// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. var AppDispatcher = require('../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'); var ChannelStore = require('../stores/channel_store.jsx'); var AsyncClient = require('../utils/async_client.jsx'); var SocketStore = require('../stores/socket_store.jsx'); var UserStore = require('../stores/user_store.jsx'); var TeamStore = require('../stores/team_store.jsx'); var BrowserStore = require('../stores/browser_store.jsx'); var utils = require('../utils/utils.jsx'); var SidebarHeader = require('./sidebar_header.jsx'); var SearchBox = require('./search_bar.jsx'); var Constants = require('../utils/constants.jsx'); var ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; function getStateFromStores() { var members = ChannelStore.getAllMembers(); var teamMemberMap = UserStore.getActiveOnlyProfiles(); var currentId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(); var teammates = []; for (var id in teamMemberMap) { if (id === UserStore.getCurrentId()) { continue; } teammates.push(teamMemberMap[id]); } // Create lists of all read and unread direct channels var showDirectChannels = []; var readDirectChannels = []; for (var i = 0; i < teammates.length; i++) { var teammate = teammates[i]; if (teammate.id === UserStore.getCurrentId()) { continue; } var channelName = ''; if (teammate.id > UserStore.getCurrentId()) { channelName = UserStore.getCurrentId() + '__' + teammate.id; } else { channelName = teammate.id + '__' + UserStore.getCurrentId(); } var channel = ChannelStore.getByName(channelName); if (channel != null) { channel.display_name = teammate.username; channel.teammate_username = teammate.username; channel.status = UserStore.getStatus(teammate.id); var channelMember = members[channel.id]; var msgCount = channel.total_msg_count - channelMember.msg_count; if (msgCount > 0) { showDirectChannels.push(channel); } else if (currentId === channel.id) { showDirectChannels.push(channel); } else { readDirectChannels.push(channel); } } else { var tempChannel = {}; tempChannel.fake = true; tempChannel.name = channelName; tempChannel.display_name = utils.getDisplayName(teammate); tempChannel.status = UserStore.getStatus(teammate.id); tempChannel.last_post_at = 0; tempChannel.total_msg_count = 0; readDirectChannels.push(tempChannel); } } // If we don't have MAX_DMS unread channels, sort the read list by last_post_at if (showDirectChannels.length < Constants.MAX_DMS) { readDirectChannels.sort(function(a, b) { // sort by last_post_at first if (a.last_post_at > b.last_post_at) { return -1; } if (a.last_post_at < b.last_post_at) { return 1; } // if last_post_at is equal, sort by name if (a.display_name < b.display_name) { return -1; } if (a.display_name > b.display_name) { return 1; } return 0; }); var index = 0; while (showDirectChannels.length < Constants.MAX_DMS && index < readDirectChannels.length) { showDirectChannels.push(readDirectChannels[index]); index++; } readDirectChannels = readDirectChannels.slice(index); showDirectChannels.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.display_name < b.display_name) { return -1; } if (a.display_name > b.display_name) { return 1; } return 0; }); } return { active_id: currentId, channels: ChannelStore.getAll(), members: members, showDirectChannels: showDirectChannels, hideDirectChannels: readDirectChannels }; } module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: 'Sidebar', componentDidMount: function() { ChannelStore.addChangeListener(this.onChange); UserStore.addChangeListener(this.onChange); UserStore.addStatusesChangeListener(this.onChange); SocketStore.addChangeListener(this.onSocketChange); $('.nav-pills__container').perfectScrollbar(); this.updateTitle(); this.updateUnreadIndicators(); $(window).on('resize', this.onResize); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { this.updateTitle(); this.updateUnreadIndicators(); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { $(window).off('resize', this.onResize); ChannelStore.removeChangeListener(this.onChange); UserStore.removeChangeListener(this.onChange); UserStore.removeStatusesChangeListener(this.onChange); SocketStore.removeChangeListener(this.onSocketChange); }, onChange: function() { var newState = getStateFromStores(); if (!utils.areStatesEqual(newState, this.state)) { this.setState(newState); } }, onSocketChange: function(msg) { if (msg.action === 'posted') { if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() === msg.channel_id) { if (window.isActive) AsyncClient.updateLastViewedAt(); } else { AsyncClient.getChannel(msg.channel_id); } if (UserStore.getCurrentId() !== msg.user_id) { var mentions = []; if (msg.props.mentions) { mentions = JSON.parse(msg.props.mentions); } var channel = ChannelStore.get(msg.channel_id); var user = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); if (user.notify_props && ((user.notify_props.desktop === 'mention' && mentions.indexOf(user.id) === -1 && channel.type !== 'D') || user.notify_props.desktop === 'none')) { return; } var member = ChannelStore.getMember(msg.channel_id); if ((member.notify_level === 'mention' && mentions.indexOf(user.id) === -1) || member.notify_level === 'none' || member.notify_level === 'quiet') { return; } var username = 'Someone'; if (UserStore.hasProfile(msg.user_id)) { username = UserStore.getProfile(msg.user_id).username; } var title = 'Posted'; if (channel) { title = channel.display_name; } var repRegex = new RegExp('
