diff options
authorLauri Ojansivu <>2017-02-08 03:43:44 +0200
committerLauri Ojansivu <>2017-02-08 03:43:44 +0200
commit44564b9fa6a24822b33f01201f08ee39c02706bd (patch)
parent425129eb1659c49aafef101fb423b14f00fb48a0 (diff)
Update translations.
22 files changed, 627 insertions, 627 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/ar.i18n.json b/i18n/ar.i18n.json
index 531364a9..f534592e 100644
--- a/i18n/ar.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ar.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "اضغط لإضافة اللوحة للمفضلة.",
"click-to-unstar": "اضغط لحذف اللوحة من المفضلة.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "غلق",
"close-board": "غلق اللوحة",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
"lists": "القائمات",
"log-out": "تسجيل الخروج",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "تسجيل الدخول",
"loginPopup-title": "تسجيل الدخول",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "أفضليات الأعضاء",
"members": "أعضاء",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "ماذا تريد أن تنجز?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/br.i18n.json b/i18n/br.i18n.json
index ece3e1a8..8e638b38 100644
--- a/i18n/br.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/br.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
"click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "Close",
"close-board": "Close Board",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/ca.i18n.json b/i18n/ca.i18n.json
index 6d3745ce..188edcf6 100644
--- a/i18n/ca.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ca.i18n.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"act-createList": "afegit/da __list__ a __board__",
"act-addBoardMember": "afegit/da __member__ a __board__",
"act-archivedBoard": "__board__ arxivat",
- "act-archivedCard": "\n __card__ arxivat/da",
+ "act-archivedCard": "__card__ arxivat/da",
"act-archivedList": "__list__ arxivat/da",
"act-importBoard": "__board__ importat",
"act-importCard": "__card__ importat",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Fes clic per destacar aquest tauler.",
"click-to-unstar": "Fes clic per deixar de destacar aquest tauler.",
- "clipboard" : "Portaretalls o estirar i amollar",
+ "clipboard": "Portaretalls o estirar i amollar",
"close": "Tanca",
"close-board": "Tanca tauler",
"close-board-pop": "Podràs restaurar el tauler, seleccionant \"Arxivats\" de la finistra principal",
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
"shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Mostra aquesta lista d'accessos directes",
"shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Canvia la barra lateral del tauler",
"shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Canvia Sidebar del Tauler",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "Mostra contador de fitxes si la llista en conté més de ",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "Mostra contador de fitxes si la llista en conté més de",
"signupPopup-title": "Crea un compte",
"star-board-title": "Fes clic per destacar aquest tauler. Es mostrarà a la part superior de la llista de taulers.",
"starred-boards": "Taulers destacats",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Bàsics",
"welcome-list2": "Avançades",
"what-to-do": "Què vols fer?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/cs.i18n.json b/i18n/cs.i18n.json
index 495cd4e9..3db88d56 100644
--- a/i18n/cs.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/cs.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Kliknutím přidat hvězdičku tomuto tablu.",
"click-to-unstar": "Kliknutím odebrat hvězdičku tomuto tablu.",
- "clipboard" : "Schránka nebo potáhnout a pustit",
+ "clipboard": "Schránka nebo potáhnout a pustit",
"close": "Zavřít",
"close-board": "Zavřít tablo",
"close-board-pop": "Budete moci obnovit tablo kliknutím na tlačítko \"Archivy\" v hlavním menu.",
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
"email-resetPassword-subject": "Změň své heslo na __siteName__",
"email-resetPassword-text": "Ahoj __user__,\n\nPro změnu hesla klikni na odkaz níže.\n\n__url__\n\nDěkujeme.",
"email-sent": "Email byl odeslán",
- "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Ověř svou emailovou adresu na ",
+ "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Ověř svou emailovou adresu na",
"email-verifyEmail-text": "Ahoj __user__,\n\nPro ověření emailové adresy klikni na odkaz níže.\n\n__url__\n\nDěkujeme.",
"error-board-doesNotExist": "Toto tablo neexistuje",
"error-board-notAdmin": "K provedení změny musíš být administrátor tohoto tabla",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Importovat Trello kartu",
"lists": "Seznamy",
"log-out": "Odhlásit",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "Přihlásit",
"loginPopup-title": "Přihlásit",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Nastavení uživatele",
"members": "Členové",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "Co chcete dělat?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/de.i18n.json b/i18n/de.i18n.json
index 197fbba7..c91a53db 100644
--- a/i18n/de.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/de.i18n.json
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
"activity-removed": "hat %s von %s entfernt",
"activity-sent": "hat %s an %s gesendet",
"activity-unjoined": "hat %s verlassen",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "Checklist zu %s hinzugefügt",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"add-attachment": "Anhang hinzufügen",
"add-board": "Neues Board erstellen",
"add-card": "Karte hinzufügen",
- "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-checklist": "Füge eine Checklist hinzu",
+ "add-checklist-item": "Füge einen Punkt zu Checklist hinzu",
"add-cover": "Cover hinzufügen",
"add-label": "Label hinzufügen",
"add-list": "Liste hinzufügen",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Klicken um dem Board einen Stern zu geben.",
"click-to-unstar": "Klicken um den Stern von dem Board zu entfernen.",
- "clipboard" : "Zwischenablage oder Drag & Drop",
+ "clipboard": "Zwischenablage oder Drag & Drop",
"close": "Schließen",
"close-board": "Board schließen",
"close-board-pop": "Sie können das Board wiederherstellen, indem Sie den \"Archiv\"-Button in der Kopfzeile der Startseite anklicken.",
@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@
"editProfilePopup-title": "Profil ändern",
"email": "E-Mail",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "Ihr Benutzerkonto auf __siteName__ wurde erstellt",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\num den Dienst nutzen zu können, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.\n",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\num den Dienst nutzen zu können, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.",
"email-fail": "Senden der E-Mail fehlgeschlagen",
"email-invalid": "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"email-invite": "via E-Mail einladen",
"email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ hat Ihnen eine Einladung geschickt",
- "email-invite-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\n__inviter__ hat Sie zu dem Board \"__board__\" eingeladen.\n\nBitte klicken Sie auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.\n",
+ "email-invite-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\n__inviter__ hat Sie zu dem Board \"__board__\" eingeladen.\n\nBitte klicken Sie auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.",
"email-resetPassword-subject": "Setzten Sie ihr Passwort auf __siteName__ zurück",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\num ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.\n",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\num ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.",
"email-sent": "E-Mail gesendet",
"email-verifyEmail-subject": "Bestätigen Sie ihre E-Mail-Adresse auf __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\num ihre E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.\n",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hallo __user__,\n\num ihre E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:\n\n__url__\n\nDanke.",
"error-board-doesNotExist": "Dieses Board existiert nicht",
"error-board-notAdmin": "Um das zu tun, müssen Sie der Administrator dieses Boards sein",
"error-board-notAMember": "Um das zu tun, müssen Sie ein Mitglied dieses Boards sein",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"remove-cover": "Cover entfernen",
"remove-from-board": "Von Board entfernen",
"remove-label": "Label entfernen",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-list": "Liste entfernen",
"remove-member": "Nutzer entfernen",
"remove-member-from-card": "Von Karte entfernen",
"remove-member-pop": "__name__ (__username__) von __boardTitle__ entfernen? Das Mitglied wird von allen Karten auf diesem Board entfernt. Er erhält eine Benachrichtigung.",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Grundlagen",
"welcome-list2": "Fortgeschritten",
"what-to-do": "Was willst du tun?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/en.i18n.json b/i18n/en.i18n.json
index f05f2278..5d52e390 100644
--- a/i18n/en.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/en.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
"click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "Close",
"close-board": "Close Board",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@
"editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
"email": "Email",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.\n",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
"email-fail": "Sending email failed",
"email-invalid": "Invalid email",
"email-invite": "Invite via Email",
"email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
- "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.\n",
+ "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
"email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.\n",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
"email-sent": "Email sent",
"email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.\n",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
"error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
"error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
"error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/es.i18n.json b/i18n/es.i18n.json
index f9858126..4f20036b 100644
--- a/i18n/es.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/es.i18n.json
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "Cambiar permisos",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "Cambiar Preferencias",
"checklists": "Checklists",
- "click-to-star": "Haz clic para destacar este tablero. ",
- "click-to-unstar": "Haz clic para dejar de destacar este tablero. ",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "click-to-star": "Haz clic para destacar este tablero.",
+ "click-to-unstar": "Haz clic para dejar de destacar este tablero.",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "Cerrar",
"close-board": "Cerrar el tablero",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
"error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
"error-user-notAllowSelf": "This action on self is not allowed",
"error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
- "error-username-taken": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso ",
+ "error-username-taken": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso",
"export-board": "Export board",
"filter": "Filter",
"filter-cards": "Fichas de filtro",
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
"joined": "se ha unido",
"just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
"keyboard-shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
- "label-create": "Crear una etiqueta nueva ",
+ "label-create": "Crear una etiqueta nueva",
"label-default": "%s etiqueta (por Defecto)",
"label-delete-pop": "No se puede deshacer. Esto eliminará esta etiqueta de todas las fichas y destruirá su historia.",
"labels": "Etiquetas",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basicos",
"welcome-list2": "Avanzados",
"what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/fa.i18n.json b/i18n/fa.i18n.json
index 30e5a478..cb0beffe 100644
--- a/i18n/fa.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/fa.i18n.json
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"actions": "اعمال",
"activities": "فعالیت ها",
"activity": "فعالیت",
- "activity-added": " %s به %s اضافه شد",
+ "activity-added": "%s به %s اضافه شد",
"activity-archived": "%s بایگانی شد",
"activity-attached": "%s به %s پیوست شد",
"activity-created": "%s ایجاد شد",
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "جهت افزودن ستاره کلیک کنید .",
"click-to-unstar": "جهت کاهش ستاره کلیک کنید.",
- "clipboard" : "ذخیره در حافظه ویا بکش-رهاکن",
+ "clipboard": "ذخیره در حافظه ویا بکش-رهاکن",
"close": "بستن",
"close-board": "بستن برد",
"close-board-pop": "شما می توانید با کلیک بر دکمه \"بایگانی\" از قسمت بالای خانه، تخته را بازگذاری نمایید.",
"color-black": "مشکی",
"color-blue": "آبی",
- "color-green": "سبز\n",
+ "color-green": "سبز",
"color-lime": "لیمویی",
"color-orange": "نارنجی",
"color-pink": "صورتی",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "وارد کردن کارت Trello",
"lists": "لیست ها",
"log-out": "خروج",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "ورود",
"loginPopup-title": "ورود",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "تنظیمات اعضا",
"members": "اعضا",
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
"title": "عنوان",
"tracking": "Tracking",
"tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
- "unassign-member": "عدم انتصاب کاربر ",
+ "unassign-member": "عدم انتصاب کاربر",
"unsaved-description": "شما توضیحات ذخیره نشده دارید.",
"unwatch": "Unwatch",
"upload": "ارسال",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "چه کاری می خواهید انجام دهید؟"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/fi.i18n.json b/i18n/fi.i18n.json
index bb41ce60..5d52e390 100644
--- a/i18n/fi.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/fi.i18n.json
@@ -1,324 +1,324 @@
- "accept": "Hyväksy",
- "act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] Toimintailmoitus",
- "act-addAttachment": "liitetty __attachment__ kortille __card__",
- "act-addComment": "kommentoitu __card__: __comment__",
- "act-createBoard": "luotu __board__",
- "act-createCard": "lisätty __card__ listalle __list__",
- "act-createList": "lisätty __list__ taululle __board__",
- "act-addBoardMember": "lisätty __member__ taululle __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "arkistoitu __board__",
- "act-archivedCard": "arkistoitu __card__",
- "act-archivedList": "arkistoitu __list__",
- "act-importBoard": "tuotu __board__",
- "act-importCard": "tuotu __card__",
- "act-importList": "tuotu __list__",
- "act-joinMember": "lisätty __member__ kortille __card__",
- "act-moveCard": "siirretty __card__ listalta __oldList__ listalle __list__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "poistettu __member__ taululta __board__",
- "act-restoredCard": "palautettu __card__ taululle __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "poistettu __member__ kortilta __card__",
+ "accept": "Accept",
+ "act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] Activity Notification",
+ "act-addAttachment": "attached __attachment__ to __card__",
+ "act-addComment": "commented on __card__: __comment__",
+ "act-createBoard": "created __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "added __card__ to __list__",
+ "act-createList": "added __list__ to __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "added __member__ to __board__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "archived __board__",
+ "act-archivedCard": "archived __card__",
+ "act-archivedList": "archived __list__",
+ "act-importBoard": "imported __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "imported __card__",
+ "act-importList": "imported __list__",
+ "act-joinMember": "added __member__ to __card__",
+ "act-moveCard": "moved __card__ from __oldList__ to __list__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "removed __member__ from __board__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "restored __card__ to __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "removed __member__ from __card__",
"act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] __board__",
"act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
- "actions": "Toimet",
- "activities": "Toimet",
- "activity": "Toiminta",
- "activity-added": "lisätty %s kohteeseen %s",
- "activity-archived": "arkistoitu %s",
- "activity-attached": "liitetty %s kohteeseen %s",
- "activity-created": "luotu %s",
- "activity-excluded": "poistettu %s kohteesta %s",
- "activity-imported": "tuotu %s kohteeseen %s lähteestä %s",
- "activity-imported-board": "tuotu %s lähteestä %s",
- "activity-joined": "liitytty kohteeseen %s",
- "activity-moved": "siirretty %s kohteesta %s kohteeseen %s",
- "activity-on": "kohteessa %s",
- "activity-removed": "poistettu %s kohteesta %s",
- "activity-sent": "lähetetty %s kohteeseen %s",
- "activity-unjoined": "peruttu %s liityminen",
- "activity-checklist-added": "lisätty tarkistuslista kohteeseen %s",
- "add": "Lisää",
- "add-attachment": "Lisää liitetiedosto",
- "add-board": "Lisää uusi taulu",
- "add-card": "Lisää kortti",
- "add-checklist": "Lisää tarkistuslista",
- "add-checklist-item": "Lisää kohde tarkistuslistaan",
- "add-cover": "Lisää kansi",
- "add-label": "Lisää tunniste",
- "add-list": "Lisää lista",
- "add-members": "Lisää jäseniä",
- "added": "Lisätty",
- "addMemberPopup-title": "Jäsenet",
- "admin": "Ylläpitäjä",
- "admin-desc": "Voi nähfä ja muokata kortteja, poistaa jäseniä, ja muuttaa taulun asetuksia.",
- "all-boards": "Kaikki taulut",
- "and-n-other-card": "Ja __count__ muu kortti",
- "and-n-other-card_plural": "Ja __count__ muuta korttia",
- "apply": "Käytä",
- "app-is-offline": "Sovellus ei ole tällä hetkellä linjoilla, sivun lataaminen uudelleen voi aiheuttaa muutettujen tietojen menettämisen.",
- "archive": "Arkistoi",
- "archive-all": "Arkistoi kaikki",
- "archive-board": "Arkistoi taulu",
- "archive-card": "Arkistoi kortti",
- "archive-list": "Arkistoi tämä lista",
- "archive-selection": "Arkistoi valinta",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Arkistoi taulu?",
- "archived-items": "Arkistoidut kohteet",
- "archives": "Arkistot",
- "assign-member": "Valitse jäsen",
- "attached": "liitetty",
- "attachment": "Liitetiedosto",
- "attachment-delete-pop": "Liitetiedoston poistaminen on lopullista. Tätä ei pysty peruuttamaan.",
- "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Poista liitetiedosto?",
- "attachments": "Liitetiedostot",
- "auto-watch": "Automaattisesti seuraa tauluja kun ne on luotu",
- "avatar-too-big": "Profiilikuva on liian suuri (70Kb maksimi)",
- "back": "Takaisin",
- "board-change-color": "Muokkaa väriä",
- "board-nb-stars": "%s tähteä",
- "board-not-found": "Taulua ei löytynyt",
- "board-private-info": "Tämä taulu tulee olemaan <strong>yksityinen</strong>.",
- "board-public-info": "Tämä taulu tulee olemaan <strong>julkinen</strong>.",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Muokkaa taulun taustaa",
- "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Nimeä taulu uudelleen",
- "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Muokkaa näkyvyyttä",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Muokkaa seuraamista",
- "boardMenuPopup-title": "Taulu valikko",
- "boards": "Taulut",
- "bucket-example": "Kuten “Laatikko lista” esimerkiksi",
- "cancel": "Peruuta",
- "card-archived": "Tämä kortti on arkistoitu.",
- "card-comments-title": "Tässä kortissa on %s kommenttia.",
- "card-delete-notice": "Poistaminen on lopullista. Menetät kaikki toimet jotka on liitetty tähän korttiin.",
- "card-delete-pop": "Kaikki toimet poistetaan toimintasyötteestä ja et tule pystymään uudelleenavaamaan korttia. Tätä ei voi peruuttaa.",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Voit arkistoida kortin poistaaksesi sen taululta ja säilyttääksesi toimet.",
- "card-due": "Erääntyy",
- "card-due-on": "Erääntyy",
- "card-edit-attachments": "Muokkaa liitetiedostoja",
- "card-edit-labels": "Muokkaa tunnisteita",
- "card-edit-members": "Muokkaa jäseniä",
- "card-labels-title": "Muokkaa kortin tunnisteita.",
- "card-members-title": "Lisää tai poista taulun jäseniä tältä kortilta.",
- "card-start": "Alkaa",
- "card-start-on": "Alkaa",
- "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Liitä mistä",
- "cardDeletePopup-title": "Poista kortti?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Kortti toimet",
- "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Tunnisteet",
- "cardMembersPopup-title": "Jäsenet",
- "cardMorePopup-title": "Lisää",
- "cards": "Kortit",
- "change": "Muokkaa",
- "change-avatar": "Muokkaa profiilikuvaa",
- "change-password": "Vaihda salasana",
- "change-permissions": "Muokkaa oikeuksia",
- "change-settings": "Muokkaa asetuksia",
- "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Muokkaa profiilikuvaa",
- "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Vaihda kieltä",
- "changePasswordPopup-title": "Vaihda salasana",
- "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Muokkaa oikeuksia",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Muokkaa asetuksia",
- "checklists": "Tarkistuslistat",
- "click-to-star": "Klikkaa merkataksesi tämä taulu tähdellä.",
- "click-to-unstar": "Klikkaa poistaaksesi tähtimerkintä taululta.",
- "clipboard" : "Leikepöytä tai raahaa ja pudota",
- "close": "Sulje",
- "close-board": "Sulje taulu",
- "close-board-pop": "Voit palauttaa taulun klikkaamalla “Arkistot” painiketta kotiotsikosta.",
- "color-black": "musta",
- "color-blue": "sininen",
- "color-green": "vihreä",
+ "actions": "Actions",
+ "activities": "Activities",
+ "activity": "Activity",
+ "activity-added": "added %s to %s",
+ "activity-archived": "archived %s",
+ "activity-attached": "attached %s to %s",
+ "activity-created": "created %s",
+ "activity-excluded": "excluded %s from %s",
+ "activity-imported": "imported %s into %s from %s",
+ "activity-imported-board": "imported %s from %s",
+ "activity-joined": "joined %s",
+ "activity-moved": "moved %s from %s to %s",
+ "activity-on": "on %s",
+ "activity-removed": "removed %s from %s",
+ "activity-sent": "sent %s to %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "unjoined %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "add": "Add",
+ "add-attachment": "Add an attachment",
+ "add-board": "Add a new board",
+ "add-card": "Add a card",
+ "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
+ "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-cover": "Add Cover",
+ "add-label": "Add the label",
+ "add-list": "Add a list",
+ "add-members": "Add Members",
+ "added": "Added",
+ "addMemberPopup-title": "Members",
+ "admin": "Admin",
+ "admin-desc": "Can view and edit cards, remove members, and change settings for the board.",
+ "all-boards": "All boards",
+ "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card",
+ "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards",
+ "apply": "Apply",
+ "app-is-offline": "The application is currently offline, refreshing the page will cause data loss.",
+ "archive": "Archive",
+ "archive-all": "Archive All",
+ "archive-board": "Archive Board",
+ "archive-card": "Archive Card",
+ "archive-list": "Archive this list",
+ "archive-selection": "Archive selection",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Archive Board?",
+ "archived-items": "Archived Items",
+ "archives": "Archives",
+ "assign-member": "Assign member",
+ "attached": "attached",
+ "attachment": "Attachment",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "Deleting an attachment is permanent. There is no undo.",
+ "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Delete Attachment?",
+ "attachments": "Attachments",
+ "auto-watch": "Automatically watch boards when create it",
+ "avatar-too-big": "The avatar is too large (70Kb max)",
+ "back": "Back",
+ "board-change-color": "Change color",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s stars",
+ "board-not-found": "Board not found",
+ "board-private-info": "This board will be <strong>private</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "This board will be <strong>public</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Change Board Background",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Rename Board",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Change Visibility",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Change Watch",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "Board Menu",
+ "boards": "Boards",
+ "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "card-archived": "This card is archived.",
+ "card-comments-title": "This card has %s comment.",
+ "card-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all actions associated with this card.",
+ "card-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to re-open the card. There is no undo.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "card-due": "Due",
+ "card-due-on": "Due on",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "Edit attachments",
+ "card-edit-labels": "Edit labels",
+ "card-edit-members": "Edit members",
+ "card-labels-title": "Change the labels for the card.",
+ "card-members-title": "Add or remove members of the board from the card.",
+ "card-start": "Start",
+ "card-start-on": "Starts on",
+ "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions",
+ "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Labels",
+ "cardMembersPopup-title": "Members",
+ "cardMorePopup-title": "More",
+ "cards": "Cards",
+ "change": "Change",
+ "change-avatar": "Change Avatar",
+ "change-password": "Change Password",
+ "change-permissions": "Change permissions",
+ "change-settings": "Change Settings",
+ "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Change Avatar",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language",
+ "changePasswordPopup-title": "Change Password",
+ "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
+ "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
+ "click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "close": "Close",
+ "close-board": "Close Board",
+ "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
+ "color-black": "black",
+ "color-blue": "blue",
+ "color-green": "green",
"color-lime": "lime",
- "color-orange": "oranssi",
- "color-pink": "vaaleanpunainen",
- "color-purple": "violetti",
- "color-red": "punainen",
- "color-sky": "taivas",
- "color-yellow": "keltainen",
- "comment": "Kommentti",
- "comment-placeholder": "Kirjoita kommentti",
- "computer": "Tietokone",
- "create": "Luo",
- "createBoardPopup-title": "Luo taulu",
- "createLabelPopup-title": "Luo tunniste",
- "current": "nykyinen",
- "date": "Päivämäärä",
- "decline": "Kieltäydy",
- "default-avatar": "Oletus profiilikuva",
- "delete": "Poista",
- "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Poista tunniste?",
- "description": "Kuvaus",
- "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Yksikäsitteistä tunniste toiminta",
- "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Yksikäsitteistä jäsen toiminta",
- "discard": "Hylkää",
- "done": "Valmis",
- "download": "Lataa",
- "edit": "Muokkaa",
- "edit-avatar": "Muokkaa profiilikuvaa",
- "edit-profile": "Muokkaa profiilia",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Muokkaa aloituspäivää",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Muokkaa eräpäivää",
- "editLabelPopup-title": "Muokkaa tunnistetta",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Muokkaa ilmoituksia",
- "editProfilePopup-title": "Muokkaa profiilia",
- "email": "Sähköposti",
+ "color-orange": "orange",
+ "color-pink": "pink",
+ "color-purple": "purple",
+ "color-red": "red",
+ "color-sky": "sky",
+ "color-yellow": "yellow",
+ "comment": "Comment",
+ "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment",
+ "computer": "Computer",
+ "create": "Create",
+ "createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board",
+ "createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label",
+ "current": "current",
+ "date": "Date",
+ "decline": "Decline",
+ "default-avatar": "Default avatar",
+ "delete": "Delete",
+ "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Delete Label?",
+ "description": "Description",
+ "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Disambiguate Label Action",
+ "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Disambiguate Member Action",
+ "discard": "Discard",
+ "done": "Done",
+ "download": "Download",
+ "edit": "Edit",
+ "edit-avatar": "Change Avatar",
+ "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
+ "editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
+ "email": "Email",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hei __user__,\n\nAlkaaksesi käyttämään palvelua, klikkaa allaolevaa linkkiä.\n\n__url__\n\nKiitos.",
- "email-fail": "Sähköpostin lähettäminen epäonnistui",
- "email-invalid": "Virheellinen sähköposti",
- "email-invite": "Kutsu sähköpostilla",
- "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ lähetti sinulle kutsun",
- "email-invite-text": "Hyvä __user__,\n\n__inviter__ kutsuu sinut liittymään taululle \"__board__\" yhteistyötä varten.\n\nOle hyvä ja seuraa allaolevaa linkkiä:\n\n__url__\n\nKiitos.",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-fail": "Sending email failed",
+ "email-invalid": "Invalid email",
+ "email-invite": "Invite via Email",
+ "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
+ "email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
"email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Hei __user__,\n\nNollataksesi salasanasi, klikkaa allaolevaa linkkiä.\n\n__url__\n\nKiitos.",
- "email-sent": "Sähköposti lähetetty",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo reset your password, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-sent": "Email sent",
"email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hei __user__,\n\nvahvistaaksesi sähköpostiosoitteesi, klikkaa allaolevaa linkkiä.\n\n__url__\n\nKiitos.",
- "error-board-doesNotExist": "Tämä taulu ei ole olemassa",
- "error-board-notAdmin": "Tehdäksesi tämän sinun täytyy olla tämän taulun ylläpitäjä",
- "error-board-notAMember": "Tehdäksesi tämän sinun täytyy olla tämän taulun jäsen",
- "error-json-malformed": "Tekstisi ei ole kelvollisessa JSON muodossa",
- "error-json-schema": "JSON tietosi ei sisällä oikeaa tietoa oikeassa muodossa",
- "error-list-doesNotExist": "Tätä listaa ei ole olemassa",
- "error-user-doesNotExist": "Tätä käyttäjää ei ole olemassa",
- "error-user-notAllowSelf": "Tämä toiminto itseäsi kohtaan ei ole sallittu",
- "error-user-notCreated": "Tätä käyttäjää ei ole luotu",
- "error-username-taken": "Tämä käyttäjätunnus on jo käytössä",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
+ "error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
+ "error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
+ "error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON",
+ "error-json-schema": "Your JSON data does not include the proper information in the correct format",
+ "error-list-doesNotExist": "This list does not exist",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "This action on self is not allowed",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
+ "error-username-taken": "This username is already taken",
"export-board": "Export board",
- "filter": "Suodata",
- "filter-cards": "Suodata kortit",
- "filter-clear": "Poista suodatin",
- "filter-no-label": "Ei tunnistetta",
- "filter-no-member": "Ei jäseniä",
- "filter-on": "Suodatus on päällä",
- "filter-on-desc": "Suodatat kortteja tällä taululla. Klikkaa tästä muokataksesi suodatinta.",
- "filter-to-selection": "Suodata valintaan",
- "fullname": "Koko nimi",
- "header-logo-title": "Palaa taulut sivullesi.",
- "hide-system-messages": "Piilota järjestelmäviestit",
- "home": "Koti",
- "import": "Tuo",
- "import-board": "tuo Trellosta",
- "import-board-title": "Tuo taulu Trellosta",
- "import-board-trello-instruction": "Trello taulullasi, mene 'Menu', sitten 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', ja kopioi tuloksena saamasi teksti",
- "import-json-placeholder": "Liitä kelvollinen JSON tietosi tähän",
- "import-map-members": "Vastaavat jäsenet",
- "import-members-map": "Tuomallasi taululla on muutamia jäseniä. Ole hyvä ja valitse tuomiasi jäseniä vastaavat Wekan käyttäjät",
- "import-show-user-mapping": "Tarkasta vastaavat jäsenet",
- "import-user-select": "Valitse Wekan käyttäjä jota haluat käyttää tänä käyttäjänä",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Valitse Wekan käyttäjä",
- "info": "Tietoja",
- "initials": "Nimikirjaimet",
- "invalid-date": "Virheellinen päivämäärä",
- "joined": "liittyi",
- "just-invited": "Sinut on juuri kutsuttu tälle taululle",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "Pikanäppäimet",
- "label-create": "Luo uusi tunniste",
- "label-default": "%s tunniste (oletus)",
- "label-delete-pop": "Tätä ei voi peruuttaa. Tämä poistaa tämän tunnisteen kaikista korteista ja tuhoaa sen historian.",
- "labels": "Tunnisteet",
- "language": "Kieli",
- "last-admin-desc": "Et voi vaihtaa rooleja koska täytyy olla olemassa ainakin yksi ylläpitäjä.",
- "leave-board": "Jää pois taululta",
- "link-card": "Linkki tähän korttiin",
- "list-archive-cards": "Arkistoi kaikki kortit tässä listassa",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "Tämä poistaa kaikki tämän listan kortit tältä taululta. Nähdäksesi arkistoidut kortit ja tuodaksesi ne takaisin taululle, klikkaa “Valikko” > “Arkistoidut kohteet”.",
- "list-move-cards": "Siirrä kaikki kortit tässä listassa",
- "list-select-cards": "Valitse kaikki kortit tässä listassa",
- "listActionPopup-title": "Listaa toimet",
- "listImportCardPopup-title": "Tuo Trello kortti",
- "lists": "Listat",
- "log-out": "Kirjaudu ulos",
- "log-in": "Kirjaudu sisään",
- "loginPopup-title": "Kirjaudu sisään",
- "memberMenuPopup-title": "Jäsen asetukset",
- "members": "Jäsenet",
- "menu": "Valikko",
+ "filter": "Filter",
+ "filter-cards": "Filter Cards",
+ "filter-clear": "Clear filter",
+ "filter-no-label": "No label",
+ "filter-no-member": "No member",
+ "filter-on": "Filter is on",
+ "filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.",
+ "filter-to-selection": "Filter to selection",
+ "fullname": "Full Name",
+ "header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.",
+ "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
+ "home": "Home",
+ "import": "Import",
+ "import-board": "import from Trello",
+ "import-board-title": "Import board from Trello",
+ "import-board-trello-instruction": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text.",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
+ "import-map-members": "Map members",
+ "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to Wekan users",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
+ "import-user-select": "Pick the Wekan user you want to use as this member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member",
+ "info": "Infos",
+ "initials": "Initials",
+ "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
+ "joined": "joined",
+ "just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
+ "label-create": "Create a new label",
+ "label-default": "%s label (default)",
+ "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.",
+ "labels": "Labels",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.",
+ "leave-board": "Leave Board",
+ "link-card": "Link to this card",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Archive all cards in this list",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view archived cards and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archived Items”.",
+ "list-move-cards": "Move all cards in this list",
+ "list-select-cards": "Select all cards in this list",
+ "listActionPopup-title": "List Actions",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
+ "lists": "Lists",
+ "log-out": "Log Out",
+ "log-in": "Log In",
+ "loginPopup-title": "Log In",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
+ "members": "Members",
+ "menu": "Menu",
"move-selection": "Move selection",
- "moveCardPopup-title": "Siirrä kortti",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Siirrä alimmaiseksi",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Siirrä ylimmäiseksi",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "Move Card",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
"moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
- "multi-selection": "Monivalinta",
- "multi-selection-on": "Monivalinta on päällä",
- "muted": "Vaimennettu",
- "muted-info": "Et saa koskaan ilmoituksia tämän taulun muutoksista",
- "my-boards": "Tauluni",
- "name": "Nimi",
- "no-archived-cards": "Ei arkistoituja kortteja.",
- "no-archived-lists": "Ei arkistoituja listoja.",
- "no-results": "Ei tuloksia",
- "normal": "Normaali",
- "normal-desc": "Voi nähdä ja muokata kortteja. Ei voi muokata asetuksia.",
- "not-accepted-yet": "Kutsua ei ole hyväksytty vielä",
- "notify-participate": "Vastaanota päivityksiä kaikilta korteilta jotka olet tehnyt tai joihin osallistut.",
- "notify-watch": "Vastaanota päivityksiä kaikilta tauluilta, listoilta tai korteilta joita seuraat.",
- "optional": "valinnainen",
- "or": "tai",
- "page-maybe-private": "Tämä sivu voi olla yksityinen. Voit ehkä pystyä näkemään sen <a href='%s'>kirjautumalla sisään</a>.",
- "page-not-found": "Sivua ei löytynyt.",
- "password": "Salasana",
- "paste-or-dragdrop": "liittääksesi, tai vedä & pudota kuvatiedosto siihen (vain kuva)",
- "participating": "Osallistutaan",
- "preview": "Esikatsele",
- "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Esikatsele",
- "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Esikatsele",
- "private": "Yksityinen",
- "private-desc": "Tämä taulu on yksityinen. Vain taululle lisätyt henkilöt voivat nähdä ja muokata sitä.",
- "profile": "Profiili",
- "public": "Julkinen",
- "public-desc": "Tämä taulu on julkinen. Se näkyy kenelle tahansa jolla on linkki ja näkyy myös hakukoneissa kuten Google. Vain taululle lisätyt henkilöt voivat muokata sitä.",
- "quick-access-description": "Merkkaa taulu tähdellä lisätäksesi pikavalinta tähän palkkiin.",
- "remove-cover": "Poista kansi",
- "remove-from-board": "Poista taululta",
- "remove-label": "Poista tunniste",
- "remove-list": "Poista lista",
- "remove-member": "Poista jäsen",
- "remove-member-from-card": "Poista kortilta",
- "remove-member-pop": "Poista __name__ (__username__) taululta __boardTitle__? Jäsen poistetaan kaikilta taulun korteilta. Heille lähetetään ilmoitus.",
- "removeMemberPopup-title": "Poista jäsen?",
- "rename": "Nimeä uudelleen",
- "rename-board": "Nimeä taulu uudelleen",
- "restore": "Palauta",
- "save": "Tallenna",
- "search": "Etsi",
- "select-color": "Valitse väri",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "Valitse itsesi nykyiselle kortille",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Automaattinen täydennys emojille",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Automaattinen täydennys jäsenille",
- "shortcut-clear-filters": "Poista kaikki suodattimet",
- "shortcut-close-dialog": "Sulje valintaikkuna",
- "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Suodata korttini",
- "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Tuo esiin tämä pikavalinta lista",
- "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Muokkaa suodatus sivupalkin näkyvyyttä",
- "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Muokkaa taulu sivupalkin näkyvyyttä",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "Näytä korttien lukumäärä jos lista sisältää enemmän kuin",
- "signupPopup-title": "Luo tili",
- "star-board-title": "Klikkaa merkataksesi taulu tähdellä. Se tulee näkymään ylimpänä taululistallasi.",
- "starred-boards": "Tähdellä merkatut taulut",
- "starred-boards-description": "Tähdellä merkatut taulut näkyvät ylimpänä taululistallasi.",
- "subscribe": "Tilaa",
- "team": "Tiimi",
- "this-board": "tämä taulu",
- "this-card": "tämä kortti",
- "time": "Aika",
- "title": "Otsikko",
- "tracking": "Ilmoitukset",
- "tracking-info": "Sinulle ilmoitetaan muutoksista korteissa joihin olet osallistunut luojana tai jäsenenä.",
- "unassign-member": "Peru jäsenvalinta",
- "unsaved-description": "Sinulla on tallentamaton kuvaus.",
- "unwatch": "Lopeta seuraaminen",
- "upload": "Lähetä",
- "upload-avatar": "Lähetä profiilikuva",
- "uploaded-avatar": "Profiilikuva lähetetty",
- "username": "Käyttäjänimi",
- "view-it": "Näytä se",
- "warn-list-archived": "varoitus: tämä kortti on arkistoitujen listalla",
- "watch": "Seuraa",
- "watching": "Seurataan",
- "watching-info": "Sinulle ilmoitetaan tämän taulun muutoksista",
- "welcome-board": "Tervetuloa taulu",
- "welcome-list1": "Perusasiat",
- "welcome-list2": "Edistynyt",
- "what-to-do": "Mitä haluat tehdä?"
+ "multi-selection": "Multi-Selection",
+ "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
+ "muted": "Muted",
+ "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
+ "my-boards": "My Boards",
+ "name": "Name",
+ "no-archived-cards": "No archived cards.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "No archived lists.",
+ "no-results": "No results",
+ "normal": "Normal",
+ "normal-desc": "Can view and edit cards. Can't change settings.",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet",
+ "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
+ "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
+ "optional": "optional",
+ "or": "or",
+ "page-maybe-private": "This page may be private. You may be able to view it by <a href='%s'>logging in</a>.",
+ "page-not-found": "Page not found.",
+ "password": "Password",
+ "paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
+ "participating": "Participating",
+ "preview": "Preview",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "private": "Private",
+ "private-desc": "This board is private. Only people added to the board can view and edit it.",
+ "profile": "Profile",
+ "public": "Public",
+ "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.",
+ "quick-access-description": "Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.",
+ "remove-cover": "Remove Cover",
+ "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board",
+ "remove-label": "Remove the label",
+ "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-member": "Remove Member",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "Remove from Card",
+ "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.",
+ "removeMemberPopup-title": "Remove Member?",
+ "rename": "Rename",
+ "rename-board": "Rename Board",
+ "restore": "Restore",
+ "save": "Save",
+ "search": "Search",
+ "select-color": "Select a color",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear all filters",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "Close Dialog",
+ "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my cards",
+ "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up this shortcuts list",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle Board Sidebar",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than",
+ "signupPopup-title": "Create an Account",
+ "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.",
+ "starred-boards": "Starred Boards",
+ "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.",
+ "subscribe": "Subscribe",
+ "team": "Team",
+ "this-board": "this board",
+ "this-card": "this card",
+ "time": "Time",
+ "title": "Title",
+ "tracking": "Tracking",
+ "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
+ "unassign-member": "Unassign member",
+ "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.",
+ "unwatch": "Unwatch",
+ "upload": "Upload",
+ "upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar",
+ "username": "Username",
+ "view-it": "View it",
+ "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an archived list",
+ "watch": "Watch",
+ "watching": "Watching",
+ "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
+ "welcome-board": "Welcome Board",
+ "welcome-list1": "Basics",
+ "welcome-list2": "Advanced",
+ "what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/fr.i18n.json b/i18n/fr.i18n.json
index 9cc2f6b5..985681a2 100644
--- a/i18n/fr.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/fr.i18n.json
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"all-boards": "Tous les tableaux",
"and-n-other-card": "Et __count__ autre carte",
"and-n-other-card_plural": "Et __count__ autres cartes",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "apply": "Appliquer",
"app-is-offline": "The application is currently offline, refreshing the page will cause data loss.",
"archive": "Archiver",
"archive-all": "Tout archiver",
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
"card-edit-members": "Modifier les membres",
"card-labels-title": "Modifier les étiquettes de la carte.",
"card-members-title": "Ajouter ou supprimer des membres à la carte.",
- "card-start": "Start",
- "card-start-on": "Starts on",
+ "card-start": "Début",
+ "card-start-on": "Commence le",
"cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Joindre depuis",
"cardDeletePopup-title": "Supprimer la carte ?",
"cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Actions sur la carte",
@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@
"change-avatar": "Changer l'avatar",
"change-password": "Changer le mot de passe",
"change-permissions": "Changer les permissions",
- "change-settings": "Change Settings",
+ "change-settings": "Modifier les paramètres",
"changeAvatarPopup-title": "Changer l'avatar",
"changeLanguagePopup-title": "Changer la langue",
"changePasswordPopup-title": "Changer le mot de passe",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "Changer les permissions",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Modifier les paramètres",
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Cliquez pour ajouter ce tableau aux favoris.",
"click-to-unstar": "Cliquez pour retirer ce tableau des favoris.",
- "clipboard" : "Presse-papier ou glisser-déposer",
+ "clipboard": "Presse-papier ou glisser-déposer",
"close": "Fermer",
"close-board": "Fermer le tableau",
"close-board-pop": "Vous pouvez restaurer le tableau en cliquant sur le bouton « Archives » depuis le menu en entête.",
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@
"edit": "Éditer",
"edit-avatar": "Changer l'avatar",
"edit-profile": "Éditer le profil",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Modifier la date de début",
"editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
"editLabelPopup-title": "Changer l'étiquette",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "Modifier la Notification",
"editProfilePopup-title": "Éditer le profil",
"email": "Email",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "Un compte a été créé pour vous sur __siteName__",
@@ -182,34 +182,34 @@
"error-list-doesNotExist": "Cette liste n’existe pas",
"error-user-doesNotExist": "Cet utilisateur n’existe pas",
"error-user-notAllowSelf": "This action on self is not allowed",
- "error-user-notCreated": "Cet utilisateur n’a pas encore été créé. ",
- "error-username-taken": "This username is already taken",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "Cet utilisateur n’a pas encore été créé.",
+ "error-username-taken": "Ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà pris",
"export-board": "Exporter le tableau",
"filter": "Filtrer",
"filter-cards": "Filtrer les cartes",
"filter-clear": "Retirer les filtres",
- "filter-no-label": "No label",
- "filter-no-member": "No member",
+ "filter-no-label": "Aucun libellé",
+ "filter-no-member": "Aucun membre",
"filter-on": "Le filtre est actif",
"filter-on-desc": "Vous êtes en train de filtrer les cartes sur ce tableau. Cliquez ici pour changer les filtres.",
"filter-to-selection": "Filtre vers la sélection",
"fullname": "Nom complet",
"header-logo-title": "Retourner à la page des tableaux",
- "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
+ "hide-system-messages": "Masquer les messages système",
"home": "Accueil",
"import": "Importer",
"import-board": "Importer depuis Trello",
- "import-board-title": "Import board from Trello",
+ "import-board-title": "Importer le tableau depuis Trello",
"import-board-trello-instruction": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text",
- "import-json-placeholder": "Collez ici les données JSON valides. ",
+ "import-json-placeholder": "Collez ici les données JSON valides.",
"import-map-members": "Map members",
- "import-members-map": "Le tableau que vous venez d’importer contient des participants. Veuillez associer les participants que vous souhaitez importer à des utilisateurs de Wekan. ",
+ "import-members-map": "Le tableau que vous venez d’importer contient des participants. Veuillez associer les participants que vous souhaitez importer à des utilisateurs de Wekan.",
"import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
"import-user-select": "Pick the Wekan user you want to use as this member",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Sélectionner le membre Wekan",
"info": "Infos",
"initials": "Initiales",
- "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
+ "invalid-date": "Date invalide",
"joined": "a joint",
"just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
"keyboard-shortcuts": "Raccourcis clavier",
@@ -229,20 +229,20 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Importer une carte Trello",
"lists": "Listes",
"log-out": "Déconnexion",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "Connexion",
"loginPopup-title": "Connexion",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Préférence de membre",
"members": "Membres",
"menu": "Menu",
"move-selection": "Déplacer la sélection",
"moveCardPopup-title": "Déplacer la carte",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "Aller en bas",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "Aller en haut",
"moveSelectionPopup-title": "Déplacer la sélection",
"multi-selection": "Sélection multiple",
"multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection active",
"muted": "Muted",
- "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
+ "muted-info": "Vous ne serez jamais averti des modifications effectuées dans ce tableau",
"my-boards": "Mes tableaux",
"name": "Nom",
"no-archived-cards": "Pas de carte archivée.",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "Que voulez-vous faire ?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/he.i18n.json b/i18n/he.i18n.json
index c3e18a66..be7ef0a0 100644
--- a/i18n/he.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/he.i18n.json
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"accept": "אישור",
"act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] Activity Notification",
- "act-addAttachment": "attached __attachment__ to __card__",
+ "act-addAttachment": " __attachment__ שוייך ל- __card__",
"act-addComment": "commented on __card__: __comment__",
"act-createBoard": "הלוח __board__ נוצר",
"act-createCard": "הכרטיס __card__ התווסף לרשימה __list__",
"act-createList": "הרשימה __list__ התווספה ללוח __board__",
"act-addBoardMember": "המשתמש __member__ שויך ללוח __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "הלוח __board__ אורכב",
- "act-archivedCard": "הכרטיס __card__ אורכב",
- "act-archivedList": "הרשימה __card__ אורכבה",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "הלוח __board__ הועבר לארכיון",
+ "act-archivedCard": "הכרטיס __card__ הועבר לארכיון",
+ "act-archivedList": "הרשימה __card__ הועברה לארכיון",
"act-importBoard": "הלוח __board__ יובא",
"act-importCard": "הכרטיס __card__ יובא",
"act-importList": "הרשימה __list__ יובאה",
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"act-moveCard": "הכרטיס __card__ הועבר מהרשימה __oldList__ לרשימה __list__",
"act-removeBoardMember": "המשתמש __member__ הוסר מהלוח __board__",
"act-restoredCard": "הכרטיס __card__ שוחזר ללוח __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "removed __member__ from __card__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "המשתמש __member__ הוסר מהכרטיס __card__",
"act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] __board__",
"act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
"actions": "פעולות",
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
"activity-removed": "%s הוסר מ%s",
"activity-sent": "%s נשלח ל%s",
"activity-unjoined": "בטל צירוף %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "רשימת משימות התווספה ל- %s",
"add": "הוסף",
"add-attachment": "הוסף קובץ",
"add-board": "הוסף לוח חדש",
"add-card": "הוסף כרטיס",
- "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-checklist": "הוסף רשימת משימות",
+ "add-checklist-item": "הוסף פריט לרשימת משימות",
"add-cover": "הוסף כיסוי",
"add-label": "הוסף תווית",
"add-list": "הוסף רשימה",
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
"all-boards": "כל הלוחות",
"and-n-other-card": "ו __count__ כרטיס אחר",
"and-n-other-card_plural": "ו __count__ כרטיסים אחרים",
- "apply": "Apply",
- "app-is-offline": "The application is currently offline, refreshing the page will cause data loss.",
+ "apply": "אשר שינויים",
+ "app-is-offline": "המערכת למטה כרגע, ריענון של הדף יגרום לאבדן מידע",
"archive": "אחסן בארכיון",
"archive-all": "אחסן הכל בארכיון",
"archive-board": "אחסן לוח בארכיון",
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"attachment-delete-pop": "מחיקת קובץ מצורף הינה סופית. אין דרך חזרה.",
"attachmentDeletePopup-title": "למחוק קובץ מצורף?",
"attachments": "קבצים מצורפים",
- "auto-watch": "Automatically watch boards when create it",
+ "auto-watch": "עקוב באופן אוטומטי אחרי לוחות אחרי שהם נוצרים",
"avatar-too-big": "האווטאר גדול מידי (מקס 70Kb)",
"back": "חזור",
"board-change-color": "שנה צבע",
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
"boardChangeColorPopup-title": "שנה רקע ללוח",
"boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "שנה שם ללוח",
"boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "שנה תצוגה",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Change Watch",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "שנה את הגדרת המעקב",
"boardMenuPopup-title": "תפריט לוח",
"boards": "לוחות",
"bucket-example": "כמו “Bucket List” לדוגמא",
@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@
"card-delete-notice": "מחיקה היא סופית. תאבדו את כל הפעולות המשויכות לכרטיס זה.",
"card-delete-pop": "כל הפעולות יוסרו מלוח הפעילות ולא תוכלו לפתוח מחדש את הכרטיס. אין דרך חזרה.",
"card-delete-suggest-archive": "באפשרותך לאחסן בארכיון כרטיס כדי להסירו מהלוח ולשמר את הפעילות.",
- "card-due": "Due",
- "card-due-on": "Due on",
+ "card-due": "תאריך יעד",
+ "card-due-on": "תאריך יעד",
"card-edit-attachments": "ערוך קבצים מצורפים",
- "card-edit-labels": "ערוך תוויות ",
+ "card-edit-labels": "ערוך תוויות",
"card-edit-members": "ערוך חברים",
"card-labels-title": "שנה תוויות לכרטיס.",
"card-members-title": "הוסף או הסר את חברי הלוח מהכרטיס",
- "card-start": "Start",
- "card-start-on": "Starts on",
+ "card-start": "התחל",
+ "card-start-on": "מתחיל ב-",
"cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "צרף מ",
"cardDeletePopup-title": "למחוק כרטיס?",
"cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "פעולות על הכרטיס",
@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@
"change-avatar": "שנה אווטאר",
"change-password": "שנה סיסמא",
"change-permissions": "שנה הרשאות",
- "change-settings": "Change Settings",
+ "change-settings": "שנה הגדרות",
"changeAvatarPopup-title": "שנה אווטאר",
"changeLanguagePopup-title": "שנה שפה",
"changePasswordPopup-title": "שנה סיסמא",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "שנה הרשאות",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
- "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "שנה הגדרות",
+ "checklists": "רשימות",
"click-to-star": "לחץ להוספת הלוח למועדפים",
"click-to-unstar": "לחץ להסרת הלוח מהמועדפים.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "סגור",
"close-board": "סגור לוח",
"close-board-pop": "תוכלו לשחזר את הלוח בלחיצה על כפתור \"ארכיונים\" מהכותרת העליונה.",
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"createBoardPopup-title": "צור לוח",
"createLabelPopup-title": "צור תווית",
"current": "נוכחי",
- "date": "Date",
+ "date": "תאריך",
"decline": "סרב",
"default-avatar": "אווטאר דיפולטי",
"delete": "מחק",
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@
"edit": "ערוך",
"edit-avatar": "שנה אווטאר",
"edit-profile": "ערוך פרופיל",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "שנה זמן התחלה",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "שנה זמן סיום",
"editLabelPopup-title": "שנה תווית",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "שנה התראה",
"editProfilePopup-title": "ערוך פרופיל",
"email": "אמייל",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "חשבון נוצר עבורך ב __siteName__",
@@ -183,33 +183,33 @@
"error-user-doesNotExist": "משתמש זה לא קיים",
"error-user-notAllowSelf": "פעולה זו איננה מותרת",
"error-user-notCreated": "משתמש זה לא נוצר",
- "error-username-taken": "This username is already taken",
+ "error-username-taken": "המשתמש כבר קיים במערכת",
"export-board": "ייצא לוח",
"filter": "מסנן",
"filter-cards": "סנן כרטיסים",
"filter-clear": "נקה מסנן",
- "filter-no-label": "No label",
- "filter-no-member": "No member",
+ "filter-no-label": "אין תווית",
+ "filter-no-member": "המשתמש לא קיים",
"filter-on": "מסנן פועל",
"filter-on-desc": "מסנן כרטיסים בלוח זה פועל. יש ללחוץ כאן לעריכת המסנן.",
"filter-to-selection": "סנן את הבחירה",
"fullname": "שם מלא",
"header-logo-title": "חזור לדף הלוחות שלך.",
- "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
+ "hide-system-messages": "הסתר הודעות מערכת",
"home": "בית",
"import": "ייבא",
"import-board": "ייבא מטרלו",
- "import-board-title": "Import board from Trello",
+ "import-board-title": "ייבא לוח מטרלו",
"import-board-trello-instruction": "בלוח הטרלו שלך, עבור ל 'Menu', ואז ל 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON' והעתק את הטקסט שנוצר",
"import-json-placeholder": "הדבק נתוני JSON תקינים כאן",
- "import-map-members": "Map members",
+ "import-map-members": "מפֱה חברים",
"import-members-map": "הלוחות המיובאים שלך מכילים חברים. בבקשה מפה את החברים שתרצה לייבא כמשתמשים",
"import-show-user-mapping": "צפה במיפוי חברים",
"import-user-select": "בחר במשתמש עבור חבר זה",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "בחר משתמש",
"info": "אינפורמציה",
"initials": "ראשי תיבות",
- "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
+ "invalid-date": "תאריך שגוי",
"joined": "הצטרף",
"just-invited": "הוזמנת ללוח זה",
"keyboard-shortcuts": "קיצורי מקלדת",
@@ -229,20 +229,20 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "ייבא כרטיס מטרלו",
"lists": "רשימות",
"log-out": "התנתק",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "התחבר",
"loginPopup-title": "התחבר",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "הגדרות חבר",
"members": "חברים",
"menu": "תפריט",
"move-selection": "הזז בחירה",
"moveCardPopup-title": "הזז כרטיס",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "העבר כרטיס לתחתית הרשימה",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "העבר כרטיס לראש הרשימה ",
"moveSelectionPopup-title": "הזז בחירה",
"multi-selection": "בחירה מרובה",
"multi-selection-on": "בחירה מרובה פועלת",
- "muted": "Muted",
- "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
+ "muted": "השתק",
+ "muted-info": "מעתה אתה לא תקבל עוד התראות על שינויים בלוח זה",
"my-boards": "הלוחות שלי",
"name": "שם",
"no-archived-cards": "אין כרטיסים מאוחסנים בארכיון.",
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@
"normal": "נורמלי",
"normal-desc": "יכול לצפות ולערוך כרטיסים. לא יכול לשנות הגדרות.",
"not-accepted-yet": "הזמנה לא התקבלה עדיין",
- "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
- "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
+ "notify-participate": "קבל התראות על שינויים בכרטיסים שיצרת או שבהם אתה חבר",
+ "notify-watch": "קבל התראות על עדכונים בכל לוח, רשימה או כרטיס שבהם אתה חבר",
"optional": "אופציונלי",
"or": "או",
"page-maybe-private": "יתכן שדף זה פרטי. תוכלו לצפות על ידי <a href='%s'>התחברות למערכת</a>",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"remove-cover": "הסר כיסוי",
"remove-from-board": "הסר מהלוח",
"remove-label": "הסר תווית",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-list": "הסר מהרשימה",
"remove-member": "הסר חבר",
"remove-member-from-card": "הסר מהכרטיס",
"remove-member-pop": "הסר __name__ (__username__) מ __boardTitle__? החבר יוסר מכל הכרטיסים בלוח זה. הוא יקבל על כך הודעה.",
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"search": "חפש",
"select-color": "בחר צבע",
"shortcut-assign-self": "הקצה את עצמך לכרטיס הנוכחי",
- "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji",
+ "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "השלמה אוטומטית לפרצופונים (Emoji)",
"shortcut-autocomplete-members": "השלמה אוטומטית של חברים",
"shortcut-clear-filters": "נקה את כל המסננים",
"shortcut-close-dialog": "סגור חלון",
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
"shortcut-show-shortcuts": "הבא רשימת קיצורי דרך זו",
"shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "החלף מצבי מסנן",
"shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "החלף מצבי מסנן",
- "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than",
+ "show-cards-minimum-count": "הצג מספר כרטיסים אם הרשימה מכיל יותר כרטיסים מ-",
"signupPopup-title": "צור חשבון",
"star-board-title": "בלחיצה על הכווכב של הלוח יתווסף הלוח לראש רשימת הלוחות שלך.",
"starred-boards": "לוחות שסומנו בכוכב",
@@ -301,24 +301,24 @@
"team": "צוות",
"this-board": "לוח זה",
"this-card": "כרטיס זה",
- "time": "Time",
+ "time": "זמן",
"title": "כותרת",
"tracking": "Tracking",
- "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
+ "tracking-info": "אתה תקבל התראות על שינויים בכרטיסים שיצרת או שאתה חבר בהם",
"unassign-member": "בטל הקצאת חבר",
"unsaved-description": "יש לך תיאור לא שמור.",
- "unwatch": "Unwatch",
+ "unwatch": "הספק מעקב",
"upload": "העלה/טען",
"upload-avatar": "העלה/ טען אווטאר",
"uploaded-avatar": "אווטאר הועלה/נטען",
"username": "שם משתמש",
"view-it": "צפה",
"warn-list-archived": "אזהרה: הכרטיס נמצא ברשימה שהועברה לארכיון",
- "watch": "Watch",
- "watching": "Watching",
- "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
- "welcome-board": "Welcome Board",
+ "watch": "עקוב",
+ "watching": "עוקב",
+ "watching-info": "מעתה אתה תקבל התראות על עדכונים בלוח זה",
+ "welcome-board": "ברוך הבא ללוח",
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "מה תרצה לעשות?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/it.i18n.json b/i18n/it.i18n.json
index b67aa2ed..7ddfa678 100755
--- a/i18n/it.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/it.i18n.json
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"act-archivedBoard": "ha archiviato __board__",
"act-archivedCard": "ha archiviato __card__",
"act-archivedList": "ha archiviato __list__",
- "act-importBoard": " ha importato __board__",
+ "act-importBoard": "ha importato __board__",
"act-importCard": "ha importato __card__",
"act-importList": "ha importato __list__",
"act-joinMember": "ha aggiunto __member__ a __card__",
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
"activity-removed": "rimosso %s da %s",
"activity-sent": "inviato %s a %s",
"activity-unjoined": "ha abbandonato %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "aggiunta checklist a %s",
"add": "Aggiungere",
"add-attachment": "Aggiungi allegato",
"add-board": "Aggiungi una nuova bachecha",
"add-card": "Aggiungi una scheda",
- "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-checklist": "Aggiungi una checklist",
+ "add-checklist-item": "Aggiungi un elemento alla checklist",
"add-cover": "Aggiungi copertina",
"add-label": "Aggiungi l'etichetta",
"add-list": "Aggiungi una lista",
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
"changePasswordPopup-title": "Cambia password",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "Cambia permessi",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "Cambia impostazioni",
- "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "checklists": "Checklist",
"click-to-star": "Clicca per stellare questa bacheca",
"click-to-unstar": "Clicca per togliere la stella da questa bacheca",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard o drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard o drag & drop",
"close": "Chiudi",
"close-board": "Chiudi bacheca",
"close-board-pop": "Sarai in grado di ripristinare la bacheca cliccando il tasto \"Archivi\" dall'intestazione della pagina principale.",
@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@
"editProfilePopup-title": "Modifica profilo",
"email": "Email",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "Creato un account per te su __siteName__",
- "email-enrollAccount-text": "Ciao __user__,\n\nPer iniziare ad usare il servizio, clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.\n",
+ "email-enrollAccount-text": "Ciao __user__,\n\nPer iniziare ad usare il servizio, clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.",
"email-fail": "Invio email fallito",
"email-invalid": "Email non valida",
"email-invite": "Invita via email",
"email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ ti ha inviato un invito",
- "email-invite-text": "Caro __user__,\n\n__inviter__ ti ha invitato ad unirti alla bacheca \"__board__\" per le collaborazioni.\n\nPer favore clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.\n",
+ "email-invite-text": "Caro __user__,\n\n__inviter__ ti ha invitato ad unirti alla bacheca \"__board__\" per le collaborazioni.\n\nPer favore clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.",
"email-resetPassword-subject": "Ripristina la tua password su on __siteName__",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "Ciao __user__,\n\nPer ripristinare la tua password, clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.\n",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "Ciao __user__,\n\nPer ripristinare la tua password, clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.",
"email-sent": "Email inviata",
"email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verifica il tuo indirizzo email su on __siteName__",
- "email-verifyEmail-text": "Ciao __user__,\n\nPer verificare il tuo account email, clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.\n",
+ "email-verifyEmail-text": "Ciao __user__,\n\nPer verificare il tuo account email, clicca sul link seguente:\n\n__url__\n\nGrazie.",
"error-board-doesNotExist": "Questa bacheca non esiste",
"error-board-notAdmin": "Devi essere admin di questa bacheca per poterlo fare",
"error-board-notAMember": "Devi essere un membro di questa bacheca per poterlo fare",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"remove-cover": "Rimuovi cover",
"remove-from-board": "Rimuovi dalla bacheca",
"remove-label": "Rimuovi l'etichetta",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-list": "Rimuovi la lista",
"remove-member": "Rimuovi utente",
"remove-member-from-card": "Rimuovi dalla scheda",
"remove-member-pop": "Rimuovere __name__ (__username__) da __boardTitle__? L'utente sarà rimosso da tutte le schede in questa bacheca. Riceveranno una notifica.",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basi",
"welcome-list2": "Avanzate",
"what-to-do": "Cosa vuoi fare?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/ja.i18n.json b/i18n/ja.i18n.json
index 52979544..da89a5d3 100644
--- a/i18n/ja.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ja.i18n.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "accept": "Accept",
+ "accept": "受け入れ",
"act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] Activity Notification",
"act-addAttachment": "attached __attachment__ to __card__",
"act-addComment": "commented on __card__: __comment__",
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] __board__",
"act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
"actions": "操作",
- "activities": "Activities",
+ "activities": "アクティビティ",
"activity": "アクティビティ",
"activity-added": "%s を %s に追加しました",
"activity-archived": "%s をアーカイブしました",
@@ -35,55 +35,55 @@
"activity-on": "%s",
"activity-removed": "%s を %s から削除しました",
"activity-sent": "%s を %s に送りました",
- "activity-unjoined": "unjoined %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-unjoined": "%s への参加を止めました",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "%s にチェックリストを追加しました",
"add": "追加",
- "add-attachment": "Add an attachment",
+ "add-attachment": "添付ファイルの追加",
"add-board": "ボード追加",
- "add-card": "Add a card",
- "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-card": "カードの追加",
+ "add-checklist": "チェックリストの追加",
+ "add-checklist-item": "チェックリストに項目を追加",
"add-cover": "カバーの追加",
- "add-label": "Add the label",
- "add-list": "Add a list",
- "add-members": "Add Members",
+ "add-label": "ラベルの追加",
+ "add-list": "リストの追加",
+ "add-members": "メンバーの追加",
"added": "追加しました",
"addMemberPopup-title": "メンバー",
"admin": "管理",
"admin-desc": "カードの閲覧と編集、メンバーの削除、ボードの設定変更が可能",
- "all-boards": "All boards",
+ "all-boards": "全てのボード",
"and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card",
"and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards",
"apply": "適用",
"app-is-offline": "現在オフラインです。ページを更新すると保存していないデータは失われます。",
"archive": "アーカイブ",
"archive-all": "すべてをアーカイブ",
- "archive-board": "Archive Board",
- "archive-card": "Archive Card",
+ "archive-board": "ボードをアーカイブ",
+ "archive-card": "カードをアーカイブ",
"archive-list": "このリストをアーカイブ",
- "archive-selection": "Archive selection",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Archive Board?",
+ "archive-selection": "選択したものをアーカイブ",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "ボードをアーカイブしますか?",
"archived-items": "アーカイブされたアイテム",
- "archives": "Archives",
- "assign-member": "Assign member",
+ "archives": "アーカイブ",
+ "assign-member": "メンバーの割当",
"attached": "添付されました",
"attachment": "添付ファイル",
"attachment-delete-pop": "添付ファイルの削除をすると取り消しできません。",
"attachmentDeletePopup-title": "添付ファイルを削除しますか?",
"attachments": "添付ファイル",
"auto-watch": "作成したボードは自動的に監視する",
- "avatar-too-big": "The avatar is too large (70Kb max)",
+ "avatar-too-big": "アバターが大きすぎます(最大70KB)",
"back": "戻る",
- "board-change-color": "Change color",
+ "board-change-color": "色の変更",
"board-nb-stars": "%s stars",
"board-not-found": "ボードが見つかりません",
"board-private-info": "This board will be <strong>private</strong>.",
"board-public-info": "ボードは公開されます。",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Change Board Background",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "ボードの背景を変更",
"boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "ボード名の変更",
"boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "公開範囲の変更",
"boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Change Watch",
- "boardMenuPopup-title": "Board Menu",
+ "boardMenuPopup-title": "ボードメニュー",
"boards": "ボード",
"bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
@@ -94,79 +94,79 @@
"card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
"card-due": "期限",
"card-due-on": "Due on",
- "card-edit-attachments": "Edit attachments",
- "card-edit-labels": "Edit labels",
- "card-edit-members": "Edit members",
+ "card-edit-attachments": "添付ファイルの編集",
+ "card-edit-labels": "ラベルの編集",
+ "card-edit-members": "メンバーの編集",
"card-labels-title": "カードのラベルを変更する",
"card-members-title": "カードからボードメンバーを追加・削除する",
"card-start": "開始",
"card-start-on": "Starts on",
"cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From",
"cardDeletePopup-title": "カードを削除しますか?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "カード操作",
"cardLabelsPopup-title": "ラベル",
"cardMembersPopup-title": "メンバー",
"cardMorePopup-title": "さらに見る",
- "cards": "Cards",
- "change": "Change",
+ "cards": "カード",
+ "change": "変更",
"change-avatar": "アバターの変更",
"change-password": "パスワードの変更",
- "change-permissions": "Change permissions",
+ "change-permissions": "権限の変更",
"change-settings": "設定の変更",
"changeAvatarPopup-title": "アバターの変更",
"changeLanguagePopup-title": "言語の変更",
"changePasswordPopup-title": "パスワードの変更",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "パーミッションの変更",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "設定の変更",
- "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "checklists": "チェックリスト",
"click-to-star": "ボードにスターをつける",
"click-to-unstar": "ボードからスターを外す",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "クリップボードもしくはドラッグ&ドロップ",
"close": "閉じる",
- "close-board": "Close Board",
+ "close-board": "ボードを閉じる",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
- "color-black": "black",
- "color-blue": "blue",
- "color-green": "green",
- "color-lime": "lime",
- "color-orange": "orange",
- "color-pink": "pink",
- "color-purple": "purple",
- "color-red": "red",
- "color-sky": "sky",
- "color-yellow": "yellow",
+ "color-black": "黒",
+ "color-blue": "青",
+ "color-green": "緑",
+ "color-lime": "ライム",
+ "color-orange": "オレンジ",
+ "color-pink": "ピンク",
+ "color-purple": "紫",
+ "color-red": "赤",
+ "color-sky": "空",
+ "color-yellow": "黄",
"comment": "コメント",
- "comment-placeholder": "Write a comment",
+ "comment-placeholder": "コメントを書く",
"computer": "コンピューター",
"create": "作成",
"createBoardPopup-title": "ボードの作成",
"createLabelPopup-title": "ラベルの作成",
- "current": "current",
- "date": "Date",
- "decline": "Decline",
- "default-avatar": "Default avatar",
+ "current": "現在",
+ "date": "日付",
+ "decline": "拒否",
+ "default-avatar": "デフォルトのアバター",
"delete": "削除",
"deleteLabelPopup-title": "ラベルを削除しますか?",
"description": "詳細",
"disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Disambiguate Label Action",
"disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Disambiguate Member Action",
- "discard": "Discard",
- "done": "Done",
+ "discard": "捨てる",
+ "done": "完了",
"download": "ダウンロード",
"edit": "編集",
"edit-avatar": "アバターの変更",
- "edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
+ "edit-profile": "プロフィールの編集",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "開始日の変更",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "期限の変更",
"editLabelPopup-title": "ラベルの変更",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
- "editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "通知の変更",
+ "editProfilePopup-title": "プロフィールの編集",
"email": "メールアドレス",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
"email-enrollAccount-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo start using the service, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-fail": "Sending email failed",
- "email-invalid": "Invalid email",
- "email-invite": "Invite via Email",
+ "email-fail": "メールの送信に失敗しました",
+ "email-invalid": "無効なメールアドレス",
+ "email-invite": "メールで招待",
"email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ sent you an invitation",
"email-invite-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to join board \"__board__\" for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
"email-resetPassword-subject": "Reset your password on __siteName__",
@@ -174,32 +174,32 @@
"email-sent": "Email sent",
"email-verifyEmail-subject": "Verify your email address on __siteName__",
"email-verifyEmail-text": "Hello __user__,\n\nTo verify your account email, simply click the link below.\n\n__url__\n\nThanks.",
- "error-board-doesNotExist": "This board does not exist",
+ "error-board-doesNotExist": "ボードがありません",
"error-board-notAdmin": "You need to be admin of this board to do that",
"error-board-notAMember": "You need to be a member of this board to do that",
"error-json-malformed": "Your text is not valid JSON",
"error-json-schema": "Your JSON data does not include the proper information in the correct format",
"error-list-doesNotExist": "This list does not exist",
- "error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
- "error-user-notAllowSelf": "This action on self is not allowed",
- "error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
+ "error-user-doesNotExist": "ユーザーが存在しません",
+ "error-user-notAllowSelf": "この操作は許可されていません",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "ユーザーが作成されていません",
"error-username-taken": "このユーザ名は既に使用されています",
- "export-board": "Export board",
- "filter": "Filter",
+ "export-board": "ボードのエクスポート",
+ "filter": "フィルター",
"filter-cards": "カードをフィルターする",
- "filter-clear": "Clear filter",
- "filter-no-label": "No label",
- "filter-no-member": "No member",
- "filter-on": "Filter is on",
+ "filter-clear": "フィルターの解除",
+ "filter-no-label": "ラベルなし",
+ "filter-no-member": "メンバーなし",
+ "filter-on": "フィルター有効",
"filter-on-desc": "このボードのカードをフィルターしています。フィルターを編集するにはこちらをクリックしてください。",
"filter-to-selection": "Filter to selection",
"fullname": "フルネーム",
"header-logo-title": "自分のボードページに戻る。",
- "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
+ "hide-system-messages": "システムメッセージを隠す",
"home": "ホーム",
- "import": "Import",
- "import-board": "import from Trello",
- "import-board-title": "Import board from Trello",
+ "import": "インポート",
+ "import-board": "Trelloからインポート",
+ "import-board-title": "Trelloからボードをインポート",
"import-board-trello-instruction": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text",
"import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
"import-map-members": "Map members",
@@ -209,48 +209,48 @@
"importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member",
"info": "情報",
"initials": "Initials",
- "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
+ "invalid-date": "無効な日付",
"joined": "参加しました",
"just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "キーボード・ショートカット",
"label-create": "ラベル作成",
"label-default": "%s ラベル(デフォルト)",
"label-delete-pop": "この操作は取り消しできません。このラベルはすべてのカードから外され履歴からも見えなくなります。",
"labels": "ラベル",
"language": "言語",
"last-admin-desc": "最低でも1人以上の管理者が必要なためロールを変更できません。",
- "leave-board": "Leave Board",
+ "leave-board": "ボードから退出する",
"link-card": "このカードへのリンク",
- "list-archive-cards": "Archive all cards in this list",
+ "list-archive-cards": "リストの全カードをアーカイブする",
