edit-avatar": "更改头像",
+ "edit-profile": "编辑资料",
+ "edit-wip-limit": "编辑最大任务数",
+ "soft-wip-limit": "软在制品限制",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "修改起始日期",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "修改截止日期",
+ "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field",
+ "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "修改耗时",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "更改标签",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "编辑通知",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "编辑资料",
+ "email": "邮箱",
+ "email-enrollAccount-subject": "已为您在 __siteName__ 创建帐号",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "尊敬的 __user__,\n\n点击下面的链接,即刻开始使用这项服务。\n\n__url__\n\n谢谢。",
+ "email-fail": "邮件发送失败",
+ "email-fail-text": "尝试发送邮件时出错",
+ "email-invalid": "邮件地址错误",
+ "email-invite": "发送邮件邀请",
+ "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ 向您发出邀请",
+ "email-invite-text": "尊敬的 __user__,\n\n__inviter__ 邀请您加入看板 \"__board__\" 参与协作。\n\n请点击下面的链接访问看板:\n\n__url__\n\n谢谢。",
+ "email-resetPassword-subject": "重置您的 __siteName__ 密码",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "尊敬的 __user__,\n\n点击下面的链接,重置您的密码:\n\n__url__\n\n谢谢。",
+ "email-sent": "邮件已发送",
+ "email-verifyEmail-subject": "在 __siteName__ 验证您的邮件地址",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "尊敬的 __user__,\n\n点击下面的链接,验证您的邮件地址:\n\n__url__\n\n谢谢。",
+ "enable-wip-limit": "启用最大任务数限制",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "该看板不存在",
+ "error-board-notAdmin": "需要成为管理员才能执行此操作",
+ "error-board-notAMember": "需要成为看板成员才能执行此操作",
+ "error-json-malformed": "文本不是合法的 JSON",
+ "error-json-schema": "JSON 数据没有用正确的格式包含合适的信息",
+ "error-list-doesNotExist": "不存在此列表",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "该用户不存在",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "无法邀请自己",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "该用户未能成功创建",
+ "error-username-taken": "此用户名已存在",
+ "error-email-taken": "此EMail已存在",
+ "export-board": "导出看板",
+ "filter": "过滤",
+ "filter-cards": "过滤卡片",
+ "filter-clear": "清空过滤器",
+ "filter-no-label": "无标签",
+ "filter-no-member": "无成员",
+ "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields",
+ "filter-on": "过滤器启用",
+ "filter-on-desc": "你正在过滤该看板上的卡片,点此编辑过滤。",
+ "filter-to-selection": "要选择的过滤器",
+ "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter",
+ "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 = V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 and ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 )",
+ "fullname": "全称",
+ "header-logo-title": "返回您的看板页",
+ "hide-system-messages": "隐藏系统消息",
+ "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "创建看板",
+ "home": "首页",
+ "import": "导入",
+ "import-board": "导入看板",
+ "import-board-c": "导入看板",
+ "import-board-title-trello": "从Trello导入看板",
+ "import-board-title-wekan": "从Wekan 导入看板",
+ "import-sandstorm-warning": "导入的面板将删除所有已存在于面板上的数据并替换他们为导入的面板。 ",
+ "from-trello": "自 Trello",
+ "from-wekan": "自 Wekan",
+ "import-board-instruction-trello": "在你的Trello看板中,点击“菜单”,然后选择“更多”,“打印与导出”,“导出为 JSON” 并拷贝结果文本",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "在你的Wekan面板中点'菜单',然后点‘导出面板’并在已下载的文档复制文本。",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "粘贴您有效的 JSON 数据至此",
+ "import-map-members": "映射成员",
+ "import-members-map": "您导入的看板有一些成员。请将您想导入的成员映射到 Wekan 用户。",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "核对成员映射",
+ "import-user-select": "选择您想将此成员映射到的 Wekan 用户",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "选择Wekan成员",
+ "info": "版本",
+ "initials": "缩写",
+ "invalid-date": "无效日期",
+ "invalid-time": "非法时间",
+ "invalid-user": "非法用户",
+ "joined": "关联",
+ "just-invited": "您刚刚被邀请加入此看板",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "键盘快捷键",
+ "label-create": "创建标签",
