// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. package app import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "unicode/utf8" l4g "github.com/alecthomas/log4go" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/model" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/utils" builtinplugin "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app/plugin" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app/plugin/jira" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app/plugin/ldapextras" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/app/plugin/zoom" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/plugin" "github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/plugin/pluginenv" ) const ( PLUGIN_MAX_ID_LENGTH = 190 ) var prepackagedPlugins map[string]func(string) ([]byte, error) = map[string]func(string) ([]byte, error){ "jira": jira.Asset, "zoom": zoom.Asset, } func (a *App) initBuiltInPlugins() { plugins := map[string]builtinplugin.Plugin{ "ldapextras": &ldapextras.Plugin{}, } for id, p := range plugins { l4g.Debug("Initializing built-in plugin: " + id) api := &BuiltInPluginAPI{ id: id, router: a.Srv.Router.PathPrefix("/plugins/" + id).Subrouter(), app: a, } p.Initialize(api) } a.AddConfigListener(func(before, after *model.Config) { for _, p := range plugins { p.OnConfigurationChange() } }) for _, p := range plugins { p.OnConfigurationChange() } } // ActivatePlugins will activate any plugins enabled in the config // and deactivate all other plugins. func (a *App) ActivatePlugins() { if a.PluginEnv == nil { l4g.Error("plugin env not initialized") return } plugins, err := a.PluginEnv.Plugins() if err != nil { l4g.Error("failed to activate plugins: " + err.Error()) return } for _, plugin := range plugins { id := plugin.Manifest.Id pluginState := &model.PluginState{Enable: false} if state, ok := a.Config().PluginSettings.PluginStates[id]; ok { pluginState = state } active := a.PluginEnv.IsPluginActive(id) if pluginState.Enable && !active { if err := a.PluginEnv.ActivatePlugin(id); err != nil { l4g.Error(err.Error()) continue } if plugin.Manifest.HasClient() { message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PLUGIN_ACTIVATED, "", "", "", nil) message.Add("manifest", plugin.Manifest.ClientManifest()) a.Publish(message) } l4g.Info("Activated %v plugin", id) } else if !pluginState.Enable && active { if err := a.deactivatePlugin(plugin.Manifest); err != nil { l4g.Error(err.Error()) } } } } func (a *App) deactivatePlugin(manifest *model.Manifest) *model.AppError { if err := a.PluginEnv.DeactivatePlugin(manifest.Id); err != nil { return model.NewAppError("removePlugin", "app.plugin.deactivate.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) } a.UnregisterPluginCommands(manifest.Id) if manifest.HasClient() { message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_PLUGIN_DEACTIVATED, "", "", "", nil) message.Add("manifest", manifest.ClientManifest()) a.Publish(message) } l4g.Info("Deactivated %v plugin", manifest.Id) return nil } // InstallPlugin unpacks and installs a plugin but does not activate it. func (a *App) InstallPlugin(pluginFile io.Reader) (*model.Manifest, *model.AppError) { return a.installPlugin(pluginFile, false) } func (a *App) installPlugin(pluginFile io.Reader, allowPrepackaged bool) (*model.Manifest, *model.AppError) { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented) } tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "plugintmp") if err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.filesystem.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir) if err := utils.ExtractTarGz(pluginFile, tmpDir); err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.extract.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) } tmpPluginDir := tmpDir dir, err := ioutil.ReadDir(tmpDir) if err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.filesystem.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } if len(dir) == 1 && dir[0].IsDir() { tmpPluginDir = filepath.Join(tmpPluginDir, dir[0].Name()) } manifest, _, err := model.FindManifest(tmpPluginDir) if err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.manifest.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) } if _, ok := prepackagedPlugins[manifest.Id]; ok && !allowPrepackaged { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.prepackaged.