path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorChristopher Speller <>2018-01-29 14:17:40 -0800
committerGitHub <>2018-01-29 14:17:40 -0800
commit961c04cae992eadb42d286d2f85f8a675bdc68c8 (patch)
tree3408f2d06f847e966c53485e2d54c692cdd037c1 /vendor/
parent8d66523ba7d9a77129844be476732ebfd5272d64 (diff)
Upgrading server dependancies (#8154)
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
-rw-r--r--vendor/ (renamed from vendor/
54 files changed, 8772 insertions, 1721 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..010d4ccd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ gofmt:
+ enabled: true
+ golint:
+ enabled: true
+ govet:
+ enabled: true
+- ".github/"
+- "vendor/"
+- "codegen/"
+- "doc.go"
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5099d59c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [][version]
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 00268614f..ea58090bd 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,22 +1,11 @@
-# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
+# Binaries for programs and plugins
-# Folders
-# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
+# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
+# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a63efa59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+language: go
+ - 1.8
+ - 1.9
+ - tip
+ global:
+ - CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=68feaa3410049ce73e145287acbcdacc525087a30627f96f04e579e75bd71c00
+ - curl -L > ./cc-test-reporter
+ - chmod +x ./cc-test-reporter
+ - ./cc-test-reporter before-build
+- go get
+- task dl-deps
+- task lint
+- task test-coverage
+ - ./cc-test-reporter after-build --exit-code $TRAVIS_TEST_RESULT
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eebe342a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
+ name = ""
+ packages = ["spew"]
+ revision = "346938d642f2ec3594ed81d874461961cd0faa76"
+ version = "v1.1.0"
+ name = ""
+ packages = ["difflib"]
+ revision = "792786c7400a136282c1664665ae0a8db921c6c2"
+ version = "v1.0.0"
+ name = ""
+ packages = [
+ "assert",
+ "require"
+ ]
+ revision = "b91bfb9ebec76498946beb6af7c0230c7cc7ba6c"
+ version = "v1.2.0"
+ analyzer-name = "dep"
+ analyzer-version = 1
+ inputs-digest = "2d160a7dea4ffd13c6c31dab40373822f9d78c73beba016d662bef8f7a998876"
+ solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
+ solver-version = 1
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d70f1570b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ unused-packages = true
+ non-go = true
+ go-tests = true
+ name = ""
+ version = "~1.2.0"
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 219994581..44d4d9d5a 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-objx - by Mat Ryer and Tyler Bunnell
-The MIT License (MIT)
+The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2014 Stretchr, Inc.
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 objx contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 4aa180687..be5750c94 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,3 +1,80 @@
-# objx
+# Objx
+[![Build Status](](
+[![Go Report Card](](
+[![Test Coverage](](
- * Jump into the [API Documentation](
+Objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data.
+Get started:
+- Install Objx with [one line of code](#installation), or [update it with another](#staying-up-to-date)
+- Check out the API Documentation
+## Overview
+Objx provides the `objx.Map` type, which is a `map[string]interface{}` that exposes a powerful `Get` method (among others) that allows you to easily and quickly get access to data within the map, without having to worry too much about type assertions, missing data, default values etc.
+### Pattern
+Objx uses a preditable pattern to make access data from within `map[string]interface{}` easy. Call one of the `objx.` functions to create your `objx.Map` to get going:
+ m, err := objx.FromJSON(json)
+NOTE: Any methods or functions with the `Must` prefix will panic if something goes wrong, the rest will be optimistic and try to figure things out without panicking.
+Use `Get` to access the value you're interested in. You can use dot and array
+notation too:
+ m.Get("places[0].latlng")
+Once you have sought the `Value` you're interested in, you can use the `Is*` methods to determine its type.
+ if m.Get("code").IsStr() { // Your code... }
+Or you can just assume the type, and use one of the strong type methods to extract the real value:
+ m.Get("code").Int()
+If there's no value there (or if it's the wrong type) then a default value will be returned, or you can be explicit about the default value.
+ Get("code").Int(-1)
+If you're dealing with a slice of data as a value, Objx provides many useful methods for iterating, manipulating and selecting that data. You can find out more by exploring the index below.
+### Reading data
+A simple example of how to use Objx:
+ // Use MustFromJSON to make an objx.Map from some JSON
+ m := objx.MustFromJSON(`{"name": "Mat", "age": 30}`)
+ // Get the details
+ name := m.Get("name").Str()
+ age := m.Get("age").Int()
+ // Get their nickname (or use their name if they don't have one)
+ nickname := m.Get("nickname").Str(name)
+### Ranging
+Since `objx.Map` is a `map[string]interface{}` you can treat it as such. For example, to `range` the data, do what you would expect:
+ m := objx.MustFromJSON(json)
+ for key, value := range m {
+ // Your code...
+ }
+## Installation
+To install Objx, use go get:
+ go get
+### Staying up to date
+To update Objx to the latest version, run:
+ go get -u
+### Supported go versions
+We support the lastest two major Go versions, which are 1.8 and 1.9 at the moment.
+## Contributing
+Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository and send pull requests!
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8035641f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ deps: [test]
+ desc: Downloads cli dependencies
+ cmds:
+ - go get -u
+ - go get -u
+ desc: Updates dependencies
+ cmds:
+ - dep ensure
+ - dep ensure -update
+ desc: Runs golint
+ cmds:
+ - go fmt $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
+ - go vet $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
+ - golint $(ls *.go | grep -v "doc.go")
+ silent: true
+ desc: Runs go tests
+ cmds:
+ - go test -race .
+ desc: Runs go tests and calucates test coverage
+ cmds:
+ - go test -coverprofile=c.out .
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 721bcac79..204356a22 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package objx
import (
- "fmt"
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ var arrayAccesRegex = regexp.MustCompile(arrayAccesRegexString)
// o.Get("books[1].chapters[2].title")
func (m Map) Get(selector string) *Value {
- rawObj := access(m, selector, nil, false, false)
+ rawObj := access(m, selector, nil, false)
return &Value{data: rawObj}
@@ -43,47 +42,34 @@ func (m Map) Get(selector string) *Value {
// o.Set("books[1].chapters[2].title","Time to Go")
func (m Map) Set(selector string, value interface{}) Map {
- access(m, selector, value, true, false)
+ access(m, selector, value, true)
return m
// access accesses the object using the selector and performs the
// appropriate action.
-func access(current, selector, value interface{}, isSet, panics bool) interface{} {
+func access(current, selector, value interface{}, isSet bool) interface{} {
switch selector.(type) {
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64:
if array, ok := current.([]interface{}); ok {
index := intFromInterface(selector)
if index >= len(array) {
- if panics {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("objx: Index %d is out of range. Slice only contains %d items.", index, len(array)))
- }
return nil
return array[index]
return nil
case string:
selStr := selector.(string)
selSegs := strings.SplitN(selStr, PathSeparator, 2)
thisSel := selSegs[0]
index := -1
var err error
- //
if strings.Contains(thisSel, "[") {
arrayMatches := arrayAccesRegex.FindStringSubmatch(thisSel)
if len(arrayMatches) > 0 {
// Get the key into the map
thisSel = arrayMatches[1]
@@ -95,14 +81,11 @@ func access(current, selector, value interface{}, isSet, panics bool) interface{
// seriously wrong. Panic.
panic("objx: Array index is not an integer. Must use array[int].")
if curMap, ok := current.(Map); ok {
current = map[string]interface{}(curMap)
// get the object in question
switch current.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
@@ -110,39 +93,26 @@ func access(current, selector, value interface{}, isSet, panics bool) interface{
if len(selSegs) <= 1 && isSet {
curMSI[thisSel] = value
return nil
- } else {
- current = curMSI[thisSel]
+ current = curMSI[thisSel]
current = nil
- if current == nil && panics {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("objx: '%v' invalid on object.", selector))
- }
// do we need to access the item of an array?
if index > -1 {
if array, ok := current.([]interface{}); ok {
if index < len(array) {
current = array[index]
} else {
- if panics {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("objx: Index %d is out of range. Slice only contains %d items.", index, len(array)))
- }
current = nil
if len(selSegs) > 1 {
- current = access(current, selSegs[1], value, isSet, panics)
+ current = access(current, selSegs[1], value, isSet)
return current
// intFromInterface converts an interface object to the largest
@@ -172,8 +142,7 @@ func intFromInterface(selector interface{}) int {
case uint64:
value = int(selector.(uint64))
- panic("objx: array access argument is not an integer type (this should never happen)")
+ return 0
return value
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index ce5d8e4aa..f6be310f7 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,145 +1,238 @@
package objx
import (
- ""
+ ""
func TestAccessorsAccessGetSingleField(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{"name": "Tyler"}
- current := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}
- assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", access(current, "name", nil, false, true))
+ assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", current.Get("name").Data())
-func TestAccessorsAccessGetDeep(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"name": map[string]interface{}{"first": "Tyler", "last": "Bunnell"}}
- assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", access(current, "name.first", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Bunnell", access(current, "name.last", nil, false, true))
+func TestAccessorsAccessGetSingleFieldInt(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{"name": 10}
+ assert.Equal(t, 10, current.Get("name").Data())
-func TestAccessorsAccessGetDeepDeep(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"one": map[string]interface{}{"two": map[string]interface{}{"three": map[string]interface{}{"four": 4}}}}
- assert.Equal(t, 4, access(current, "one.two.three.four", nil, false, true))
+func TestAccessorsAccessGetDeep(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "name": Map{
+ "first": "Tyler",
+ "last": "Bunnell",
+ },
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", current.Get("name.first").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Bunnell", current.Get("name.last").Data())
-func TestAccessorsAccessGetInsideArray(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"names": []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"first": "Tyler", "last": "Bunnell"}, map[string]interface{}{"first": "Capitol", "last": "Bollocks"}}}
- assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", access(current, "names[0].first", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Bunnell", access(current, "names[0].last", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Capitol", access(current, "names[1].first", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Bollocks", access(current, "names[1].last", nil, false, true))
- assert.Panics(t, func() {
- access(current, "names[2]", nil, false, true)
- })
- assert.Nil(t, access(current, "names[2]", nil, false, false))
+func TestAccessorsAccessGetDeepDeep(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "one": Map{
+ "two": Map{
+ "three": Map{
+ "four": 4,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, 4, current.Get("one.two.three.four").Data())
+func TestAccessorsAccessGetInsideArray(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "names": []interface{}{
+ Map{
+ "first": "Tyler",
+ "last": "Bunnell",
+ },
+ Map{
+ "first": "Capitol",
+ "last": "Bollocks",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", current.Get("names[0].first").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Bunnell", current.Get("names[0].last").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Capitol", current.Get("names[1].first").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Bollocks", current.Get("names[1].last").Data())
+ assert.Nil(t, current.Get("names[2]").Data())
func TestAccessorsAccessGetFromArrayWithInt(t *testing.T) {
- current := []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"first": "Tyler", "last": "Bunnell"}, map[string]interface{}{"first": "Capitol", "last": "Bollocks"}}
- one := access(current, 0, nil, false, false)
- two := access(current, 1, nil, false, false)
- three := access(current, 2, nil, false, false)
+ current := []interface{}{
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "first": "Tyler",
+ "last": "Bunnell",
+ },
+ map[string]interface{}{
+ "first": "Capitol",
+ "last": "Bollocks",
+ },
+ }
+ one := access(current, 0, nil, false)
+ two := access(current, 1, nil, false)
+ three := access(current, 2, nil, false)
assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", one.(map[string]interface{})["first"])
assert.Equal(t, "Capitol", two.(map[string]interface{})["first"])
assert.Nil(t, three)
+func TestAccessorsAccessGetFromArrayWithIntTypes(t *testing.T) {
+ current := []interface{}{
+ "abc",
+ "def",
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, 0, nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, 1, nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, 2, nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, int8(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, int8(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, int8(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, int16(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, int16(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, int16(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, int32(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, int32(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, int32(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, int64(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, int64(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, int64(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, uint(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, uint(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, uint(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, uint8(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, uint8(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, uint8(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, uint16(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, uint16(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, uint16(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, uint32(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, uint32(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, uint32(2), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc", access(current, uint64(0), nil, false))
+ assert.Equal(t, "def", access(current, uint64(1), nil, false))
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, uint64(2), nil, false))
-func TestAccessorsGet(t *testing.T) {
+func TestAccessorsAccessGetFromArrayWithIntError(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{"name": "Tyler"}
- current := New(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})
- assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", current.Get("name").data)
+ assert.Nil(t, access(current, 0, nil, false))
+func TestAccessorsGet(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{"name": "Tyler"}
+ assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", current.Get("name").Data())
func TestAccessorsAccessSetSingleField(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{"name": "Tyler"}
- current := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}
- access(current, "name", "Mat", true, false)
- assert.Equal(t, current["name"], "Mat")
+ current.Set("name", "Mat")
+ current.Set("age", 29)
- access(current, "age", 29, true, true)
+ assert.Equal(t, current["name"], "Mat")
assert.Equal(t, current["age"], 29)
func TestAccessorsAccessSetSingleFieldNotExisting(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "first": "Tyler",
+ "last": "Bunnell",
+ }
- current := map[string]interface{}{}
- access(current, "name", "Mat", true, false)
- assert.Equal(t, current["name"], "Mat")
+ current.Set("name", "Mat")
+ assert.Equal(t, current["name"], "Mat")
func TestAccessorsAccessSetDeep(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"name": map[string]interface{}{"first": "Tyler", "last": "Bunnell"}}
- access(current, "name.first", "Mat", true, true)
- access(current, "name.last", "Ryer", true, true)
- assert.Equal(t, "Mat", access(current, "name.first", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Ryer", access(current, "name.last", nil, false, true))
+ current := Map{
+ "name": Map{
+ "first": "Tyler",
+ "last": "Bunnell",
+ },
+ }
+ current.Set("name.first", "Mat")
+ current.Set("name.last", "Ryer")
+ assert.Equal(t, "Mat", current.Get("name.first").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Ryer", current.Get("name.last").Data())
-func TestAccessorsAccessSetDeepDeep(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"one": map[string]interface{}{"two": map[string]interface{}{"three": map[string]interface{}{"four": 4}}}}
- access(current, "one.two.three.four", 5, true, true)
- assert.Equal(t, 5, access(current, "one.two.three.four", nil, false, true))
+func TestAccessorsAccessSetDeepDeep(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "one": Map{
+ "two": Map{
+ "three": Map{
+ "four": 4},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ current.Set("one.two.three.four", 5)
+ assert.Equal(t, 5, current.Get("one.two.three.four").Data())
-func TestAccessorsAccessSetArray(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"names": []interface{}{"Tyler"}}
- access(current, "names[0]", "Mat", true, true)
- assert.Equal(t, "Mat", access(current, "names[0]", nil, false, true))
-func TestAccessorsAccessSetInsideArray(t *testing.T) {
- current := map[string]interface{}{"names": []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"first": "Tyler", "last": "Bunnell"}, map[string]interface{}{"first": "Capitol", "last": "Bollocks"}}}
- access(current, "names[0].first", "Mat", true, true)
- access(current, "names[0].last", "Ryer", true, true)
- access(current, "names[1].first", "Captain", true, true)
- access(current, "names[1].last", "Underpants", true, true)
- assert.Equal(t, "Mat", access(current, "names[0].first", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Ryer", access(current, "names[0].last", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Captain", access(current, "names[1].first", nil, false, true))
- assert.Equal(t, "Underpants", access(current, "names[1].last", nil, false, true))
+func TestAccessorsAccessSetArray(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "names": []interface{}{"Tyler"},
+ }
+ current.Set("names[0]", "Mat")
+ assert.Equal(t, "Mat", current.Get("names[0]").Data())
-func TestAccessorsAccessSetFromArrayWithInt(t *testing.T) {
- current := []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"first": "Tyler", "last": "Bunnell"}, map[string]interface{}{"first": "Capitol", "last": "Bollocks"}}
- one := access(current, 0, nil, false, false)
- two := access(current, 1, nil, false, false)
- three := access(current, 2, nil, false, false)
- assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", one.(map[string]interface{})["first"])
- assert.Equal(t, "Capitol", two.(map[string]interface{})["first"])
- assert.Nil(t, three)
+func TestAccessorsAccessSetInsideArray(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{
+ "names": []interface{}{
+ Map{
+ "first": "Tyler",
+ "last": "Bunnell",
+ },
+ Map{
+ "first": "Capitol",
+ "last": "Bollocks",
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ current.Set("names[0].first", "Mat")
+ current.Set("names[0].last", "Ryer")
+ current.Set("names[1].first", "Captain")
+ current.Set("names[1].last", "Underpants")
+ assert.Equal(t, "Mat", current.Get("names[0].first").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Ryer", current.Get("names[0].last").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Captain", current.Get("names[1].first").Data())
+ assert.Equal(t, "Underpants", current.Get("names[1].last").Data())
func TestAccessorsSet(t *testing.T) {
+ current := Map{"name": "Tyler"}
- current := New(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})
current.Set("name", "Mat")
- assert.Equal(t, "Mat", current.Get("name").data)
+ assert.Equal(t, "Mat", current.Get("name").data)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index b396900b8..047bfc13f 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{4} ({1} and []{1})
- --------------------------------------------------
// {4} gets the value as a {1}, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -58,44 +57,35 @@ func (v *Value) Is{4}Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) Each{4}(callback func(int, {1}) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.Must{4}Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// Where{4} uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []{1}. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) Where{4}(decider func(int, {1}) bool) *Value {
var selected []{1}
v.Each{4}(func(index int, val {1}) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data:selected}
// Group{4} uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]{1}.
func (v *Value) Group{4}(grouper func(int, {1}) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]{1})
v.Each{4}(func(index int, val {1}) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -104,183 +94,31 @@ func (v *Value) Group{4}(grouper func(int, {1}) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data:groups}
// Replace{4} uses the specified function to replace each {1}s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []{1} containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) Replace{4}(replacer func(int, {1}) {1}) *Value {
arr := v.Must{4}Slice()
replaced := make([]{1}, len(arr))
v.Each{4}(func(index int, val {1}) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data:replaced}
// Collect{4} uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the {1}s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) Collect{4}(collector func(int, {1}) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.Must{4}Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.Each{4}(func(index int, val {1}) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data:collected}
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
-func Test{4}(t *testing.T) {
- val := {1}( {2} )
- m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
- assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").{4}())
- assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Must{4}())
- assert.Equal(t, {1}({3}), New(m).Get("nothing").{4}())
- assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").{4}({2}))
- assert.Panics(t, func() {
- New(m).Get("age").Must{4}()
- })
-func Test{4}Slice(t *testing.T) {
- val := {1}( {2} )
- m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []{1}{ val }, "nothing": nil}
- assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").{4}Slice()[0])
- assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Must{4}Slice()[0])
- assert.Equal(t, []{1}(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").{4}Slice())
- assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").{4}Slice( []{1}{ {1}({2}) } )[0])
- assert.Panics(t, func() {
- New(m).Get("nothing").Must{4}Slice()
- })
-func TestIs{4}(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: {1}({2})}
- assert.True(t, v.Is{4}())
- v = &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}) }}
- assert.True(t, v.Is{4}Slice())
-func TestEach{4}(t *testing.T) {
- v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
- count := 0
- replacedVals := make([]{1}, 0)
- assert.Equal(t, v, v.Each{4}(func(i int, val {1}) bool {
- count++
- replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
- // abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }))
- assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
- assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.Must{4}Slice()[0])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.Must{4}Slice()[1])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.Must{4}Slice()[2])
-func TestWhere{4}(t *testing.T) {
- v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
- selected := v.Where{4}(func(i int, val {1}) bool {
- return i%2==0
- }).Must{4}Slice()
- assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
-func TestGroup{4}(t *testing.T) {
- v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
- grouped := v.Group{4}(func(i int, val {1}) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%v", i%2==0)
- }).data.(map[string][]{1})
- assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
- assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
- assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
-func TestReplace{4}(t *testing.T) {
- v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
- rawArr := v.Must{4}Slice()
- replaced := v.Replace{4}(func(index int, val {1}) {1} {
- if index < len(rawArr)-1 {
- return rawArr[index+1]
- }
- return rawArr[0]
- })
- replacedArr := replaced.Must{4}Slice()
- if assert.Equal(t, 6, len(replacedArr)) {
- assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[0], rawArr[1])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[1], rawArr[2])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[2], rawArr[3])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[3], rawArr[4])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
- assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
- }
-func TestCollect{4}(t *testing.T) {
- v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
- collected := v.Collect{4}(func(index int, val {1}) interface{} {
- return index
- })
- collectedArr := collected.MustInterSlice()
- if assert.Equal(t, 6, len(collectedArr)) {
- assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[0], 0)
- assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[1], 1)
- assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[2], 2)
- assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[3], 3)
- assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
- assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
- }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7643af390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ Tests for {4} ({1} and []{1})
+func Test{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ val := {1}( {2} )
+ m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
+ assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").{4}())
+ assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Must{4}())
+ assert.Equal(t, {1}({3}), New(m).Get("nothing").{4}())
+ assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").{4}({2}))
+ assert.Panics(t, func() {
+ New(m).Get("age").Must{4}()
+ })
+func Test{4}Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ val := {1}( {2} )
+ m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []{1}{ val }, "nothing": nil}
+ assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").{4}Slice()[0])
+ assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Must{4}Slice()[0])
+ assert.Equal(t, []{1}(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").{4}Slice())
+ assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").{4}Slice( []{1}{ {1}({2}) } )[0])
+ assert.Panics(t, func() {
+ New(m).Get("nothing").Must{4}Slice()
+ })
+func TestIs{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: {1}({2})}
+ assert.True(t, v.Is{4}())
+func TestIs{4}Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}) }}
+ assert.True(t, v.Is{4}Slice())
+func TestEach{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
+ count := 0
+ replacedVals := make([]{1}, 0)
+ assert.Equal(t, v, v.Each{4}(func(i int, val {1}) bool {
+ count++
+ replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
+ // abort early
+ return i != 2
+ }))
+ assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.Must{4}Slice()[0])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.Must{4}Slice()[1])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.Must{4}Slice()[2])
+func TestWhere{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
+ selected := v.Where{4}(func(i int, val {1}) bool {
+ return i%2==0
+ }).Must{4}Slice()
+ assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
+func TestGroup{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
+ grouped := v.Group{4}(func(i int, val {1}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%v", i%2==0)
+ }).data.(map[string][]{1})
+ assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
+ assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
+ assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
+func TestReplace{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
+ rawArr := v.Must{4}Slice()
+ replaced := v.Replace{4}(func(index int, val {1}) {1} {
+ if index < len(rawArr)-1 {
+ return rawArr[index+1]
+ }
+ return rawArr[0]
+ })
+ replacedArr := replaced.Must{4}Slice()
+ if assert.Equal(t, 6, len(replacedArr)) {
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[0], rawArr[1])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[1], rawArr[2])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[2], rawArr[3])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[3], rawArr[4])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
+ assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
+ }
+func TestCollect{4}(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []{1}{ {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}), {1}({2}) }}
+ collected := v.Collect{4}(func(index int, val {1}) interface{} {
+ return index
+ })
+ collectedArr := collected.MustInterSlice()
+ if assert.Equal(t, 6, len(collectedArr)) {
+ assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[0], 0)
+ assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[1], 1)
+ assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[2], 2)
+ assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[3], 3)
+ assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
+ assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 9cdfa9f9f..5e020f310 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -12,15 +12,11 @@ import (
// JSON converts the contained object to a JSON string
// representation
func (m Map) JSON() (string, error) {
result, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
err = errors.New("objx: JSON encode failed with: " + err.Error())
return string(result), err
// MustJSON converts the contained object to a JSON string
@@ -36,7 +32,6 @@ func (m Map) MustJSON() string {
// Base64 converts the contained object to a Base64 string
// representation of the JSON string representation
func (m Map) Base64() (string, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
jsonData, err := m.JSON()
@@ -45,11 +40,13 @@ func (m Map) Base64() (string, error) {
encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, &buf)
- encoder.Write([]byte(jsonData))
- encoder.Close()
+ _, err = encoder.Write([]byte(jsonData))
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ _ = encoder.Close()
return buf.String(), nil
// MustBase64 converts the contained object to a Base64 string
@@ -67,16 +64,13 @@ func (m Map) MustBase64() string {
// representation of the JSON string representation and signs it
// using the provided key.
func (m Map) SignedBase64(key string) (string, error) {
base64, err := m.Base64()
if err != nil {
return "", err
sig := HashWithKey(base64, key)
return base64 + SignatureSeparator + sig, nil
// MustSignedBase64 converts the contained object to a Base64 string
@@ -98,14 +92,11 @@ func (m Map) MustSignedBase64(key string) string {
// URLValues creates a url.Values object from an Obj. This
// function requires that the wrapped object be a map[string]interface{}
func (m Map) URLValues() url.Values {
vals := make(url.Values)
for k, v := range m {
//TODO: can this be done without sprintf?
vals.Set(k, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return vals
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index e9ccd2987..4584208d8 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ "net/url"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func TestConversionJSON(t *testing.T) {
jsonString := `{"name":"Mat"}`
- o := MustFromJSON(jsonString)
+ o := objx.MustFromJSON(jsonString)
result, err := o.JSON()
- if assert.NoError(t, err) {
- assert.Equal(t, jsonString, result)
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equal(t, jsonString, result)
assert.Equal(t, jsonString, o.MustJSON())
func TestConversionJSONWithError(t *testing.T) {
- o := MSI()
+ o := objx.MSI()
o["test"] = func() {}
assert.Panics(t, func() {
@@ -32,26 +31,20 @@ func TestConversionJSONWithError(t *testing.T) {
_, err := o.JSON()
assert.Error(t, err)
func TestConversionBase64(t *testing.T) {
- o := New(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Mat"})
+ o := objx.Map{"name": "Mat"}
result, err := o.Base64()
- if assert.NoError(t, err) {
- assert.Equal(t, "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=", result)
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equal(t, "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=", result)
assert.Equal(t, "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=", o.MustBase64())
func TestConversionBase64WithError(t *testing.T) {
- o := MSI()
+ o := objx.MSI()
o["test"] = func() {}
assert.Panics(t, func() {
@@ -61,26 +54,20 @@ func TestConversionBase64WithError(t *testing.T) {
_, err := o.Base64()
assert.Error(t, err)
func TestConversionSignedBase64(t *testing.T) {
- o := New(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Mat"})
+ o := objx.Map{"name": "Mat"}
result, err := o.SignedBase64("key")
- if assert.NoError(t, err) {
- assert.Equal(t, "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=_67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6", result)
- }
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equal(t, "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=_67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6", result)
assert.Equal(t, "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=_67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6", o.MustSignedBase64("key"))
func TestConversionSignedBase64WithError(t *testing.T) {
- o := MSI()
+ o := objx.MSI()
o["test"] = func() {}
assert.Panics(t, func() {
@@ -90,5 +77,20 @@ func TestConversionSignedBase64WithError(t *testing.T) {
_, err := o.SignedBase64("key")
assert.Error(t, err)
+func TestConversionURLValues(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{"abc": 123, "name": "Mat"}
+ u := m.URLValues()
+ assert.Equal(t, url.Values{"abc": []string{"123"}, "name": []string{"Mat"}}, u)
+func TestConversionURLQuery(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{"abc": 123, "name": "Mat"}
+ u, err := m.URLQuery()
+ assert.Nil(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, u)
+ assert.Equal(t, "abc=123&name=Mat", u)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 47bf85e46..6d6af1a83 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,72 +1,66 @@
-// objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data.
-// Overview
-// Objx provides the `objx.Map` type, which is a `map[string]interface{}` that exposes
-// a powerful `Get` method (among others) that allows you to easily and quickly get
-// access to data within the map, without having to worry too much about type assertions,
-// missing data, default values etc.
-// Pattern
-// Objx uses a preditable pattern to make access data from within `map[string]interface{}'s
-// easy.
-// Call one of the `objx.` functions to create your `objx.Map` to get going:
-// m, err := objx.FromJSON(json)
-// NOTE: Any methods or functions with the `Must` prefix will panic if something goes wrong,
-// the rest will be optimistic and try to figure things out without panicking.
-// Use `Get` to access the value you're interested in. You can use dot and array
-// notation too:
-// m.Get("places[0].latlng")
-// Once you have saught the `Value` you're interested in, you can use the `Is*` methods
-// to determine its type.
-// if m.Get("code").IsStr() { /* ... */ }
-// Or you can just assume the type, and use one of the strong type methods to
-// extract the real value:
-// m.Get("code").Int()
-// If there's no value there (or if it's the wrong type) then a default value
-// will be returned, or you can be explicit about the default value.
-// Get("code").Int(-1)
-// If you're dealing with a slice of data as a value, Objx provides many useful
-// methods for iterating, manipulating and selecting that data. You can find out more
-// by exploring the index below.
-// Reading data
-// A simple example of how to use Objx:
-// // use MustFromJSON to make an objx.Map from some JSON
-// m := objx.MustFromJSON(`{"name": "Mat", "age": 30}`)
-// // get the details
-// name := m.Get("name").Str()
-// age := m.Get("age").Int()
-// // get their nickname (or use their name if they
-// // don't have one)
-// nickname := m.Get("nickname").Str(name)
-// Ranging
-// Since `objx.Map` is a `map[string]interface{}` you can treat it as such. For
-// example, to `range` the data, do what you would expect:
-// m := objx.MustFromJSON(json)
-// for key, value := range m {
-// /* ... do your magic ... */
-// }
+Objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data.
+Objx provides the `objx.Map` type, which is a `map[string]interface{}` that exposes
+a powerful `Get` method (among others) that allows you to easily and quickly get
+access to data within the map, without having to worry too much about type assertions,
+missing data, default values etc.
+Objx uses a preditable pattern to make access data from within `map[string]interface{}` easy.
+Call one of the `objx.` functions to create your `objx.Map` to get going:
+ m, err := objx.FromJSON(json)
+NOTE: Any methods or functions with the `Must` prefix will panic if something goes wrong,
+the rest will be optimistic and try to figure things out without panicking.
+Use `Get` to access the value you're interested in. You can use dot and array
+notation too:
+ m.Get("places[0].latlng")
+Once you have sought the `Value` you're interested in, you can use the `Is*` methods to determine its type.
+ if m.Get("code").IsStr() { // Your code... }
+Or you can just assume the type, and use one of the strong type methods to extract the real value:
+ m.Get("code").Int()
+If there's no value there (or if it's the wrong type) then a default value will be returned,
+or you can be explicit about the default value.
