'''Bcfg2.Server.Core provides the runtime support for bcfg2 modules''' __revision__ = '$Revision$' from time import time from Bcfg2.Server.Plugin import PluginInitError, PluginExecutionError import Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor import logging, lxml.etree, os import Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata logger = logging.getLogger('Bcfg2.Core') try: import psyco psyco.full() except: pass class CoreInitError(Exception): '''This error is raised when the core cannot be initialized''' pass class Core(object): '''The Core object is the container for all Bcfg2 Server logic, and modules''' def __init__(self, repo, plugins, structures, generators, connectors, password, svn, encoding, filemonitor='default'): object.__init__(self) self.datastore = repo if filemonitor not in Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.available: logger.error("File monitor driver %s not available; forcing to default" % filemonitor) filemonitor = 'default' try: self.fam = Bcfg2.Server.FileMonitor.available[filemonitor]() except IOError: raise CoreInitError, "failed to instantiate fam driver (used %s)" % \ filemonitor self.pubspace = {} self.generators = [] self.structures = [] self.connectors = [] self.cron = {} self.plugins = {} self.revision = '-1' self.password = password self.svn = svn self.encoding = encoding try: if self.svn: self.read_svn_revision() except: self.svn = False [data.remove('') for data in [plugins, structures, generators] if '' in data] for plugin in structures + generators + plugins + connectors: if not plugin in self.plugins: self.init_plugins(plugin) chk_plugins = self.plugins.values() while True: try: plugin = chk_plugins.pop() if isinstance(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Metadata): self.metadata = plugin break except: pass if not chk_plugins: self.init_plugins("Metadata") self.metadata = self.plugins["Metadata"] break chk_plugins = self.plugins.values() while True: try: plugin = chk_plugins.pop() if isinstance(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Statistics): self.stats = plugin break except: pass if not chk_plugins: self.init_plugins("Statistics") self.stats = self.plugins["Statistics"] break for plug_names, plug_tname, plug_type, collection in \ [(structures, 'structure', Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Structure, self.structures), (generators, 'generator', Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Generator, self.generators), (connectors, 'connector', Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Connector, self.connectors), ]: for plugin in plug_names: if plugin in self.plugins: if not isinstance(self.plugins[plugin], plug_type): logger.error("Plugin %s is not a %s plugin; unloading" \ % (plugin, plug_tname)) del self.plugins[plugin] else: collection.append(self.plugins[plugin]) else: logger.error("Plugin %s not loaded. Not enabled as a %s" \ % (plugin, plug_tname)) def init_plugins(self, plugin): try: mod = getattr(__import__("Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.%s" % (plugin)).Server.Plugins, plugin) except ImportError, e: logger.error("Failed to load plugin %s: %s" % (plugin, e)) return plug = getattr(mod, plugin) if plug.experimental: logger.info("Loading experimental plugin %s" % (plugin)) logger.info("NOTE: Interface subject to change") try: self.plugins[plugin] = plug(self, self.datastore) except PluginInitError: logger.error("Failed to instantiate plugin %s" % (plugin)) except: logger.error("Unexpected instantiation failure for plugin %s" % (plugin), exc_info=1) def GetStructures(self, metadata): '''Get all structures for client specified by metadata''' return reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, [struct.BuildStructures(metadata) for struct in self.structures], []) def BindStructure(self, structure, metadata): '''Bind a complete structure''' for entry in structure.getchildren(): if entry.tag.startswith("Bound"): entry.tag = entry.tag[5:] continue try: self.Bind(entry, metadata) except PluginExecutionError: logger.error("Failed to bind entry: %s %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) except: logger.error("Unexpected failure in BindStructure: %s %s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name')), exc_info=1) def Bind(self, entry, metadata): '''Bind an entry using the appropriate generator''' if 'altsrc' in entry.attrib: oldname = entry.get('name') entry.set('name', entry.get('altsrc')) entry.set('realname', oldname) del entry.attrib['altsrc'] try: ret = self.Bind(entry, metadata) entry.set('name', oldname) del entry.attrib['realname'] return ret except: entry.set('name', oldname) logger.error("Failed binding entry %s:%s with altsrc %s" \ % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'), entry.get('altsrc'))) logger.error("Falling back to %s:%s" % (entry.tag, entry.get('name'))) glist = [gen for gen in self.generators if entry.get('name') in gen.Entries.get(entry.tag, {})] if len(glist) == 1: return glist[0].Entries[entry.tag][entry.get('name')](entry, metadata) elif len(glist) > 1: generators = ", ".join([gen.name for gen in glist]) logger.error("%s %s served by multiple generators: %s" % \ (entry.tag, entry.get('name'), generators)) g2list = [gen for gen in self.generators if gen.HandlesEntry(entry)] if len(g2list) == 1: return g2list[0].HandleEntry(entry, metadata) raise PluginExecutionError, (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) def BuildConfiguration(self, client): '''Build Configuration for client''' start = time() config = lxml.etree.Element("Configuration", version='2.0', revision=self.revision) try: meta = self.build_metadata(client) except Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Metadata.MetadataConsistencyError: logger.error("Metadata consistency error for client %s" % client) return lxml.etree.Element("error", type='metadata error') try: structures = self.GetStructures(meta) except: logger.error("error in GetStructures", exc_info=1) return lxml.etree.Element("error", type='structure error') if 'Deps' in self.plugins: # do prereq processing prereqs = self.plugins['Deps'].GeneratePrereqs(structures, meta) structures.append(prereqs) # Perform altsrc consistency checking esrcs = {} for struct in structures: for entry in struct: key = (entry.tag, entry.get('name')) if key in esrcs: if esrcs[key] != entry.get('altsrc'): logger.error("Found inconsistent altsrc mapping for entry %s:%s" % key) else: esrcs[key] = entry.get('altsrc', None) del esrcs for astruct in structures: try: self.BindStructure(astruct, meta) config.append(astruct) except: logger.error("error in BindStructure", exc_info=1) logger.info("Generated config for %s in %s seconds"%(client, time() - start)) return config def Service(self): '''Perform periodic update tasks''' count = self.fam.Service() if count and self.svn: self.read_svn_revision() try: self.stats.WriteBack() except: logger.error("error in Statistics", exc_info=1) def read_svn_revision(self): '''Read svn revision information for the bcfg2 repository''' try: data = os.popen("env LC_ALL=C svn info %s" % (self.datastore)).readlines() revline = [line.split(': ')[1].strip() for line in data if line[:9] == 'Revision:'][-1] self.revision = revline except IndexError: logger.error("Failed to read svn info; disabling svn support") logger.error('''Ran command "svn info %s"''' % (self.datastore)) logger.error("Got output: %s" % data) self.svn = False def GetDecisions(self, metadata, mode): result = [] for plugin in self.plugins.values(): try: if isinstance(plugin, Bcfg2.Server.Plugin.Decision): result += plugin.GetDecisions(metadata, mode) except: logger.error("Plugin: %s failed to generate decision list" % plugin.name, exc_info=1) return result def build_metadata(self, client_name): imd = self.metadata.get_initial_metadata(client_name) for conn in self.connectors: grps, data = conn.get_additional_metadata(imd) self.metadata.merge_additional_metadata(imd, conn.name, grps, data) return imd