path: root/web/react/components/file_attachment.jsx
diff options
authorhmhealey <>2015-07-23 16:45:16 -0400
committerhmhealey <>2015-07-29 09:52:08 -0400
commit5488b5e2164518d9b2a745a9906152a4e6c0be10 (patch)
treebb4d4059e952f8321a8511ff6a5dd9f21b6ac416 /web/react/components/file_attachment.jsx
parenteddb79d97d72a63fc3af6741567077e3e59b2871 (diff)
Reconcile the code to display attachment previews into a FileAttachmentList class to clean up duplicated code.
Diffstat (limited to 'web/react/components/file_attachment.jsx')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web/react/components/file_attachment.jsx b/web/react/components/file_attachment.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a81dd8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/react/components/file_attachment.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// See License.txt for license information.
+var utils = require('../utils/utils.jsx');
+module.exports = React.createClass({
+ displayName: "FileAttachment",
+ propTypes: {
+ filenames: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string).isRequired,
+ index: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
+ imageModalId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+ handleImageClick: React.PropTypes.func
+ },
+ componentDidMount: function() {
+ var filename = this.props.filenames[this.props.index];
+ var self = this;
+ if (filename) {
+ var fileInfo = utils.splitFileLocation(filename);
+ if (Object.keys(fileInfo).length === 0) return;
+ var type = utils.getFileType(fileInfo.ext);
+ // This is a temporary patch to fix issue with old files using absolute paths
+ if (fileInfo.path.indexOf("/api/v1/files/get") != -1) {
+ fileInfo.path = fileInfo.path.split("/api/v1/files/get")[1];
+ }
+ fileInfo.path = utils.getWindowLocationOrigin() + "/api/v1/files/get" + fileInfo.path;
+ if (type === "image") {
+ $('<img/>').attr('src', fileInfo.path+'_thumb.jpg').load(function(path, name){ return function() {
+ $(this).remove();
+ if (name in self.refs) {
+ var imgDiv = self.refs[name].getDOMNode();
+ $(imgDiv).removeClass('post__load');
+ $(imgDiv).addClass('post__image');
+ var re1 = new RegExp(' ', 'g');
+ var re2 = new RegExp('\\(', 'g');
+ var re3 = new RegExp('\\)', 'g');
+ var url = path.replace(re1, '%20').replace(re2, '%28').replace(re3, '%29');
+ $(imgDiv).css('background-image', 'url('+url+'_thumb.jpg)');
+ }
+ }}(fileInfo.path, filename));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ var filenames = this.props.filenames;
+ var filename = filenames[this.props.index];
+ var fileInfo = utils.splitFileLocation(filename);
+ if (Object.keys(fileInfo).length === 0) return null;
+ var type = utils.getFileType(fileInfo.ext);
+ // This is a temporary patch to fix issue with old files using absolute paths
+ if (fileInfo.path.indexOf("/api/v1/files/get") != -1) {
+ fileInfo.path = fileInfo.path.split("/api/v1/files/get")[1];
+ }
+ fileInfo.path = utils.getWindowLocationOrigin() + "/api/v1/files/get" + fileInfo.path;
+ var thumbnail;
+ if (type === "image") {
+ thumbnail = (
+ <a className="post-image__thumbnail" href="#" onClick={this.props.handleImageClick}
+ data-img-id={this.props.index} data-toggle="modal" data-target={"#" + this.props.imageModalId }>
+ <div ref={filename} className="post__load" style={{backgroundImage: 'url(/static/images/load.gif)'}}/>
+ </a>
+ );
+ } else {
+ thumbnail = (
+ <a href={fileInfo.path + (fileInfo.ext ? "." + fileInfo.ext : "")} download={ + (fileInfo.ext ? "." + fileInfo.ext : "")}>
+ <div className={"file-icon "+utils.getIconClassName(type)}/>
+ </a>
+ );
+ }
+ var containerClassName = "post-image__column";
+ if (type !== "image") {
+ containerClassName += " custom-file";
+ }
+ // TODO fix the race condition here where the file size may arrive before the rest of the page is rendered
+ // asynchronously request the size of the file so that we can display it next to the thumbnail
+ utils.getFileSize(fileInfo.path + "." + fileInfo.ext, function(self, _filename) {
+ return function(size) {
+ if ((_filename + "__size") in self.refs) {
+ self.refs[_filename + "__size"].getDOMNode().innerHTML = " " + utils.fileSizeToString(size);
+ }
+ }
+ }(this, filename));
+ return (
+ <div className={containerClassName} key={filename}>
+ {thumbnail}
+ <div className="post-image__details">
+ <div className="post-image__name">{}</div>
+ <div>
+ <span className="post-image__type">{fileInfo.ext.toUpperCase()}</span>
+ <span className="post-image__size" ref={filename + "__size"}></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }