path: root/client/components
diff options
authorMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:20:58 +0200
committerMaxime Quandalle <>2015-05-12 19:33:50 +0200
commit2dbea30842ec63a68055245fe26633bb7913daf3 (patch)
treee9143893a3d3bf4ad34dd3a97d6f3466561c8756 /client/components
_,,ad8888888888bba,_ ,ad88888I888888888888888ba, ,88888888I88888888888888888888a, ,d888888888I8888888888888888888888b, d88888PP"""" ""YY88888888888888888888b, ,d88"'__,,--------,,,,.;ZZZY8888888888888, ,8IIl'" ;;l"ZZZIII8888888888, ,I88l;' ;lZZZZZ888III8888888, ,II88Zl;. ;llZZZZZ888888I888888, ,II888Zl;. .;;;;;lllZZZ888888I8888b ,II8888Z;; `;;;;;''llZZ8888888I8888, II88888Z;' .;lZZZ8888888I888b II88888Z; _,aaa, .,aaaaa,__.l;llZZZ88888888I888 II88888IZZZZZZZZZ, .ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ;llZZ88888888I888, II88888IZZ<'(@@>Z| |ZZZ<'(@@>ZZZZ;;llZZ888888888I88I ,II88888; `""" ;| |ZZ; `""" ;;llZ8888888888I888 II888888l `;; .;llZZ8888888888I888, ,II888888Z; ;;; .;;llZZZ8888888888I888I III888888Zl; .., `;; ,;;lllZZZ88888888888I888 II88888888Z;;...;(_ _) ,;;;llZZZZ88888888888I888, II88888888Zl;;;;;' `--'Z;. .,;;;;llZZZZ88888888888I888b ]I888888888Z;;;;' ";llllll;..;;;lllZZZZ88888888888I8888, II888888888Zl.;;"Y88bd888P";;,..;lllZZZZZ88888888888I8888I II8888888888Zl;.; `"PPP";;;,..;lllZZZZZZZ88888888888I88888 II888888888888Zl;;. `;;;l;;;;lllZZZZZZZZW88888888888I88888 `II8888888888888Zl;. ,;;lllZZZZZZZZWMZ88888888888I88888 II8888888888888888ZbaalllZZZZZZZZZWWMZZZ8888888888I888888, `II88888888888888888b"WWZZZZZWWWMMZZZZZZI888888888I888888b `II88888888888888888;ZZMMMMMMZZZZZZZZllI888888888I8888888 `II8888888888888888 `;lZZZZZZZZZZZlllll888888888I8888888, II8888888888888888, `;lllZZZZllllll;;.Y88888888I8888888b, ,II8888888888888888b .;;lllllll;;;.;..88888888I88888888b, II888888888888888PZI;. .`;;;.;;;..; ...88888888I8888888888, II888888888888PZ;;';;. ;. .;. .;. .. Y8888888I88888888888b, ,II888888888PZ;;' `8888888I8888888888888b, II888888888' 888888I8888888888888888 ,II888888888 ,888888I8888888888888888 ,d88888888888 d888888I8888888888ZZZZZZ ,ad888888888888I 8888888I8888ZZZZZZZZZZZZ 888888888888888' 888888IZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8888888888P'8P' Y888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 888888888, " ,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 8888888888, ,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 888888888888a, _ ,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888 888888888888888ba,_d' ,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888 8888888888888888888888bbbaaa,,,______,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888 88888888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888888888888888 88888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ888888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888 Normand 8 88888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888888888 Veilleux 8 8888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888888888888888888888
Diffstat (limited to 'client/components')
76 files changed, 5922 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.jade b/client/components/activities/activities.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c6b9faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ .js-sidebar-activities
+ //- We should use Template.dynamic here but there is a bug with
+ //- blaze-components:
+ if $eq mode "board"
+ +boardActivities
+ else
+ +cardActivities
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.js b/client/components/activities/activities.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c806e87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+var activitiesPerPage = 20;
+ template: function() {
+ return 'activities';
+ },
+ onCreated: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ // XXX Should we use ReactiveNumber?
+ = new ReactiveVar(1);
+ self.loadNextPageLocked = false;
+ var sidebar = self.componentParent(); // XXX for some reason not working
+ sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'resetNextPeak');
+ self.autorun(function() {
+ var mode =;
+ var capitalizedMode = Utils.capitalize(mode);
+ var id = Session.get('current' + capitalizedMode);
+ var limit = * activitiesPerPage;
+ if (id === null)
+ return;
+ self.subscribe('activities', mode, id, limit, function() {
+ self.loadNextPageLocked = false;
+ // If the sibear peak hasn't increased, that mean that there are no more
+ // activities, and we can stop calling new subscriptions.
+ // XXX This is hacky! We need to know excatly and reactively how many
+ // activities there are, we probably want to denormalize this number
+ // dirrectly into card and board documents.
+ var a = sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'getNextPeak');
+ sidebar.calculateNextPeak();
+ var b = sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'getNextPeak');
+ if (a === b) {
+ sidebar.callFirstWith(null, 'resetNextPeak');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ loadNextPage: function() {
+ if (this.loadNextPageLocked === false) {
+ + 1);
+ this.loadNextPageLocked = true;
+ }
+ },
+ boardLabel: function() {
+ return TAPi18n.__('this-board');
+ },
+ cardLabel: function() {
+ return TAPi18n.__('this-card');
+ },
+ cardLink: function() {
+ var card = this.currentData().card();
+ return Blaze.toHTML(HTML.A({
+ href: card.absoluteUrl(),
+ 'class': 'action-card'
+ }, card.title));
+ },
+ memberLink: function() {
+ return Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.memberName, {
+ user: this.currentData().member()
+ });
+ },
+ attachmentLink: function() {
+ var attachment = this.currentData().attachment();
+ return Blaze.toHTML(HTML.A({
+ href: attachment.url(),
+ 'class': 'js-open-attachment-viewer'
+ },;
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/activities/comments.jade b/client/components/activities/comments.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/comments.jade
diff --git a/client/components/activities/comments.js b/client/components/activities/comments.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/comments.js
diff --git a/client/components/activities/events.js b/client/components/activities/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea98e65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@{
+ 'click .js-edit-action': function(evt) {
+ var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
+ var container = $this.parents('.phenom-comment');
+ // open and focus
+ container.addClass('editing');
+ container.find('textarea').focus();
+ },
+ 'click .js-confirm-delete-action': function() {
+ CardComments.remove(this._id);
+ },
+ 'submit form': function(evt) {
+ var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
+ var container = $this.parents('.phenom-comment');
+ var text = container.find('textarea');
+ if ($.trim(text.val())) {
+ CardComments.update(this._id, {
+ $set: {
+ text: text.val()
+ }
+ });
+ // reset editing class
+ $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/activities/templates.html b/client/components/activities/templates.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d3ff763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/templates.html
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<template name="boardActivities">
+ {{# each currentBoard.activities }}
+ <div class="phenom phenom-action clearfix phenom-other">
+ {{> userAvatar user=user size="extra-small" class="creator js-show-mem-menu" }}
+ <div class="phenom-desc">
+ {{ > memberName user=user }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'createBoard' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-created' boardLabel}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'createList' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-added' list.title boardLabel}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'archivedList' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-archived' list.title}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'createCard' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'archivedCard' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-archived' cardLink}}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'restoredCard' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-sent' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'moveCard' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink oldList.title list.title}}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'addBoardMember' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'removeBoardMember' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-excluded' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'joinMember' }}
+ {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-joined' cardLink}}}.
+ {{ else }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink cardLink}}}.
+ {{/if}}
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'unjoinMember' }}
+ {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLink}}}.
+ {{ else }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-removed' memberLink cardLink}}}.
+ {{/if}}
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'addComment' }}
+ <div class="phenom-desc">
+ {{{_ 'activity-on' cardLink}}}
+ <div class="action-comment markeddown">
+ <a href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}" class="current-comment show tdn">
+ <p>{{#viewer}}{{ comment.text }}{{/viewer}}</p>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'addAttachment' }}
+ <div class="phenom-desc">
+ {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLink}}}.
+ </div>
+ {{ /if }}
+ </div>
+ <p class="phenom-meta quiet">
+ <span class="date js-hide-on-sending">
+ {{ moment createdAt }}
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ {{ /each }}
+<template name="cardActivities">
+ {{# each currentCard.comments }}
+ <div class="phenom phenom-action clearfix phenom-comment">
+ {{> userAvatar user=user size="small" class="creator js-show-mem-menu" }}
+ <form>
+ <div class="phenom-desc">
+ {{ > memberName user=user }}
+ <div class="action-comment markeddown">
+ <div class="current-comment">
+ {{#viewer}}{{ text }}{{/viewer}}
+ </div>
+ <textarea class="js-text" tabindex="1">{{ text }}</textarea>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="edit-controls clearfix">
+ <input type="submit" class="primary confirm js-save-edit" value="{{_ 'save'}}" tabindex="2">
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ <p class="phenom-meta quiet">
+ <span class="date js-hide-on-sending">{{ moment createdAt }}</span>
+ {{# if currentUser }}
+ <span class="js-hide-on-sending">
+ - <a href="#" class="js-edit-action">{{_ "edit"}}</a>
+ - <a href="#" class="js-confirm-delete-action">{{_ "delete"}}</a>
+ </span>
+ {{/ if }}
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ {{/each}}
+ {{# each currentCard.activities }}
+ <div class="phenom phenom-action clearfix phenom-other">
+ {{> userAvatar user=user size="extra-small" class="creator js-show-mem-menu" }}
+ {{ > memberName user=user }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'createCard' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel list.title}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'joinMember' }}
+ {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
+ {{_ 'activity-joined' cardLabel}}.
+ {{ else }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
+ {{/if}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'unjoinMember' }}
+ {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
+ {{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLabel}}.
+ {{ else }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-removed' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
+ {{/if}}
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'archivedCard' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-archived' cardLabel}}.
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'restoredCard' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-sent' cardLabel boardLabel}}.
+ {{/ if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'moveCard' }}
+ {{_ 'activity-moved' cardLabel oldList.title list.title}}.
+ {{/ if }}
+ {{# if $eq activityType 'addAttachment' }}
+ {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLabel}}}.
+ {{# if attachment.isImage }}
+ <img src="{{ attachment.url }}" class="attachment-image-preview">
+ {{/if}}
+ {{/ if}}
+ </div>
+ {{/each}}
diff --git a/client/components/boards/body.jade b/client/components/boards/body.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5406ee2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/body.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ XXX This template can't be transformed into a component because it is
+ included by iron-router. That's a bug.
+ +boardComponent
+ if this
+ .board-wrapper(class=colorClass)
+ .board-canvas(class=sidebarSize)
+ .lists.js-lists
+ each lists
+ +list(this)
+ if currentUser.isBoardMember
+ +addlistForm
+ +boardSidebar
+ if currentCard
+ +cardSidebar(currentCard)
+ else
+ +message(label="board-no-found")
+ .list.js-list.add-list.js-add-list
+ +inlinedForm(autoclose=false)
+ input.list-name-input(type="text" placeholder="{{_ 'add-list'}}"
+ autocomplete="off" autofocus)
+ div.edit-controls.clearfix
+ button.primary.confirm.js-save-edit(type="submit") {{_ 'save'}}
+ a.fa.fa-times.dark-hover.cancel.js-close-inlined-form
+ else
+ .js-open-inlined-form
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ | {{_ 'add-list'}}
diff --git a/client/components/boards/body.js b/client/components/boards/body.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b4baf53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/body.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ template: function() {
+ return 'boardComponent';
+ },
+ openNewListForm: function() {
+ this.componentChildren('addlistForm')[0].open();
+ },
+ scrollLeft: function() {
+ // TODO
+ },
+ onRendered: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.scrollLeft();
+ if (Meteor.user().isBoardMember()) {
+ self.$('.js-lists').sortable({
+ tolerance: 'pointer',
+ appendTo: '.js-lists',
+ helper: 'clone',
+ items: '.js-list:not(.add-list)',
+ placeholder: 'list placeholder',
+ start: function(event, ui) {
+ $('.list.placeholder').height(ui.item.height());
+ Popup.close();
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ self.$('.js-lists').find('.js-list:not(.add-list)').each(
+ function(i, list) {
+ var data = Blaze.getData(list);
+ Lists.update(data._id, {
+ $set: {
+ sort: i
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ // If there is no data in the board (ie, no lists) we autofocus the list
+ // creation form by clicking on the corresponding element.
+ if ( === 0) {
+ this.openNewListForm();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ sidebarSize: function() {
+ var sidebar = this.componentChildren('boardSidebar')[0];
+ if (Session.get('currentCard') !== null)
+ return 'next-large-sidebar';
+ else if (sidebar && sidebar.isOpen())
+ return 'next-small-sidebar';
+ }
+ template: function() {
+ return 'addlistForm';
+ },
+ // Proxy
+ open: function() {
+ this.componentChildren('inlinedForm')[0].open();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/boards/body.styl b/client/components/boards/body.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb351e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/body.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ left: 0
+ top: 0
+ bottom: 0
+ right: 0
+ position: absolute
+ overflow: hidden
+ .board-canvas
+ position: absolute
+ left: 0
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ bottom: 0
+ transition: margin .1s
+ &.next-small-sidebar
+ margin-right: 248px
+ &.next-large-sidebar
+ opacity: 0.8
+ margin-right: 496px
+ align-items: flex-start
+ display: flex
+ flex-direction: row
+ margin-bottom: 10px
+ overflow-x: auto
+ overflow-y: hidden
+ padding-bottom: 10px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ right: 0
+ bottom: 0
+ left: 0
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar
+ height: 13px
+ width: 13px
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical,
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:horizontal
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar-button
+ display: block
+ height: 5px
+ width: 5px
diff --git a/client/components/boards/colors.styl b/client/components/boards/colors.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1db44845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/colors.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// We define a set of six board colors that we took from the FlatUI palette.
