path: root/src/lib/Server/Lint
diff options
authorJack Neely <>2011-06-10 13:29:23 -0400
committerJack Neely <>2011-06-10 13:29:23 -0400
commit90c85147bacea14771abf8faa1fc5f185418d14b (patch)
treeb10e06fc80ed714f5376b169e32b8953479211f1 /src/lib/Server/Lint
parent4f3da4543ec4e8c3c4776ae2ee3611e47ce78525 (diff)
parentce6a228d33ace4136dc2b5388c64795dfbd26ffb (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/Server/Lint')
9 files changed, 932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e90159f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class Bundles(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ Perform various bundle checks """
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ """ run plugin """
+ if 'Bundler' in self.core.plugins:
+ self.missing_bundles()
+ for bundle in self.core.plugins['Bundler'].entries.values():
+ if self.HandlesFile(
+ if (Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.Bundler.have_genshi and
+ type(bundle) is
+ Bcfg2.Server.Plugins.SGenshi.SGenshiTemplateFile):
+ self.sgenshi_groups(bundle)
+ else:
+ self.bundle_names(bundle)
+ def missing_bundles(self):
+ """ find bundles listed in Metadata but not implemented in Bundler """
+ if self.files is None:
+ # when given a list of files on stdin, this check is
+ # useless, so skip it
+ groupdata = self.metadata.groups_xml.xdata
+ ref_bundles = set([b.get("name")
+ for b in groupdata.findall("//Bundle")])
+ allbundles = self.core.plugins['Bundler'].entries.keys()
+ for bundle in ref_bundles:
+ xmlbundle = "%s.xml" % bundle
+ genshibundle = "%s.genshi" % bundle
+ if (xmlbundle not in allbundles and
+ genshibundle not in allbundles):
+ self.LintError("bundle-not-found",
+ "Bundle %s referenced, but does not exist" %
+ bundle)
+ def bundle_names(self, bundle):
+ """ verify bundle name attribute matches filename """
+ try:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.XML(
+ except AttributeError:
+ # genshi template
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(bundle.template.filepath).getroot()
+ fname ='Bundler/')[1].split('.')[0]
+ bname = xdata.get('name')
+ if fname != bname:
+ self.LintError("inconsistent-bundle-name",
+ "Inconsistent bundle name: filename is %s, bundle name is %s" %
+ (fname, bname))
+ def sgenshi_groups(self, bundle):
+ """ ensure that Genshi Bundles do not include <Group> tags,
+ which are not supported """
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(
+ groups = [self.RenderXML(g)
+ for g in xdata.getroottree().findall("//Group")]
+ if groups:
+ self.LintError("group-tag-not-allowed",
+ "<Group> tag is not allowed in SGenshi Bundle:\n%s" %
+ "\n".join(groups))
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e86cc564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import os.path
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class Comments(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ check files for various required headers """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.config_cache = {}
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ self.check_bundles()
+ self.check_properties()
+ self.check_metadata()
+ self.check_cfg()
+ self.check_infoxml()
+ self.check_probes()
+ def required_keywords(self, rtype):
+ """ given a file type, fetch the list of required VCS keywords
+ from the bcfg2-lint config """
+ return self.required_items(rtype, "keyword")
+ def required_comments(self, rtype):
+ """ given a file type, fetch the list of required comments
+ from the bcfg2-lint config """
+ return self.required_items(rtype, "comment")
+ def required_items(self, rtype, itype):
+ """ given a file type and item type (comment or keyword),
+ fetch the list of required items from the bcfg2-lint config """
+ if itype not in self.config_cache:
+ self.config_cache[itype] = {}
+ if rtype not in self.config_cache[itype]:
+ rv = []
+ global_item = "global_%ss" % itype
+ if global_item in self.config:
+ rv.extend(self.config[global_item].split(","))
+ item = "%s_%ss" % (rtype.lower(), itype)
+ if item in self.config:
+ if self.config[item]:
+ rv.extend(self.config[item].split(","))
+ else:
+ # config explicitly specifies nothing
+ rv = []
+ self.config_cache[itype][rtype] = rv
+ return self.config_cache[itype][rtype]
+ def check_bundles(self):
+ """ check bundle files for required headers """
+ if 'Bundler' in self.core.plugins:
+ for bundle in self.core.plugins['Bundler'].entries.values():
+ xdata = None
+ rtype = ""
+ try:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.XML(
+ rtype = "bundler"
+ except AttributeError:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(bundle.template.filepath).getroot()
+ rtype = "sgenshi"
+ self.check_xml(, xdata, rtype)
+ def check_properties(self):
+ """ check properties files for required headers """
+ if 'Properties' in self.core.plugins:
+ props = self.core.plugins['Properties']
+ for propfile, pdata in
+ if os.path.splitext(propfile)[1] == ".xml":
+ self.check_xml(,, 'properties')
+ def check_metadata(self):
+ """ check metadata files for required headers """
+ if self.has_all_xincludes("groups.xml"):
+ self.check_xml(os.path.join(, "groups.xml"),
+ "metadata")
+ if self.has_all_xincludes("clients.xml"):
+ self.check_xml(os.path.join(, "clients.xml"),
+ "metadata")
+ def check_cfg(self):
+ """ check Cfg files for required headers """
+ if 'Cfg' in self.core.plugins:
+ for entryset in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.values():
+ for entry in entryset.entries.values():
+ if".genshi"):
+ rtype = "tgenshi"
+ else:
+ rtype = "cfg"
+ self.check_plaintext(,, rtype)
+ def check_infoxml(self):
+ """ check info.xml files for required headers """
+ if 'Cfg' in self.core.plugins:
+ for entryset in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.items():
+ if (hasattr(entryset, "infoxml") and
+ entryset.infoxml is not None):
+ self.check_xml(,
+ "infoxml")
+ def check_probes(self):
+ """ check probes for required headers """
+ if 'Probes' in self.core.plugins:
+ for probe in self.core.plugins['Probes'].probes.entries.values():
+ self.check_plaintext(,, "probes")
+ def check_xml(self, filename, xdata, rtype):
+ """ check generic XML files for required headers """
+ self.check_lines(filename,
+ [str(el)
+ for el in xdata.getiterator(lxml.etree.Comment)],
+ rtype)
+ def check_plaintext(self, filename, data, rtype):
+ """ check generic plaintex files for required headers """
+ self.check_lines(filename, data.splitlines(), rtype)
+ def check_lines(self, filename, lines, rtype):
+ """ generic header check for a set of lines """
+ if self.HandlesFile(filename):
+ # found is trivalent:
+ # False == not found
+ # None == found but not expanded
+ # True == found and expanded
+ found = dict((k, False) for k in self.required_keywords(rtype))
+ for line in lines:
+ # we check for both '$<keyword>:' and '$<keyword>$' to see
+ # if the keyword just hasn't been expanded
+ for (keyword, status) in found.items():
+ if not status:
+ if '$%s:' % keyword in line:
+ found[keyword] = True
+ elif '$%s$' % keyword in line:
+ found[keyword] = None
+ unexpanded = [keyword for (keyword, status) in found.items()
+ if status is None]
+ if unexpanded:
+ self.LintError("unexpanded-keywords",
+ "%s: Required keywords(s) found but not expanded: %s" %
+ (filename, ", ".join(unexpanded)))
+ missing = [keyword for (keyword, status) in found.items()
+ if status is False]
+ if missing:
+ self.LintError("keywords-not-found",
+ "%s: Required keywords(s) not found: $%s$" %
+ (filename, "$, $".join(missing)))
+ # next, check for required comments. found is just
+ # boolean
+ found = dict((k, False) for k in self.required_comments(rtype))
+ for line in lines:
+ for (comment, status) in found.items():
+ if not status:
+ found[comment] = comment in line
+ missing = [comment for (comment, status) in found.items()
+ if status is False]
+ if missing:
+ self.LintError("comments-not-found",
+ "%s: Required comments(s) not found: %s" %
+ (filename, ", ".join(missing)))
+ def has_all_xincludes(self, mfile):
+ """ return true if self.files includes all XIncludes listed in
+ the specified metadata type, false otherwise"""
+ if self.files is None:
+ return True
+ else:
+ path = os.path.join(, mfile)
+ if path in self.files:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(path)
+ for el in xdata.findall('./{}include'):
+ if not self.has_all_xincludes(el.get('href')):
+ self.LintError("broken-xinclude-chain",
+ "Broken XInclude chain: could not include %s" % path)
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..517f0dd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import os.path
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class Duplicates(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ Find duplicate clients, groups, etc. """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.groups_xdata = None
+ self.clients_xdata = None
+ self.load_xdata()
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ """ run plugin """
+ # only run this plugin if we were not given a list of files.
+ # not only is it marginally silly to run this plugin with a
+ # partial list of files, it turns out to be really freaking
+ # hard to get only a fragment of group or client metadata
+ if self.groups_xdata is not None:
+ self.duplicate_groups()
+ self.duplicate_defaults()
+ if self.clients_xdata is not None:
+ self.duplicate_clients()
+ def load_xdata(self):
+ """ attempt to load XML data for groups and clients. only
+ actually load data if all documents reference in XIncludes can
+ be found in self.files"""
+ if self.has_all_xincludes("groups.xml"):
+ self.groups_xdata = self.metadata.clients_xml.xdata
+ if self.has_all_xincludes("clients.xml"):
+ self.clients_xdata = self.metadata.clients_xml.xdata
+ def duplicate_groups(self):
+ """ find duplicate groups """
+ self.duplicate_entries(self.clients_xdata.xpath('//Groups/Group'),
+ 'group')
+ def duplicate_clients(self):
+ """ find duplicate clients """
+ self.duplicate_entries(self.clients_xdata.xpath('//Clients/Client'),
+ 'client')
+ def duplicate_entries(self, data, etype):
+ """ generic duplicate entry finder """
+ seen = {}
+ for el in data:
+ if el.get('name') not in seen:
+ seen[el.get('name')] = el
+ else:
+ self.LintError("duplicate-%s" % etype,
+ "Duplicate %s '%s':\n%s\n%s" %
+ (etype, el.get('name'),
+ self.RenderXML(seen[el.get('name')]),
+ self.RenderXML(el)))
+ def duplicate_defaults(self):
+ """ check for multiple default group definitions """
+ default_groups = [g for g in self.groups_xdata.findall('.//Group')
+ if g.get('default') == 'true']
+ if len(default_groups) > 1:
+ self.LintError("multiple-default-groups",
+ "Multiple default groups defined: %s" %
+ ",".join(default_groups))
+ def has_all_xincludes(self, mfile):
+ """ return true if self.files includes all XIncludes listed in
+ the specified metadata type, false otherwise"""
+ if self.files is None:
+ return True
+ else:
+ path = os.path.join(, mfile)
+ if path in self.files:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(path)
+ for el in xdata.findall('./{}include'):
+ if not self.has_all_xincludes(el.get('href')):
+ self.LintError("broken-xinclude-chain",
+ "Broken XInclude chain: could not include %s" % path)
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c88e54e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import os.path
+import Bcfg2.Options
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class InfoXML(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ ensure that all config files have an info.xml file"""
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ if 'Cfg' in self.core.plugins:
+ for filename, entryset in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.items():
+ infoxml_fname = os.path.join(entryset.path, "info.xml")
+ if self.HandlesFile(infoxml_fname):
+ if (hasattr(entryset, "infoxml") and
+ entryset.infoxml is not None):
+ self.check_infoxml(infoxml_fname,
+ else:
+ self.LintError("no-infoxml",
+ "No info.xml found for %s" % filename)
+ def check_infoxml(self, fname, xdata):
+ for info in xdata.getroottree().findall("//Info"):
+ required = []
+ if "required_attrs" in self.config:
+ required = self.config["required_attrs"].split(",")
+ missing = [attr for attr in required if info.get(attr) is None]
+ if missing:
+ self.LintError("required-infoxml-attrs-missing",
+ "Required attribute(s) %s not found in %s:%s" %
+ (",".join(missing), fname, self.RenderXML(info)))
+ if ((Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_PARANOID.value and
+ info.get("paranoid") is not None and
+ info.get("paranoid").lower() == "false") or
+ (not Bcfg2.Options.MDATA_PARANOID.value and
+ (info.get("paranoid") is None or
+ info.get("paranoid").lower() != "true"))):
+ self.LintError("paranoid-false",
+ "Paranoid must be true in %s:%s" %
+ (fname, self.RenderXML(info)))
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e177acff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from difflib import SequenceMatcher
+import Bcfg2.Options
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class MergeFiles(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ find Probes or Cfg files with multiple similar files that
+ might be merged into one """
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ if 'Cfg' in self.core.plugins:
+ self.check_cfg()
+ if 'Probes' in self.core.plugins:
+ self.check_probes()
+ def check_cfg(self):
+ for filename, entryset in self.core.plugins['Cfg'].entries.items():
+ for mset in self.get_similar(entryset.entries):
+ self.LintError("merge-cfg",
+ "The following files are similar: %s. "
+ "Consider merging them into a single Genshi "
+ "template." %
+ ", ".join([os.path.join(filename, p)
+ for p in mset]))
+ def check_probes(self):
+ probes = self.core.plugins['Probes'].probes.entries
+ for mset in self.get_similar(probes):
+ self.LintError("merge-cfg",
+ "The following probes are similar: %s. "
+ "Consider merging them into a single probe." %
+ ", ".join([p for p in mset]))
+ def get_similar(self, entries):
+ if "threshold" in self.config:
+ # accept threshold either as a percent (e.g., "threshold=75") or
+ # as a ratio (e.g., "threshold=.75")
+ threshold = float(self.config['threshold'])
+ if threshold > 1:
+ threshold /= 100
+ else:
+ threshold = 0.75
+ rv = []
+ elist = entries.items()
+ while elist:
+ result = self._find_similar(elist.pop(0), deepcopy(elist),
+ threshold)
+ if len(result) > 1:
+ elist = [(fname, fdata)
+ for fname, fdata in elist
+ if fname not in result]
+ rv.append(result)
+ return rv
+ def _find_similar(self, ftuple, others, threshold):
+ fname, fdata = ftuple
+ rv = [fname]
+ while others:
+ cname, cdata = others.pop(0)
+ sm = SequenceMatcher(None,,
+ # perform progressively more expensive comparisons
+ if (sm.real_quick_ratio() > threshold and
+ sm.quick_ratio() > threshold and
+ sm.ratio() > threshold):
+ rv.extend(self._find_similar((cname, cdata), deepcopy(others),
+ threshold))
+ return rv
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39c601617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class Pkgmgr(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ find duplicate Pkgmgr entries with the same priority """
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ if 'Pkgmgr' not in self.core.plugins:
+"Pkgmgr server plugin is not enabled, skipping Pkgmgr lint checks")
+ return
+ pset = set()
+ for plist in self.core.plugins['Pkgmgr'].entries.values():
+ if self.HandlesFile(
+ xdata =
+ # get priority, type, group
+ priority = xdata.getroot().get('priority')
+ ptype = xdata.getroot().get('type')
+ for pkg in xdata.findall("//Package"):
+ if pkg.getparent().tag == 'Group':
+ grp = pkg.getparent().get('name')
+ if (type(grp) is not str and
+ grp.getparent().tag == 'Group'):
+ pgrp = grp.getparent().get('name')
+ else:
+ pgrp = 'none'
+ else:
+ grp = 'none'
+ pgrp = 'none'
+ ptuple = (pkg.get('name'), priority, ptype, grp, pgrp)
+ # check if package is already listed with same
+ # priority, type, grp
+ if ptuple in pset:
+ self.LintError("duplicate-package",
+ "Duplicate Package %s, priority:%s, type:%s" %
+ (pkg.get('name'), priority, ptype))
+ else:
+ pset.add(ptuple)
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbb4395c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import os.path
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class RequiredAttrs(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin):
+ """ verify attributes for configuration entries (as defined in
+ doc/server/configurationentries) """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.required_attrs = {
+ 'device': ['name', 'owner', 'group', 'dev_type'],
+ 'directory': ['name', 'owner', 'group', 'perms'],
+ 'file': ['name', 'owner', 'group', 'perms'],
+ 'hardlink': ['name', 'to'],
+ 'symlink': ['name', 'to'],
+ 'ignore': ['name'],
+ 'nonexistent': ['name'],
+ 'permissions': ['name', 'owner', 'group', 'perms']}
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ self.check_rules()
+ self.check_bundles()
+ def check_rules(self):
+ """ check Rules for Path entries with missing attrs """
+ if 'Rules' in self.core.plugins:
+ for rules in self.core.plugins['Rules'].entries.values():
+ xdata =
+ for path in xdata.xpath("//Path"):
+ self.check_entry(path, os.path.join(self.config['repo'],
+ def check_bundles(self):
+ """ check bundles for BoundPath entries with missing attrs """
+ if 'Bundler' in self.core.plugins:
+ for bundle in self.core.plugins['Bundler'].entries.values():
+ try:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.XML(
+ except AttributeError:
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(bundle.template.filepath).getroot()
+ for path in xdata.xpath("//BoundPath"):
+ self.check_entry(path,
+ def check_entry(self, entry, filename):
+ """ generic entry check """
+ if self.HandlesFile(filename):
+ pathname = entry.get('name')
+ pathtype = entry.get('type')
+ pathset = set(entry.attrib.keys())
+ try:
+ required_attrs = set(self.required_attrs[pathtype] + ['type'])
+ except KeyError:
+ self.LintError("unknown-path-type",
+ "Unknown path type %s: %s" %
+ (pathtype, self.RenderXML(entry)))
+ if 'dev_type' in required_attrs:
+ dev_type = entry.get('dev_type')
+ if dev_type in ['block', 'char']:
+ # check if major/minor are specified
+ required_attrs |= set(['major', 'minor'])
+ if not pathset.issuperset(required_attrs):
+ self.LintError("required-attrs-missing",
+ "The required attributes %s are missing for %s %sin %s:\n%s" %
+ (",".join([attr
+ for attr in
+ required_attrs.difference(pathset)]),
+ entry.tag, pathname, filename,
+ self.RenderXML(entry)))
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a8406e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+import fnmatch
+import glob
+import lxml.etree
+import os
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
+import sys
+import Bcfg2.Options
+import Bcfg2.Server.Lint
+class Validate(Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerlessPlugin):
+ """ Ensure that the repo validates """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Bcfg2.Server.Lint.ServerlessPlugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.filesets = {"metadata:groups":"%s/metadata.xsd",
+ "metadata:clients":"%s/clients.xsd",
+ "info":"%s/info.xsd",
+ "%s/Bundler/*.xml":"%s/bundle.xsd",
+ "%s/Bundler/*.genshi":"%s/bundle.xsd",
+ "%s/Pkgmgr/*.xml":"%s/pkglist.xsd",
+ "%s/Base/*.xml":"%s/base.xsd",
+ "%s/Rules/*.xml":"%s/rules.xsd",
+ "%s/etc/report-configuration.xml":"%s/report-configuration.xsd",
+ "%s/Svcmgr/*.xml":"%s/services.xsd",
+ "%s/Deps/*.xml":"%s/deps.xsd",
+ "%s/Decisions/*.xml":"%s/decisions.xsd",
+ "%s/Packages/config.xml":"%s/packages.xsd",
+ "%s/GroupPatterns/config.xml":"%s/grouppatterns.xsd",
+ "%s/NagiosGen/config.xml":"%s/nagiosgen.xsd",
+ "%s/FileProbes/config.xml":"%s/fileprobes.xsd",
+ }
+ self.filelists = {}
+ self.get_filelists()
+ @Bcfg2.Server.Lint.returnErrors
+ def Run(self):
+ schemadir = self.config['schema']
+ for path, schemaname in self.filesets.items():
+ try:
+ filelist = self.filelists[path]
+ except KeyError:
+ filelist = []
+ if filelist:
+ # avoid loading schemas for empty file lists
+ try:
+ schema = lxml.etree.XMLSchema(lxml.etree.parse(schemaname %
+ schemadir))
+ except IOError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.LintError("input-output-error", e.message)
+ continue
+ except:
+ self.LintError("schema-failed-to-parse",
+ "Failed to process schema %s" %
+ (schemaname % schemadir))
+ continue
+ for filename in filelist:
+ self.validate(filename, schemaname % schemadir,
+ schema=schema)
+ self.check_properties()
+ def check_properties(self):
+ """ check Properties files against their schemas """
+ for filename in self.filelists['props']:
+ schemafile = "%s.xsd" % os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+ if os.path.exists(schemafile):
+ self.validate(filename, schemafile)
+ else:
+ self.LintError("properties-schema-not-found",
+ "No schema found for %s" % filename)
+ def validate(self, filename, schemafile, schema=None):
+ """validate a file against the given lxml.etree.Schema.