+ Get("code").Int(-1)
+If you're dealing with a slice of data as a value, Objx provides many useful methods for iterating,
+manipulating and selecting that data. You can find out more by exploring the index below.
+Reading data
+A simple example of how to use Objx:
+ // Use MustFromJSON to make an objx.Map from some JSON
+ m := objx.MustFromJSON(`{"name": "Mat", "age": 30}`)
+ // Get the details
+ name := m.Get("name").Str()
+ age := m.Get("age").Int()
+ // Get their nickname (or use their name if they don't have one)
+ nickname := m.Get("nickname").Str(name)
+Since `objx.Map` is a `map[string]interface{}` you can treat it as such.
+For example, to `range` the data, do what you would expect:
+ m := objx.MustFromJSON(json)
+ for key, value := range m {
+ // Your code...
+ }
package objx
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 27f7d9049..cefe8cdc6 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
var fixtures = []struct {
@@ -79,20 +81,16 @@ var fixtures = []struct {
func TestFixtures(t *testing.T) {
for _, fixture := range fixtures {
- m := MustFromJSON(
+ m := objx.MustFromJSON(
// get the value
t.Logf("Running get fixture: \"%s\" (%v)",, fixture)
value := m.Get(fixture.get.(string))
// make sure it matches
- assert.Equal(t, fixture.output,,
+ assert.Equal(t, fixture.output, value.Data(),
"Get fixture \"%s\" failed: %v",, fixture,
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index eb6ed8e28..406bc8926 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ func (m Map) Value() *Value {
// Nil represents a nil Map.
-var Nil Map = New(nil)
+var Nil = New(nil)
// New creates a new Map containing the map[string]interface{} in the data argument.
// If the data argument is not a map[string]interface, New attempts to call the
@@ -47,9 +47,8 @@ func New(data interface{}) Map {
// The arguments follow a key, value pattern.
-// Panics
-// Panics if any key arugment is non-string or if there are an odd number of arguments.
+// Returns nil if any key argument is non-string or if there are an odd number of arguments.
// Example
@@ -58,32 +57,25 @@ func New(data interface{}) Map {
// m := objx.MSI("name", "Mat", "age", 29, "subobj", objx.MSI("active", true))
// // creates an Map equivalent to
-// m := objx.New(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Mat", "age": 29, "subobj": map[string]interface{}{"active": true}})
+// m := objx.Map{"name": "Mat", "age": 29, "subobj": objx.Map{"active": true}}
func MSI(keyAndValuePairs ...interface{}) Map {
- newMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+ newMap := Map{}
keyAndValuePairsLen := len(keyAndValuePairs)
if keyAndValuePairsLen%2 != 0 {
- panic("objx: MSI must have an even number of arguments following the 'key, value' pattern.")
+ return nil
for i := 0; i < keyAndValuePairsLen; i = i + 2 {
key := keyAndValuePairs[i]
value := keyAndValuePairs[i+1]
// make sure the key is a string
keyString, keyStringOK := key.(string)
if !keyStringOK {
- panic("objx: MSI must follow 'string, interface{}' pattern. " + keyString + " is not a valid key.")
+ return nil
newMap[keyString] = value
- return New(newMap)
+ return newMap
// ****** Conversion Constructors
@@ -94,11 +86,9 @@ func MSI(keyAndValuePairs ...interface{}) Map {
// Panics if the JSON is invalid.
func MustFromJSON(jsonString string) Map {
o, err := FromJSON(jsonString)
if err != nil {
panic("objx: MustFromJSON failed with error: " + err.Error())
return o
@@ -107,16 +97,12 @@ func MustFromJSON(jsonString string) Map {
// Returns an error if the JSON is invalid.
func FromJSON(jsonString string) (Map, error) {
var data interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &data)
if err != nil {
return Nil, err
return New(data), nil
// FromBase64 creates a new Obj containing the data specified
@@ -124,14 +110,11 @@ func FromJSON(jsonString string) (Map, error) {
// The string is an encoded JSON string returned by Base64
func FromBase64(base64String string) (Map, error) {
decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, strings.NewReader(base64String))
decoded, err := ioutil.ReadAll(decoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return FromJSON(string(decoded))
@@ -140,13 +123,10 @@ func FromBase64(base64String string) (Map, error) {
// The string is an encoded JSON string returned by Base64
func MustFromBase64(base64String string) Map {
result, err := FromBase64(base64String)
if err != nil {
panic("objx: MustFromBase64 failed with error: " + err.Error())
return result
@@ -157,14 +137,13 @@ func MustFromBase64(base64String string) Map {
func FromSignedBase64(base64String, key string) (Map, error) {
parts := strings.Split(base64String, SignatureSeparator)
if len(parts) != 2 {
- return nil, errors.New("objx: Signed base64 string is malformed.")
+ return nil, errors.New("objx: Signed base64 string is malformed")
sig := HashWithKey(parts[0], key)
if parts[1] != sig {
- return nil, errors.New("objx: Signature for base64 data does not match.")
+ return nil, errors.New("objx: Signature for base64 data does not match")
return FromBase64(parts[0])
@@ -173,13 +152,10 @@ func FromSignedBase64(base64String, key string) (Map, error) {
// The string is an encoded JSON string returned by Base64
func MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, key string) Map {
result, err := FromSignedBase64(base64String, key)
if err != nil {
panic("objx: MustFromSignedBase64 failed with error: " + err.Error())
return result
@@ -188,19 +164,15 @@ func MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, key string) Map {
// For queries with multiple values, the first value is selected.
func FromURLQuery(query string) (Map, error) {
vals, err := url.ParseQuery(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- m := make(map[string]interface{})
+ m := Map{}
for k, vals := range vals {
m[k] = vals[0]
- return New(m), nil
+ return m, nil
// MustFromURLQuery generates a new Obj by parsing the specified
@@ -210,13 +182,9 @@ func FromURLQuery(query string) (Map, error) {
// Panics if it encounters an error
func MustFromURLQuery(query string) Map {
o, err := FromURLQuery(query)
if err != nil {
panic("objx: MustFromURLQuery failed with error: " + err.Error())
return o
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6beb50675..000000000
--- a/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package objx
-var TestMap map[string]interface{} = map[string]interface{}{
- "name": "Tyler",
- "address": map[string]interface{}{
- "city": "Salt Lake City",
- "state": "UT",
- },
- "numbers": []interface{}{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"},
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 1f8b45c61..aa8e536b8 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,147 +1,172 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
-type Convertable struct {
- name string
+var TestMap = objx.Map{
+ "name": "Tyler",
+ "address": objx.Map{
+ "city": "Salt Lake City",
+ "state": "UT",
+ },
+ "numbers": []interface{}{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"},
-func (c *Convertable) MSI() map[string]interface{} {
- return map[string]interface{}{"name":}
+type Convertable struct {
+ name string
type Unconvertable struct {
name string
-func TestMapCreation(t *testing.T) {
+func (c *Convertable) MSI() map[string]interface{} {
+ return objx.Map{"name":}
- o := New(nil)
+func TestMapCreation(t *testing.T) {
+ o := objx.New(nil)
assert.Nil(t, o)
- o = New("Tyler")
+ o = objx.New("Tyler")
assert.Nil(t, o)
unconvertable := &Unconvertable{name: "Tyler"}
- o = New(unconvertable)
+ o = objx.New(unconvertable)
assert.Nil(t, o)
convertable := &Convertable{name: "Tyler"}
- o = New(convertable)
- if assert.NotNil(t, convertable) {
- assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", o["name"], "Tyler")
- }
+ o = objx.New(convertable)
+ require.NotNil(t, convertable)
+ assert.Equal(t, "Tyler", o["name"])
- o = MSI()
- if assert.NotNil(t, o) {
- assert.NotNil(t, o)
- }
+ o = objx.MSI()
+ assert.NotNil(t, o)
- o = MSI("name", "Tyler")
- if assert.NotNil(t, o) {
- if assert.NotNil(t, o) {
- assert.Equal(t, o["name"], "Tyler")
- }
+ o = objx.MSI("name", "Tyler")
+ require.NotNil(t, o)
+ assert.Equal(t, o["name"], "Tyler")
+ o = objx.MSI(1, "a")
+ assert.Nil(t, o)
+ o = objx.MSI("a")
+ assert.Nil(t, o)
+ o = objx.MSI("a", "b", "c")
+ assert.Nil(t, o)
+func TestMapValure(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "a": 1,
+ v := m.Value()
+ assert.Equal(t, m, v.ObjxMap())
func TestMapMustFromJSONWithError(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := FromJSON(`"name":"Mat"}`)
+ _, err := objx.FromJSON(`"name":"Mat"}`)
assert.Error(t, err)
func TestMapFromJSON(t *testing.T) {
+ o := objx.MustFromJSON(`{"name":"Mat"}`)
- o := MustFromJSON(`{"name":"Mat"}`)
- if assert.NotNil(t, o) {
- if assert.NotNil(t, o) {
- assert.Equal(t, "Mat", o["name"])
- }
- }
+ require.NotNil(t, o)
+ assert.Equal(t, "Mat", o["name"])
func TestMapFromJSONWithError(t *testing.T) {
- var m Map
+ var m objx.Map
assert.Panics(t, func() {
- m = MustFromJSON(`"name":"Mat"}`)
+ m = objx.MustFromJSON(`"name":"Mat"}`)
assert.Nil(t, m)
func TestMapFromBase64String(t *testing.T) {
base64String := "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0="
+ o, err := objx.FromBase64(base64String)
- o, err := FromBase64(base64String)
- if assert.NoError(t, err) {
- assert.Equal(t, o.Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
- }
- assert.Equal(t, MustFromBase64(base64String).Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equal(t, o.Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
+ assert.Equal(t, objx.MustFromBase64(base64String).Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
func TestMapFromBase64StringWithError(t *testing.T) {
base64String := "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWFasd0In0="
- _, err := FromBase64(base64String)
+ _, err := objx.FromBase64(base64String)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Panics(t, func() {
- MustFromBase64(base64String)
+ objx.MustFromBase64(base64String)
func TestMapFromSignedBase64String(t *testing.T) {
base64String := "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=_67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6"
- o, err := FromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
- if assert.NoError(t, err) {
- assert.Equal(t, o.Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
- }
- assert.Equal(t, MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, "key").Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
+ o, err := objx.FromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ require.NoError(t, err)
+ assert.Equal(t, o.Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
+ assert.Equal(t, objx.MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, "key").Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
func TestMapFromSignedBase64StringWithError(t *testing.T) {
base64String := "eyJuYW1lasdIjoiTWF0In0=_67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6"
- _, err := FromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ _, err := objx.FromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
assert.Error(t, err)
+ assert.Panics(t, func() {
+ objx.MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ })
+ base64String = "eyJuYW1lasdIjoiTWF0In0=67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6"
+ _, err = objx.FromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Panics(t, func() {
- MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ objx.MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ base64String = "eyJuYW1lIjoiTWF0In0=_67ee82916f90b2c0d68c903266e8998c9ef0c3d6_junk"
+ _, err = objx.FromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ assert.Error(t, err)
+ assert.Panics(t, func() {
+ objx.MustFromSignedBase64(base64String, "key")
+ })
func TestMapFromURLQuery(t *testing.T) {
+ m, err := objx.FromURLQuery("name=tyler&state=UT")
- m, err := FromURLQuery("name=tyler&state=UT")
- if assert.NoError(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, m) {
- assert.Equal(t, "tyler", m.Get("name").Str())
- assert.Equal(t, "UT", m.Get("state").Str())
- }
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ require.NotNil(t, m)
+ assert.Equal(t, "tyler", m.Get("name").Str())
+ assert.Equal(t, "UT", m.Get("state").Str())
+func TestMapMustFromURLQuery(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.MustFromURLQuery("name=tyler&state=UT")
+ require.NotNil(t, m)
+ assert.Equal(t, "tyler", m.Get("name").Str())
+ assert.Equal(t, "UT", m.Get("state").Str())
+func TestMapFromURLQueryWithError(t *testing.T) {
+ m, err := objx.FromURLQuery("%")
+ assert.Error(t, err)
+ assert.Nil(t, m)
+ assert.Panics(t, func() {
+ objx.MustFromURLQuery("%")
+ })
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index b35c86392..c3400a3f7 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -2,32 +2,23 @@ package objx
// Exclude returns a new Map with the keys in the specified []string
// excluded.
-func (d Map) Exclude(exclude []string) Map {
+func (m Map) Exclude(exclude []string) Map {
excluded := make(Map)
- for k, v := range d {
- var shouldInclude bool = true
- for _, toExclude := range exclude {
- if k == toExclude {
- shouldInclude = false
- break
- }
- }
- if shouldInclude {
+ for k, v := range m {
+ if !contains(exclude, k) {
excluded[k] = v
return excluded
// Copy creates a shallow copy of the Obj.
func (m Map) Copy() Map {
- copied := make(map[string]interface{})
+ copied := Map{}
for k, v := range m {
copied[k] = v
- return New(copied)
+ return copied
// Merge blends the specified map with a copy of this map and returns the result.
@@ -38,31 +29,28 @@ func (m Map) Merge(merge Map) Map {
return m.Copy().MergeHere(merge)
-// Merge blends the specified map with this map and returns the current map.
+// MergeHere blends the specified map with this map and returns the current map.
-// Keys that appear in both will be selected from the specified map. The original map
+// Keys that appear in both will be selected from the specified map. The original map
// will be modified. This method requires that
// the wrapped object be a map[string]interface{}
func (m Map) MergeHere(merge Map) Map {
for k, v := range merge {
m[k] = v
return m
// Transform builds a new Obj giving the transformer a chance
// to change the keys and values as it goes. This method requires that
// the wrapped object be a map[string]interface{}
func (m Map) Transform(transformer func(key string, value interface{}) (string, interface{})) Map {
- newMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+ newMap := Map{}
for k, v := range m {
modifiedKey, modifiedVal := transformer(k, v)
newMap[modifiedKey] = modifiedVal
- return New(newMap)
+ return newMap
// TransformKeys builds a new map using the specified key mapping.
@@ -71,11 +59,19 @@ func (m Map) Transform(transformer func(key string, value interface{}) (string,
// This method requires that the wrapped object be a map[string]interface{}
func (m Map) TransformKeys(mapping map[string]string) Map {
return m.Transform(func(key string, value interface{}) (string, interface{}) {
if newKey, ok := mapping[key]; ok {
return newKey, value
return key, value
+// Checks if a string slice contains a string
+func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
+ for _, a := range s {
+ if a == e {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index e20ee23bc..40901ceba 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,77 +1,106 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func TestExclude(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Mat",
+ "age": 29,
+ "secret": "ABC",
+ }
- d := make(Map)
- d["name"] = "Mat"
- d["age"] = 29
- d["secret"] = "ABC"
+ excluded := m.Exclude([]string{"secret"})
- excluded := d.Exclude([]string{"secret"})
- assert.Equal(t, d["name"], excluded["name"])
- assert.Equal(t, d["age"], excluded["age"])
+ assert.Equal(t, m["name"], excluded["name"])
+ assert.Equal(t, m["age"], excluded["age"])
assert.False(t, excluded.Has("secret"), "secret should be excluded")
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
+ m1 := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Tyler",
+ "location": "UT",
+ }
- d1 := make(map[string]interface{})
- d1["name"] = "Tyler"
- d1["location"] = "UT"
+ m2 := m1.Copy()
+ require.NotNil(t, m2)
+ m2["name"] = "Mat"
- d1Obj := New(d1)
- d2Obj := d1Obj.Copy()
- d2Obj["name"] = "Mat"
- assert.Equal(t, d1Obj.Get("name").Str(), "Tyler")
- assert.Equal(t, d2Obj.Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
+ assert.Equal(t, m1.Get("name").Str(), "Tyler")
+ assert.Equal(t, m2.Get("name").Str(), "Mat")
func TestMerge(t *testing.T) {
- d := make(map[string]interface{})
- d["name"] = "Mat"
- d1 := make(map[string]interface{})
- d1["name"] = "Tyler"
- d1["location"] = "UT"
- dObj := New(d)
- d1Obj := New(d1)
- merged := dObj.Merge(d1Obj)
- assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("name").Str(), d1Obj.Get("name").Str())
- assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("location").Str(), d1Obj.Get("location").Str())
- assert.Empty(t, dObj.Get("location").Str())
+ m1 := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Mat",
+ }
+ m2 := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Tyler",
+ "location": "UT",
+ }
+ merged := m1.Merge(m2)
+ assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("name").Str(), m2.Get("name").Str())
+ assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("location").Str(), m2.Get("location").Str())
+ assert.Empty(t, m1.Get("location").Str())
func TestMergeHere(t *testing.T) {
+ m1 := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Mat",
+ }
+ m2 := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Tyler",
+ "location": "UT",
+ }
+ merged := m1.MergeHere(m2)
+ assert.Equal(t, m1, merged, "With MergeHere, it should return the first modified map")
+ assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("name").Str(), m2.Get("name").Str())
+ assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("location").Str(), m2.Get("location").Str())
+ assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("location").Str(), m1.Get("location").Str())
- d := make(map[string]interface{})
- d["name"] = "Mat"
- d1 := make(map[string]interface{})
- d1["name"] = "Tyler"
- d1["location"] = "UT"
- dObj := New(d)
- d1Obj := New(d1)
+func TestTransform(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "name": "Mat",
+ "location": "UK",
+ }
+ r := m.Transform(keyToUpper)
+ assert.Equal(t, objx.Map{
+ "NAME": "Mat",
+ }, r)
- merged := dObj.MergeHere(d1Obj)
+func TestTransformKeys(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "a": "1",
+ "b": "2",
+ "c": "3",
+ }
+ mapping := map[string]string{
+ "a": "d",
+ "b": "e",
+ }
+ r := m.TransformKeys(mapping)
+ assert.Equal(t, objx.Map{
+ "c": "3",
+ "d": "1",
+ "e": "2",
+ }, r)
- assert.Equal(t, dObj, merged, "With MergeHere, it should return the first modified map")
- assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("name").Str(), d1Obj.Get("name").Str())
- assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("location").Str(), d1Obj.Get("location").Str())
- assert.Equal(t, merged.Get("location").Str(), dObj.Get("location").Str())
+func keyToUpper(s string, v interface{}) (string, interface{}) {
+ return strings.ToUpper(s), v
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index fdd6be9cf..692be8e2a 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ import (
-// HashWithKey hashes the specified string using the security
-// key.
+// HashWithKey hashes the specified string using the security key
func HashWithKey(data, key string) string {
- hash := sha1.New()
- hash.Write([]byte(data + ":" + key))
- return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
+ d := sha1.Sum([]byte(data + ":" + key))
+ return hex.EncodeToString(d[:])
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 8f0898f62..8c623db91 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func TestHashWithKey(t *testing.T) {
- assert.Equal(t, "0ce84d8d01f2c7b6e0882b784429c54d280ea2d9", HashWithKey("abc", "def"))
+ assert.Equal(t, "0ce84d8d01f2c7b6e0882b784429c54d280ea2d9", objx.HashWithKey("abc", "def"))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 5408c7fd3..403753d65 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
func TestSimpleExample(t *testing.T) {
// build a map from a JSON object
- o := MustFromJSON(`{"name":"Mat","foods":["indian","chinese"], "location":{"county":"hobbiton","city":"the shire"}}`)
+ o := objx.MustFromJSON(`{"name":"Mat","foods":["indian","chinese"], "location":{"county":"hobbiton","city":"the shire"}}`)
// Map can be used as a straight map[string]interface{}
assert.Equal(t, o["name"], "Mat")
// Get an Value object
v := o.Get("name")
- assert.Equal(t, v, &Value{data: "Mat"})
+ require.NotNil(t, v)
// Test the contained value
assert.False(t, v.IsInt())
@@ -37,5 +39,4 @@ func TestSimpleExample(t *testing.T) {
// Get a value by using dot notation
assert.Equal(t, "hobbiton", o.Get("location.county").Str())
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index bcc1eb03d..94a8adaf6 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
import (
- ""
+ ""
+ ""
func TestHas(t *testing.T) {
- m := New(TestMap)
+ m := objx.Map(TestMap)
assert.True(t, m.Has("name"))
assert.True(t, m.Has("address.state"))
@@ -19,6 +20,6 @@ func TestHas(t *testing.T) {
assert.False(t, m.Has("numbers[5]"))
m = nil
- assert.False(t, m.Has("nothing"))
+ assert.False(t, m.Has("nothing"))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index f3ecb29b9..202a91f8c 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package objx
Inter (interface{} and []interface{})
- --------------------------------------------------
// Inter gets the value as a interface{}, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -60,44 +59,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsInterSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachInter(callback func(int, interface{}) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustInterSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereInter uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []interface{}. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereInter(decider func(int, interface{}) bool) *Value {
var selected []interface{}
v.EachInter(func(index int, val interface{}) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupInter uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]interface{}.
func (v *Value) GroupInter(grouper func(int, interface{}) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]interface{})
v.EachInter(func(index int, val interface{}) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -106,47 +96,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupInter(grouper func(int, interface{}) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceInter uses the specified function to replace each interface{}s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []interface{} containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceInter(replacer func(int, interface{}) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustInterSlice()
replaced := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInter(func(index int, val interface{}) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectInter uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the interface{}s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectInter(collector func(int, interface{}) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustInterSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInter(func(index int, val interface{}) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
MSI (map[string]interface{} and []map[string]interface{})
- --------------------------------------------------
// MSI gets the value as a map[string]interface{}, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -204,44 +184,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsMSISlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachMSI(callback func(int, map[string]interface{}) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustMSISlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereMSI uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []map[string]interface{}. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereMSI(decider func(int, map[string]interface{}) bool) *Value {
var selected []map[string]interface{}
v.EachMSI(func(index int, val map[string]interface{}) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupMSI uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]map[string]interface{}.
func (v *Value) GroupMSI(grouper func(int, map[string]interface{}) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]map[string]interface{})
v.EachMSI(func(index int, val map[string]interface{}) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -250,47 +221,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupMSI(grouper func(int, map[string]interface{}) string) *Valu
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceMSI uses the specified function to replace each map[string]interface{}s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []map[string]interface{} containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceMSI(replacer func(int, map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustMSISlice()
replaced := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachMSI(func(index int, val map[string]interface{}) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectMSI uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the map[string]interface{}s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectMSI(collector func(int, map[string]interface{}) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustMSISlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachMSI(func(index int, val map[string]interface{}) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
ObjxMap ((Map) and [](Map))
- --------------------------------------------------
// ObjxMap gets the value as a (Map), returns the optionalDefault
@@ -348,44 +309,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsObjxMapSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachObjxMap(callback func(int, Map) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustObjxMapSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereObjxMap uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the [](Map). The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereObjxMap(decider func(int, Map) bool) *Value {
var selected [](Map)
v.EachObjxMap(func(index int, val Map) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupObjxMap uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][](Map).
func (v *Value) GroupObjxMap(grouper func(int, Map) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][](Map))
v.EachObjxMap(func(index int, val Map) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -394,47 +346,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupObjxMap(grouper func(int, Map) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceObjxMap uses the specified function to replace each (Map)s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// [](Map) containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceObjxMap(replacer func(int, Map) Map) *Value {
arr := v.MustObjxMapSlice()
replaced := make([](Map), len(arr))
v.EachObjxMap(func(index int, val Map) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectObjxMap uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the (Map)s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectObjxMap(collector func(int, Map) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustObjxMapSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachObjxMap(func(index int, val Map) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Bool (bool and []bool)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Bool gets the value as a bool, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -492,44 +434,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsBoolSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachBool(callback func(int, bool) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustBoolSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereBool uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []bool. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereBool(decider func(int, bool) bool) *Value {
var selected []bool
v.EachBool(func(index int, val bool) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupBool uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]bool.
func (v *Value) GroupBool(grouper func(int, bool) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]bool)
v.EachBool(func(index int, val bool) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -538,47 +471,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupBool(grouper func(int, bool) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceBool uses the specified function to replace each bools
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []bool containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceBool(replacer func(int, bool) bool) *Value {
arr := v.MustBoolSlice()
replaced := make([]bool, len(arr))
v.EachBool(func(index int, val bool) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectBool uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the bools in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectBool(collector func(int, bool) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustBoolSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachBool(func(index int, val bool) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Str (string and []string)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Str gets the value as a string, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -636,44 +559,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsStrSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachStr(callback func(int, string) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustStrSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereStr uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []string. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereStr(decider func(int, string) bool) *Value {
var selected []string
v.EachStr(func(index int, val string) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupStr uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]string.
func (v *Value) GroupStr(grouper func(int, string) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]string)
v.EachStr(func(index int, val string) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -682,47 +596,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupStr(grouper func(int, string) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceStr uses the specified function to replace each strings
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []string containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceStr(replacer func(int, string) string) *Value {
arr := v.MustStrSlice()
replaced := make([]string, len(arr))
v.EachStr(func(index int, val string) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectStr uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the strings in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectStr(collector func(int, string) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustStrSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachStr(func(index int, val string) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Int (int and []int)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Int gets the value as a int, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -780,44 +684,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsIntSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachInt(callback func(int, int) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustIntSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereInt uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []int. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereInt(decider func(int, int) bool) *Value {
var selected []int
v.EachInt(func(index int, val int) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupInt uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]int.
func (v *Value) GroupInt(grouper func(int, int) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]int)
v.EachInt(func(index int, val int) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -826,47 +721,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupInt(grouper func(int, int) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceInt uses the specified function to replace each ints
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []int containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceInt(replacer func(int, int) int) *Value {
arr := v.MustIntSlice()
replaced := make([]int, len(arr))
v.EachInt(func(index int, val int) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectInt uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the ints in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectInt(collector func(int, int) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustIntSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInt(func(index int, val int) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Int8 (int8 and []int8)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Int8 gets the value as a int8, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -924,44 +809,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsInt8Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachInt8(callback func(int, int8) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustInt8Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereInt8 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []int8. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereInt8(decider func(int, int8) bool) *Value {
var selected []int8
v.EachInt8(func(index int, val int8) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupInt8 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]int8.
func (v *Value) GroupInt8(grouper func(int, int8) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]int8)
v.EachInt8(func(index int, val int8) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -970,47 +846,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupInt8(grouper func(int, int8) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceInt8 uses the specified function to replace each int8s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []int8 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceInt8(replacer func(int, int8) int8) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt8Slice()
replaced := make([]int8, len(arr))
v.EachInt8(func(index int, val int8) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectInt8 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the int8s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectInt8(collector func(int, int8) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt8Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInt8(func(index int, val int8) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Int16 (int16 and []int16)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Int16 gets the value as a int16, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1068,44 +934,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsInt16Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachInt16(callback func(int, int16) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustInt16Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereInt16 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []int16. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereInt16(decider func(int, int16) bool) *Value {
var selected []int16
v.EachInt16(func(index int, val int16) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupInt16 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]int16.
func (v *Value) GroupInt16(grouper func(int, int16) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]int16)
v.EachInt16(func(index int, val int16) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1114,47 +971,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupInt16(grouper func(int, int16) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceInt16 uses the specified function to replace each int16s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []int16 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceInt16(replacer func(int, int16) int16) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt16Slice()
replaced := make([]int16, len(arr))
v.EachInt16(func(index int, val int16) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectInt16 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the int16s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectInt16(collector func(int, int16) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt16Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInt16(func(index int, val int16) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Int32 (int32 and []int32)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Int32 gets the value as a int32, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1212,44 +1059,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsInt32Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachInt32(callback func(int, int32) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustInt32Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereInt32 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []int32. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereInt32(decider func(int, int32) bool) *Value {
var selected []int32
v.EachInt32(func(index int, val int32) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupInt32 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]int32.
func (v *Value) GroupInt32(grouper func(int, int32) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]int32)
v.EachInt32(func(index int, val int32) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1258,47 +1096,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupInt32(grouper func(int, int32) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceInt32 uses the specified function to replace each int32s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []int32 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceInt32(replacer func(int, int32) int32) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt32Slice()
replaced := make([]int32, len(arr))
v.EachInt32(func(index int, val int32) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectInt32 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the int32s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectInt32(collector func(int, int32) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt32Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInt32(func(index int, val int32) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Int64 (int64 and []int64)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Int64 gets the value as a int64, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1356,44 +1184,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsInt64Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachInt64(callback func(int, int64) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustInt64Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereInt64 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []int64. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereInt64(decider func(int, int64) bool) *Value {
var selected []int64
v.EachInt64(func(index int, val int64) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupInt64 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]int64.
func (v *Value) GroupInt64(grouper func(int, int64) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]int64)
v.EachInt64(func(index int, val int64) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1402,47 +1221,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupInt64(grouper func(int, int64) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceInt64 uses the specified function to replace each int64s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []int64 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceInt64(replacer func(int, int64) int64) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt64Slice()
replaced := make([]int64, len(arr))
v.EachInt64(func(index int, val int64) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectInt64 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the int64s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectInt64(collector func(int, int64) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustInt64Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachInt64(func(index int, val int64) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Uint (uint and []uint)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Uint gets the value as a uint, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1500,44 +1309,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsUintSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachUint(callback func(int, uint) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustUintSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereUint uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []uint. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereUint(decider func(int, uint) bool) *Value {
var selected []uint
v.EachUint(func(index int, val uint) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupUint uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]uint.
func (v *Value) GroupUint(grouper func(int, uint) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]uint)
v.EachUint(func(index int, val uint) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1546,47 +1346,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupUint(grouper func(int, uint) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceUint uses the specified function to replace each uints
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []uint containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceUint(replacer func(int, uint) uint) *Value {
arr := v.MustUintSlice()
replaced := make([]uint, len(arr))
v.EachUint(func(index int, val uint) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectUint uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the uints in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectUint(collector func(int, uint) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustUintSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachUint(func(index int, val uint) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Uint8 (uint8 and []uint8)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Uint8 gets the value as a uint8, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1644,44 +1434,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsUint8Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachUint8(callback func(int, uint8) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustUint8Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereUint8 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []uint8. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereUint8(decider func(int, uint8) bool) *Value {
var selected []uint8
v.EachUint8(func(index int, val uint8) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupUint8 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]uint8.