+ &#header,
+ &.sk-spinner div,
+ .board-backgrounds-list &.background-box,
+ &.pop-over .pop-over-list li a:hover,
+ .board-list & a
+ background-color: color
+ & .minicard-details
+ border-bottom: 2px solid color
+ button[type=submit].primary, input[type=submit].primary
+ background-color: darken(color, 20%)
+ setBoardColor(#27AE60)
+ setBoardColor(#C0392B)
+ setBoardColor(#2980B9)
+ setBoardColor(#8E44AD)
+ setBoardColor(#2C3E50)
+ setBoardColor(#E67E22)
diff --git a/client/components/boards/events.js b/client/components/boards/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f9d7fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+var toggleBoardStar = function(boardId) {
+ var queryType = Meteor.user().hasStarred(boardId) ? '$pull' : '$addToSet';
+ var query = {};
+ query[queryType] = {
+ 'profile.starredBoards': boardId
+ };
+ Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), query);
+ 'click .js-star-board': function(evt) {
+ toggleBoardStar(this._id);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-star-board': function() {
+ toggleBoardStar(this._id);
+ },
+ 'click .js-open-board-menu':'boardMenu'),
+ 'click #permission-level:not(.no-edit)':'boardChangePermission'),
+ 'click .js-filter-cards-indicator': function(evt) {
+ Session.set('currentWidget', 'filter');
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-filter-card-clear': function(evt) {
+ Filter.reset();
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ 'click .js-rename-board':'boardChangeTitle'),
+ 'click .js-change-board-color':'boardChangeColor')
+ 'submit #CreateBoardForm': function(evt, t) {
+ var title = t.$('#boardNewTitle');
+ // trim value title
+ if ($.trim(title.val())) {
+ // İnsert Board title
+ var boardId = Boards.insert({
+ title: title.val(),
+ permission: 'public'
+ });
+ // Go to Board _id
+ Utils.goBoardId(boardId);
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'submit #ChangeBoardTitleForm': function(evt, t) {
+ var title = t.$('.js-board-name').val().trim();
+ if (title) {
+ Boards.update(this._id, {
+ $set: {
+ title: title
+ }
+ });
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-select': function(evt) {
+ var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
+ var permission = $this.attr('name');
+ Boards.update(this._id, {
+ $set: {
+ permission: permission
+ }
+ });
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ 'click .js-select-background': function(evt) {
+ var currentBoardId = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ Boards.update(currentBoardId, {
+ $set: {
+ color: this.toString()
+ }
+ });
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/boards/header.jade b/client/components/boards/header.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..189cdac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/header.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ h1.header-board-menu.js-open-board-menu
+ = title
+ span.fa.fa-angle-down
+ .board-header-btns.left
+ unless isSandstorm
+ a.board-header-btn.js-star-board(class="{{#if isStarred}}board-header-starred{{/if}}"
+ title="{{# if isStarred }}{{_ 'click-to-unstar'}}{{ else }}{{_ 'click-to-star'}}{{/ if }} {{_ 'starred-boards-description'}}")
+ span.board-header-btn-icon.icon-sm.fa(class="fa-star{{#unless isStarred}}-o{{/unless}}")
+ //- XXX To implement
+ span.board-header-btn-text Starred
+ //-
+ XXX Normally we would disable this field for sandstorm, but we keep it
+ until sandstorm implements sharing capabilities
+ a.board-header-btn.perms-btn.js-change-vis(class="{{#unless currentUser.isBoardAdmin}}no-edit{{/ unless}}" id="permission-level")
+ span.board-header-btn-icon.icon-sm.fa(class="{{#if isPublic}}fa-globe{{else}}fa-lock{{/if}}")
+ span.board-header-btn-text {{_ permission}}
+ a.board-header-btn.js-search
+ span.board-header-btn-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-tag
+ span.board-header-btn-text Labels
+ //- XXX Clicking here should open a search field
+ a.board-header-btn.js-search
+ span.board-header-btn-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-search
+ span.board-header-btn-text {{_ 'search'}}
+ //- +boardMembersHeader
+ .board-header-members
+ each currentBoard.members
+ +userAvatar(userId=userId draggable=true showBadges=true)
+ unless isSandstorm
+ if currentUser.isBoardAdmin
+ a.member.add-board-member.js-open-manage-board-members
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li: a.js-rename-board {{_ 'rename-board'}}
+ li: a.js-change-board-color Change color
+ li: a Copy this board
+ li: a Rules
+ form#ChangeBoardTitleForm
+ label {{_ 'name'}}
+ input.js-board-name(type="text" value="{{ title }}" autofocus)
+ input.primary.wide.js-rename-board(type="submit" value="{{_ 'rename'}}")
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li
+ a.js-select.light-hover(name="private")
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-lock.vis-icon
+ | {{_ 'private'}}
+ if check 'private'
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-check
+ span.sub-name {{_ 'private-desc'}}
+ li
+ a.js-select.light-hover(name="public")
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-globe.vis-icon
+ | {{_ 'public'}}
+ if check 'public'
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-check
+ span.sub-name {{_ 'public-desc'}}
+ .board-backgrounds-list.clearfix
+ each backgroundColors
+ .board-background-select.js-select-background
+ span.background-box(class="board-color-{{this}}")
+ if isSelected
+ i.fa.fa-check
+ .content.clearfix
+ form#CreateBoardForm
+ label(for="boardNewTitle") {{_ 'title'}}
+ input#boardNewTitle.non-empty(type="text" name="name" placeholder="{{_ 'bucket-example'}}" autofocus)
+ p.quiet
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-globe
+ | {{{_ 'board-public-info'}}}
+ input.primary.wide(type="submit" value="{{_ 'create'}}")
diff --git a/client/components/boards/header.js b/client/components/boards/header.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d02df48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ isStarred: function() {
+ var boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ return boardId && user && user.hasStarred(boardId);
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/boards/header.styl b/client/components/boards/header.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44c38a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/header.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+@import 'nib'
+.board-header {
+ height: auto;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: 10px 30px 10px 8px;
+ position: relative;
+ transition: padding .15s ease-in;
+.board-header-btns {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+.board-header-btn {
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ color: #f6f6f6;
+ cursor: default;
+ float: left;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 32px;
+ margin: 2px 4px 0 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-left: 30px;
+ position: relative;
+ text-decoration: none;
+.board-header-btn:empty {
+ display: none;
+.board-header-btn-without-icon {
+ padding-left: 8px;
+.board-header-btn-icon {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ color: #f6f6f6 !important;
+ padding: 6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+.board-header-btn-text {
+ padding-right: 8px;
+.board-header-btn:not(.no-edit) .text {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+.board-header-btn:not(.no-edit):hover {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .12);
+ cursor: pointer;
+.board-header-btn:hover {
+ color: #f6f6f6;
+.board-header-btn.board-header-btn-enabled {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
+ &:hover {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
+ }
+ .board-header-btn-icon.icon-star {
+ color: #e6bf00 !important;
+ }
+.board-header-btn-name {
+ cursor: default;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ .board-header-btn-text {
+ padding-left: 6px;
+ }
+.board-header-btn-name-org-logo {
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ height: 30px;
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 30px;
+ .board-header-btn-text {
+ padding-left: 32px;
+ }
+.board-header-btn-org-name {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ max-width: 400px;
+.board-header-btn-filter-indicator {
+ background: #3d990f;
+ padding-right: 30px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-shadow: 0;
+ &:hover {
+ background: #43a711 !important;
+ }
+ .board-header-btn-icon-close {
+ background: #43a711;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 3px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ color: #fff;
+ padding: 6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ &:hover {
+ background: #48b512;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/boards/helpers.js b/client/components/boards/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05be987d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ boards: function() {
+ return Boards.find({}, {
+ sort: ['title']
+ });
+ },
+ starredBoards: function() {
+ var cursor = Boards.find({
+ _id: { $in: Meteor.user().profile.starredBoards || [] }
+ }, {
+ sort: ['title']
+ });
+ return cursor.count() === 0 ? null : cursor;
+ },
+ isStarred: function() {
+ var user = Meteor.user();
+ return user && user.hasStarred(this._id);
+ }
+ check: function(perm) {
+ return this.permission === perm;
+ }
+ backgroundColors: function() {
+ return Boards.simpleSchema()._schema.color.allowedValues;
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ var currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+ return currentBoard.color === this.toString();
+ }
+Blaze.registerHelper('currentBoard', function() {
+ var boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ if (boardId) {
+ return Boards.findOne(boardId);
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/boards/list.jade b/client/components/boards/list.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a8fecd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/list.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ if boards
+ ul.board-list.clearfix
+ each boards
+ li(class="{{#if isStarred}}starred{{/if}}" class=colorClass)
+ a.js-open-board(href="{{ pathFor route='Board' boardId=_id }}")
+ span.details
+ span.board-list-item-name= title
+ i.fa.fa-star-o.js-star-board(
+ class="{{#if isStarred}}is-star-active{{/if}}"
+ title="{{_ 'star-board-title'}}")
+ else
+ p.quiet {{_ 'no-boards'}}
+ button.js-add-board {{_ 'add-board'}}
diff --git a/client/components/boards/list.styl b/client/components/boards/list.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c068dbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/list.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ margin: 25px auto
+ width: 1200px
+ li
+ float: left
+ width: 25%
+ box-sizing: border-box
+ position: relative
+ &.starred .fa-star-o
+ opacity: 1
+ a
+ background-color: #999
+ color: #f6f6f6
+ height: 90px
+ font-size: 16px
+ line-height: 22px
+ border-radius: 3px
+ display: block
+ font-weight: 700
+ min-height: 18px
+ padding: 8px 12px 8px 12px
+ margin: 0 16px 16px 0
+ position: relative
+ text-decoration: none
+ &.tile
+ background-size: auto
+ background-repeat: repeat
+ .details
+ height: 84px
+ padding-right: 36px
+ bottom: 0
+ left: 0
+ overflow: hidden
+ padding: 9px 12px
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ .board-list-item-sub-name
+ color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)
+ display: block
+ font-size: 14px
+ font-weight: 400
+ line-height: 22px
+ .fa-star-o
+ bottom: 0
+ font-size: 14px
+ height: 18px
+ line-height: 18px
+ opacity: 0
+ padding: 9px 9px
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ transition-duration: .15s
+ transition-property: color, font-size, background
+ .is-star-active
+ color: #e6bf00
+ li:hover a
+ color: #f6f6f6
+ .fa-star-o
+ color: #fff
+ opacity: .75
+ &:hover
+ font-size: 18px
+ opacity: 1
+ &.is-star-active
+ color: #e6bf00
+ opacity: 1
+ &:hover
+ color: #ffd91a
+ font-size: 16px
+ opacity: 1
diff --git a/client/components/boards/router.js b/client/components/boards/router.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6845b7f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/boards/router.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+BoardSubsManager = new SubsManager();
+Router.route('/boards', {
+ name: 'Boards',
+ template: 'boards',
+ authenticated: true,
+ onBeforeAction: function() {
+ Session.set('currentBoard', '');
+ Filter.reset();
+ }
+Router.route('/boards/:_id/:slug', {
+ name: 'Board',
+ template: 'board',
+ onAfterAction: function() {
+ Session.set('sidebarIsOpen', true);
+ Session.set('currentWidget', 'home');
+ Session.set('menuWidgetIsOpen', false);
+ },
+ waitOn: function() {
+ var params = this.params;
+ Session.set('currentBoard', params._id);
+ Session.set('currentCard', null);
+ return BoardSubsManager.subscribe('board', params._id, params.slug);
+ },
+ data: function() {
+ return Boards.findOne(this.params._id);
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/cards/details.jade b/client/components/cards/details.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0de59297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/details.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ .card-sidebar.sidebar
+ .card-detail.sidebar-content.js-card-sidebar-content
+ if cover
+ .card-detail-cover(style="background-image: url({{ card.cover.url }})")
+ .card-detail-header(class="{{#if currentUser.isBoardMember}}editable{{/if}}")
+ a.js-close-card-detail
+ i.fa.fa-times
+ h2.card-detail-title.js-card-title= title
+ p.card-detail-list.js-move-card
+ | {{_ 'in-list'}}
+ a.card-detail-list-title(
+ class="{{#if currentUser.isBoardMember}}js-open-move-from-header is-editable{{/if}}")
+ = list.title
+ hr
+ //- if card.members
+ .card-detail-item.card-detail-item-members.clearfix.js-card-detail-members
+ h3.card-detail-item-header {{_ 'members'}}
+ .js-card-detail-members-list.clearfix
+ each members
+ +userAvatar(userId=this size="small" cardId=../_id)
+ a.card-detail-item-add-button.dark-hover.js-details-edit-members
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ //- We should use "editable" to avoide repetiting ourselves
+ .clearfix
+ if currentUser.isBoardMember
+ h3 Description
+ +inlinedForm(classNames="js-card-description")
+ i.fa.fa-times.js-close-inlined-form
+ textarea(autofocus)= description
+ button(type="submit") {{_ 'edit'}}
+ else
+ .js-open-inlined-form
+ a {{_ 'edit'}}
+ +viewer
+ = description
+ else if description
+ h3 Description
+ +viewer
+ = description
+ hr
+ if attachments.count
+ +WindowAttachmentsModule(card=this)
+ +WindowActivityModule(card=this)
+ +boardLists
diff --git a/client/components/cards/details.js b/client/components/cards/details.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4fe89a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/details.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ template: function() {
+ return 'cardSidebar';
+ },
+ mixins: function() {
+ return [Mixins.InfiniteScrolling];
+ },
+ calculateNextPeak: function() {
+ var altitude = this.find('.js-card-sidebar-content').scrollHeight;
+ this.callFirstWith(this, 'setNextPeak', altitude);
+ },
+ reachNextPeak: function() {
+ var activitiesComponent = this.componentChildren('activities')[0];
+ activitiesComponent.loadNextPage();
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ return [{
+ 'click .js-move-card':'moveCard'),
+ 'submit .js-card-description': function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var cardId = Session.get('currentCard');
+ var form = this.componentChildren('inlinedForm')[0];
+ var newDescription = form.getValue();
+ Cards.update(cardId, {
+ $set: {
+ description: newDescription
+ }
+ });
+ form.close();
+ },
+ 'click .js-close-card-detail': function() {
+ Utils.goBoardId(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+ },
+ 'click .editable .js-card-title': function(event, t) {
+ var editable = t.$('.card-detail-title');
+ // add class editing and focus
+ $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
+ editable.addClass('editing');
+ editable.find('#title').focus();
+ },
+ 'click .js-edit-desc': function(event, t) {
+ var editable = t.$('.card-detail-item');
+ // editing remove based and add current editing.
+ $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
+ editable.addClass('editing');
+ editable.find('#desc').focus();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-cancel-edit': function(event, t) {
+ // remove editing hide.
+ $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
+ },
+ 'submit #WindowTitleEdit': function(event, t) {
+ var title = t.find('#title').value;
+ if ($.trim(title)) {
+ Cards.update(this.card._id, {
+ $set: {
+ title: title
+ }
+ }, function (err, res) {
+ if (!err) $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
+ });
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'submit #WindowDescEdit': function(event, t) {
+ Cards.update(this.card._id, {
+ $set: {
+ description: t.find('#desc').value
+ }
+ }, function(err) {
+ if (!err) $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
+ });
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .member':'cardMember'),
+ 'click .js-details-edit-members':'cardMembers'),
+ 'click .js-details-edit-labels':'cardLabels')
+ }];
+ }
+ 'click .js-select-list': function() {
+ // XXX We should *not* get the currentCard from the global state, but
+ // instead from a “component” state.
+ var cardId = Session.get('currentCard');
+ var newListId = this._id;
+ Cards.update(cardId, {
+ $set: {
+ listId: newListId
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/cards/details.styl b/client/components/cards/details.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..faf15d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/details.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ width: 496px - 2 * 20px
+ top: -46px !important
+ z-index: 20 !important
+ // XXX Animate apparition
+ .card-detail-header
+ background: #F7F7F7
+ border-bottom: 1px solid darken(white, 10%)
+ position: absolute
+ min-height: 38px
+ top: 0
+ left: 0
+ right: 0
+ padding 7px 20px 0
+ i.fa
+ float: right
+ font-size: 1.3em
+ color: darken(white, 35%)
+ margin-top: 7px
+ .card-detail-title
+ font-weight: bold
+ font-size: 1.7em
+ margin: 3px 0 0
+ padding: 0
+ .card-detail-list
+ font-size: 0.85em
+ margin-bottom: 3px
+ a.card-detail-list-title
+ font-weight: bold
+ &.is-editable
+ display: inline-block
+ background: darken(white, 10%)
+ border-radius: 3px
+ padding: 0px 5px
+ position: relative
+ margin: 0 0 20px 38px
+ .member
+ opacity: .7
+ position: absolute
+ top: 1px
+ left: -38px
+ .helper
+ bottom: 0
+ display: none
+ position: absolute
+ right: 9px
+ &.focus
+ .member
+ opacity: 1
+ .helper
+ display: inline-block
+ .new-comment-input
+ min-height: 108px
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ cursor: auto
+ overflow: hidden
+ word-wrap: break-word
+ .too-long
+ margin-top: 8px
+ background-color: #fff
+ border: 0
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .23)
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ height: 36px
+ margin: 4px 4px 6px 0
+ padding: 9px 11px
+ width: 100%
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus
+ background-color: #fff
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .33)
+ border: 0
+ cursor: pointer
+ &:focus
+ cursor: auto
+.list-voters.compact .voter
+ position: relative
+ min-height: 36px
+ .member
+ left: 0
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ .title
+ display: block
+ line-height: 30px
+ left: 0
+ overflow: hidden
+ padding-left: 38px
+ position: absolute
+ text-overflow: ellipsis
+ top: 0
+ white-space: nowrap
+ width: 230px
+.list-voters .title
+ display: none
+ padding-bottom: 8px
+ margin-top: 1px
+ input[type="submit"]
+ float: left
+ margin-top: 0
+ padding: 5px 18px
+ .icon-lg
+ float: left
+ .cc-opt
+ float: right
+ background: silver
+ border: none
+ min-height: 18px
+ .hook
+ height: 18px
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ width: 18px
+ float: left
+ margin: 0 0 8px
+ width: 80%
+ float: left
+ margin: 0 0 8px 4px
+ padding: 6px 12px
+ width: 18%
diff --git a/client/components/cards/events.js b/client/components/cards/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c270e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// // 'click .js-cancel': function(event, t) {
+// // var composer = t.$('.card-composer');
+// // // Keep the old value in memory to display it again next time
+// // var inputCacheKey = "addCard-" + this.listId;
+// // var oldValue = composer.find('.js-card-title').val();
+// // InputsCache.set(inputCacheKey, oldValue);
+// // // add composer hide class
+// // composer.addClass('hide');
+// // composer.find('.js-card-title').val('');
+// // // remove hide open link class
+// // $('.js-open-card-composer').removeClass('hide');
+// // },
+// 'submit': function(evt, tpl) {
+// evt.preventDefault();
+// var textarea = $(evt.currentTarget).find('textarea');
+// var title = textarea.val();
+// var lastCard = tpl.find('.js-minicard:last-child');
+// var sort;
+// if (lastCard === null) {
+// sort = 0;
+// } else {
+// sort = Blaze.getData(lastCard).sort + 1;
+// }
+// // debugger
+// // Clear the form in-memory cache
+// // var inputCacheKey = "addCard-" + this.listId;
+// // InputsCache.set(inputCacheKey, '');
+// // title trim if not empty then
+// if ($.trim(title)) {
+// Cards.insert({
+// title: title,
+// listId: Template.currentData().listId,
+// boardId: Template.currentData().board._id,
+// sort: sort
+// }, function(err, _id) {
+// // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly
+// // inserted card in the list of exceptions -- cards that are
+// // not filtered. Otherwise the card will disappear instantly.
+// // See
+// Filter.addException(_id);
+// });
+// // empty and focus.
+// textarea.val('').focus();
+// // focus complete then scroll top
+// Utils.Scroll(tpl.find('.js-minicards')).top(1000, true);
+// }
+// }
+// });
+// 'click .member':'cardMember')
+// });
+ 'click .js-remove-member': function() {
+ Cards.update(this.cardId, {$pull: {members: this.userId}});
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ 'click .js-new-comment:not(.focus)': function(evt) {
+ var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
+ $this.addClass('focus');
+ },
+ 'submit #CommentForm': function(evt, t) {
+ var text = t.$('.js-new-comment-input');
+ if ($.trim(text.val())) {
+ CardComments.insert({
+ boardId: this.card.boardId,
+ cardId: this.card._id,
+ text: text.val()
+ });
+ text.val('');
+ $('.focus').removeClass('focus');
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-change-card-members':'cardMembers'),
+ 'click .js-edit-labels':'cardLabels'),
+ 'click .js-archive-card': function(evt) {
+ // Update
+ Cards.update(this.card._id, {
+ $set: {
+ archived: true
+ }
+ });
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-unarchive-card': function(evt) {
+ Cards.update(this.card._id, {
+ $set: {
+ archived: false
+ }
+ });
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-delete-card': Popup.afterConfirm('cardDelete', function() {
+ Cards.remove(this.card._id);
+ // redirect board
+ Utils.goBoardId(this.card.board()._id);
+ Popup.close();
+ }),
+ 'click .js-more-menu':'cardMore'),
+ 'click .js-attach':'cardAttachments')
+ 'click .js-attach':'cardAttachments'),
+ 'click .js-confirm-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('attachmentDelete',
+ function() {
+ Attachments.remove(this._id);
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ ),
+ // If we let this event bubble, Iron-Router will handle it and empty the
+ // page content, see #101.
