diff options
authorNicu Tofan <>2018-06-18 23:25:56 +0300
committerNicu Tofan <>2018-06-26 14:32:47 +0300
commitd59583915cca24d53a11251c54ca7caf6b5edb4e (patch)
parentb627ced605f0ab98eb2977420da954f31df4f592 (diff)
Initial implementation for subtasks
13 files changed, 478 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade b/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade
index aa4829a9..bc0ce45c 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade
+++ b/client/components/cards/cardDetails.jade
@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ template(name="cardDetails")
+checklists(cardId = _id)
+ +subtasks(cardId = _id)
+ hr
| {{_ 'attachments'}}
diff --git a/client/components/cards/cardDetails.js b/client/components/cards/cardDetails.js
index 72ed678b..22dacb70 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/cardDetails.js
+++ b/client/components/cards/cardDetails.js
@@ -364,6 +364,20 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+function cloneCheckList(_id, checklist) {
+ 'use strict';
+ const checklistId = checklist._id;
+ checklist.cardId = _id;
+ checklist._id = null;
+ const newChecklistId = Checklists.insert(checklist);
+ ChecklistItems.find({checklistId}).forEach(function(item) {
+ item._id = null;
+ item.checklistId = newChecklistId;
+ item.cardId = _id;
+ ChecklistItems.insert(item);
+ });
'click .js-done'() {
const card = Cards.findOne(Session.get('currentCard'));
@@ -393,18 +407,17 @@{
// copy checklists
let cursor = Checklists.find({cardId: oldId});
cursor.forEach(function() {
+ cloneCheckList(_id, arguments[0]);
+ });
+ // copy subtasks
+ cursor = Subtasks.find({cardId: oldId});
+ cursor.forEach(function() {
'use strict';
- const checklist = arguments[0];
- const checklistId = checklist._id;
- checklist.cardId = _id;
- checklist._id = null;
- const newChecklistId = Checklists.insert(checklist);
- ChecklistItems.find({checklistId}).forEach(function(item) {
- item._id = null;
- item.checklistId = newChecklistId;
- item.cardId = _id;
- ChecklistItems.insert(item);
- });
+ const subtask = arguments[0];
+ subtask.cardId = _id;
+ subtask._id = null;
+ /* const newSubtaskId = */ Subtasks.insert(subtask);
// copy card comments
@@ -454,18 +467,17 @@{
// copy checklists
let cursor = Checklists.find({cardId: oldId});
cursor.forEach(function() {
+ cloneCheckList(_id, arguments[0]);
+ });
+ // copy subtasks
+ cursor = Subtasks.find({cardId: oldId});
+ cursor.forEach(function() {
'use strict';
- const checklist = arguments[0];
- const checklistId = checklist._id;
- checklist.cardId = _id;
- checklist._id = null;
- const newChecklistId = Checklists.insert(checklist);
- ChecklistItems.find({checklistId}).forEach(function(item) {
- item._id = null;
- item.checklistId = newChecklistId;
- item.cardId = _id;
- ChecklistItems.insert(item);
- });
+ const subtask = arguments[0];
+ subtask.cardId = _id;
+ subtask._id = null;
+ /* const newSubtaskId = */ Subtasks.insert(subtask);
// copy card comments
diff --git a/client/components/cards/checklists.jade b/client/components/cards/checklists.jade
index ae680bd5..7678f524 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/checklists.jade
+++ b/client/components/cards/checklists.jade
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ template(name="checklistDetail")
if canModifyCard
a.js-delete-checklist.toggle-delete-checklist-dialog {{_ "delete"}}...
- span.checklist-stat(class="{{#if checklist.isFinished}}is-finished{{/if}}") {{checklist.finishedCount}}/{{checklist.itemCount}}
if canModifyCard
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ template(name="checklistItems")
+inlinedForm(classNames="js-edit-checklist-item" item = item checklist = checklist)
+editChecklistItemForm(type = 'item' item = item checklist = checklist)
- +itemDetail(item = item checklist = checklist)
+ +cjecklistItemDetail(item = item checklist = checklist)
if canModifyCard
+inlinedForm(autoclose=false classNames="js-add-checklist-item" checklist = checklist)
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ template(name="checklistItems")
| {{_ 'add-checklist-item'}}...
