# Mattermost Mattermost is an open source, on-prem Slack-alternative. It offers modern communication from behind your firewall, including messaging and file sharing across PCs and phones with archiving and instant search. ## All team communication in one place, searchable and accessible anywhere Please see the [features pages of the Mattermost website](http://www.mattermost.org/features/) for images and further description of the functionality listed below: #### Sharing Messaging and Files - Send messages, comments, files and images across public, private and 1-1 channels - Personalize notifications for unreads and mentions by channel and keyword - Use #hashtags to tag and find messages, discussions and files #### Archiving and Search - Import Slack user accounts and channel archives - Search public and private channels for historical messages and comments - View recent mentions of your name, username, nickname, and custom search terms #### Anywhere Access - Use Mattermost from web-enabled PCs and phones - Attach sound, video and image files from mobile devices - Define team-specific branding and color themes across your devices #### Self-Hosting Support - Host and manage dozens of teams from a single Mattermost server - Easily manage your Mattermost server using a web-based System Console - Script setup and maintenance using Mattermost command line tools ## Learn More - [Product Vision and Target Audiences](http://www.mattermost.org/vision/) - What we're solving and for whom are we building - [Mattermost Forum](http://forum.mattermost.org/) - For technical questions and answers - [Issue Tracker](http://www.mattermost.org/filing-issues/) - For reporting bugs - [Feature Ideas Forum](http://www.mattermost.org/feature-requests/) - For sharing ideas for future versions - [Contribution Guidelines](http://www.mattermost.org/contribute-to-mattermost/) - For contributing code or feedback to the project Follow us on Twitter at [@MattermostHQ](https://twitter.com/mattermosthq). ## Installing Mattermost Latest stable release of Mattermost is available from http://www.mattermost.org/download/, including binary distribution, and from install guides below. If you use Docker, you can [install Mattermost in a single-container preview in one line](https://github.com/mattermost/platform/blob/master/doc/install/Docker-Single-Container.md#one-line-docker-install). #### Quick Start Install for Product Evaluation - [Local Machine Install with Docker](http://docs.mattermost.org/install/Docker-Single-Container/index.html) - Explore product functionality using a single-container Docker install on a local machine, including Mac OSX, Ubuntu, or Arch Linux). Optionally set up email and upgrade your instance using DockerHub. - [AWS EBS Install with Docker](http://docs.mattermost.org/install/Amazon-Elastic-Beanstalk/index.html) - Explore product functionality using a single-container Docker install for Amazon Web Services Elastic Beanstalk. Optionally set up email and upgrade your instance using DockerHub. #### Development Install - [Developer Machine Setup](http://docs.mattermost.org/developer/Setup/index.html) - Setup your local machine development environment using Docker on Mac OSX or Ubuntu. Pull the latest stable release or pull the latest code from our development build. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mattermost/platform.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mattermost/platform) #### Production Deployment Prior to production installation, please review [Mattermost system requirements](http://docs.mattermost.org/install/Requirements/index.html). - [Production Install on Ubuntu 14.04](https://github.com/mattermost/platform/blob/release-1.0.0/doc/install/prod-ubuntu.md) - Install Mattermost for production environments. - [GitLab Mattermost Production Installation](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-mattermost) - Install Mattermost for production environments bundled with GitLab, a leading open source Git repository, using an omnibus package for Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 7, Debian 8, and CentOS 6 (and RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux 6), CentOS 7 (and RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux 7). For technical questions and answers, please visit the [Mattermost forum](http://forum.mattermost.org). ## Get Involved with Mattermost Joining the Mattermost community is a great way to build relationships with other talented and like-minded professionals, increase awareness of the interesting work you are doing, and sharpen your skills. Here are some of the ways that you can make a difference in the Mattermost ecosystem: #### Discuss - Visit the [Mattermost Forum](http://forum.mattermost.org/) for technical questions and answers. - [Join](https://groups.google.com/a/mattermost.com/forum/#!forum/general/join) the [Mattermost User Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/a/mattermost.com/forum/#!forum/general) for general, open-ended questions and software announcements. - [Join](https://groups.google.com/a/mattermost.com/forum/#!forum/developer/join) the [Mattermost Developers Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/a/mattermost.com/forum/#!forum/developer) for discussing contributing code to Mattermost. #### Review - Share feedback on [Mattermost Design Feedback Requests](http://forum.mattermost.org/c/feature-ideas/specifications), which offer early previews of designs community comments and feedback. - Visit the [Feature Ideas Forum](http://mattermost.uservoice.com/forums/306457-general) and consider upvoting community feature ideas, which are reviewed for each monthly release. #### Share - Blog about your Mattermost experiences and use cases, either on your personal blog, the [Mattermost forum](http://forum.mattermost.org), or contribute a guest post to the [Mattermost blog](http://www.mattermost.org/category/blog/). If you write about Mattermost. please contact our community team at info@mattermost.com for help promoting your content. - Tweet to share with your community and friends why you use Mattermost. Follow [@MattermostHQ](https://twitter.com/mattermosthq) on Twitter and conversations on [#mattermost](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23mattermost&src=typd). #### Write - As with most open source projects, Mattermost documentation is maintained in a public repository. You can propose changes by [submitting pull requests (no programming skills required)](http://forum.mattermost.org/t/help-improve-mattermost-documentation/194). We highly welcome you to add improvements, write guides and tutorials, and expand on sections. - Prior to contributing, please review [Mattermost Documentation Guidelines](http://www.mattermost.org/documentation-guidelines/), which include standards on writing Mattermost documentation for a global audience, who might not use English as their first language. #### Contribute - Share [feature ideas](http://www.mattermost.org/feature-requests/) with the Mattermost community - Review the [Mattermost Code Contribution Guidelines](http://docs.mattermost.org/developer/Code-Contribution-Guidelines/index.html) to submit patches for the core product - Consider building tools that help developers and IT professionals manage Mattermost more effectively (API documentation coming in Beta2) #### Have other ideas or suggestions? If there’s some other way you’d like to contribute, please contact us at info@mattermost.com. We’d love to meet you!