+ 'click .js-open-viewer, click .js-download': function(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ 'click .js-add-cover': function() {
+ Cards.update(this.cardId, { $set: { coverId: this._id } });
+ },
+ 'click .js-remove-cover': function() {
+ Cards.update(this.cardId, { $unset: { coverId: '' } });
+ }
+ 'click .js-select-member': function(evt) {
+ var cardId = Template.parentData(2).data._id;
+ var memberId = this.userId;
+ var operation;
+ if (Cards.find({ _id: cardId, members: memberId}).count() === 0)
+ operation = '$addToSet';
+ else
+ operation = '$pull';
+ var query = {};
+ query[operation] = {
+ members: memberId
+ };
+ Cards.update(cardId, query);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-select-label': function(evt) {
+ var cardId = Template.parentData(2).data._id;
+ var labelId = this._id;
+ var operation;
+ if (Cards.find({ _id: cardId, labelIds: labelId}).count() === 0)
+ operation = '$addToSet';
+ else
+ operation = '$pull';
+ var query = {};
+ query[operation] = {
+ labelIds: labelId
+ };
+ Cards.update(cardId, query);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-edit-label':'editLabel'),
+ 'click .js-add-label':'createLabel')
+ 'click .js-palette-color': function(evt) {
+ var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
+ // hide selected ll colors
+ $('.js-palette-select').addClass('hide');
+ // show select color
+ $this.find('.js-palette-select').removeClass('hide');
+ }
+ // Create the new label
+ 'submit .create-label': function(evt, tpl) {
+ var name = tpl.$('#labelName').val().trim();
+ var boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ var selectLabelDom = tpl.$('.js-palette-select:not(.hide)').get(0);
+ var selectLabel = Blaze.getData(selectLabelDom);
+ Boards.update(boardId, {
+ $push: {
+ labels: {
+ _id:,
+ name: name,
+ color: selectLabel.color
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Popup.back();
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-delete-label': Popup.afterConfirm('deleteLabel', function() {
+ var boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ Boards.update(boardId, {
+ $pull: {
+ labels: {
+ _id: this._id
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Popup.back(2);
+ }),
+ 'submit .edit-label': function(evt, tpl) {
+ var name = tpl.$('#labelName').val().trim();
+ var boardId = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ var getLabel = Utils.getLabelIndex(boardId, this._id);
+ var selectLabelDom = tpl.$('.js-palette-select:not(.hide)').get(0);
+ var selectLabel = Blaze.getData(selectLabelDom);
+ var $set = {};
+ // set label index
+ $set[getLabel.key('name')] = name;
+ // set color
+ $set[getLabel.key('color')] = selectLabel.color;
+ // update
+ Boards.update(boardId, { $set: $set });
+ // return to the previous popup view trigger
+ Popup.back();
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-select-label': function() {
+ Cards.remove(this.cardId);
+ // redirect board
+ Utils.goBoardId(this.boardId);
+ }
+ 'click .js-delete': Popup.afterConfirm('cardDelete', function() {
+ Cards.remove(this.card._id);
+ // redirect board
+ Utils.goBoardId(this.card.board()._id);
+ })
+ 'change .js-attach-file': function(evt) {
+ var card = this.card;
+ FS.Utility.eachFile(evt, function(f) {
+ var file = new FS.File(f);
+ // set Ids
+ file.boardId = card.boardId;
+ file.cardId = card._id;
+ // upload file
+ Attachments.insert(file);
+ Popup.close();
+ });
+ },
+ 'click .js-computer-upload': function(evt, t) {
+ t.find('.js-attach-file').click();
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/cards/helpers.js b/client/components/cards/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..708b1b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ isCardMember: function() {
+ var cardId = Template.parentData()._id;
+ var cardMembers = Cards.findOne(cardId).members || [];
+ return _.contains(cardMembers, this.userId);
+ },
+ user: function() {
+ return Users.findOne(this.userId);
+ }
+ isLabelSelected: function(cardId) {
+ return _.contains(Cards.findOne(cardId).labelIds, this._id);
+ }
+var labelColors;
+Meteor.startup(function() {
+ labelColors = Boards.simpleSchema()._schema['labels.$.color'].allowedValues;
+ // This is the default color for a new label. We search the first color that
+ // is not already used in the board (although it's not a problem if two
+ // labels have the same color).
+ defaultColor: function() {
+ var labels = this.labels || this.card.board().labels;
+ var usedColors = _.pluck(labels, 'color');
+ var availableColors = _.difference(labelColors, usedColors);
+ return availableColors.length > 1 ? availableColors[0] : 'green';
+ }
+ labels: function() {
+ return, function(color) {
+ return { color: color, name: '' };
+ });
+ }
+Blaze.registerHelper('currentCard', function() {
+ var cardId = Session.get('currentCard');
+ if (cardId) {
+ return Cards.findOne(cardId);
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/cards/labels.styl b/client/components/cards/labels.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27058b21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/labels.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+@import 'nib'
+// XXX Use .board-widget-labels as a flexbox container
+ background-color: #b3b3b3
+ border-radius: 4px
+ color: white
+ display: inline-block
+ font-weight: 700
+ font-size: 13px
+ margin-right: 4px
+ padding: 3px 8px
+ position:relative
+ max-width: 100%
+ min-width: 8px
+ overflow: ellipsis
+ height: 18px
+ &:hover
+ color: white
+ background-color: #3cb500
+ background-color: #fad900
+ background-color: #ff9f19
+ background-color: #eb4646
+ background-color: #a632db
+ background-color: #0079bf
+ background-color: #ff78cb
+ background-color: #00c2e0
+ background-color: #4d4d4d
+ background-color: #51e898
+ .card-label
+ float: left
+ height: 25px
+ margin: 0px 3% 7px 0px
+ width: 10.5%
+ cursor: pointer
+ input[type="text"]
+ margin: 4px 0 6px 38px
+ width: 243px
+ .card-label
+ height: 30px
+ left: 0
+ padding: 1px 5px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ width: 24px
+ .labels-static .card-label
+ line-height: 30px
+ margin-bottom: 4px
+ position: relative
+ top: auto
+ left: 0
+ width: 260px
+ position: relative
+ z-index: 30
+ top: -6px
+ .card-label
+ border-radius: 0
+ float: left
+ height: 4px
+ margin-bottom: 1px
+ padding: 0
+ width: 40px
+ line-height: 100px
+.card-detail-item-labels .card-label
+ border-radius: 3px
+ display: block
+ float: left
+ height: 20px
+ line-height: 20px
+ margin: 0 4px 4px 0
+ min-width: 30px
+ padding: 5px 10px
+ width: auto
+.editable-labels .card-label:hover
+ cursor: pointer
+ opacity: .75
+ margin-bottom: 8px
+.edit-labels-pop-over .shortcut
+ display: inline-block
+ border-radius: 3px
+ cursor: pointer
+ margin: 0 50px 4px 0
+ min-height: 18px
+ padding: 8px
+ position: relative
+ transition: margin-right .1s
+ .card-label-selectable-icon
+ position: absolute
+ top: 8px
+ right: -20px
+ &.active:hover,
+ &.active,
+ &.active.selected:hover,
+ &.active.selected
+ margin-right: 38px
+ padding-right: 32px
+ .card-label-selectable-icon
+ right: 6px
+ &.active:hover:hover,
+ &.active:hover,
+ &.active.selected:hover:hover,
+ &.active.selected:hover
+ margin-right: 38px
+ &.selected,
+ &:hover
+ margin-right: 38px
+ opacity: .8
+ .card-label-selectable
+ &,
+ &:hover
+ margin-right: 0
+ .card-label-selectable-icon
+ right: 8px
+ border-radius: 3px
+ float: right
+ padding: 8px
+ &:hover
+ background: #dbdbdb
+ left: 14px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 9px
+.phenom .card-label
+ display: inline-block
+ font-size: 12px
+ height: 14px
+ line-height: 13px
+ padding: 0 4px
+ min-width: 16px
+ overflow: ellipsis
+.board-widget .phenom .card-label
+ max-width: 130px
diff --git a/client/components/cards/minicard.styl b/client/components/cards/minicard.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a78cd46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/minicard.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ background-color: #fff
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)
+ border-radius: 2px
+ cursor: pointer
+ margin-bottom: 9px
+ max-width: 300px
+ min-height: 20px
+ position: relative
+ z-index: 0
+ overflow: hidden
+ a
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ &.active-card
+ background-color: #f0f0f0
+ border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2
+ .minicard-operation
+ display: block
+ &.draggable-hover-card
+ background-color: #f0f0f0
+ border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2
+ .minicard-cover
+ background-position: center
+ background-repeat: no-repeat
+ background-size: cover
+ height: 145px
+ user-select: none
+ margin: -6px -8px 6px -8px
+ border-radius: top 2px
+ &.no-preview-size
+ background-size: auto
+ background-position: center
+ .minicard-details
+ padding: 6px 8px 2px
+ position: relative
+ z-index: 10
+ &.is-selected
+ .minicard-details
+ padding-bottom: 0
+ a.minicard-details
+ text-decoration:none
+ .minicard-details-overlay
+ background: transparent
+ bottom: 0
+ left: 0
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ .minicard-dropzone
+ display: none
+ .minicard.drophover .minicard-dropzone
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8)
+ // border-radius: 3px
+ // bottom: 0
+ // display: block
+ // font-weight: 700
+ // line-height: 100%
+ // left: 0
+ // margin: 0
+ // opacity: 1
+ // padding: 0
+ // position: absolute
+ // right: 0
+ // text-align: center
+ // top: 0
+ // z-index: 40
+ .minicard-title
+ display: block
+ font-weight: 400
+ margin: 0 0 4px
+ overflow: hidden
+ text-decoration: none
+ word-wrap: break-word
+ &::selection
+ background: transparent
+ .minicard-labels
+ padding-top: 3px
+ margin-top: 4px
+ float: right
+ .minicard-label
+ float: right
+ width: 8px
+ height: @width
+ border-radius: 2px
+ margin-left: 4px
+ .minicard-members
+ float: right
+ margin: 2px -8px -2px 0
+ .member
+ float: right
+ border-radius: 50%
+ height: 28px
+ width: @height
+ + .badges
+ margin-top: 10px
+ .minicard-members:empty
+ display: none
+ float: left
+ &:empty
+ display: none
+ background: none
+ border: none
+ box-shadow: none
+ height: auto
+ margin-bottom: 4px
+ padding: 0
+ max-height: 162px
+ min-height: 54px
+ overflow-y: auto
diff --git a/client/components/cards/popups.jade b/client/components/cards/popups.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b5aa4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/popups.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ //- input.js-search-mem(autofocus placeholder="Search members…" type="text")
+ ul.pop-over-member-list.checkable.js-mem-list
+ each board.members
+ li.item.js-member-item(class="{{#if isCardMember}}active{{/if}}")
+ +userAvatar(user=user size="small")
+ span.full-name
+ =
+ | (<span class="username">{{ user.username }}</span>)
+ if isCardMember
+ i.fa.fa-check
diff --git a/client/components/cards/router.js b/client/components/cards/router.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48bb9a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/router.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Router.route('/boards/:boardId/:slug/:cardId', {
+ name: 'Card',
+ template: 'board',
+ waitOn: function() {
+ var params = this.params;
+ // XXX We probably shouldn't rely on Session
+ Session.set('currentBoard', params.boardId);
+ Session.set('currentCard', params.cardId);
+ return BoardSubsManager.subscribe('board', params.boardId, params.slug);
+ },
+ data: function() {
+ return Boards.findOne(this.params.boardId);
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/cards/templates.html b/client/components/cards/templates.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c65e429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/templates.html
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+<template name="cardModal">
+ {{ > modal template='cardDetailWindow' card=this board=this.board }}
+<template name="cardMemberPopup">
+ <div class="board-member-menu">
+ <div class="mini-profile-info">
+ {{> userAvatar user=user }}
+ <div class="info">
+ <h3 class="bottom" style="margin-right: 40px;">
+ <a class="js-profile" href="{{ pathFor route='Profile' username=user.username }}">{{ }}</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p class="quiet bottom">@{{ user.username }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}
+ <ul class="pop-over-list">
+ <li><a class="js-remove-member">{{_ 'remove-member-from-card'}}</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ {{/ if }}
+ </div>
+<template name="cardMorePopup">
+ <p class="quiet bottom">
+ <span class="clearfix">
+ <span>{{_ 'link-card'}}</span>
+ <span class="icon-sm fa {{#if card.board.isPublic}}fa-globe{{else}}fa-lock{{/if}}"></span>
+ <input class="js-url js-autoselect inline-input" type="text" readonly="readonly" value="{{ card.rootUrl }}">
+ </span>
+ {{_ 'added'}} <span class="date" title="{{ card.createdAt }}">{{ moment card.createdAt 'LLL' }}</span> -
+ <a class="js-delete" href="#" title="{{_ 'card-delete-notice'}}">{{_ 'delete'}}</a>
+ </p>
+<template name="cardLabelsPopup">
+ <div>
+ {{! <input id="labelSearch" name="search" class="js-autofocus js-label-search" placeholder="Search labels…" value="" type="text"> }}
+ <ul class="edit-labels-pop-over js-labels-list">
+ {{# each card.board.labels }}
+ <li>
+ <a href="#" class="card-label-edit-button icon-sm fa fa-pencil js-edit-label"></a>
+ <span class="card-label card-label-selectable card-label-{{color}} js-select-label {{# if isLabelSelected ../card._id }}active{{/ if }}">
+ {{name}}
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardAdmin }}
+ <span class="card-label-selectable-icon icon-sm fa fa-check light"></span>
+ {{/ if }}
+ </span>
+ </li>
+ {{/ each}}
+ </ul>
+ <a class="quiet-button full js-add-label">{{_ 'label-create'}}</a>
+ </div>
+<template name="cardAttachmentsPopup">
+ <div>
+ <ul class="pop-over-list">
+ <li>
+ <input type="file" name="file" class="js-attach-file hide" multiple>
+ <a class="js-computer-upload" href="#">
+ {{_ 'computer'}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<template name="formLabel">
+ <div class="colors clearfix">
+ <label for="labelName">{{_ 'name'}}</label>
+ <input id="labelName" type="text" name="name" class="js-label-name" value='{{ name }}' autofocus>
+ <label>{{_ "select-color"}}</label>
+ {{# each labels }}
+ <span class="card-label card-label--selectable card-label-{{ color }} palette-color js-palette-color">
+ <span class="card-label-color-select-icon icon-sm fa fa-check light js-palette-select {{#if $neq color ../color}}hide{{/if}}"></span>
+ </span>
+ {{/each}}
+ </div>
+<template name="createLabelPopup">
+ <form class="create-label">
+ {{#with color=defaultColor}}
+ {{> formLabel}}
+ {{/with}}
+ <input type="submit" class="primary wide left" value="{{_ 'create'}}">
+ </form>
+<template name="editLabelPopup">
+ <form class="edit-label">
+ {{> formLabel}}
+ <input type="submit" class="primary wide left" value="{{_ 'save'}}">
+ <span class="right">
+ <input type="submit" value="{{_ 'delete'}}" class="negate js-delete-label">
+ </span>
+ </form>
+<template name="deleteLabelPopup">
+ <p>{{_ "label-delete-pop"}}</p>
+ <input type="submit" class="js-confirm negate full" value="{{_ 'delete'}}">
+<template name="cardDeletePopup">
+ <p>{{_ "card-delete-pop"}}</p>
+ <input type="submit" class="js-confirm negate full" value="{{_ 'delete'}}">
+<template name="attachmentDeletePopup">
+ <p>{{_ "attachment-delete-pop"}}</p>
+ <input type="submit" class="js-confirm negate full" value="{{_ 'delete'}}">
+<template name="cardDetailSidebarOld">
+ <div class="card-detail-window clearfix">
+ {{# if card.cover }}
+ <div class="window-cover js-card-cover-box js-open-card-cover-in-viewer has-cover" style="background-image: url({{ card.cover.url }}); background-color: rgb(119, 119, 119); background-size: contain;">
+ </div>
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{ #if card.archived }}
+ <div class="window-archive-banner js-archive-banner">
+ <span class="icon-lg fa fa-archive window-archive-banner-icon"></span>
+ <p class="window-archive-banner-text">{{_ "card-archived"}}</p>
+ </div>
+ {{ /if }}
+ <div class="window-header clearfix">
+ <span class="window-header-icon icon-lg fa fa-calendar-o"></span>
+ <div class="window-title card-detail-title non-empty inline {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}editable{{/ if }}">
+ <h2 class="window-title-text current hide-on-edit js-card-title">{{ card.title }}</h2>
+ <div class="edit edit-heavy">
+ <form id="WindowTitleEdit">
+ <textarea type="text" class="field single-line" id="title">{{ card.title }}</textarea>
+ <div class="edit-controls clearfix">
+ <input type="submit" class="primary confirm js-title-save-edit" value="{{_ 'save'}}">
+ <a href="#" class="icon-lg fa fa-times dark-hover cancel js-cancel-edit"></a>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <div class="quiet hide-on-edit window-header-inline-content js-current-list">
+ <p class="inline-block bottom">
+ {{_ 'in-list'}}
+ <a href="#" class="{{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}js-open-move-from-header{{else}}disabled{{/ if }}"><strong>{{ card.list.title }}</strong></a>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="window-main-col clearfix">
+ <div class="card-detail-data gutter clearfix">
+ <div class="card-detail-item card-detail-item-block clear clearfix editable">
+ {{# if card.members }}
+ <div class="card-detail-item card-detail-item-members clearfix js-card-detail-members">
+ <h3 class="card-detail-item-header">{{_ 'members'}}</h3>
+ <div class="js-card-detail-members-list clearfix">
+ {{# each card.members }}
+ {{> userAvatar userId=this size="small" cardId=../card._id }}
+ {{/ each }}
+ <a class="card-detail-item-add-button dark-hover js-details-edit-members">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-plus"></span>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{/ if }}
+ {{# if card.labels }}
+ <div class="card-detail-item card-detail-item-labels clearfix js-card-detail-labels">
+ <h3 class="card-detail-item-header">{{_ 'labels'}}</h3>