if canModifyCard
.check-box.materialCheckBox(class="{{#if item.isFinished }}is-checked{{/if}}")
diff --git a/client/components/cards/checklists.js b/client/components/cards/checklists.js
index 1f05aded..a62e493e 100644
--- a/client/components/cards/checklists.js
+++ b/client/components/cards/checklists.js
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Template.checklistDeleteDialog.onDestroyed(() => {
$cardDetails.animate( { scrollTop: this.scrollState.position });
canModifyCard() {
return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly();
@@ -223,4 +223,4 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
'click .js-checklist-item .check-box': this.toggleItem,
diff --git a/client/components/cards/subtasks.jade b/client/components/cards/subtasks.jade
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..378d7a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/subtasks.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ h3 {{_ 'subtasks'}}
+ if toggleDeleteDialog.get
+ .board-overlay#card-details-overlay
+ +subtaskDeleteDialog(subtasks = subtasksToDelete)
+ .card-subtasks-items
+ each subtasks in currentCard.subtasks
+ +subtasksDetail(subtasks = subtasks)
+ if canModifyCard
+ +inlinedForm(autoclose=false classNames="js-add-subtask" cardId = cardId)
+ +addSubtaskItemForm
+ else
+ a.js-open-inlined-form
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ | {{_ 'add-subtask'}}...
+ .js-subtasks.subtasks
+ +inlinedForm(classNames="js-edit-subtasks-title" subtasks = subtasks)
+ +editsubtasksItemForm(subtasks = subtasks)
+ else
+ .subtasks-title
+ span
+ if canModifyCard
+ a.js-delete-subtasks.toggle-delete-subtasks-dialog {{_ "delete"}}...
+ if canModifyCard
+ +viewer
+ = subtasks.title
+ else
+ h2.title
+ +viewer
+ = subtasks.title
+ .js-confirm-subtasks-delete
+ p
+ i(class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true")
+ p
+ | {{_ 'confirm-subtask-delete-dialog'}}
+ span {{subtasks.title}}
+ | ?
+ .js-subtasks-delete-buttons
+ button.confirm-subtasks-delete(type="button") {{_ 'delete'}}
+ button.toggle-delete-subtasks-dialog(type="button") {{_ 'cancel'}}
+ textarea.js-add-subtask-item(rows='1' autofocus)
+ .edit-controls.clearfix
+ button.primary.confirm.js-submit-add-subtask-item-form(type="submit") {{_ 'save'}}
+ a.fa.fa-times-thin.js-close-inlined-form
+ textarea.js-edit-subtasks-item(rows='1' autofocus)
+ if $eq type 'item'
+ = item.title
+ else
+ = subtasks.title
+ .edit-controls.clearfix
+ button.primary.confirm.js-submit-edit-subtasks-item-form(type="submit") {{_ 'save'}}
+ a.fa.fa-times-thin.js-close-inlined-form
+ span(title=createdAt) {{ moment createdAt }}
+ if canModifyCard
+ a.js-delete-subtasks-item {{_ "delete"}}...
+ .subtasks-items.js-subtasks-items
+ each item in subtasks.items
+ +inlinedForm(classNames="js-edit-subtasks-item" item = item subtasks = subtasks)
+ +editsubtasksItemForm(type = 'item' item = item subtasks = subtasks)
+ else
+ +subtaskItemDetail(item = item subtasks = subtasks)
+ if canModifyCard
+ +inlinedForm(autoclose=false classNames="js-add-subtask-item" subtasks = subtasks)
+ +addSubtaskItemForm
+ else
+ a.add-subtask-item.js-open-inlined-form
+ i.fa.fa-plus
+ | {{_ 'add-subtask-item'}}...