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) } if utf8.RuneCountInString(manifest.Id) > PLUGIN_MAX_ID_LENGTH { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.id_length.app_error", map[string]interface{}{"Max": PLUGIN_MAX_ID_LENGTH}, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) } bundles, err := a.PluginEnv.Plugins() if err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.install.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } for _, bundle := range bundles { if bundle.Manifest.Id == manifest.Id { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.install_id.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) } } err = utils.CopyDir(tmpPluginDir, filepath.Join(a.PluginEnv.SearchPath(), manifest.Id)) if err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("installPlugin", "app.plugin.mvdir.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } // Should add manifest validation and error handling here return manifest, nil } func (a *App) GetPlugins() (*model.PluginsResponse, *model.AppError) { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return nil, model.NewAppError("GetPlugins", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented) } plugins, err := a.PluginEnv.Plugins() if err != nil { return nil, model.NewAppError("GetPlugins", "app.plugin.get_plugins.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } resp := &model.PluginsResponse{Active: []*model.PluginInfo{}, Inactive: []*model.PluginInfo{}} for _, plugin := range plugins { info := &model.PluginInfo{ Manifest: *plugin.Manifest, } _, info.Prepackaged = prepackagedPlugins[plugin.Manifest.Id] if a.PluginEnv.IsPluginActive(plugin.Manifest.Id) { resp.Active = append(resp.Active, info) } else { resp.Inactive = append(resp.Inactive, info) } } return resp, nil } func (a *App) GetActivePluginManifests() ([]*model.Manifest, *model.AppError) { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return nil, model.NewAppError("GetActivePluginManifests", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented) } plugins := a.PluginEnv.ActivePlugins() manifests := make([]*model.Manifest, len(plugins)) for i, plugin := range plugins { manifests[i] = plugin.Manifest } return manifests, nil } func (a *App) RemovePlugin(id string) *model.AppError { return a.removePlugin(id, false) } func (a *App) removePlugin(id string, allowPrepackaged bool) *model.AppError { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return model.NewAppError("removePlugin", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented) } if _, ok := prepackagedPlugins[id]; ok && !allowPrepackaged { return model.NewAppError("removePlugin", "app.plugin.prepackaged.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) } plugins, err := a.PluginEnv.Plugins() if err != nil { return model.NewAppError("removePlugin", "app.plugin.deactivate.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) } var manifest *model.Manifest for _, p := range plugins { if p.Manifest.Id == id { manifest = p.Manifest break } } if manifest == nil { return model.NewAppError("removePlugin", "app.plugin.not_installed.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) } if a.PluginEnv.IsPluginActive(id) { err := a.deactivatePlugin(manifest) if err != nil { return err } } err = os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(a.PluginEnv.SearchPath(), id)) if err != nil { return model.NewAppError("removePlugin", "app.plugin.remove.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil } // EnablePlugin will set the config for an installed plugin to enabled, triggering activation if inactive. func (a *App) EnablePlugin(id string) *model.AppError { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return model.NewAppError("EnablePlugin", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented) } plugins, err := a.PluginEnv.Plugins() if err != nil { return model.NewAppError("EnablePlugin", "app.plugin.config.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } var manifest *model.Manifest for _, p := range plugins { if p.Manifest.Id == id { manifest = p.Manifest break } } if manifest == nil { return model.NewAppError("EnablePlugin", "app.plugin.not_installed.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) } a.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PluginSettings.PluginStates[id] = &model.PluginState{Enable: true} }) if err := a.SaveConfig(a.Config(), true); err != nil { return model.NewAppError("EnablePlugin", "app.plugin.config.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil } // DisablePlugin will set the config for an installed plugin to disabled, triggering deactivation if active. func (a *App) DisablePlugin(id string) *model.AppError { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return model.NewAppError("DisablePlugin", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusNotImplemented) } plugins, err := a.PluginEnv.Plugins() if err != nil { return model.NewAppError("DisablePlugin", "app.plugin.config.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } var manifest *model.Manifest for _, p := range plugins { if p.Manifest.Id == id { manifest = p.Manifest break } } if manifest == nil { return model.NewAppError("DisablePlugin", "app.plugin.not_installed.app_error", nil, "", http.StatusBadRequest) } a.UpdateConfig(func(cfg *model.Config) { cfg.PluginSettings.PluginStates[id] = &model.PluginState{Enable: false} }) if err := a.SaveConfig(a.Config(), true); err != nil { return model.NewAppError("DisablePlugin", "app.plugin.config.app_error", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return nil } func (a *App) InitPlugins(pluginPath, webappPath string, supervisorOverride pluginenv.SupervisorProviderFunc) { if !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { return } if a.PluginEnv != nil { return } l4g.Info("Starting up plugins") if err := os.Mkdir(pluginPath, 0744); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) { l4g.Error("failed to start up plugins: " + err.Error()) return } if err := os.Mkdir(webappPath, 0744); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) { l4g.Error("failed to start up plugins: " + err.Error()) return } options := []pluginenv.Option{ pluginenv.SearchPath(pluginPath), pluginenv.WebappPath(webappPath), pluginenv.APIProvider(func(m *model.Manifest) (plugin.API, error) { return &PluginAPI{ id: m.Id, app: a, keyValueStore: &PluginKeyValueStore{ id: m.Id, app: a, }, }, nil }), } if supervisorOverride != nil { options = append(options, pluginenv.SupervisorProvider(supervisorOverride)) } if env, err := pluginenv.New(options...); err != nil { l4g.Error("failed to start up plugins: " + err.Error()) return } else { a.PluginEnv = env } for id, asset := range prepackagedPlugins { if tarball, err := asset("plugin.tar.gz"); err != nil { l4g.Error("failed to install prepackaged plugin: " + err.Error()) } else if tarball != nil { a.removePlugin(id, true) if _, err := a.installPlugin(bytes.NewReader(tarball), true); err != nil { l4g.Error("failed to install prepackaged plugin: " + err.Error()) } if _, ok := a.Config().PluginSettings.PluginStates[id]; !ok && id != "zoom" { if err := a.EnablePlugin(id); err != nil { l4g.Error("failed to enable prepackaged plugin: " + err.Error()) } } } } a.RemoveConfigListener(a.PluginConfigListenerId) a.PluginConfigListenerId = a.AddConfigListener(func(prevCfg, cfg *model.Config) { if a.PluginEnv == nil { return } if *prevCfg.PluginSettings.Enable && *cfg.PluginSettings.Enable { a.ActivatePlugins() } for _, err := range a.PluginEnv.Hooks().OnConfigurationChange() { l4g.Error(err.Error()) } }) a.ActivatePlugins() } func (a *App) ServePluginRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if a.PluginEnv == nil || !*a.Config().PluginSettings.Enable { err := model.NewAppError("ServePluginRequest", "app.plugin.disabled.app_error", nil, "Enable plugins to serve plugin requests", http.StatusNotImplemented) l4g.Error(err.Error()) w.WriteHeader(err.StatusCode) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.Write([]byte(err.ToJson())) return } a.servePluginRequest(w, r, a.PluginEnv.Hooks().ServeHTTP) } func (a *App) servePluginRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, handler http.HandlerFunc) { token := "" authHeader := r.Header.Get(model.HEADER_AUTH) if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToUpper(authHeader), model.HEADER_BEARER+" ") { token = authHeader[len(model.HEADER_BEARER)+1:] } else if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(authHeader), model.HEADER_TOKEN+" ") { token = authHeader[len(model.HEADER_TOKEN)+1:] } else if cookie, _ := r.Cookie(model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN); cookie != nil && (r.Method == "GET" || r.Header.Get(model.HEADER_REQUESTED_WITH) == model.HEADER_REQUESTED_WITH_XML) { token = cookie.Value } else { token = r.URL.Query().Get("access_token") } r.Header.Del("Mattermost-User-Id") if token != "" { if session, err := a.GetSession(token); session != nil && err == nil { r.Header.Set("Mattermost-User-Id", session.UserId) } } cookies := r.Cookies() r.Header.Del("Cookie") for _, c := range cookies { if c.Name != model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN { r.AddCookie(c) } } r.Header.Del(model.HEADER_AUTH) r.Header.Del("Referer") params := mux.Vars(r) newQuery := r.URL.Query() newQuery.Del("access_token") r.URL.RawQuery = newQuery.Encode() r.