+ <div class="js-card-detail-labels-list clearfix editable-labels js-edit-label">
+ {{# each card.labels }}
+ <span class="card-label card-label-{{color}}" title="{{name}}">{{ name }}</span>
+ {{/ each }}
+ <a class="card-detail-item-add-button dark-hover js-details-edit-labels">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-plus"></span>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{/ if }}
+ <div class="card-detail-item card-detail-item-block clear clearfix editable" attr="desc">
+ {{# if card.description }}
+ <h3 class="card-detail-item-header js-show-with-desc">{{_ 'description'}}</h3>
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}
+ <a href="#" class="card-detail-item-header-edit hide-on-edit js-show-with-desc js-edit-desc">{{_ 'edit'}}</a>
+ {{/ if }}
+ <div class="current markeddown hide-on-edit js-card-desc js-show-with-desc">
+ {{#viewer}}{{ card.description }}{{/viewer}}
+ </div>
+ {{ else }}
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}
+ <p class="bottom">
+ <a href="#" class="hide-on-edit quiet-button w-img js-edit-desc js-hide-with-desc">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-align-left"></span>
+ {{_ 'edit-description'}}
+ </a>
+ </p>
+ {{/ if }}
+ {{/ if }}
+ <div class="card-detail-edit edit">
+ <form id="WindowDescEdit">
+ {{#editor class="field single-line2" id="desc"}}{{ card.description }}{{/editor}}
+ <div class="edit-controls clearfix">
+ <input type="submit" class="primary confirm js-title-save-edit" value="{{_ 'save'}}">
+ <a href="#" class="icon-lg fa fa-times dark-hover cancel js-cancel-edit"></a>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{# if card.attachments.count }}
+ {{ > WindowAttachmentsModule card=card }}
+ {{/ if}}
+ {{ > WindowActivityModule card=card }}
+ </div>
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}
+ {{ > WindowSidebarModule card=card }}
+ {{/if}}
+ </div>
+<template name="WindowActivityModule">
+ <div class="card-detailwindow-module">
+ <div class="window-module-title window-module-title-no-divider">
+ <span class="window-module-title-icon icon-lg fa fa-comments-o"></span>
+ <h3>{{ _ 'activity'}}</h3>
+ </div>
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}
+ <div class="new-comment js-new-comment">
+ {{> userAvatar user=currentUser size="small" class="member-no-menu" }}
+ <form id="CommentForm">
+ {{#editor class="new-comment-input js-new-comment-input"}}{{/editor}}
+ <div class="add-controls clearfix">
+ <input type="submit" class="primary confirm clear js-add-comment" value="{{_ 'comment'}}" tabindex="2">
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ {{/ if }}
+ {{ > activities mode="card" }}
+ </div>
+<template name="WindowAttachmentsModule">
+ <div class="window-module js-attachments-section clearfix">
+ <div class="window-module-title window-module-title-no-divider">
+ <span class="window-module-title-icon icon-lg fa fa-paperclip"></span>
+ <h3 class="inline-block">{{_ 'attachments'}}</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="gutter">
+ <div class="clearfix js-attachment-list">
+ {{# each card.attachments }}
+ <div class="attachment-thumbnail">
+ {{# if isUploaded }}
+ <a href="{{ url download=true }}" class="attachment-thumbnail-preview js-open-viewer attachment-thumbnail-preview-is-cover">
+ {{# if isImage }}
+ <img src="{{ url }}">
+ {{ else }}
+ <span class="attachment-thumbnail-preview-ext">{{ extension }}</span>
+ {{ /if }}
+ </a>
+ <p class="attachment-thumbnail-details js-open-viewer">
+ <a href="" class="attachment-thumbnail-details-title js-attachment-thumbnail-details">
+ {{ name }}
+ <span class="block quiet">
+ {{_ 'added'}} <span class="date">{{ moment uploadedAt }}</span>
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ <span class="quiet attachment-thumbnail-details-options">
+ <a href="{{ url download=true }}" class="attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item dark-hover js-download">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-download"></span>
+ <span class="attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item-text">{{_ 'download'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ {{# if isImage }}
+ <a class="attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item dark-hover {{#if $eq ../card.coverId _id}}js-remove-cover{{else}}js-add-cover{{/if}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-thumb-tack"></span>
+ <span class="attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item-text">{{#if $eq ../card.coverId _id}}{{_ 'remove-cover'}}{{else}}{{_ 'add-cover'}}{{/if}}</span>
+ </a>
+ {{/if}}
+ <a href="#" class="attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item-delete dark-hover js-confirm-delete">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-close"></span>
+ <span class="attachment-thumbnail-details-options-item-text">{{_ 'delete'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ </span>
+ </p>
+ {{ else }}
+ +spinner
+ {{/ if }}
+ </div>
+ {{/each}}
+ </div>
+ <p>
+ <a href="#" class="quiet-button js-attach">{{_ 'add-attachment' }}</a>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<template name="WindowSidebarModule">
+ <div class="window-sidebar" style="position: relative;">
+ <div class="window-module clearfix">
+ <h3>{{_ 'add'}}</h3>
+ <div class="clearfix">
+ <a href="#" class="button-link js-change-card-members" title="{{_ 'members-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-user"></span> {{_ 'members'}}
+ </a>
+ <a href="#" class="button-link js-edit-labels" title="{{_ 'labels-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-tags"></span> {{_ 'labels'}}
+ </a>
+ <a href="#" class="button-link js-attach" title="{{_ 'attachment-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-paperclip"></span> {{_ 'attachment'}}
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="window-module other-actions clearfix">
+ <h3>{{_ 'actions'}}</h3>
+ <div class="clearfix">
+ <hr>
+ {{ #if card.archived }}
+ <a href="#" class="button-link js-unarchive-card" title="{{_ 'send-to-board-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-recycle"></span> {{_ 'send-to-board'}}
+ </a>
+ <a href="#" class="button-link negate js-delete-card" title="{{_ 'delete-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-trash-o"></span> {{_ 'delete'}}
+ </a>
+ {{ else }}
+ <a href="#" class="button-link js-archive-card" title="{{_ 'archive-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-archive"></span> {{_ 'archive'}}
+ </a>
+ {{ /if }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="window-module clearfix">
+ <p class="quiet bottom">
+ <a href="#" class="quiet-button js-more-menu" title="{{_ 'share-and-more-title'}}">{{_ 'share-and-more'}}</a>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/client/components/forms/cachedValue.js b/client/components/forms/cachedValue.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2898d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/forms/cachedValue.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+var emptyValue = '';
+Mixins.CachedValue = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+ onCreated: function() {
+ this._cachedValue = emptyValue;
+ },
+ setCache: function(value) {
+ this._cachedValue = value;
+ },
+ getCache: function(defaultValue) {
+ if (this._cachedValue === emptyValue)
+ return defaultValue || '';
+ else
+ return this._cachedValue;
+ },
+ resetCache: function() {
+ this.setCache('');
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/forms/forms.styl b/client/components/forms/forms.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1084a4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/forms/forms.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ box-sizing: border-box
+ -webkit-appearance: none
+ background-color: #ebebeb
+ border: 1px solid #ccc
+ border-radius: 3px
+ display: block
+ margin-bottom: 12px
+ min-height: 34px
+ padding: 7px
+ &.full
+ width: 100%
+ &.input-error
+ background-color: #ece9e9
+ border-color: #ba1212
+ &:focus
+ outline: 0
+ margin-bottom: 16px
+ -webkit-appearance: radio
+ min-height: inherit
+ -webkit-appearance: checkbox
+ margin-right: 4px
+ transition: background 85ms ease-in,
+ border-color 85ms ease-in
+ width: 250px
+ &.inline-input
+ background: none
+ border: 0
+ margin: 0
+ padding: 2px
+ min-height: 0
+ height: 18px
+ width: 200px
+ box-shadow: none
+ &:hover
+ border-color: #999
+ &.input-error
+ border-color: #ba1212
+ &:focus
+ background: #fff
+ border-color: #318ec4
+ box-shadow: 0 0 2px #318ec4
+ &.input-error
+ background-color: #f8f7f7
+ border-color: #ba1212
+ box-shadow: 0 0 2px #d11515
+ &:disabled
+ background-color: #dcdcdc
+ border-color: #bfbfbf
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ -webkit-touch-callout: none
+ user-select: none
+ max-height: 300px
+ width: 256px
+ margin-bottom: 8px
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ height: 150px
+ transition: background 85ms ease-in,
+ border-color 85ms ease-in
+ resize: vertical
+ width: 100%
+ border-radius: 3px
+ text-decoration: none
+ position: relative
+ background: #cfcfcf
+ background: linear-gradient(#cfcfcf, #c2c2c2)
+ border: none
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #8c8c8c
+ cursor: pointer
+ display: inline-block
+ font-weight: 700
+ line-height: 22px
+ margin: 8px 4px 0 0
+ padding: 7px 20px
+ text-align: center
+ .wide
+ padding-left: 30px
+ padding-right: 30px
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus
+ background: #c2c2c2
+ background: linear-gradient(#c2c2c2, #b5b5b5)
+ &:active
+ background: #b5b5b5
+ background: linear-gradient(#b5b5b5, #a8a8a8)
+ box-shadow: inset 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1)
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &:active
+ background: #e6e6e6
+ background: linear-gradient(#e6e6e6, #e6e6e6)
+ &.primary
+ background: #005377
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #4d4d4d
+ color: white
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus
+ background: #004766
+ &:active
+ background: #01628C
+ &.negate
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus
+ background: #990f0f
+ background: linear-gradient(#990f0f, #7d0c0c)
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #4d4d4d
+ color: #fff
+ &:active
+ background: #7d0c0c
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #4d4d4d
+ color: #fff
+ &,
+ &:hover,
+ &:active
+ background: #cfcfcf
+ cursor: default
+ box-shadow: none
+ color: #a8a8a8
+ border: 1px solid #bfbfbf
+ padding: 15px
+ margin-bottom: 15px
+ display: none
+ display: inline
+ display: block
+ margin: 0 0 4px 20px
+ min-height: 20px
+ position: relative
+ input
+ left: -18px
+ min-height: 0
+ margin: 0
+ padding: 0
+ position: absolute
+ top: 2px
+ label
+ font-weight: 400
+ display: block
+ font-weight: 700
+ margin-bottom: 4px
+ &.form-error
+ color: #ba1212
+ &::-webkit-input-placeholder,
+ &::-moz-placeholder
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ margin-top: 0
+ button[type=submit]
+ float: left
+ height: 32px
+ margin-top: -2px
+ padding-top: 5px
+ padding-bottom: 5px
+ i.fa.fa-times
+ font-size: 20px
+ .option
+ border-color: transparent
+ border-radius: 3px
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ display: block
+ float: right
+ height: 30px
+ line-height: 30px
+ padding: 0 8px
+ margin: 0 2px
+ &:hover
+ background-color: #dbdbdb
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ &:active
+ background-color: #ccc
+ background: #fff
+ background: linear-gradient(#fff, #f5f5f5)
+ border-radius: 3px
+ box-sizing: border-box
+ user-select: none
+ border: 1px solid #e3e3e3
+ border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2
+ cursor: pointer
+ display: block
+ font-weight: 700
+ height: 34px
+ margin-top: 6px
+ max-width: 300px
+ padding: 7px
+ position: relative
+ text-decoration: none
+ overflow: ellipsis
+ .on
+ background: #48b512
+ background: linear-gradient(#48b512, #3d990f)
+ border-radius: 3px
+ color: #fff
+ display: none
+ font-size: 12px
+ font-weight: 700
+ height: 17px
+ line-height: @height
+ margin: 0
+ padding: 2px 4px
+ position: absolute
+ right: 5px
+ top: 5px
+ text-align: center
+ &.is-on
+ padding-right: 30px
+ max-width: 196px
+ .on
+ display: block
+ &.inline
+ color: #666
+ padding: 2px 14px
+ margin-left: 4px
+ &.setting
+ height: 52px
+ float: left
+ position: relative
+ margin-top: 0
+ &.disabled
+ background: #fff
+ border-color: #e9e9e9
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ cursor: default
+ select
+ display: none
+ &:hover .label
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ &,
+ &:hover,
+ &:active,
+ &.primary,
+ &.primary:hover,
+ &.primary:active
+ background: #cfcfcf
+ border-color: #c2c2c2
+ border-bottom-color: #b5b5b5
+ cursor: default
+ box-shadow: none
+ color: #a8a8a8
+ .label
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ display: block
+ font-size: 12px
+ line-height: 14px
+ margin-bottom: 0
+ &:hover .label
+ color: #eee
+ .value
+ display: block
+ font-size: 18px
+ line-height: 24px
+ overflow: hidden
+ text-overflow: ellipsis
+ label
+ display: none
+ select
+ border: none
+ cursor: pointer
+ height: 50px
+ left: 0
+ margin: 0
+ opacity: 0
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ z-index: 2
+ width: 100%
+ &:hover
+ background: #318ec4
+ background: linear-gradient(#318ec4, #2b7cab)
+ border-color: #2e85b8
+ color: #fff
+ .on
+ background-image: none
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)
+ border-color: transparent
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #fff
+ &:active
+ background: #2e85b8
+ background: linear-gradient(#2e85b8, #28739f)
+ border-color: #2b7cab
+ color: #fff
+ .button-link.negate
+ &:hover
+ background: #990f0f
+ background: linear-gradient(#990f0f, #7d0c0c)
+ border-color: @background
+ &:active
+ background: #7d0c0c
+ border-color: #990f0f
+ &.primary
+ background: #48b512
+ background: linear-gradient(#48b512, #3d990f)
+ border: 1px solid
+ border-color: #3d990f
+ color: #fff
+ &:hover
+ background: #3d990f
+ background: linear-gradient(#3d990f, #327d0c)
+ border-color: #3d990f
+ &.danger
+ background: #ba1212
+ background: linear-gradient(#ba1212, #8b0e0e)
+ border: 1px solid
+ border-color: #a21010
+ color: #fff
+ &:hover
+ background: #a21010
+ background: linear-gradient(#a21010, #740b0b)
+ border-color: #8b0e0e
+ &.quiet-button,
+ &.loud-text-button
+ background: none
+ text-align: left
+ line-height: normal
+ border: none
+ box-shadow: none
+ &:active
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ background: #d3d3d3
+ box-shadow: none
+ &.quiet-button
+ font-weight: 400
+ text-decoration: underline
+ &.loud-text-button
+ width: 100%
+ &:hover
+ color: #111
+ border-radius: 3px
+ user-select: none
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ display: block
+ margin: 2px 0
+ padding: 6px 8px
+ position: relative
+ &.w-img
+ padding-left: 28px
+ .icon-sm
+ left: 6px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 6px
+ &:hover
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ background: #dcdcdc
+ &:active
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ background: #d3d3d3
+ padding: 16px 24px
+ color: #74663e
+ background: #ecdfbb
+ &:hover
+ color: #53492d
+ background: #e7d6a7
+ &:active
+ color: #53492d
+ background: #e1cc93
+ border-radius: 3px
+ display: block
+ margin: 6px 0 6px 40px
+ padding: 11px
+ position: relative
+ text-decoration: none
+ font-size: 16px
+ line-height: 20px
+ .text
+ text-decoration: underline
+ &:hover
+ background: #dcdcdc
+ &.options
+ padding-right: 41px
+ .option
+ height: 30px
+ width: @height
+ position: absolute
+ right: 6px
+ top: 6px
+ &.none
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ text-decoration: none
+ &:hover
+ background: transparent
+ &.avatar-changer
+ padding-right: 51px
+ .member
+ border: 1px solid #ccc
+ border-radius: 3px
+ height: 40px
+ width: @height
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ .member-avatar
+ height: 40px
+ width: @height
+ .member-initials
+ font-size: 16px
+ height: 40px
+ line-height: @height
+ max-height: @height
+ border-radius: 3px
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ display: block
+ padding: 16px 8px 16px 40px
+ margin: 8px 0
+ &:hover
+ background: #dcdcdc
+ text-decoration: underline
+ &.compact
+ padding: 12px 8px
+ margin: 8px 0 0
+ text-align: center
+.board-widget .show-more
+ padding: 12px 8px 12px 40px
+ clear: both
+ cursor: pointer
+ position: relative
+ height: 34px
+ width: 100%
+ .realfile
+ cursor: pointer
+ height: 34px
+ line-height: @height
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ left: 0
+ width: 100%
+ z-index: 2
+ font-size: 23px
+ input[type="file"]
+ cursor: pointer
+ height: 34px
+ line-height: @height
+ margin: 0
+ opacity: 0
+ padding: 0
+ width: 100%
+ z-index: 2
+ font-size: 23px
+ &:hover .fakefile
+ background: #318ec4
+ background: linear-gradient(#318ec4, #2b7cab)
+ border-color: #2e85b8
+ color: #fff
+ display: flex
+ flex-wrap: wrap
+ width: 100%
+ flex: 1
+ margin: 0 0 8px
+ flex: 1 1 100%
+ flex: 3
+ margin-right: 8px
+ flex: 2
+ margin-right: 8px
+ border-radius: 2px
+ // padding-bottom: 3px
+ overflow: hidden
+ li
+ border-top: none
+ a
+ padding: 4px 12px 4px 8px
+ img
+ width: 18px
+ height: @width
+ margin-right: 5px
+ vertical-align: middle
+ &.active
+ background: #005377
+ a
+ color: white
diff --git a/client/components/forms/inlinedform.jade b/client/components/forms/inlinedform.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ad9039e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/forms/inlinedform.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ if isOpen.get
+ form(id=id class=classNames)
+ +Template.contentBlock
+ else
+ +Template.elseBlock
diff --git a/client/components/forms/inlinedform.js b/client/components/forms/inlinedform.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e2b2eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/forms/inlinedform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// A inlined form is used to provide a quick edition of single field for a given
+// document. Clicking on a edit button should display the form to edit the field
+// value. The form can then be submited, or just closed.