func (v *Value) GroupUint8(grouper func(int, uint8) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]uint8)
v.EachUint8(func(index int, val uint8) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1690,47 +1471,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupUint8(grouper func(int, uint8) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceUint8 uses the specified function to replace each uint8s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []uint8 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceUint8(replacer func(int, uint8) uint8) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint8Slice()
replaced := make([]uint8, len(arr))
v.EachUint8(func(index int, val uint8) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectUint8 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the uint8s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectUint8(collector func(int, uint8) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint8Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachUint8(func(index int, val uint8) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Uint16 (uint16 and []uint16)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Uint16 gets the value as a uint16, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1788,44 +1559,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsUint16Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachUint16(callback func(int, uint16) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustUint16Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereUint16 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []uint16. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereUint16(decider func(int, uint16) bool) *Value {
var selected []uint16
v.EachUint16(func(index int, val uint16) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupUint16 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]uint16.
func (v *Value) GroupUint16(grouper func(int, uint16) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]uint16)
v.EachUint16(func(index int, val uint16) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1834,47 +1596,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupUint16(grouper func(int, uint16) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceUint16 uses the specified function to replace each uint16s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []uint16 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceUint16(replacer func(int, uint16) uint16) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint16Slice()
replaced := make([]uint16, len(arr))
v.EachUint16(func(index int, val uint16) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectUint16 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the uint16s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectUint16(collector func(int, uint16) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint16Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachUint16(func(index int, val uint16) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Uint32 (uint32 and []uint32)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Uint32 gets the value as a uint32, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -1932,44 +1684,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsUint32Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachUint32(callback func(int, uint32) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustUint32Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereUint32 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []uint32. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereUint32(decider func(int, uint32) bool) *Value {
var selected []uint32
v.EachUint32(func(index int, val uint32) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupUint32 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]uint32.
func (v *Value) GroupUint32(grouper func(int, uint32) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]uint32)
v.EachUint32(func(index int, val uint32) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -1978,47 +1721,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupUint32(grouper func(int, uint32) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceUint32 uses the specified function to replace each uint32s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []uint32 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceUint32(replacer func(int, uint32) uint32) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint32Slice()
replaced := make([]uint32, len(arr))
v.EachUint32(func(index int, val uint32) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectUint32 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the uint32s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectUint32(collector func(int, uint32) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint32Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachUint32(func(index int, val uint32) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Uint64 (uint64 and []uint64)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Uint64 gets the value as a uint64, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -2076,44 +1809,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsUint64Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachUint64(callback func(int, uint64) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustUint64Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereUint64 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []uint64. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereUint64(decider func(int, uint64) bool) *Value {
var selected []uint64
v.EachUint64(func(index int, val uint64) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupUint64 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]uint64.
func (v *Value) GroupUint64(grouper func(int, uint64) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]uint64)
v.EachUint64(func(index int, val uint64) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -2122,47 +1846,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupUint64(grouper func(int, uint64) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceUint64 uses the specified function to replace each uint64s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []uint64 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceUint64(replacer func(int, uint64) uint64) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint64Slice()
replaced := make([]uint64, len(arr))
v.EachUint64(func(index int, val uint64) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectUint64 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the uint64s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectUint64(collector func(int, uint64) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustUint64Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachUint64(func(index int, val uint64) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Uintptr (uintptr and []uintptr)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Uintptr gets the value as a uintptr, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -2220,44 +1934,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsUintptrSlice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachUintptr(callback func(int, uintptr) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustUintptrSlice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereUintptr uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []uintptr. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereUintptr(decider func(int, uintptr) bool) *Value {
var selected []uintptr
v.EachUintptr(func(index int, val uintptr) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupUintptr uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]uintptr.
func (v *Value) GroupUintptr(grouper func(int, uintptr) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]uintptr)
v.EachUintptr(func(index int, val uintptr) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -2266,47 +1971,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupUintptr(grouper func(int, uintptr) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceUintptr uses the specified function to replace each uintptrs
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []uintptr containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceUintptr(replacer func(int, uintptr) uintptr) *Value {
arr := v.MustUintptrSlice()
replaced := make([]uintptr, len(arr))
v.EachUintptr(func(index int, val uintptr) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectUintptr uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the uintptrs in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectUintptr(collector func(int, uintptr) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustUintptrSlice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachUintptr(func(index int, val uintptr) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Float32 (float32 and []float32)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Float32 gets the value as a float32, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -2364,44 +2059,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsFloat32Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachFloat32(callback func(int, float32) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustFloat32Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereFloat32 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []float32. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereFloat32(decider func(int, float32) bool) *Value {
var selected []float32
v.EachFloat32(func(index int, val float32) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupFloat32 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]float32.
func (v *Value) GroupFloat32(grouper func(int, float32) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]float32)
v.EachFloat32(func(index int, val float32) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -2410,47 +2096,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupFloat32(grouper func(int, float32) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceFloat32 uses the specified function to replace each float32s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []float32 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceFloat32(replacer func(int, float32) float32) *Value {
arr := v.MustFloat32Slice()
replaced := make([]float32, len(arr))
v.EachFloat32(func(index int, val float32) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectFloat32 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the float32s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectFloat32(collector func(int, float32) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustFloat32Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachFloat32(func(index int, val float32) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Float64 (float64 and []float64)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Float64 gets the value as a float64, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -2508,44 +2184,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsFloat64Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachFloat64(callback func(int, float64) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustFloat64Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereFloat64 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []float64. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereFloat64(decider func(int, float64) bool) *Value {
var selected []float64
v.EachFloat64(func(index int, val float64) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupFloat64 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]float64.
func (v *Value) GroupFloat64(grouper func(int, float64) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]float64)
v.EachFloat64(func(index int, val float64) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -2554,47 +2221,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupFloat64(grouper func(int, float64) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceFloat64 uses the specified function to replace each float64s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []float64 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceFloat64(replacer func(int, float64) float64) *Value {
arr := v.MustFloat64Slice()
replaced := make([]float64, len(arr))
v.EachFloat64(func(index int, val float64) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectFloat64 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the float64s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectFloat64(collector func(int, float64) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustFloat64Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachFloat64(func(index int, val float64) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Complex64 (complex64 and []complex64)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Complex64 gets the value as a complex64, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -2652,44 +2309,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsComplex64Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachComplex64(callback func(int, complex64) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustComplex64Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereComplex64 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []complex64. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereComplex64(decider func(int, complex64) bool) *Value {
var selected []complex64
v.EachComplex64(func(index int, val complex64) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupComplex64 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]complex64.
func (v *Value) GroupComplex64(grouper func(int, complex64) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]complex64)
v.EachComplex64(func(index int, val complex64) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -2698,47 +2346,37 @@ func (v *Value) GroupComplex64(grouper func(int, complex64) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceComplex64 uses the specified function to replace each complex64s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []complex64 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceComplex64(replacer func(int, complex64) complex64) *Value {
arr := v.MustComplex64Slice()
replaced := make([]complex64, len(arr))
v.EachComplex64(func(index int, val complex64) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectComplex64 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the complex64s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectComplex64(collector func(int, complex64) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustComplex64Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachComplex64(func(index int, val complex64) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
Complex128 (complex128 and []complex128)
- --------------------------------------------------
// Complex128 gets the value as a complex128, returns the optionalDefault
@@ -2796,44 +2434,35 @@ func (v *Value) IsComplex128Slice() bool {
// Panics if the object is the wrong type.
func (v *Value) EachComplex128(callback func(int, complex128) bool) *Value {
for index, val := range v.MustComplex128Slice() {
carryon := callback(index, val)
- if carryon == false {
+ if !carryon {
return v
// WhereComplex128 uses the specified decider function to select items
// from the []complex128. The object contained in the result will contain
// only the selected items.
func (v *Value) WhereComplex128(decider func(int, complex128) bool) *Value {
var selected []complex128
v.EachComplex128(func(index int, val complex128) bool {
shouldSelect := decider(index, val)
- if shouldSelect == false {
+ if !shouldSelect {
selected = append(selected, val)
return true
return &Value{data: selected}
// GroupComplex128 uses the specified grouper function to group the items
// keyed by the return of the grouper. The object contained in the
// result will contain a map[string][]complex128.
func (v *Value) GroupComplex128(grouper func(int, complex128) string) *Value {
groups := make(map[string][]complex128)
v.EachComplex128(func(index int, val complex128) bool {
group := grouper(index, val)
if _, ok := groups[group]; !ok {
@@ -2842,40 +2471,31 @@ func (v *Value) GroupComplex128(grouper func(int, complex128) string) *Value {
groups[group] = append(groups[group], val)
return true
return &Value{data: groups}
// ReplaceComplex128 uses the specified function to replace each complex128s
// by iterating each item. The data in the returned result will be a
// []complex128 containing the replaced items.
func (v *Value) ReplaceComplex128(replacer func(int, complex128) complex128) *Value {
arr := v.MustComplex128Slice()
replaced := make([]complex128, len(arr))
v.EachComplex128(func(index int, val complex128) bool {
replaced[index] = replacer(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: replaced}
// CollectComplex128 uses the specified collector function to collect a value
// for each of the complex128s in the slice. The data returned will be a
// []interface{}.
func (v *Value) CollectComplex128(collector func(int, complex128) interface{}) *Value {
arr := v.MustComplex128Slice()
collected := make([]interface{}, len(arr))
v.EachComplex128(func(index int, val complex128) bool {
collected[index] = collector(index, val)
return true
return &Value{data: collected}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index f7a4fceea..c79c7e034 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -2,84 +2,71 @@ package objx
import (
- ""
+ ""
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Inter (interface{} and []interface{})
func TestInter(t *testing.T) {
val := interface{}("something")
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Inter())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInter())
assert.Equal(t, interface{}(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Inter())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Inter("something"))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestInterSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := interface{}("something")
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []interface{}{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").InterSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInterSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []interface{}(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").InterSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").InterSlice([]interface{}{interface{}("something")})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsInter(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: interface{}("something")}
+ v := &Value{data: interface{}("something")}
assert.True(t, v.IsInter())
- v = &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something")}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsInterSlice())
+func TestIsInterSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something")}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsInterSlice())
func TestEachInter(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something")}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]interface{}, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachInter(func(i int, val interface{}) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustInterSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustInterSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustInterSlice()[2])
func TestWhereInter(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something")}}
selected := v.WhereInter(func(i int, val interface{}) bool {
@@ -87,11 +74,9 @@ func TestWhereInter(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupInter(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something")}}
grouped := v.GroupInter(func(i int, val interface{}) string {
@@ -101,11 +86,9 @@ func TestGroupInter(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceInter(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something")}}
rawArr := v.MustInterSlice()
@@ -126,11 +109,9 @@ func TestReplaceInter(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectInter(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []interface{}{interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something"), interface{}("something")}}
collected := v.CollectInter(func(index int, val interface{}) interface{} {
@@ -146,83 +127,68 @@ func TestCollectInter(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for MSI (map[string]interface{} and []map[string]interface{})
func TestMSI(t *testing.T) {
val := map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MSI())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustMSI())
assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").MSI())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").MSI(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestMSISlice(t *testing.T) {
val := map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []map[string]interface{}{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MSISlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustMSISlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []map[string]interface{}(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").MSISlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").MSISlice([]map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsMSI(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}
+ v := &Value{data: map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}
assert.True(t, v.IsMSI())
- v = &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsMSISlice())
+func TestIsMSISlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsMSISlice())
func TestEachMSI(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachMSI(func(i int, val map[string]interface{}) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustMSISlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustMSISlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustMSISlice()[2])
func TestWhereMSI(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
selected := v.WhereMSI(func(i int, val map[string]interface{}) bool {
@@ -230,11 +196,9 @@ func TestWhereMSI(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupMSI(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
grouped := v.GroupMSI(func(i int, val map[string]interface{}) string {
@@ -244,11 +208,9 @@ func TestGroupMSI(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceMSI(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
rawArr := v.MustMSISlice()
@@ -269,11 +231,9 @@ func TestReplaceMSI(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectMSI(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []map[string]interface{}{map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"}), map[string]interface{}(map[string]interface{}{"name": "Tyler"})}}
collected := v.CollectMSI(func(index int, val map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
@@ -289,83 +249,68 @@ func TestCollectMSI(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for ObjxMap ((Map) and [](Map))
func TestObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
val := (Map)(New(1))
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").ObjxMap())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustObjxMap())
assert.Equal(t, (Map)(New(nil)), New(m).Get("nothing").ObjxMap())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").ObjxMap(New(1)))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestObjxMapSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := (Map)(New(1))
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": [](Map){val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").ObjxMapSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustObjxMapSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, [](Map)(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").ObjxMapSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").ObjxMapSlice([](Map){(Map)(New(1))})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: (Map)(New(1))}
+ v := &Value{data: (Map)(New(1))}
assert.True(t, v.IsObjxMap())
- v = &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1))}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsObjxMapSlice())
+func TestIsObjxMapSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1))}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsObjxMapSlice())
func TestEachObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1))}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([](Map), 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachObjxMap(func(i int, val Map) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustObjxMapSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustObjxMapSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustObjxMapSlice()[2])
func TestWhereObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1))}}
selected := v.WhereObjxMap(func(i int, val Map) bool {
@@ -373,11 +318,9 @@ func TestWhereObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1))}}
grouped := v.GroupObjxMap(func(i int, val Map) string {
@@ -387,11 +330,9 @@ func TestGroupObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1))}}
rawArr := v.MustObjxMapSlice()
@@ -412,11 +353,9 @@ func TestReplaceObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: [](Map){(Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1)), (Map)(New(1))}}
collected := v.CollectObjxMap(func(index int, val Map) interface{} {
@@ -432,83 +371,68 @@ func TestCollectObjxMap(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Bool (bool and []bool)
func TestBool(t *testing.T) {
val := bool(true)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Bool())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustBool())
assert.Equal(t, bool(false), New(m).Get("nothing").Bool())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Bool(true))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestBoolSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := bool(true)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []bool{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").BoolSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustBoolSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []bool(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").BoolSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").BoolSlice([]bool{bool(true)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsBool(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: bool(true)}
+ v := &Value{data: bool(true)}
assert.True(t, v.IsBool())
- v = &Value{data: []bool{bool(true)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsBoolSlice())
+func TestIsBoolSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []bool{bool(true)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsBoolSlice())
func TestEachBool(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []bool{bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]bool, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachBool(func(i int, val bool) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustBoolSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustBoolSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustBoolSlice()[2])
func TestWhereBool(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []bool{bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true)}}
selected := v.WhereBool(func(i int, val bool) bool {
@@ -516,11 +440,9 @@ func TestWhereBool(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupBool(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []bool{bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true)}}
grouped := v.GroupBool(func(i int, val bool) string {
@@ -530,11 +452,9 @@ func TestGroupBool(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceBool(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []bool{bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true)}}
rawArr := v.MustBoolSlice()
@@ -555,11 +475,9 @@ func TestReplaceBool(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectBool(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []bool{bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true), bool(true)}}
collected := v.CollectBool(func(index int, val bool) interface{} {
@@ -575,83 +493,68 @@ func TestCollectBool(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Str (string and []string)
func TestStr(t *testing.T) {
val := string("hello")
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Str())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustStr())
assert.Equal(t, string(""), New(m).Get("nothing").Str())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Str("hello"))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestStrSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := string("hello")
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []string{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").StrSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustStrSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []string(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").StrSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").StrSlice([]string{string("hello")})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsStr(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: string("hello")}
+ v := &Value{data: string("hello")}
assert.True(t, v.IsStr())
- v = &Value{data: []string{string("hello")}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsStrSlice())
+func TestIsStrSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []string{string("hello")}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsStrSlice())
func TestEachStr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []string{string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello")}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]string, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachStr(func(i int, val string) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustStrSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustStrSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustStrSlice()[2])
func TestWhereStr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []string{string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello")}}
selected := v.WhereStr(func(i int, val string) bool {
@@ -659,11 +562,9 @@ func TestWhereStr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupStr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []string{string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello")}}
grouped := v.GroupStr(func(i int, val string) string {
@@ -673,11 +574,9 @@ func TestGroupStr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceStr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []string{string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello")}}
rawArr := v.MustStrSlice()
@@ -698,11 +597,9 @@ func TestReplaceStr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectStr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []string{string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello"), string("hello")}}
collected := v.CollectStr(func(index int, val string) interface{} {
@@ -718,83 +615,68 @@ func TestCollectStr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Int (int and []int)
func TestInt(t *testing.T) {
val := int(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt())
assert.Equal(t, int(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Int())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIntSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := int(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []int{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").IntSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustIntSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []int(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").IntSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").IntSlice([]int{int(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsInt(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: int(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: int(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsInt())
- v = &Value{data: []int{int(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsIntSlice())
+func TestIsIntSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []int{int(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsIntSlice())
func TestEachInt(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int{int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]int, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachInt(func(i int, val int) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustIntSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustIntSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustIntSlice()[2])
func TestWhereInt(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int{int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1)}}
selected := v.WhereInt(func(i int, val int) bool {
@@ -802,11 +684,9 @@ func TestWhereInt(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupInt(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int{int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupInt(func(i int, val int) string {
@@ -816,11 +696,9 @@ func TestGroupInt(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceInt(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int{int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustIntSlice()
@@ -841,11 +719,9 @@ func TestReplaceInt(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectInt(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int{int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1), int(1)}}
collected := v.CollectInt(func(index int, val int) interface{} {
@@ -861,83 +737,68 @@ func TestCollectInt(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Int8 (int8 and []int8)
func TestInt8(t *testing.T) {
val := int8(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int8())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt8())
assert.Equal(t, int8(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Int8())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int8(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestInt8Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := int8(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []int8{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int8Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt8Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []int8(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Int8Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int8Slice([]int8{int8(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsInt8(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: int8(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: int8(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsInt8())
- v = &Value{data: []int8{int8(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsInt8Slice())
+func TestIsInt8Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []int8{int8(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsInt8Slice())
func TestEachInt8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int8{int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]int8, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachInt8(func(i int, val int8) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustInt8Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustInt8Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustInt8Slice()[2])
func TestWhereInt8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int8{int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1)}}
selected := v.WhereInt8(func(i int, val int8) bool {
@@ -945,11 +806,9 @@ func TestWhereInt8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupInt8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int8{int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupInt8(func(i int, val int8) string {
@@ -959,11 +818,9 @@ func TestGroupInt8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceInt8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int8{int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustInt8Slice()
@@ -984,11 +841,9 @@ func TestReplaceInt8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectInt8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int8{int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1), int8(1)}}
collected := v.CollectInt8(func(index int, val int8) interface{} {
@@ -1004,83 +859,68 @@ func TestCollectInt8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Int16 (int16 and []int16)
func TestInt16(t *testing.T) {
val := int16(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int16())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt16())
assert.Equal(t, int16(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Int16())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int16(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestInt16Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := int16(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []int16{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int16Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt16Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []int16(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Int16Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int16Slice([]int16{int16(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsInt16(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: int16(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: int16(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsInt16())
- v = &Value{data: []int16{int16(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsInt16Slice())
+func TestIsInt16Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []int16{int16(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsInt16Slice())
func TestEachInt16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int16{int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]int16, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachInt16(func(i int, val int16) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustInt16Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustInt16Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustInt16Slice()[2])
func TestWhereInt16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int16{int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1)}}
selected := v.WhereInt16(func(i int, val int16) bool {
@@ -1088,11 +928,9 @@ func TestWhereInt16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupInt16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int16{int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupInt16(func(i int, val int16) string {
@@ -1102,11 +940,9 @@ func TestGroupInt16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceInt16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int16{int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustInt16Slice()
@@ -1127,11 +963,9 @@ func TestReplaceInt16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectInt16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int16{int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1), int16(1)}}
collected := v.CollectInt16(func(index int, val int16) interface{} {
@@ -1147,83 +981,68 @@ func TestCollectInt16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Int32 (int32 and []int32)
func TestInt32(t *testing.T) {
val := int32(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int32())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt32())
assert.Equal(t, int32(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Int32())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int32(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestInt32Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := int32(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []int32{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []int32(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Int32Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int32Slice([]int32{int32(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsInt32(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: int32(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: int32(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsInt32())
- v = &Value{data: []int32{int32(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsInt32Slice())
+func TestIsInt32Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []int32{int32(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsInt32Slice())
func TestEachInt32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int32{int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]int32, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachInt32(func(i int, val int32) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustInt32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustInt32Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustInt32Slice()[2])
func TestWhereInt32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int32{int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1)}}
selected := v.WhereInt32(func(i int, val int32) bool {
@@ -1231,11 +1050,9 @@ func TestWhereInt32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupInt32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int32{int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupInt32(func(i int, val int32) string {
@@ -1245,11 +1062,9 @@ func TestGroupInt32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceInt32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int32{int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustInt32Slice()
@@ -1270,11 +1085,9 @@ func TestReplaceInt32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectInt32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int32{int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1), int32(1)}}
collected := v.CollectInt32(func(index int, val int32) interface{} {
@@ -1290,83 +1103,68 @@ func TestCollectInt32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Int64 (int64 and []int64)
func TestInt64(t *testing.T) {
val := int64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt64())
assert.Equal(t, int64(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Int64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int64(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestInt64Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := int64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []int64{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Int64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustInt64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []int64(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Int64Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Int64Slice([]int64{int64(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsInt64(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: int64(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: int64(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsInt64())
- v = &Value{data: []int64{int64(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsInt64Slice())
+func TestIsInt64Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []int64{int64(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsInt64Slice())
func TestEachInt64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int64{int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]int64, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachInt64(func(i int, val int64) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustInt64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustInt64Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustInt64Slice()[2])
func TestWhereInt64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int64{int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1)}}
selected := v.WhereInt64(func(i int, val int64) bool {
@@ -1374,11 +1172,9 @@ func TestWhereInt64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupInt64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int64{int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupInt64(func(i int, val int64) string {
@@ -1388,11 +1184,9 @@ func TestGroupInt64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceInt64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int64{int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustInt64Slice()
@@ -1413,11 +1207,9 @@ func TestReplaceInt64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectInt64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []int64{int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1), int64(1)}}
collected := v.CollectInt64(func(index int, val int64) interface{} {
@@ -1433,83 +1225,68 @@ func TestCollectInt64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Uint (uint and []uint)
func TestUint(t *testing.T) {
val := uint(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint())
assert.Equal(t, uint(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestUintSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := uint(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []uint{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").UintSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUintSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []uint(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").UintSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").UintSlice([]uint{uint(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsUint(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: uint(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: uint(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsUint())
- v = &Value{data: []uint{uint(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsUintSlice())
+func TestIsUintSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []uint{uint(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsUintSlice())
func TestEachUint(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint{uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]uint, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachUint(func(i int, val uint) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustUintSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustUintSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustUintSlice()[2])
func TestWhereUint(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint{uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1)}}
selected := v.WhereUint(func(i int, val uint) bool {
@@ -1517,11 +1294,9 @@ func TestWhereUint(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupUint(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint{uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupUint(func(i int, val uint) string {
@@ -1531,11 +1306,9 @@ func TestGroupUint(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceUint(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint{uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustUintSlice()
@@ -1556,11 +1329,9 @@ func TestReplaceUint(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectUint(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint{uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1), uint(1)}}
collected := v.CollectUint(func(index int, val uint) interface{} {
@@ -1576,83 +1347,68 @@ func TestCollectUint(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Uint8 (uint8 and []uint8)
func TestUint8(t *testing.T) {
val := uint8(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint8())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint8())
assert.Equal(t, uint8(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint8())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint8(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestUint8Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := uint8(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []uint8{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint8Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint8Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []uint8(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint8Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint8Slice([]uint8{uint8(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsUint8(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: uint8(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: uint8(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsUint8())
- v = &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsUint8Slice())
+func TestIsUint8Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsUint8Slice())
func TestEachUint8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]uint8, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachUint8(func(i int, val uint8) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustUint8Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustUint8Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustUint8Slice()[2])
func TestWhereUint8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1)}}
selected := v.WhereUint8(func(i int, val uint8) bool {
@@ -1660,11 +1416,9 @@ func TestWhereUint8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupUint8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupUint8(func(i int, val uint8) string {
@@ -1674,11 +1428,9 @@ func TestGroupUint8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceUint8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustUint8Slice()
@@ -1699,11 +1451,9 @@ func TestReplaceUint8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectUint8(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint8{uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1), uint8(1)}}
collected := v.CollectUint8(func(index int, val uint8) interface{} {
@@ -1719,83 +1469,68 @@ func TestCollectUint8(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Uint16 (uint16 and []uint16)
func TestUint16(t *testing.T) {
val := uint16(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint16())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint16())
assert.Equal(t, uint16(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint16())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint16(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestUint16Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := uint16(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []uint16{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint16Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint16Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []uint16(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint16Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint16Slice([]uint16{uint16(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsUint16(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: uint16(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: uint16(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsUint16())
- v = &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsUint16Slice())
+func TestIsUint16Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsUint16Slice())
func TestEachUint16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]uint16, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachUint16(func(i int, val uint16) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustUint16Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustUint16Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustUint16Slice()[2])
func TestWhereUint16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1)}}
selected := v.WhereUint16(func(i int, val uint16) bool {
@@ -1803,11 +1538,9 @@ func TestWhereUint16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupUint16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupUint16(func(i int, val uint16) string {
@@ -1817,11 +1550,9 @@ func TestGroupUint16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceUint16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustUint16Slice()
@@ -1842,11 +1573,9 @@ func TestReplaceUint16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectUint16(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint16{uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1), uint16(1)}}
collected := v.CollectUint16(func(index int, val uint16) interface{} {
@@ -1862,83 +1591,68 @@ func TestCollectUint16(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Uint32 (uint32 and []uint32)
func TestUint32(t *testing.T) {
val := uint32(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint32())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint32())
assert.Equal(t, uint32(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint32())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint32(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestUint32Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := uint32(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []uint32{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []uint32(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint32Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint32Slice([]uint32{uint32(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsUint32(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: uint32(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: uint32(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsUint32())
- v = &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsUint32Slice())
+func TestIsUint32Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsUint32Slice())
func TestEachUint32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]uint32, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachUint32(func(i int, val uint32) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustUint32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustUint32Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustUint32Slice()[2])
func TestWhereUint32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1)}}
selected := v.WhereUint32(func(i int, val uint32) bool {
@@ -1946,11 +1660,9 @@ func TestWhereUint32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupUint32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupUint32(func(i int, val uint32) string {
@@ -1960,11 +1672,9 @@ func TestGroupUint32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceUint32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustUint32Slice()
@@ -1985,11 +1695,9 @@ func TestReplaceUint32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectUint32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint32{uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1), uint32(1)}}
collected := v.CollectUint32(func(index int, val uint32) interface{} {
@@ -2005,83 +1713,68 @@ func TestCollectUint32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Uint64 (uint64 and []uint64)
func TestUint64(t *testing.T) {
val := uint64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint64())
assert.Equal(t, uint64(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint64(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestUint64Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := uint64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []uint64{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uint64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUint64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []uint64(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Uint64Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uint64Slice([]uint64{uint64(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsUint64(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: uint64(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: uint64(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsUint64())
- v = &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsUint64Slice())
+func TestIsUint64Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsUint64Slice())
func TestEachUint64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]uint64, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachUint64(func(i int, val uint64) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustUint64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustUint64Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustUint64Slice()[2])
func TestWhereUint64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1)}}
selected := v.WhereUint64(func(i int, val uint64) bool {
@@ -2089,11 +1782,9 @@ func TestWhereUint64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupUint64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupUint64(func(i int, val uint64) string {
@@ -2103,11 +1794,9 @@ func TestGroupUint64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceUint64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustUint64Slice()
@@ -2128,11 +1817,9 @@ func TestReplaceUint64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectUint64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uint64{uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1), uint64(1)}}
collected := v.CollectUint64(func(index int, val uint64) interface{} {
@@ -2148,83 +1835,68 @@ func TestCollectUint64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Uintptr (uintptr and []uintptr)
func TestUintptr(t *testing.T) {
val := uintptr(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Uintptr())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUintptr())
assert.Equal(t, uintptr(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Uintptr())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Uintptr(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestUintptrSlice(t *testing.T) {
val := uintptr(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []uintptr{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").UintptrSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustUintptrSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []uintptr(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").UintptrSlice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").UintptrSlice([]uintptr{uintptr(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsUintptr(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: uintptr(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: uintptr(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsUintptr())
- v = &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsUintptrSlice())
+func TestIsUintptrSlice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsUintptrSlice())
func TestEachUintptr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]uintptr, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachUintptr(func(i int, val uintptr) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustUintptrSlice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustUintptrSlice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustUintptrSlice()[2])
func TestWhereUintptr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1)}}
selected := v.WhereUintptr(func(i int, val uintptr) bool {
@@ -2232,11 +1904,9 @@ func TestWhereUintptr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupUintptr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupUintptr(func(i int, val uintptr) string {
@@ -2246,11 +1916,9 @@ func TestGroupUintptr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceUintptr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustUintptrSlice()
@@ -2271,11 +1939,9 @@ func TestReplaceUintptr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectUintptr(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []uintptr{uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1), uintptr(1)}}
collected := v.CollectUintptr(func(index int, val uintptr) interface{} {
@@ -2291,83 +1957,68 @@ func TestCollectUintptr(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Float32 (float32 and []float32)
func TestFloat32(t *testing.T) {
val := float32(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Float32())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustFloat32())
assert.Equal(t, float32(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Float32())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Float32(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestFloat32Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := float32(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []float32{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Float32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustFloat32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []float32(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Float32Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Float32Slice([]float32{float32(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsFloat32(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: float32(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: float32(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsFloat32())
- v = &Value{data: []float32{float32(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsFloat32Slice())
+func TestIsFloat32Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []float32{float32(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsFloat32Slice())
func TestEachFloat32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float32{float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]float32, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachFloat32(func(i int, val float32) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustFloat32Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustFloat32Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustFloat32Slice()[2])
func TestWhereFloat32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float32{float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1)}}
selected := v.WhereFloat32(func(i int, val float32) bool {
@@ -2375,11 +2026,9 @@ func TestWhereFloat32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupFloat32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float32{float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupFloat32(func(i int, val float32) string {
@@ -2389,11 +2038,9 @@ func TestGroupFloat32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceFloat32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float32{float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustFloat32Slice()
@@ -2414,11 +2061,9 @@ func TestReplaceFloat32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectFloat32(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float32{float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1), float32(1)}}
collected := v.CollectFloat32(func(index int, val float32) interface{} {
@@ -2434,83 +2079,68 @@ func TestCollectFloat32(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Float64 (float64 and []float64)
func TestFloat64(t *testing.T) {
val := float64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Float64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustFloat64())
assert.Equal(t, float64(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Float64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Float64(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestFloat64Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := float64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []float64{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Float64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustFloat64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []float64(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Float64Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Float64Slice([]float64{float64(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsFloat64(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: float64(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: float64(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsFloat64())
- v = &Value{data: []float64{float64(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsFloat64Slice())
+func TestIsFloat64Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []float64{float64(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsFloat64Slice())
func TestEachFloat64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float64{float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]float64, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachFloat64(func(i int, val float64) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustFloat64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustFloat64Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustFloat64Slice()[2])
func TestWhereFloat64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float64{float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1)}}
selected := v.WhereFloat64(func(i int, val float64) bool {
@@ -2518,11 +2148,9 @@ func TestWhereFloat64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupFloat64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float64{float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupFloat64(func(i int, val float64) string {
@@ -2532,11 +2160,9 @@ func TestGroupFloat64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceFloat64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float64{float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustFloat64Slice()
@@ -2557,11 +2183,9 @@ func TestReplaceFloat64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectFloat64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []float64{float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1), float64(1)}}
collected := v.CollectFloat64(func(index int, val float64) interface{} {
@@ -2577,83 +2201,68 @@ func TestCollectFloat64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Complex64 (complex64 and []complex64)
func TestComplex64(t *testing.T) {
val := complex64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Complex64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustComplex64())
assert.Equal(t, complex64(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Complex64())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Complex64(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestComplex64Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := complex64(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []complex64{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Complex64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustComplex64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []complex64(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Complex64Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Complex64Slice([]complex64{complex64(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsComplex64(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: complex64(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: complex64(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsComplex64())
- v = &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsComplex64Slice())
+func TestIsComplex64Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsComplex64Slice())
func TestEachComplex64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]complex64, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachComplex64(func(i int, val complex64) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustComplex64Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustComplex64Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustComplex64Slice()[2])
func TestWhereComplex64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1)}}
selected := v.WhereComplex64(func(i int, val complex64) bool {
@@ -2661,11 +2270,9 @@ func TestWhereComplex64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupComplex64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupComplex64(func(i int, val complex64) string {
@@ -2675,11 +2282,9 @@ func TestGroupComplex64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceComplex64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustComplex64Slice()
@@ -2700,11 +2305,9 @@ func TestReplaceComplex64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectComplex64(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex64{complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1), complex64(1)}}
collected := v.CollectComplex64(func(index int, val complex64) interface{} {
@@ -2720,83 +2323,68 @@ func TestCollectComplex64(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
-// ************************************************************
-// ************************************************************
+ Tests for Complex128 (complex128 and []complex128)
func TestComplex128(t *testing.T) {
val := complex128(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": val, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Complex128())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustComplex128())
assert.Equal(t, complex128(0), New(m).Get("nothing").Complex128())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Complex128(1))
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestComplex128Slice(t *testing.T) {
val := complex128(1)
m := map[string]interface{}{"value": []complex128{val}, "nothing": nil}
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").Complex128Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("value").MustComplex128Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, []complex128(nil), New(m).Get("nothing").Complex128Slice())
assert.Equal(t, val, New(m).Get("nothing").Complex128Slice([]complex128{complex128(1)})[0])
assert.Panics(t, func() {
func TestIsComplex128(t *testing.T) {
- var v *Value
- v = &Value{data: complex128(1)}
+ v := &Value{data: complex128(1)}
assert.True(t, v.IsComplex128())
- v = &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1)}}
- assert.True(t, v.IsComplex128Slice())
+func TestIsComplex128Slice(t *testing.T) {
+ v := &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1)}}
+ assert.True(t, v.IsComplex128Slice())
func TestEachComplex128(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1)}}
count := 0
replacedVals := make([]complex128, 0)
assert.Equal(t, v, v.EachComplex128(func(i int, val complex128) bool {
replacedVals = append(replacedVals, val)
// abort early
- if i == 2 {
- return false
- }
- return true
+ return i != 2
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[0], v.MustComplex128Slice()[0])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[1], v.MustComplex128Slice()[1])
assert.Equal(t, replacedVals[2], v.MustComplex128Slice()[2])
func TestWhereComplex128(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1)}}
selected := v.WhereComplex128(func(i int, val complex128) bool {
@@ -2804,11 +2392,9 @@ func TestWhereComplex128(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(selected))
func TestGroupComplex128(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1)}}
grouped := v.GroupComplex128(func(i int, val complex128) string {
@@ -2818,11 +2404,9 @@ func TestGroupComplex128(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(grouped))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["true"]))
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(grouped["false"]))
func TestReplaceComplex128(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1)}}
rawArr := v.MustComplex128Slice()
@@ -2843,11 +2427,9 @@ func TestReplaceComplex128(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[4], rawArr[5])
assert.Equal(t, replacedArr[5], rawArr[0])
func TestCollectComplex128(t *testing.T) {
v := &Value{data: []complex128{complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1), complex128(1)}}
collected := v.CollectComplex128(func(index int, val complex128) interface{} {
@@ -2863,5 +2445,4 @@ func TestCollectComplex128(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[4], 4)
assert.Equal(t, collectedArr[5], 5)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 7aaef06b1..e4b4a1433 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
package objx
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strconv"
// Value provides methods for extracting interface{} data in various
// types.