+ .js-subtasks-item.subtasks-item
+ if canModifyCard
+ .check-box.materialCheckBox(class="{{#if item.isFinished }}is-checked{{/if}}")
+"{{#if item.isFinished }}is-checked{{/if}}")
+ +viewer
+ = item.title
+ else
+ .materialCheckBox(class="{{#if item.isFinished }}is-checked{{/if}}")
+ .item-title(class="{{#if item.isFinished }}is-checked{{/if}}")
+ +viewer
+ = item.title
diff --git a/client/components/cards/subtasks.js b/client/components/cards/subtasks.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a611ae26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/subtasks.js
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+const { calculateIndexData } = Utils;
+function initSorting(items) {
+ items.sortable({
+ tolerance: 'pointer',
+ helper: 'clone',
+ items: '.js-subtasks-item:not(.placeholder)',
+ connectWith: '.js-subtasks-items',
+ appendTo: '.board-canvas',
+ distance: 7,
+ placeholder: 'subtasks-item placeholder',
+ scroll: false,
+ start(evt, ui) {
+ ui.placeholder.height(ui.helper.height());
+ EscapeActions.executeUpTo('popup-close');
+ },
+ stop(evt, ui) {
+ const parent = ui.item.parents('.js-subtasks-items');
+ const subtasksId = Blaze.getData(parent.get(0)).subtasks._id;
+ let prevItem = ui.item.prev('.js-subtasks-item').get(0);
+ if (prevItem) {
+ prevItem = Blaze.getData(prevItem).item;
+ }
+ let nextItem ='.js-subtasks-item').get(0);
+ if (nextItem) {
+ nextItem = Blaze.getData(nextItem).item;
+ }
+ const nItems = 1;
+ const sortIndex = calculateIndexData(prevItem, nextItem, nItems);
+ const subtasksDomElement = ui.item.get(0);
+ const subtasksData = Blaze.getData(subtasksDomElement);
+ const subtasksItem = subtasksData.item;
+ items.sortable('cancel');
+ subtasksItem.move(subtasksId, sortIndex.base);
+ },
+ });
+ canModifyCard() {
+ return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly();
+ },
+ addSubtask(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const textarea = this.find('textarea.js-add-subtask-item');
+ const title = textarea.value.trim();
+ const cardId = this.currentData().cardId;
+ const card = Cards.findOne(cardId);
+ if (title) {
+ Subtasks.insert({
+ cardId,
+ title,
+ sort: card.subtasks().count(),
+ });
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.$('.add-subtask-item').last().click();
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ textarea.value = '';
+ textarea.focus();
+ },
+ canModifyCard() {
+ return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly();
+ },
+ deleteSubtask() {
+ const subtasks = this.currentData().subtasks;
+ if (subtasks && subtasks._id) {
+ Subtasks.remove(subtasks._id);
+ this.toggleDeleteDialog.set(false);
+ }
+ },
+ editSubtask(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const textarea = this.find('textarea.js-edit-subtasks-item');
+ const title = textarea.value.trim();
+ const subtasks = this.currentData().subtasks;
+ subtasks.setTitle(title);
+ },
+ onCreated() {
+ this.toggleDeleteDialog = new ReactiveVar(false);
+ this.subtasksToDelete = null; //Store data context to pass to subtaskDeleteDialog template
+ },
+ pressKey(event) {
+ //If user press enter key inside a form, submit it
+ //Unless the user is also holding down the 'shift' key
+ if (event.keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const $form = $(event.currentTarget).closest('form');
+ $form.find('button[type=submit]').click();
+ }
+ },
+ events() {
+ const events = {
+ 'click .toggle-delete-subtasks-dialog'(event) {
+ if($('js-delete-subtasks')){
+ this.subtasksToDelete = this.currentData().subtasks; //Store data context
+ }
+ this.toggleDeleteDialog.set(!this.toggleDeleteDialog.get());
+ },
+ };
+ return [{
+ 'submit .js-add-subtask': this.addSubtask,
+ 'submit .js-edit-subtasks-title': this.editSubtask,
+ 'click .confirm-subtasks-delete': this.deleteSubtask,
+ keydown: this.pressKey,
+ }];
+ },
+Template.subtaskDeleteDialog.onCreated(() => {
+ const $cardDetails = this.$('.card-details');
+ this.scrollState = { position: $cardDetails.scrollTop(), //save current scroll position
+ top: false, //required for smooth scroll animation
+ };
+ //Callback's purpose is to only prevent scrolling after animation is complete
+ $cardDetails.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500, () => { = true; });