+// When the form is closed we save non-submitted values in memory to avoid any
+// data loss.
+// Usage:
+// +inlineForm
+// // the content when the form is open
+// else
+// // the content when the form is close (optional)
+// We can only have one inlined form element opened at a time
+// XXX Could we avoid using a global here ? This is used in Mousetrap
+// keyboard.js
+currentlyOpenedForm = new ReactiveVar(null);
+ template: function() {
+ return 'inlinedForm';
+ },
+ mixins: function() {
+ return [Mixins.CachedValue];
+ },
+ onCreated: function() {
+ this.isOpen = new ReactiveVar(false);
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ // Close currently opened form, if any
+ if (currentlyOpenedForm.get() !== null) {
+ currentlyOpenedForm.get().close();
+ }
+ this.isOpen.set(true);
+ currentlyOpenedForm.set(this);
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ this.saveValue();
+ this.isOpen.set(false);
+ currentlyOpenedForm.set(null);
+ },
+ getValue: function() {
+ return this.isOpen.get() && this.find('textarea,input[type=text]').value;
+ },
+ saveValue: function() {
+ this.callFirstWith(this, 'setCache', this.getValue());
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ return [{
+ 'click .js-close-inlined-form': this.close,
+ 'click .js-open-inlined-form':,
+ // Close the inlined form by pressing escape.
+ //
+ // Keydown (and not keypress) in necessary here because the `keyCode`
+ // property is consistent in all browsers, (there is not keyCode for the
+ // `keypress` event in firefox)
+ 'keydown form input, keydown form textarea': function(evt) {
+ if (evt.keyCode === 27) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ this.close();
+ }
+ },
+ // Pressing Ctrl+Enter should submit the form
+ 'keydown form textarea': function(evt) {
+ if (evt.keyCode === 13 && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey)) {
+ $(evt.currentTarget).parents('form:first').submit();
+ }
+ },
+ // Close the inlined form when after its submission
+ submit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ // XXX Swith to an arrow function here when we'll have ES6
+ if (this.currentData().autoclose !== false) {
+ Tracker.afterFlush(function() {
+ self.close();
+ self.callFirstWith(self, 'resetCache');
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/lists/body.jade b/client/components/lists/body.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e8efeeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/body.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ .minicards.clearfix.js-minicards
+ if cards.count
+ +inlinedForm(autoclose=false position="top")
+ +addCardForm
+ each cards
+ .minicard.card.js-minicard.js-member-droppable(
+ class="{{#if isSelected}}is-selected{{/if}}")
+ if cover
+ .minicard-cover.js-card-cover(style="background-image: url({{cover.url}});")
+ if labels
+ .minicard-labels
+ each labels
+ .minicard-label(class="card-label-{{color}}" title="{{name}}")
+ .minicard-title= title
+ if members
+ .minicard-members.js-minicard-members
+ each members
+ +userAvatar(userId=this size="small" cardId="{{../_id}}")
+ .badges
+ if comments.count
+ .badge(title="{{_ 'card-comments-title' comments.count }}")
+ span.badge-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-comment-o
+ .badge-text= comments.count
+ if description
+ .badge.badge-state-image-only(title=description)
+ span.badge-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-align-left
+ if attachments.count
+ .badge
+ span.badge-icon.icon-sm.fa.fa-paperclip
+ span.badge-text= attachments.count
+ if currentUser.isBoardMember
+ +inlinedForm(autoclose=false position="bottom")
+ +addCardForm
+ else
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ | {{_ 'add-card'}}
+ .minicard.js-composer
+ .minicard-labels.js-minicard-composer-labels
+ .minicard-details.clearfix
+ textarea.minicard-composer-textarea.js-card-title(autofocus)
+ = getCache
+ .minicard-members.js-minicard-composer-members
+ .add-controls.clearfix
+ button.primary.confirm(type="submit") {{_ 'add'}}
+ a.fa.fa-times.dark-hover.cancel.js-close-inlined-form
diff --git a/client/components/lists/body.js b/client/components/lists/body.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa6ec096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/body.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ template: function() {
+ return 'listBody';
+ },
+ isSelected: function() {
+ return Session.equals('currentCard', this.currentData()._id);
+ },
+ addCard: function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var textarea = $(evt.currentTarget).find('textarea');
+ var title = textarea.val();
+ var position = this.currentData().position;
+ var sortIndex;
+ if (position === 'top') {
+ sortIndex = Utils.getSortIndex(null, this.find('.js-minicard:first'));
+ } else if (position === 'bottom') {
+ sortIndex = Utils.getSortIndex(this.find('.js-minicard:last'), null);
+ }
+ // Clear the form in-memory cache
+ // var inputCacheKey = "addCard-" + this.listId;
+ // InputsCache.set(inputCacheKey, '');
+ // title trim if not empty then
+ if ($.trim(title)) {
+ Cards.insert({
+ title: title,
+ listId:,
+ boardId:,
+ sort: sortIndex
+ }, function(err, _id) {
+ // In case the filter is active we need to add the newly
+ // inserted card in the list of exceptions -- cards that are
+ // not filtered. Otherwise the card will disappear instantly.
+ // See
+ Filter.addException(_id);
+ });
+ // We keep the form opened, empty it, and scroll to it.
+ textarea.val('').focus();
+ Utils.Scroll(this.find('.js-minicards')).top(1000, true);
+ }
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ return [{
+ submit: this.addCard,
+ 'keydown form textarea': function(evt) {
+ // Pressing Enter should submit the card
+ if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ $(evt.currentTarget).parents('form:first').submit();
+ // Pressing Tab should open the form of the next column, and Maj+Tab go
+ // in the reverse order
+ } else if (evt.keyCode === 9) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var isReverse = evt.shiftKey;
+ var list = $('#js-list-' +;
+ var nextList = list[isReverse ? 'prev' : 'next']('.js-list').get(0) ||
+ $('.js-list:' + (isReverse ? 'last' : 'first')).get(0);
+ var nextListComponent = BlazeComponent.getComponentForElement(nextList);
+ // XXX Get the real position
+ var position = 'bottom';
+ nextListComponent.openForm({position: position});
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/lists/events.js b/client/components/lists/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f636de75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@{
+ submit: function(event, t) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var title = t.find('.list-name-input');
+ if ($.trim(title.value)) {
+ Lists.insert({
+ title: title.value,
+ boardId: Session.get('currentBoard'),
+ sort: $('.list').length
+ });
+ Utils.Scroll('.js-lists').left(270, true);
+ title.value = '';
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/lists/header.jade b/client/components/lists/header.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5196af5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/header.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ .list-header.js-list-header
+ +inlinedForm
+ +editListTitleForm
+ else
+ h2.list-header-name.js-open-inlined-form= title
+ a.list-header-menu-icon.fa.fa-bars.js-open-list-menu
+ input.field.single-line(type="text" value="{{getCache title}}" autofocus)
+ .edit-controls.clearfix
+ input.primary.confirm(type="submit" value="{{_ 'save'}}")
+ a.fa.fa-times.js-close-inlined-form
diff --git a/client/components/lists/header.js b/client/components/lists/header.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..014cfd80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ template: function() {
+ return 'listHeader';
+ },
+ editTitle: function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var form = this.componentChildren('inlinedForm')[0];
+ var newTitle = form.getValue();
+ if ($.trim(newTitle)) {
+ Lists.update(this.currentData()._id, {
+ $set: {
+ title: newTitle
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ return [{
+ 'click .js-open-list-menu':'listAction'),
+ submit: this.editTitle
+ }];
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/lists/main.jade b/client/components/lists/main.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd4bb49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/main.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ .list.js-list(id="js-list-{{_id}}")
+ .list-wrapper
+ +listHeader
+ +listBody
diff --git a/client/components/lists/main.js b/client/components/lists/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d458055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ListComponent = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+ template: function() {
+ return 'list';
+ },
+ openForm: function(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ options.position = options.position || 'top';
+ var listComponent = this.componentChildren('listBody')[0];
+ var forms = listComponent.componentChildren('inlinedForm');
+ if (options.position === 'top') {
+ forms[0].open();
+ } else {
+ forms[forms.length - 1].open();
+ }
+ },
+ // XXX The jQuery UI sortable plugin is far from ideal here. First we include
+ // all jQuery components but only use one. Second, it modifies the DOM itself,
+ // resulting in Blaze abandoning reactive update of the nodes that have been
+ // moved which result in bugs if multiple users use the board in real time.
+ // I tried sortable:sortable but that was not better. Should we “simply” write
+ // the drag&drop code ourselves?
+ onRendered: function() {
+ if (Meteor.user().isBoardMember()) {
+ var $cards = this.$('.js-minicards');
+ $cards.sortable({
+ connectWith: ".js-minicards",
+ tolerance: 'pointer',
+ appendTo: '.js-lists',
+ helper: "clone",
+ items: '.js-minicard:not(.placeholder, .hide, .js-composer)',
+ placeholder: 'minicard placeholder',
+ start: function (event, ui) {
+ $('.minicard.placeholder').height(ui.item.height());
+ Popup.close();
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ // To attribute the new index number, we need to get the dom element of
+ // the previous and the following card -- if any.
+ var cardDomElement = ui.item.get(0);
+ var prevCardDomElement = ui.item.prev('.js-minicard').get(0);
+ var nextCardDomElement ='.js-minicard').get(0);
+ var sort = Utils.getSortIndex(prevCardDomElement, nextCardDomElement);
+ var cardId = Blaze.getData(cardDomElement)._id;
+ var listId = Blaze.getData(ui.item.parents('.list').get(0))._id;
+ Cards.update(cardId, {
+ $set: {
+ listId: listId,
+ sort: sort
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }).disableSelection();
+ Utils.liveEvent('mouseover', function($el) {
+ $el.find('.js-member-droppable').droppable({
+ hoverClass: "draggable-hover-card",
+ accept: '.js-member',
+ drop: function(event, ui) {
+ var memberId = Blaze.getData(ui.draggable.get(0)).userId;
+ var cardId = Blaze.getData(this)._id;
+ Cards.update(cardId, {$addToSet: {members: memberId}});
+ }
+ });
+ $el.find('.js-member-droppable').droppable({
+ hoverClass: "draggable-hover-card",
+ accept: '.js-label',
+ drop: function(event, ui) {
+ var labelId = Blaze.getData(ui.draggable.get(0))._id;
+ var cardId = Blaze.getData(this)._id;
+ Cards.update(cardId, {$addToSet: {labelIds: labelId}});
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/lists/main.styl b/client/components/lists/main.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18484174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/main.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ box-sizing: border-box
+ display: flex
+ flex-direction: column
+ flex: 0 0 270px
+ position: relative
+ // Even if this background color is the same as the body we can't leave it
+ // transparent, because that won't work during a list drag.
+ background: darken(white, 10%)
+ height: 100%
+ border-right: 1px solid darken(white, 17%)
+ border-left: 1px solid darken(white, 4%)
+ padding: 12px 7px 5px
+ overflow-y: auto
+ &:first-child
+ margin-left: 5px
+ border-left: none
+ &:last-child
+ margin-right: 5px
+ border-right: none
+ &.editable
+ cursor: grab
+ .list-wrapper
+ cursor: default
+ &.add-list
+ &.fade
+ opacity: 0
+ .list-name-input
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .05)
+ border-color: #aaa
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15)
+ display: block
+ margin: 0
+ transition: margin 85ms ease-in,
+ background 85ms ease-in
+ width: 100%
+ .edit-controls
+ height: 32px
+ transition: margin 85ms ease-in,
+ height 85ms ease-in
+ overflow: hidden
+ margin: 4px 0 0
+ input[type=submit]
+ margin-top: 0
+ min-height: 30px
+ height: 30px
+ flex: 0 0 auto
+ padding: 10px 26px 4px 6px
+ position: relative
+ min-height: 20px
+ .list-header-name
+ display: inline
+ font-size: 16px
+ line-height: 17px
+ margin: 0
+ font-weight: bold
+ min-height: 9px
+ min-width: 30px
+ overflow: hidden
+ text-overflow: ellipsis
+ word-wrap: break-word
+ .list-header-menu-icon
+ background-clip: content-box
+ background-origin: content-box
+ padding: 6px 8px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 3px
+ right: -5px
+ color: #a6a6a6
+ .list-header-num-cards
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ margin: 0
+ // flex: 1 1 auto
+ overflow-y: auto
+ overflow-x: hidden
+ padding: 4px 4px 1px
+ z-index: 1
+ height: 100%
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar-button
+ display: block
+ height: 4px
+ border-top-left-radius: 0
+ border-top-right-radius: 0
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 3px
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ display: block
+ // flex: 0 0 auto
+ margin: 2px -3px -3px
+ padding: 7px 10px
+ position: relative
+ text-decoration: none
+ &:hover
+ background: #c3c3c3
+ color: #222
+ text-decoration: underline
+ &::selection
+ background: transparent
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2)
+ border-color: transparent
+ box-shadow: none
+ height: 100px
+ cursor: grabbing
+ box-shadow: -2px 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3), 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)
+ transform: rotate(4deg)
+.list.ui-sortable-helper .list-header-menu-icon
+ display: none
diff --git a/client/components/lists/menu.jade b/client/components/lists/menu.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff7820a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/menu.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li: a.js-add-card {{_ 'add-card'}}
+ li: a.highlight-icon.js-list-subscribe {{_ 'subscribe'}}
+ if cards.count
+ hr
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li: a.js-move-cards {{_ 'list-move-cards'}}
+ li: a.js-archive-cards {{_ 'list-archive-cards'}}
+ hr
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li: a.js-close-list {{_ 'archive-list'}}
+ +boardLists
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ each currentBoard.lists
+ li
+ if($eq ../_id _id)
+ a.disabled {{title}} ({{_ 'current'}})
+ else
+ a.js-select-list= title
+ p {{_ 'list-archive-cards-pop'}}
+ input.js-confirm.negate.full(type="submit" value="{{_ 'archive-all'}}")
diff --git a/client/components/lists/menu.js b/client/components/lists/menu.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef08cf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/lists/menu.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@{
+ 'click .js-add-card': function() {
+ // XXX We need a better API and architecture here. See
+ //
+ var listDom = document.getElementById('js-list-' + this._id);
+ var listComponent = Blaze.getView(listDom).templateInstance().get('component');
+ listComponent.openForm();
+ Popup.close();
+ },
+ 'click .js-list-subscribe': function() {},
+ 'click .js-move-cards':'listMoveCards'),
+ 'click .js-archive-cards': Popup.afterConfirm('listArchiveCards', function() {
+ Cards.find({listId: this._id}).forEach(function(card) {
+ Cards.update(card._id, {
+ $set: {
+ archived: true
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ Popup.close();
+ }),
+ 'click .js-close-list': function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ Lists.update(this._id, {
+ $set: {
+ archived: true
+ }
+ });
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ 'click .js-select-list': function() {
+ var fromList = Template.parentData(2).data._id;
+ var toList = this._id;
+ Cards.find({listId: fromList}).forEach(function(card) {
+ Cards.update(card._id, {
+ $set: {
+ listId: toList
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ Popup.close();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/main/events.js b/client/components/main/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beb90c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@{
+ // Pressing Ctrl+Enter should submit the form.
+ 'keydown textarea': function(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode === 13 && (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)) {
+ $(event.currentTarget).parents('form:first').submit();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/main/header.jade b/client/components/main/header.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..588c9b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/header.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ #header(class=currentBoard.colorClass)
+ //-
+ If the user is connected we display a small "quick-access" top bar that
+ list all starred boards with a link to go there. This is inspired by the
+ Reddit "subreddit" bar.
+ The first link goes to the boards page.
+ if currentUser
+ #header-quick-access
+ ul
+ li
+ +linkTo(route="Boards")
+ span.fa.fa-home
+ | All boards
+ each currentUser.starredBoards
+ li.separator -
+ li(class="{{#if $.Session.equals 'currentBoard' _id}}current{{/if}}")
+ +linkTo(route="Board" data=this)
+ = title
+ else
+ li.current Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.
+ li
+ a.js-create-board
+ i.fa.fa-plus(title="Create a new board")
+ +headerUserBar
+ //-
+ The main bar is a colorful bar that provide all the meta-data for the
+ current page. This bar is contextual based.
+ If the user is not connected we display "sign in" and "log in" buttons.
+ #header-main-bar
+ if $.Session.get 'currentBoard'
+ +headerBoard
+ else
+ +headerTitle
+ h1 LibreBoard
diff --git a/client/components/main/header.js b/client/components/main/header.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a545309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ // Reactively set the color of the page from the color of the current board.
+ headerTemplate: function() {
+ return 'headerBoard';
+ }
+ 'click .js-create-board':'createBoard')
diff --git a/client/components/main/header.styl b/client/components/main/header.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1177d930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/header.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ color: white
+ transition: background-color 0.4s
+ background: #27AE60
+ #header-quick-access
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
+ padding: 4px 10px
+ height: 16px
+ font-size: 12px
+ display: flex
+ ul li, #header-user-bar
+ color: darken(white, 17%)
+ a
+ color: inherit
+ text-decoration: none
+ &:hover
+ color: white
+ ul
+ flex: 1
+ transition: opacity 0.2s
+ margin-left: 5px
+ li
+ display: block
+ float: left
+ width: auto
+ color: darken(white, 15%)
+ padding: 0 4px 1px 4px
+ &.separator
+ padding: 0 2px 1px 2px
+ &.current
+ font-style: italic
+ &:first-child .fa-home
+ margin-right: 5px
+ #header-main-bar
+ height: 30px
+ padding: 8px
+ h1
+ font-size: 19px
+ line-height: 1.7em
+ margin: 0 20px 0 10px
+ float: left
+ &.header-board-menu
+ cursor: pointer
+ .fa-angle-down
+ font-size: 0.8em
+ // line-height: 1.1em
+ margin-left: 5px
+ .board-header-starred .fa
+ color: yellow
+ .board-header-members
+ float: right
+ .member
+ display: block
+ width: 32px
+ height: @width
+ .add-board-member
+ color: white
+ display: flex
+ align-items: center
+ justify-content: center
+ border: 1px solid white
+ height: 32px - 2px
+ width: @height
+ i.fa-plus
+ margin-top: 2px
+ .header-btn:last-child
+ margin-right: 0
+// #header {
+// background: #138871;
+// height: 30px;
+// overflow: hidden;
+// padding: 5px;
+// position: relative;
+// z-index: 10;
+// }
+// .header-logo {
+// bottom: 0;
+// display: block;
+// height: 25px;
+// left: 50%;
+// position: absolute;
+// top: 8px;
+// width: 80px;
+// margin-left: - @width/2;
+// text-align: center;
+// z-index: 2;
+// opacity: .5;
+// transition: opacity ease-in 85ms;
+// color: white;
+// font-size: 22px;
+// text-decoration: none;
+// background-image: url('/logos/white_logo.png');
+// &:hover {
+// opacity: .8;
+// color: white;
+// }
+// }
+// .header-btn.header-btn-feedback {
+// background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);
+// background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, .1) 0, rgba(255, 255, 255, .05) 100%);
+// padding-left: 22px;
+// margin-right: 16px;
+// .header-btn-icon {
+// top: 1px;
+// }
+// }
+.header-btn {
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ user-select: none;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) 0, rgba(255, 255, 255, .2) 100%);
+ color: #f3f3f3;
+ display: block;
+ float: left;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ padding: 0 10px;
+ position: relative;
+ margin-right: 8px;
+ min-width: 30px;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ .header-btn-icon {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 28px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ }
+ &.new-notifications {
+ background: #ba1212;
+ &:hover {
+ background: #d11515;
+ }
+ }
+ &.header-member .member {
+ margin: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 3px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
+ &:hover .member-avatar {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ }
+ &:hover {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4);
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) 0, rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) 100%);
+ color: #fff;
+ .header-btn-count {
+ background: #d11515;
+ }
+ }
+ &:active {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4);
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) 0, rgba(255, 255, 255, .3) 100%);
+ }
+ &.upgrade {
+ margin-right: 16px;
+ .icon-sm {
+ padding: 6px 2px 6px 4px;
+ }
+ }
+ &.upgrade,
+ &.header-boards {
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ }
+ &.header-boards {
+ padding-right: 4px;
+ }
+ &.header-login,
+ &.header-signup {
+ padding: 0 12px;
+ }
+ &.header-signup {
+ background: #48b512;
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #48b512 0, #3d990f 100%);
+ &:hover {
+ background: #3d990f;
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3d990f 0, #327d0c 100%);
+ }
+ &:active {
+ background: #327d0c;
+ }
+ }
+ &.header-go-to-boards {
+ padding: 0 8px 0 38px;
+ }
+ &.header-go-to-boards .member {
+ border-top-left-radius: 3px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ }
+// .header-btn-text {
+// padding: 0 8px;
+// }
+// .header-notification-list ul {
+// margin-top: 8px;
+// }
+// .header-notification-list .action-comment {
+// max-height: 250px;
+// overflow-y: auto;
+// }
+// .header-user {
+// position: absolute;
+// top: 5px;
+// right: 0;
+// }
diff --git a/client/components/main/helpers.js b/client/components/main/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ad602f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+var Helpers = {
+ error: function() {
+ return Session.get('error');
+ },
+ toLowerCase: function(text) {
+ return text && text.toLowerCase();
+ },
+ toUpperCase: function(text) {
+ return text && text.toUpperCase();
+ },
+ firstChar: function(text) {
+ return text && text[0].toUpperCase();
+ },
+ session: function(prop) {
+ return Session.get(prop);
+ },
+ getUser: function(userId) {
+ return Users.findOne(userId);
+ }
+// Register all Helpers
+_.each(Helpers, function(fn, name) { Blaze.registerHelper(name, fn); });
+// XXX I believe we should compute a HTML rendered field on the server that
+// would handle markdown, emojies and user mentions. We can simply have two
+// fields, one source, and one compiled version (in HTML) and send only the
+// compiled version to most users -- who don't need to edit.
+// In the meantime, all the transformation are done on the client using the
+// Blaze API.
+var at = HTML.CharRef({html: '&commat;', str: '@'});
+Blaze.Template.registerHelper('mentions', new Template('mentions', function() {
+ var view = this;
+ var content = Blaze.toHTML(view.templateContentBlock);
+ var currentBoard = Session.get('currentBoard');
+ var knowedUsers =, function(member) {
+ member.username = Users.findOne(member.userId).username;
+ return member;
+ });
+ var mentionRegex = /\B@(\w*)/gi;
+ var currentMention, knowedUser, href, linkClass, linkValue, link;
+ while (currentMention = mentionRegex.exec(content)) {
+ knowedUser = _.findWhere(knowedUsers, { username: currentMention[1] });
+ if (! knowedUser)
+ continue;
+ linkValue = [' ', at, knowedUser.username];
+ href = Router.url('Profile', { username: knowedUser.username });
+ linkClass = 'atMention' + (knowedUser.userId === Meteor.userId() ? ' me' : '');
+ link = HTML.A({ href: href, 'class': linkClass }, linkValue);
+ content = content.replace(currentMention[0], Blaze.toHTML(link));
+ }
+ return HTML.Raw(content);
diff --git a/client/components/main/layouts.jade b/client/components/main/layouts.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18df4d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/layouts.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ title LibreBoard
+ meta(name="viewport"
+ content="maximum-scale=1.0,width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=0")
+ link(rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.png")
+ img(src="/logo.png" title="LibreBoard")
+ +yield
+ #surface
+ +header
+ #content
+ +yield
diff --git a/client/components/main/popup.js b/client/components/main/popup.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53695d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/popup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@{
+ click: function(evt) {
+ if (evt.originalEvent) {
+ evt.originalEvent.clickInPopup = true;
+ }
+ },
+ 'click .js-back-view': function() {
+ Popup.back();
+ },
+ 'click .js-close-popover': function() {
+ Popup.close();
+ },
+ 'click .js-confirm': function() {
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/main/popup.styl b/client/components/main/popup.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c9993af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/popup.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ background: #fff
+ border-radius: 3px
+ border: 1px solid #dbdbdb
+ border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)
+ display: none
+ overflow: hidden
+ position: absolute
+ width: 300px
+ z-index: 99999
+ margin-top: 5px
+ hr
+ margin: 4px -10px
+ width: 275px + 2*10px
+ input[type="text"],
+ input[type="email"],
+ input[type="password"]
+ margin: 4px 0 12px
+ width: 100%
+ input[type="file"]
+ width: 240px
+ select
+ width: 100%
+ margin-bottom: 14px
+ textarea
+ height: 72px
+ margin: 4px 0 12px
+ width: 100%
+ .empty
+ margin: 0
+ img
+ max-width: 270px
+ .custom-image img
+ height: 18px
+ left: 9px
+ top: 9px
+ width: 18px
+ .title
+ line-height: 32px
+ .header
+ height: 36px
+ position: relative
+ margin-bottom: 8px
+ background: #F7F7F7
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc
+ color: darken(white, 60%)
+ .header-title
+ display: block
+ line-height: 32px
+ padding-top: 4px
+ margin: 0 10px
+ font-weight: bold
+ overflow: hidden
+ text-overflow: ellipsis
+ white-space: nowrap
+ .back-btn, .close-btn
+ &:hover .icon-sm
+ color: darken(white, 80%)
+ .back-btn
+ padding: 10px
+ float: left
+ .close-btn
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 4px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ right: 0
+ .content
+ overflow-x: hidden
+ overflow-y: auto
+ padding: 0 10px 10px
+ max-height: 550px
+ .quiet
+ padding: 6px 6px 4px
+ &.search-over
+ background: #f0f0f0
+ min-height: 114px
+ .header
+ display: none
+ .content
+ padding: 8px 4px 8px 10px
+ margin-right: 8px
+ &::-webkit-scrollbar-button
+ display: block
+ height: 4px
+ width: 4px
+ margin-bottom: 8px
+ &.navigable li.not-selectable>a:hover,
+ li.not-selectable>a:hover
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ cursor: default
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #a6a6a6
+ li > a
+ cursor: pointer
+ display: block
+ font-weight: 700
+ padding: 6px 10px
+ position: relative
+ margin: 0 -10px
+ text-decoration: none
+ .item-name
+ display: block
+ width: auto
+ padding-right: 22px
+ &:hover
+ background-color: #005377
+ color: #fff
+ .sub-name,
+ .quiet
+ color: #eee
+ .unread-indicator
+ background: #fff
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #fff
+ .sub-name
+ clear: both
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ display: block
+ font-size: 12px
+ font-weight: 400
+ line-height: 15px
+ margin-top: 4px
+ &.current
+ background-color: #e2e6e9
+ .unread-indicator
+ background: #2e85b8
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #2e85b8 0, #2b7cab 100%)
+ border-radius: 7px
+ display: block
+ height: 14px
+ opacity: 0
+ position: absolute
+ right: 16px
+ top: 8px
+ width: 14px
+ &.any
+ opacity: 1
+ &:active
+ background-color: #2e85b8
+ &.disabled
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ cursor: default
+ .vis-icon
+ opacity: .35
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #a6a6a6
+ &:hover
+ background: none
+ .sub-name,
+ .quiet
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #a6a6a6
+ &:active
+ background: none
+ &.inset li > a
+ border-radius: 3px
+ margin: 0
+ .pop-over-list.checkable
+ .icon-check
+ display: none
+ position: absolute
+ top: 6px
+ right: 12px
+ a
+ padding-right: 28px
+ .icon-check
+ display: block
+ &.left-check
+ .icon-check
+ right: auto
+ left: 10px
+ li a
+ padding-right: 10px
+ padding-left: 30px
+ a
+ padding-right: 10px
+ &.normal-weight li>a
+ font-weight: 400
+ &.navigable
+ li > a:hover
+ background-color: transparent
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ .sub-name,
+ .quiet
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #a6a6a6
+ li.selected > a
+ background-color: #005377
+ color: #fff
+ .sub-name,
+ .quiet
+ color: #eee
+ li.selected > a
+ &.current
+ background-color: #005377
+ .unread-indicator
+ background: #fff
+ .icon-sm
+ color: #fff
+ &:active
+ background-color: #005377
+ .header
+ border-bottom-color: transparent
+ height: 30px
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0
+ top: 0
+ width: 60px
+ z-index: 1
+ .header-title
+ display: none
+ .pop-over-list
+ padding-top: 8px
+ margin-top: 8px
+ min-height: 56px
+ position: relative
+ .member-large
+ position: absolute
+ top: 2px
+ left: 2px
+ .info
+ margin: 0 0 0 64px
+ word-wrap: break-word
+ h3 a
+ text-decoration: none
+ &:hover
+ text-decoration: underline
+.pop-over.avdetail .header
+ border-bottom-color: transparent
+ height: 20px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 8px
+ left: 8px
+ right: 8px
+ z-index: 0
+.pop-over.avdetail .header-title
+ display: none
+.pop-over.avdetail .content
+ text-align: center
+.pop-over.avdetail .mem-info
+ margin: 2px 24px 8px
+ position: relative
+ z-index: 1
+ width: 222px
+.pop-over.avdetail .mem-info h3 a
+ text-decoration: none
+.pop-over.avdetail .mem-info h3 a:hover
+ text-decoration: underline
+.pop-over-label-list li,
+.pop-over-member-list li
+ &.disabled a
+ cursor:default
+ &:not(.disabled):hover a
+ background-color: #005377
+ color: #fff
+ li
+ a
+ border-radius: 3px
+ display: block
+ height: 30px
+ line-height: 30px
+ overflow: hidden
+ position: relative
+ text-overflow: ellipsis
+ text-decoration: none
+ white-space: nowrap
+ padding: 4px
+ margin-bottom: 2px
+ &.multi-line
+ line-height: 16px
+ .member
+ margin-right: 8px
+ .card-label
+ float: left
+ height: 30px
+ margin: 0 8px 0 0
+ padding: 0
+ width: 30px
+ .option,
+ .icon-check
+ background-clip: content-box
+ background-origin: content-box
+ padding: 11px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ right: 0
+ .sub-name
+ font-size: 12px
+ &:last-child a
+ margin-bottom: 0
+ &.disabled
+ opacity: .5
+ &.active a,
+ &.selected a
+ background: none
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ cursor: default
+ .quiet
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ &.email-invite
+ .member
+ display: none
+ a
+ padding: 0 10px
+ &.selected a
+ background-color: #005377
+ color: #fff
+ .quiet
+ color: #eee
+ .card-label
+ border-radius: 3px
+ .icon-check
+ color: #fff
+ &.active a .icon-check
+ display: block
+ &.unconfirmed
+ line-height: 16px
+ &.options li
+ &.selected a
+ padding-right: 28px
+ .option
+ display: block
+ opacity: .5
+ &:hover
+ opacity: 1
+ &.disabled.selected a
+ padding-right: 0
+ .option
+ display: none
+ &.no-option.selected a
+ padding-right: 6px
+ .option
+ display: none
+ &.collapsed
+ &.checkable a
+ padding-right: 0
+ li
+ float: left
+ margin: 0 3px 3px 0
+ a
+ padding: 0
+ margin: 0
+ width: 30px
+ .member
+ opacity: .8
+ .full-name
+ display: none
+ &.selected a .member,
+ &.active.selected a .member
+ border-color: #005377
+ opacity: .9
+ &.active a
+ .member
+ border-color: #2e85b8
+ opacity: 1
+ .icon-check
+ border-radius: 3px
+ background-color: #2e85b8
+ bottom: 0
+ color: #fff
+ display: block
+ padding: 0
+ right: 0
+ top: auto
+ &.checkable a
+ padding-right: 28px
+ &.filtered li
+ display: none
+ &.matches-filter
+ display: block
+ &.limited li.exceeds-limit
+ display: none
+.pop-over-emoji-list li > a
+ padding: 2px 4px
+ .emoji
+ margin: 0 6px
+.pop-over-card-list li > a
+ padding: 2px 4px
+ padding: 15px
+ .form-tabs
+ display: none
+ h1
+ margin-bottom: 15px
+ p
+ margin: 8px 0
+ .form-parts-container
+ position: relative
+ .active-box
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ background: #e2e2e2
+ border: 1px solid #c9c9c9
+ border-radius: 3px
+ z-index: 1
+ height: 100%
+ width: 49%
+ transition-property: all
+ transition-duration: .4s
+ opacity: 1
+ &.start
+ opacity: 0
+ left: 25%
+ .signup-form,
+ .login-form
+ position: relative
+ box-sizing: border-box
+ padding: 20px
+ width: 50%
+ z-index: 2
+ opacity: .3
+ transition-property: opacity
+ transition-duration: .2s
+ .active
+ opacity: 1
+ .js-signup-form-pos
+ left: 0
+ .login-form
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ .login-form .icon-google
+ position: absolute
+ left: 5px
+ top: 3px
+ .login-form
+ padding-left: 40px
+ margin: 0 0 15px 0
+ .js-login-form-pos
+ left: 50%
diff --git a/client/components/main/popup.tpl.jade b/client/components/main/popup.tpl.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba24db0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/popup.tpl.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ class="{{#unless title}}miniprofile{{/unless}}"
+ class=currentBoard.colorClass
+ style="display:block; left:{{offset.left}}px; top:{{}}px;")
+ .header.clearfix
+ if hasPopupParent
+ a.back-btn.js-back-view
+ i.fa.fa-chevron-left
+ span.header-title= title
+ a.close-btn.js-close-popover
+ i.fa.fa-times
+ .content.clearfix
+ +Template.dynamic(template=popupName data=dataContext)
diff --git a/client/components/main/rendered.js b/client/components/main/rendered.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..787e8225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/rendered.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Template.editor.rendered = function() {
+ this.$('textarea').textcomplete([
+ // Emojies
+ {
+ match: /\B:([\-+\w]*)$/,