"list-archive-cards-pop": "ボードのこのリスト内のすべてのカードを取り除きます。アーカイブされたカードの確認やそれをボードに戻すには、メニューをクリックし、\"アーカイブされたアイテム\"をクリックしてください。",
- "list-move-cards": "Move all cards in this list",
- "list-select-cards": "Select all cards in this list",
+ "list-move-cards": "リストの全カードを移動する",
+ "list-select-cards": "リストの全カードを選択",
"listActionPopup-title": "操作一覧",
- "listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
- "lists": "Lists",
+ "listImportCardPopup-title": "Trelloのカードをインポート",
+ "lists": "リスト",
"log-out": "ログアウト",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "ログイン",
"loginPopup-title": "ログイン",
- "memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
+ "memberMenuPopup-title": "メンバー設定",
"members": "メンバー",
"menu": "メニュー",
"move-selection": "Move selection",
- "moveCardPopup-title": "Move Card",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
- "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
- "multi-selection": "Multi-Selection",
- "multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
- "muted": "Muted",
- "muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
+ "moveCardPopup-title": "カードの移動",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "最下部に移動",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "先頭に移動",
+ "moveSelectionPopup-title": "選択箇所に移動",
+ "multi-selection": "複数選択",
+ "multi-selection-on": "複数選択有効",
+ "muted": "ミュート",
+ "muted-info": "このボードの変更は通知されません",
"my-boards": "自分のボード",
"name": "名前",
- "no-archived-cards": "No archived cards.",
- "no-archived-lists": "No archived lists.",
+ "no-archived-cards": "アーカイブされたボードはありません",
+ "no-archived-lists": "アーカイブされたリストはありません",
"no-results": "該当するものはありません",
"normal": "通常",
"normal-desc": "カードの閲覧と編集が可能。設定変更不可。",
- "not-accepted-yet": "Invitation not accepted yet",
+ "not-accepted-yet": "招待はアクセプトされていません",
"notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member",
"notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching",
"optional": "任意",
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@
"page-not-found": "ページが見つかりません。",
"password": "パスワード",
"paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
- "participating": "Participating",
- "preview": "Preview",
- "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Preview",
- "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Preview",
+ "participating": "参加",
+ "preview": "プレビュー",
+ "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "プレビュー",
+ "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "プレビュー",
"private": "プライベート",
"private-desc": "このボードはプライベートです。ボードメンバーのみが閲覧・編集可能です。",
"profile": "プロフィール",
@@ -270,11 +270,11 @@
"public-desc": "このボードはパブリックです。リンクを知っていれば誰でもアクセス可能でGoogleのような検索エンジンの結果に表示されます。このボードに追加されている人だけがカード追加が可能です。",
"quick-access-description": "Star a board to add a shortcut in this bar.",
"remove-cover": "カバーの削除",
- "remove-from-board": "Remove from Board",
- "remove-label": "Remove the label",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-from-board": "ボードから外す",
+ "remove-label": "ラベルを外す",
+ "remove-list": "リストの除去",
"remove-member": "メンバーを外す",
- "remove-member-from-card": "カードから取り除く",
+ "remove-member-from-card": "カードから外す",
"remove-member-pop": "__boardTitle__ から __name__ (__username__) を外しますか?メンバーはこのボードのすべてのカードから外れ、通知を受けます。",
"removeMemberPopup-title": "メンバーを外しますか?",
"rename": "名前変更",
@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@
"save": "保存",
"search": "検索",
"select-color": "色を選択",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "Assign yourself to current card",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "自分をこのカードに割り当てる",
"shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji",
"shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members",
- "shortcut-clear-filters": "Clear all filters",
- "shortcut-close-dialog": "Close Dialog",
+ "shortcut-clear-filters": "すべてのフィルターを解除する",
+ "shortcut-close-dialog": "ダイアログを閉じる",
"shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filter my cards",
"shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Bring up this shortcuts list",
- "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Toggle Filter Sidebar",
- "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle Board Sidebar",
+ "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "フィルターサイドバーの切り替え",
+ "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "ボードサイドバーの切り替え",
"show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than",
"signupPopup-title": "アカウント作成",
"star-board-title": "ボードにスターをつけると自分のボード一覧のトップに表示されます。",
@@ -301,24 +301,24 @@
"team": "チーム",
"this-board": "このボード",
"this-card": "このカード",
- "time": "Time",
+ "time": "時間",
"title": "タイトル",
- "tracking": "Tracking",
+ "tracking": "トラッキング",
"tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
"unassign-member": "Unassign member",
"unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.",
- "unwatch": "Unwatch",
- "upload": "Upload",
- "upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar",
- "uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar",
+ "unwatch": "アンウォッチ",
+ "upload": "アップロード",
+ "upload-avatar": "アバターのアップロード",
+ "uploaded-avatar": "アップロードされたアバター",
"username": "ユーザー名",
"view-it": "View it",
"warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an archived list",
- "watch": "Watch",
- "watching": "Watching",
- "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
- "welcome-board": "Welcome Board",
- "welcome-list1": "Basics",
- "welcome-list2": "Advanced",
- "what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+ "watch": "ウォッチ",
+ "watching": "ウォッチしています",
+ "watching-info": "このボードの変更が通知されます",
+ "welcome-board": "ウェルカムボード",
+ "welcome-list1": "基本",
+ "welcome-list2": "高度",
+ "what-to-do": "何をしたいですか?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/ko.i18n.json b/i18n/ko.i18n.json
index a7284d36..315aef0e 100644
--- a/i18n/ko.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ko.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "보드 별 추가.",
"click-to-unstar": "보드 별 삭제.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "닫기",
"close-board": "Close Board",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
"lists": "Lists",
"log-out": "로그아웃",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "로그인",
"loginPopup-title": "로그인",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
"members": "멤버",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "무엇을 원하나요?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/pl.i18n.json b/i18n/pl.i18n.json
index 800388fd..53367442 100644
--- a/i18n/pl.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/pl.i18n.json
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
"card-archived": "Ta karta jest zarchiwizowana.",
"card-comments-title": "Ta karta ma %s komentarzy.",
"card-delete-notice": "Usunięcie jest trwałe. Stracisz wszystkie akcje powiązane z tą kartą.",
- "card-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie ponownie otworzyć karty. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne. ",
+ "card-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie ponownie otworzyć karty. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne.",
"card-delete-suggest-archive": "Możesz zarchiwizować kartę w celu usunięcia jej z tablicy oraz zachowania jej aktywności.",
"card-due": "Due",
"card-due-on": "Due on",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Kliknij by odznaczyć tę tablicę.",
"click-to-unstar": "Kliknij by usunąć odznaczenie tej tablicy.",
- "clipboard" : "Schowek lub przeciągnij & upuść",
+ "clipboard": "Schowek lub przeciągnij & upuść",
"close": "Zamknij",
"close-board": "Zamknij tablicę",
"close-board-pop": "Możesz przywrócić tablicę klikając przycisk \"Zarchiwizowane\" z głównej belki.",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Zaimportuj kartę z Trello",
"lists": "Listy",
"log-out": "Wyloguj",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "Zaloguj",
"loginPopup-title": "Zaloguj",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
"members": "Członkowie",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "Co chcesz zrobić?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json b/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json
index 9e0018dd..2912787d 100644
--- a/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/pt-BR.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Marcar quadro como favorito.",
"click-to-unstar": "Remover quadro dos favoritos.",
- "clipboard" : "Área de Transferência ou arraste e solte",
+ "clipboard": "Área de Transferência ou arraste e solte",
"close": "Fechar",
"close-board": "Fechar Quadro",
"close-board-pop": "Você estará habilitado para restaurar o quadro clicando no botão \"Arquivos\" à partir da barra de início.",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Importe um cartão do Trello",
"lists": "Listas",
"log-out": "Sair",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "Entrar",
"loginPopup-title": "Entrar",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Configuração de Membros",
"members": "Membros",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "O que você gostaria de fazer?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/ro.i18n.json b/i18n/ro.i18n.json
index feb95504..da2f3bb6 100644
--- a/i18n/ro.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ro.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
"click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "Închide",
"close-board": "Close Board",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "Ce ai vrea sa faci?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/ru.i18n.json b/i18n/ru.i18n.json
index 400352ee..fd98b49f 100644
--- a/i18n/ru.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/ru.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Добавить в «Избранное»",
"click-to-unstar": "Удалить из «Избранного»",
- "clipboard" : "Буфер обмена или drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Буфер обмена или drag & drop",
"close": "Закрыть",
"close-board": "Закрыть доску",
"close-board-pop": "Вы можете восстановить доску, нажав “Архивы” в заголовке.",
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
"import-board-trello-instruction": "На вашей Trello доске нажмите “Menu” - “More” - “Print and export - “Export JSON” и скопируйте полученный текст",
"import-json-placeholder": "Вставьте JSON сюда",
"import-map-members": "Map members",
- "import-members-map": "Вы ипортировали доску с пользователями. Пожалуйста, составьте карту пользователей, которых вы хотите импортировать в Wekan пользователей ",
+ "import-members-map": "Вы ипортировали доску с пользователями. Пожалуйста, составьте карту пользователей, которых вы хотите импортировать в Wekan пользователей",
"import-show-user-mapping": "Пересмотреть карту пользователей",
"import-user-select": "Выберите Wekan-пользователя, которого вы хотите использовать в качестве пользователя",
"importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Импортировать Trello карточку",
"lists": "Списки",
"log-out": "Выйти",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "Войти",
"loginPopup-title": "Войти",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Настройки пользователя",
"members": "Участники",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "Что вы хотите сделать?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/sr.i18n.json b/i18n/sr.i18n.json
index 49e7bd1a..af7b4efc 100644
--- a/i18n/sr.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/sr.i18n.json
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"all-boards": "Sve table",
"and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card",
"and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards",
- "apply": "Apply",
+ "apply": "Primeni",
"app-is-offline": "The application is currently offline, refreshing the page will cause data loss.",
"archive": "Arhiviraj",
"archive-all": "Arhiviraj sve",
@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@
"card-delete-notice": "Brisanje je trajno. Izgubićeš sve akcije povezane sa ovom karticom.",
"card-delete-pop": "Sve akcije će biti uklonjene sa liste aktivnosti i kartica neće moći biti ponovo otvorena. Nema vraćanja unazad.",
"card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can archive a card to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
- "card-due": "Due",
- "card-due-on": "Due on",
+ "card-due": "Krajnji datum",
+ "card-due-on": "Završava se",