+ //Prevent scrolling while dialog is open
+ $cardDetails.on('scroll', () => {
+ if( { //If it's already in position, keep it there. Otherwise let animation scroll
+ $cardDetails.scrollTop(0);
+ }
+ });
+Template.subtaskDeleteDialog.onDestroyed(() => {
+ const $cardDetails = this.$('.card-details');
+ $'scroll'); //Reactivate scrolling
+ $cardDetails.animate( { scrollTop: this.scrollState.position });
+ canModifyCard() {
+ return Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().isBoardMember() && !Meteor.user().isCommentOnly();
+ },
+ toggleItem() {
+ const subtasks = this.currentData().subtasks;
+ const item = this.currentData().item;
+ if (subtasks && item && item._id) {
+ item.toggleItem();
+ }
+ },
+ events() {
+ return [{
+ 'click .js-subtasks-item .check-box': this.toggleItem,
+ }];
+ },
diff --git a/client/components/cards/subtasks.styl b/client/components/cards/subtasks.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d18407c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/cards/subtasks.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ color: #8c8c8c
+textarea.js-add-subtask-item, textarea.js-edit-subtasks-item
+ overflow: hidden
+ word-wrap: break-word
+ resize: none
+ height: 34px
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ text-decoration: underline
+ word-wrap: break-word
+ float: right
+ padding-top: 6px
+ &:hover
+ color: inherit
+ .checkbox
+ float: left
+ width: 30px
+ height 30px
+ font-size: 18px
+ line-height: 30px
+ .title
+ font-size: 18px
+ line-height: 25px
+ .subtasks-stat
+ margin: 0 0.5em
+ float: right
+ padding-top: 6px
+ &.is-finished
+ color: #3cb500
+ .js-delete-subtasks
+ @extends .delete-text
+ background-color: darken(white, 3%)
+ position: absolute
+ float: left;
+ width: 60%
+ margin-top: 0
+ margin-left: 13%
+ padding-bottom: 2%
+ padding-left: 3%
+ padding-right: 3%
+ z-index: 17
+ border-radius: 3px
+ p
+ position: relative
+ margin-top: 3%
+ width: 100%
+ text-align: center
+ span
+ font-weight: bold
+ i
+ font-size: 2em
+ .js-subtasks-delete-buttons
+ position: relative
+ padding: left 2% right 2%
+ .confirm-subtasks-delete
+ margin-left: 12%
+ float: left
+ .toggle-delete-subtasks-dialog
+ margin-right: 12%
+ float: right
+ top: 0
+ bottom: -600px
+ right: 0
+ background: darken(white, 3%)
+ &.placeholder
+ background: darken(white, 20%)
+ border-radius: 2px
+ &.ui-sortable-helper
+ box-shadow: -2px 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3),
+ 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)
+ transform: rotate(4deg)
+ cursor: grabbing
+ margin: 0 0 0 0.1em
+ line-height: 18px
+ font-size: 1.1em
+ margin-top: 3px
+ display: flex
+ background: darken(white, 3%)
+ &.placeholder
+ background: darken(white, 20%)
+ border-radius: 2px
+ &.ui-sortable-helper
+ box-shadow: -2px 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3),
+ 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)
+ transform: rotate(4deg)
+ cursor: grabbing
+ &:hover
+ background-color: darken(white, 8%)
+ .check-box
+ margin: 0.1em 0 0 0;
+ &.is-checked
+ border-bottom: 2px solid #3cb500
+ border-right: 2px solid #3cb500
+ .item-title
+ flex: 1
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ &.is-checked
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ font-style: italic
+ & .viewer
+ p
+ margin-bottom: 2px
+ margin: 0 0 0.5em 1.33em
+ @extends .delete-text
+ padding: 12px 0 0 0
+ margin: 0.2em 0 0.5em 1.33em
+ display: inline-block
diff --git a/i18n/en.i18n.json b/i18n/en.i18n.json
index 83b5caed..17d0ff71 100644
--- a/i18n/en.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/en.i18n.json
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"accept": "Accept",
"act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] Activity Notification",
"act-addAttachment": "attached __attachment__ to __card__",
+ "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __checklist__ to __card__",
"act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to __card__",
"act-addChecklistItem": "added __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ on __card__",
"act-addComment": "commented on __card__: __comment__",
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