+ "label-default": "%s 标签 (默认)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "此操作不可逆,这将会删除该标签并清除它的历史记录。",
+ "labels": "标签",
+ "language": "语言",
+ "last-admin-desc": "你不能更改角色,因为至少需要一名管理员。",
+ "leave-board": "离开看板",
+ "leave-board-pop": "确认要离开 __boardTitle__ 吗?此看板的所有卡片都会将您移除。",
+ "leaveBoardPopup-title": "离开看板?",
+ "link-card": "关联至该卡片",
+ "list-archive-cards": "移动此列表中的所有卡片到回收站",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "此操作会从看板中删除所有此列表包含的卡片。要查看回收站中的卡片并恢复到看板,请点击“菜单” > “回收站”。",
+ "list-move-cards": "移动列表中的所有卡片",
+ "list-select-cards": "选择列表中的所有卡片",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "列表操作",
+ "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "泳道图操作",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "导入 Trello 卡片",
+ "listMorePopup-title": "更多",
+ "link-list": "关联到这个列表",
+ "list-delete-pop": "所有活动将被从活动动态中删除并且你无法恢复他们,此操作无法撤销。 ",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "可以将列表移入回收站,看板中将删除列表,但是相关活动记录会被保留。",
+ "lists": "列表",
+ "swimlanes": "泳道图",
+ "log-out": "登出",
+ "log-in": "登录",
+ "loginPopup-title": "登录",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "成员设置",
+ "members": "成员",
+ "menu": "菜单",
+ "move-selection": "移动选择",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "移动卡片",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "移动至底端",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "移动至顶端",
+ "moveSelectionPopup-title": "移动选择",
+ "multi-selection": "多选",
+ "multi-selection-on": "多选启用",
+ "muted": "静默",
+ "muted-info": "你将不会收到此看板的任何变更通知",
+ "my-boards": "我的看板",
+ "name": "名称",
+ "no-archived-cards": "回收站中无卡片。",
+ "no-archived-lists": "回收站中无列表。",
+ "no-archived-swimlanes": "回收站中无泳道。",
+ "no-results": "无结果",
+ "normal": "普通",
+ "normal-desc": "可以创建以及编辑卡片,无法更改设置。",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "邀请尚未接受",
+ "notify-participate": "接收以创建者或成员身份参与的卡片的更新",
+ "notify-watch": "接收所有关注的面板、列表、及卡片的更新",
+ "optional": "可选",
+ "or": "或",
+ "page-maybe-private": "本页面被设为私有. 您必须 <a href='%s'>登录</a>以浏览其中内容。",
+ "page-not-found": "页面不存在。",
+ "password": "密码",
+ "paste-or-dragdrop": "从剪贴板粘贴,或者拖放文件到它上面 (仅限于图片)",
+ "participating": "参与",
+ "preview": "预览",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "预览",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "预览",
+ "private": "私有",
+ "private-desc": "该看板将被设为私有。只有该看板成员才可以进行查看和编辑。",
+ "profile": "资料",
+ "public": "公开",
+ "public-desc": "该看板将被公开。任何人均可通过链接查看,并且将对Google和其他搜索引擎开放。只有添加至该看板的成员才可进行编辑。",
+ "quick-access-description": "星标看板在导航条中添加快捷方式",
+ "remove-cover": "移除封面",
+ "remove-from-board": "从看板中删除",
+ "remove-label": "移除标签",
+ "listDeletePopup-title": "删除列表",
+ "remove-member": "移除成员",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "从该卡片中移除",
+ "remove-member-pop": "确定从 __boardTitle__ 中移除 __name__ (__username__) 吗? 该成员将被从该看板的所有卡片中移除,同时他会收到一条提醒。",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "删除成员?",
+ "rename": "重命名",
+ "rename-board": "重命名看板",
+ "restore": "还原",
+ "save": "保存",
+ "search": "搜索",
+ "search-cards": "搜索当前看板上的卡片标题和描述",
+ "search-example": "搜索",
+ "select-color": "选择颜色",
+ "set-wip-limit-value": "设置此列表中的最大任务数",
+ "setWipLimitPopup-title": "设置最大任务数",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "分配当前卡片给自己",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "表情符号自动补全",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "自动补全成员",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "清空全部过滤器",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "关闭对话框",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "过滤我的卡片",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "显示此快捷键列表",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "切换过滤器边栏",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "切换面板边栏",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "当列表中的卡片多于此阈值时将显示数量",