type Value struct {
@@ -11,3 +16,38 @@ type Value struct {
func (v *Value) Data() interface{} {
+// String returns the value always as a string
+func (v *Value) String() string {
+ switch {
+ case v.IsStr():
+ return v.Str()
+ case v.IsBool():
+ return strconv.FormatBool(v.Bool())
+ case v.IsFloat32():
+ return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.Float32()), 'f', -1, 32)
+ case v.IsFloat64():
+ return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float64(), 'f', -1, 64)
+ case v.IsInt():
+ return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Int()), 10)
+ case v.IsInt8():
+ return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Int8()), 10)
+ case v.IsInt16():
+ return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Int16()), 10)
+ case v.IsInt32():
+ return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Int32()), 10)
+ case v.IsInt64():
+ return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int64(), 10)
+ case v.IsUint():
+ return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Uint()), 10)
+ case v.IsUint8():
+ return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Uint8()), 10)
+ case v.IsUint16():
+ return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Uint16()), 10)
+ case v.IsUint32():
+ return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Uint32()), 10)
+ case v.IsUint64():
+ return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint64(), 10)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v.Data())
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 0bc65d92c..1b1e3091f 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -1 +1,74 @@
-package objx
+package objx_test
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+func TestStringTypeString(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "string": "foo",
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "foo", m.Get("string").String())
+func TestStringTypeBool(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "bool": true,
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "true", m.Get("bool").String())
+func TestStringTypeInt(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "int": int(1),
+ "int8": int8(8),
+ "int16": int16(16),
+ "int32": int32(32),
+ "int64": int64(64),
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "1", m.Get("int").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "8", m.Get("int8").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "16", m.Get("int16").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "32", m.Get("int32").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "64", m.Get("int64").String())
+func TestStringTypeUint(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "uint": uint(1),
+ "uint8": uint8(8),
+ "uint16": uint16(16),
+ "uint32": uint32(32),
+ "uint64": uint64(64),
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "1", m.Get("uint").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "8", m.Get("uint8").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "16", m.Get("uint16").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "32", m.Get("uint32").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "64", m.Get("uint64").String())
+func TestStringTypeFloat(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "float32": float32(32.32),
+ "float64": float64(64.64),
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "32.32", m.Get("float32").String())
+ assert.Equal(t, "64.64", m.Get("float64").String())
+func TestStringTypeOther(t *testing.T) {
+ m := objx.Map{
+ "other": []string{"foo", "bar"},
+ }
+ assert.Equal(t, "[]string{\"foo\", \"bar\"}", m.Get("other").String())
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c83641619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ISC License
+Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Dave Collins <>
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a4a6589a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Dave Collins <>
+// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+// NOTE: Due to the following build constraints, this file will only be compiled
+// when the code is not running on Google App Engine, compiled by GopherJS, and
+// "-tags safe" is not added to the go build command line. The "disableunsafe"
+// tag is deprecated and thus should not be used.
+// +build !js,!appengine,!safe,!disableunsafe
+package spew
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "unsafe"
+const (
+ // UnsafeDisabled is a build-time constant which specifies whether or
+ // not access to the unsafe package is available.
+ UnsafeDisabled = false
+ // ptrSize is the size of a pointer on the current arch.
+ ptrSize = unsafe.Sizeof((*byte)(nil))
+var (
+ // offsetPtr, offsetScalar, and offsetFlag are the offsets for the
+ // internal reflect.Value fields. These values are valid before golang
+ // commit ecccf07e7f9d which changed the format. The are also valid
+ // after commit 82f48826c6c7 which changed the format again to mirror
+ // the original format. Code in the init function updates these offsets
+ // as necessary.
+ offsetPtr = uintptr(ptrSize)
+ offsetScalar = uintptr(0)
+ offsetFlag = uintptr(ptrSize * 2)
+ // flagKindWidth and flagKindShift indicate various bits that the
+ // reflect package uses internally to track kind information.
+ //
+ // flagRO indicates whether or not the value field of a reflect.Value is
+ // read-only.
+ //
+ // flagIndir indicates whether the value field of a reflect.Value is
+ // the actual data or a pointer to the data.
+ //
+ // These values are valid before golang commit 90a7c3c86944 which
+ // changed their positions. Code in the init function updates these
+ // flags as necessary.
+ flagKindWidth = uintptr(5)
+ flagKindShift = uintptr(flagKindWidth - 1)
+ flagRO = uintptr(1 << 0)
+ flagIndir = uintptr(1 << 1)
+func init() {
+ // Older versions of reflect.Value stored small integers directly in the
+ // ptr field (which is named val in the older versions). Versions
+ // between commits ecccf07e7f9d and 82f48826c6c7 added a new field named
+ // scalar for this purpose which unfortunately came before the flag
+ // field, so the offset of the flag field is different for those
+ // versions.
+ //
+ // This code constructs a new reflect.Value from a known small integer
+ // and checks if the size of the reflect.Value struct indicates it has
+ // the scalar field. When it does, the offsets are updated accordingly.
+ vv := reflect.ValueOf(0xf00)
+ if unsafe.Sizeof(vv) == (ptrSize * 4) {
+ offsetScalar = ptrSize * 2
+ offsetFlag = ptrSize * 3
+ }
+ // Commit 90a7c3c86944 changed the flag positions such that the low
+ // order bits are the kind. This code extracts the kind from the flags
+ // field and ensures it's the correct type. When it's not, the flag
+ // order has been changed to the newer format, so the flags are updated
+ // accordingly.
+ upf := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&vv)) + offsetFlag)
+ upfv := *(*uintptr)(upf)
+ flagKindMask := uintptr((1<<flagKindWidth - 1) << flagKindShift)
+ if (upfv&flagKindMask)>>flagKindShift != uintptr(reflect.Int) {
+ flagKindShift = 0
+ flagRO = 1 << 5
+ flagIndir = 1 << 6
+ // Commit adf9b30e5594 modified the flags to separate the
+ // flagRO flag into two bits which specifies whether or not the
+ // field is embedded. This causes flagIndir to move over a bit
+ // and means that flagRO is the combination of either of the
+ // original flagRO bit and the new bit.
+ //
+ // This code detects the change by extracting what used to be
+ // the indirect bit to ensure it's set. When it's not, the flag
+ // order has been changed to the newer format, so the flags are
+ // updated accordingly.
+ if upfv&flagIndir == 0 {
+ flagRO = 3 << 5
+ flagIndir = 1 << 7
+ }
+ }
+// unsafeReflectValue converts the passed reflect.Value into a one that bypasses
+// the typical safety restrictions preventing access to unaddressable and
+// unexported data. It works by digging the raw pointer to the underlying
+// value out of the protected value and generating a new unprotected (unsafe)
+// reflect.Value to it.
+// This allows us to check for implementations of the Stringer and error
+// interfaces to be used for pretty printing ordinarily unaddressable and
+// inaccessible values such as unexported struct fields.
+func unsafeReflectValue(v reflect.Value) (rv reflect.Value) {
+ indirects := 1
+ vt := v.Type()
+ upv := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + offsetPtr)
+ rvf := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + offsetFlag))
+ if rvf&flagIndir != 0 {
+ vt = reflect.PtrTo(v.Type())
+ indirects++
+ } else if offsetScalar != 0 {
+ // The value is in the scalar field when it's not one of the
+ // reference types.
+ switch vt.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Uintptr:
+ case reflect.Chan:
+ case reflect.Func:
+ case reflect.Map:
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ case reflect.UnsafePointer:
+ default:
+ upv = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) +
+ offsetScalar)
+ }
+ }
+ pv := reflect.NewAt(vt, upv)
+ rv = pv
+ for i := 0; i < indirects; i++ {
+ rv = rv.Elem()
+ }
+ return rv
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fe3cf3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Dave Collins <>
+// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+// NOTE: Due to the following build constraints, this file will only be compiled
+// when the code is running on Google App Engine, compiled by GopherJS, or
+// "-tags safe" is added to the go build command line. The "disableunsafe"
+// tag is deprecated and thus should not be used.
+// +build js appengine safe disableunsafe
+package spew
+import "reflect"
+const (
+ // UnsafeDisabled is a build-time constant which specifies whether or
+ // not access to the unsafe package is available.
+ UnsafeDisabled = true
+// unsafeReflectValue typically converts the passed reflect.Value into a one
+// that bypasses the typical safety restrictions preventing access to
+// unaddressable and unexported data. However, doing this relies on access to
+// the unsafe package. This is a stub version which simply returns the passed
+// reflect.Value when the unsafe package is not available.
+func unsafeReflectValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ return v
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c519ff47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+package spew
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "reflect"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+// Some constants in the form of bytes to avoid string overhead. This mirrors
+// the technique used in the fmt package.
+var (
+ panicBytes = []byte("(PANIC=")
+ plusBytes = []byte("+")
+ iBytes = []byte("i")
+ trueBytes = []byte("true")
+ falseBytes = []byte("false")
+ interfaceBytes = []byte("(interface {})")
+ commaNewlineBytes = []byte(",\n")
+ newlineBytes = []byte("\n")
+ openBraceBytes = []byte("{")
+ openBraceNewlineBytes = []byte("{\n")
+ closeBraceBytes = []byte("}")
+ asteriskBytes = []byte("*")
+ colonBytes = []byte(":")
+ colonSpaceBytes = []byte(": ")
+ openParenBytes = []byte("(")
+ closeParenBytes = []byte(")")
+ spaceBytes = []byte(" ")
+ pointerChainBytes = []byte("->")
+ nilAngleBytes = []byte("<nil>")
+ maxNewlineBytes = []byte("<max depth reached>\n")
+ maxShortBytes = []byte("<max>")
+ circularBytes = []byte("<already shown>")
+ circularShortBytes = []byte("<shown>")
+ invalidAngleBytes = []byte("<invalid>")
+ openBracketBytes = []byte("[")
+ closeBracketBytes = []byte("]")
+ percentBytes = []byte("%")
+ precisionBytes = []byte(".")
+ openAngleBytes = []byte("<")
+ closeAngleBytes = []byte(">")
+ openMapBytes = []byte("map[")
+ closeMapBytes = []byte("]")
+ lenEqualsBytes = []byte("len=")
+ capEqualsBytes = []byte("cap=")
+// hexDigits is used to map a decimal value to a hex digit.
+var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"
+// catchPanic handles any panics that might occur during the handleMethods
+// calls.
+func catchPanic(w io.Writer, v reflect.Value) {
+ if err := recover(); err != nil {
+ w.Write(panicBytes)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", err)
+ w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ }
+// handleMethods attempts to call the Error and String methods on the underlying
+// type the passed reflect.Value represents and outputes the result to Writer w.
+// It handles panics in any called methods by catching and displaying the error
+// as the formatted value.
+func handleMethods(cs *ConfigState, w io.Writer, v reflect.Value) (handled bool) {
+ // We need an interface to check if the type implements the error or
+ // Stringer interface. However, the reflect package won't give us an
+ // interface on certain things like unexported struct fields in order
+ // to enforce visibility rules. We use unsafe, when it's available,
+ // to bypass these restrictions since this package does not mutate the
+ // values.
+ if !v.CanInterface() {
+ if UnsafeDisabled {
+ return false
+ }
+ v = unsafeReflectValue(v)
+ }
+ // Choose whether or not to do error and Stringer interface lookups against
+ // the base type or a pointer to the base type depending on settings.
+ // Technically calling one of these methods with a pointer receiver can
+ // mutate the value, however, types which choose to satisify an error or
+ // Stringer interface with a pointer receiver should not be mutating their
+ // state inside these interface methods.
+ if !cs.DisablePointerMethods && !UnsafeDisabled && !v.CanAddr() {
+ v = unsafeReflectValue(v)
+ }
+ if v.CanAddr() {
+ v = v.Addr()
+ }
+ // Is it an error or Stringer?
+ switch iface := v.Interface().(type) {
+ case error:
+ defer catchPanic(w, v)
+ if cs.ContinueOnMethod {
+ w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ w.Write([]byte(iface.Error()))
+ w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ w.Write(spaceBytes)
+ return false
+ }
+ w.Write([]byte(iface.Error()))
+ return true
+ case fmt.Stringer:
+ defer catchPanic(w, v)
+ if cs.ContinueOnMethod {
+ w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ w.Write([]byte(iface.String()))
+ w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ w.Write(spaceBytes)
+ return false
+ }
+ w.Write([]byte(iface.String()))
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// printBool outputs a boolean value as true or false to Writer w.
+func printBool(w io.Writer, val bool) {
+ if val {
+ w.Write(trueBytes)
+ } else {
+ w.Write(falseBytes)
+ }
+// printInt outputs a signed integer value to Writer w.
+func printInt(w io.Writer, val int64, base int) {
+ w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(val, base)))
+// printUint outputs an unsigned integer value to Writer w.
+func printUint(w io.Writer, val uint64, base int) {
+ w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatUint(val, base)))
+// printFloat outputs a floating point value using the specified precision,
+// which is expected to be 32 or 64bit, to Writer w.
+func printFloat(w io.Writer, val float64, precision int) {
+ w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatFloat(val, 'g', -1, precision)))
+// printComplex outputs a complex value using the specified float precision
+// for the real and imaginary parts to Writer w.
+func printComplex(w io.Writer, c complex128, floatPrecision int) {
+ r := real(c)
+ w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatFloat(r, 'g', -1, floatPrecision)))
+ i := imag(c)
+ if i >= 0 {
+ w.Write(plusBytes)
+ }
+ w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatFloat(i, 'g', -1, floatPrecision)))
+ w.Write(iBytes)
+ w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+// printHexPtr outputs a uintptr formatted as hexidecimal with a leading '0x'
+// prefix to Writer w.
+func printHexPtr(w io.Writer, p uintptr) {
+ // Null pointer.
+ num := uint64(p)
+ if num == 0 {
+ w.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ return
+ }
+ // Max uint64 is 16 bytes in hex + 2 bytes for '0x' prefix
+ buf := make([]byte, 18)
+ // It's simpler to construct the hex string right to left.
+ base := uint64(16)
+ i := len(buf) - 1
+ for num >= base {
+ buf[i] = hexDigits[num%base]
+ num /= base
+ i--
+ }
+ buf[i] = hexDigits[num]
+ // Add '0x' prefix.
+ i--
+ buf[i] = 'x'
+ i--
+ buf[i] = '0'
+ // Strip unused leading bytes.
+ buf = buf[i:]
+ w.Write(buf)
+// valuesSorter implements sort.Interface to allow a slice of reflect.Value
+// elements to be sorted.
+type valuesSorter struct {
+ values []reflect.Value
+ strings []string // either nil or same len and values
+ cs *ConfigState
+// newValuesSorter initializes a valuesSorter instance, which holds a set of
+// surrogate keys on which the data should be sorted. It uses flags in
+// ConfigState to decide if and how to populate those surrogate keys.
+func newValuesSorter(values []reflect.Value, cs *ConfigState) sort.Interface {
+ vs := &valuesSorter{values: values, cs: cs}
+ if canSortSimply(vs.values[0].Kind()) {
+ return vs
+ }
+ if !cs.DisableMethods {
+ vs.strings = make([]string, len(values))
+ for i := range vs.values {
+ b := bytes.Buffer{}
+ if !handleMethods(cs, &b, vs.values[i]) {
+ vs.strings = nil
+ break
+ }
+ vs.strings[i] = b.String()
+ }
+ }
+ if vs.strings == nil && cs.SpewKeys {
+ vs.strings = make([]string, len(values))
+ for i := range vs.values {
+ vs.strings[i] = Sprintf("%#v", vs.values[i].Interface())
+ }
+ }
+ return vs
+// canSortSimply tests whether a reflect.Kind is a primitive that can be sorted
+// directly, or whether it should be considered for sorting by surrogate keys
+// (if the ConfigState allows it).
+func canSortSimply(kind reflect.Kind) bool {
+ // This switch parallels valueSortLess, except for the default case.
+ switch kind {
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ return true
+ case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
+ return true
+ case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint:
+ return true
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ return true
+ case reflect.String:
+ return true
+ case reflect.Uintptr:
+ return true
+ case reflect.Array:
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// Len returns the number of values in the slice. It is part of the
+// sort.Interface implementation.
+func (s *valuesSorter) Len() int {
+ return len(s.values)
+// Swap swaps the values at the passed indices. It is part of the
+// sort.Interface implementation.
+func (s *valuesSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
+ s.values[i], s.values[j] = s.values[j], s.values[i]
+ if s.strings != nil {
+ s.strings[i], s.strings[j] = s.strings[j], s.strings[i]
+ }
+// valueSortLess returns whether the first value should sort before the second
+// value. It is used by valueSorter.Less as part of the sort.Interface
+// implementation.
+func valueSortLess(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
+ switch a.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ return !a.Bool() && b.Bool()
+ case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
+ return a.Int() < b.Int()
+ case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint:
+ return a.Uint() < b.Uint()
+ case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
+ return a.Float() < b.Float()
+ case reflect.String:
+ return a.String() < b.String()
+ case reflect.Uintptr:
+ return a.Uint() < b.Uint()
+ case reflect.Array:
+ // Compare the contents of both arrays.
+ l := a.Len()
+ for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
+ av := a.Index(i)
+ bv := b.Index(i)
+ if av.Interface() == bv.Interface() {
+ continue
+ }
+ return valueSortLess(av, bv)
+ }
+ }
+ return a.String() < b.String()
+// Less returns whether the value at index i should sort before the
+// value at index j. It is part of the sort.Interface implementation.
+func (s *valuesSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ if s.strings == nil {
+ return valueSortLess(s.values[i], s.values[j])
+ }
+ return s.strings[i] < s.strings[j]
+// sortValues is a sort function that handles both native types and any type that
+// can be converted to error or Stringer. Other inputs are sorted according to
+// their Value.String() value to ensure display stability.
+func sortValues(values []reflect.Value, cs *ConfigState) {
+ if len(values) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ sort.Sort(newValuesSorter(values, cs))
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e3d22f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+package spew
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+// ConfigState houses the configuration options used by spew to format and
+// display values. There is a global instance, Config, that is used to control
+// all top-level Formatter and Dump functionality. Each ConfigState instance
+// provides methods equivalent to the top-level functions.
+// The zero value for ConfigState provides no indentation. You would typically
+// want to set it to a space or a tab.
+// Alternatively, you can use NewDefaultConfig to get a ConfigState instance
+// with default settings. See the documentation of NewDefaultConfig for default
+// values.
+type ConfigState struct {
+ // Indent specifies the string to use for each indentation level. The
+ // global config instance that all top-level functions use set this to a
+ // single space by default. If you would like more indentation, you might
+ // set this to a tab with "\t" or perhaps two spaces with " ".
+ Indent string
+ // MaxDepth controls the maximum number of levels to descend into nested
+ // data structures. The default, 0, means there is no limit.
+ //
+ // NOTE: Circular data structures are properly detected, so it is not
+ // necessary to set this value unless you specifically want to limit deeply
+ // nested data structures.
+ MaxDepth int
+ // DisableMethods specifies whether or not error and Stringer interfaces are
+ // invoked for types that implement them.
+ DisableMethods bool
+ // DisablePointerMethods specifies whether or not to check for and invoke
+ // error and Stringer interfaces on types which only accept a pointer
+ // receiver when the current type is not a pointer.
+ //
+ // NOTE: This might be an unsafe action since calling one of these methods
+ // with a pointer receiver could technically mutate the value, however,
+ // in practice, types which choose to satisify an error or Stringer
+ // interface with a pointer receiver should not be mutating their state
+ // inside these interface methods. As a result, this option relies on
+ // access to the unsafe package, so it will not have any effect when
+ // running in environments without access to the unsafe package such as
+ // Google App Engine or with the "safe" build tag specified.
+ DisablePointerMethods bool
+ // DisablePointerAddresses specifies whether to disable the printing of
+ // pointer addresses. This is useful when diffing data structures in tests.
+ DisablePointerAddresses bool
+ // DisableCapacities specifies whether to disable the printing of capacities
+ // for arrays, slices, maps and channels. This is useful when diffing
+ // data structures in tests.
+ DisableCapacities bool
+ // ContinueOnMethod specifies whether or not recursion should continue once
+ // a custom error or Stringer interface is invoked. The default, false,
+ // means it will print the results of invoking the custom error or Stringer
+ // interface and return immediately instead of continuing to recurse into
+ // the internals of the data type.
+ //
+ // NOTE: This flag does not have any effect if method invocation is disabled
+ // via the DisableMethods or DisablePointerMethods options.
+ ContinueOnMethod bool
+ // SortKeys specifies map keys should be sorted before being printed. Use
+ // this to have a more deterministic, diffable output. Note that only
+ // native types (bool, int, uint, floats, uintptr and string) and types
+ // that support the error or Stringer interfaces (if methods are
+ // enabled) are supported, with other types sorted according to the
+ // reflect.Value.String() output which guarantees display stability.
+ SortKeys bool
+ // SpewKeys specifies that, as a last resort attempt, map keys should
+ // be spewed to strings and sorted by those strings. This is only
+ // considered if SortKeys is true.
+ SpewKeys bool
+// Config is the active configuration of the top-level functions.
+// The configuration can be changed by modifying the contents of spew.Config.
+var Config = ConfigState{Indent: " "}
+// Errorf is a wrapper for fmt.Errorf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the formatted string as a value that satisfies error. See NewFormatter
+// for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Errorf(format, c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) (err error) {
+ return fmt.Errorf(format, c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Fprint is a wrapper for fmt.Fprint that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Fprint(w, c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Fprint(w, c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Fprintf is a wrapper for fmt.Fprintf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Fprintf(w, format, c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Fprintf(w, format, c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Fprintln is a wrapper for fmt.Fprintln that treats each argument as if it
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Fprintln(w, c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Fprintln(w, c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Print is a wrapper for fmt.Print that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Print(c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Print(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Print(c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Printf is a wrapper for fmt.Printf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Printf(format, c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Printf(format, c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Println is a wrapper for fmt.Println that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Println(c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Println(c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Sprint is a wrapper for fmt.Sprint that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the resulting string. See NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Sprint(c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprint(c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Sprintf is a wrapper for fmt.Sprintf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It returns
+// the resulting string. See NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Sprintf(format, c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(format, c.convertArgs(a)...)
+// Sprintln is a wrapper for fmt.Sprintln that treats each argument as if it
+// were passed with a Formatter interface returned by c.NewFormatter. It
+// returns the resulting string. See NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Sprintln(c.NewFormatter(a), c.NewFormatter(b))
+func (c *ConfigState) Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintln(c.convertArgs(a)...)
+NewFormatter returns a custom formatter that satisfies the fmt.Formatter
+interface. As a result, it integrates cleanly with standard fmt package
+printing functions. The formatter is useful for inline printing of smaller data
+types similar to the standard %v format specifier.
+The custom formatter only responds to the %v (most compact), %+v (adds pointer
+addresses), %#v (adds types), and %#+v (adds types and pointer addresses) verb
+combinations. Any other verbs such as %x and %q will be sent to the the
+standard fmt package for formatting. In addition, the custom formatter ignores
+the width and precision arguments (however they will still work on the format
+specifiers not handled by the custom formatter).
+Typically this function shouldn't be called directly. It is much easier to make
+use of the custom formatter by calling one of the convenience functions such as
+c.Printf, c.Println, or c.Printf.
+func (c *ConfigState) NewFormatter(v interface{}) fmt.Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(c, v)
+// Fdump formats and displays the passed arguments to io.Writer w. It formats
+// exactly the same as Dump.
+func (c *ConfigState) Fdump(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
+ fdump(c, w, a...)
+Dump displays the passed parameters to standard out with newlines, customizable
+indentation, and additional debug information such as complete types and all
+pointer addresses used to indirect to the final value. It provides the
+following features over the built-in printing facilities provided by the fmt
+ * Pointers are dereferenced and followed
+ * Circular data structures are detected and handled properly
+ * Custom Stringer/error interfaces are optionally invoked, including
+ on unexported types
+ * Custom types which only implement the Stringer/error interfaces via
+ a pointer receiver are optionally invoked when passing non-pointer
+ variables
+ * Byte arrays and slices are dumped like the hexdump -C command which
+ includes offsets, byte values in hex, and ASCII output
+The configuration options are controlled by modifying the public members
+of c. See ConfigState for options documentation.
+See Fdump if you would prefer dumping to an arbitrary io.Writer or Sdump to
+get the formatted result as a string.
+func (c *ConfigState) Dump(a ...interface{}) {
+ fdump(c, os.Stdout, a...)
+// Sdump returns a string with the passed arguments formatted exactly the same
+// as Dump.
+func (c *ConfigState) Sdump(a ...interface{}) string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ fdump(c, &buf, a...)
+ return buf.String()
+// convertArgs accepts a slice of arguments and returns a slice of the same
+// length with each argument converted to a spew Formatter interface using
+// the ConfigState associated with s.
+func (c *ConfigState) convertArgs(args []interface{}) (formatters []interface{}) {
+ formatters = make([]interface{}, len(args))
+ for index, arg := range args {
+ formatters[index] = newFormatter(c, arg)
+ }
+ return formatters
+// NewDefaultConfig returns a ConfigState with the following default settings.
