"""This module provides the baseclass for Bcfg2 Server Plugins.""" __revision__ = '$Revision$' import copy import logging import lxml.etree import os import pickle import posixpath import re import sys import threading from lxml.etree import XML, XMLSyntaxError import Bcfg2.Options # py3k compatibility if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000: from functools import reduce from io import FileIO as BUILTIN_FILE_TYPE else: BUILTIN_FILE_TYPE = file from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import Queue from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import Empty from Bcfg2.Bcfg2Py3k import Full # grab default metadata info from bcfg2.conf opts = {'owner': Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_OWNER, 'group': Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_GROUP, 'important': Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_IMPORTANT, 'perms': Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_PERMS, 'paranoid': Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_PARANOID, 'sensitive': Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_SENSITIVE} mdata_setup = Bcfg2.Options.OptionParser(opts) mdata_setup.parse([]) del mdata_setup['args'] logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Server.Plugin') default_file_metadata = mdata_setup info_regex = re.compile( \ 'encoding:(\s)*(?P\w+)|' + 'group:(\s)*(?P\S+)|' + 'important:(\s)*(?P\S+)|' + 'mtime:(\s)*(?P\w+)|' + 'owner:(\s)*(?P\S+)|' + 'paranoid:(\s)*(?P\S+)|' + 'perms:(\s)*(?P\w+)|' + 'sensitive:(\s)*(?P\S+)|') class PluginInitError(Exception): """Error raised in cases of Plugin initialization errors.""" pass class PluginExecutionError(Exception): """Error raised in case of Plugin execution errors.""" pass class Plugin(object): """This is the base class for all Bcfg2 Server plugins. Several attributes must be defined in the subclass: name : the name of the plugin __version__ : a version string __author__ : the author/contact for the plugin Plugins can provide three basic types of functionality: - Structure creation (overloading BuildStructures) - Configuration entry binding (overloading HandlesEntry, or loads the Entries table) - Data collection (overloading GetProbes/ReceiveData) """ name = 'Plugin' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' __rmi__ = ['toggle_debug'] experimental = False deprecated = False conflicts = [] # Default sort_order to 500. Plugins of the same type are # processed in order of ascending sort_order value. Plugins with # the same sort_order are sorted alphabetically by their name. sort_order = 500 def __init__(self, core, datastore): """Initialize the plugin. :param core: the Bcfg2.Server.Core initializing the plugin :param datastore: the filesystem path of Bcfg2's repository """ object.__init__(self) self.Entries = {} self.core = core self.data = "%s/%s" % (datastore, self.name) self.logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Plugins.%s' % (self.name)) self.running = True self.debug_flag = False def toggle_debug(self): self.debug_flag = not self.debug_flag def debug_log(self, message, flag=None): if (flag is None) and self.debug_flag or flag: self.logger.error(message) @classmethod def init_repo(cls, repo): path = "%s/%s" % (repo, cls.name) os.makedirs(path) def shutdown(self): self.running = False class Generator(object): """Generator plugins contribute to literal client configurations.""" def HandlesEntry(self, entry, metadata): """This is the slow path method for routing configuration binding requests.""" return False def HandleEntry(self, entry, metadata): """This is the slow-path handler for configuration entry binding.""" raise PluginExecutionError class Structure(object): """Structure Plugins contribute to abstract client configurations.""" def BuildStructures(self, metadata): """Return a list of abstract goal structures for client.""" raise PluginExecutionError class Metadata(object): """Signal metadata capabilities for this plugin""" def add_client(self, client_name, attribs): """Add client.""" pass def remove_client(self, client_name): """Remove client.""" pass def viz(self, hosts, bundles, key, colors): """Create viz str for viz admin mode.""" pass def get_initial_metadata(self, client_name): raise PluginExecutionError def merge_additional_data(self, imd, source, groups, data): raise PluginExecutionError class Connector(object): """Connector Plugins augment client metadata instances.""" def get_additional_groups(self, metadata): """Determine additional groups for metadata.""" return list() def get_additional_data(self, metadata): """Determine additional data for metadata instances.""" return dict() class Probing(object): """Signal probe capability for this plugin.""" def GetProbes(self, _): """Return a set of probes for execution on client.""" return [] def ReceiveData(self, _, dummy): """Receive probe results pertaining to client.""" pass class Statistics(object): """Signal statistics handling capability.""" def process_statistics(self, client, xdata): pass class ThreadedStatistics(Statistics, threading.Thread): """Threaded statistics handling capability.""" def __init__(self, core, datastore): Statistics.__init__(self) threading.Thread.__init__(self) # Event from the core signaling an exit self.terminate = core.terminate self.work_queue = Queue(100000) self.pending_file = "%s/etc/%s.pending" % (datastore, self.__class__.__name__) self.daemon = True self.start() def save(self): """Save any pending data to a file.""" pending_data = [] try: while not self.work_queue.empty(): (metadata, data) = self.work_queue.get_nowait() try: pending_data.append((metadata.hostname, lxml.etree.tostring(data))) except: self.logger.warning("Dropping interaction for %s" % metadata.hostname) except Empty: pass try: savefile = open(self.pending_file, 'w') pickle.dump(pending_data, savefile) savefile.close() self.logger.info("Saved pending %s data" % self.__class__.__name__) except: self.logger.warning("Failed to save pending data") def load(self): """Load any pending data to a file.""" if not os.path.exists(self.pending_file): return True pending_data = [] try: savefile = open(self.pending_file, 'r') pending_data = pickle.load(savefile) savefile.close() except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.warning("Failed to load pending data: %s" % e) for (pmetadata, pdata) in pending_data: # check that shutdown wasnt called early if self.terminate.isSet(): return False try: while True: try: metadata = self.core.build_metadata(pmetadata) break except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataRuntimeError: pass self.terminate.wait(5) if self.terminate.isSet(): return False self.work_queue.put_nowait((metadata, lxml.etree.fromstring(pdata))) except Full: self.logger.warning("Queue.Full: Failed to load queue data") break except lxml.etree.LxmlError: lxml_error = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("Unable to load save interaction: %s" % lxml_error) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataConsistencyError: self.logger.error("Unable to load metadata for save interaction: %s" % pmetadata) try: os.unlink(self.pending_file) except: self.logger.error("Failed to unlink save file: %s" % self.pending_file) self.logger.info("Loaded pending %s data" % self.__class__.__name__) return True def run(self): if not self.load(): return while not self.terminate.isSet(): try: (xdata, client) = self.work_queue.get(block=True, timeout=2) except Empty: continue except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.logger.error("ThreadedStatistics: %s" % e) continue self.handle_statistic(xdata, client) if not self.work_queue.empty(): self.save() def process_statistics(self, metadata, data): warned = False try: self.work_queue.put_nowait((metadata, copy.deepcopy(data))) warned = False except Full: if not warned: self.logger.warning("%s: Queue is full. Dropping interactions." % self.__class__.