#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; no warnings 'experimental::signatures'; use feature 'signatures'; use Find::Lib '.'; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Sendmail::Milter; use Spline::DMARC qw(check_addresses); use Spline::Data; use Spline::Log qw(set_verbose set_stderr debug info); # This is the mainloop. This method will not exit before shutdown of # the milter interface. sub main($listen, $mailman, $message) { Sendmail::Milter::setconn($listen); # Setup the callbacks Sendmail::Milter::register('dmarc_milter', { 'envfrom' => sub($ctx, $from, @) { # We only need this callback to initialize the private # data and the logging context. my $data = Spline::Data->new($ctx); $data->set('counter', 0); debug "MAIL FROM: $from"; return SMFIS_CONTINUE; }, 'envrcpt' => sub($ctx, $rcpt_to, @) { my $data = Spline::Data->load($ctx); debug "RCPT TO: $rcpt_to"; my $next_hop = $ctx->getsymval('{rcpt_host}'); if ($next_hop eq $mailman) { info "Mailinglist address: $rcpt_to"; $data->set('counter', 1); } return SMFIS_CONTINUE; }, 'header' => sub($ctx, $name, $value) { my $data = Spline::Data->load($ctx); # If there was no Mailinglist address, we can simply # accept this mail and skip all following callbacks return SMFIS_ACCEPT if $data->get('counter') == 0; debug "HEADER '$name': $value"; if (lc($name) eq 'from') { my $reject = check_addresses($value); if ($reject) { info 'Rejecting mail!'; $ctx->setreply('550', '5.7.2', $message); # REJECT here. No more callbacks, are called for # this message. return SMFIS_REJECT; } } return SMFIS_CONTINUE; }, 'eoh' => sub($ctx) { my $data = Spline::Data->load($ctx); debug 'END OF HEADER'; # If we did not reject this message during the headers, we # can now accept it and do not call anymore callbacks for # this message. return SMFIS_ACCEPT; }, 'close' => sub($ctx) { Spline::Data->load($ctx); # Free the connection-private memory. $ctx->setpriv(undef); debug 'CLOSE'; return SMFIS_CONTINUE; }, }); # Start the mainloop: # No interpreter limit, but recycle after 100 requests umask(0002); Sendmail::Milter::main(0, 100); } my $help; my $verbose; my $stderr; my $message = 'Your provider does not permit sending to ' . 'mailing lists (DMARC policy)'; my $mailman = '[lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de]'; # work on options GetOptions( "verbose|v" => \$verbose, "help|h|?" => \$help, "stderr|s" => \$stderr, "message|r=s" => \$message, "mailman|m=s" => \$mailman, ); # show help if ($help) { if ($verbose) { pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1); } else { pod2usage(); } exit; } # check argument count if ($#ARGV < 0) { say STDERR 'SOCKET, PORT or CONNECTION_INFO required!'; pod2usage(); exit; } # Setup logging if ($verbose) { set_verbose(1); } if ($stderr) { set_stderr(1); } # Build the connection info if only a PORT or Path is given my $arg = shift; my $listen; if ($arg =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $listen = "inet:$arg\@localhost"; } elsif ($arg =~ /^\//) { $listen = "local:$arg"; } else { $listen = "$arg"; } # Start the mainloop info "Listening on $listen..." if $stderr; main($listen, $mailman, $message); __END__ =head1 NAME dmarc_milter.pl - Milter to check if a mailinglist mail would be rejected because of DMARC. =head1 SYNOPSIS dmarc_milter [options] ( SOCKET | PORT | CONNECTION_INFO ) Options: --help|-h|-? show usage info and exit --verbose|-v enable more output (even for --help) --stderr|-s log to stderr --mailman|-m HOST specify an alternativ mailman host --message|-r MSG specify an alternativ reject message You have to specify where the milter should listen for connections from your MTA. You can specify a single TCP port (on localhost) or an absolute path to a socket file. If you have special requirements you could specify a full connection info string. The format is described in the Milter documentation. Some examples are C, C, C. (Note: The format of the connection string in the postfix config is different.) =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a Perl script that listen on a socket or tcp port and retrieves requests from a MTA via the milter protocol (originaly by sendmail). The script will scan all emails and check if there are destination addresses "Envelope To" of mailinglists. If there is at least one, all the milter will check if any address in the "From" header has specified a DMARC reject policy. Such mail would be bounced by all MTAs that respect DMARC, after mailman resends the message. =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--verbose>, B<-v> More verbose output. It will log DEBUG messages, too. =item B<--help>, B<-h>, B<-?> Print brief help message and exit. =item B<--stderr>, B<-s> Log to stderr instead of syslog. =item B<--mailman>, B<-m> C Set the mailman host to the specified value. This is the value of the I<{rtpc_host}> macro for the mailinglist mails. It should be in the same format as set by the MTA. The default value is: C<[lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de]>. =item B<--message>, B<-r> C Set the message, if rejecting a mail. The default messages is: "Your provider does not permit sending to mailing lists (DMARC policy)." =back =head1 AUTHORS Alexander Sulfrian =head1 SEE ALSO Sendmail::Milter(3pm), postconf(7) =cut # vim: set et tabstop=4 tw=70: