// * This file is part of the COLOBOT source code // * Copyright (C) 2012, Polish Portal of Colobot (PPC) // * // * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // * (at your option) any later version. // * // * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // * GNU General Public License for more details. // * // * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // * along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. /** * \file math/matrix.h * \brief Matrix struct and related functions */ #pragma once #include "math/const.h" #include "math/func.h" #include "math/vector.h" #include #include // Math module namespace namespace Math { /** * \struct Matrix math/matrix.h * \brief 4x4 matrix * * Represents an universal 4x4 matrix that can be used in OpenGL and DirectX engines. * Contains the required methods for operating on matrices (inverting, multiplying, etc.). * * The internal representation is a 16-value table in column-major order, thus: \verbatim m[0 ] m[4 ] m[8 ] m[12] m[1 ] m[5 ] m[9 ] m[13] m[2 ] m[6 ] m[10] m[14] m[3 ] m[7 ] m[11] m[15] \endverbatim * This representation is native to OpenGL; DirectX requires transposing the matrix. * * The order of multiplication of matrix and vector is also OpenGL-native * (see the function MatrixVectorMultiply). * * All methods are made inline to maximize optimization. * * Unit tests for the structure and related functions are in module: math/test/matrix_test.cpp. * */ struct Matrix { //! Matrix values in column-major order float m[16]; //! Creates the indentity matrix inline Matrix() { LoadIdentity(); } //! Creates the matrix from 1D array /** \a m matrix values in column-major order */ inline explicit Matrix(const float (&_m)[16]) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) m[i] = _m[i]; } //! Creates the matrix from 2D array /** * The array's first index is row, second is column. * \param m array with values */ inline explicit Matrix(const float (&_m)[4][4]) { for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) { m[4*c+r] = _m[r][c]; } } } //! Sets value in given row and col /** * \param row row (0 to 3) * \param col column (0 to 3) * \param value value */ inline void Set(int row, int col, float value) { m[(col-1)*4+(row-1)] = value; } //! Returns the value in given row and col /** * \param row row (0 to 3) * \param col column (0 to 3) * \returns value */ inline float Get(int row, int col) { return m[(col-1)*4+(row-1)]; } //! Loads the zero matrix inline void LoadZero() { for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) m[i] = 0.0f; } //! Loads the identity matrix inline void LoadIdentity() { LoadZero(); /* (1,1) */ m[0 ] = 1.0f; /* (2,2) */ m[5 ] = 1.0f; /* (3,3) */ m[10] = 1.0f; /* (4,4) */ m[15] = 1.0f; } //! Returns the struct cast to \c float* array; use with care! inline float* Array() { return reinterpret_cast(this); } //! Transposes the matrix inline void Transpose() { /* (2,1) <-> (1,2) */ Swap(m[1 ], m[4 ]); /* (3,1) <-> (1,3) */ Swap(m[2 ], m[8 ]); /* (4,1) <-> (1,4) */ Swap(m[3 ], m[12]); /* (3,2) <-> (2,3) */ Swap(m[6 ], m[9 ]); /* (4,2) <-> (2,4) */ Swap(m[7 ], m[13]); /* (4,3) <-> (3,4) */ Swap(m[11], m[14]); } //! Calculates the determinant of the matrix /** \returns the determinant */ inline float Det() const { float result = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { result += m[i] * Cofactor(i, 0); } return result; } //! Calculates the cofactor of the matrix /** * \param r row (0 to 3) * \param c column (0 to 3) * \returns the cofactor */ inline float Cofactor(int r, int c) const { assert(r >= 0 && r <= 3); assert(c >= 0 && c <= 3); float result = 0.0f; /* That looks horrible, I know. But it's fast :) */ switch (4*r + c) { // r=0, c=0 /* 05 09 13 06 10 14 07 11 15 */ case 0: result = + m[5 ] * (m[10] * m[15] - m[14] * m[11]) - m[9 ] * (m[6 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[7 ]) + m[13] * (m[6 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[7 ]); break; // r=0, c=1 /* 01 09 13 02 10 14 03 11 15 */ case 1: result = - m[1 ] * (m[10] * m[15] - m[14] * m[11]) + m[9 ] * (m[2 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[3 ]) - m[13] * (m[2 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[3 ]); break; // r=0, c=2 /* 01 05 13 02 06 14 03 07 15 */ case 2: result = + m[1 ] * (m[6 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[7 ]) - m[5 ] * (m[2 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[3 ]) + m[13] * (m[2 ] * m[7 ] - m[6 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=0, c=3 /* 01 05 09 02 06 10 03 07 11 */ case 3: result = - m[1 ] * (m[6 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[7 ]) + m[5 ] * (m[2 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[3 ]) - m[9 ] * (m[2 ] * m[7 ] - m[6 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=1, c=0 /* 04 08 12 06 10 14 07 11 15 */ case 4: result = - m[4 ] * (m[10] * m[15] - m[14] * m[11]) + m[8 ] * (m[6 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[7 ]) - m[12] * (m[6 