__name__) warned = True def handle_statistics(self, metadata, data): """Handle stats here.""" pass class PullSource(object): def GetExtra(self, client): return [] def GetCurrentEntry(self, client, e_type, e_name): raise PluginExecutionError class PullTarget(object): def AcceptChoices(self, entry, metadata): raise PluginExecutionError def AcceptPullData(self, specific, new_entry, verbose): """This is the null per-plugin implementation of bcfg2-admin pull.""" raise PluginExecutionError class Decision(object): """Signal decision handling capability.""" def GetDecisions(self, metadata, mode): return [] class ValidationError(Exception): pass class StructureValidator(object): """Validate/modify goal structures.""" def validate_structures(self, metadata, structures): raise ValidationError("not implemented") class GoalValidator(object): """Validate/modify configuration goals.""" def validate_goals(self, metadata, goals): raise ValidationError("not implemented") class Version(object): """Interact with various version control systems.""" def get_revision(self): return [] def commit_data(self, file_list, comment=None): pass # the rest of the file contains classes for coherent file caching class FileBacked(object): """This object caches file data in memory. HandleEvent is called whenever fam registers an event. Index can parse the data into member data as required. This object is meant to be used as a part of DirectoryBacked. """ def __init__(self, name): object.__init__(self) self.data = '' self.name = name def HandleEvent(self, event=None): """Read file upon update.""" if event and event.code2str() not in ['exists', 'changed', 'created']: return try: self.data = BUILTIN_FILE_TYPE(self.name).read() self.Index() except IOError: logger.error("Failed to read file %s" % (self.name)) def Index(self): """Update local data structures based on current file state""" pass class DirectoryBacked(object): """This object is a coherent cache for a filesystem hierarchy of files.""" __child__ = FileBacked patterns = re.compile('.*') def __init__(self, name, fam): object.__init__(self) self.name = name self.fam = fam # self.entries contains information about the files monitored # by this object.... The keys of the dict are the relative # paths to the files. The values are the objects (of type # __child__) that handle their contents. self.entries = {} # self.handles contains information about the directories # monitored by this object. The keys of the dict are the # values returned by the initial fam.AddMonitor() call (which # appear to be integers). The values are the relative paths of # the directories. self.handles = {} # Monitor everything in the plugin's directory self.add_directory_monitor('') def __getitem__(self, key): return self.entries[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(list(self.entries.items())) def add_directory_monitor(self, relative): """Add a new directory to FAM structures for monitoring. :param relative: Path name to monitor. This must be relative to the plugin's directory. An empty string value ("") will cause the plugin directory itself to be monitored. """ dirpathname = os.path.join(self.data, relative) if relative not in self.handles.values(): if not posixpath.isdir(dirpathname): logger.error("Failed to open directory %s" % (dirpathname)) return reqid = self.fam.AddMonitor(dirpathname, self) self.handles[reqid] = relative def HandleEvent(self, event): """Handle FAM/Gamin events. This method is invoked by FAM/Gamin when it detects a change to a filesystem object we have requsted to be monitored. This method manages the lifecycle of events related to the monitored objects, adding them to our indiciess and creating objects of type __child__ that actually do the domain-specific processing. When appropriate, it propogates events those objects by invoking their HandleEvent in turn. """ action = event.code2str() # Exclude events for actions and filesystem paths we don't # care about if action == 'endExist': return elif os.path.isabs(event.filename[0]): # After AddDirectoryMonitor calls, we receive an 'exists' # event with the just-added directory and its absolute # path name. Ignore these. return elif event.filename == '': logger.warning("Got event for blank filename") return # Calculate the absolute and relative paths this event refers to abspath = os.path.join(self.data, self.handles[event.requestID], event.filename) relpath = os.path.join(self.handles[event.requestID], event.filename) if action == 'deleted': for key in self.entries.keys(): if key.startswith(relpath): del