path: root/client/lib/popup.js
diff options
authorMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:20:58 +0200
committerMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:33:50 +0200
commit2dbea30842ec63a68055245fe26633bb7913daf3 (patch)
treee9143893a3d3bf4ad34dd3a97d6f3466561c8756 /client/lib/popup.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'client/lib/popup.js')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/lib/popup.js b/client/lib/popup.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd2a43b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/lib/popup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// A simple tracker dependency that we invalidate every time the window is
+// resized. This is used to reactively re-calculate the popup position in case
+// of a window resize.
+var windowResizeDep = new Tracker.Dependency();
+$(window).on('resize', function() { windowResizeDep.changed(); });
+Popup = {
+ /// This function returns a callback that can be used in an event map:
+ ///
+ ///{
+ /// 'click .elementClass':"popupName")
+ /// });
+ ///
+ /// The popup inherit the data context of its parent.
+ open: function(name) {
+ var self = this;
+ var popupName = name + 'Popup';
+ return function(evt) {
+ // If a popup is already openened, clicking again on the opener element
+ // should close it -- and interupt the current `open` function.
+ if (self.isOpen() &&
+ self._getTopStack().openerElement === evt.currentTarget) {
+ return self.close();
+ }
+ // We determine the `openerElement` (the DOM element that is being clicked
+ // and the one we take in reference to position the popup) from the event
+ // if the popup has no parent, or from the parent `openerElement` if it
+ // has one. This allows us to position a sub-popup exactly at the same
+ // position than its parent.
+ var openerElement;
+ if (self._hasPopupParent()) {
+ openerElement = self._getTopStack().openerElement;
+ } else {
+ self._stack = [];
+ openerElement = evt.currentTarget;
+ }
+ // We modify the event to prevent the popup being closed when the event
+ // bubble up to the document element.
+ evt.originalEvent.clickInPopup = true;
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ // We push our popup data to the stack. The top of the stack is always
+ // used as the data source for our current popup.
+ self._stack.push({
+ __isPopup: true,
+ popupName: popupName,
+ hasPopupParent: self._hasPopupParent(),
+ title: self._getTitle(popupName),
+ openerElement: openerElement,
+ offset: self._getOffset(openerElement),
+ dataContext: this.currentData && this.currentData() || this
+ });
+ // If there are no popup currently opened we use the Blaze API to render
+ // one into the DOM. We use a reactive function as the data parameter that
+ // just return the top element on the stack and depends on our internal
+ // dependency that is being invalidated every time the top element of the
+ // stack has changed and we want to update the popup.
+ //
+ // Otherwise if there is already a popup open we just need to invalidate
+ // our internal dependency, and since we just changed the top element of
+ // our internal stack, the popup will be updated with the new data.
+ if (! self.isOpen()) {
+ self.current = Blaze.renderWithData(self.template, function() {
+ self._dep.depend();
+ return self._stack[self._stack.length - 1];
+ }, document.body);
+ } else {
+ self._dep.changed();
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ /// This function returns a callback that can be used in an event map:
+ ///
+ ///{
+ /// 'click .elementClass': Popup.afterConfirm("popupName", function() {
+ /// // What to do after the user has confirmed the action
+ /// })
+ /// });
+ afterConfirm: function(name, action) {
+ var self = this;
+ return function(evt, tpl) {
+ var context = this;
+ context.__afterConfirmAction = action;
+, evt, tpl);
+ };
+ },
+ /// The public reactive state of the popup.
+ isOpen: function() {
+ this._dep.changed();
+ return !! this.current;
+ },
+ /// In case the popup was opened from a parent popup we can get back to it
+ /// with this `Popup.back()` function. You can go back several steps at once
+ /// by providing a number to this function, e.g. `Popup.back(2)`. In this case
+ /// intermediate popup won't even be rendered on the DOM. If the number of
+ /// steps back is greater than the popup stack size, the popup will be closed.
+ back: function(n) {
+ n = n || 1;
+ var self = this;
+ if (self._stack.length > n) {
+ _.times(n, function() { self._stack.pop(); });
+ self._dep.changed();
+ } else {
+ self.close();
+ }
+ },
+ /// Close the current opened popup.
+ close: function() {
+ if (this.isOpen()) {
+ Blaze.remove(this.current);
+ this.current = null;
+ this._stack = [];
+ }
+ },
+ // The template we use for every popup
+ template: Template.popup,
+ // We only want to display one popup at a time and we keep the view object in
+ // this `Popup._current` variable. If there is no popup currently opened the
+ // value is `null`.
+ _current: null,
+ // It's possible to open a sub-popup B from a popup A. In that case we keep
+ // the data of popup A so we can return back to it. Every time we open a new
+ // popup the stack grows, every time we go back the stack decrease, and if we
+ // close the popup the stack is reseted to the empty stack [].
+ _stack: [],
+ // We invalidate this internal dependency every time the top of the stack has
+ // changed and we want to render a popup with the new top-stack data.
+ _dep: new Tracker.Dependency(),
+ // An utility fonction that returns the top element of the internal stack
+ _getTopStack: function() {
+ return this._stack[this._stack.length - 1];
+ },
+ // We use the blaze API to determine if the current popup has been opened from
+ // a parent popup. The number we give to the `Template.parentData` has been
+ // determined experimentally and is susceptible to change if you modify the
+ // `Popup.template`
+ _hasPopupParent: function() {
+ var tryParentData = Template.parentData(3);
+ return !! (tryParentData && tryParentData.__isPopup);
+ },
+ // We automatically calculate the popup offset from the reference element
+ // position and dimensions. We also reactively use the window dimensions to
+ // ensure that the popup is always visible on the screen.
+ _getOffset: function(element) {
+ var $element = $(element);
+ return function() {
+ windowResizeDep.depend();
+ var offset = $element.offset();
+ var popupWidth = 300 + 15;
+ return {
+ left: Math.min(offset.left, $(window).width() - popupWidth),
+ top: + $element.outerHeight()
+ };
+ };
+ },
+ // We get the title from the translation files. Instead of returning the
+ // result, we return a function that compute the result and since `TAPi18n.__`
+ // is a reactive data source, the title will be changed reactively.
+ _getTitle: function(popupName) {
+ return function() {
+ var translationKey = popupName + '-title';
+ // XXX There is no public API to check if there is an available
+ // translation for a given key. So we try to translate the key and if the
+ // translation output equals the key input we deduce that no translation
+ // was available and returns `false`. There is a (small) risk a false
+ // positives.
+ var title = TAPi18n.__(translationKey);
+ return title !== translationKey ? title : false;
+ };
+ }
+// We automatically close a potential opened popup on any left click on the
+// document. To avoid closing it unexpectedly we modify the bubbled event in
+// case the click event happen in the popup or in a button that open a popup.
+$(document).on('click', function(evt) {
+ if (evt.which === 1 && ! (evt.originalEvent &&
+ evt.originalEvent.clickInPopup)) {
+ Popup.close();
+ }