'''This module implements a templating generator based on Genshi''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from genshi.template import TemplateLoader, TextTemplate, MarkupTemplate, TemplateError import logging import Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import genshi.core, genshi.input logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Plugins.TGenshi') def removecomment(stream): """A genshi filter that removes comments from the stream.""" for kind, data, pos in stream: if kind is genshi.core.COMMENT: continue yield kind, data, pos class TemplateFile: '''Template file creates Genshi template structures for the loaded file''' def __init__(self, name, properties, specific): self.name = name self.properties = properties self.specific = specific if self.specific.all: matchname = self.name elif self.specific.group: matchname = self.name[:self.name.find('.G')] else: matchname = self.name[:self.name.find('.H')] if matchname.endswith('.txt'): self.template_cls = TextTemplate else: self.template_cls = MarkupTemplate def handle_event(self, event): '''Handle all fs events for this template''' if event.code2str() == 'deleted': return try: loader = TemplateLoader() self.template = loader.load(self.name, cls=self.template_cls) except TemplateError, terror: logger.error('Genshi template error: %s' % terror) except genshi.input.ParseError, perror: logger.error('Genshi parse error: %s' % perror) def bind_entry(self, entry, metadata): '''Build literal file information''' fname = entry.get('realname', entry.get('name')) try: stream = self.template.generate( \ name=fname, metadata=metadata, properties=self.properties).filter(removecomment) if isinstance(self.template, TextTemplate): entry.text = stream.render('text') else: entry.text = stream.render('xml') except TemplateError, terror: logger.error('Genshi template error: %s' % terror) raise Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.PluginExecutionError class TGenshi(Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.GroupSpool): '''The TGenshi generator implements a templating mechanism for configuration files''' __name__ = 'TGenshi' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'jeff@ocjtech.us' use_props = True filename_pattern = 'template\.(txt|xml)' es_child_cls = TemplateFile