// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2001-2008, Daniel ROUX & EPSITEC SA, www.epsitec.ch // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. #define STRICT #define D3D_OVERLOADS #include #include #include "language.h" #include "struct.h" #include "iman.h" #include "math3d.h" #include "sound.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define LXIMAGE 640 #define LYIMAGE 480 // Header .WAV file. struct WaveHeader { BYTE RIFF[4]; // "RIFF" DWORD dwSize; // size of data to follow BYTE WAVE[4]; // "WAVE" BYTE fmt_[4]; // "fmt " DWORD dw16; // 16 WORD wOne_0; // 1 WORD wChnls; // number of Channels DWORD dwSRate; // sample Rate DWORD BytesPerSec; // sample Rate WORD wBlkAlign; // 1 WORD BitsPerSample; // sample size BYTE DATA[4]; // "DATA" DWORD dwDSize; // number of Samples }; // Affiche une erreur DirectSound. void DisplayError(char *name, Sound sound, HRESULT err) { char s[100]; unsigned int i = err; if ( err == DS_OK ) return; sprintf(s, "SoundError in %s, sound=%d err=%d\n", name, sound, i); OutputDebugString(s); if ( err == DSERR_ALLOCATED ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_ALLOCATED\n"); if ( err == DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL\n"); if ( err == DSERR_INVALIDPARAM ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_INVALIDPARAM\n"); if ( err == DSERR_INVALIDCALL ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_INVALIDCALL\n"); if ( err == DSERR_GENERIC ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_GENERIC\n"); if ( err == DSERR_PRIOLEVELNEEDED ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_PRIOLEVELNEEDED\n"); if ( err == DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY\n"); if ( err == DSERR_BADFORMAT ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_BADFORMAT\n"); if ( err == DSERR_UNSUPPORTED ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_UNSUPPORTED\n"); if ( err == DSERR_NODRIVER ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_NODRIVER\n"); if ( err == DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED\n"); if ( err == DSERR_NOAGGREGATION ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_NOAGGREGATION\n"); if ( err == DSERR_BUFFERLOST ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_BUFFERLOST\n"); if ( err == DSERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO\n"); if ( err == DSERR_UNINITIALIZED ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_UNINITIALIZED\n"); if ( err == DSERR_NOINTERFACE ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_NOINTERFACE\n"); if ( err == DSERR_ACCESSDENIED ) OutputDebugString("DSERR_ACCESSDENIED\n"); } // Retourne le nom de dossier en cours. void GetCurrentDir(char *pName, int lg) { int i; strncpy(pName, _pgmptr, lg-1); pName[lg-1] = 0; lg = strlen(pName); if ( lg == 0 ) return; for ( i=0 ; i 0 ) { lg --; if ( pName[lg] == '\\' ) { pName[lg+1] = 0; break; } } if ( lg > 6 && strcmp(pName+lg-6, "\\debug\\") == 0 ) { pName[lg-5] = 0; // ignore le dossier \debug ! } if ( lg > 6 && strcmp(pName+lg-6, "\\release\\") == 0 ) { pName[lg-7] = 0; // ignore le dossier \release ! } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modifie le volume midi. // Le volume est compris entre 0 et 20 ! void InitMidiVolume(int volume) { int nb, i, n; MMRESULT result; HMIDIOUT hmo = 0; static int table[21] = { 0x00000000, 0x11111111, 0x22222222, 0x33333333, 0x44444444, 0x55555555, 0x66666666, 0x77777777, 0x88888888, 0x99999999, 0xAAAAAAAA, 0xBBBBBBBB, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xDDDDDDDD, 0xEEEEEEEE, 0xF222F222, 0xF555F555, 0xF777F777, 0xFAAAFAAA, 0xFDDDFDDD, 0xFFFFFFFF, }; if ( volume < 0 ) volume = 0; if ( volume > MAXVOLUME ) volume = MAXVOLUME; nb = midiOutGetNumDevs(); for ( i=0 ; i MAXVOLUME ) volume = MAXVOLUME; // Open the mixer. This opens the mixer with a deviceID of 0. If you // have a single sound card/mixer, then this will open it. If you have // multiple sound cards/mixers, the deviceIDs will be 0, 1, 2, and // so on. rc = mixerOpen(&hMixer, 0,0,0,0); if ( rc != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { return FALSE; // Couldn't open the mixer. } // Initialize MIXERLINE structure. ZeroMemory(&mxl,sizeof(mxl)); mxl.cbStruct = sizeof(mxl); // Specify the line you want to get. You are getting the input line // here. If you want to get the output line, you need to use // MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT. mxl.dwComponentType = MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_COMPACTDISC; rc = mixerGetLineInfo((HMIXEROBJ)hMixer, &mxl, MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE); if ( rc != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { return FALSE; // Couldn't get the mixer line. } // Get the control. ZeroMemory(&mxlc, sizeof(mxlc)); mxlc.cbStruct = sizeof(mxlc); mxlc.dwLineID = mxl.dwLineID; //? mxlc.dwControlType = MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_PEAKMETER; //? mxlc.dwControlType = MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLF_UNIFORM; mxlc.dwControlType = MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME; mxlc.cControls = 1; mxlc.cbmxctrl = sizeof(mxc); mxlc.pamxctrl = &mxc; ZeroMemory(&mxc, sizeof(mxc)); mxc.cbStruct = sizeof(mxc); rc = mixerGetLineControls((HMIXEROBJ)hMixer,&mxlc, MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE); //? MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ALL); if ( rc != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { return FALSE; // Couldn't get the control. } // After successfully getting the peakmeter control, the volume range // will be specified by mxc.Bounds.lMinimum to mxc.Bounds.lMaximum. MIXERCONTROLDETAILS mxcd; // Gets the control values. MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_SIGNED volStruct; // Gets the control values. volStruct.lValue = volume*(mxc.Bounds.lMaximum-mxc.Bounds.lMinimum); volStruct.lValue /= MAXVOLUME; volStruct.lValue += mxc.Bounds.lMinimum; // Initialize the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure ZeroMemory(&mxcd, sizeof(mxcd)); mxcd.cbStruct = sizeof(mxcd); mxcd.cbDetails = sizeof(volStruct); mxcd.dwControlID = mxc.dwControlID; mxcd.paDetails = &volStruct; mxcd.cChannels = 1; // Get the current value of the peakmeter control. Typically, you // would set a timer in your program to query the volume every 10th // of a second or so. rc = mixerSetControlDetails((HMIXEROBJ)hMixer, &mxcd, MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE); if ( rc != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { return FALSE; // Couldn't get the current volume. } #endif return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructeur. CSound::CSound(CInstanceManager* iMan) { int i; m_iMan = iMan; m_iMan->AddInstance(CLASS_SOUND, this); m_bEnable = FALSE; m_bState = FALSE; m_bAudioTrack = TRUE; m_ctrl3D = TRUE; m_bDebugMode = FALSE; m_MidiDeviceID = 0; m_MIDIMusic = 0; m_audioVolume = 20; m_midiVolume = 15; m_lastMidiVolume = 0; m_listener = 0; m_lastTime = 0.0f; m_playTime = 0.0f; m_uniqueStamp = 0; m_maxSound = MAXSOUND; m_eye = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); m_hWnd = 0; m_lpDS = NULL; ZeroMemory(m_channel, sizeof(SoundChannel)*MAXSOUND); for ( i=0 ; iStop(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Release(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer = 0; m_channel[i].bUsed = FALSE; } } if ( m_listener != NULL ) { m_listener->Release(); m_listener = NULL; } if ( m_lpDS != NULL ) { m_lpDS->Release(); m_lpDS = NULL; } } // Sp�cifie si on est en mode debug. void CSound::SetDebugMode(BOOL bMode) { m_bDebugMode = bMode; } // Initialisation de DirectSound. BOOL CSound::Create(HWND hWnd, BOOL b3D) { LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER primary; DSBUFFERDESC dsbdesc; DSCAPS dscaps; WAVEFORMATEX wfx; HRESULT hr; if ( !DirectSoundCreate(NULL, &m_lpDS, NULL) == DS_OK ) { OutputDebugString("Fatal error: DirectSoundCreate\n"); m_bEnable = FALSE; return FALSE; } //? m_lpDS->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DSSCL_NORMAL); m_lpDS->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY); if ( !RetSound3DCap() ) b3D = FALSE; m_ctrl3D = FALSE; if ( b3D ) { // Obtain primary buffer, asking it for 3D control. ZeroMemory( &dsbdesc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) ); dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER|DSBCAPS_CTRL3D; hr = m_lpDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbdesc, &primary, NULL ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { m_ctrl3D = TRUE; } } if ( !m_ctrl3D ) { // Obtain primary buffer, without 3D control. ZeroMemory( &dsbdesc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) ); dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; hr = m_lpDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbdesc, &primary, NULL ); if ( hr != S_OK ) { return FALSE; } m_ctrl3D = FALSE; } if ( m_ctrl3D ) { hr = primary->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectSound3DListener, (VOID**)&m_listener ); if ( hr != S_OK ) { primary->Release(); return FALSE; } } // Set primary buffer format to 44kHz and 16-bit output. ZeroMemory( &wfx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ); wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfx.nChannels = 2; wfx.nSamplesPerSec = 22050; //? wfx.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; wfx.wBitsPerSample = 16; wfx.nBlockAlign = wfx.wBitsPerSample / 8 * wfx.nChannels; wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfx.nSamplesPerSec * wfx.nBlockAlign; hr = primary->SetFormat(&wfx); if ( hr != S_OK ) { DisplayError("SetFormat", SOUND_CLICK, hr); } // Release the primary buffer, since it is not need anymore. primary->Release(); // Search the maximum possible voices. if ( m_ctrl3D ) { ZeroMemory( &dscaps, sizeof(DSCAPS) ); dscaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSCAPS); hr = m_lpDS->GetCaps(&dscaps); if ( hr == DS_OK ) { m_maxSound = dscaps.dwMaxHwMixingAllBuffers; if ( dscaps.dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers > 0 && m_maxSound > (int)dscaps.dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers ) { m_maxSound = dscaps.dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers; } if ( m_maxSound > MAXSOUND ) m_maxSound = MAXSOUND; } } m_bEnable = TRUE; m_hWnd = hWnd; return TRUE; } // Indique s'il faut jouer les sons en 3D ou pas. void CSound::SetSound3D(BOOL bMode) { StopAll(); if ( m_listener != NULL ) { m_listener->Release(); m_listener = NULL; } if ( m_lpDS != NULL ) { m_lpDS->Release(); m_lpDS = NULL; } Create(m_hWnd, bMode); } BOOL CSound::RetSound3D() { return m_ctrl3D; } // Indique s'il est possible de jouer les sons en 3D. BOOL CSound::RetSound3DCap() { DSCAPS dscaps; HRESULT hr; ZeroMemory( &dscaps, sizeof(DSCAPS) ); dscaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSCAPS); hr = m_lpDS->GetCaps(&dscaps); if ( hr != DS_OK ) return FALSE; return ( dscaps.dwMaxHw3DAllBuffers > 0 ); } // Retourne l'�tat de DirectSound. BOOL CSound::RetEnable() { return m_bEnable; } // Enclenche ou d�clenche le son. void CSound::SetState(BOOL bState) { m_bState = bState; } // Sp�cifie le chamin d'acc�s au CD. void CSound::SetCDpath(char *path) { strcpy(m_CDpath, path); } // Enclenche ou d�clenche les musiques CD-audio. void CSound::SetAudioTrack(BOOL bAudio) { m_bAudioTrack = bAudio; } // Gestion des volumes audio (.wav) et midi (.mid). void CSound::SetAudioVolume(int volume) { m_audioVolume = volume; } int CSound::RetAudioVolume() { if ( !m_bEnable ) return 0; return m_audioVolume; } void CSound::SetMidiVolume(int volume) { m_midiVolume = volume; if ( m_bAudioTrack ) { InitAudioTrackVolume(m_midiVolume); } } int CSound::RetMidiVolume() { if ( !m_bEnable ) return 0; return m_midiVolume; } // Lit un fichier. BOOL CSound::ReadFile(Sound sound, char *metaname, char *filename) { WaveHeader wavHdr; DWORD size; int err; // Open the wave file. err = g_metafile.Open(metaname, filename); if ( err != 0 ) return FALSE; // Read in the wave header. g_metafile.Read(&wavHdr, sizeof(wavHdr)); // Figure out the size of the data region. size = wavHdr.dwDSize; if ( m_files[sound] != 0 ) { free(m_files[sound]); } m_files[sound] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(WaveHeader)+size); memcpy(m_files[sound], &wavHdr, sizeof(WaveHeader)); g_metafile.Read(m_files[sound]+sizeof(WaveHeader), size); // Close out the wave file. g_metafile.Close(); return TRUE; } // Cache tous les ficheirs son (.wav). void CSound::CacheAll() { int i; char meta[50]; char name[50]; if ( !m_bEnable ) return; if ( m_bDebugMode ) { strcpy(meta, ""); } else { #if _SCHOOL strcpy(meta, "ceebot3.dat"); #else strcpy(meta, "colobot3.dat"); #endif } for ( i=0 ; iGetStatus(&status); if ( (status&DSBSTATUS_PLAYING) == 0 ) { m_channel[i].priority = priority; m_channel[i].uniqueStamp = m_uniqueStamp++; channel = i; bAlreadyLoaded = TRUE; return TRUE; } } #endif // Cherche un canal compl�tement libre. for ( i=0 ; iGetStatus(&status); if ( (status&DSBSTATUS_PLAYING) == 0 ) { m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Release(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer = 0; m_channel[i].priority = priority; m_channel[i].uniqueStamp = m_uniqueStamp++; channel = i; bAlreadyLoaded = FALSE; return TRUE; } } // Cherche un canal utilis� moins prioritaire. for ( i=0 ; i= priority ) continue; m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Stop(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Release(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer = 0; m_channel[i].priority = priority; m_channel[i].uniqueStamp = m_uniqueStamp++; channel = i; bAlreadyLoaded = FALSE; return TRUE; } // Cherche un canal utilis� moins prioritaire ou identique. for ( i=0 ; i priority ) continue; m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Stop(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Release(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer = 0; m_channel[i].priority = priority; m_channel[i].uniqueStamp = m_uniqueStamp++; channel = i; bAlreadyLoaded = FALSE; return TRUE; } char s[100]; sprintf(s, "Sound %d forget (priority=%d)\n", sound, priority); OutputDebugString(s); return FALSE; } // Reads in data from a wave file. BOOL CSound::ReadData(LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER lpDSB, Sound sound, DWORD size) { LPVOID pData1; DWORD dwData1Size; LPVOID pData2; DWORD dwData2Size; HRESULT hr; // Lock data in buffer for writing. hr = lpDSB->Lock(0, size, &pData1, &dwData1Size, &pData2, &dwData2Size, DSBLOCK_FROMWRITECURSOR); if ( hr != DS_OK ) { return FALSE; } // Read in first chunk of data. if ( dwData1Size > 0 ) { memcpy(pData1, m_files[sound]+sizeof(WaveHeader), dwData1Size); } // Read in second chunk if necessary. if ( dwData2Size > 0 ) { memcpy(pData2, m_files[sound]+sizeof(WaveHeader)+dwData1Size, dwData2Size); } // Unlock data in buffer. hr = lpDSB->Unlock(pData1, dwData1Size, pData2, dwData2Size); if ( hr != DS_OK ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Creates a DirectSound buffer. BOOL CSound::CreateSoundBuffer(int channel, DWORD size, DWORD freq, DWORD bitsPerSample, DWORD blkAlign, BOOL bStereo) { PCMWAVEFORMAT pcmwf; DSBUFFERDESC dsbdesc; DS3DBUFFER bufferParams; // 3D buffer properties HRESULT hr; // Set up wave format structure. memset( &pcmwf, 0, sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) ); pcmwf.wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; pcmwf.wf.nChannels = bStereo ? 2 : 1; pcmwf.wf.nSamplesPerSec = freq; pcmwf.wf.nBlockAlign = (WORD)blkAlign; pcmwf.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = pcmwf.wf.nSamplesPerSec * pcmwf.wf.nBlockAlign; pcmwf.wBitsPerSample = (WORD)bitsPerSample; // Set up DSBUFFERDESC structure. memset(&dsbdesc, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); // Zero it out. dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); if ( m_ctrl3D ) { dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRL3D|DSBCAPS_MUTE3DATMAXDISTANCE| DSBCAPS_LOCDEFER| DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME|DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; } else { dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME|DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN|DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY; } dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = size; dsbdesc.lpwfxFormat = (LPWAVEFORMATEX)&pcmwf; hr = m_lpDS->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbdesc, &m_channel[channel].soundBuffer, NULL); if ( hr != DS_OK ) return FALSE; if ( m_ctrl3D ) { hr = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->QueryInterface ( IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer, (VOID**)&m_channel[channel].soundBuffer3D ); if ( hr != DS_OK ) return FALSE; } m_channel[channel].bUsed = TRUE; m_channel[channel].bMute = FALSE; return TRUE; } // Creates a DirectSound buffer from a wave file. BOOL CSound::CreateBuffer(int channel, Sound sound) { WaveHeader* wavHdr; DWORD size; BOOL bStereo; if ( m_files[sound] == 0 ) return FALSE; wavHdr = (WaveHeader*)m_files[sound]; size = wavHdr->dwDSize; bStereo = wavHdr->wChnls > 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; // Create the sound buffer for the wave file. if ( !CreateSoundBuffer(channel, size, wavHdr->dwSRate, wavHdr->BitsPerSample, wavHdr->wBlkAlign, bStereo) ) { return FALSE; } // Read the data for the wave file into the sound buffer. if ( !ReadData(m_channel[channel].soundBuffer, sound, size) ) { return FALSE; } m_channel[channel].type = sound; // Close out the wave file. return TRUE; } // Calcule le volume et le panoramique d'un son, en mode non 3D. void CSound::ComputeVolumePan2D(int channel, const D3DVECTOR &pos) { float dist, a, g; if ( pos.x == m_eye.x && pos.y == m_eye.y && pos.z == m_eye.z ) { m_channel[channel].volume = 1.0f; // volume maximal m_channel[channel].pan = 0.0f; // au centre return; } #if _TEEN dist = Length(pos, m_eye); if ( dist >= 210.0f ) // tr�s loin ? { m_channel[channel].volume = 0.0f; // silence m_channel[channel].pan = 0.0f; // au centre return; } if ( dist <= 10.0f ) // tr�s proche ? { m_channel[channel].volume = 1.0f; // volume maximal m_channel[channel].pan = 0.0f; // au centre return; } m_channel[channel].volume = 1.0f-((dist-10.0f)/200.0f); #else dist = Length(pos, m_eye); if ( dist >= 110.0f ) // tr�s loin ? { m_channel[channel].volume = 0.0f; // silence m_channel[channel].pan = 0.0f; // au centre return; } if ( dist <= 10.0f ) // tr�s proche ? { m_channel[channel].volume = 1.0f; // volume maximal m_channel[channel].pan = 0.0f; // au centre return; } m_channel[channel].volume = 1.0f-((dist-10.0f)/100.0f); #endif a = RotateAngle(m_lookat.x-m_eye.x, m_eye.z-m_lookat.z); g = RotateAngle(pos.x-m_eye.x, m_eye.z-pos.z); m_channel[channel].pan = sinf(Direction(a, g)); } // Fait entendre un son au milieu. // Retourne le canal associ� ou -1. int CSound::Play(Sound sound, float amplitude, float frequency, BOOL bLoop) { return Play(sound, m_lookat, amplitude, frequency, bLoop); } // Fait entendre un son � une position donn�e. // Retourne le canal associ� ou -1. int CSound::Play(Sound sound, D3DVECTOR pos, float amplitude, float frequency, BOOL bLoop) { DS3DBUFFER sb; int channel, iVolume, iPan, iFreq, uniqueStamp; BOOL bAlreadyLoaded; DWORD flag, freq; HRESULT err; if ( !m_bEnable ) return -1; if ( !m_bState || m_audioVolume == 0 ) return -1; //? if ( Length(pos, m_eye) > 100.0f ) return -1; if ( !SearchFreeBuffer(sound, channel, bAlreadyLoaded) ) return -1; if ( !bAlreadyLoaded ) { if ( !CreateBuffer(channel, sound) ) { if ( m_channel[channel].bUsed && m_channel[channel].soundBuffer != 0 ) { m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->Release(); m_channel[channel].soundBuffer = 0; } m_channel[channel].bUsed = FALSE; return -1; } } m_channel[channel].pos = pos; if ( m_ctrl3D ) { m_channel[channel].volume = 1.0f; m_channel[channel].pan = 0.0f; } else { ComputeVolumePan2D(channel, pos); } #if 0 DWORD status; m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->GetStatus(&status); char s[100]; sprintf(s, "Play sound=%d status=%d channel=%d flag=%d\n", sound, status, channel, bAlreadyLoaded); OutputDebugString(s); #endif m_channel[channel].oper[0].bUsed = FALSE; m_channel[channel].startAmplitude = amplitude; m_channel[channel].startFrequency = frequency; m_channel[channel].changeFrequency = 1.0f; if ( m_ctrl3D ) { sb.dwSize = sizeof(DS3DBUFFER); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer3D->GetAllParameters(&sb); DisplayError("GetAllParameters", sound, err); sb.vPosition = pos; //? sb.dwInsideConeAngle = 90; //? sb.dwOutsideConeAngle = 