"activity-removed": "removed %s from %s",
"activity-sent": "sent %s to %s",
"activity-unjoined": "unjoined %s",
+ "activity-subtask-added": "added subtask to %s",
"activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s",
"activity-checklist-item-added": "added checklist item to '%s' in %s",
"add": "Add",
@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@
"add-board": "Add Board",
"add-card": "Add Card",
"add-swimlane": "Add Swimlane",
+ "add-subtask": "Add Subtask",
"add-checklist": "Add Checklist",
"add-checklist-item": "Add an item to checklist",
"add-cover": "Add Cover",
@@ -140,6 +143,7 @@
"changePasswordPopup-title": "Change Password",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "Change Permissions",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "Change Settings",
+ "subtasks": "Subtasks",
"checklists": "Checklists",
"click-to-star": "Click to star this board.",
"click-to-unstar": "Click to unstar this board.",
@@ -162,6 +166,7 @@
"comment-only": "Comment only",
"comment-only-desc": "Can comment on cards only.",
"computer": "Computer",
+ "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete subtask",
"confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist",
"copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Copy card link to clipboard",
"copyCardPopup-title": "Copy Card",
diff --git a/models/activities.js b/models/activities.js
index f64b53f8..1ff0a299 100644
--- a/models/activities.js
+++ b/models/activities.js
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ Activities.helpers({
checklistItem() {
return ChecklistItems.findOne(this.checklistItemId);
+ subtasks() {
+ return Subtasks.findOne(this.subtaskId);
+ },
customField() {
return CustomFields.findOne(this.customFieldId);
diff --git a/models/cards.js b/models/cards.js
index 00ec14c2..6edffb79 100644
--- a/models/cards.js
+++ b/models/cards.js
@@ -215,6 +215,27 @@ Cards.helpers({
return this.checklistItemCount() !== 0;
+ subtasks() {
+ return Subtasks.find({cardId: this._id}, {sort: { sort: 1 } });
+ },
+ subtasksCount() {
+ return Subtasks.find({cardId: this._id}).count();
+ },
+ subtasksFinishedCount() {
+ return Subtasks.find({cardId: this._id, isFinished: true}).count();
+ },
+ subtasksFinished() {
+ const finishCount = this.subtasksFinishedCount();
+ return finishCount > 0 && this.subtasksCount() === finishCount;
+ },
+ hasSubtasks() {
+ return this.subtasksCount() !== 0;
+ },
customFieldIndex(customFieldId) {
return _.pluck(this.customFields, '_id').indexOf(customFieldId);
@@ -513,6 +534,9 @@ function cardRemover(userId, doc) {
cardId: doc._id,
+ Subtasks.remove({
+ cardId: doc._id,
+ });
cardId: doc._id,
diff --git a/models/export.js b/models/export.js
index aff66801..778633f9 100644
--- a/models/export.js
+++ b/models/export.js
@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ class Exporter {
result.activities = Activities.find(byBoard, noBoardId).fetch();
result.checklists = [];
result.checklistItems = [];
+ result.subtaskItems = []; => {
result.checklists.push(...Checklists.find({ cardId: card._id }).fetch());
result.checklistItems.push(...ChecklistItems.find({ cardId: card._id }).fetch());
+ result.subtaskItems.push(...Subtasks.find({ cardId: card._id }).fetch());
// [Old] for attachments we only export IDs and absolute url to original doc
diff --git a/models/subtasks.js b/models/subtasks.js
index e842d11d..3f8b932c 100644
--- a/models/subtasks.js
+++ b/models/subtasks.js
@@ -41,13 +41,7 @@ Subtasks.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
- isFinished() {
- return 0 !== this.itemCount() && this.itemCount() === this.finishedCount();
- },
- itemIndex(itemId) {
- const items = self.findOne({_id : this._id}).items;
- return _.pluck(items, '_id').indexOf(itemId);
- },
+ // ...
diff --git a/server/publications/boards.js b/server/publications/boards.js
index b52ac49f..5b6bf139 100644
--- a/server/publications/boards.js
+++ b/server/publications/boards.js
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ Meteor.publishRelations('board', function(boardId) {
this.cursor(Attachments.find({ cardId }));
this.cursor(Checklists.find({ cardId }));
this.cursor(ChecklistItems.find({ cardId }));
+ this.cursor(Subtasks.find({ cardId }));
if (board.members) {