+ return True on success, False on failure """
+ if schema is None:
+ # if no schema object was provided, instantiate one
+ try:
+ schema = lxml.etree.XMLSchema(lxml.etree.parse(schemafile))
+ except:
+ self.LintError("schema-failed-to-parse",
+ "Failed to process schema %s" % schemafile)
+ return False
+ try:
+ datafile = lxml.etree.parse(filename)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ lint = Popen(["xmllint", filename], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+ self.LintError("xml-failed-to-parse",
+ "%s fails to parse:\n%s" % (filename,
+ lint.communicate()[0]))
+ lint.wait()
+ return False
+ except IOError:
+ self.LintError("xml-failed-to-read",
+ "Failed to open file %s" % filename)
+ return False
+ if not schema.validate(datafile):
+ cmd = ["xmllint"]
+ if self.files is None:
+ cmd.append("--xinclude")
+ cmd.extend(["--noout", "--schema", schemafile, filename])
+ lint = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
+ output = lint.communicate()[0]
+ if lint.wait():
+ self.LintError("xml-failed-to-verify",
+ "%s fails to verify:\n%s" % (filename, output))
+ return False
+ return True
+ def get_filelists(self):
+ """ get lists of different kinds of files to validate """
+ if self.files is not None:
+ listfiles = lambda p: fnmatch.filter(self.files, p % "*")
+ else:
+ listfiles = lambda p: glob.glob(p % self.config['repo'])
+ for path in self.filesets.keys():
+ if path.startswith("metadata:"):
+ mtype = path.split(":")[1]
+ self.filelists[path] = self.get_metadata_list(mtype)
+ elif path == "info":
+ if self.files is not None:
+ self.filelists[path] = \
+ [f for f in self.files
+ if os.path.basename(f) == 'info.xml']
+ else: # self.files is None
+ self.filelists[path] = []
+ for infodir in ['Cfg', 'TGenshi', 'TCheetah']:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk('%s/%s' %
+ (self.config['repo'],
+ infodir)):
+ self.filelists[path].extend([os.path.join(root, f)
+ for f in files
+ if f == 'info.xml'])
+ else:
+ self.filelists[path] = listfiles(path)
+ self.filelists['props'] = listfiles("%s/Properties/*.xml")
+ all_metadata = listfiles("%s/Metadata/*.xml")
+ # if there are other files in Metadata that aren't xincluded
+ # from clients.xml or groups.xml, we can't verify them. warn
+ # about those.
+ for fname in all_metadata:
+ if (fname not in self.filelists['metadata:groups'] and
+ fname not in self.filelists['metadata:clients']):
+ self.LintError("broken-xinclude-chain",
+ "Broken XInclude chain: Could not determine file type of %s" % fname)
+ def get_metadata_list(self, mtype):
+ """ get all metadata files for the specified type (clients or
+ group) """
+ if self.files is not None:
+ rv = fnmatch.filter(self.files, "*/Metadata/%s.xml" % mtype)
+ else:
+ rv = glob.glob("%s/Metadata/%s.xml" % (self.config['repo'], mtype))
+ # attempt to follow XIncludes. if the top-level files aren't
+ # listed in self.files, though, there's really nothing we can
+ # do to guess what a file in Metadata is
+ if rv:
+ rv.extend(self.follow_xinclude(rv[0]))
+ return rv
+ def follow_xinclude(self, xfile):
+ """ follow xincludes in the given file """
+ xdata = lxml.etree.parse(xfile)
+ included = set([ent.get('href') for ent in
+ xdata.findall('./{}include')])
+ rv = []
+ while included:
+ try:
+ filename = included.pop()
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(xfile), filename)
+ if self.HandlesFile(path):
+ rv.append(path)
+ groupdata = lxml.etree.parse(path)
+ [included.add(el.get('href'))
+ for el in
+ groupdata.findall('./{}include')]
+ included.discard(filename)
+ return rv
diff --git a/src/lib/Server/Lint/ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63cb2463b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/Server/Lint/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+__revision__ = '$Revision$'
+__all__ = ['Bundles',
+ 'Comments',
+ 'Duplicates',
+ 'InfoXML',
+ 'MergeFiles',
+ 'Pkgmgr',
+ 'RequiredAttrs',
+ 'Validate']
+import logging
+import os.path
+from copy import copy
+import textwrap
+import lxml.etree
+import Bcfg2.Logger
+def returnErrors(fn):
+ """ Decorator for Run method that returns error counts """
+ return fn
+class Plugin (object):
+ """ base class for ServerlessPlugin and ServerPlugin """
+ def __init__(self, config, errorhandler=None, files=None):
+ self.files = files
+ self.config = config
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2-lint')
+ if errorhandler is None:
+ self.errorHandler = ErrorHandler()
+ else:
+ self.errorHandler = errorhandler
+ def Run(self):
+ """ run the plugin. must be overloaded by child classes """
+ pass
+ def HandlesFile(self, fname):
+ """ returns true if the given file should be handled by the
+ plugin according to the files list, false otherwise """
+ return (self.files is None or
+ fname in self.files or
+ os.path.join(self.config['repo'], fname) in self.files or
+ os.path.abspath(fname) in self.files or
+ os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.config['repo'],
+ fname)) in self.files)
+ def LintError(self, err, msg):
+ self.errorHandler.dispatch(err, msg)
+ def RenderXML(self, element):
+ """render an XML element for error output -- line number
+ prefixed, no children"""
+ xml = None
+ if len(element) or element.text:
+ el = copy(element)
+ if el.text:
+ el.text = '...'