180; //? sb.vConeOrientation = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); sb.lConeOutsideVolume = DSBVOLUME_MIN; #if _TEEN sb.flMinDistance = 50.0f; #else sb.flMinDistance = 20.0f; #endif sb.flMaxDistance = DS3D_DEFAULTMAXDISTANCE; err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer3D->SetAllParameters(&sb, DS3D_IMMEDIATE); DisplayError("SetAllParameters", sound, err); } amplitude *= m_channel[channel].volume; amplitude *= (float)m_audioVolume/MAXVOLUME; iVolume = (int)((powf(amplitude, 0.2f)-1.0f)*10000.0f); if ( iVolume > 0 ) iVolume = 0; err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetVolume(iVolume); DisplayError("SetVolume", sound, err); if ( !m_ctrl3D ) { iPan = (int)(m_channel[channel].pan*10000.0f); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetPan(iPan); DisplayError("SetPan", sound, err); } if ( !bAlreadyLoaded ) { err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->GetFrequency(&freq); DisplayError("GetFrequency", sound, err); m_channel[channel].initFrequency = freq; } iFreq = (int)(frequency*m_channel[channel].initFrequency); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetFrequency(iFreq); DisplayError("SetFrequency", sound, err); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetCurrentPosition(0); DisplayError("SetCurrentPosition", sound, err); flag = bLoop?DSBPLAY_LOOPING:0; //? flag |= DSBPLAY_LOCHARDWARE|DSBPLAY_TERMINATEBY_DISTANCE; //? flag |= DSBPLAY_TERMINATEBY_DISTANCE; err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->Play(0, 0, flag); DisplayError("Play", sound, err); if ( err == DSERR_BADFORMAT ) { iFreq = m_channel[channel].initFrequency; err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetFrequency(iFreq); DisplayError("SetFrequency (repeat)", sound, err); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->Play(0, 0, flag); DisplayError("Play (repeat)", sound, err); } uniqueStamp = m_channel[channel].uniqueStamp; return channel | ((uniqueStamp&0xffff)<<16); } // Check un num�ro de canal. // Adapte le canal pour qu'il puisse �tre utilis� comme offset // dans m_channel. BOOL CSound::CheckChannel(int &channel) { int uniqueStamp; uniqueStamp = (channel>>16)&0xffff; channel &= 0xffff; if ( !m_bEnable ) return FALSE; if ( !m_bState || m_audioVolume == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( channel < 0 || channel >= m_maxSound ) return FALSE; if ( !m_channel[channel].bUsed ) return FALSE; if ( m_channel[channel].uniqueStamp != uniqueStamp ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } // Supprime toutes les enveloppes. BOOL CSound::FlushEnvelope(int channel) { if ( !CheckChannel(channel) ) return FALSE; m_channel[channel].oper[0].bUsed = FALSE; return TRUE; } // Ajoute une op�ration d'enveloppe. BOOL CSound::AddEnvelope(int channel, float amplitude, float frequency, float time, SoundNext oper) { int i; if ( !CheckChannel(channel) ) return FALSE; for ( i=0 ; iSetPosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, DS3D_DEFERRED); } else { ComputeVolumePan2D(channel, pos); if ( !m_channel[channel].oper[0].bUsed ) { amplitude = m_channel[channel].startAmplitude; amplitude *= m_channel[channel].volume; amplitude *= (float)m_audioVolume/MAXVOLUME; iVolume = (int)((powf(amplitude, 0.2f)-1.0f)*10000.0f); if ( iVolume > 0 ) iVolume = 0; err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetVolume(iVolume); DisplayError("SetVolume", m_channel[channel].type, err); } pan = m_channel[channel].pan; iPan = (int)(pan*10000.0f); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetPan(iPan); DisplayError("SetPan", m_channel[channel].type, err); } return TRUE; } // Modifie la fr�quence d'un son. // 0.5 descend d'une octave et 2.0 monte d'une octave. BOOL CSound::Frequency(int channel, float frequency) { HRESULT err; int iFreq; if ( !CheckChannel(channel) ) return FALSE; m_channel[channel].changeFrequency = frequency; if ( !m_channel[channel].oper[0].bUsed ) { iFreq = (int)(frequency*m_channel[channel].initFrequency); err = m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->SetFrequency(iFreq); DisplayError("Frequency", m_channel[channel].type, err); } return