', 'g'); var post = JSON.parse(msg.props.post); var msgProps = msg.props; var notifyText = post.message.replace(repRegex, '\n').replace(/\n+/g, ' ').replace('', '').replace('', ''); if (notifyText.length > 50) { notifyText = notifyText.substring(0, 49) + '...'; } if (notifyText.length === 0) { if (msgProps.image) { utils.notifyMe(title, username + ' uploaded an image', channel); } else if (msgProps.otherFile) { utils.notifyMe(title, username + ' uploaded a file', channel); } else { utils.notifyMe(title, username + ' did something new', channel); } } else { utils.notifyMe(title, username + ' wrote: ' + notifyText, channel); } if (!user.notify_props || user.notify_props.desktop_sound === 'true') { utils.ding(); } } } else if (msg.action === "viewed") { if (ChannelStore.getCurrentId() !== msg.channel_id && UserStore.getCurrentId() === msg.user_id) { AsyncClient.getChannel(msg.channel_id); } } else if (msg.action === 'user_added') { if (UserStore.getCurrentId() === msg.user_id) { AsyncClient.getChannel(msg.channel_id); } } else if (msg.action === 'user_removed') { if (msg.user_id === UserStore.getCurrentId()) { AsyncClient.getChannels(true); if (msg.props.channel_id === ChannelStore.getCurrentId() && $('#removed_from_channel').length > 0) { var sentState = {}; sentState.channelName = ChannelStore.getCurrent().display_name; sentState.remover = UserStore.getProfile(msg.props.remover).username; BrowserStore.setItem('channel-removed-state', sentState); $('#removed_from_channel').modal('show'); } } } }, updateTitle: function() { var channel = ChannelStore.getCurrent(); if (channel) { if (channel.type === 'D') { var teammate_username = utils.getDirectTeammate(channel.id).username; document.title = teammate_username + ' ' + document.title.substring(document.title.lastIndexOf('-')); } else { document.title = channel.display_name + ' ' + document.title.substring(document.title.lastIndexOf('-')); } } }, onScroll: function(e) { this.updateUnreadIndicators(); }, onResize: function(e) { this.updateUnreadIndicators(); }, updateUnreadIndicators: function() { var container = $(this.refs.container.getDOMNode()); if (this.firstUnreadChannel) { var firstUnreadElement = $(this.refs[this.firstUnreadChannel].getDOMNode()); if (firstUnreadElement.position().top + firstUnreadElement.height() < 0) { $(this.refs.topUnreadIndicator.getDOMNode()).css('display', 'initial'); } else { $(this.refs.topUnreadIndicator.getDOMNode()).css('display', 'none'); } } if (this.lastUnreadChannel) { var lastUnreadElement = $(this.refs[this.lastUnreadChannel].getDOMNode()); if (lastUnreadElement.position().top > container.height()) { $(this.refs.bottomUnreadIndicator.getDOMNode()).css('bottom', '0'); $(this.refs.bottomUnreadIndicator.getDOMNode()).css('display', 'initial'); } else { $(this.refs.bottomUnreadIndicator.getDOMNode()).css('display', 'none'); } } }, getInitialState: function() { return getStateFromStores(); }, render: function() { var members = this.state.members; var activeId = this.state.active_id; var badgesActive = false; // keep track of the first and last unread channels so we can use them to set the unread indicators var self = this; this.firstUnreadChannel = null; this.lastUnreadChannel = null; function createChannelElement(channel) { var channelMember = members[channel.id]; var linkClass = ''; if (channel.id === self.state.active_id) { linkClass = 'active'; } var unread = false; if (channelMember) { var msgCount = channel.total_msg_count - channelMember.msg_count; unread = (msgCount > 0 && channelMember.notify_level !== 'quiet') || channelMember.mention_count > 0; } var titleClass = ''; if (unread) { titleClass = 'unread-title'; if (!self.firstUnreadChannel) { self.firstUnreadChannel = channel.name; } self.lastUnreadChannel = channel.name; } var badge = null; if (channelMember) { if (channel.type === 'D') { // direct message channels show badges for any number of unread posts var msgCount = channel.total_msg_count - channelMember.msg_count; if (msgCount > 0) { badge = {msgCount}; badgesActive = true; } } else if (channelMember.mention_count > 0) { // public and private channels only show badges for mentions badge = {channelMember.mention_count}; badgesActive = true; } } // set up status icon for direct message channels var status = null; if (channel.type === 'D') { var statusIcon = ''; if (channel.status === 'online') { statusIcon = Constants.ONLINE_ICON_SVG; } else if (channel.status === 'away') { statusIcon = Constants.ONLINE_ICON_SVG; } else { statusIcon = Constants.OFFLINE_ICON_SVG; } status = ; } // set up click handler to switch channels (or create a new channel for non-existant ones) var clickHandler = null; var href; if (!channel.fake) { clickHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); utils.switchChannel(channel); }; href = '#'; } else { href = TeamStore.getCurrentTeamUrl() + '/channels/' + channel.name; } return (
  • {status} {badge} {channel.display_name}
  • ); }; // create elements for all 3 types of channels var channelItems = this.state.channels.filter( function(channel) { return channel.type === 'O'; } ).map(createChannelElement); var privateChannelItems = this.state.channels.filter( function(channel) { return channel.type === 'P'; } ).map(createChannelElement); var directMessageItems = this.state.showDirectChannels.map(createChannelElement); // update the favicon to show if there are any notifications var link = document.createElement('link'); link.type = 'image/x-icon'; link.rel = 'shortcut icon'; link.id = 'favicon'; if (badgesActive) { link.href = '/static/images/redfavicon.ico'; } else { link.href = '/static/images/favicon.ico'; } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var oldLink = document.getElementById('favicon'); if (oldLink) { head.removeChild(oldLink); } head.appendChild(link); var directMessageMore = null; if (this.state.hideDirectChannels.length > 0) { directMessageMore = (
  • {'More ('+this.state.hideDirectChannels.length+')'}
  • ); } return (
    Unread post(s) above
    Unread post(s) below
    • Private Groups+

    • {privateChannelItems}
    • Private Messages

    • {directMessageItems} {directMessageMore}
    ); } });