+ "sidebar-open": "打开侧栏",
+ "sidebar-close": "打开侧栏",
+ "signupPopup-title": "创建账户",
+ "star-board-title": "点此来标记该看板,它将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。",
+ "starred-boards": "已标记看板",
+ "starred-boards-description": "已标记看板将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。",
+ "subscribe": "订阅",
+ "team": "团队",
+ "this-board": "该看板",
+ "this-card": "该卡片",
+ "spent-time-hours": "耗时 (小时)",
+ "overtime-hours": "超时 (小时)",
+ "overtime": "超时",
+ "has-overtime-cards": "有超时卡片",
+ "has-spenttime-cards": "耗时卡",
+ "time": "时间",
+ "title": "标题",
+ "tracking": "跟踪",
+ "tracking-info": "当任何包含您(作为创建者或成员)的卡片发生变更时,您将得到通知。",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "unassign-member": "取消分配成员",
+ "unsaved-description": "存在未保存的描述",
+ "unwatch": "取消关注",
+ "upload": "上传",
+ "upload-avatar": "上传头像",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "头像已经上传",
+ "username": "用户名",
+ "view-it": "查看",
+ "warn-list-archived": "警告:此卡片属于回收站中的一个列表",
+ "watch": "关注",
+ "watching": "关注",
+ "watching-info": "当此看板发生变更时会通知你",
+ "welcome-board": "“欢迎”看板",
+ "welcome-swimlane": "里程碑 1",
+ "welcome-list1": "基本",
+ "welcome-list2": "高阶",
+ "what-to-do": "要做什么?",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "无效的最大任务数",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "此列表中的任务数量已经超过了设置的最大任务数。",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "请将一些任务移出此列表,或者设置一个更大的最大任务数。",
+ "admin-panel": "管理面板",
+ "settings": "设置",
+ "people": "人员",
+ "registration": "注册",
+ "disable-self-registration": "禁止自助注册",
+ "invite": "邀请",
+ "invite-people": "邀请人员",
+ "to-boards": "邀请到看板 (可多选)",
+ "email-addresses": "电子邮箱地址",
+ "smtp-host-description": "用于发送邮件的SMTP服务器地址。",
+ "smtp-port-description": "SMTP服务器端口。",
+ "smtp-tls-description": "对SMTP服务器启用TLS支持",
+ "smtp-host": "SMTP服务器",
+ "smtp-port": "SMTP端口",
+ "smtp-username": "用户名",
+ "smtp-password": "密码",
+ "smtp-tls": "TLS支持",
+ "send-from": "发件人",
+ "send-smtp-test": "给自己发送一封测试邮件",
+ "invitation-code": "邀请码",
+ "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ 向您发出邀请",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "亲爱的 __user__,\n\n__inviter__ 邀请您加入 Wekan 进行协作。\n\n请访问下面的链接︰\n__url__\n\n您的的邀请码是︰\n__icode__\n\n非常感谢。",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "从Wekan发送SMTP测试邮件",
+ "email-smtp-test-text": "你已成功发送邮件",
+ "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "邀请码不存在",
+ "error-notAuthorized": "您无权查看此页面。",
+ "outgoing-webhooks": "外部Web挂钩",
+ "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "外部Web挂钩",
+ "new-outgoing-webhook": "新建外部Web挂钩",
+ "no-name": "(未知)",
+ "Wekan_version": "Wekan版本",
+ "Node_version": "Node.js版本",
+ "OS_Arch": "系统架构",
+ "OS_Cpus": "系统 CPU数量",
+ "OS_Freemem": "系统可用内存",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "系统负载均衡",
+ "OS_Platform": "系统平台",
+ "OS_Release": "系统发布版本",
+ "OS_Totalmem": "系统全部内存",
+ "OS_Type": "系统类型",
+ "OS_Uptime": "系统运行时间",
+ "hours": "小时",
+ "minutes": "分钟",
+ "seconds": "秒",
+ "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card",
+ "yes": "是",
+ "no": "否",
+ "accounts": "账号",
+ "accounts-allowEmailChange": "允许邮箱变更",
+ "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "允许变更用户名",
+ "createdAt": "创建于",
+ "verified": "已验证",
+ "active": "活跃",
+ "card-received": "已接收",
+ "card-received-on": "接收于",
+ "card-end": "终止",
+ "card-end-on": "终止于",
+ "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "修改接收日期",
+ "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "修改终止日期",
+ "assigned-by": "Assigned By",
+ "requested-by": "Requested By",
+ "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
+ "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
+ "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?",
+ "delete-board": "Delete Board"
+} \ No newline at end of file