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/plugins/"+params["plugin_id"]) handler(w, r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), "plugin_id", params["plugin_id"]))) } func (a *App) ShutDownPlugins() { if a.PluginEnv == nil { return } l4g.Info("Shutting down plugins") for _, err := range a.PluginEnv.Shutdown() { l4g.Error(err.Error()) } a.RemoveConfigListener(a.PluginConfigListenerId) a.PluginConfigListenerId = "" a.PluginEnv = nil } func getKeyHash(key string) string { hash := sha256.New() hash.Write([]byte(key)) return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil)) } func (a *App) SetPluginKey(pluginId string, key string, value []byte) *model.AppError { kv := &model.PluginKeyValue{ PluginId: pluginId, Key: getKeyHash(key), Value: value, } result := <-a.Srv.Store.Plugin().SaveOrUpdate(kv) if result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(result.Err.Error()) } return result.Err } func (a *App) GetPluginKey(pluginId string, key string) ([]byte, *model.AppError) { result := <-a.Srv.Store.Plugin().Get(pluginId, getKeyHash(key)) if result.Err != nil { if result.Err.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound { return nil, nil } l4g.Error(result.Err.Error()) return nil, result.Err } kv := result.Data.(*model.PluginKeyValue) return kv.Value, nil } func (a *App) DeletePluginKey(pluginId string, key string) *model.AppError { result := <-a.Srv.Store.Plugin().Delete(pluginId, getKeyHash(key)) if result.Err != nil { l4g.Error(result.Err.Error()) } return result.Err } type PluginCommand struct { Command *model.Command PluginId string } func (a *App) RegisterPluginCommand(pluginId string, command *model.Command) error { if command.Trigger == "" { return fmt.Errorf("invalid command") } command = &model.Command{ Trigger: strings.ToLower(command.Trigger), TeamId: command.TeamId, AutoComplete: command.AutoComplete, AutoCompleteDesc: command.AutoCompleteDesc, DisplayName: command.DisplayName, } a.pluginCommandsLock.Lock() defer a.pluginCommandsLock.Unlock() for _, pc := range a.pluginCommands { if pc.Command.Trigger == command.Trigger && pc.Command.TeamId == command.TeamId { if pc.PluginId == pluginId { pc.Command = command return nil } } } a.pluginCommands = append(a.pluginCommands, &PluginCommand{ Command: command, PluginId: pluginId, }) return nil } func (a *App) UnregisterPluginCommand(pluginId, teamId, trigger string) { trigger = strings.ToLower(trigger) a.pluginCommandsLock.Lock() defer a.pluginCommandsLock.Unlock() var remaining []*PluginCommand for _, pc := range a.pluginCommands { if pc.Command.TeamId != teamId || pc.Command.Trigger != trigger { remaining = append(remaining, pc) } } a.pluginCommands = remaining } func (a *App) UnregisterPluginCommands(pluginId string) { a.pluginCommandsLock.Lock() defer a.pluginCommandsLock.Unlock() var remaining []*PluginCommand for _, pc := range a.pluginCommands { if pc.PluginId != pluginId { remaining = append(remaining, pc) } } a.pluginCommands = remaining } func (a *App) PluginCommandsForTeam(teamId string) []*model.Command { a.pluginCommandsLock.RLock() defer a.pluginCommandsLock.RUnlock() var commands []*model.Command for _, pc := range a.pluginCommands { if pc.Command.TeamId == "" || pc.Command.TeamId == teamId { commands = append(commands, pc.Command) } } return commands } func (a *App) ExecutePluginCommand(args *model.CommandArgs) (*model.Command, *model.CommandResponse, *model.AppError) { parts := strings.Split(args.Command, " ") trigger := parts[0][1:] trigger = strings.ToLower(trigger) a.pluginCommandsLock.RLock() defer a.pluginCommandsLock.RUnlock() for _, pc := range a.pluginCommands { if (pc.Command.TeamId == "" || pc.Command.TeamId == args.TeamId) && pc.Command.Trigger == trigger { response, appErr, err := a.PluginEnv.HooksForPlugin(pc.PluginId).ExecuteCommand(args) if err != nil { return pc.Command, nil, model.NewAppError("ExecutePluginCommand", "model.plugin_command.error.app_error", nil, "err="+err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } return pc.Command, response, appErr } } return nil, nil, nil }