'''Bcfg2.Server.Core provides the runtime support for bcfg2 modules''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from os import stat from stat import ST_MODE, S_ISDIR from sys import exc_info from syslog import syslog, LOG_ERR, LOG_INFO from traceback import extract_tb from time import time from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from elementtree.ElementTree import Element from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PluginInitError, PluginExecutionError from Bcfg2.Server.Metadata import MetadataStore, MetadataConsistencyError from Bcfg2.Server.Statistics import Statistics class CoreInitError(Exception): '''This error is raised when the core cannot be initialized''' pass class FamFam(object): '''The fam object is a set of callbacks for file alteration events (FAM support)''' def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) self.fm = _fam.open() self.users = {} self.handles = {} def fileno(self): '''return fam file handle number''' return self.fm.fileno() def AddMonitor(self, path, obj): '''add a monitor to path, installing a callback to obj.HandleEvent''' mode = stat(path)[ST_MODE] if S_ISDIR(mode): handle = self.fm.monitorDirectory(path, None) #print "adding callback for directory %s to %s, handle :%s:" % ( path, obj, handle.requestID()) else: handle = self.fm.monitorFile(path, None) self.handles[handle.requestID()] = handle if obj != None: self.users[handle.requestID()] = obj return handle.requestID() def HandleEvent(self): '''Route a fam event to the proper callback''' event = self.fm.nextEvent() reqid = event.requestID if self.users.has_key(reqid): #print "dispatching event %s %s to obj %s handle :%s:" % (event.code2str(), event.filename, self.users[reqid], event.requestID) self.users[reqid].HandleEvent(event) def Service(self): '''Handle all fam work''' while self.fm.pending(): self.HandleEvent() class GaminEvent(object): '''This class provides an event analogous to python-fam events based on gamin sources''' def __init__(self, request_id, filename, code): action_map = {GAMCreated: 'created', GAMExists: 'exists', GAMChanged: 'changed', GAMDeleted: 'deleted', GAMEndExist: 'endExist'} self.requestID = request_id self.filename = filename if action_map.has_key(code): self.action = action_map[code] def code2str(self): '''return static code for event''' return self.action class GaminFam(object): '''The fam object is a set of callbacks for file alteration events (Gamin support)''' def __init__(self): object.__init__(self) self.mon = WatchMonitor() self.handles = {} self.counter = 0 def fileno(self): '''return fam file handle number''' return self.mon.get_fd() def dispatch(self, path, action, request_id): '''find the right object to dispatch to''' if self.handles.has_key(request_id): evt = GaminEvent(request_id, path, action) #print "e %s %s to obj %s handle :%s:" % (evt.code2str(), evt.filename, # self.handles[request_id], evt.requestID) self.handles[request_id].HandleEvent(evt) else: print "got crazy event for nonexistant handle %s" % request_id def AddMonitor(self, path, obj): '''add a monitor to path, installing a callback to obj.HandleEvent''' handle = self.counter self.counter += 1 mode = stat(path)[ST_MODE] if S_ISDIR(mode): self.mon.watch_directory(path, self.dispatch, handle) #print "adding callback for directory %s to %s, handle :%s:" % ( path, obj, handle.requestID()) else: self.mon.watch_file(path, self.dispatch, handle) self.handles[handle] = obj return handle def HandleEvent(self): '''Call Gamin, which will call the callback''' self.mon.handle_one_event() def Service(self): '''Handle any pending Gamin work''' while self.mon.event_pending(): self.mon.handle_one_event() try: from gamin import WatchMonitor, GAMCreated, GAMExists, GAMEndExist, GAMChanged, GAMDeleted monitor = GaminFam except ImportError: # fall back to _fam try: import _fam monitor = FamFam except ImportError: print "Couldn't locate Fam module, exiting" raise SystemExit, 1 class Core(object): '''The Core object is the container for all Bcfg2 Server logic, and modules''' def __init__(self, setup, configfile): object.__init__(self) cfile = ConfigParser() cfile.read([configfile]) self.datastore = cfile.get('server','repository') try: self.fam = monitor() except IOError: raise CoreInitError, "failed to connect to fam" self.pubspace = {} self.generators = [] self.structures = [] self.cron = {} self.setup = setup self.plugins = {} mpath = cfile.get('server','repository') try: self.metadata = MetadataStore("%s/etc/metadata.xml" % mpath, self.fam) except OSError: raise CoreInitError, "metadata path incorrect" self.stats = Statistics("%s/etc/statistics.xml" % (mpath)) structures = cfile.get('server', 'structures').split(',') generators = cfile.get('server', 'generators').split(',') for plugin in structures + generators: if not self.plugins.has_key(plugin): try: mod = getattr(__import__("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.%s" % (plugin)).Server.Plugins, plugin) except ImportError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to load plugin %s" % (plugin)) continue struct = getattr(mod, plugin) try: self.plugins[plugin] = struct(self, self.datastore) except PluginInitError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to instantiate plugin %s" % (plugin)) except: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unexpected initiantiation failure for plugin %s" % (plugin)) (trace, val, trb)=exc_info() for line in extract_tb(trb): syslog(LOG_ERR, ' File "%s", line %i, in %s\n %s\n'%line) syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s\n"%(trace, val)) del trace, val, trb for plugin in structures: if self.plugins.has_key(plugin): self.structures.append(self.plugins[plugin]) else: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Plugin %s not loaded. Not enabled as a Structure" % (plugin)) for plugin in generators: if self.plugins.has_key(plugin): self.generators.append(self.plugins[plugin]) else: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Plugin %s not loaded. Not enabled as a Generator" % (plugin)) def GetStructures(self, metadata): '''Get all structures for client specified by metadata''' return reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, [struct.BuildStructures(metadata) for struct in self.structures]) def BindStructure(self, structure, metadata): '''Bind a complete structure''' for entry in [child for child in structure.getchildren() if child.tag not in ['SymLink', 'Directory', 'Permissions', 'PostInstall']]: try: self.Bind(entry, metadata) except PluginExecutionError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to bind entry: %s %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) def Bind(self, entry, metadata): '''Bind an entry using the appropriate generator''' glist = [gen for gen in self.generators if gen.Entries.get(entry.tag, {}).has_key(entry.get('name'))] if len(glist) == 1: return glist[0].Entries[entry.tag][entry.get('name')](entry, metadata) elif len(glist) > 1: generators = ", ".join([gen.__name__ for gen in glist]) syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s %s served by multiple generators: %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'), generators)) raise PluginExecutionError, (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) else: for gen in self.generators: if hasattr(gen, "FindHandler"): return gen.FindHandler(entry)(entry, metadata) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to find handler for %s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) raise PluginExecutionError, (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) def BuildConfiguration(self, client): '''Build Configuration for client''' start = time() config = Element("Configuration", version='2.0') try: meta = self.metadata.FetchMetadata(client) except MetadataConsistencyError: syslog(LOG_ERR, "Metadata consistency error for client %s" % client) return Element("error", type='metadata error') config.set('toolset', meta.toolset) try: structures = self.GetStructures(meta) except: self.LogFailure("GetStructures") return Element("error", type='structure error') for astruct in structures: try: self.BindStructure(astruct, meta) config.append(astruct) except: self.LogFailure("BindStructure") syslog(LOG_INFO, "Generated config for %s in %s seconds"%(client, time() - start)) return config def LogFailure(self, failure): '''Log Failures in unexpected cases''' (trace, val, trb) = exc_info() syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unexpected failure in %s" % (failure)) for line in extract_tb(trb): syslog(LOG_ERR, ' File "%s", line %i, in %s\n %s\n' % line) syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %s\n"%(trace, val)) del trace, val, trb def Service(self): '''Perform periodic update tasks''' while self.fam.fm.pending: try: self.fam.HandleEvent() except: self.LogFailure("FamEvent") try: self.stats.WriteBack() except: self.LogFailure("Statistics")