self.entries[key] for handle in self.handles.keys(): if self.handles[handle].startswith(relpath): del self.handles[handle] elif posixpath.isdir(abspath): # Deal with events for directories if action in ['exists', 'created']: self.add_directory_monitor(relpath) elif action == 'changed' and relpath in self.entries: # Ownerships, permissions or timestamps changed on the # directory. None of these should affect the contents # of the files, though it could change our ability to # access them. # # It seems like the right thing to do is to cancel # monitoring the directory and then begin monitoring # it again. But the current FileMonitor class doesn't # support canceling, so at least let the user know # that a restart might be a good idea. logger.warn("Directory properties for %s changed, please " + " consider restarting the server" % (abspath)) else: logger.warn("Got unknown dir event %s %s %s" % (event.requestID, event.code2str(), abspath)) else: # Deal with events for non-directories if action in ['exists', 'created']: if ((event.filename[-1] == '~') or (event.filename[:2] == '.#') or (event.filename[-4:] == '.swp') or (event.filename in ['SCCS', '.svn'])): return if not self.patterns.match(event.filename): return self.entries[relpath] = self.__child__('%s/%s' % (self.name, relpath)) self.entries[relpath].HandleEvent(event) elif action == 'changed': if relpath in self.entries: self.entries[relpath].HandleEvent(event) else: logger.warn("Got %s event for unexpected path %s" % (action, abspath)) else: logger.warn("Got unknown file event %s %s %s" % (event.requestID, event.code2str(), abspath)) class XMLFileBacked(FileBacked): """ This object is a coherent cache for an XML file to be used as a part of DirectoryBacked. """ __identifier__ = 'name' def __init__(self, filename): self.label = "dummy" self.entries = [] FileBacked.__init__(self, filename) def Index(self): """Build local data structures.""" try: self.xdata = XML(self.data) except XMLSyntaxError: logger.error("Failed to parse %s" % (self.name)) return self.entries = self.xdata.getchildren() if self.__identifier__ is not None: self.label = self.xdata.attrib[self.__identifier__] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.entries) class SingleXMLFileBacked(XMLFileBacked): """This object is a coherent cache for an independent XML file.""" def __init__(self, filename, fam): XMLFileBacked.__init__(self, filename) fam.AddMonitor(filename, self) class StructFile(XMLFileBacked): """This file contains a set of structure file formatting logic.""" __identifier__ = None def __init__(self, name): XMLFileBacked.__init__(self, name) self.matches = {} def _match(self, item, metadata): """ recursive helper for Match() """ if isinstance(item, lxml.etree._Comment): return [] elif item.tag == 'Group': rv = [] if ((item.get('negate', 'false').lower() == 'true' and item.get('name') not in metadata.groups) or (item.get('negate', 'false').lower() == 'false' and item.get('name') in metadata.groups)): for child in item.iterchildren(): rv.extend(self._match(child, metadata)) return rv elif item.tag == 'Client': rv = [] if ((item.get('negate', 'false').lower() == 'true' and item.get('name') != metadata.hostname) or (item.get('negate', 'false').lower() == 'false' and item.get('name') == metadata.hostname)): for child in item.iterchildren(): rv.extend(self._match(child, metadata)) return rv else: rv = copy.deepcopy(item) for child in rv.iterchildren(): rv.remove(child) for child in item.iterchildren(): rv.extend(self._match(child, metadata)) return [rv] def Match(self, metadata): """Return matching fragments of independent.""" if metadata.hostname not in self.matches: rv = [] for child in self.entries: rv.extend(self._match(child, metadata)) logger.debug("File %s got %d match(es)" % (self.name, len(rv))) self.matches[metadata.hostname] = rv return self.matches[metadata.hostname] class INode: """ LNodes provide lists of things available at a particular group intersection. """ raw = {'Client': "lambda m, e:'%(name)s' == m.hostname and predicate(m, e)", 'Group': "lambda m, e:'%(name)s' in m.groups and predicate(m, e)", 'Path': "lambda m, e:('%(name)s' == e.get('name') or '%(name)s' == e.get('realname')) and predicate(m, e)"} nraw = {'Client': "lambda m, e:'%(name)s' != m.hostname and predicate(m, e)", 'Group': "lambda m, e:'%(name)s' not in m.groups and predicate(m, e)", 'Path': "lambda m, e:('%(name)s' != e.get('name') and '%(name)s' != e.get('realname')) and predicate(m, e)"} containers = ['Group', 'Client', 'Path'] ignore = [] def __init__(self, data, idict, parent=None): self.data = data self.contents = {} if parent == None: self.predicate = lambda m, d: True else: predicate = parent.predicate if data.get('negate', 'false') in ['true', 'True']: psrc = self.nraw else: psrc = self.raw if data.tag in list(psrc.keys()): self.predicate = eval(psrc[data.tag] % {'name': data.get('name')}, {'predicate': predicate}) else: raise Exception mytype = self.__class__ self.children = [] for item in data.getchildren(): if item.tag in self.ignore: continue elif item.tag in self.containers: self.children.append(mytype(item, idict, self)) else: try: self.contents[item.tag][item.get('name')] = item.attrib except KeyError: self.contents[item.tag] = {item.get('name'): item.attrib} if item.text: self.contents[item.tag]['__text__'] = item.text try: idict[item.tag].append(item.get('name')) except KeyError: idict[item.tag] = [item.get('name')] def Match(self, metadata, data, entry=lxml.etree.Element("None")): """Return a dictionary of package mappings.""" if self.predicate(metadata, entry): for key in self.contents: try: data[key].update(self.contents[key]) except: data[key] = {} data[key].update(self.contents[key]) for child in self.children: child.Match(metadata, data, entry=entry) class XMLSrc(XMLFileBacked): """XMLSrc files contain a LNode hierarchy that returns matching entries.""" __node__ = INode __cacheobj__ = dict def __init__(self, filename, noprio=False): XMLFileBacked.__init__(self, filename) self.items = {} self.cache = None self.pnode = None self.priority = -1 self.noprio = noprio def HandleEvent(self, _=None): """Read file upon update.""" try: data = BUILTIN_FILE_TYPE(self.name).read() except IOError: logger.error("Failed to read file %s" % (self.name)) return self.items = {} try: xdata = lxml.etree.XML(data) except lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: logger.error("Failed to parse file %s" % (self.name)) return self.pnode = self.__node__(xdata, self.items) self.cache = None try: self.priority = int(xdata.get('priority')) except (ValueError, TypeError): if not self.noprio: logger.error("Got bogus priority %s for file %s" % (xdata.get('priority'), self.name)) del xdata, data def Cache(self, metadata): """Build a package dict for a given host.""" if self.cache == None or self.cache[0] != metadata: cache = (metadata, self.__cacheobj__()) if self.pnode == None: logger.error("Cache method called early for %s; forcing data load" % (self.name)) self.HandleEvent() return self.pnode.Match(metadata, cache[1]) self.cache = cache class XMLDirectoryBacked(DirectoryBacked): """Directorybacked for *.xml.""" patterns = re.compile('.*\.xml') class PrioDir(Plugin, Generator, XMLDirectoryBacked): """This is a generator that handles package assignments.""" name = 'PrioDir' __child__ = XMLSrc def __init__(self, core, datastore): Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) Generator.__init__(self) try: XMLDirectoryBacked.__init__(self, self.data, self.core.fam) except OSError: self.logger.error("Failed to load %s indices" % (self.name)) raise PluginInitError def HandleEvent(self, event): """Handle events and update dispatch table.""" XMLDirectoryBacked.HandleEvent(self, event) self.Entries = {} for src in list(self.entries.values()): for itype, children in list(src.items.items()): for child in children: try: self.Entries[itype][child] = self.BindEntry except KeyError: self.Entries[itype] = {child: self.BindEntry} def BindEntry(self, entry, metadata): """Check package lists of package entries.""" name = entry.get('name') if False in [src.Cache(metadata) for src in list(self.entries.values())]: self.logger.error("Called before data loaded") raise PluginExecutionError matching = [src for src in list(self.entries.values()) if src.cache and entry.tag in src.cache[1] and name in src.cache[1][entry.tag]] if len(matching) == 0: raise PluginExecutionError elif len(matching) == 1: index = 0 else: prio = [int(src.priority) for src in matching] if prio.count(max(prio)) > 1: self.logger.error("Found conflicting sources with " "same priority for %s, %s %s" % (metadata.hostname, entry.tag.lower(), entry.get('name'))) self.logger.error([item.name for item in matching]) self.logger.error("Priority was %s" % max(prio)) raise PluginExecutionError index = prio.index(max(prio)) data = matching[index].cache[1][entry.tag][name] if '__text__' in data: entry.text = data['__text__'] if '__children__' in data: [entry.append(copy.deepcopy(item)) for item in data['__children__']] [entry.attrib.__setitem__(key, data[key]) for key in list(data.keys()) \ if not key.startswith('__')] # new unified EntrySet backend class SpecificityError(Exception): """Thrown in case of filename parse failure.""" pass class Specificity: def __init__(self, all=False, group=False, hostname=False, prio=0, delta=False): self.hostname = hostname self.all = all self.group = group self.prio = prio self.delta = delta def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 def matches(self, metadata): return self.all or \ self.hostname == metadata.hostname or \ self.group in metadata.groups def __cmp__(self, other): """Sort most to least specific.""" if self.all: return 1 if self.group: if other.hostname: return 1 if other.group and other.prio > self.prio: return 1 if other.group and other.prio == self.prio: return 0 return -1 def more_specific(self, other): """Test if self is more specific than other.""" if self.all: True elif self.group: if other.hostname: return True elif other.group and other.prio > self.prio: return True return False class SpecificData(object): def __init__(self, name, specific, encoding): self.name = name self.specific = specific def handle_event(self, event): if event.code2str() == 'deleted': return try: self.data = open(self.name).read() except: logger.error("Failed to read file %s" % self.name) class EntrySet: """Entry sets deal with the host- and group-specific entries.""" ignore = re.compile("^(\.#.*|.*~|\\..*\\.(sw[px])|.*\\.genshi_include)$") def __init__(self, basename, path, entry_type, encoding): self.path = path self.entry_type = entry_type self.entries = {} self.metadata = default_file_metadata.copy() self.infoxml = None self.encoding = encoding pattern = '(.*/)?%s(\.((H_(?P\S+))|' % basename pattern += '(G(?P\d+)_(?P\S+))))?$' self.specific = re.compile(pattern) def get_matching(self, metadata): return [item for item in list(self.entries.values()) \ if item.specific.matches(metadata)] def handle_event(self, event): """Handle FAM events for the TemplateSet.""" action = event.code2str() if event.filename in ['info', 'info.xml', ':info']: if action in ['exists', 'created', 'changed']: self.update_metadata(event) elif action == 'deleted': self.reset_metadata(event) return if action in ['exists', 'created']: self.entry_init(event) else: if event.filename not in self.entries: return if action == 'changed': self.entries[event.filename].handle_event(event) elif action == 'deleted': del self.entries[event.filename] def entry_init(self, event): """Handle template and info file creation.""" if event.filename in self.entries: logger.warn("Got duplicate add for %s" % event.filename) else: fpath = "%s/%s" % (self.path, event.filename) try: spec = self.specificity_from_filename(event.filename) except SpecificityError: if not self.ignore.match(event.filename): logger.error("Could not process filename %s; ignoring" % fpath) return self.entries[event.filename] = self.entry_type(fpath, spec, self.encoding) self.entries[event.filename].handle_event(event) def specificity_from_filename(self, fname): """Construct a specificity instance from a filename and regex.""" data = self.specific.match(fname) if not data: raise SpecificityError(fname) kwargs = {} if data.group('hostname'): kwargs['hostname'] = data.group('hostname') elif data.group('group'): kwargs['group'] = data.group('group') kwargs['prio'] = int(data.group('prio')) else: kwargs['all'] = True if 'delta' in data.groupdict(): kwargs['delta'] = data.group('delta') return Specificity(**kwargs) def update_metadata(self, event): """Process info and info.xml files for the templates.""" fpath = "%s/%s" % (self.path, event.filename) if event.filename == 'info.xml': if not self.infoxml: self.infoxml = XMLSrc(fpath, True) self.infoxml.HandleEvent(event) elif event.filename in [':info', 'info']: for line in open(fpath).readlines(): match = info_regex.match(line) if not match: logger.warning("Failed to match line: %s" % line) continue else: mgd = match.groupdict() for key, value in list(mgd.items()): if value: self.metadata[key] = value if len(self.metadata['perms']) == 3: self.metadata['perms'] = "0%s" % \ (self.metadata['perms']) def reset_metadata(self, event): """Reset metadata to defaults if info or info.xml removed.""" if event.filename == 'info.xml': self.infoxml = None elif event.filename in [':info', 'info']: self.metadata = default_file_metadata.copy() def group_sortfunc(self, x, y): """sort groups by their priority""" return cmp(x.specific.prio, y.specific.prio) def bind_info_to_entry(self, entry, metadata): # first set defaults from global metadata/:info for key in self.metadata: entry.set(key, self.metadata[key]) if self.infoxml: mdata = {} self.infoxml.pnode.Match(metadata, mdata, entry=entry) if 'Info' not in mdata: logger.error("Failed to set metadata for file %s" % \ (entry.get('name'))) raise PluginExecutionError [entry.attrib.__setitem__(key, value) \ for (key, value) in list(mdata['Info'][None].items())] def bind_entry(self, entry, metadata): """Return the appropriate interpreted template from the set of available templates.""" self.bind_info_to_entry(entry, metadata) matching = self.get_matching(metadata) hspec = [ent for ent in matching if ent.specific.hostname] if hspec: return hspec[0].bind_entry(entry, metadata) gspec = [ent for ent in matching if ent.specific.group] if gspec: gspec.sort(self.group_sortfunc) return gspec[-1].bind_entry(entry, metadata) aspec = [ent for ent in matching if ent.specific.all] if aspec: return aspec[0].bind_entry(entry, metadata) raise PluginExecutionError class GroupSpool(Plugin, Generator): """Unified interface for handling group-specific data (e.g. .G## files).""" name = 'GroupSpool' __version__ = '$Id$' __author__ = 'bcfg-dev@mcs.anl.gov' filename_pattern = "" es_child_cls = object es_cls = EntrySet def __init__(self, core, datastore): Plugin.__init__(self, core, datastore) Generator.__init__(self) if self.data[-1] == '/': self.data = self.data[:-1] self.Entries['Path'] = {} self.entries = {} self.handles = {} self.AddDirectoryMonitor('') self.encoding = core.encoding def HandleEvent(self, event): """Unified FAM event handler for DirShadow.""" action = event.code2str() if event.filename[0] == '/': return epath = "".join([self.data, self.handles[event.requestID], event.filename]) if posixpath.isdir(epath): ident = self.handles[event.requestID] + event.filename else: ident = self.handles[event.requestID][:-1] if action in ['exists', 'created']: if posixpath.isdir(epath): self.AddDirectoryMonitor(epath[len(self.data):]) if ident not in self.entries and posixpath.isfile(epath): dirpath = "".join([self.data, ident]) self.entries[ident] = self.es_cls(self.filename_pattern, dirpath, self.es_child_cls, self.encoding) self.Entries['Path'][ident] = self.entries[ident].bind_entry if not posixpath.isdir(epath): # do not pass through directory events self.entries[ident].handle_event(event) if action == 'changed' and ident in self.entries: self.entries[ident].handle_event(event) elif action == 'deleted': fbase = self.handles[event.requestID] + event.filename if fbase in self.entries: # a directory was deleted del self.entries[fbase] del self.Entries['Path'][fbase] else: self.entries[ident].handle_event(event) def AddDirectoryMonitor(self, relative): """Add new directory to FAM structures.""" if not relative.endswith('/'): relative += '/' name = self.data + relative if relative not in list(self.handles.values()): if not posixpath.isdir(name): print("Failed to open directory %s" % (name)) return reqid = self.core.fam.AddMonitor(name, self) self.handles[reqid] = relative