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[7 ]); break; // r=1, c=1 /* 00 08 12 02 10 14 03 11 15 */ case 5: result = + m[0 ] * (m[10] * m[15] - m[14] * m[11]) - m[8 ] * (m[2 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[3 ]) + m[12] * (m[2 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[3 ]); break; // r=1, c=2 /* 00 04 12 02 06 14 03 07 15 */ case 6: result = - m[0 ] * (m[6 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[7 ]) + m[4 ] * (m[2 ] * m[15] - m[14] * m[3 ]) - m[12] * (m[2 ] * m[7 ] - m[6 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=1, c=3 /* 00 04 08 02 06 10 03 07 11 */ case 7: result = + m[0 ] * (m[6 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[7 ]) - m[4 ] * (m[2 ] * m[11] - m[10] * m[3 ]) + m[8 ] * (m[2 ] * m[7 ] - m[6 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=2, c=0 /* 04 08 12 05 09 13 07 11 15 */ case 8: result = + m[4 ] * (m[9 ] * m[15] - m[13] * m[11]) - m[8 ] * (m[5 ] * m[15] - m[13] * m[7 ]) + m[12] * (m[5 ] * m[11] - m[9 ] * m[7 ]); break; // r=2, c=1 /* 00 08 12 01 09 13 03 11 15 */ case 9: result = - m[0 ] * (m[9 ] * m[15] - m[13] * m[11]) + m[8 ] * (m[1 ] * m[15] - m[13] * m[3 ]) - m[12] * (m[1 ] * m[11] - m[9 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=2, c=2 /* 00 04 12 01 05 13 03 07 15 */ case 10: result = + m[0 ] * (m[5 ] * m[15] - m[13] * m[7 ]) - m[4 ] * (m[1 ] * m[15] - m[13] * m[3 ]) + m[12] * (m[1 ] * m[7 ] - m[5 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=2, c=3 /* 00 04 08 01 05 09 03 07 11 */ case 11: result = - m[0 ] * (m[5 ] * m[11] - m[9 ] * m[7 ]) + m[4 ] * (m[1 ] * m[11] - m[9 ] * m[3 ]) - m[8 ] * (m[1 ] * m[7 ] - m[5 ] * m[3 ]); break; // r=3, c=0 /* 04 08 12 05 09 13 06 10 14 */ case 12: result = - m[4 ] * (m[9 ] * m[14] - m[13] * m[10]) + m[8 ] * (m[5 ] * m[14] - m[13] * m[6 ]) - m[12] * (m[5 ] * m[10] - m[9 ] * m[6 ]); break; // r=3, c=1 /* 00 08 12 01 09 13 02 10 14 */ case 13: result = + m[0 ] * (m[9 ] * m[14] - m[13] * m[10]) - m[8 ] * (m[1 ] * m[14] - m[13] * m[2 ]) + m[12] * (m[1 ] * m[10] - m[9 ] * m[2 ]); break; // r=3, c=2 /* 00 04 12 01 05 13 02 06 14 */ case 14: result = - m[0 ] * (m[5 ] * m[14] - m[13] * m[6 ]) + m[4 ] * (m[1 ] * m[14] - m[13] * m[2 ]) - m[12] * (m[1 ] * m[6 ] - m[5 ] * m[2 ]); break; // r=3, c=3 /* 00 04 08 01 05 09 02 06 10 */ case 15: result = + m[0 ] * (m[5 ] * m[10] - m[9 ] * m[6 ]) - m[4 ] * (m[1 ] * m[10] - m[9 ] * m[2 ]) + m[8 ] * (m[1 ] * m[6 ] - m[5 ] * m[2 ]); break; default: break; } return result; } //! Calculates the inverse matrix /** * The determinant of the matrix must not be zero. * \returns the inverted matrix */ inline Matrix Inverse() const { float d = Det(); assert(! IsZero(d)); float result[16] = { 0.0f }; for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { // Already transposed! result[4*r+c] = (1.0f / d) * Cofactor(r, c); } } return Matrix(result); } //! Calculates the multiplication of this matrix * given matrix /** * \param right right-hand matrix * \returns multiplication result */ inline Matrix Multiply(const Matrix &right) const { float result[16] = { 0.0f }; for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c) { for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) { result[4*c+r] = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { result[4*c+r] += m[4*i+r] * right.m[4*c+i]; } } } return Matrix(result); } }; // struct Matrix //! Checks if two matrices are equal within given \a tolerance inline bool MatricesEqual(const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2, float tolerance = TOLERANCE) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (! IsEqual(m1.m[i], m2.m[i], tolerance)) return false; } return true; } //! Convenience function for getting transposed matrix inline Math::Matrix Transpose(const Math::Matrix &m) { Math::Matrix result = m; result.Transpose(); return result; } //! Convenience function for multiplying a matrix /** \a left left-hand matrix \a right right-hand matrix \returns multiplied matrices */ inline Math::Matrix MultiplyMatrices(const Math::Matrix &left, const Math::Matrix &right) { return left.Multiply(right); } //! Calculates the result of multiplying m * v /** The multiplication is performed thus: \verbatim [ m.m[0 ] m.m[4 ] m.m[8 ] m.m[12] ] [ v.x ] [ m.m[1 ] m.m[5 ] m.m[9 ] m.m[13] ] [ v.y ] [ m.m[2 ] m.m[6 ] m.m[10] m.m[14] ] * [ v.z ] [ m.m[3 ] m.m[7 ] m.m[11] m.m[15] ] [ 1 ] \endverbatim The result, a 4x1 vector is then converted to 3x1 by dividing x,y,z coords by the fourth coord (w). */ inline Math::Vector MatrixVectorMultiply(const Math::Matrix &m, const Math::Vector &v, bool wDivide = false) { float x = v.x * m.m[0 ] + v.y * m.m[4 ] + v.z * m.m[8 ] + m.m[12]; float y = v.x * m.m[1 ] + v.y * m.m[5 ] + v.z * m.m[9 ] + m.m[13]; float z = v.x * m.m[2 ] + v.y * m.m[6 ] + v.z * m.m[10] + m.m[14]; if (!wDivide) return Math::Vector(x, y, z); float w = v.x * m.m[3 ] + v.y * m.m[7 ] + v.z * m.m[11] + m.m[15]; if (IsZero(w)) return Math::Vector(x, y, z); x /= w; y /= w; z /= w; return Math::Vector(x, y, z); } } // namespace Math