+// Indent: " "
+// MaxDepth: 0
+// DisableMethods: false
+// DisablePointerMethods: false
+// ContinueOnMethod: false
+// SortKeys: false
+func NewDefaultConfig() *ConfigState {
+ return &ConfigState{Indent: " "}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aacaac6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+Package spew implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in
+A quick overview of the additional features spew provides over the built-in
+printing facilities for Go data types are as follows:
+ * Pointers are dereferenced and followed
+ * Circular data structures are detected and handled properly
+ * Custom Stringer/error interfaces are optionally invoked, including
+ on unexported types
+ * Custom types which only implement the Stringer/error interfaces via
+ a pointer receiver are optionally invoked when passing non-pointer
+ variables
+ * Byte arrays and slices are dumped like the hexdump -C command which
+ includes offsets, byte values in hex, and ASCII output (only when using
+ Dump style)
+There are two different approaches spew allows for dumping Go data structures:
+ * Dump style which prints with newlines, customizable indentation,
+ and additional debug information such as types and all pointer addresses
+ used to indirect to the final value
+ * A custom Formatter interface that integrates cleanly with the standard fmt
+ package and replaces %v, %+v, %#v, and %#+v to provide inline printing
+ similar to the default %v while providing the additional functionality
+ outlined above and passing unsupported format verbs such as %x and %q
+ along to fmt
+Quick Start
+This section demonstrates how to quickly get started with spew. See the
+sections below for further details on formatting and configuration options.
+To dump a variable with full newlines, indentation, type, and pointer
+information use Dump, Fdump, or Sdump:
+ spew.Dump(myVar1, myVar2, ...)
+ spew.Fdump(someWriter, myVar1, myVar2, ...)
+ str := spew.Sdump(myVar1, myVar2, ...)
+Alternatively, if you would prefer to use format strings with a compacted inline
+printing style, use the convenience wrappers Printf, Fprintf, etc with
+%v (most compact), %+v (adds pointer addresses), %#v (adds types), or
+%#+v (adds types and pointer addresses):
+ spew.Printf("myVar1: %v -- myVar2: %+v", myVar1, myVar2)
+ spew.Printf("myVar3: %#v -- myVar4: %#+v", myVar3, myVar4)
+ spew.Fprintf(someWriter, "myVar1: %v -- myVar2: %+v", myVar1, myVar2)
+ spew.Fprintf(someWriter, "myVar3: %#v -- myVar4: %#+v", myVar3, myVar4)
+Configuration Options
+Configuration of spew is handled by fields in the ConfigState type. For
+convenience, all of the top-level functions use a global state available
+via the spew.Config global.
+It is also possible to create a ConfigState instance that provides methods
+equivalent to the top-level functions. This allows concurrent configuration
+options. See the ConfigState documentation for more details.
+The following configuration options are available:
+ * Indent
+ String to use for each indentation level for Dump functions.
+ It is a single space by default. A popular alternative is "\t".
+ * MaxDepth
+ Maximum number of levels to descend into nested data structures.
+ There is no limit by default.
+ * DisableMethods
+ Disables invocation of error and Stringer interface methods.
+ Method invocation is enabled by default.
+ * DisablePointerMethods
+ Disables invocation of error and Stringer interface methods on types
+ which only accept pointer receivers from non-pointer variables.
+ Pointer method invocation is enabled by default.
+ * DisablePointerAddresses
+ DisablePointerAddresses specifies whether to disable the printing of
+ pointer addresses. This is useful when diffing data structures in tests.
+ * DisableCapacities
+ DisableCapacities specifies whether to disable the printing of
+ capacities for arrays, slices, maps and channels. This is useful when
+ diffing data structures in tests.
+ * ContinueOnMethod
+ Enables recursion into types after invoking error and Stringer interface
+ methods. Recursion after method invocation is disabled by default.
+ * SortKeys
+ Specifies map keys should be sorted before being printed. Use
+ this to have a more deterministic, diffable output. Note that
+ only native types (bool, int, uint, floats, uintptr and string)
+ and types which implement error or Stringer interfaces are
+ supported with other types sorted according to the
+ reflect.Value.String() output which guarantees display
+ stability. Natural map order is used by default.
+ * SpewKeys
+ Specifies that, as a last resort attempt, map keys should be
+ spewed to strings and sorted by those strings. This is only
+ considered if SortKeys is true.
+Dump Usage
+Simply call spew.Dump with a list of variables you want to dump:
+ spew.Dump(myVar1, myVar2, ...)
+You may also call spew.Fdump if you would prefer to output to an arbitrary
+io.Writer. For example, to dump to standard error:
+ spew.Fdump(os.Stderr, myVar1, myVar2, ...)
+A third option is to call spew.Sdump to get the formatted output as a string:
+ str := spew.Sdump(myVar1, myVar2, ...)
+Sample Dump Output
+See the Dump example for details on the setup of the types and variables being
+shown here.
+ (main.Foo) {
+ unexportedField: (*main.Bar)(0xf84002e210)({
+ flag: (main.Flag) flagTwo,
+ data: (uintptr) <nil>
+ }),
+ ExportedField: (map[interface {}]interface {}) (len=1) {
+ (string) (len=3) "one": (bool) true
+ }
+ }
+Byte (and uint8) arrays and slices are displayed uniquely like the hexdump -C
+command as shown.
+ ([]uint8) (len=32 cap=32) {
+ 00000000 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 |............... |
+ 00000010 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 |!"#$%&'()*+,-./0|
+ 00000020 31 32 |12|
+ }
+Custom Formatter
+Spew provides a custom formatter that implements the fmt.Formatter interface
+so that it integrates cleanly with standard fmt package printing functions. The
+formatter is useful for inline printing of smaller data types similar to the
+standard %v format specifier.
+The custom formatter only responds to the %v (most compact), %+v (adds pointer
+addresses), %#v (adds types), or %#+v (adds types and pointer addresses) verb
+combinations. Any other verbs such as %x and %q will be sent to the the
+standard fmt package for formatting. In addition, the custom formatter ignores
+the width and precision arguments (however they will still work on the format
+specifiers not handled by the custom formatter).
+Custom Formatter Usage
+The simplest way to make use of the spew custom formatter is to call one of the
+convenience functions such as spew.Printf, spew.Println, or spew.Printf. The
+functions have syntax you are most likely already familiar with:
+ spew.Printf("myVar1: %v -- myVar2: %+v", myVar1, myVar2)
+ spew.Printf("myVar3: %#v -- myVar4: %#+v", myVar3, myVar4)
+ spew.Println(myVar, myVar2)
+ spew.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "myVar1: %v -- myVar2: %+v", myVar1, myVar2)
+ spew.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "myVar3: %#v -- myVar4: %#+v", myVar3, myVar4)
+See the Index for the full list convenience functions.
+Sample Formatter Output
+Double pointer to a uint8:
+ %v: <**>5
+ %+v: <**>(0xf8400420d0->0xf8400420c8)5
+ %#v: (**uint8)5
+ %#+v: (**uint8)(0xf8400420d0->0xf8400420c8)5
+Pointer to circular struct with a uint8 field and a pointer to itself:
+ %v: <*>{1 <*><shown>}
+ %+v: <*>(0xf84003e260){ui8:1 c:<*>(0xf84003e260)<shown>}
+ %#v: (*main.circular){ui8:(uint8)1 c:(*main.circular)<shown>}
+ %#+v: (*main.circular)(0xf84003e260){ui8:(uint8)1 c:(*main.circular)(0xf84003e260)<shown>}
+See the Printf example for details on the setup of variables being shown
+Since it is possible for custom Stringer/error interfaces to panic, spew
+detects them and handles them internally by printing the panic information
+inline with the output. Since spew is intended to provide deep pretty printing
+capabilities on structures, it intentionally does not return any errors.
+package spew
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df1d582a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+package spew
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/hex"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+var (
+ // uint8Type is a reflect.Type representing a uint8. It is used to
+ // convert cgo types to uint8 slices for hexdumping.
+ uint8Type = reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0))
+ // cCharRE is a regular expression that matches a cgo char.
+ // It is used to detect character arrays to hexdump them.
+ cCharRE = regexp.MustCompile("^.*\\._Ctype_char$")
+ // cUnsignedCharRE is a regular expression that matches a cgo unsigned
+ // char. It is used to detect unsigned character arrays to hexdump
+ // them.
+ cUnsignedCharRE = regexp.MustCompile("^.*\\._Ctype_unsignedchar$")
+ // cUint8tCharRE is a regular expression that matches a cgo uint8_t.
+ // It is used to detect uint8_t arrays to hexdump them.
+ cUint8tCharRE = regexp.MustCompile("^.*\\._Ctype_uint8_t$")
+// dumpState contains information about the state of a dump operation.
+type dumpState struct {
+ w io.Writer
+ depth int
+ pointers map[uintptr]int
+ ignoreNextType bool
+ ignoreNextIndent bool
+ cs *ConfigState
+// indent performs indentation according to the depth level and cs.Indent
+// option.
+func (d *dumpState) indent() {
+ if d.ignoreNextIndent {
+ d.ignoreNextIndent = false
+ return
+ }
+ d.w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte(d.cs.Indent), d.depth))
+// unpackValue returns values inside of non-nil interfaces when possible.
+// This is useful for data types like structs, arrays, slices, and maps which
+// can contain varying types packed inside an interface.
+func (d *dumpState) unpackValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ return v
+// dumpPtr handles formatting of pointers by indirecting them as necessary.
+func (d *dumpState) dumpPtr(v reflect.Value) {
+ // Remove pointers at or below the current depth from map used to detect
+ // circular refs.
+ for k, depth := range d.pointers {
+ if depth >= d.depth {
+ delete(d.pointers, k)
+ }
+ }
+ // Keep list of all dereferenced pointers to show later.
+ pointerChain := make([]uintptr, 0)
+ // Figure out how many levels of indirection there are by dereferencing
+ // pointers and unpacking interfaces down the chain while detecting circular
+ // references.
+ nilFound := false
+ cycleFound := false
+ indirects := 0
+ ve := v
+ for ve.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+ if ve.IsNil() {
+ nilFound = true
+ break
+ }
+ indirects++
+ addr := ve.Pointer()
+ pointerChain = append(pointerChain, addr)
+ if pd, ok := d.pointers[addr]; ok && pd < d.depth {
+ cycleFound = true
+ indirects--
+ break
+ }
+ d.pointers[addr] = d.depth
+ ve = ve.Elem()
+ if ve.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
+ if ve.IsNil() {
+ nilFound = true
+ break
+ }
+ ve = ve.Elem()
+ }
+ }
+ // Display type information.
+ d.w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ d.w.Write(bytes.Repeat(asteriskBytes, indirects))
+ d.w.Write([]byte(ve.Type().String()))
+ d.w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ // Display pointer information.
+ if !d.cs.DisablePointerAddresses && len(pointerChain) > 0 {
+ d.w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ for i, addr := range pointerChain {
+ if i > 0 {
+ d.w.Write(pointerChainBytes)
+ }
+ printHexPtr(d.w, addr)
+ }
+ d.w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ }
+ // Display dereferenced value.
+ d.w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ switch {
+ case nilFound == true:
+ d.w.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ case cycleFound == true:
+ d.w.Write(circularBytes)
+ default:
+ d.ignoreNextType = true
+ d.dump(ve)
+ }
+ d.w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+// dumpSlice handles formatting of arrays and slices. Byte (uint8 under
+// reflection) arrays and slices are dumped in hexdump -C fashion.
+func (d *dumpState) dumpSlice(v reflect.Value) {
+ // Determine whether this type should be hex dumped or not. Also,
+ // for types which should be hexdumped, try to use the underlying data
+ // first, then fall back to trying to convert them to a uint8 slice.
+ var buf []uint8
+ doConvert := false
+ doHexDump := false
+ numEntries := v.Len()
+ if numEntries > 0 {
+ vt := v.Index(0).Type()
+ vts := vt.String()
+ switch {
+ // C types that need to be converted.
+ case cCharRE.MatchString(vts):
+ fallthrough
+ case cUnsignedCharRE.MatchString(vts):
+ fallthrough
+ case cUint8tCharRE.MatchString(vts):
+ doConvert = true
+ // Try to use existing uint8 slices and fall back to converting
+ // and copying if that fails.
+ case vt.Kind() == reflect.Uint8:
+ // We need an addressable interface to convert the type
+ // to a byte slice. However, the reflect package won't
+ // give us an interface on certain things like
+ // unexported struct fields in order to enforce
+ // visibility rules. We use unsafe, when available, to
+ // bypass these restrictions since this package does not
+ // mutate the values.
+ vs := v
+ if !vs.CanInterface() || !vs.CanAddr() {
+ vs = unsafeReflectValue(vs)
+ }
+ if !UnsafeDisabled {
+ vs = vs.Slice(0, numEntries)
+ // Use the existing uint8 slice if it can be
+ // type asserted.
+ iface := vs.Interface()
+ if slice, ok := iface.([]uint8); ok {
+ buf = slice
+ doHexDump = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // The underlying data needs to be converted if it can't
+ // be type asserted to a uint8 slice.
+ doConvert = true
+ }
+ // Copy and convert the underlying type if needed.
+ if doConvert && vt.ConvertibleTo(uint8Type) {
+ // Convert and copy each element into a uint8 byte
+ // slice.
+ buf = make([]uint8, numEntries)
+ for i := 0; i < numEntries; i++ {
+ vv := v.Index(i)
+ buf[i] = uint8(vv.Convert(uint8Type).Uint())
+ }
+ doHexDump = true
+ }
+ }
+ // Hexdump the entire slice as needed.
+ if doHexDump {
+ indent := strings.Repeat(d.cs.Indent, d.depth)
+ str := indent + hex.Dump(buf)
+ str = strings.Replace(str, "\n", "\n"+indent, -1)
+ str = strings.TrimRight(str, d.cs.Indent)
+ d.w.Write([]byte(str))
+ return
+ }
+ // Recursively call dump for each item.
+ for i := 0; i < numEntries; i++ {
+ d.dump(d.unpackValue(v.Index(i)))
+ if i < (numEntries - 1) {
+ d.w.Write(commaNewlineBytes)
+ } else {
+ d.w.Write(newlineBytes)
+ }
+ }
+// dump is the main workhorse for dumping a value. It uses the passed reflect
+// value to figure out what kind of object we are dealing with and formats it
+// appropriately. It is a recursive function, however circular data structures
+// are detected and handled properly.
+func (d *dumpState) dump(v reflect.Value) {
+ // Handle invalid reflect values immediately.
+ kind := v.Kind()
+ if kind == reflect.Invalid {
+ d.w.Write(invalidAngleBytes)
+ return
+ }
+ // Handle pointers specially.
+ if kind == reflect.Ptr {
+ d.indent()
+ d.dumpPtr(v)
+ return
+ }
+ // Print type information unless already handled elsewhere.
+ if !d.ignoreNextType {
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ d.w.Write([]byte(v.Type().String()))
+ d.w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ d.w.Write(spaceBytes)
+ }
+ d.ignoreNextType = false
+ // Display length and capacity if the built-in len and cap functions
+ // work with the value's kind and the len/cap itself is non-zero.
+ valueLen, valueCap := 0, 0
+ switch v.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan:
+ valueLen, valueCap = v.Len(), v.Cap()
+ case reflect.Map, reflect.String:
+ valueLen = v.Len()
+ }
+ if valueLen != 0 || !d.cs.DisableCapacities && valueCap != 0 {
+ d.w.Write(openParenBytes)
+ if valueLen != 0 {
+ d.w.Write(lenEqualsBytes)
+ printInt(d.w, int64(valueLen), 10)
+ }
+ if !d.cs.DisableCapacities && valueCap != 0 {
+ if valueLen != 0 {
+ d.w.Write(spaceBytes)
+ }
+ d.w.Write(capEqualsBytes)
+ printInt(d.w, int64(valueCap), 10)
+ }
+ d.w.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ d.w.Write(spaceBytes)
+ }
+ // Call Stringer/error interfaces if they exist and the handle methods flag
+ // is enabled
+ if !d.cs.DisableMethods {
+ if (kind != reflect.Invalid) && (kind != reflect.Interface) {
+ if handled := handleMethods(d.cs, d.w, v); handled {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch kind {
+ case reflect.Invalid:
+ // Do nothing. We should never get here since invalid has already
+ // been handled above.
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ printBool(d.w, v.Bool())
+ case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
+ printInt(d.w, v.Int(), 10)
+ case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint:
+ printUint(d.w, v.Uint(), 10)
+ case reflect.Float32:
+ printFloat(d.w, v.Float(), 32)
+ case reflect.Float64:
+ printFloat(d.w, v.Float(), 64)
+ case reflect.Complex64:
+ printComplex(d.w, v.Complex(), 32)
+ case reflect.Complex128:
+ printComplex(d.w, v.Complex(), 64)
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ d.w.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ break
+ }
+ fallthrough
+ case reflect.Array:
+ d.w.Write(openBraceNewlineBytes)
+ d.depth++
+ if (d.cs.MaxDepth != 0) && (d.depth > d.cs.MaxDepth) {
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(maxNewlineBytes)
+ } else {
+ d.dumpSlice(v)
+ }
+ d.depth--
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(closeBraceBytes)
+ case reflect.String:
+ d.w.Write([]byte(strconv.Quote(v.String())))
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ // The only time we should get here is for nil interfaces due to
+ // unpackValue calls.
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ d.w.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ }
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ // Do nothing. We should never get here since pointers have already
+ // been handled above.
+ case reflect.Map:
+ // nil maps should be indicated as different than empty maps
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ d.w.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ break
+ }
+ d.w.Write(openBraceNewlineBytes)
+ d.depth++
+ if (d.cs.MaxDepth != 0) && (d.depth > d.cs.MaxDepth) {
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(maxNewlineBytes)
+ } else {
+ numEntries := v.Len()
+ keys := v.MapKeys()
+ if d.cs.SortKeys {
+ sortValues(keys, d.cs)
+ }
+ for i, key := range keys {
+ d.dump(d.unpackValue(key))
+ d.w.Write(colonSpaceBytes)
+ d.ignoreNextIndent = true
+ d.dump(d.unpackValue(v.MapIndex(key)))
+ if i < (numEntries - 1) {
+ d.w.Write(commaNewlineBytes)
+ } else {
+ d.w.Write(newlineBytes)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ d.depth--
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(closeBraceBytes)
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ d.w.Write(openBraceNewlineBytes)
+ d.depth++
+ if (d.cs.MaxDepth != 0) && (d.depth > d.cs.MaxDepth) {
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(maxNewlineBytes)
+ } else {
+ vt := v.Type()
+ numFields := v.NumField()
+ for i := 0; i < numFields; i++ {
+ d.indent()
+ vtf := vt.Field(i)
+ d.w.Write([]byte(vtf.Name))
+ d.w.Write(colonSpaceBytes)
+ d.ignoreNextIndent = true
+ d.dump(d.unpackValue(v.Field(i)))
+ if i < (numFields - 1) {
+ d.w.Write(commaNewlineBytes)
+ } else {
+ d.w.Write(newlineBytes)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ d.depth--
+ d.indent()
+ d.w.Write(closeBraceBytes)
+ case reflect.Uintptr:
+ printHexPtr(d.w, uintptr(v.Uint()))
+ case reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
+ printHexPtr(d.w, v.Pointer())
+ // There were not any other types at the time this code was written, but
+ // fall back to letting the default fmt package handle it in case any new
+ // types are added.
+ default:
+ if v.CanInterface() {
+ fmt.Fprintf(d.w, "%v", v.Interface())
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(d.w, "%v", v.String())
+ }
+ }
+// fdump is a helper function to consolidate the logic from the various public
+// methods which take varying writers and config states.
+func fdump(cs *ConfigState, w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
+ for _, arg := range a {
+ if arg == nil {
+ w.Write(interfaceBytes)
+ w.Write(spaceBytes)
+ w.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ w.Write(newlineBytes)
+ continue
+ }
+ d := dumpState{w: w, cs: cs}
+ d.pointers = make(map[uintptr]int)
+ d.dump(reflect.ValueOf(arg))
+ d.w.Write(newlineBytes)
+ }
+// Fdump formats and displays the passed arguments to io.Writer w. It formats
+// exactly the same as Dump.
+func Fdump(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
+ fdump(&Config, w, a...)
+// Sdump returns a string with the passed arguments formatted exactly the same
+// as Dump.
+func Sdump(a ...interface{}) string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ fdump(&Config, &buf, a...)
+ return buf.String()
+Dump displays the passed parameters to standard out with newlines, customizable
+indentation, and additional debug information such as complete types and all
+pointer addresses used to indirect to the final value. It provides the
+following features over the built-in printing facilities provided by the fmt
+ * Pointers are dereferenced and followed
+ * Circular data structures are detected and handled properly
+ * Custom Stringer/error interfaces are optionally invoked, including
+ on unexported types
+ * Custom types which only implement the Stringer/error interfaces via
+ a pointer receiver are optionally invoked when passing non-pointer
+ variables
+ * Byte arrays and slices are dumped like the hexdump -C command which
+ includes offsets, byte values in hex, and ASCII output
+The configuration options are controlled by an exported package global,
+spew.Config. See ConfigState for options documentation.
+See Fdump if you would prefer dumping to an arbitrary io.Writer or Sdump to
+get the formatted result as a string.
+func Dump(a ...interface{}) {
+ fdump(&Config, os.Stdout, a...)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c49875bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+package spew
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+// supportedFlags is a list of all the character flags supported by fmt package.
+const supportedFlags = "0-+# "
+// formatState implements the fmt.Formatter interface and contains information
+// about the state of a formatting operation. The NewFormatter function can
+// be used to get a new Formatter which can be used directly as arguments
+// in standard fmt package printing calls.
+type formatState struct {
+ value interface{}
+ fs fmt.State
+ depth int
+ pointers map[uintptr]int
+ ignoreNextType bool
+ cs *ConfigState
+// buildDefaultFormat recreates the original format string without precision
+// and width information to pass in to fmt.Sprintf in the case of an
+// unrecognized type. Unless new types are added to the language, this
+// function won't ever be called.
+func (f *formatState) buildDefaultFormat() (format string) {
+ buf := bytes.NewBuffer(percentBytes)
+ for _, flag := range supportedFlags {
+ if f.fs.Flag(int(flag)) {
+ buf.WriteRune(flag)
+ }
+ }
+ buf.WriteRune('v')
+ format = buf.String()
+ return format
+// constructOrigFormat recreates the original format string including precision
+// and width information to pass along to the standard fmt package. This allows
+// automatic deferral of all format strings this package doesn't support.
+func (f *formatState) constructOrigFormat(verb rune) (format string) {
+ buf := bytes.NewBuffer(percentBytes)
+ for _, flag := range supportedFlags {
+ if f.fs.Flag(int(flag)) {
+ buf.WriteRune(flag)
+ }
+ }
+ if width, ok := f.fs.Width(); ok {
+ buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(width))
+ }
+ if precision, ok := f.fs.Precision(); ok {
+ buf.Write(precisionBytes)
+ buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(precision))
+ }
+ buf.WriteRune(verb)
+ format = buf.String()
+ return format
+// unpackValue returns values inside of non-nil interfaces when possible and
+// ensures that types for values which have been unpacked from an interface
+// are displayed when the show types flag is also set.
+// This is useful for data types like structs, arrays, slices, and maps which
+// can contain varying types packed inside an interface.
+func (f *formatState) unpackValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
+ if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
+ f.ignoreNextType = false
+ if !v.IsNil() {
+ v = v.Elem()
+ }
+ }
+ return v
+// formatPtr handles formatting of pointers by indirecting them as necessary.
+func (f *formatState) formatPtr(v reflect.Value) {
+ // Display nil if top level pointer is nil.
+ showTypes := f.fs.Flag('#')
+ if v.IsNil() && (!showTypes || f.ignoreNextType) {
+ f.fs.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ return
+ }
+ // Remove pointers at or below the current depth from map used to detect
+ // circular refs.
+ for k, depth := range f.pointers {
+ if depth >= f.depth {
+ delete(f.pointers, k)
+ }
+ }
+ // Keep list of all dereferenced pointers to possibly show later.
+ pointerChain := make([]uintptr, 0)
+ // Figure out how many levels of indirection there are by derferencing
+ // pointers and unpacking interfaces down the chain while detecting circular
+ // references.
+ nilFound := false
+ cycleFound := false
+ indirects := 0
+ ve := v
+ for ve.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+ if ve.IsNil() {
+ nilFound = true
+ break
+ }
+ indirects++
+ addr := ve.Pointer()
+ pointerChain = append(pointerChain, addr)
+ if pd, ok := f.pointers[addr]; ok && pd < f.depth {
+ cycleFound = true
+ indirects--
+ break
+ }
+ f.pointers[addr] = f.depth
+ ve = ve.Elem()
+ if ve.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
+ if ve.IsNil() {
+ nilFound = true
+ break
+ }
+ ve = ve.Elem()
+ }
+ }
+ // Display type or indirection level depending on flags.
+ if showTypes && !f.ignoreNextType {
+ f.fs.Write(openParenBytes)
+ f.fs.Write(bytes.Repeat(asteriskBytes, indirects))
+ f.fs.Write([]byte(ve.Type().String()))
+ f.fs.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ } else {
+ if nilFound || cycleFound {
+ indirects += strings.Count(ve.Type().String(), "*")
+ }
+ f.fs.Write(openAngleBytes)
+ f.fs.Write([]byte(strings.Repeat("*", indirects)))
+ f.fs.Write(closeAngleBytes)
+ }
+ // Display pointer information depending on flags.
+ if f.fs.Flag('+') && (len(pointerChain) > 0) {
+ f.fs.Write(openParenBytes)
+ for i, addr := range pointerChain {
+ if i > 0 {
+ f.fs.Write(pointerChainBytes)
+ }
+ printHexPtr(f.fs, addr)
+ }
+ f.fs.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ }
+ // Display dereferenced value.
+ switch {
+ case nilFound == true:
+ f.fs.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ case cycleFound == true:
+ f.fs.Write(circularShortBytes)
+ default:
+ f.ignoreNextType = true
+ f.format(ve)
+ }
+// format is the main workhorse for providing the Formatter interface. It
+// uses the passed reflect value to figure out what kind of object we are
+// dealing with and formats it appropriately. It is a recursive function,
+// however circular data structures are detected and handled properly.
+func (f *formatState) format(v reflect.Value) {
+ // Handle invalid reflect values immediately.
+ kind := v.Kind()
+ if kind == reflect.Invalid {
+ f.fs.Write(invalidAngleBytes)
+ return
+ }
+ // Handle pointers specially.
+ if kind == reflect.Ptr {
+ f.formatPtr(v)
+ return
+ }
+ // Print type information unless already handled elsewhere.
+ if !f.ignoreNextType && f.fs.Flag('#') {
+ f.fs.Write(openParenBytes)
+ f.fs.Write([]byte(v.Type().String()))
+ f.fs.Write(closeParenBytes)
+ }
+ f.ignoreNextType = false
+ // Call Stringer/error interfaces if they exist and the handle methods
+ // flag is enabled.
+ if !f.cs.DisableMethods {
+ if (kind != reflect.Invalid) && (kind != reflect.Interface) {
+ if handled := handleMethods(f.cs, f.fs, v); handled {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch kind {
+ case reflect.Invalid:
+ // Do nothing. We should never get here since invalid has already
+ // been handled above.
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ printBool(f.fs, v.Bool())
+ case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
+ printInt(f.fs, v.Int(), 10)
+ case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint:
+ printUint(f.fs, v.Uint(), 10)
+ case reflect.Float32:
+ printFloat(f.fs, v.Float(), 32)
+ case reflect.Float64:
+ printFloat(f.fs, v.Float(), 64)
+ case reflect.Complex64:
+ printComplex(f.fs, v.Complex(), 32)
+ case reflect.Complex128:
+ printComplex(f.fs, v.Complex(), 64)
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ f.fs.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ break
+ }
+ fallthrough
+ case reflect.Array:
+ f.fs.Write(openBracketBytes)
+ f.depth++
+ if (f.cs.MaxDepth != 0) && (f.depth > f.cs.MaxDepth) {
+ f.fs.Write(maxShortBytes)
+ } else {
+ numEntries := v.Len()
+ for i := 0; i < numEntries; i++ {
+ if i > 0 {
+ f.fs.Write(spaceBytes)
+ }
+ f.ignoreNextType = true
+ f.format(f.unpackValue(v.Index(i)))
+ }
+ }
+ f.depth--
+ f.fs.Write(closeBracketBytes)
+ case reflect.String:
+ f.fs.Write([]byte(v.String()))
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ // The only time we should get here is for nil interfaces due to
+ // unpackValue calls.
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ f.fs.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ }
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ // Do nothing. We should never get here since pointers have already
+ // been handled above.
+ case reflect.Map:
+ // nil maps should be indicated as different than empty maps
+ if v.IsNil() {
+ f.fs.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ break
+ }
+ f.fs.Write(openMapBytes)
+ f.depth++
+ if (f.cs.MaxDepth != 0) && (f.depth > f.cs.MaxDepth) {
+ f.fs.Write(maxShortBytes)
+ } else {
+ keys := v.MapKeys()
+ if f.cs.SortKeys {
+ sortValues(keys, f.cs)
+ }
+ for i, key := range keys {
+ if i > 0 {
+ f.fs.Write(spaceBytes)
+ }
+ f.ignoreNextType = true
+ f.format(f.unpackValue(key))
+ f.fs.Write(colonBytes)
+ f.ignoreNextType = true
+ f.format(f.unpackValue(v.MapIndex(key)))
+ }
+ }
+ f.depth--
+ f.fs.Write(closeMapBytes)
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ numFields := v.NumField()
+ f.fs.Write(openBraceBytes)
+ f.depth++
+ if (f.cs.MaxDepth != 0) && (f.depth > f.cs.MaxDepth) {
+ f.fs.Write(maxShortBytes)
+ } else {
+ vt := v.Type()
+ for i := 0; i < numFields; i++ {
+ if i > 0 {
+ f.fs.Write(spaceBytes)
+ }
+ vtf := vt.Field(i)
+ if f.fs.Flag('+') || f.fs.Flag('#') {
+ f.fs.Write([]byte(vtf.Name))
+ f.fs.Write(colonBytes)
+ }
+ f.format(f.unpackValue(v.Field(i)))
+ }
+ }
+ f.depth--
+ f.fs.Write(closeBraceBytes)
+ case reflect.Uintptr:
+ printHexPtr(f.fs, uintptr(v.Uint()))
+ case reflect.UnsafePointer, reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
+ printHexPtr(f.fs, v.Pointer())
+ // There were not any other types at the time this code was written, but
+ // fall back to letting the default fmt package handle it if any get added.
+ default:
+ format := f.buildDefaultFormat()
+ if v.CanInterface() {
+ fmt.Fprintf(f.fs, format, v.Interface())
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(f.fs, format, v.String())
+ }
+ }
+// Format satisfies the fmt.Formatter interface. See NewFormatter for usage
+// details.
+func (f *formatState) Format(fs fmt.State, verb rune) {
+ f.fs = fs
+ // Use standard formatting for verbs that are not v.
+ if verb != 'v' {
+ format := f.constructOrigFormat(verb)
+ fmt.Fprintf(fs, format, f.value)
+ return
+ }
+ if f.value == nil {
+ if fs.Flag('#') {
+ fs.Write(interfaceBytes)
+ }
+ fs.Write(nilAngleBytes)
+ return
+ }
+ f.format(reflect.ValueOf(f.value))
+// newFormatter is a helper function to consolidate the logic from the various
+// public methods which take varying config states.
+func newFormatter(cs *ConfigState, v interface{}) fmt.Formatter {
+ fs := &formatState{value: v, cs: cs}
+ fs.pointers = make(map[uintptr]int)
+ return fs
+NewFormatter returns a custom formatter that satisfies the fmt.Formatter
+interface. As a result, it integrates cleanly with standard fmt package
+printing functions. The formatter is useful for inline printing of smaller data
+types similar to the standard %v format specifier.
+The custom formatter only responds to the %v (most compact), %+v (adds pointer
+addresses), %#v (adds types), or %#+v (adds types and pointer addresses) verb
+combinations. Any other verbs such as %x and %q will be sent to the the
+standard fmt package for formatting. In addition, the custom formatter ignores
+the width and precision arguments (however they will still work on the format
+specifiers not handled by the custom formatter).
+Typically this function shouldn't be called directly. It is much easier to make
+use of the custom formatter by calling one of the convenience functions such as
+Printf, Println, or Fprintf.
+func NewFormatter(v interface{}) fmt.Formatter {
+ return newFormatter(&Config, v)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32c0e3388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+package spew
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+// Errorf is a wrapper for fmt.Errorf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the formatted string as a value that satisfies error. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Errorf(format, spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) (err error) {
+ return fmt.Errorf(format, convertArgs(a)...)
+// Fprint is a wrapper for fmt.Fprint that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Fprint(w, spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Fprint(w, convertArgs(a)...)
+// Fprintf is a wrapper for fmt.Fprintf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Fprintf(w, format, spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Fprintf(w, format, convertArgs(a)...)
+// Fprintln is a wrapper for fmt.Fprintln that treats each argument as if it
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Fprintln(w, spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Fprintln(w, convertArgs(a)...)
+// Print is a wrapper for fmt.Print that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Print(spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Print(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Print(convertArgs(a)...)
+// Printf is a wrapper for fmt.Printf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Printf(format, spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Printf(format, convertArgs(a)...)
+// Println is a wrapper for fmt.Println that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. See
+// NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Println(spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+ return fmt.Println(convertArgs(a)...)
+// Sprint is a wrapper for fmt.Sprint that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the resulting string. See NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Sprint(spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprint(convertArgs(a)...)
+// Sprintf is a wrapper for fmt.Sprintf that treats each argument as if it were
+// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the resulting string. See NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Sprintf(format, spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(format, convertArgs(a)...)
+// Sprintln is a wrapper for fmt.Sprintln that treats each argument as if it
+// were passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. It
+// returns the resulting string. See NewFormatter for formatting details.
+// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:
+// fmt.Sprintln(spew.NewFormatter(a), spew.NewFormatter(b))
+func Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintln(convertArgs(a)...)
+// convertArgs accepts a slice of arguments and returns a slice of the same
+// length with each argument converted to a default spew Formatter interface.
+func convertArgs(args []interface{}) (formatters []interface{}) {
+ formatters = make([]interface{}, len(args))
+ for index, arg := range args {
+ formatters[index] = NewFormatter(arg)
+ }
+ return formatters
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c67dad612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, Patrick Mezard
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
+products derived from this software without specific prior written
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..003e99fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+// Package difflib is a partial port of Python difflib module.
+// It provides tools to compare sequences of strings and generate textual diffs.
+// The following class and functions have been ported:
+// - SequenceMatcher
+// - unified_diff
+// - context_diff
+// Getting unified diffs was the main goal of the port. Keep in mind this code
+// is mostly suitable to output text differences in a human friendly way, there
+// are no guarantees generated diffs are consumable by patch(1).
+package difflib
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "strings"
+func min(a, b int) int {
+ if a < b {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b
+func max(a, b int) int {
+ if a > b {
+ return a
+ }
+ return b
+func calculateRatio(matches, length int) float64 {
+ if length > 0 {
+ return 2.0 * float64(matches) / float64(length)
+ }
+ return 1.0
+type Match struct {
+ A int
+ B int
+ Size int
+type OpCode struct {
+ Tag byte
+ I1 int
+ I2 int
+ J1 int
+ J2 int
+// SequenceMatcher compares sequence of strings. The basic
+// algorithm predates, and is a little fancier than, an algorithm
+// published in the late 1980's by Ratcliff and Obershelp under the
+// hyperbolic name "gestalt pattern matching". The basic idea is to find
+// the longest contiguous matching subsequence that contains no "junk"
+// elements (R-O doesn't address junk). The same idea is then applied
+// recursively to the pieces of the sequences to the left and to the right
+// of the matching subsequence. This does not yield minimal edit
+// sequences, but does tend to yield matches that "look right" to people.
+// SequenceMatcher tries to compute a "human-friendly diff" between two
+// sequences. Unlike e.g. UNIX(tm) diff, the fundamental notion is the
+// longest *contiguous* & junk-free matching subsequence. That's what
+// catches peoples' eyes. The Windows(tm) windiff has another interesting
+// notion, pairing up elements that appear uniquely in each sequence.
+// That, and the method here, appear to yield more intuitive difference
+// reports than does diff. This method appears to be the least vulnerable
+// to synching up on blocks of "junk lines", though (like blank lines in
+// ordinary text files, or maybe "<P>" lines in HTML files). That may be
+// because this is the only method of the 3 that has a *concept* of
+// "junk" <wink>.
+// Timing: Basic R-O is cubic time worst case and quadratic time expected
+// case. SequenceMatcher is quadratic time for the worst case and has
+// expected-case behavior dependent in a complicated way on how many
+// elements the sequences have in common; best case time is linear.
+type SequenceMatcher struct {
+ a []string
+ b []string
+ b2j map[string][]int
+ IsJunk func(string) bool
+ autoJunk bool
+ bJunk map[string]struct{}
+ matchingBlocks []Match
+ fullBCount map[string]int
+ bPopular map[string]struct{}
+ opCodes []OpCode
+func NewMatcher(a, b []string) *SequenceMatcher {
+ m := SequenceMatcher{autoJunk: true}
+ m.SetSeqs(a, b)
+ return &m
+func NewMatcherWithJunk(a, b []string, autoJunk bool,
+ isJunk func(string) bool) *SequenceMatcher {
+ m := SequenceMatcher{IsJunk: isJunk, autoJunk: autoJunk}
+ m.SetSeqs(a, b)
+ return &m
+// Set two sequences to be compared.
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) SetSeqs(a, b []string) {
+ m.SetSeq1(a)
+ m.SetSeq2(b)
+// Set the first sequence to be compared. The second sequence to be compared is
+// not changed.
+// SequenceMatcher computes and caches detailed information about the second
+// sequence, so if you want to compare one sequence S against many sequences,
+// use .SetSeq2(s) once and call .SetSeq1(x) repeatedly for each of the other
+// sequences.
+// See also SetSeqs() and SetSeq2().
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) SetSeq1(a []string) {
+ if &a == &m.a {
+ return
+ }
+ m.a = a
+ m.matchingBlocks = nil
+ m.opCodes = nil
+// Set the second sequence to be compared. The first sequence to be compared is
+// not changed.
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) SetSeq2(b []string) {
+ if &b == &m.b {
+ return
+ }
+ m.b = b
+ m.matchingBlocks = nil
+ m.opCodes = nil
+ m.fullBCount = nil
+ m.chainB()
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) chainB() {
+ // Populate line -> index mapping
+ b2j := map[string][]int{}
+ for i, s := range m.b {
+ indices := b2j[s]
+ indices = append(indices, i)
+ b2j[s] = indices
+ }
+ // Purge junk elements
+ m.bJunk = map[string]struct{}{}
+ if m.IsJunk != nil {
+ junk := m.bJunk
+ for s, _ := range b2j {
+ if m.IsJunk(s) {
+ junk[s] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ for s, _ := range junk {
+ delete(b2j, s)
+ }
+ }
+ // Purge remaining popular elements
+ popular := map[string]struct{}{}
+ n := len(m.b)
+ if m.autoJunk && n >= 200 {
+ ntest := n/100 + 1
+ for s, indices := range b2j {
+ if len(indices) > ntest {
+ popular[s] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ for s, _ := range popular {
+ delete(b2j, s)
+ }
+ }
+ m.bPopular = popular
+ m.b2j = b2j
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) isBJunk(s string) bool {
+ _, ok := m.bJunk[s]
+ return ok
+// Find longest matching block in a[alo:ahi] and b[blo:bhi].
+// If IsJunk is not defined:
+// Return (i,j,k) such that a[i:i+k] is equal to b[j:j+k], where
+// alo <= i <= i+k <= ahi
+// blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi
+// and for all (i',j',k') meeting those conditions,
+// k >= k'
+// i <= i'
+// and if i == i', j <= j'
+// In other words, of all maximal matching blocks, return one that
+// starts earliest in a, and of all those maximal matching blocks that
+// start earliest in a, return the one that starts earliest in b.
+// If IsJunk is defined, first the longest matching block is
+// determined as above, but with the additional restriction that no
+// junk element appears in the block. Then that block is extended as
+// far as possible by matching (only) junk elements on both sides. So
+// the resulting block never matches on junk except as identical junk
+// happens to be adjacent to an "interesting" match.
+// If no blocks match, return (alo, blo, 0).
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) findLongestMatch(alo, ahi, blo, bhi int) Match {
+ // CAUTION: stripping common prefix or suffix would be incorrect.
+ // E.g.,
+ // ab
+ // acab
+ // Longest matching block is "ab", but if common prefix is
+ // stripped, it's "a" (tied with "b"). UNIX(tm) diff does so
+ // strip, so ends up claiming that ab is changed to acab by
+ // inserting "ca" in the middle. That's minimal but unintuitive:
+ // "it's obvious" that someone inserted "ac" at the front.
+ // Windiff ends up at the same place as diff, but by pairing up
+ // the unique 'b's and then matching the first two 'a's.
+ besti, bestj, bestsize := alo, blo, 0
+ // find longest junk-free match
+ // during an iteration of the loop, j2len[j] = length of longest
+ // junk-free match ending with a[i-1] and b[j]
+ j2len := map[int]int{}
+ for i := alo; i != ahi; i++ {
+ // look at all instances of a[i] in b; note that because
+ // b2j has no junk keys, the loop is skipped if a[i] is junk
+ newj2len := map[int]int{}
+ for _, j := range m.b2j[m.a[i]] {
+ // a[i] matches b[j]
+ if j < blo {
+ continue
+ }
+ if j >= bhi {
+ break
+ }
+ k := j2len[j-1] + 1
+ newj2len[j] = k
+ if k > bestsize {
+ besti, bestj, bestsize = i-k+1, j-k+1, k
+ }
+ }
+ j2len = newj2len
+ }
+ // Extend the best by non-junk elements on each end. In particular,
+ // "popular" non-junk elements aren't in b2j, which greatly speeds
+ // the inner loop above, but also means "the best" match so far
+ // doesn't contain any junk *or* popular non-junk elements.
+ for besti > alo && bestj > blo && !m.isBJunk(m.b[bestj-1]) &&
+ m.a[besti-1] == m.b[bestj-1] {
+ besti, bestj, bestsize = besti-1, bestj-1, bestsize+1
+ }
+ for besti+bestsize < ahi && bestj+bestsize < bhi &&
+ !m.isBJunk(m.b[bestj+bestsize]) &&
+ m.a[besti+bestsize] == m.b[bestj+bestsize] {
+ bestsize += 1
+ }
+ // Now that we have a wholly interesting match (albeit possibly
+ // empty!), we may as well suck up the matching junk on each
+ // side of it too. Can't think of a good reason not to, and it
+ // saves post-processing the (possibly considerable) expense of
+ // figuring out what to do with it. In the case of an empty
+ // interesting match, this is clearly the right thing to do,
+ // because no other kind of match is possible in the regions.
+ for besti > alo && bestj > blo && m.isBJunk(m.b[bestj-1]) &&
+ m.a[besti-1] == m.b[bestj-1] {
+ besti, bestj, bestsize = besti-1, bestj-1, bestsize+1
+ }
+ for besti+bestsize < ahi && bestj+bestsize < bhi &&
+ m.isBJunk(m.b[bestj+bestsize]) &&
+ m.a[besti+bestsize] == m.b[bestj+bestsize] {
+ bestsize += 1
+ }
+ return Match{A: besti, B: bestj, Size: bestsize}
+// Return list of triples describing matching subsequences.
+// Each triple is of the form (i, j, n), and means that
+// a[i:i+n] == b[j:j+n]. The triples are monotonically increasing in
+// i and in j. It's also guaranteed that if (i, j, n) and (i', j', n') are
+// adjacent triples in the list, and the second is not the last triple in the
+// list, then i+n != i' or j+n != j'. IOW, adjacent triples never describe
+// adjacent equal blocks.
+// The last triple is a dummy, (len(a), len(b), 0), and is the only
+// triple with n==0.
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) GetMatchingBlocks() []Match {
+ if m.matchingBlocks != nil {
+ return m.matchingBlocks
+ }
+ var matchBlocks func(alo, ahi, blo, bhi int, matched []Match) []Match
+ matchBlocks = func(alo, ahi, blo, bhi int, matched []Match) []Match {
+ match := m.findLongestMatch(alo, ahi, blo, bhi)
+ i, j, k := match.A, match.B, match.Size
+ if match.Size > 0 {
+ if alo < i && blo < j {
+ matched = matchBlocks(alo, i, blo, j, matched)
+ }
+ matched = append(matched, match)
+ if i+k < ahi && j+k < bhi {
+ matched = matchBlocks(i+k, ahi, j+k, bhi, matched)
+ }
+ }
+ return matched
+ }
+ matched := matchBlocks(0, len(m.a), 0, len(m.b), nil)
+ // It's possible that we have adjacent equal blocks in the
+ // matching_blocks list now.
+ nonAdjacent := []Match{}
+ i1, j1, k1 := 0, 0, 0
+ for _, b := range matched {
+ // Is this block adjacent to i1, j1, k1?
+ i2, j2, k2 := b.A, b.B, b.Size
+ if i1+k1 == i2 && j1+k1 == j2 {
+ // Yes, so collapse them -- this just increases the length of
+ // the first block by the length of the second, and the first
+ // block so lengthened remains the block to compare against.
+ k1 += k2
+ } else {
+ // Not adjacent. Remember the first block (k1==0 means it's
+ // the dummy we started with), and make the second block the
+ // new block to compare against.
+ if k1 > 0 {
+ nonAdjacent = append(nonAdjacent, Match{i1, j1, k1})
+ }
+ i1, j1, k1 = i2, j2, k2
+ }
+ }
+ if k1 > 0 {
+ nonAdjacent = append(nonAdjacent, Match{i1, j1, k1})
+ }
+ nonAdjacent = append(nonAdjacent, Match{len(m.a), len(m.b), 0})
+ m.matchingBlocks = nonAdjacent
+ return m.matchingBlocks
+// Return list of 5-tuples describing how to turn a into b.
+// Each tuple is of the form (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2). The first tuple
+// has i1 == j1 == 0, and remaining tuples have i1 == the i2 from the
+// tuple preceding it, and likewise for j1 == the previous j2.
+// The tags are characters, with these meanings:
+// 'r' (replace): a[i1:i2] should be replaced by b[j1:j2]
+// 'd' (delete): a[i1:i2] should be deleted, j1==j2 in this case.
+// 'i' (insert): b[j1:j2] should be inserted at a[i1:i1], i1==i2 in this case.
+// 'e' (equal): a[i1:i2] == b[j1:j2]
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) GetOpCodes() []OpCode {
+ if m.opCodes != nil {
+ return m.opCodes
+ }
+ i, j := 0, 0
+ matching := m.GetMatchingBlocks()
+ opCodes := make([]OpCode, 0, len(matching))
+ for _, m := range matching {
+ // invariant: we've pumped out correct diffs to change
+ // a[:i] into b[:j], and the next matching block is
+ // a[ai:ai+size] == b[bj:bj+size]. So we need to pump
+ // out a diff to change a[i:ai] into b[j:bj], pump out
+ // the matching block, and move (i,j) beyond the match
+ ai, bj, size := m.A, m.B, m.Size
+ tag := byte(0)
+ if i < ai && j < bj {
+ tag = 'r'
+ } else if i < ai {
+ tag = 'd'
+ } else if j < bj {
+ tag = 'i'
+ }
+ if tag > 0 {
+ opCodes = append(opCodes, OpCode{tag, i, ai, j, bj})
+ }
+ i, j = ai+size, bj+size
+ // the list of matching blocks is terminated by a
+ // sentinel with size 0
+ if size > 0 {
+ opCodes = append(opCodes, OpCode{'e', ai, i, bj, j})
+ }
+ }
+ m.opCodes = opCodes
+ return m.opCodes
+// Isolate change clusters by eliminating ranges with no changes.
+// Return a generator of groups with up to n lines of context.
+// Each group is in the same format as returned by GetOpCodes().
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) GetGroupedOpCodes(n int) [][]OpCode {
+ if n < 0 {
+ n = 3
+ }
+ codes := m.GetOpCodes()
+ if len(codes) == 0 {
+ codes = []OpCode{OpCode{'e', 0, 1, 0, 1}}
+ }
+ // Fixup leading and trailing groups if they show no changes.
+ if codes[0].Tag == 'e' {
+ c := codes[0]
+ i1, i2, j1, j2 := c.I1, c.I2, c.J1, c.J2
+ codes[0] = OpCode{c.Tag, max(i1, i2-n), i2, max(j1, j2-n), j2}
+ }
+ if codes[len(codes)-1].Tag == 'e' {
+ c := codes[len(codes)-1]
+ i1, i2, j1, j2 := c.I1, c.I2, c.J1, c.J2
+ codes[len(codes)-1] = OpCode{c.Tag, i1, min(i2, i1+n), j1, min(j2, j1+n)}
+ }
+ nn := n + n
+ groups := [][]OpCode{}
+ group := []OpCode{}
+ for _, c := range codes {
+ i1, i2, j1, j2 := c.I1, c.I2, c.J1, c.J2
+ // End the current group and start a new one whenever
+ // there is a large range with no changes.
+ if c.Tag == 'e' && i2-i1 > nn {
+ group = append(group, OpCode{c.Tag, i1, min(i2, i1+n),
+ j1, min(j2, j1+n)})
+ groups = append(groups, group)
+ group = []OpCode{}
+ i1, j1 = max(i1, i2-n), max(j1, j2-n)
+ }
+ group = append(group, OpCode{c.Tag, i1, i2, j1, j2})
+ }
+ if len(group) > 0 && !(len(group) == 1 && group[0].Tag == 'e') {
+ groups = append(groups, group)
+ }
+ return groups
+// Return a measure of the sequences' similarity (float in [0,1]).
+// Where T is the total number of elements in both sequences, and
+// M is the number of matches, this is 2.0*M / T.
+// Note that this is 1 if the sequences are identical, and 0 if
+// they have nothing in common.
+// .Ratio() is expensive to compute if you haven't already computed
+// .GetMatchingBlocks() or .GetOpCodes(), in which case you may
+// want to try .QuickRatio() or .RealQuickRation() first to get an
+// upper bound.
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) Ratio() float64 {
+ matches := 0
+ for _, m := range m.GetMatchingBlocks() {
+ matches += m.Size
+ }
+ return calculateRatio(matches, len(m.a)+len(m.b))
+// Return an upper bound on ratio() relatively quickly.
+// This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on .Ratio(), and
+// is faster to compute.
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) QuickRatio() float64 {
+ // viewing a and b as multisets, set matches to the cardinality
+ // of their intersection; this counts the number of matches
+ // without regard to order, so is clearly an upper bound
+ if m.fullBCount == nil {
+ m.fullBCount = map[string]int{}
+ for _, s := range m.b {
+ m.fullBCount[s] = m.fullBCount[s] + 1
+ }
+ }
+ // avail[x] is the number of times x appears in 'b' less the
+ // number of times we've seen it in 'a' so far ... kinda
+ avail := map[string]int{}
+ matches := 0
+ for _, s := range m.a {
+ n, ok := avail[s]
+ if !ok {
+ n = m.fullBCount[s]
+ }
+ avail[s] = n - 1
+ if n > 0 {
+ matches += 1
+ }
+ }
+ return calculateRatio(matches, len(m.a)+len(m.b))
+// Return an upper bound on ratio() very quickly.
+// This isn't defined beyond that it is an upper bound on .Ratio(), and
+// is faster to compute than either .Ratio() or .QuickRatio().
+func (m *SequenceMatcher) RealQuickRatio() float64 {
+ la, lb := len(m.a), len(m.b)
+ return calculateRatio(min(la, lb), la+lb)
+// Convert range to the "ed" format
+func formatRangeUnified(start, stop int) string {
+ // Per the diff spec at
+ beginning := start + 1 // lines start numbering with one
+ length := stop - start
+ if length == 1 {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d", beginning)
+ }
+ if length == 0 {
+ beginning -= 1 // empty ranges begin at line just before the range
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", beginning, length)
+// Unified diff parameters
+type UnifiedDiff struct {
+ A []string // First sequence lines
+ FromFile string // First file name
+ FromDate string // First file time
+ B []string // Second sequence lines
+ ToFile string // Second file name
+ ToDate string // Second file time
+ Eol string // Headers end of line, defaults to LF
+ Context int // Number of context lines
+// Compare two sequences of lines; generate the delta as a unified diff.
+// Unified diffs are a compact way of showing line changes and a few
+// lines of context. The number of context lines is set by 'n' which
+// defaults to three.
+// By default, the diff control lines (those with ---, +++, or @@) are
+// created with a trailing newline. This is helpful so that inputs
+// created from file.readlines() result in diffs that are suitable for
+// file.writelines() since both the inputs and outputs have trailing
+// newlines.
+// For inputs that do not have trailing newlines, set the lineterm
+// argument to "" so that the output will be uniformly newline free.
+// The unidiff format normally has a header for filenames and modification
+// times. Any or all of these may be specified using strings for
+// 'fromfile', 'tofile', 'fromfiledate', and 'tofiledate'.
+// The modification times are normally expressed in the ISO 8601 format.
+func WriteUnifiedDiff(writer io.Writer, diff UnifiedDiff) error {
+ buf := bufio.NewWriter(writer)
+ defer buf.Flush()
+ wf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
+ _, err := buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+ return err
+ }
+ ws := func(s string) error {
+ _, err := buf.WriteString(s)
+ return err
+ }
+ if len(diff.Eol) == 0 {
+ diff.Eol = "\n"
+ }
+ started := false
+ m := NewMatcher(diff.A, diff.B)
+ for _, g := range m.GetGroupedOpCodes(diff.Context) {
+ if !started {
+ started = true
+ fromDate := ""
+ if len(diff.FromDate) > 0 {
+ fromDate = "\t" + diff.FromDate
+ }
+ toDate := ""
+ if len(diff.ToDate) > 0 {
+ toDate = "\t" + diff.ToDate
+ }
+ if diff.FromFile != "" || diff.ToFile != "" {
+ err := wf("--- %s%s%s", diff.FromFile, fromDate, diff.Eol)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ err = wf("+++ %s%s%s", diff.ToFile, toDate, diff.Eol)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ first, last := g[0], g[len(g)-1]
+ range1 := formatRangeUnified(first.I1, last.I2)
+ range2 := formatRangeUnified(first.J1, last.J2)
+ if err := wf("@@ -%s +%s @@%s", range1, range2, diff.Eol); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for _, c := range g {
+ i1, i2, j1, j2 := c.I1, c.I2, c.J1, c.J2
+ if c.Tag == 'e' {
+ for _, line := range diff.A[i1:i2] {
+ if err := ws(" " + line); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if c.Tag == 'r' || c.Tag == 'd' {
+ for _, line := range diff.A[i1:i2] {
+ if err := ws("-" + line); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if c.Tag == 'r' || c.Tag == 'i' {
+ for _, line := range diff.B[j1:j2] {
+ if err := ws("+" + line); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Like WriteUnifiedDiff but returns the diff a string.
+func GetUnifiedDiffString(diff UnifiedDiff) (string, error) {
+ w := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ err := WriteUnifiedDiff(w, diff)
+ return string(w.Bytes()), err
+// Convert range to the "ed" format.
+func formatRangeContext(start, stop int) string {
+ // Per the diff spec at
+ beginning := start + 1 // lines start numbering with one
+ length := stop - start
+ if length == 0 {
+ beginning -= 1 // empty ranges begin at line just before the range
+ }
+ if length <= 1 {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d", beginning)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", beginning, beginning+length-1)
+type ContextDiff UnifiedDiff
+// Compare two sequences of lines; generate the delta as a context diff.
+// Context diffs are a compact way of showing line changes and a few
+// lines of context. The number of context lines is set by diff.Context
+// which defaults to three.
+// By default, the diff control lines (those with *** or ---) are
+// created with a trailing newline.
+// For inputs that do not have trailing newlines, set the diff.Eol
+// argument to "" so that the output will be uniformly newline free.
+// The context diff format normally has a header for filenames and
+// modification times. Any or all of these may be specified using
+// strings for diff.FromFile, diff.ToFile, diff.FromDate, diff.ToDate.
+// The modification times are normally expressed in the ISO 8601 format.
+// If not specified, the strings default to blanks.
+func WriteContextDiff(writer io.Writer, diff ContextDiff) error {
+ buf := bufio.NewWriter(writer)
+ defer buf.Flush()
+ var diffErr error
+ wf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+ _, err := buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
+ if diffErr == nil && err != nil {
+ diffErr = err
+ }
+ }
+ ws := func(s string) {
+ _, err := buf.WriteString(s)
+ if diffErr == nil && err != nil {
+ diffErr = err
+ }
+ }
+ if len(diff.Eol) == 0 {
+ diff.Eol = "\n"
+ }
+ prefix := map[byte]string{
+ 'i': "+ ",
+ 'd': "- ",
+ 'r': "! ",
+ 'e': " ",
+ }
+ started := false
+ m := NewMatcher(diff.A, diff.B)
+ for _, g := range m.GetGroupedOpCodes(diff.Context) {
+ if !started {
+ started = true
+ fromDate := ""
+ if len(diff.FromDate) > 0 {
+ fromDate = "\t" + diff.FromDate
+ }
+ toDate := ""
+ if len(diff.ToDate) > 0 {
+ toDate = "\t" + diff.ToDate
+ }
+ if diff.FromFile != "" || diff.ToFile != "" {
+ wf("*** %s%s%s", diff.FromFile, fromDate, diff.Eol)
+ wf("--- %s%s%s", diff.ToFile, toDate, diff.Eol)
+ }
+ }
+ first, last := g[0], g[len(g)-1]
+ ws("***************" + diff.Eol)
+ range1 := formatRangeContext(first.I1, last.I2)
+ wf("*** %s ****%s", range1, diff.Eol)
+ for _, c := range g {
+ if c.Tag == 'r' || c.Tag == 'd' {
+ for _, cc := range g {
+ if cc.Tag == 'i' {
+ continue
+ }
+ for _, line := range diff.A[cc.I1:cc.I2] {
+ ws(prefix[cc.Tag] + line)
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ range2 := formatRangeContext(first.J1, last.J2)
+ wf("--- %s ----%s", range2, diff.Eol)
+ for _, c := range g {
+ if c.Tag == 'r' || c.Tag == 'i' {
+ for _, cc := range g {
+ if cc.Tag == 'd' {
+ continue
+ }
+ for _, line := range diff.B[cc.J1:cc.J2] {
+ ws(prefix[cc.Tag] + line)
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return diffErr
+// Like WriteContextDiff but returns the diff a string.
+func GetContextDiffString(diff ContextDiff) (string, error) {
+ w := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ err := WriteContextDiff(w, diff)
+ return string(w.Bytes()), err
+// Split a string on "\n" while preserving them. The output can be used
+// as input for UnifiedDiff and ContextDiff structures.
+func SplitLines(s string) []string {
+ lines := strings.SplitAfter(s, "\n")
+ lines[len(lines)-1] += "\n"
+ return lines
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..473b670a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 - 2013 Mat Ryer and Tyler Bunnell
+Please consider promoting this project if you find it useful.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e172f2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+ */
+package assert
+import (
+ http "net/http"
+ url "net/url"
+ time "time"
+// Conditionf uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func Conditionf(t TestingT, comp Comparison, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Condition(t, comp, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Containsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Contains(t, s, contains, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// DirExistsf checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func DirExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return DirExists(t, path, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// ElementsMatchf asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// assert.ElementsMatchf(t, [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2], "error message %s", "formatted"))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func ElementsMatchf(t TestingT, listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return ElementsMatch(t, listA, listB, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// assert.Emptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Emptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Empty(t, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Equalf asserts that two objects are equal.
+// assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func Equalf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Equal(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return EqualError(t, theError, errString, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return EqualValues(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Errorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Error(t, err, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// assert.Exactlyf(t, int32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Exactlyf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Exactly(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Failf reports a failure through
+func Failf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Fail(t, failureMessage, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// FailNowf fails test
+func FailNowf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return FailNow(t, failureMessage, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Falsef asserts that the specified value is false.
+// assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Falsef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return False(t, value, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// FileExistsf checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func FileExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return FileExists(t, path, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPBodyContains(t, handler, method, url, values, str, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPBodyNotContains(t, handler, method, url, values, str, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// assert.HTTPErrorf(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func HTTPErrorf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPError(t, handler, method, url, values, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func HTTPRedirectf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPRedirect(t, handler, method, url, values, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, myHandler, "POST", "", nil, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPSuccessf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPSuccess(t, handler, method, url, values, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// assert.Implementsf(t, (*MyInterface, "error message %s", "formatted")(nil), new(MyObject))
+func Implementsf(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Implements(t, interfaceObject, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, (22 / 7.0, "error message %s", "formatted"), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InDeltaf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDelta(t, expected, actual, delta, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// InDeltaMapValuesf is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func InDeltaMapValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaMapValues(t, expected, actual, delta, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// InDeltaSlicef is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func InDeltaSlicef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaSlice(t, expected, actual, delta, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// InEpsilonf asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InEpsilonf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InEpsilon(t, expected, actual, epsilon, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// InEpsilonSlicef is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func InEpsilonSlicef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InEpsilonSlice(t, expected, actual, epsilon, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// IsTypef asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func IsTypef(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return IsType(t, expectedType, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func JSONEqf(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return JSONEq(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Len(t, object, length, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Nilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Nil(t, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NoErrorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NoError(t, err, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotContains(t, s, contains, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if assert.NotEmptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotEmptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotEmpty(t, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func NotEqualf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotEqual(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotNil(t, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// assert.NotPanicsf(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotPanicsf(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotPanics(t, f, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// assert.NotRegexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// assert.NotRegexpf(t, "^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotRegexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotRegexp(t, rx, str, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.NotSubsetf(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotSubsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotSubset(t, list, subset, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// NotZerof asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func NotZerof(t TestingT, i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotZero(t, i, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// assert.Panicsf(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Panicsf(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Panics(t, f, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func PanicsWithValuef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return PanicsWithValue(t, expected, f, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// assert.Regexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("start", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// assert.Regexpf(t, "start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Regexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Regexp(t, rx, str, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.Subsetf(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Subsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Subset(t, list, subset, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Truef asserts that the specified value is true.
+// assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return True(t, value, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return WithinDuration(t, expected, actual, delta, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
+// Zerof asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func Zerof(t TestingT, i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Zero(t, i, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c4f497bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+ */
+package assert
+import (
+ http "net/http"
+ url "net/url"
+ time "time"
+// Condition uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func (a *Assertions) Condition(comp Comparison, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Condition(a.t, comp, msgAndArgs...)
+// Conditionf uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func (a *Assertions) Conditionf(comp Comparison, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Conditionf(a.t, comp, msg, args...)
+// Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.Contains("Hello World", "World")
+// a.Contains(["Hello", "World"], "World")
+// a.Contains({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Contains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Contains(a.t, s, contains, msgAndArgs...)
+// Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.Containsf("Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.Containsf(["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.Containsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Containsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Containsf(a.t, s, contains, msg, args...)
+// DirExists checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func (a *Assertions) DirExists(path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return DirExists(a.t, path, msgAndArgs...)
+// DirExistsf checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func (a *Assertions) DirExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return DirExistsf(a.t, path, msg, args...)
+// ElementsMatch asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// a.ElementsMatch([1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2]))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) ElementsMatch(listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return ElementsMatch(a.t, listA, listB, msgAndArgs...)
+// ElementsMatchf asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// a.ElementsMatchf([1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2], "error message %s", "formatted"))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) ElementsMatchf(listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return ElementsMatchf(a.t, listA, listB, msg, args...)
+// Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// a.Empty(obj)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Empty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Empty(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// a.Emptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Emptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Emptyf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// Equal asserts that two objects are equal.
+// a.Equal(123, 123)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func (a *Assertions) Equal(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Equal(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// a.EqualError(err, expectedErrorString)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualError(theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return EqualError(a.t, theError, errString, msgAndArgs...)
+// EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// a.EqualErrorf(err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualErrorf(theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return EqualErrorf(a.t, theError, errString, msg, args...)
+// EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// a.EqualValues(uint32(123), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return EqualValues(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// a.EqualValuesf(uint32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return EqualValuesf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Equalf asserts that two objects are equal.
+// a.Equalf(123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func (a *Assertions) Equalf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Equalf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.Error(err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Error(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Error(a.t, err, msgAndArgs...)
+// Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.Errorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Errorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Errorf(a.t, err, msg, args...)
+// Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// a.Exactly(int32(123), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Exactly(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Exactly(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// a.Exactlyf(int32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Exactlyf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Exactlyf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Fail reports a failure through
+func (a *Assertions) Fail(failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Fail(a.t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...)
+// FailNow fails test
+func (a *Assertions) FailNow(failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return FailNow(a.t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...)
+// FailNowf fails test
+func (a *Assertions) FailNowf(failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return FailNowf(a.t, failureMessage, msg, args...)
+// Failf reports a failure through
+func (a *Assertions) Failf(failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Failf(a.t, failureMessage, msg, args...)
+// False asserts that the specified value is false.
+// a.False(myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) False(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return False(a.t, value, msgAndArgs...)
+// Falsef asserts that the specified value is false.
+// a.Falsef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Falsef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Falsef(a.t, value, msg, args...)
+// FileExists checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func (a *Assertions) FileExists(path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return FileExists(a.t, path, msgAndArgs...)
+// FileExistsf checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func (a *Assertions) FileExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return FileExistsf(a.t, path, msg, args...)
+// HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyContains(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPBodyContains(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyContainsf(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPBodyContainsf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msg, args...)
+// HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyNotContains(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPBodyNotContains(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPBodyNotContainsf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msg, args...)
+// HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// a.HTTPError(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPError(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPError(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// a.HTTPErrorf(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPErrorf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPErrorf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...)
+// HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// a.HTTPRedirect(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirect(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPRedirect(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// a.HTTPRedirectf(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirectf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPRedirectf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...)
+// HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// a.HTTPSuccess(myHandler, "POST", "", nil)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccess(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPSuccess(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// a.HTTPSuccessf(myHandler, "POST", "", nil, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccessf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return HTTPSuccessf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...)
+// Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// a.Implements((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject))
+func (a *Assertions) Implements(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Implements(a.t, interfaceObject, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// a.Implementsf((*MyInterface, "error message %s", "formatted")(nil), new(MyObject))
+func (a *Assertions) Implementsf(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Implementsf(a.t, interfaceObject, object, msg, args...)
+// InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// a.InDelta(math.Pi, (22 / 7.0), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InDelta(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDelta(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// InDeltaMapValues is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaMapValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaMapValues(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// InDeltaMapValuesf is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaMapValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaMapValuesf(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// InDeltaSlice is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaSlice(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaSlice(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// InDeltaSlicef is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaSlicef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaSlicef(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// a.InDeltaf(math.Pi, (22 / 7.0, "error message %s", "formatted"), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InDeltaf(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// InEpsilon asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilon(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InEpsilon(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msgAndArgs...)
+// InEpsilonSlice is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonSlice(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InEpsilonSlice(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msgAndArgs...)
+// InEpsilonSlicef is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonSlicef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InEpsilonSlicef(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msg, args...)
+// InEpsilonf asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return InEpsilonf(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msg, args...)
+// IsType asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func (a *Assertions) IsType(expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return IsType(a.t, expectedType, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// IsTypef asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func (a *Assertions) IsTypef(expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return IsTypef(a.t, expectedType, object, msg, args...)
+// JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// a.JSONEq(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) JSONEq(expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return JSONEq(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// a.JSONEqf(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) JSONEqf(expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return JSONEqf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Len asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// a.Len(mySlice, 3)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Len(object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Len(a.t, object, length, msgAndArgs...)
+// Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// a.Lenf(mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Lenf(object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Lenf(a.t, object, length, msg, args...)
+// Nil asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// a.Nil(err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Nil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Nil(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// a.Nilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Nilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Nilf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.NoError(err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NoError(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NoError(a.t, err, msgAndArgs...)
+// NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.NoErrorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NoErrorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NoErrorf(a.t, err, msg, args...)
+// NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.NotContains("Hello World", "Earth")
+// a.NotContains(["Hello", "World"], "Earth")
+// a.NotContains({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotContains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotContains(a.t, s, contains, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.NotContainsf("Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.NotContainsf(["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.NotContainsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotContainsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotContainsf(a.t, s, contains, msg, args...)
+// NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if a.NotEmpty(obj) {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEmpty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotEmpty(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if a.NotEmptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEmptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotEmptyf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// a.NotEqual(obj1, obj2)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEqual(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotEqual(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// a.NotEqualf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEqualf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotEqualf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// a.NotNil(err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotNil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotNil(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// a.NotNilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotNilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotNilf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// a.NotPanics(func(){ RemainCalm() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotPanics(f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotPanics(a.t, f, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// a.NotPanicsf(func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotPanicsf(f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotPanicsf(a.t, f, msg, args...)
+// NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// a.NotRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting")
+// a.NotRegexp("^start", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotRegexp(a.t, rx, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// a.NotRegexpf(regexp.MustCompile("starts", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// a.NotRegexpf("^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotRegexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotRegexpf(a.t, rx, str, msg, args...)
+// NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.NotSubset([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotSubset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotSubset(a.t, list, subset, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.NotSubsetf([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotSubsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotSubsetf(a.t, list, subset, msg, args...)
+// NotZero asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) NotZero(i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotZero(a.t, i, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotZerof asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) NotZerof(i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return NotZerof(a.t, i, msg, args...)
+// Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// a.Panics(func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Panics(f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Panics(a.t, f, msgAndArgs...)
+// PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// a.PanicsWithValue("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValue(expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return PanicsWithValue(a.t, expected, f, msgAndArgs...)
+// PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// a.PanicsWithValuef("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValuef(expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return PanicsWithValuef(a.t, expected, f, msg, args...)
+// Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// a.Panicsf(func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Panicsf(f PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Panicsf(a.t, f, msg, args...)
+// Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// a.Regexp(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting")
+// a.Regexp("start...$", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Regexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Regexp(a.t, rx, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// a.Regexpf(regexp.MustCompile("start", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// a.Regexpf("start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Regexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Regexpf(a.t, rx, str, msg, args...)
+// Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.Subset([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Subset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Subset(a.t, list, subset, msgAndArgs...)
+// Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.Subsetf([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Subsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Subsetf(a.t, list, subset, msg, args...)
+// True asserts that the specified value is true.
+// a.True(myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) True(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return True(a.t, value, msgAndArgs...)
+// Truef asserts that the specified value is true.
+// a.Truef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Truef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Truef(a.t, value, msg, args...)
+// WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// a.WithinDuration(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) WithinDuration(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return WithinDuration(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// a.WithinDurationf(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) WithinDurationf(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return WithinDurationf(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// Zero asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) Zero(i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Zero(a.t, i, msgAndArgs...)
+// Zerof asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) Zerof(i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
+ return Zerof(a.t, i, msg, args...)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d387bc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+package assert
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+ "regexp"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "unicode"
+ "unicode/utf8"
+ ""
+ ""
+//go:generate go run ../_codegen/main.go -output-package=assert -template=assertion_format.go.tmpl
+// TestingT is an interface wrapper around *testing.T
+type TestingT interface {
+ Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
+// Comparison a custom function that returns true on success and false on failure
+type Comparison func() (success bool)
+ Helper functions
+// ObjectsAreEqual determines if two objects are considered equal.
+// This function does no assertion of any kind.
+func ObjectsAreEqual(expected, actual interface{}) bool {
+ if expected == nil || actual == nil {
+ return expected == actual
+ }
+ if exp, ok := expected.([]byte); ok {
+ act, ok := actual.([]byte)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ } else if exp == nil || act == nil {
+ return exp == nil && act == nil
+ }
+ return bytes.Equal(exp, act)
+ }
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual)
+// ObjectsAreEqualValues gets whether two objects are equal, or if their
+// values are equal.
+func ObjectsAreEqualValues(expected, actual interface{}) bool {
+ if ObjectsAreEqual(expected, actual) {
+ return true
+ }
+ actualType := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
+ if actualType == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ expectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(expected)
+ if expectedValue.IsValid() && expectedValue.Type().ConvertibleTo(actualType) {
+ // Attempt comparison after type conversion
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(expectedValue.Convert(actualType).Interface(), actual)
+ }
+ return false
+/* CallerInfo is necessary because the assert functions use the testing object
+internally, causing it to print the file:line of the assert method, rather than where
+the problem actually occurred in calling code.*/
+// CallerInfo returns an array of strings containing the file and line number
+// of each stack frame leading from the current test to the assert call that
+// failed.
+func CallerInfo() []string {
+ pc := uintptr(0)
+ file := ""
+ line := 0
+ ok := false
+ name := ""
+ callers := []string{}
+ for i := 0; ; i++ {
+ pc, file, line, ok = runtime.Caller(i)
+ if !ok {
+ // The breaks below failed to terminate the loop, and we ran off the
+ // end of the call stack.
+ break
+ }
+ // This is a huge edge case, but it will panic if this is the case, see #180
+ if file == "<autogenerated>" {
+ break
+ }
+ f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
+ if f == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ name = f.Name()
+ // testing.tRunner is the standard library function that calls
+ // tests. Subtests are called directly by tRunner, without going through
+ // the Test/Benchmark/Example function that contains the t.Run calls, so
+ // with subtests we should break when we hit tRunner, without adding it
+ // to the list of callers.
+ if name == "testing.tRunner" {
+ break
+ }
+ parts := strings.Split(file, "/")
+ file = parts[len(parts)-1]
+ if len(parts) > 1 {
+ dir := parts[len(parts)-2]
+ if (dir != "assert" && dir != "mock" && dir != "require") || file == "mock_test.go" {
+ callers = append(callers, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line))
+ }
+ }
+ // Drop the package
+ segments := strings.Split(name, ".")
+ name = segments[len(segments)-1]
+ if isTest(name, "Test") ||
+ isTest(name, "Benchmark") ||
+ isTest(name, "Example") {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return callers
+// Stolen from the `go test` tool.
+// isTest tells whether name looks like a test (or benchmark, according to prefix).
+// It is a Test (say) if there is a character after Test that is not a lower-case letter.
+// We don't want TesticularCancer.
+func isTest(name, prefix string) bool {
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if len(name) == len(prefix) { // "Test" is ok
+ return true
+ }
+ rune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name[len(prefix):])
+ return !unicode.IsLower(rune)
+// getWhitespaceString returns a string that is long enough to overwrite the default
+// output from the go testing framework.
+func getWhitespaceString() string {
+ _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
+ if !ok {
+ return ""
+ }
+ parts := strings.Split(file, "/")
+ file = parts[len(parts)-1]
+ return strings.Repeat(" ", len(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: ", file, line)))
+func messageFromMsgAndArgs(msgAndArgs ...interface{}) string {
+ if len(msgAndArgs) == 0 || msgAndArgs == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if len(msgAndArgs) == 1 {
+ return msgAndArgs[0].(string)
+ }
+ if len(msgAndArgs) > 1 {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(msgAndArgs[0].(string), msgAndArgs[1:]...)
+ }
+ return ""
+// Aligns the provided message so that all lines after the first line start at the same location as the first line.
+// Assumes that the first line starts at the correct location (after carriage return, tab, label, spacer and tab).
+// The longestLabelLen parameter specifies the length of the longest label in the output (required becaues this is the
+// basis on which the alignment occurs).
+func indentMessageLines(message string, longestLabelLen int) string {
+ outBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ for i, scanner := 0, bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(message)); scanner.Scan(); i++ {
+ // no need to align first line because it starts at the correct location (after the label)
+ if i != 0 {
+ // append alignLen+1 spaces to align with "{{longestLabel}}:" before adding tab
+ outBuf.WriteString("\n\r\t" + strings.Repeat(" ", longestLabelLen+1) + "\t")
+ }
+ outBuf.WriteString(scanner.Text())
+ }
+ return outBuf.String()
+type failNower interface {
+ FailNow()
+// FailNow fails test
+func FailNow(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ Fail(t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...)
+ // We cannot extend TestingT with FailNow() and
+ // maintain backwards compatibility, so we fallback
+ // to panicking when FailNow is not available in
+ // TestingT.
+ // See issue #263
+ if t, ok := t.(failNower); ok {
+ t.FailNow()
+ } else {
+ panic("test failed and t is missing `FailNow()`")
+ }
+ return false
+// Fail reports a failure through
+func Fail(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ content := []labeledContent{
+ {"Error Trace", strings.Join(CallerInfo(), "\n\r\t\t\t")},
+ {"Error", failureMessage},
+ }
+ // Add test name if the Go version supports it
+ if n, ok := t.(interface {
+ Name() string
+ }); ok {
+ content = append(content, labeledContent{"Test", n.Name()})
+ }
+ message := messageFromMsgAndArgs(msgAndArgs...)
+ if len(message) > 0 {
+ content = append(content, labeledContent{"Messages", message})
+ }
+ t.Errorf("%s", "\r"+getWhitespaceString()+labeledOutput(content...))
+ return false
+type labeledContent struct {
+ label string
+ content string
+// labeledOutput returns a string consisting of the provided labeledContent. Each labeled output is appended in the following manner:
+// \r\t{{label}}:{{align_spaces}}\t{{content}}\n
+// The initial carriage return is required to undo/erase any padding added by testing.T.Errorf. The "\t{{label}}:" is for the label.
+// If a label is shorter than the longest label provided, padding spaces are added to make all the labels match in length. Once this
+// alignment is achieved, "\t{{content}}\n" is added for the output.
+// If the content of the labeledOutput contains line breaks, the subsequent lines are aligned so that they start at the same location as the first line.
+func labeledOutput(content ...labeledContent) string {
+ longestLabel := 0
+ for _, v := range content {
+ if len(v.label) > longestLabel {
+ longestLabel = len(v.label)
+ }
+ }
+ var output string
+ for _, v := range content {
+ output += "\r\t" + v.label + ":" + strings.Repeat(" ", longestLabel-len(v.label)) + "\t" + indentMessageLines(v.content, longestLabel) + "\n"
+ }
+ return output
+// Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// assert.Implements(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject))
+func Implements(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ interfaceType := reflect.TypeOf(interfaceObject).Elem()
+ if object == nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Cannot check if nil implements %v", interfaceType), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !reflect.TypeOf(object).Implements(interfaceType) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%T must implement %v", object, interfaceType), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// IsType asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func IsType(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if !ObjectsAreEqual(reflect.TypeOf(object), reflect.TypeOf(expectedType)) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Object expected to be of type %v, but was %v", reflect.TypeOf(expectedType), reflect.TypeOf(object)), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// Equal asserts that two objects are equal.
+// assert.Equal(t, 123, 123)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func Equal(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if err := validateEqualArgs(expected, actual); err != nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid operation: %#v == %#v (%s)",
+ expected, actual, err), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !ObjectsAreEqual(expected, actual) {
+ diff := diff(expected, actual)
+ expected, actual = formatUnequalValues(expected, actual)
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not equal: \n"+
+ "expected: %s\n"+
+ "actual : %s%s", expected, actual, diff), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// formatUnequalValues takes two values of arbitrary types and returns string
+// representations appropriate to be presented to the user.
+// If the values are not of like type, the returned strings will be prefixed
+// with the type name, and the value will be enclosed in parenthesis similar
+// to a type conversion in the Go grammar.
+func formatUnequalValues(expected, actual interface{}) (e string, a string) {
+ if reflect.TypeOf(expected) != reflect.TypeOf(actual) {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%T(%#v)", expected, expected),
+ fmt.Sprintf("%T(%#v)", actual, actual)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", expected),
+ fmt.Sprintf("%#v", actual)
+// EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if !ObjectsAreEqualValues(expected, actual) {
+ diff := diff(expected, actual)
+ expected, actual = formatUnequalValues(expected, actual)
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not equal: \n"+
+ "expected: %s\n"+
+ "actual : %s%s", expected, actual, diff), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Exactly(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ aType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
+ bType := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
+ if aType != bType {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to match exactly\n\r\t%v != %v", aType, bType), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return Equal(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// assert.NotNil(t, err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotNil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if !isNil(object) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return Fail(t, "Expected value not to be nil.", msgAndArgs...)
+// isNil checks if a specified object is nil or not, without Failing.
+func isNil(object interface{}) bool {
+ if object == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ value := reflect.ValueOf(object)
+ kind := value.Kind()
+ if kind >= reflect.Chan && kind <= reflect.Slice && value.IsNil() {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+// Nil asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// assert.Nil(t, err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Nil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if isNil(object) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected nil, but got: %#v", object), msgAndArgs...)
+// isEmpty gets whether the specified object is considered empty or not.
+func isEmpty(object interface{}) bool {
+ // get nil case out of the way
+ if object == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ objValue := reflect.ValueOf(object)
+ switch objValue.Kind() {
+ // collection types are empty when they have no element
+ case reflect.Array, reflect.Chan, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
+ return objValue.Len() == 0
+ // pointers are empty if nil or if the value they point to is empty
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ if objValue.IsNil() {
+ return true
+ }
+ deref := objValue.Elem().Interface()
+ return isEmpty(deref)
+ // for all other types, compare against the zero value
+ default:
+ zero := reflect.Zero(objValue.Type())
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(object, zero.Interface())
+ }
+// Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// assert.Empty(t, obj)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Empty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ pass := isEmpty(object)
+ if !pass {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should be empty, but was %v", object), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return pass
+// NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if assert.NotEmpty(t, obj) {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotEmpty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ pass := !isEmpty(object)
+ if !pass {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should NOT be empty, but was %v", object), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return pass
+// getLen try to get length of object.
+// return (false, 0) if impossible.
+func getLen(x interface{}) (ok bool, length int) {
+ v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
+ defer func() {
+ if e := recover(); e != nil {
+ ok = false
+ }
+ }()
+ return true, v.Len()
+// Len asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// assert.Len(t, mySlice, 3)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Len(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ ok, l := getLen(object)
+ if !ok {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", object), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if l != length {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" should have %d item(s), but has %d", object, length, l), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// True asserts that the specified value is true.
+// assert.True(t, myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func True(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if value != true {
+ return Fail(t, "Should be true", msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// False asserts that the specified value is false.
+// assert.False(t, myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func False(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if value != false {
+ return Fail(t, "Should be false", msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// assert.NotEqual(t, obj1, obj2)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func NotEqual(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if err := validateEqualArgs(expected, actual); err != nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid operation: %#v != %#v (%s)",
+ expected, actual, err), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if ObjectsAreEqual(expected, actual) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should not be: %#v\n", actual), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// containsElement try loop over the list check if the list includes the element.
+// return (false, false) if impossible.
+// return (true, false) if element was not found.
+// return (true, true) if element was found.
+func includeElement(list interface{}, element interface{}) (ok, found bool) {
+ listValue := reflect.ValueOf(list)
+ elementValue := reflect.ValueOf(element)
+ defer func() {
+ if e := recover(); e != nil {
+ ok = false
+ found = false
+ }
+ }()
+ if reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() == reflect.String {
+ return true, strings.Contains(listValue.String(), elementValue.String())
+ }
+ if reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind() == reflect.Map {
+ mapKeys := listValue.MapKeys()
+ for i := 0; i < len(mapKeys); i++ {
+ if ObjectsAreEqual(mapKeys[i].Interface(), element) {
+ return true, true
+ }
+ }
+ return true, false
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < listValue.Len(); i++ {
+ if ObjectsAreEqual(listValue.Index(i).Interface(), element) {
+ return true, true
+ }
+ }
+ return true, false
+// Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.Contains(t, "Hello World", "World")
+// assert.Contains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World")
+// assert.Contains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Contains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ ok, found := includeElement(s, contains)
+ if !ok {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" does not contain \"%s\"", s, contains), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.NotContains(t, "Hello World", "Earth")
+// assert.NotContains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth")
+// assert.NotContains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotContains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ ok, found := includeElement(s, contains)
+ if !ok {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if found {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" should not contain \"%s\"", s, contains), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.Subset(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Subset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok bool) {
+ if subset == nil {
+ return true // we consider nil to be equal to the nil set
+ }
+ subsetValue := reflect.ValueOf(subset)
+ defer func() {
+ if e := recover(); e != nil {
+ ok = false
+ }
+ }()
+ listKind := reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind()
+ subsetKind := reflect.TypeOf(subset).Kind()
+ if listKind != reflect.Array && listKind != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q has an unsupported type %s", list, listKind), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if subsetKind != reflect.Array && subsetKind != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q has an unsupported type %s", subset, subsetKind), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < subsetValue.Len(); i++ {
+ element := subsetValue.Index(i).Interface()
+ ok, found := includeElement(list, element)
+ if !ok {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", list), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" does not contain \"%s\"", list, element), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.NotSubset(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotSubset(t TestingT, list, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok bool) {
+ if subset == nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("nil is the empty set which is a subset of every set"), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ subsetValue := reflect.ValueOf(subset)
+ defer func() {
+ if e := recover(); e != nil {
+ ok = false
+ }
+ }()
+ listKind := reflect.TypeOf(list).Kind()
+ subsetKind := reflect.TypeOf(subset).Kind()
+ if listKind != reflect.Array && listKind != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q has an unsupported type %s", list, listKind), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if subsetKind != reflect.Array && subsetKind != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q has an unsupported type %s", subset, subsetKind), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < subsetValue.Len(); i++ {
+ element := subsetValue.Index(i).Interface()
+ ok, found := includeElement(list, element)
+ if !ok {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", list), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q is a subset of %q", subset, list), msgAndArgs...)
+// ElementsMatch asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// assert.ElementsMatch(t, [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2]))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func ElementsMatch(t TestingT, listA, listB interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) (ok bool) {
+ if isEmpty(listA) && isEmpty(listB) {
+ return true
+ }
+ aKind := reflect.TypeOf(listA).Kind()
+ bKind := reflect.TypeOf(listB).Kind()
+ if aKind != reflect.Array && aKind != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q has an unsupported type %s", listA, aKind), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if bKind != reflect.Array && bKind != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q has an unsupported type %s", listB, bKind), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ aValue := reflect.ValueOf(listA)
+ bValue := reflect.ValueOf(listB)
+ aLen := aValue.Len()
+ bLen := bValue.Len()
+ if aLen != bLen {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("lengths don't match: %d != %d", aLen, bLen), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ // Mark indexes in bValue that we already used
+ visited := make([]bool, bLen)
+ for i := 0; i < aLen; i++ {
+ element := aValue.Index(i).Interface()
+ found := false
+ for j := 0; j < bLen; j++ {
+ if visited[j] {
+ continue
+ }
+ if ObjectsAreEqual(bValue.Index(j).Interface(), element) {
+ visited[j] = true
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("element %s appears more times in %s than in %s", element, aValue, bValue), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Condition uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func Condition(t TestingT, comp Comparison, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ result := comp()
+ if !result {
+ Fail(t, "Condition failed!", msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return result
+// PanicTestFunc defines a func that should be passed to the assert.Panics and assert.NotPanics
+// methods, and represents a simple func that takes no arguments, and returns nothing.
+type PanicTestFunc func()
+// didPanic returns true if the function passed to it panics. Otherwise, it returns false.
+func didPanic(f PanicTestFunc) (bool, interface{}) {
+ didPanic := false
+ var message interface{}
+ func() {
+ defer func() {
+ if message = recover(); message != nil {
+ didPanic = true
+ }
+ }()
+ // call the target function
+ f()
+ }()
+ return didPanic, message
+// Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// assert.Panics(t, func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Panics(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if funcDidPanic, panicValue := didPanic(f); !funcDidPanic {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic\n\r\tPanic value:\t%v", f, panicValue), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func PanicsWithValue(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ funcDidPanic, panicValue := didPanic(f)
+ if !funcDidPanic {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic\n\r\tPanic value:\t%v", f, panicValue), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if panicValue != expected {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should panic with value:\t%v\n\r\tPanic value:\t%v", f, expected, panicValue), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// assert.NotPanics(t, func(){ RemainCalm() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotPanics(t TestingT, f PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if funcDidPanic, panicValue := didPanic(f); funcDidPanic {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("func %#v should not panic\n\r\tPanic value:\t%v", f, panicValue), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func WithinDuration(t TestingT, expected, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ dt := expected.Sub(actual)
+ if dt < -delta || dt > delta {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Max difference between %v and %v allowed is %v, but difference was %v", expected, actual, delta, dt), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+func toFloat(x interface{}) (float64, bool) {
+ var xf float64
+ xok := true
+ switch xn := x.(type) {
+ case uint8:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case uint16:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case uint32:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case uint64:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case int:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case int8:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case int16:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case int32:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case int64:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case float32:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case float64:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ case time.Duration:
+ xf = float64(xn)
+ default:
+ xok = false
+ }
+ return xf, xok
+// InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// assert.InDelta(t, math.Pi, (22 / 7.0), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InDelta(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ af, aok := toFloat(expected)
+ bf, bok := toFloat(actual)
+ if !aok || !bok {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Parameters must be numerical"), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if math.IsNaN(af) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected must not be NaN"), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if math.IsNaN(bf) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected %v with delta %v, but was NaN", expected, delta), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ dt := af - bf
+ if dt < -delta || dt > delta {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Max difference between %v and %v allowed is %v, but difference was %v", expected, actual, delta, dt), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// InDeltaSlice is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func InDeltaSlice(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if expected == nil || actual == nil ||
+ reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Slice ||
+ reflect.TypeOf(expected).Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Parameters must be slice"), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ actualSlice := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
+ expectedSlice := reflect.ValueOf(expected)
+ for i := 0; i < actualSlice.Len(); i++ {
+ result := InDelta(t, actualSlice.Index(i).Interface(), expectedSlice.Index(i).Interface(), delta, msgAndArgs...)
+ if !result {
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// InDeltaMapValues is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func InDeltaMapValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if expected == nil || actual == nil ||
+ reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Map ||
+ reflect.TypeOf(expected).Kind() != reflect.Map {
+ return Fail(t, "Arguments must be maps", msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ expectedMap := reflect.ValueOf(expected)
+ actualMap := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
+ if expectedMap.Len() != actualMap.Len() {
+ return Fail(t, "Arguments must have the same numbe of keys", msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ for _, k := range expectedMap.MapKeys() {
+ ev := expectedMap.MapIndex(k)
+ av := actualMap.MapIndex(k)
+ if !ev.IsValid() {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("missing key %q in expected map", k), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !av.IsValid() {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("missing key %q in actual map", k), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !InDelta(
+ t,
+ ev.Interface(),
+ av.Interface(),
+ delta,
+ msgAndArgs...,
+ ) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func calcRelativeError(expected, actual interface{}) (float64, error) {
+ af, aok := toFloat(expected)
+ if !aok {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected value %q cannot be converted to float", expected)
+ }
+ if af == 0 {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("expected value must have a value other than zero to calculate the relative error")
+ }
+ bf, bok := toFloat(actual)
+ if !bok {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("actual value %q cannot be converted to float", actual)
+ }
+ return math.Abs(af-bf) / math.Abs(af), nil
+// InEpsilon asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InEpsilon(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ actualEpsilon, err := calcRelativeError(expected, actual)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Fail(t, err.Error(), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if actualEpsilon > epsilon {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Relative error is too high: %#v (expected)\n"+
+ " < %#v (actual)", epsilon, actualEpsilon), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// InEpsilonSlice is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func InEpsilonSlice(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if expected == nil || actual == nil ||
+ reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Slice ||
+ reflect.TypeOf(expected).Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Parameters must be slice"), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ actualSlice := reflect.ValueOf(actual)
+ expectedSlice := reflect.ValueOf(expected)
+ for i := 0; i < actualSlice.Len(); i++ {
+ result := InEpsilon(t, actualSlice.Index(i).Interface(), expectedSlice.Index(i).Interface(), epsilon)
+ if !result {
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ Errors
+// NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.NoError(t, err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NoError(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if err != nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Received unexpected error:\n%+v", err), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.Error(t, err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Error(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if err == nil {
+ return Fail(t, "An error is expected but got nil.", msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorString)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if !Error(t, theError, msgAndArgs...) {
+ return false
+ }
+ expected := errString
+ actual := theError.Error()
+ // don't need to use deep equals here, we know they are both strings
+ if expected != actual {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Error message not equal:\n"+
+ "expected: %q\n"+
+ "actual : %q", expected, actual), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// matchRegexp return true if a specified regexp matches a string.
+func matchRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}) bool {
+ var r *regexp.Regexp
+ if rr, ok := rx.(*regexp.Regexp); ok {
+ r = rr
+ } else {
+ r = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprint(rx))
+ }
+ return (r.FindStringIndex(fmt.Sprint(str)) != nil)
+// Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// assert.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting")
+// assert.Regexp(t, "start...$", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Regexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ match := matchRegexp(rx, str)
+ if !match {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expect \"%v\" to match \"%v\"", str, rx), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return match
+// NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// assert.NotRegexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting")
+// assert.NotRegexp(t, "^start", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotRegexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ match := matchRegexp(rx, str)
+ if match {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expect \"%v\" to NOT match \"%v\"", str, rx), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return !match
+// Zero asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func Zero(t TestingT, i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if i != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(i, reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(i)).Interface()) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should be zero, but was %v", i), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// NotZero asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func NotZero(t TestingT, i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ if i == nil || reflect.DeepEqual(i, reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(i)).Interface()) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Should not be zero, but was %v", i), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// FileExists checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func FileExists(t TestingT, path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ info, err := os.Lstat(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("unable to find file %q", path), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("error when running os.Lstat(%q): %s", path, err), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if info.IsDir() {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q is a directory", path), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// DirExists checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func DirExists(t TestingT, path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ info, err := os.Lstat(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("unable to find file %q", path), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("error when running os.Lstat(%q): %s", path, err), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if !info.IsDir() {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%q is a file", path), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return true
+// JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// assert.JSONEq(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func JSONEq(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ var expectedJSONAsInterface, actualJSONAsInterface interface{}
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(expected), &expectedJSONAsInterface); err != nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected value ('%s') is not valid json.\nJSON parsing error: '%s'", expected, err.Error()), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(actual), &actualJSONAsInterface); err != nil {
+ return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Input ('%s') needs to be valid json.\nJSON parsing error: '%s'", actual, err.Error()), msgAndArgs...)
+ }
+ return Equal(t, expectedJSONAsInterface, actualJSONAsInterface, msgAndArgs...)
+func typeAndKind(v interface{}) (reflect.Type, reflect.Kind) {
+ t := reflect.TypeOf(v)
+ k := t.Kind()
+ if k == reflect.Ptr {
+ t = t.Elem()
+ k = t.Kind()
+ }
+ return t, k
+// diff returns a diff of both values as long as both are of the same type and
+// are a struct, map, slice or array. Otherwise it returns an empty string.
+func diff(expected interface{}, actual interface{}) string {
+ if expected == nil || actual == nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ et, ek := typeAndKind(expected)
+ at, _ := typeAndKind(actual)
+ if et != at {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if ek != reflect.Struct && ek != reflect.Map && ek != reflect.Slice && ek != reflect.Array {
+ return ""
+ }
+ e := spewConfig.Sdump(expected)
+ a := spewConfig.Sdump(actual)
+ diff, _ := difflib.GetUnifiedDiffString(difflib.UnifiedDiff{
+ A: difflib.SplitLines(e),
+ B: difflib.SplitLines(a),
+ FromFile: "Expected",
+ FromDate: "",
+ ToFile: "Actual",
+ ToDate: "",
+ Context: 1,
+ })
+ return "\n\nDiff:\n" + diff
+// validateEqualArgs checks whether provided arguments can be safely used in the
+// Equal/NotEqual functions.
+func validateEqualArgs(expected, actual interface{}) error {
+ if isFunction(expected) || isFunction(actual) {
+ return errors.New("cannot take func type as argument")
+ }
+ return nil
+func isFunction(arg interface{}) bool {
+ if arg == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return reflect.TypeOf(arg).Kind() == reflect.Func
+var spewConfig = spew.ConfigState{
+ Indent: " ",
+ DisablePointerAddresses: true,
+ DisableCapacities: true,
+ SortKeys: true,
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+// Package assert provides a set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system.
+// Example Usage
+// The following is a complete example using assert in a standard test function:
+// import (
+// "testing"
+// ""
+// )
+// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
+// var a string = "Hello"
+// var b string = "Hello"
+// assert.Equal(t, a, b, "The two words should be the same.")
+// }
+// if you assert many times, use the format below:
+// import (
+// "testing"
+// ""
+// )
+// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
+// assert := assert.New(t)
+// var a string = "Hello"
+// var b string = "Hello"
+// assert.Equal(a, b, "The two words should be the same.")
+// }
+// Assertions
+// Assertions allow you to easily write test code, and are global funcs in the `assert` package.
+// All assertion functions take, as the first argument, the `*testing.T` object provided by the
+// testing framework. This allows the assertion funcs to write the failings and other details to
+// the correct place.
+// Every assertion function also takes an optional string message as the final argument,
+// allowing custom error messages to be appended to the message the assertion method outputs.
+package assert
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+package assert
+import (
+ "errors"
+// AnError is an error instance useful for testing. If the code does not care
+// about error specifics, and only needs to return the error for example, this
+// error should be used to make the test code more readable.
+var AnError = errors.New("assert.AnError general error for testing")
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+package assert
+// Assertions provides assertion methods around the
+// TestingT interface.
+type Assertions struct {
+ t TestingT
+// New makes a new Assertions object for the specified TestingT.
+func New(t TestingT) *Assertions {
+ return &Assertions{
+ t: t,
+ }
+//go:generate go run ../_codegen/main.go -output-package=assert -template=assertion_forward.go.tmpl -include-format-funcs
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+package assert
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/http/httptest"
+ "net/url"
+ "strings"
+// httpCode is a helper that returns HTTP code of the response. It returns -1 and
+// an error if building a new request fails.
+func httpCode(handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values) (int, error) {
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url+"?"+values.Encode(), nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return -1, err
+ }
+ handler(w, req)
+ return w.Code, nil
+// HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// assert.HTTPSuccess(t, myHandler, "POST", "", nil)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPSuccess(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ code, err := httpCode(handler, method, url, values)
+ if err != nil {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to build test request, got error: %s", err))
+ return false
+ }
+ isSuccessCode := code >= http.StatusOK && code <= http.StatusPartialContent
+ if !isSuccessCode {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected HTTP success status code for %q but received %d", url+"?"+values.Encode(), code))
+ }
+ return isSuccessCode
+// HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// assert.HTTPRedirect(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPRedirect(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ code, err := httpCode(handler, method, url, values)
+ if err != nil {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to build test request, got error: %s", err))
+ return false
+ }
+ isRedirectCode := code >= http.StatusMultipleChoices && code <= http.StatusTemporaryRedirect
+ if !isRedirectCode {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected HTTP redirect status code for %q but received %d", url+"?"+values.Encode(), code))
+ }
+ return isRedirectCode
+// HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// assert.HTTPError(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPError(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ code, err := httpCode(handler, method, url, values)
+ if err != nil {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to build test request, got error: %s", err))
+ return false
+ }
+ isErrorCode := code >= http.StatusBadRequest
+ if !isErrorCode {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected HTTP error status code for %q but received %d", url+"?"+values.Encode(), code))
+ }
+ return isErrorCode
+// HTTPBody is a helper that returns HTTP body of the response. It returns
+// empty string if building a new request fails.
+func HTTPBody(handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values) string {
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url+"?"+values.Encode(), nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return ""
+ }
+ handler(w, req)
+ return w.Body.String()
+// HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ body := HTTPBody(handler, method, url, values)
+ contains := strings.Contains(body, fmt.Sprint(str))
+ if !contains {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected response body for \"%s\" to contain \"%s\" but found \"%s\"", url+"?"+values.Encode(), str, body))
+ }
+ return contains
+// HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyNotContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
+ body := HTTPBody(handler, method, url, values)
+ contains := strings.Contains(body, fmt.Sprint(str))
+ if contains {
+ Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Expected response body for \"%s\" to NOT contain \"%s\" but found \"%s\"", url+"?"+values.Encode(), str, body))
+ }
+ return !contains
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+// Package require implements the same assertions as the `assert` package but
+// stops test execution when a test fails.
+// Example Usage
+// The following is a complete example using require in a standard test function:
+// import (
+// "testing"
+// ""
+// )
+// func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
+// var a string = "Hello"
+// var b string = "Hello"
+// require.Equal(t, a, b, "The two words should be the same.")
+// }
+// Assertions
+// The `require` package have same global functions as in the `assert` package,
+// but instead of returning a boolean result they call `t.FailNow()`.
+// Every assertion function also takes an optional string message as the final argument,
+// allowing custom error messages to be appended to the message the assertion method outputs.
+package require
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+package require
+// Assertions provides assertion methods around the
+// TestingT interface.
+type Assertions struct {
+ t TestingT
+// New makes a new Assertions object for the specified TestingT.
+func New(t TestingT) *Assertions {
+ return &Assertions{
+ t: t,
+ }
+//go:generate go run ../_codegen/main.go -output-package=require -template=require_forward.go.tmpl -include-format-funcs
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+ */
+package require
+import (
+ assert ""
+ http "net/http"
+ url "net/url"
+ time "time"
+// Condition uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func Condition(t TestingT, comp assert.Comparison, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Condition(t, comp, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Conditionf uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func Conditionf(t TestingT, comp assert.Comparison, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Conditionf(t, comp, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.Contains(t, "Hello World", "World")
+// assert.Contains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World")
+// assert.Contains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Contains(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Contains(t, s, contains, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Containsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Containsf(t, s, contains, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// DirExists checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func DirExists(t TestingT, path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.DirExists(t, path, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// DirExistsf checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func DirExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.DirExistsf(t, path, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// ElementsMatch asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// assert.ElementsMatch(t, [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2]))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func ElementsMatch(t TestingT, listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.ElementsMatch(t, listA, listB, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// ElementsMatchf asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// assert.ElementsMatchf(t, [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2], "error message %s", "formatted"))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func ElementsMatchf(t TestingT, listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.ElementsMatchf(t, listA, listB, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// assert.Empty(t, obj)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Empty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Empty(t, object, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// assert.Emptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Emptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Emptyf(t, object, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Equal asserts that two objects are equal.
+// assert.Equal(t, 123, 123)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func Equal(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Equal(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// assert.EqualError(t, err, expectedErrorString)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualError(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.EqualError(t, theError, errString, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.EqualErrorf(t, theError, errString, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// assert.EqualValues(t, uint32(123), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.EqualValues(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.EqualValuesf(t, expected, actual, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Equalf asserts that two objects are equal.
+// assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func Equalf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Equalf(t, expected, actual, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.Error(t, err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Error(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Error(t, err, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Errorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Errorf(t, err, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Exactly(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Exactly(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// assert.Exactlyf(t, int32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Exactlyf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Exactlyf(t, expected, actual, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Fail reports a failure through
+func Fail(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Fail(t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// FailNow fails test
+func FailNow(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.FailNow(t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// FailNowf fails test
+func FailNowf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.FailNowf(t, failureMessage, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Failf reports a failure through
+func Failf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Failf(t, failureMessage, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// False asserts that the specified value is false.
+// assert.False(t, myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func False(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.False(t, value, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Falsef asserts that the specified value is false.
+// assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Falsef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Falsef(t, value, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// FileExists checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func FileExists(t TestingT, path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.FileExists(t, path, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// FileExistsf checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func FileExistsf(t TestingT, path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.FileExistsf(t, path, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPBodyContains(t, handler, method, url, values, str, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPBodyContainsf(t, handler, method, url, values, str, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyNotContains(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPBodyNotContains(t, handler, method, url, values, str, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(t, handler, method, url, values, str, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// assert.HTTPError(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPError(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPError(t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// assert.HTTPErrorf(t, myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func HTTPErrorf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPErrorf(t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// assert.HTTPRedirect(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPRedirect(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPRedirect(t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func HTTPRedirectf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPRedirectf(t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// assert.HTTPSuccess(t, myHandler, "POST", "", nil)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPSuccess(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPSuccess(t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, myHandler, "POST", "", nil, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func HTTPSuccessf(t TestingT, handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.HTTPSuccessf(t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// assert.Implements(t, (*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject))
+func Implements(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Implements(t, interfaceObject, object, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// assert.Implementsf(t, (*MyInterface, "error message %s", "formatted")(nil), new(MyObject))
+func Implementsf(t TestingT, interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Implementsf(t, interfaceObject, object, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// assert.InDelta(t, math.Pi, (22 / 7.0), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InDelta(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InDelta(t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InDeltaMapValues is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func InDeltaMapValues(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InDeltaMapValues(t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InDeltaMapValuesf is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func InDeltaMapValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InDeltaMapValuesf(t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InDeltaSlice is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func InDeltaSlice(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InDeltaSlice(t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InDeltaSlicef is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func InDeltaSlicef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InDeltaSlicef(t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, (22 / 7.0, "error message %s", "formatted"), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InDeltaf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InDeltaf(t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InEpsilon asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InEpsilon(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InEpsilon(t, expected, actual, epsilon, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InEpsilonSlice is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func InEpsilonSlice(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InEpsilonSlice(t, expected, actual, epsilon, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InEpsilonSlicef is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func InEpsilonSlicef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InEpsilonSlicef(t, expected, actual, epsilon, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// InEpsilonf asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func InEpsilonf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.InEpsilonf(t, expected, actual, epsilon, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// IsType asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func IsType(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.IsType(t, expectedType, object, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// IsTypef asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func IsTypef(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.IsTypef(t, expectedType, object, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// assert.JSONEq(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func JSONEq(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.JSONEq(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func JSONEqf(t TestingT, expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.JSONEqf(t, expected, actual, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Len asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// assert.Len(t, mySlice, 3)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Len(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Len(t, object, length, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Lenf(t, object, length, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Nil asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// assert.Nil(t, err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Nil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Nil(t, object, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Nilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Nilf(t, object, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.NoError(t, err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NoError(t TestingT, err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NoError(t, err, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NoErrorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NoErrorf(t, err, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.NotContains(t, "Hello World", "Earth")
+// assert.NotContains(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth")
+// assert.NotContains(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotContains(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotContains(t, s, contains, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotContainsf(t, s, contains, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if assert.NotEmpty(t, obj) {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotEmpty(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotEmpty(t, object, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if assert.NotEmptyf(t, obj, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotEmptyf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotEmptyf(t, object, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// assert.NotEqual(t, obj1, obj2)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func NotEqual(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotEqual(t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func NotEqualf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotEqualf(t, expected, actual, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// assert.NotNil(t, err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotNil(t TestingT, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotNil(t, object, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotNilf(t, object, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// assert.NotPanics(t, func(){ RemainCalm() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotPanics(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotPanics(t, f, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// assert.NotPanicsf(t, func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotPanicsf(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotPanicsf(t, f, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// assert.NotRegexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting")
+// assert.NotRegexp(t, "^start", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotRegexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotRegexp(t, rx, str, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// assert.NotRegexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("starts", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// assert.NotRegexpf(t, "^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotRegexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotRegexpf(t, rx, str, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.NotSubset(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotSubset(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotSubset(t, list, subset, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.NotSubsetf(t, [1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func NotSubsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotSubsetf(t, list, subset, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotZero asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func NotZero(t TestingT, i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotZero(t, i, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// NotZerof asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func NotZerof(t TestingT, i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.NotZerof(t, i, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// assert.Panics(t, func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Panics(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Panics(t, f, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// assert.PanicsWithValue(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func PanicsWithValue(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.PanicsWithValue(t, expected, f, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, "crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func PanicsWithValuef(t TestingT, expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.PanicsWithValuef(t, expected, f, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// assert.Panicsf(t, func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Panicsf(t TestingT, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Panicsf(t, f, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// assert.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting")
+// assert.Regexp(t, "start...$", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Regexp(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Regexp(t, rx, str, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// assert.Regexpf(t, regexp.MustCompile("start", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// assert.Regexpf(t, "start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Regexpf(t TestingT, rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Regexpf(t, rx, str, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.Subset(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Subset(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Subset(t, list, subset, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// assert.Subsetf(t, [1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Subsetf(t TestingT, list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Subsetf(t, list, subset, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// True asserts that the specified value is true.
+// assert.True(t, myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func True(t TestingT, value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.True(t, value, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Truef asserts that the specified value is true.
+// assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Truef(t, value, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// assert.WithinDuration(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func WithinDuration(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.WithinDuration(t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.WithinDurationf(t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Zero asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func Zero(t TestingT, i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Zero(t, i, msgAndArgs...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
+// Zerof asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func Zerof(t TestingT, i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ if !assert.Zerof(t, i, msg, args...) {
+ t.FailNow()
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..769408503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+ */
+package require
+import (
+ assert ""
+ http "net/http"
+ url "net/url"
+ time "time"
+// Condition uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func (a *Assertions) Condition(comp assert.Comparison, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Condition(a.t, comp, msgAndArgs...)
+// Conditionf uses a Comparison to assert a complex condition.
+func (a *Assertions) Conditionf(comp assert.Comparison, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Conditionf(a.t, comp, msg, args...)
+// Contains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.Contains("Hello World", "World")
+// a.Contains(["Hello", "World"], "World")
+// a.Contains({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Contains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Contains(a.t, s, contains, msgAndArgs...)
+// Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.Containsf("Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.Containsf(["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.Containsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Containsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Containsf(a.t, s, contains, msg, args...)
+// DirExists checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func (a *Assertions) DirExists(path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ DirExists(a.t, path, msgAndArgs...)
+// DirExistsf checks whether a directory exists in the given path. It also fails if the path is a file rather a directory or there is an error checking whether it exists.
+func (a *Assertions) DirExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ DirExistsf(a.t, path, msg, args...)
+// ElementsMatch asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// a.ElementsMatch([1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2]))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) ElementsMatch(listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ ElementsMatch(a.t, listA, listB, msgAndArgs...)
+// ElementsMatchf asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified
+// listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements,
+// the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match.
+// a.ElementsMatchf([1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2], "error message %s", "formatted"))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) ElementsMatchf(listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ ElementsMatchf(a.t, listA, listB, msg, args...)
+// Empty asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// a.Empty(obj)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Empty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Empty(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// Emptyf asserts that the specified object is empty. I.e. nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// a.Emptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Emptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Emptyf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// Equal asserts that two objects are equal.
+// a.Equal(123, 123)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func (a *Assertions) Equal(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Equal(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// EqualError asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// a.EqualError(err, expectedErrorString)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualError(theError error, errString string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ EqualError(a.t, theError, errString, msgAndArgs...)
+// EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`)
+// and that it is equal to the provided error.
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// a.EqualErrorf(err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualErrorf(theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ EqualErrorf(a.t, theError, errString, msg, args...)
+// EqualValues asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// a.EqualValues(uint32(123), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ EqualValues(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertable to the same types
+// and equal.
+// a.EqualValuesf(uint32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int32(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) EqualValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ EqualValuesf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Equalf asserts that two objects are equal.
+// a.Equalf(123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality
+// cannot be determined and will always fail.
+func (a *Assertions) Equalf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Equalf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Error asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.Error(err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedError, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Error(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Error(a.t, err, msgAndArgs...)
+// Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.Errorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Errorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Errorf(a.t, err, msg, args...)
+// Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// a.Exactly(int32(123), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Exactly(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Exactly(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// Exactlyf asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
+// a.Exactlyf(int32(123, "error message %s", "formatted"), int64(123))
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Exactlyf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Exactlyf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Fail reports a failure through
+func (a *Assertions) Fail(failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Fail(a.t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...)
+// FailNow fails test
+func (a *Assertions) FailNow(failureMessage string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ FailNow(a.t, failureMessage, msgAndArgs...)
+// FailNowf fails test
+func (a *Assertions) FailNowf(failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ FailNowf(a.t, failureMessage, msg, args...)
+// Failf reports a failure through
+func (a *Assertions) Failf(failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Failf(a.t, failureMessage, msg, args...)
+// False asserts that the specified value is false.
+// a.False(myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) False(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ False(a.t, value, msgAndArgs...)
+// Falsef asserts that the specified value is false.
+// a.Falsef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Falsef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Falsef(a.t, value, msg, args...)
+// FileExists checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func (a *Assertions) FileExists(path string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ FileExists(a.t, path, msgAndArgs...)
+// FileExistsf checks whether a file exists in the given path. It also fails if the path points to a directory or there is an error when trying to check the file.
+func (a *Assertions) FileExistsf(path string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ FileExistsf(a.t, path, msg, args...)
+// HTTPBodyContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyContains(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPBodyContains(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPBodyContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that contains a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyContainsf(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPBodyContainsf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msg, args...)
+// HTTPBodyNotContains asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyNotContains(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContains(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPBodyNotContains(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPBodyNotContainsf asserts that a specified handler returns a
+// body that does not contain a string.
+// a.HTTPBodyNotContainsf(myHandler, "", nil, "I'm Feeling Lucky", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPBodyNotContainsf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPBodyNotContainsf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, str, msg, args...)
+// HTTPError asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// a.HTTPError(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPError(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPError(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPErrorf asserts that a specified handler returns an error status code.
+// a.HTTPErrorf(myHandler, "POST", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPErrorf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPErrorf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...)
+// HTTPRedirect asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// a.HTTPRedirect(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirect(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPRedirect(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPRedirectf asserts that a specified handler returns a redirect status code.
+// a.HTTPRedirectf(myHandler, "GET", "/a/b/c", url.Values{"a": []string{"b", "c"}}
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true, "error message %s", "formatted") or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPRedirectf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPRedirectf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...)
+// HTTPSuccess asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// a.HTTPSuccess(myHandler, "POST", "", nil)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccess(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPSuccess(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msgAndArgs...)
+// HTTPSuccessf asserts that a specified handler returns a success status code.
+// a.HTTPSuccessf(myHandler, "POST", "", nil, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) HTTPSuccessf(handler http.HandlerFunc, method string, url string, values url.Values, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ HTTPSuccessf(a.t, handler, method, url, values, msg, args...)
+// Implements asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// a.Implements((*MyInterface)(nil), new(MyObject))
+func (a *Assertions) Implements(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Implements(a.t, interfaceObject, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// Implementsf asserts that an object is implemented by the specified interface.
+// a.Implementsf((*MyInterface, "error message %s", "formatted")(nil), new(MyObject))
+func (a *Assertions) Implementsf(interfaceObject interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Implementsf(a.t, interfaceObject, object, msg, args...)
+// InDelta asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// a.InDelta(math.Pi, (22 / 7.0), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InDelta(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ InDelta(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// InDeltaMapValues is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaMapValues(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ InDeltaMapValues(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// InDeltaMapValuesf is the same as InDelta, but it compares all values between two maps. Both maps must have exactly the same keys.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaMapValuesf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ InDeltaMapValuesf(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// InDeltaSlice is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaSlice(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ InDeltaSlice(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// InDeltaSlicef is the same as InDelta, except it compares two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaSlicef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ InDeltaSlicef(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other.
+// a.InDeltaf(math.Pi, (22 / 7.0, "error message %s", "formatted"), 0.01)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InDeltaf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ InDeltaf(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// InEpsilon asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilon(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ InEpsilon(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msgAndArgs...)
+// InEpsilonSlice is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonSlice(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ InEpsilonSlice(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msgAndArgs...)
+// InEpsilonSlicef is the same as InEpsilon, except it compares each value from two slices.
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonSlicef(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ InEpsilonSlicef(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msg, args...)
+// InEpsilonf asserts that expected and actual have a relative error less than epsilon
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) InEpsilonf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, epsilon float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ InEpsilonf(a.t, expected, actual, epsilon, msg, args...)
+// IsType asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func (a *Assertions) IsType(expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ IsType(a.t, expectedType, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// IsTypef asserts that the specified objects are of the same type.
+func (a *Assertions) IsTypef(expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ IsTypef(a.t, expectedType, object, msg, args...)
+// JSONEq asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// a.JSONEq(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) JSONEq(expected string, actual string, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ JSONEq(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// JSONEqf asserts that two JSON strings are equivalent.
+// a.JSONEqf(`{"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}`, `{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}`, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) JSONEqf(expected string, actual string, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ JSONEqf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// Len asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Len also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// a.Len(mySlice, 3)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Len(object interface{}, length int, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Len(a.t, object, length, msgAndArgs...)
+// Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length.
+// Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept.
+// a.Lenf(mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Lenf(object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Lenf(a.t, object, length, msg, args...)
+// Nil asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// a.Nil(err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Nil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Nil(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil.
+// a.Nilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Nilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Nilf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// NoError asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.NoError(err) {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NoError(err error, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NoError(a.t, err, msgAndArgs...)
+// NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`).
+// actualObj, err := SomeFunction()
+// if a.NoErrorf(err, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj)
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NoErrorf(err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NoErrorf(a.t, err, msg, args...)
+// NotContains asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.NotContains("Hello World", "Earth")
+// a.NotContains(["Hello", "World"], "Earth")
+// a.NotContains({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotContains(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotContains(a.t, s, contains, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the
+// specified substring or element.
+// a.NotContainsf("Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.NotContainsf(["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// a.NotContainsf({"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotContainsf(s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotContainsf(a.t, s, contains, msg, args...)
+// NotEmpty asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if a.NotEmpty(obj) {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEmpty(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotEmpty(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotEmptyf asserts that the specified object is NOT empty. I.e. not nil, "", false, 0 or either
+// a slice or a channel with len == 0.
+// if a.NotEmptyf(obj, "error message %s", "formatted") {
+// assert.Equal(t, "two", obj[1])
+// }
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEmptyf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotEmptyf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// NotEqual asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// a.NotEqual(obj1, obj2)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEqual(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotEqual(a.t, expected, actual, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal.
+// a.NotEqualf(obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+// Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the
+// referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses).
+func (a *Assertions) NotEqualf(expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotEqualf(a.t, expected, actual, msg, args...)
+// NotNil asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// a.NotNil(err)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotNil(object interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotNil(a.t, object, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil.
+// a.NotNilf(err, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotNilf(object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotNilf(a.t, object, msg, args...)
+// NotPanics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// a.NotPanics(func(){ RemainCalm() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotPanics(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotPanics(a.t, f, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotPanicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc does NOT panic.
+// a.NotPanicsf(func(){ RemainCalm() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotPanicsf(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotPanicsf(a.t, f, msg, args...)
+// NotRegexp asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// a.NotRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("starts"), "it's starting")
+// a.NotRegexp("^start", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotRegexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotRegexp(a.t, rx, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotRegexpf asserts that a specified regexp does not match a string.
+// a.NotRegexpf(regexp.MustCompile("starts", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// a.NotRegexpf("^start", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotRegexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotRegexpf(a.t, rx, str, msg, args...)
+// NotSubset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.NotSubset([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotSubset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotSubset(a.t, list, subset, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotSubsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains not all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.NotSubsetf([1, 3, 4], [1, 2], "But [1, 3, 4] does not contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) NotSubsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotSubsetf(a.t, list, subset, msg, args...)
+// NotZero asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) NotZero(i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ NotZero(a.t, i, msgAndArgs...)
+// NotZerof asserts that i is not the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) NotZerof(i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ NotZerof(a.t, i, msg, args...)
+// Panics asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// a.Panics(func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Panics(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Panics(a.t, f, msgAndArgs...)
+// PanicsWithValue asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// a.PanicsWithValue("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() })
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValue(expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ PanicsWithValue(a.t, expected, f, msgAndArgs...)
+// PanicsWithValuef asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics, and that
+// the recovered panic value equals the expected panic value.
+// a.PanicsWithValuef("crazy error", func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) PanicsWithValuef(expected interface{}, f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ PanicsWithValuef(a.t, expected, f, msg, args...)
+// Panicsf asserts that the code inside the specified PanicTestFunc panics.
+// a.Panicsf(func(){ GoCrazy() }, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Panicsf(f assert.PanicTestFunc, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Panicsf(a.t, f, msg, args...)
+// Regexp asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// a.Regexp(regexp.MustCompile("start"), "it's starting")
+// a.Regexp("start...$", "it's not starting")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Regexp(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Regexp(a.t, rx, str, msgAndArgs...)
+// Regexpf asserts that a specified regexp matches a string.
+// a.Regexpf(regexp.MustCompile("start", "error message %s", "formatted"), "it's starting")
+// a.Regexpf("start...$", "it's not starting", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Regexpf(rx interface{}, str interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Regexpf(a.t, rx, str, msg, args...)
+// Subset asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.Subset([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Subset(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Subset(a.t, list, subset, msgAndArgs...)
+// Subsetf asserts that the specified list(array, slice...) contains all
+// elements given in the specified subset(array, slice...).
+// a.Subsetf([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], "But [1, 2, 3] does contain [1, 2]", "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Subsetf(list interface{}, subset interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Subsetf(a.t, list, subset, msg, args...)
+// True asserts that the specified value is true.
+// a.True(myBool)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) True(value bool, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ True(a.t, value, msgAndArgs...)
+// Truef asserts that the specified value is true.
+// a.Truef(myBool, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) Truef(value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Truef(a.t, value, msg, args...)
+// WithinDuration asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// a.WithinDuration(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second)
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) WithinDuration(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ WithinDuration(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msgAndArgs...)
+// WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other.
+// a.WithinDurationf(time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted")
+// Returns whether the assertion was successful (true) or not (false).
+func (a *Assertions) WithinDurationf(expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ WithinDurationf(a.t, expected, actual, delta, msg, args...)
+// Zero asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) Zero(i interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) {
+ Zero(a.t, i, msgAndArgs...)
+// Zerof asserts that i is the zero value for its type and returns the truth.
+func (a *Assertions) Zerof(i interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+ Zerof(a.t, i, msg, args...)
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e404f016d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package require
+// TestingT is an interface wrapper around *testing.T
+type TestingT interface {
+ Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
+ FailNow()
+//go:generate go run ../_codegen/main.go -output-package=require -template=require.go.tmpl -include-format-funcs