+ [el.remove(c) for c in el.iterchildren()]
+ xml = lxml.etree.tostring(el).strip()
+ else:
+ xml = lxml.etree.tostring(element).strip()
+ return " line %s: %s" % (element.sourceline, xml)
+class ErrorHandler (object):
+ # how to handle different errors by default
+ _errors = {"no-infoxml":"warning",
+ "paranoid-false":"warning",
+ "bundle-not-found":"error",
+ "inconsistent-bundle-name":"warning",
+ "group-tag-not-allowed":"error",
+ "unexpanded-keywords":"warning",
+ "keywords-not-found":"warning",
+ "comments-not-found":"warning",
+ "broken-xinclude-chain":"warning",
+ "duplicate-client":"error",
+ "duplicate-group":"error",
+ "duplicate-package":"error",
+ "multiple-default-groups":"error",
+ "required-infoxml-attrs-missing":"error",
+ "unknown-path-type":"error",
+ "required-attrs-missing":"error",
+ "schema-failed-to-parse":"warning",
+ "properties-schema-not-found":"warning",
+ "xml-failed-to-parse":"error",
+ "xml-failed-to-read":"error",
+ "xml-failed-to-verify":"error",
+ "merge-cfg":"warning",
+ "merge-probes":"warning",
+ "input-output-error": "error"}
+ def __init__(self, config=None):
+ self.errors = 0
+ self.warnings = 0
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('bcfg2-lint')
+ self._wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent = " ",
+ subsequent_indent = " ")
+ self._handlers = {}
+ if config is not None:
+ for err, action in config.items():
+ if "warn" in action:
+ self._handlers[err] = self.warn
+ elif "err" in action:
+ self._handlers[err] = self.error
+ else:
+ self._handlers[err] = self.debug
+ for err, action in self._errors.items():
+ if err not in self._handlers:
+ if "warn" in action:
+ self._handlers[err] = self.warn
+ elif "err" in action:
+ self._handlers[err] = self.error
+ else:
+ self._handlers[err] = self.debug
+ def dispatch(self, err, msg):
+ if err in self._handlers:
+ self._handlers[err](msg)
+ self.logger.debug(" (%s)" % err)
+ else:
+ # assume that it's an error, but complain
+ self.error(msg)
+ self.logger.warning("Unknown error %s" % err)
+ def error(self, msg):
+ """ log an error condition """
+ self.errors += 1
+ self._log(msg, self.logger.error, prefix="ERROR: ")
+ def warn(self, msg):
+ """ log a warning condition """
+ self.warnings += 1
+ self._log(msg, self.logger.warning, prefix="WARNING: ")
+ def debug(self, msg):
+ """ log a silent/debug condition """
+ self._log(msg, self.logger.debug)
+ def _log(self, msg, logfunc, prefix=""):
+ # a message may itself consist of multiple lines. wrap() will
+ # elide them all into a single paragraph, which we don't want.
+ # so we split the message into its paragraphs and wrap each
+ # paragraph individually. this means, unfortunately, that we
+ # lose textwrap's built-in initial indent functionality,
+ # because we want to only treat the very first line of the
+ # first paragraph specially. so we do some silliness.
+ rawlines = msg.splitlines()
+ firstline = True
+ for rawline in rawlines:
+ lines = self._wrapper.wrap(rawline)
+ for line in lines:
+ if firstline:
+ logfunc("%s%s" % (prefix, line.lstrip()))
+ firstline = False
+ else:
+ logfunc(line)
+class ServerlessPlugin (Plugin):
+ """ base class for plugins that are run before the server starts
+ up (i.e., plugins that check things that may prevent the server
+ from starting up) """
+ pass
+class ServerPlugin (Plugin):
+ """ base class for plugins that check things that require the
+ running Bcfg2 server """
+ def __init__(self, lintCore, config, **kwargs):
+ Plugin.__init__(self, config, **kwargs)
+ self.core = lintCore
+ self.logger = self.core.logger
+ self.metadata = self.core.metadata