+ search: function(term, callback) {
+ callback($.map(Emoji.values, function(emoji) {
+ return emoji.indexOf(term) === 0 ? emoji : null;
+ }));
+ },
+ template: function(value) {
+ var image = '<img src="' + Emoji.baseImagePath + value + '.png"></img>';
+ return image + value;
+ },
+ replace: function(value) {
+ return ':' + value + ':';
+ },
+ index: 1
+ },
+ // User mentions
+ {
+ match: /\B@(\w*)$/,
+ search: function(term, callback) {
+ var currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+ callback($.map(currentBoard.members, function(member) {
+ var username = Users.findOne(member.userId).username;
+ return username.indexOf(term) === 0 ? username : null;
+ }));
+ },
+ template: function(value) {
+ return value;
+ },
+ replace: function(username) {
+ return '@' + username + ' ';
+ },
+ index: 1
+ }
+ ]);
diff --git a/client/components/main/router.js b/client/components/main/router.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bae832e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/router.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Router.route('/', {
+ name: 'Home',
+ redirectLoggedInUsers: true,
+ authenticated: true
diff --git a/client/components/main/spinner.styl b/client/components/main/spinner.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4b8cc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/spinner.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * From
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ * <div class="sk-spinner sk-spinner-wave">
+ * <div class="sk-rect1"></div>
+ * <div class="sk-rect2"></div>
+ * <div class="sk-rect3"></div>
+ * <div class="sk-rect4"></div>
+ * <div class="sk-rect5"></div>
+ * </div>
+ *
+ */
+ {
+ &.sk-spinner {
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 50px;
+ margin: auto;
+ margin-top: 30vh;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ }
+ div {
+ background-color: #333;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 6px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ animation: sk-waveStretchDelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out;
+ }
+ .sk-rect2 { animation-delay: -1.1s }
+ .sk-rect3 { animation-delay: -1.0s }
+ .sk-rect4 { animation-delay: -0.9s }
+ .sk-rect5 { animation-delay: -0.8s }
+@keyframes sk-waveStretchDelay {
+ 0%, 40%, 100% { transform: scaleY(0.4) }
+ 20% { transform: scaleY(1.0) }
diff --git a/client/components/main/spinner.tpl.jade b/client/components/main/spinner.tpl.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9310a6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/spinner.tpl.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ .sk-rect1
+ .sk-rect2
+ .sk-rect3
+ .sk-rect4
+ .sk-rect5
diff --git a/client/components/main/templates.html b/client/components/main/templates.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9be0f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/main/templates.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<template name="notfound">
+ {{ > message label='page-not-found'}}
+<template name='message'>
+ <div class="big-message quiet {{ color }}">
+ <h1>{{_ label}}</h1>
+ {{#with pathFor route='Login'}}
+ <p>{{{_ 'page-maybe-private' this}}}</p>
+ {{/with}}
+ </div>
+<template name="editor">
+ <textarea class="{{class}}" placeholder="{{_ 'comment-placeholder'}}" id="{{id}}" tabindex="1">{{> UI.contentBlock }}</textarea>
+<template name="viewer">{{#markdown}}{{#emoji}}{{#mentions}}{{> UI.contentBlock }}{{/mentions}}{{/emoji}}{{/markdown}}</template>
diff --git a/client/components/modal/events.js b/client/components/modal/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2943f841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/modal/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@{
+ 'click .window-overlay': function(event) {
+ // We only want to catch the event if the user click on the .window-overlay
+ // div itself, not a child (ie, not the overlay window)
+ if ( !== event.currentTarget)
+ return;
+ Utils.goBoardId(this.card.board()._id);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-close-window': function(event) {
+ Utils.goBoardId(this.card.board()._id);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/modal/helpers.js b/client/components/modal/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/modal/helpers.js
diff --git a/client/components/modal/modal.tpl.jade b/client/components/modal/modal.tpl.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f40ad75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/modal/modal.tpl.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ .window
+ .window-wrapper.clearfix
+ a.icon-lg.fa.fa-times.dialog-close-button.js-close-window(title="{{_ 'modal-close-title'}}")
+ +UI.dynamic(template=template)
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/events.js b/client/components/sidebar/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1067421f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@{
+ 'click .js-toggle-label-filter': function(event) {
+ Filter.labelIds.toogle(this._id);
+ Filter.resetExceptions();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-toogle-member-filter': function(event) {
+ Filter.members.toogle(this._id);
+ Filter.resetExceptions();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ },
+ 'click .js-clear-all': function(event) {
+ Filter.reset();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+var getMemberIndex = function(board, searchId) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < board.members.length; i++) {
+ if (board.members[i].userId === searchId)
+ return i;
+ }
+ throw new Meteor.Error('Member not found');
+ 'click .js-filter-member': function() {
+ Filter.members.toogle(this.userId);
+ Popup.close();
+ },
+ 'click .js-change-role':'changePermissions'),
+ 'click .js-remove-member': Popup.afterConfirm('removeMember', function() {
+ var currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+ var memberIndex = getMemberIndex(currentBoard, this.userId);
+ var setQuery = {};
+ setQuery[['members', memberIndex, 'isActive'].join('.')] = false;
+ Boards.update(currentBoard._id, { $set: setQuery });
+ Popup.close();
+ }),
+ 'click .js-leave-member': function() {
+ // @TODO
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ 'click .js-open-manage-board-members':'addMember'),
+ 'click .member':'member')
+ 'click .js-label':'editLabel'),
+ 'click .js-add-label':'createLabel')
+// 'click .pop-over-member-list li:not(.disabled)': function(event, t) {
+// var userId = this._id;
+// var boardId =;
+// var currentMembersIds = _.pluck(, 'userId');
+// if (currentMembersIds.indexOf(userId) === -1) {
+// Boards.update(boardId, {
+// $push: {
+// members: {
+// userId: userId,
+// isAdmin: false,
+// isActive: true
+// }
+// }
+// });
+// } else {
+// var memberIndex = getMemberIndex(, userId);
+// var setQuery = {};
+// setQuery[['members', memberIndex, 'isActive'].join('.')] = true;
+// Boards.update(boardId, { $set: setQuery });
+// }
+// Popup.close();
+// }
+// });
+// 'click .js-set-admin, click .js-set-normal': function(event) {
+// var currentBoard = Boards.findOne(Session.get('currentBoard'));
+// var memberIndex = getMemberIndex(currentBoard, this.user._id);
+// var isAdmin = $(event.currentTarget).hasClass('js-set-admin');
+// var setQuery = {};
+// setQuery[['members', memberIndex, 'isAdmin'].join('.')] = isAdmin;
+// Boards.update(currentBoard._id, {
+// $set: setQuery
+// });
+// Popup.back(1);
+// }
+// });
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/helpers.js b/client/components/sidebar/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a76dad7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+var widgetTitles = {
+ filter: 'filter-cards',
+ background: 'change-background'
+ currentWidget: function() {
+ return Session.get('currentWidget') + 'Sidebar';
+ },
+ currentWidgetTitle: function() {
+ return TAPi18n.__(widgetTitles[Session.get('currentWidget')]);
+ }
+// Template.addMemberPopup.helpers({
+// isBoardMember: function() {
+// var user = Users.findOne(this._id);
+// return user && user.isBoardMember();
+// }
+// });
+ user: function() {
+ return Users.findOne(this.userId);
+ },
+ memberType: function() {
+ var type = Users.findOne(this.userId).isBoardAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'normal';
+ return TAPi18n.__(type).toLowerCase();
+ }
+// Template.removeMemberPopup.helpers({
+// user: function() {
+// return Users.findOne(this.userId)
+// },
+// board: function() {
+// return currentBoard();
+// }
+// });
+// Template.changePermissionsPopup.helpers({
+// isAdmin: function() {
+// return this.user.isBoardAdmin();
+// },
+// isLastAdmin: function() {
+// if (! this.user.isBoardAdmin())
+// return false;
+// var nbAdmins = _.where(currentBoard().members, { isAdmin: true }).length;
+// return nbAdmins === 1;
+// }
+// });
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/infiniteScrolling.js b/client/components/sidebar/infiniteScrolling.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df3b8901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/infiniteScrolling.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+var peakAnticipation = 200;
+Mixins.InfiniteScrolling = BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+ onCreated: function() {
+ this._nextPeak = Infinity;
+ },
+ setNextPeak: function(v) {
+ this._nextPeak = v;
+ },
+ getNextPeak: function() {
+ return this._nextPeak;
+ },
+ resetNextPeak: function() {
+ this._nextPeak = Infinity;
+ },
+ // To be overwritten by consumers of this mixin
+ reachNextPeak: function() {
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ return [{
+ scroll: function(evt) {
+ var domElement = evt.currentTarget;
+ var altitude = domElement.scrollTop + domElement.offsetHeight;
+ altitude += peakAnticipation;
+ if (altitude >= this.callFirstWith(null, 'getNextPeak')) {
+ this.callFirstWith(null, 'reachNextPeak');
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/rendered.js b/client/components/sidebar/rendered.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b58bf33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/rendered.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Template.membersWidget.rendered = function() {
+ if (! Meteor.user().isBoardMember())
+ return;
+ _.each(['.js-member', '.js-label'], function(className) {
+ Utils.liveEvent('mouseover', function($this) {
+ $this.find(className).draggable({
+ appendTo: 'body',
+ helper: 'clone',
+ revert: 'invalid',
+ revertDuration: 150,
+ snap: false,
+ snapMode: 'both',
+ start: function() {
+ Popup.close();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f0142d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ template: function() {
+ return 'boardSidebar';
+ },
+ mixins: function() {
+ return [Mixins.InfiniteScrolling];
+ },
+ onCreated: function() {
+ this._isOpen = new ReactiveVar(true);
+ },
+ isOpen: function() {
+ return this._isOpen.get();
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ if (! this._isOpen.get()) {
+ this._isOpen.set(true);
+ }
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ if (this._isOpen.get()) {
+ this._isOpen.set(false);
+ }
+ },
+ toogle: function() {
+ this._isOpen.set(! this._isOpen.get());
+ },
+ calculateNextPeak: function() {
+ var altitude = this.find('.js-board-sidebar-content').scrollHeight;
+ this.callFirstWith(this, 'setNextPeak', altitude);
+ },
+ reachNextPeak: function() {
+ var activitiesComponent = this.componentChildren('activities')[0];
+ activitiesComponent.loadNextPage();
+ },
+ isTongueHidden: function() {
+ return this.isOpen() && Filter.isActive();
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ // XXX Hacky, we need some kind of `super`
+ var mixinEvents = this.getMixin(Mixins.InfiniteScrolling).events();
+ return mixinEvents.concat([{
+ 'click .js-toogle-sidebar': this.toogle
+ }]);
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.styl b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b741dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/sidebar.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+@import 'nib'
+ .sidebar-content
+ padding: 10px 20px
+ background: white
+ box-shadow: -10px 0px 5px -10px darken(white, 30%)
+ z-index: 10
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ bottom: 0
+ right: 0
+ left: 0
+ overflow-x: hidden
+ overflow-y: auto
+ h3
+ color: darken(white, 50%)
+ hr
+ margin: 8px 0
+ width: 248px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ right: -@width
+ bottom: 0
+ transition: top .1s, right .1s, width .1s
+ &.is-open
+ right: 0
+ border-radius: 3px
+ background: #dcdcdc
+ overflow: hidden
+ padding: 0
+ position: relative
+ .toggle-widget-nav
+ border-radius: 3px
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ margin: 0
+ padding: 7px 10px
+ position: relative
+ cursor: pointer
+ .toggle-menu-icon
+ position: absolute
+ top: 8px
+ right: 8px
+ &:hover
+ background: #ccc
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ .nav-list
+ display: block
+ opacity: 1
+ max-height: 400px
+ hr
+ margin: 2px 0
+ color: #ccc
+ background: #ccc
+ .nav-list-item
+ display: block
+ font-weight: 700
+ line-height: 30px
+ overflow: hidden
+ padding: 0 8px 0 36px
+ position: relative
+ text-decoration: none
+ .icon-type
+ left: 10px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 6px
+ &:hover
+ background: #ccc
+ .icon-type
+ color: #686868
+ .nav-list-sub-item
+ font-weight: 400
+ color: #666
+ &:hover
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ &.collapsed
+ .nav-list
+ max-height: 0
+ opacity: 0
+ hr
+ margin: 0
+ .toggle-widget-nav
+ color: #4d4d4d
+ display: block
+ min-height: 20px
+ margin-bottom: 6px
+ position: relative
+ z-index: 1
+.board-widget h4
+ margin: 5px 0
+ margin-right: -4px
+ display: block
+ width: 30px
+ height: @width
+ left: -@width
+ position: absolute
+ top: 12px
+ z-index: 15
+ background: white
+ border-radius: left 3px
+ box-shadow: -4px 0px 7px -4px darken(white, 30%)
+ color: darken(white, 50%)
+ transition: left .1s
+ i.fa
+ margin: 9px
+ transition: transform 0.5s
+ &
+ left: -@width + 2px
+ // XXX Bug: we should add a padding left
+ &:hover
+ left: -@width + 5px
+ i.fa
+ transform: rotate(180deg)
+ &.is-hidden,
+ &.is-hidden
+ z-index: 0
+ left: 5px
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/templates.html.old b/client/components/sidebar/templates.html.old
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8b063f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/templates.html.old
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+<template name="boardWidgets">
+ <a href="#" class="sidebar-show-btn dark-hover js-show-sidebar">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-chevron-left"></span>
+ <span class="text">{{_ 'show-sidebar'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ <div class="board-widgets {{#if session 'sidebarIsOpen'}}show{{else}}hide{{/if}}">
+ <div>
+ <a href="#" class="sidebar-hide-btn dark-hover js-hide-sidebar" title="{{_ 'close-sidebar-title'}}">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-chevron-right"></span>
+ </a>
+ {{#unless isTrue currentWidget "homeWidget"}}
+ <div class="board-widgets-title clearfix">
+ <a href="#" class="board-sidebar-back-btn js-pop-widget-view">
+ <span class="left-arrow"></span>{{_ 'back'}}
+ </a>
+ <h3 class="text">{{currentWidgetTitle}}</h3>
+ <hr>
+ </div>
+ {{/unless}}
+ <div class="board-widgets-content-wrapper">
+ <div class="board-widgets-content default fancy-scrollbar short{{#unless session 'menuWidgetIsOpen'}} short{{/unless}}">
+ {{> UI.dynamic template=currentWidget data=this }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<template name="homeWidget">
+{{ > menuWidget }}
+{{ > membersWidget }}
+{{ > activityWidget }}
+<template name="menuWidget">
+ <div class="board-widget board-widget-nav clearfix{{#unless session 'menuWidgetIsOpen'}} collapsed{{/unless}}">
+ <h3 class="dark-hover toggle-widget-nav js-toggle-widget-nav">{{_ 'menu'}}
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-chevron-circle-down toggle-menu-icon"></span>
+ </h3>
+ <ul class="nav-list">
+ <hr style="margin-top: 0;">
+ <li>
+ <a href="#" class="nav-list-item js-open-archive">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-archive icon-type"></span>
+ {{_ 'archived-items'}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#" class="nav-list-item js-open-card-filter">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-filter icon-type"></span>
+ {{_ 'filter-cards'}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{#if currentUser.isBoardAdmin}}
+ <hr>
+ <li>
+ <a class="nav-list-item nav-list-sub-item board-settings-background js-change-background">
+ <span class="board-settings-background-preview" style="background-color:{{board.background.color}}"></span>
+ {{_ 'change-background'}}…
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{#unless isSandstorm }}
+ <li>
+ <a class="nav-list-item nav-list-sub-item js-close-board" href="#">{{_ 'close-board'}}</a>
+ </li>
+ {{/unless}}
+ {{/if}}
+ {{!
+ XXX Language should be handled by sandstorm, but for now display a language selection link in the board menu.
+ This link is normally present in the header bar that is not displayed on sandstorm.
+ }}
+ {{#if isSandstorm}}
+ <hr>
+ <li>
+ <a class="nav-list-item nav-list-sub-item js-language">{{_ 'language'}}</a>
+ </li>
+ {{/if}}
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<template name="membersWidget">
+ <hr>
+ <div class="board-widget board-widget-members clearfix">
+ <div class="board-widget-title">
+ <h3>{{_ 'members'}}</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="board-widget-content">
+ <div class="board-widget-members js-list-board-members clearfix js-list-draggable-board-members">
+ {{# each board.members }}
+ {{> userAvatar userId=this.userId draggable=true size="small" showBadges=true}}
+ {{/ each }}
+ </div>
+ {{# unless isSandstrom }}
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardAdmin }}
+ <a href="#" class="button-link js-open-manage-board-members">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-user"></span> {{_ 'add-members'}}
+ </a>
+ {{/ if }}
+ {{/ unless }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<template name="activityWidget">
+ {{# if board.activities.count }}
+ <hr>
+ <div class="board-widget board-widget-activity bottom clearfix">
+ <div class="board-widget-title">
+ <h3>{{_ 'activity'}}</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="board-widget-content">
+ <div class="activity-gradient-t"></div>
+ <div class="activity-gradient-b"></div>
+ <div class="board-actions-list fancy-scrollbar">
+ {{ > activities }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{/if}}
+<template name="memberPopup">
+ <div class="board-member-menu">
+ <div class="mini-profile-info">
+ {{> userAvatar user=user}}
+ <div class="info">
+ <h3 class="bottom" style="margin-right: 40px;">
+ <a class="js-profile" href="{{ pathFor route='Profile' username=user.username }}">{{ }}</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p class="quiet bottom">@{{ user.username }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardMember }}
+ <ul class="pop-over-list">
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardAdmin }}
+ <li>
+ <a class="js-change-role" href="#">
+ {{_ 'change-permissions'}} <span class="quiet" style="font-weight: normal;">({{ memberType }})</span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{/ if }}
+ <li>
+ {{# if currentUser.isBoardAdmin }}
+ <a class="js-remove-member">{{_ 'remove-from-board'}}</a>
+ {{ else }}
+ <a class="js-leave-member">{{_ 'leave-board'}}</a>
+ {{/ if }}
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ {{/ if }}
+ </div>
+<template name="filterWidget">
+ <ul class="pop-over-label-list checkable">
+ {{#each board.labels}}
+ <li class="item matches-filter">
+ <a class="name js-toggle-label-filter">
+ <span class="card-label card-label-{{color}}"></span>
+ <span class="full-name">
+ {{#if name}}
+ {{name}}
+ {{else}}
+ <span class="quiet">{{_ "label-default" color}}</span>
+ {{/if}}
+ </span>
+ {{#if Filter.labelIds.isSelected _id}}
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-check"></span>
+ {{/if}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{/each}}
+ </ul>
+ <hr>
+ <ul class="pop-over-member-list checkable">
+ {{#each board.members}}
+ {{#with getUser userId}}
+ <li class="item js-member-item {{#if Filter.members.isSelected _id}}active{{/if}}">
+ <a href="#" class="name js-toogle-member-filter">
+ {{> userAvatar user=this size="small" }}
+ <span class="full-name">
+ {{ }}
+ (<span class="username">{{ username }}</span>)
+ </span>
+ {{#if Filter.members.isSelected _id}}
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-check checked-icon"></span>
+ {{/if}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{/with}}
+ {{/each}}
+ </ul>
+ <hr>
+ <ul class="pop-over-list inset normal-weight">
+ <li>
+ <a class="js-clear-all {{#unless Filter.isActive}}disabled{{/unless}}" style="padding-left: 40px;">
+ {{_ 'filter-clear'}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<template name="backgroundWidget">
+ <div class="board-widgets-content-wrapper fancy-scrollbar">
+ <div class="board-widgets-content">
+ <div class="board-backgrounds-list clearfix">
+ {{#each backgroundColors}}
+ <div class="board-background-select js-select-background">
+ <span class="background-box " style="background-color: {{this}}; "></span>
+ </div>
+ {{/each}}
+ </div>
+ {{!--
+ <h2 class="clear">Photos</h2>
+ <div class="board-backgrounds-list relative clearfix js-gold-photos-list disabled">
+ <div class="board-background-select js-select-background">
+ <span class="background-box " style="background-image: url(&quot;{{url}}&quot;);">
+ <a class="background-option js-background-attribution" href={{href}} target="_blank" title={{title}}>
+ <img src="" style="height: 14px; width: 14px; vertical-align: text-top;" title="">
+ <span class="text" style="margin-left: 2px;">{{author}}</span>
+ </a>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ --}}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<template name="closeBoardPopup">
+ <p>{{_ 'close-board-pop'}}</p>
+ <input type="submit" class="js-confirm negate full" value="{{_ 'close'}}">
+<template name="removeMemberPopup">
+ <p>{{_ 'remove-member-pop'
+ username=user.username
+ boardTitle=board.title}}</p>
+ <input type="submit" class="js-confirm negate full" value="{{_ 'remove-member'}}">
+<template name="addMemberPopup">
+ <div class="search-with-spinner">
+ {{> esInput index="users" }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="manage-member-section hide js-search-results" style="display: block;">
+ <ul class="pop-over-member-list options js-list">
+ {{# esEach index="users"}}
+ <li class="item js-member-item {{# if isBoardMember }}disabled{{/if}}">
+ <a href="#" class="name js-select-member {{# if isBoardMember }}multi-line{{/if}}" title="{{ }} ({{ username }})">
+ {{> userAvatar user=this size="small" }}
+ <span class="full-name">
+ {{ }} (<span class="username">{{ username }}</span>)
+ </span>
+ {{# if isBoardMember }}
+ <div class="extra-text quiet">({{_ 'joined'}})</div>
+ {{/if}}
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-chevron-right light option js-open-option"></span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{/esEach }}
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ {{# ifEsIsSearching index='users' }}
+ <div class="tac">
+ <span class="tabbed-pane-main-col-loading-spinner spinner"></span>
+ </div>
+ {{ /ifEsIsSearching }}
+ {{# ifEsHasNoResults index="users" }}
+ <div class="manage-member-section js-no-results">
+ <p class="quiet center" style="padding: 16px 4px;">{{_ 'no-results'}}</p>
+ </div>
+ {{ /ifEsHasNoResults }}
+ <div class="manage-member-section js-helper">
+ <p class="bottom quiet" style="padding: 6px;">{{_ 'search-member-desc'}}</p>
+ </div>
+<template name="changePermissionsPopup">
+ <ul class="pop-over-list">
+ <li>
+ <a class="{{#if isLastAdmin}}disabled{{else}}js-set-admin{{/if}}">
+ {{_ 'admin'}}
+ {{#if isAdmin}}<span class="icon-sm fa fa-check"></span>{{/if}}
+ <span class="sub-name">{{_ 'admin-desc'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="{{#if isLastAdmin}}disabled{{else}}js-set-normal{{/if}}">
+ {{_ 'normal'}}
+ {{#unless isAdmin}}<span class="icon-sm fa fa-check"></span>{{/unless}}
+ <span class="sub-name">{{_ 'normal-desc'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ {{#if isLastAdmin}}
+ <hr>
+ <p class="quiet bottom">{{_ 'last-admin-desc'}}</p>
+ {{/if}}
diff --git a/client/components/sidebar/templates.jade b/client/components/sidebar/templates.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23a1a87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/sidebar/templates.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ .board-sidebar.sidebar(class="{{#if isOpen}}is-open{{/if}}")
+ a.sidebar-tongue.js-toogle-sidebar(
+ class="{{#if isTongueHidden}}is-hidden{{/if}}")
+ i.fa.fa-chevron-left
+ .sidebar-content.js-board-sidebar-content
+ //- XXX
+ if Filter.isActive
+ +filterSidebar
+ else
+ +homeSidebar
+ +membersWidget
+ hr.clear
+ +labelsWidget
+ hr.clear
+ h3
+ i.fa.fa-comments-o
+ | {{_ 'activities'}}
+ +activities(mode="board")
+ ul.pop-over-label-list.checkable
+ each currentBoard.labels
+ li.item.matches-filter
+ span.card-label(class="card-label-{{color}}")
+ span.full-name
+ if name
+ = name
+ else
+ span.quiet {{_ "label-default" color}}
+ if Filter.labelIds.isSelected _id}}
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-check
+ hr
+ ul.pop-over-member-list.checkable
+ each currentBoard.members
+ if isActive
+ with getUser userId
+ li.item.js-member-item(
+ class="{{#if Filter.members.isSelected _id}}active{{/if}}")
+ +userAvatar(user=this size="small")
+ span.full-name
+ =
+ | (<span class="username">{{ username }}</span>)
+ if Filter.members.isSelected _id
+ span.icon-sm.fa.fa-check
+ hr
+ a.js-clear-all(class="{{#unless Filter.isActive}}disabled{{/unless}}")
+ | {{_ 'filter-clear'}}
+ .board-widget.board-widget-members
+ h3
+ i.fa.fa-user
+ | {{_ 'members'}}
+ .board-widget-content
+ each currentBoard.members
+ +userAvatar(
+ userId=this.userId
+ draggable=true
+ size="small"
+ showBadges=true)
+ unless isSandstorm
+ if currentUser.isBoardAdmin
+ a.js-open-manage-board-members
+ .board-widget.board-widget-labels
+ h3
+ i.fa.fa-tags
+ | {{_ 'labels'}}
+ .board-widget-content
+ each currentBoard.labels
+ a.card-label(class="card-label-{{color}}").js-label
+ span.card-label-name= name
+ a.card-label.js-add-label
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ .board-member-menu: .mini-profile-info
+ +userAvatar(user=user)
+ .info
+ h3.bottom
+ a.js-profile(href="{{pathFor route='Profile' username=user.username}}")
+ =
+ p.quiet.bottom @#{user.username}
+ if currentUser.isBoardMember
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li
+ a.js-filter-member Filter cards
+ if currentUser.isBoardAdmin
+ li
+ a.js-change-role
+ | {{_ 'change-permissions'}}
+ span.quiet (#{memberType})
+ li
+ if currentUser.isBoardAdmin
+ a.js-remove-member {{_ 'remove-from-board'}}
+ else
+ a.js-leave-member {{_ 'leave-board'}}
diff --git a/client/components/users/avatar.jade b/client/components/users/avatar.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ef69e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/avatar.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ .member(class="{{class}} {{# if draggable }}js-member{{else}}js-member-on-card-menu{{/if}}"
+ title="{{}} ({{userData.username}})")
+ +avatar(user=userData size=size)
+ if showBadges
+ span.member-status(class="{{# if userData.profile.status}}active{{/if}}")
+ span.member-type(class=memberType)
diff --git a/client/components/users/events.js b/client/components/users/events.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14df9717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// XXX This should be handled by default (and in a better way) by useraccounts.
+// See
+Template.atForm.onRendered(function() {
+ this.find('input').focus();
+ 'click .js-language':'setLanguage'),
+ 'click .js-logout': function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ Meteor.logout(function() {
+ Router.go('Home');
+ });
+ }
+ 'click .js-set-language': function(evt) {
+ Users.update(Meteor.userId(), {
+ $set: {
+ 'profile.language': this.tag
+ }
+ });
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-edit-profile': function() {
+ Session.set('ProfileEditForm', true);
+ },
+ 'click .js-cancel-edit-profile': function() {
+ Session.set('ProfileEditForm', false);
+ },
+ 'submit #ProfileEditForm': function(evt, t) {
+ var name = t.find('#name').value;
+ var bio = t.find('#bio').value;
+ // trim and update
+ if ($.trim(name)) {
+ Users.update(this.profile()._id, {
+ $set: {
+ '': name,
+ '': bio
+ }
+ }, function() {
+ // update complete close profileEditForm
+ Session.set('ProfileEditForm', false);
+ });
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ 'click .js-show-mem-menu':'user')
diff --git a/client/components/users/form.styl b/client/components/users/form.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..845c810d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/form.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ width: 275px
+ margin: auto
+ margin-top: 50px
+ margin-top: 17vh
+ img
+ width: 275px
+ margin: auto
+ width: 275px
+ padding: 25px
+ margin-top: 20px
+ padding-bottom: 10px
+ background: #fff
+ border-radius: 3px
+ border: 1px solid #dbdbdb
+ border-bottom-color: #c2c2c2
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)
+ .at-link
+ color: darken(#27AE60, 40%)
+ label
+ margin-bottom: 3px
+ input
+ width: 100%
+ .at-title
+ background: #F7F7F7
+ margin: -25px
+ padding: 15px 25px 5px
+ margin-bottom: 20px
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc
+ color: darken(white, 70%)
+ font-weight: bold
+ .at-signup-link,
+ .at-signin-link,
+ .at-forgotPwd
+ font-size: 0.9em
+ margin-top: 15px
+ color: darken(white, 70%)
+ .at-signUp,
+ .at-signIn
+ font-weight: bold
diff --git a/client/components/users/headerButtons.jade b/client/components/users/headerButtons.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74c24ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/headerButtons.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ #header-user-bar
+ if currentUser
+ a.js-open-header-member-menu
+ if
+ =
+ else
+ = currentUser.username
+ i.fa.fa-chevron-down
+ else
+ a(href="{{pathFor route='signUp'}}") Sign in
+ span.separator -
+ a(href="{{pathFor route='signIn'}}") Log in
+ a.header-member.js-open-header-member-menu
+ span=
+ +userAvatar(user=currentUser size="small")
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li: a(href="{{pathFor route='Profile' username=currentUser.username}}") {{_ 'profile'}}
+ li: a.js-language {{_ 'language'}}
+ li: a(href = "{{pathFor route='Settings'}}") {{_ 'settings'}}
+ hr
+ ul.pop-over-list
+ li: a.js-logout {{_ 'log-out'}}
diff --git a/client/components/users/headerButtons.js b/client/components/users/headerButtons.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70594fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/headerButtons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@{
+ 'click .js-sign-in':'signup'),
+ 'click .js-log-in':'login'),
+ 'click .js-open-header-member-menu':'memberMenu')
diff --git a/client/components/users/helpers.js b/client/components/users/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33867298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ userData: function() {
+ if (! this.user) {
+ this.user = Users.findOne(this.userId);
+ }
+ return this.user;
+ },
+ memberType: function() {
+ var userId = this.userId || this.user._id;
+ var user = Users.findOne(userId);
+ return user && user.isBoardAdmin() ? 'admin' : 'normal';
+ }
+ languages: function() {
+ return, function(lang, tag) {
+ return {
+ tag: tag,
+ name:
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ isCurrentLanguage: function() {
+ return this.tag === TAPi18n.getLanguage();
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/users/member.styl b/client/components/users/member.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dfdaa37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/member.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+@import 'nib'
+avatar-radius = 50%
+ border-radius: 3px
+ display: block
+ float: left
+ height: 30px
+ width: @height
+ margin: 0 4px 4px 0
+ position: relative
+ cursor: pointer
+ user-select: none
+ z-index: 1
+ text-decoration: none
+ border-radius: avatar-radius
+ .avatar
+ height: 100%
+ width: @height
+ display: flex
+ align-items: center
+ justify-content: center
+ overflow: hidden
+ border-radius: avatar-radius
+ .avatar-initials
+ font-weight: bold
+ max-width: 100%
+ max-height: 100%
+ font-size: 14px
+ line-height: 200%
+ background-color: #dbdbdb
+ color: #444444
+ .avatar-image
+ max-width: 100%
+ max-height: 100%
+ .member-status
+ background-color: #b3b3b3
+ border: 1px solid #fff
+ border-radius: 50%
+ height: 8px
+ width: @height
+ position: absolute
+ right: 0px
+ bottom: 0px
+ border: 1px solid white
+ &.active
+ background: #64c464
+ border-color: #daf1da
+ &.idle
+ background: #e4e467
+ border-color: #f7f7d4
+ &.disconnected
+ background: #bdbdbd
+ border-color: #ededed
+ &.extra-small
+ .avatar-initials
+ font-size: 9px
+ width: 18px
+ height: 18px
+ line-height: 18px
+ .avatar-image
+ width: 18px
+ height: 18px
+ &.small
+ width: 30px
+ height: 30px
+ .avatar-initials
+ font-size: 12px
+ line-height: 30px
+ &.large
+ height: 85px
+ line-height: 85px
+ width: 85px
+ .avatar
+ width: 85px
+ height: 85px
+ .avatar-initials
+ font-size: 16px
+ font-weight: 700
+ line-height: 85px
+ width: 85px
+ background: #dbdbdb
+ border-radius: 3px
+ padding: 1px 4px
+ margin: -1px 0
+ display: inline-block
+ &.me
+ background: #cfdfe8
diff --git a/client/components/users/router.js b/client/components/users/router.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d59e174d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/router.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+_.each(['signIn', 'signUp', 'resetPwd',
+ 'forgotPwd', 'enrollAccount', 'changePwd'], function(routeName) {
+ AccountsTemplates.configureRoute(routeName, {
+ layoutTemplate: 'userFormsLayout'
+ });
+Router.route('/profile/:username', {
+ name: 'Profile',
+ template: 'profile',
+ waitOn: function() {
+ return Meteor.subscribe('profile', this.params.username);
+ },
+ data: function() {
+ var params = this.params;
+ return {
+ profile: function() {
+ return Users.findOne({ username: params.username });
+ }
+ };
+ }
+Router.route('/settings', {
+ name: 'Settings',
+ template: 'settings',
+ layoutTemplate: 'AuthLayout'
diff --git a/client/components/users/templates.html b/client/components/users/templates.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5783eebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/users/templates.html
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+<template name="setLanguagePopup">
+<ul class="pop-over-list">
+ {{#each languages}}
+ <li class="{{# if isCurrentLanguage}}active{{/if}}">
+ <a class="js-set-language">
+ {{name}}
+ {{# if isCurrentLanguage}}
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-check"></span>
+ {{/if}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ {{/each}}
+<template name='profile'>
+ {{ # if profile }}
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-header">
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-header-wrapper clearfix">
+ <a class="tabbed-pane-header-image profile-image ed js-change-avatar-profile" href="#">
+ {{> userAvatar user=profile size="large"}}
+ </a>
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-header-details">
+ <div class="js-current-details">
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-header-details-name">
+ <h1 class="inline"> {{ }} </h1>
+ <p class="window-title-extra quiet"> @{{ profile.username }} </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-header-details-content">
+ <p>{{ }}</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-header-details-content"></div>
+ </div>
+ {{ > profileEditForm }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ > message label='user-profile-not-found' }}
+ {{ /if }}
+<template name="settings">
+ {{ > profile profile=currentUser }}
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-main-col clearfix">
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-main-col-loading hide js-loading-page">
+ <span class="tabbed-pane-main-col-loading-spinner spinner"></span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="tabbed-pane-main-col-wrapper js-content">
+ <div class="window-module clearfix">
+ <div class="window-module-title">
+ <h3>{{_ "account-details"}}</h3>
+ </div>
+ <a class="big-link js-change-name-and-bio" href="#">
+ <span class="text">{{_ 'change-name-initials-bio'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ <a class="big-link js-change-avatar" href="#">
+ <span class="text">{{_ 'change-avatar'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ <a class="big-link js-change-password" href="#">
+ <span class="text">{{_ 'change-password'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ <a class="big-link js-change-email" href="#">
+ <span class="text">{{_ 'change-email'}}</span>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<template name="profileEditForm">
+ {{#if $eq currentUser.username profile.username }}
+ {{# if session 'ProfileEditForm' }}
+ <form id="ProfileEditForm" class="js-profile-form">
+ <p class="error js-profile-form-error hide"></p>
+ <label>{{_ "username"}}</label>
+ <input type="text" id="username" value="{{ profile.username }}" disabled>
+ <label>{{_ "fullname"}}</label>
+ <input type="text" id="name" value="{{ }}">
+ <label>
+ {{_ "bio"}} <span class="quiet">({{_ 'optional'}})</span>
+ </label>
+ <textarea id="bio">{{ }}</textarea>
+ <input type="submit" class="primary wide js-submit-profile" value="{{_ 'save'}}">
+ <input type="button" class="js-cancel-edit-profile" value="{{_ 'cancel'}}">
+ </form>
+ {{ else }}
+ <a class="button-link tabbed-pane-header-details-edit js-edit-profile" href="#">
+ <span class="icon-sm fa fa-pencil"></span>
+ {{_ "edit-profile"}}
+ </a>
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{ /if }}
+<template name="userPopup">
+ <div class="board-member-menu">
+ <div class="mini-profile-info">
+ {{> userAvatar user=user}}
+ <div class="info">
+ <h3 class="bottom" style="margin-right: 40px;">
+ <a class="js-profile" href="{{ pathFor route='Profile' username=user.username }}">{{ }}</a>
+ </h3>
+ <p class="quiet bottom">@{{ user.username }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<template name="memberName">
+ <a class="inline-object js-show-mem-menu" href="{{ pathFor route='Profile' username=user.username }}">
+ {{ }}
+ {{# if username }}
+ ({{ user.username }})
+ {{ /if }}
+ </a>