TRUE; } // Stoppe un son. BOOL CSound::Stop(int channel) { if ( !CheckChannel(channel) ) return FALSE; m_channel[channel].soundBuffer->Stop(); return TRUE; } // Stops all sounds. BOOL CSound::StopAll() { DWORD status; int i; for ( i=0 ; iGetStatus(&status); if ( (status&DSBSTATUS_PLAYING) == DSBSTATUS_PLAYING ) { m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Stop(); } m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Stop(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Release(); m_channel[i].soundBuffer = 0; m_channel[i].bUsed = FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Silent all sounds. BOOL CSound::MuteAll(BOOL bMute) { int i; for ( i=0 ; iSetVolume(-10000); // silence continue; } m_channel[i].oper[0].currentTime += rTime; progress = m_channel[i].oper[0].currentTime / m_channel[i].oper[0].totalTime; if ( progress > 1.0f ) progress = 1.0f; volume = progress; volume *= m_channel[i].oper[0].finalAmplitude-m_channel[i].startAmplitude; volume += m_channel[i].startAmplitude; volume *= m_channel[i].volume; volume *= (float)m_audioVolume/MAXVOLUME; iVolume = (int)((powf(volume, 0.2f)-1.0f)*10000.0f); if ( iVolume > 0 ) iVolume = 0; m_channel[i].soundBuffer->SetVolume(iVolume); freq = progress; freq *= m_channel[i].oper[0].finalFrequency-m_channel[i].startFrequency; freq += m_channel[i].startFrequency; freq *= m_channel[i].changeFrequency; iFreq = (int)(freq*m_channel[i].initFrequency); err = m_channel[i].soundBuffer->SetFrequency(iFreq); DisplayError("FrameMove::Frequency", m_channel[i].type, err); if ( m_channel[i].oper[0].currentTime >= m_channel[i].oper[0].totalTime ) { next = m_channel[i].oper[0].nextOper; if ( next == SOPER_LOOP ) { m_channel[i].oper[0].currentTime = 0.0f; } else { OperNext(i); if ( next == SOPER_STOP ) { m_channel[i].soundBuffer->Stop(); } } } } m_lastTime += rTime; if ( m_lastTime >= 0.05f && m_listener != 0 ) { m_lastTime = 0.0f; m_listener->CommitDeferredSettings(); } } // Sp�cifie la position de l'auditeur. // Doit �tre appel� chaque fois que la cam�ra se d�place. void CSound::SetListener(D3DVECTOR eye, D3DVECTOR lookat) { DS3DLISTENER listenerParams; HRESULT err; float amplitude, pan; int i, iVolume, iPan; m_eye = eye; m_lookat = lookat; if ( m_listener == 0 ) { if ( m_ctrl3D ) return; for ( i=0 ; i 0 ) iVolume = 0; err = m_channel[i].soundBuffer->SetVolume(iVolume); DisplayError("SetVolume", m_channel[i].type, err); } pan = m_channel[i].pan; iPan = (int)(pan*10000.0f); err = m_channel[i].soundBuffer->SetPan(iPan); DisplayError("SetPan", m_channel[i].type, err); } return; } // Get listener parameters. listenerParams.dwSize = sizeof(DS3DLISTENER); m_listener->GetAllParameters(&listenerParams); listenerParams.vPosition = eye; listenerParams.vOrientFront = lookat-eye; listenerParams.vOrientTop = D3DVECTOR(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); listenerParams.flDistanceFactor = 10.0f; listenerParams.flRolloffFactor = 1.0f; m_listener->SetAllParameters(&listenerParams, DS3D_DEFERRED); } // Uses MCI to play a MIDI file. The window procedure // is notified when playback is complete. BOOL CSound::PlayMusic(int rank, BOOL bRepeat) { MCI_OPEN_PARMS mciOpenParms; MCI_PLAY_PARMS mciPlayParms; DWORD dwReturn; char filename[MAX_PATH]; m_bRepeatMusic = bRepeat; m_playTime = 0.0f; if ( m_midiVolume == 0 ) return TRUE; if ( m_bAudioTrack ) { return PlayAudioTrack(rank); } if ( !m_bEnable ) return TRUE; InitMidiVolume(m_midiVolume); m_lastMidiVolume = m_midiVolume; GetCurrentDir(filename, MAX_PATH-30); sprintf(filename+strlen(filename), "sound\\music%.3d.blp", rank-1); // Open the device by specifying the device and filename. // MCI will attempt to choose the MIDI mapper as the output port. mciOpenParms.lpstrDeviceType = "sequencer"; mciOpenParms.lpstrElementName = filename; dwReturn = mciSendCommand(NULL, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciOpenParms); if ( dwReturn != 0 ) { mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, filename, 128); // Failed to open device. Don't close it; just return error. return FALSE; } // The device opened successfully; get the device ID. m_MidiDeviceID = mciOpenParms.wDeviceID; // Begin playback. mciPlayParms.dwCallback = (DWORD)m_hWnd; dwReturn = mciSendCommand(m_MidiDeviceID, MCI_PLAY, MCI_NOTIFY, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciPlayParms); if ( dwReturn != 0 ) { mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, filename, 128); StopMusic(); return FALSE; } m_MIDIMusic = rank; return TRUE; } // Uses MCI to play a CD-audio track. The window procedure // is notified when playback is complete. // The rank parameter is in space [1..n] ! // For CD mix (data/audio), it will be [2..n] ! BOOL CSound::PlayAudioTrack(int rank) { #if _SOUNDTRACKS MCI_OPEN_PARMS mciOpenParms; MCI_PLAY_PARMS mciPlayParms; MCI_SET_PARMS mciSetParms; DWORD dwReturn; char filename[MAX_PATH]; char device[10]; if ( !m_bEnable ) return TRUE; //? if ( m_midiVolume == 0 ) return TRUE; InitAudioTrackVolume(m_midiVolume); m_lastMidiVolume = m_midiVolume; // Open the device by specifying the device and filename. // MCI will attempt to choose the MIDI mapper as the output port. memset(&mciOpenParms, 0, sizeof(MCI_OPEN_PARMS)); //? mciOpenParms.lpstrDeviceType = (LPCTSTR)MCI_DEVTYPE_CD_AUDIO; //? dwReturn = mciSendCommand(NULL, //? MCI_OPEN, //? MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_OPEN_TYPE_ID, //? (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciOpenParms); mciOpenParms.lpstrDeviceType = (LPCTSTR)MCI_DEVTYPE_CD_AUDIO; if ( m_CDpath[0] == 0 ) { dwReturn = mciSendCommand(NULL, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_OPEN_TYPE_ID, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciOpenParms); } else { device[0] = m_CDpath[0]; device[1] = ':'; device[2] = 0; mciOpenParms.lpstrElementName = device; dwReturn = mciSendCommand(NULL, MCI_OPEN, MCI_OPEN_TYPE|MCI_OPEN_TYPE_ID|MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciOpenParms); } if ( dwReturn != 0 ) { mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, filename, 128); // Failed to open device. Don't close it; just return error. return FALSE; } // The device opened successfully; get the device ID. m_MidiDeviceID = mciOpenParms.wDeviceID; // Set the time format to track/minute/second/frame (TMSF). memset(&mciSetParms, 0, sizeof(MCI_SET_PARMS)); mciSetParms.dwTimeFormat = MCI_FORMAT_TMSF; dwReturn = mciSendCommand(m_MidiDeviceID, MCI_SET, MCI_SET_TIME_FORMAT, (DWORD)&mciSetParms); if ( dwReturn != 0 ) { mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, filename, 128); StopMusic(); return FALSE; } // Begin playback. memset(&mciPlayParms, 0, sizeof(MCI_PLAY_PARMS)); mciPlayParms.dwCallback = (DWORD)m_hWnd; mciPlayParms.dwFrom = MCI_MAKE_TMSF(rank+0, 0, 0, 0); mciPlayParms.dwTo = MCI_MAKE_TMSF(rank+1, 0, 0, 0); dwReturn = mciSendCommand(m_MidiDeviceID, MCI_PLAY, MCI_NOTIFY|MCI_FROM|MCI_TO, (DWORD)(LPVOID)&mciPlayParms); if ( dwReturn != 0 ) { mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, filename, 128); StopMusic(); return FALSE; } m_MIDIMusic = rank; #endif return TRUE; } // Restart the MIDI player. BOOL CSound::RestartMusic() { if ( !m_bRepeatMusic ) return FALSE; OutputDebugString("RestartMusic\n"); if ( !m_bEnable ) return TRUE; //? if ( m_midiVolume == 0 ) return TRUE; if ( m_MIDIMusic == 0 ) return FALSE; if ( m_playTime < 5.0f ) return FALSE; return PlayMusic(m_MIDIMusic, TRUE); } // Shuts down the MIDI player. void CSound::SuspendMusic() { if ( !m_bEnable ) return; //? if ( m_MidiDeviceID && m_midiVolume != 0 ) if ( m_MidiDeviceID ) { if ( m_bAudioTrack ) mciSendCommand(m_MidiDeviceID, MCI_STOP, 0, NULL); mciSendCommand(m_MidiDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, 0, NULL); } m_MidiDeviceID = 0; } // Shuts down the MIDI player. void CSound::StopMusic() { SuspendMusic(); m_MIDIMusic = 0; } // Retourne TRUE si une musique est en cours. BOOL CSound::IsPlayingMusic() { return (m_MIDIMusic != 0); } // Adapte le volume de la musique en cours, si n�cessaire. void CSound::AdaptVolumeMusic() { if ( m_midiVolume != m_lastMidiVolume ) { if ( m_bAudioTrack ) { InitAudioTrackVolume(m_midiVolume); } else { InitMidiVolume(m_midiVolume); } m_lastMidiVolume = m_midiVolume; RestartMusic(); } }