"card-edit-attachments": "Uredi priloge",
"card-edit-labels": "Uredi natpise",
"card-edit-members": "Uredi članove",
"card-labels-title": "Promeni natpis na kartici.",
"card-members-title": "Dodaj ili ukloni članove table sa kartice.",
- "card-start": "Start",
- "card-start-on": "Starts on",
+ "card-start": "Početak",
+ "card-start-on": "Počinje",
"cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Attach From",
"cardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Card?",
"cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions",
@@ -112,16 +112,16 @@
"change-avatar": "Change Avatar",
"change-password": "Change Password",
"change-permissions": "Change permissions",
- "change-settings": "Change Settings",
+ "change-settings": "Izmeni podešavanja",
"changeAvatarPopup-title": "Change Avatar",
"changeLanguagePopup-title": "Change Language",
"changePasswordPopup-title": "Change Password",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions",
- "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
+ "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Izmeni podešavanja",
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
"click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "Close",
"close-board": "Close Board",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"createBoardPopup-title": "Create Board",
"createLabelPopup-title": "Create Label",
"current": "current",
- "date": "Date",
+ "date": "Datum",
"decline": "Decline",
"default-avatar": "Default avatar",
"delete": "Delete",
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@
"edit": "Edit",
"edit-avatar": "Change Avatar",
"edit-profile": "Edit Profile",
- "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date",
- "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date",
+ "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Izmeni početni datum",
+ "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Izmeni krajnji datum",
"editLabelPopup-title": "Change Label",
- "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification",
+ "editNotificationPopup-title": "Izmeni notifikaciju",
"editProfilePopup-title": "Edit Profile",
"email": "Email",
"email-enrollAccount-subject": "An account created for you on __siteName__",
@@ -183,33 +183,33 @@
"error-user-doesNotExist": "This user does not exist",
"error-user-notAllowSelf": "This action on self is not allowed",
"error-user-notCreated": "This user is not created",
- "error-username-taken": "This username is already taken",
+ "error-username-taken": "Korisničko ime je već zauzeto",
"export-board": "Export board",
"filter": "Filter",
"filter-cards": "Filter Cards",
"filter-clear": "Clear filter",
"filter-no-label": "No label",
- "filter-no-member": "No member",
+ "filter-no-member": "Nema člana",
"filter-on": "Filter is on",
"filter-on-desc": "You are filtering cards on this board. Click here to edit filter.",
"filter-to-selection": "Filter to selection",
"fullname": "Full Name",
"header-logo-title": "Go back to your boards page.",
- "hide-system-messages": "Hide system messages",
+ "hide-system-messages": "Sakrij sistemske poruke",
"home": "Home",
"import": "Import",
"import-board": "import from Trello",
"import-board-title": "Import board from Trello",
"import-board-trello-instruction": "In your Trello board, go to 'Menu', then 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON', and copy the resulting text",
"import-json-placeholder": "Paste your valid JSON data here",
- "import-map-members": "Map members",
+ "import-map-members": "Mapiraj članove",
"import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to Wekan users",
"import-show-user-mapping": "Review members mapping",
"import-user-select": "Pick the Wekan user you want to use as this member",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Izaberi člana Wekan-a",
"info": "Infos",
"initials": "Initials",
- "invalid-date": "Invalid date",
+ "invalid-date": "Neispravan datum",
"joined": "joined",
"just-invited": "You are just invited to this board",
"keyboard-shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
@@ -236,12 +236,12 @@
"menu": "Menu",
"move-selection": "Move selection",
"moveCardPopup-title": "Move Card",
- "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom",
- "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top",
+ "moveCardToBottom-title": "Premesti na dno",
+ "moveCardToTop-title": "Premesti na vrh",
"moveSelectionPopup-title": "Move selection",
"multi-selection": "Multi-Selection",
"multi-selection-on": "Multi-Selection is on",
- "muted": "Muted",
+ "muted": "Utišano",
"muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
"my-boards": "My Boards",
"name": "Name",
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
"page-not-found": "Stranica nije pronađena.",
"password": "Lozinka",
"paste-or-dragdrop": "to paste, or drag & drop image file to it (image only)",
- "participating": "Participating",
+ "participating": "Učestvujem",
"preview": "Prikaz",
"previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Prikaz",
"previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Prikaz",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"remove-cover": "Remove Cover",
"remove-from-board": "Ukloni iz table",
"remove-label": "Ukloni natpis",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-list": "Ukloni listu",
"remove-member": "Ukloni člana",
"remove-member-from-card": "Ukloni iz kartice",
"remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.",
@@ -301,24 +301,24 @@
"team": "Tim",
"this-board": "ova tabla",
"this-card": "ova kartica",
- "time": "Time",
+ "time": "Vreme",
"title": "Naslov",
- "tracking": "Tracking",
+ "tracking": "Praćenje",
"tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.",
"unassign-member": "Unassign member",
"unsaved-description": "Imaš nesnimljen opis.",
- "unwatch": "Unwatch",
+ "unwatch": "Ne posmatraj",
"upload": "Upload",
"upload-avatar": "Upload an avatar",
"uploaded-avatar": "Uploaded an avatar",
"username": "Korisničko ime",
"view-it": "Pregledaj je",
"warn-list-archived": "upozorenje: ova kartica je u arhiviranoj listi",
- "watch": "Watch",
+ "watch": "Posmatraj",
"watching": "Watching",
"watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",
"welcome-board": "Welcome Board",
- "welcome-list1": "Basics",
- "welcome-list2": "Advanced",
+ "welcome-list1": "Osnove",
+ "welcome-list2": "Napredno",
"what-to-do": "Šta želiš da uradiš ?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/tr.i18n.json b/i18n/tr.i18n.json
index 7f79436f..47336f66 100644
--- a/i18n/tr.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/tr.i18n.json
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Bu panoyu yıldızlamak için tıkla.",
"click-to-unstar": "Bu panunun yıldızını kaldırmak için tıkla.",
- "clipboard" : "Clipboard or drag & drop",
+ "clipboard": "Clipboard or drag & drop",
"close": "Kapat",
"close-board": "Close Board",
"close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Archives” button from the home header.",
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
"listImportCardPopup-title": "Import a Trello card",
"lists": "Lists",
"log-out": "Oturum Kapat",
- "log-in": "Log In",
+ "log-in": "Oturum Aç",
"loginPopup-title": "Oturum Aç",
"memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings",
"members": "Üyeler",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "Basics",
"welcome-list2": "Advanced",
"what-to-do": "What do you want to do?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json b/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
index 8947cc4a..0f5871c3 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN.i18n.json
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
"act-importList": "导入列表 __list__",
"act-joinMember": "添加成员 __member__ 至卡片 __card__",
"act-moveCard": "从列表 __oldList__ 移动卡片 __card__ 至列表 __list__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "从看板 __board__ 移除成员 __member__ ",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "从看板 __board__ 移除成员 __member__",
"act-restoredCard": "恢复卡片 __card__ 至看板 __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "从卡片 __card__ 移除成员 __member__ ",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "从卡片 __card__ 移除成员 __member__",
"act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] 看板 __board__",
"act-withCardTitle": "[看板 __board__] 卡片 __card__",
"actions": "操作",
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
"activity-removed": "从 %s 中移除 %s",
"activity-sent": "发送 %s 至 %s",
"activity-unjoined": "已解除 %s 关联",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "已经将清单添加到 %s",
"add": "添加",
"add-attachment": "添加附件",
"add-board": "添加新看板",
"add-card": "添加卡片",
- "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-checklist": "添加清单",
+ "add-checklist-item": "扩充清单",
"add-cover": "添加封面",
"add-label": "添加标签",
"add-list": "添加清单",
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
"changePasswordPopup-title": "更改密码",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改权限",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "更改设置",
- "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "checklists": "清单",
"click-to-star": "点此来标记该看板",
"click-to-unstar": "点此来去除该看板的标记",
- "clipboard" : "剪贴板或者拖放文件",
+ "clipboard": "剪贴板或者拖放文件",
"close": "关闭",
"close-board": "关闭看板",
"close-board-pop": "您可以通过点击主界面顶部的”回收箱“按钮来还原看板。",
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
"import-board-title": "从Trello导入看板",
"import-board-trello-instruction": "在你的Trello看板中,点击“菜单”,然后选择“更多”,“打印与导出”,“导出为 JSON” 并拷贝结果文本",
"import-json-placeholder": "粘贴您有效的 JSON 数据至此",
- "import-map-members": " 映射成员",
+ "import-map-members": "映射成员",
"import-members-map": "您导入的看板有一些成员。请将您想导入的成员映射到 Wekan 用户。",
"import-show-user-mapping": "核对成员映射",
"import-user-select": "选择您想将此成员映射到的 Wekan 用户",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"remove-cover": "移除封面",
"remove-from-board": "从看板中删除",
"remove-label": "移除标签",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-list": "删除清单",
"remove-member": "移除成员",
"remove-member-from-card": "从该卡片中移除",
"remove-member-pop": "确定从 __boardTitle__ 中移除 __name__ (__username__) 吗? 该成员将被从该看板的所有卡片中移除,同时他会收到一条提醒。",
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
"shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "切换过滤器边栏",
"shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "切换面板边栏",
"show-cards-minimum-count": "当列表中的卡片多于此阈值时将显示数量",
- "signupPopup-title": " 创建账户",
+ "signupPopup-title": "创建账户",
"star-board-title": "点此来标记该看板,它将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。",
"starred-boards": "已标记看板",
"starred-boards-description": "已标记看板将会出现在您的看板列表顶部。",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "基本",
"welcome-list2": "高阶",
"what-to-do": "要做什么?"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json b/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
index 6855d9cb..6658bea7 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
"activity-removed": "移除 %s 從 %s 中",
"activity-sent": "寄送 %s 至 %s",
"activity-unjoined": "解除關聯 %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "新增待辦清單至 %s",
"add": "新增",
"add-attachment": "新增附件",
"add-board": "新增看板",
"add-card": "新增卡片",
- "add-checklist": "Add a checklist",
- "add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
+ "add-checklist": "新增待辦清單",
+ "add-checklist-item": "新增項目",
"add-cover": "新增封面",
"add-label": "新增標籤",
"add-list": "新增清單",
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
"changePasswordPopup-title": "更改密碼",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改許可權",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "更改設定",
- "checklists": "Checklists",
+ "checklists": "待辦清單",
"click-to-star": "點此來標記該看板",
"click-to-unstar": "點此來去除該看板的標記",
- "clipboard" : "剪貼簿貼上或者拖曳檔案",
+ "clipboard": "剪貼簿貼上或者拖曳檔案",
"close": "關閉",
"close-board": "關閉看板",
"close-board-pop": "您可以透過點選主介面上方的”回收筒“按鈕來還原看板。",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
"remove-cover": "移除封面",
"remove-from-board": "從看板中刪除",
"remove-label": "移除標籤",
- "remove-list": "Remove the list",
+ "remove-list": "移除清單",
"remove-member": "移除成員",
"remove-member-from-card": "從該卡片中移除",
"remove-member-pop": "確定從 __boardTitle__ 中移除 __name__ (__username__) 嗎? 該成員將被從該看板的所有卡片中移除,同時他會收到一則提醒。",
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@
"welcome-list1": "基本",
"welcome-list2": "進階",
"what-to-do": "要做什麼?"
+} \ No newline at end of file